package FS::Misc; use strict; use vars qw ( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG ); use Exporter; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use IPC::Run qw( run timeout ); # for _pslatex use IPC::Run3; # for do_print... should just use IPC::Run i guess use File::Temp; #do NOT depend on any FS:: modules here, causes weird (sometimes unreproducable #until on client machine) dependancy loops. put them in FS::Misc::Something #instead @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( generate_email send_email send_fax states_hash counties cities state_label card_types generate_ps generate_pdf do_print csv_from_fixed ); $DEBUG = 0; =head1 NAME FS::Misc - Miscellaneous subroutines =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::Misc qw(send_email); send_email(); =head1 DESCRIPTION Miscellaneous subroutines. This module contains miscellaneous subroutines called from multiple other modules. These are not OO or necessarily related, but are collected here to elimiate code duplication. =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item generate_email OPTION => VALUE ... Options: =over 4 =item from Sender address, required =item to Recipient address, required =item subject email subject, required =item html_body Email body (HTML alternative). Arrayref of lines, or scalar. Will be placed inside an HTML tag. =item text_body Email body (Text alternative). Arrayref of lines, or scalar. =back Returns an argument list to be passsed to L. =cut #false laziness w/FS::cust_bill::generate_email use MIME::Entity; use HTML::Entities; sub generate_email { my %args = @_; my $me = '[FS::Misc::generate_email]'; my %return = ( 'from' => $args{'from'}, 'to' => $args{'to'}, 'subject' => $args{'subject'}, ); #if (ref($args{'to'}) eq 'ARRAY') { # $return{'to'} = $args{'to'}; #} else { # $return{'to'} = [ grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } # $self->cust_main->invoicing_list # ]; #} warn "$me creating HTML/text multipart message" if $DEBUG; $return{'nobody'} = 1; my $alternative = build MIME::Entity 'Type' => 'multipart/alternative', 'Encoding' => '7bit', 'Disposition' => 'inline' ; my $data; if ( ref($args{'text_body'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $data = $args{'text_body'}; } else { $data = [ split(/\n/, $args{'text_body'}) ]; } $alternative->attach( 'Type' => 'text/plain', #'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'Encoding' => '7bit', 'Data' => $data, 'Disposition' => 'inline', ); my @html_data; if ( ref($args{'html_body'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @html_data = @{ $args{'html_body'} }; } else { @html_data = split(/\n/, $args{'html_body'}); } $alternative->attach( 'Type' => 'text/html', 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', 'Data' => [ '', ' ', ' ', ' '. encode_entities($return{'subject'}), ' ', ' ', ' ', @html_data, ' ', '', ], 'Disposition' => 'inline', #'Filename' => 'invoice.pdf', ); #no other attachment: # multipart/related # multipart/alternative # text/plain # text/html $return{'content-type'} = 'multipart/related'; $return{'mimeparts'} = [ $alternative ]; $return{'type'} = 'multipart/alternative'; #Content-Type of first part... #$return{'disposition'} = 'inline'; %return; } =item send_email OPTION => VALUE ... Options: =over 4 =item from (required) =item to (required) comma-separated scalar or arrayref of recipients =item subject (required) =item content-type (optional) MIME type for the body =item body (required unless I is true) arrayref of body text lines =item mimeparts (optional, but required if I is true) arrayref of MIME::Entity->build PARAMHASH refs or MIME::Entity objects. These will be passed as arguments to MIME::Entity->attach(). =item nobody (optional) when set true, send_email will ignore the I option and simply construct a message with the given I. In this case, I, if specified, overrides the default "multipart/mixed" for the outermost MIME container. =item content-encoding (optional) when using nobody, optional top-level MIME encoding which, if specified, overrides the default "7bit". =item type (optional) type parameter for multipart/related messages =back =cut use vars qw( $conf ); use Date::Format; use Mail::Header; use Mail::Internet 2.00; use MIME::Entity; use FS::UID; FS::UID->install_callback( sub { $conf = new FS::Conf; } ); sub send_email { my(%options) = @_; if ( $DEBUG ) { my %doptions = %options; $doptions{'body'} = '(full body not shown in debug)'; warn "FS::Misc::send_email called with options:\n ". Dumper(\%doptions); # join("\n", map { " $_: ". $options{$_} } keys %options ). "\n" } $ENV{MAILADDRESS} = $options{'from'}; my $to = ref($options{to}) ? join(', ', @{ $options{to} } ) : $options{to}; my @mimeargs = (); my @mimeparts = (); if ( $options{'nobody'} ) { croak "'mimeparts' option required when 'nobody' option given\n" unless $options{'mimeparts'}; @mimeparts = @{$options{'mimeparts'}}; @mimeargs = ( 'Type' => ( $options{'content-type'} || 'multipart/mixed' ), 'Encoding' => ( $options{'content-encoding'} || '7bit' ), ); } else { @mimeparts = @{$options{'mimeparts'}} if ref($options{'mimeparts'}) eq 'ARRAY'; if (scalar(@mimeparts)) { @mimeargs = ( 'Type' => 'multipart/mixed', 'Encoding' => '7bit', ); unshift @mimeparts, { 'Type' => ( $options{'content-type'} || 'text/plain' ), 'Data' => $options{'body'}, 'Encoding' => ( $options{'content-type'} ? '-SUGGEST' : '7bit' ), 'Disposition' => 'inline', }; } else { @mimeargs = ( 'Type' => ( $options{'content-type'} || 'text/plain' ), 'Data' => $options{'body'}, 'Encoding' => ( $options{'content-type'} ? '-SUGGEST' : '7bit' ), ); } } my $domain; if ( $options{'from'} =~ /\@([\w\.\-]+)/ ) { $domain = $1; } else { warn 'no domain found in invoice from address '. $options{'from'}. '; constructing Message-ID'; $domain = ''; } my $message_id = join('.', rand()*(2**32), $$, time). "\@$domain"; my $message = MIME::Entity->build( 'From' => $options{'from'}, 'To' => $to, 'Sender' => $options{'from'}, 'Reply-To' => $options{'from'}, 'Date' => time2str("%a, %d %b %Y %X %z", time), 'Subject' => $options{'subject'}, 'Message-ID' => "<$message_id>", @mimeargs, ); if ( $options{'type'} ) { #false laziness w/cust_bill::generate_email $message->head->replace('Content-type', $message->mime_type. '; boundary="'. $message->head->multipart_boundary. '"'. '; type='. $options{'type'} ); } foreach my $part (@mimeparts) { if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($part, 'MIME::Entity') ) { warn "attaching MIME part from MIME::Entity object\n" if $DEBUG; $message->add_part($part); } elsif ( ref($part) eq 'HASH' ) { warn "attaching MIME part from hashref:\n". join("\n", map " $_: ".$part->{$_}, keys %$part ). "\n" if $DEBUG; $message->attach(%$part); } else { croak "mimepart $part isn't a hashref or MIME::Entity object!"; } } my $smtpmachine = $conf->config('smtpmachine'); $!=0; $message->mysmtpsend( 'Host' => $smtpmachine, 'MailFrom' => $options{'from'}, ); } #this kludges a "mysmtpsend" method into Mail::Internet for send_email above #now updated for MailTools v2! package Mail::Internet; use Mail::Address; use Net::SMTP; use Net::Domain; sub Mail::Internet::mysmtpsend($@) { my ($self, %opt) = @_; my $host = $opt{Host}; my $envelope = $opt{MailFrom}; # || mailaddress(); my $quit = 1; my ($smtp, @hello); push @hello, Hello => $opt{Hello} if defined $opt{Hello}; push @hello, Port => $opt{Port} if exists $opt{Port}; push @hello, Debug => $opt{Debug} if exists $opt{Debug}; # if(!defined $host) # { local $SIG{__DIE__}; # my @hosts = qw(mailhost localhost); # unshift @hosts, split /\:/, $ENV{SMTPHOSTS} # if defined $ENV{SMTPHOSTS}; # # foreach $host (@hosts) # { $smtp = eval { Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello) }; # last if defined $smtp; # } # } # elsif(ref($host) && UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::SMTP')) if(ref($host) && UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::SMTP')) { $smtp = $host; $quit = 0; } else { #local $SIG{__DIE__}; #$smtp = eval { Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello) }; $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello); } unless ( defined($smtp) ) { my $err = $!; $err =~ s/Invalid argument/Unknown host/; return "can't connect to $host: $err" } my $head = $self->cleaned_header_dup; $head->delete('Bcc'); # Who is it to my @rcpt = map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } grep { defined } @opt{'To','Cc','Bcc'}; @rcpt = map { $head->get($_) } qw(To Cc Bcc) unless @rcpt; my @addr = map {$_->address} Mail::Address->parse(@rcpt); #@addr or return (); return 'No valid destination addresses found!' unless(@addr); # Send it my $ok = $smtp->mail($envelope) && $smtp->to(@addr) && $smtp->data(join("", @{$head->header}, "\n", @{$self->body})); #$quit && $smtp->quit; #$ok ? @addr : (); if ( $ok ) { $quit && $smtp->quit; return ''; } else { return $smtp->code. ' '. $smtp->message; } } package FS::Misc; #eokludge =item send_fax OPTION => VALUE ... Options: I - (required) 10-digit phone number w/ area code I - (required) Array ref containing PostScript or TIFF Class F document -or- I - (required) Filename of PostScript TIFF Class F document ...any other options will be passed to L =cut sub send_fax { my %options = @_; die 'HylaFAX support has not been configured.' unless $conf->exists('hylafax'); eval { require Fax::Hylafax::Client; }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /^Can't locate Fax.*/) { die "You must have Fax::Hylafax::Client installed to use invoice faxing." } else { die $@; } } my %hylafax_opts = map { split /\s+/ } $conf->config('hylafax'); die 'Called send_fax without a \'dialstring\'.' unless exists($options{'dialstring'}); if (exists($options{'docdata'}) and ref($options{'docdata'}) eq 'ARRAY') { my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; my $fh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => 'faxdoc.'. $options{'dialstring'} . '.XXXXXXXX', DIR => $dir, UNLINK => 0, ) or die "can't open temp file: $!\n"; $options{docfile} = $fh->filename; print $fh @{$options{'docdata'}}; close $fh; delete $options{'docdata'}; } die 'Called send_fax without a \'docfile\' or \'docdata\'.' unless exists($options{'docfile'}); #FIXME: Need to send canonical dialstring to HylaFAX, but this only # works in the US. $options{'dialstring'} =~ s/[^\d\+]//g; if ($options{'dialstring'} =~ /^\d{10}$/) { $options{dialstring} = '+1' . $options{'dialstring'}; } else { return 'Invalid dialstring ' . $options{'dialstring'} . '.'; } my $faxjob = &Fax::Hylafax::Client::sendfax(%options, %hylafax_opts); if ($faxjob->success) { warn "Successfully queued fax to '$options{dialstring}' with jobid " . $faxjob->jobid if $DEBUG; return ''; } else { return 'Error while sending FAX: ' . $faxjob->trace; } } =item states_hash COUNTRY Returns a list of key/value pairs containing state (or other sub-country division) abbriviations and names. =cut use FS::Record qw(qsearch); use Locale::SubCountry; sub states_hash { my($country) = @_; my @states = # sort map { s/[\n\r]//g; $_; } map { $_->state; } qsearch({ 'select' => 'state', 'table' => 'cust_main_county', 'hashref' => { 'country' => $country }, 'extra_sql' => 'GROUP BY state', }); #it could throw a fatal "Invalid country code" error (for example "AX") my $subcountry = eval { new Locale::SubCountry($country) } or return ( '', '(n/a)' ); #"i see your schwartz is as big as mine!" map { ( $_->[0] => $_->[1] ) } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { [ $_ => state_label($_, $subcountry) ] } @states; } =item counties STATE COUNTRY Returns a list of counties for this state and country. =cut sub counties { my( $state, $country ) = @_; map { $_ } #return num_counties($state, $country) unless wantarray; sort map { s/[\n\r]//g; $_; } map { $_->county } qsearch({ 'select' => 'DISTINCT county', 'table' => 'cust_main_county', 'hashref' => { 'state' => $state, 'country' => $country, }, }); } =item cities COUNTY STATE COUNTRY Returns a list of cities for this county, state and country. =cut sub cities { my( $county, $state, $country ) = @_; map { $_ } #return num_cities($county, $state, $country) unless wantarray; sort map { s/[\n\r]//g; $_; } map { $_->city } qsearch({ 'select' => 'DISTINCT city', 'table' => 'cust_main_county', 'hashref' => { 'county' => $county, 'state' => $state, 'country' => $country, }, }); } =item state_label STATE COUNTRY_OR_LOCALE_SUBCOUNRY_OBJECT =cut sub state_label { my( $state, $country ) = @_; unless ( ref($country) ) { $country = eval { new Locale::SubCountry($country) } or return'(n/a)'; } # US kludge to avoid changing existing behaviour # also we actually *use* the abbriviations... my $full_name = $country->country_code eq 'US' ? '' : $country->full_name($state); $full_name = '' if $full_name eq 'unknown'; $full_name =~ s/\(see also.*\)\s*$//; $full_name .= " ($state)" if $full_name; $full_name || $state || '(n/a)'; } =item card_types Returns a hash reference of the accepted credit card types. Keys are shorter identifiers and values are the longer strings used by the system (see L). =cut #$conf from above sub card_types { my $conf = new FS::Conf; my %card_types = ( #displayname #value (Business::CreditCard) "VISA" => "VISA card", "MasterCard" => "MasterCard", "Discover" => "Discover card", "American Express" => "American Express card", "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche" => "Diner's Club/Carte Blanche", "enRoute" => "enRoute", "JCB" => "JCB", "BankCard" => "BankCard", "Switch" => "Switch", "Solo" => "Solo", ); my @conf_card_types = grep { ! /^\s*$/ } $conf->config('card-types'); if ( @conf_card_types ) { #perhaps the hash is backwards for this, but this way works better for #usage in selfservice %card_types = map { $_ => $card_types{$_} } grep { my $d = $_; grep { $card_types{$d} eq $_ } @conf_card_types } keys %card_types; } \%card_types; } =item generate_ps FILENAME Returns an postscript rendition of the LaTex file, as a scalar. FILENAME does not contain the .tex suffix and is unlinked by this function. =cut use String::ShellQuote; sub generate_ps { my $file = shift; my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; chdir($dir); _pslatex($file); system('dvips', '-q', '-t', 'letter', "$file.dvi", '-o', "$" ) == 0 or die "dvips failed"; open(POSTSCRIPT, "<$") or die "can't open $ $! (error in LaTeX template?)\n"; unlink("$file.dvi", "$file.log", "$file.aux", "$", "$file.tex"); my $ps = ''; if ( $conf->exists('lpr-postscript_prefix') ) { my $prefix = $conf->config('lpr-postscript_prefix'); $ps .= eval qq("$prefix"); } while () { $ps .= $_; } close POSTSCRIPT; if ( $conf->exists('lpr-postscript_suffix') ) { my $suffix = $conf->config('lpr-postscript_suffix'); $ps .= eval qq("$suffix"); } return $ps; } =item generate_pdf FILENAME Returns an PDF rendition of the LaTex file, as a scalar. FILENAME does not contain the .tex suffix and is unlinked by this function. =cut use String::ShellQuote; sub generate_pdf { my $file = shift; my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc; chdir($dir); #system('pdflatex', "$file.tex"); #system('pdflatex', "$file.tex"); #! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .eps. _pslatex($file); my $sfile = shell_quote $file; #system('dvipdf', "$file.dvi", "$file.pdf" ); system( "dvips -q -t letter -f $sfile.dvi ". "| gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$sfile.pdf ". " -c save pop -" ) == 0 or die "dvips | gs failed: $!"; open(PDF, "<$file.pdf") or die "can't open $file.pdf: $! (error in LaTeX template?)\n"; unlink("$file.dvi", "$file.log", "$file.aux", "$file.pdf", "$file.tex"); my $pdf = ''; while () { $pdf .= $_; } close PDF; return $pdf; } sub _pslatex { my $file = shift; #my $sfile = shell_quote $file; my @cmd = ( 'latex', '-interaction=batchmode', '\AtBeginDocument{\RequirePackage{pslatex}}', '\def\PSLATEXTMP{\futurelet\PSLATEXTMP\PSLATEXTMPB}', '\def\PSLATEXTMPB{\ifx\PSLATEXTMP\nonstopmode\else\input\fi}', '\PSLATEXTMP', "$file.tex" ); my $timeout = 30; #? should be more than enough for ( 1, 2 ) { local($SIG{CHLD}) = sub {}; run( \@cmd, '>'=>'/dev/null', '2>'=>'/dev/null', timeout($timeout) ) or die "pslatex $file.tex failed; see $file.log for details?\n"; } } =item print ARRAYREF Sends the lines in ARRAYREF to the printer. =cut sub do_print { my $data = shift; my $lpr = $conf->config('lpr'); my $outerr = ''; run3 $lpr, $data, \$outerr, \$outerr; if ( $? ) { $outerr = ": $outerr" if length($outerr); die "Error from $lpr (exit status ". ($?>>8). ")$outerr\n"; } } =item csv_from_fixed, FILEREF COUNTREF, [ LENGTH_LISTREF, [ CALLBACKS_LISTREF ] ] Converts the filehandle referenced by FILEREF from fixed length record lines to a CSV file according to the lengths specified in LENGTH_LISTREF. The CALLBACKS_LISTREF refers to a correpsonding list of coderefs. Each should return the value to be substituted in place of its single argument. Returns false on success or an error if one occurs. =cut sub csv_from_fixed { my( $fhref, $countref, $lengths, $callbacks) = @_; eval { require Text::CSV_XS; }; return $@ if $@; my $ofh = $$fhref; my $unpacker = new Text::CSV_XS; my $total = 0; my $template = join('', map {$total += $_; "A$_"} @$lengths) if $lengths; my $dir = "%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.$FS::UID::datasrc"; my $fh = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => "FILE.csv.XXXXXXXX", DIR => $dir, UNLINK => 0, ) or return "can't open temp file: $!\n" if $template; while ( defined(my $line=<$ofh>) ) { $$countref++; if ( $template ) { my $column = 0; chomp $line; return "unexpected input at line $$countref: $line". " -- expected $total but received ". length($line) unless length($line) == $total; $unpacker->combine( map { my $i = $column++; defined( $callbacks->[$i] ) ? &{ $callbacks->[$i] }( $_ ) : $_ } unpack( $template, $line ) ) or return "invalid data for CSV: ". $unpacker->error_input; print $fh $unpacker->string(), "\n" or return "can't write temp file: $!\n"; } } if ( $template ) { close $$fhref; $$fhref = $fh } seek $$fhref, 0, 0; ''; } =back =head1 BUGS This package exists. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, the base documentation. L =cut 1;