package FS::Mason::Request; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw( $FSURL $QUERY_STRING ); use base 'HTML::Mason::Request'; use IO::Handle; use FS::Trace; $FSURL = 'http://Set/FS_Mason_Request_FSURL/in_standalone_mode/'; $QUERY_STRING = ''; sub new { my $class = shift; FS::Trace->log('creating new FS::Mason::Request object'); my $superclass = $HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::VERSION ? 'HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler' : $HTML::Mason::CGIHandler::VERSION ? 'HTML::Mason::Request::CGI' : 'HTML::Mason::Request'; FS::Trace->log(' altering superclass'); $class->alter_superclass( $superclass ); FS::Trace->log(' setting valid params'); #huh... shouldn't alter_superclass take care of this for us? __PACKAGE__->valid_params( %{ $superclass->valid_params() } ); FS::Trace->log(' freeside_setup'); my %opt = @_; my $mode = $superclass =~ /Apache/i ? 'apache' : 'standalone'; $class->freeside_setup($opt{'comp'}, $mode); FS::Trace->log(' SUPER::new'); $class->SUPER::new(@_); } #override alter_superclass ala RT::Interface::Web::Request ?? # for Mason 1.39 vs. Perl 5.10.0 my $protect_fds; sub freeside_setup { my( $class, $filename, $mode ) = @_; #from rt/bin/ if ( !$protect_fds && $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} && exists $ENV{'MOD_PERL_API_VERSION'} && $ENV{'MOD_PERL_API_VERSION'} >= 2 ) { FS::Trace->log(' protecting fds'); # under mod_perl2, STDIN and STDOUT get closed and re-opened, # however they are not on FD 0 and 1. In this case, the next # socket that gets opened will occupy one of these FDs, and make # all system() and open "|-" calls dangerous; for example, the # DBI handle can get this FD, which later system() calls will # close by putting garbage into the socket. $protect_fds = []; push @{$protect_fds}, IO::Handle->new_from_fd(0, "r") if fileno(STDIN) != 0; push @{$protect_fds}, IO::Handle->new_from_fd(1, "w") if fileno(STDOUT) != 1; } if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::r ) { FS::Trace->log(' adding headers'); #frame-ancestors not supported by all the major browsers yet $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->header_out( 'X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN' ); } if ( $filename =~ qr(/REST/\d+\.\d+/NoAuth/) ) { FS::Trace->log(' handling RT REST/NoAuth file'); package HTML::Mason::Commands; #? use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup setcgi ); #need to log somebody in for the mail gw ##old installs w/fs_selfs or selfserv?? #&adminsuidsetup('fs_selfservice'); FS::Trace->log(' adminsuidsetup fs_queue'); &adminsuidsetup('fs_queue'); } else { FS::Trace->log(' handling regular file'); package HTML::Mason::Commands; use vars qw( $cgi $p $fsurl ); # $lh ); #not using /mt use Encode; #use FS::UID qw( cgisuidsetup ); use FS::CGI qw( popurl rooturl ); if ( $mode eq 'apache' ) { $cgi = new CGI; setcgi($cgi); #cgisuidsetup is gone, equivalent is now done in AuthCookieHandler $fsurl = rooturl(); $p = popurl(2); } elsif ( $mode eq 'standalone' ) { $cgi = new CGI $FS::Mason::Request::QUERY_STRING; #better keep setting #if you set it once $FS::UID::cgi = $cgi; $fsurl = $FS::Mason::Request::FSURL; #kludgy, but what the hell $p = popurl(2, "$fsurl$filename"); } else { die "unknown mode $mode"; } FS::Trace->log(' UTF-8-decoding form data'); # foreach my $param ( $cgi->param ) { #we can't switch to multi_param until we're done supporting deb 7 local($CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN) = 0; my @values = $cgi->param($param); next if $cgi->uploadInfo($values[0]); #warn $param; @values = map decode(utf8=>$_), @values; $cgi->param($param, @values); } } FS::Trace->log(' done'); } sub callback { RT::Interface::Web::Request::callback(@_); } sub request_path { RT::Interface::Web::Request::request_path(@_); } 1;