package FS::Mason; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $addl_handler_use ); use Exporter; use File::Slurp qw( slurp ); use HTML::Mason 1.27; # use HTML::Mason::Interp; use HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject; @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( mason_interps ); =head1 NAME FS::Mason - Initialize the Mason environment =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::Mason qw( mason_interps ); my( $fs_interp, $rt_interp ) = mason_interps('apache'); #OR my( $fs_interp, $rt_interp ) = mason_interps('standalone'); #XXX name? =head1 DESCRIPTION Initializes the Mason environment, loads all Freeside and RT libraries, etc. =cut $addl_handler_use = ''; my $addl_handler_use_file = '%%%FREESIDE_CONF%%%/'; if ( -e $addl_handler_use_file ) { $addl_handler_use = slurp( $addl_handler_use_file ); } # List of modules that you want to use from components (see Admin # manual for details) { package HTML::Mason::Commands; use strict; use vars qw( %session ); use CGI 3.29 qw(-private_tempfiles); #3.29 to fix RT attachment problems #breaks quick payment entry # die " v3.38 is broken, use any other version >= 3.29". " (Debian 5.0? aptitude remove libcgi-pm-perl)" if $CGI::VERSION == 3.38; #use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Cookie; use List::Util qw( max min ); use Data::Dumper; use Date::Format; use Time::Local; use Time::HiRes; use Time::Duration; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use FS::Misc::DateTime qw( parse_datetime ); use Lingua::EN::Inflect qw(PL); Lingua::EN::Inflect::classical names=>0; #Categorys use Tie::IxHash; use URI; use URI::Escape; use HTML::Entities; use HTML::TreeBuilder; use HTML::FormatText; use HTML::Defang; use JSON; use MIME::Base64; use IO::Handle; use IO::File; use IO::Scalar; #not actually using this yet anyway...# use IPC::Run3 0.036; use Net::Whois::Raw qw(whois); if ( $] < 5.006 ) { eval "use Net::Whois::Raw 0.32 qw(whois)"; die $@ if $@; } use Text::CSV_XS; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; use Business::CreditCard 0.30; #for mask-aware cardtype() use NetAddr::IP; use Net::Ping; use Net::Ping::External; #if CPAN #7815 ever gets fixed# if ( $Net::Ping::External::VERSION <= 0.12 ) { no warnings 'redefine'; eval 'sub Net::Ping::External::_ping_linux { my %args = @_; my $command = "ping -s $args{size} -c $args{count} -w $args{timeout} $args{host}"; return Net::Ping::External::_ping_system($command, 0); } '; die $@ if $@; } use String::Approx qw(amatch); use Chart::LinesPoints; use Chart::Mountain; use Chart::Bars; use Color::Scheme; use HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers 0.07; #should go away in favor of #selectlayers.html use Locale::Country; use Business::US::USPS::WebTools::AddressStandardization; use FS; use FS::UID qw( getotaker dbh datasrc driver_name ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs fields dbdef str2time_sql str2time_sql_closing ); use FS::Conf; use FS::CGI qw(header menubar table itable ntable idiot eidiot myexit http_header); use FS::UI::Web qw(svc_url); use FS::UI::Web::small_custview qw(small_custview); use FS::UI::bytecount; use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext geterror); use FS::Misc qw( send_email send_fax states_hash counties cities state_label ); use FS::Misc::eps2png qw( eps2png ); use FS::Report::Table::Monthly; use FS::TicketSystem; use FS::Tron qw( tron_lint ); use FS::agent; use FS::agent_type; use FS::domain_record; use FS::cust_bill; use FS::cust_bill_pay; use FS::cust_credit; use FS::cust_credit_bill; use FS::cust_main qw(smart_search); use FS::cust_main::Import; use FS::cust_main_county; use FS::cust_location; use FS::cust_pay; use FS::cust_pkg; use FS::part_pkg_taxclass; use FS::cust_pkg_reason; use FS::cust_refund; use FS::cust_credit_refund; use FS::cust_pay_refund; use FS::cust_svc; use FS::nas; use FS::part_bill_event; use FS::part_event; use FS::part_event_condition; use FS::part_pkg; use FS::part_referral; use FS::part_svc; use FS::part_svc_router; use FS::part_virtual_field; use FS::pay_batch; use FS::pkg_svc; use FS::port; use FS::queue qw(joblisting); use FS::raddb; use FS::session; use FS::svc_acct; use FS::svc_acct_pop qw(popselector); use FS::acct_rt_transaction; use FS::svc_domain; use FS::svc_forward; use FS::svc_www; use FS::router; use FS::addr_block; use FS::svc_broadband; use FS::svc_external; use FS::type_pkgs; use FS::part_export; use FS::part_export_option; use FS::export_svc; use FS::export_device; use FS::msgcat; use FS::rate; use FS::rate_region; use FS::rate_prefix; use FS::rate_detail; use FS::usage_class; use FS::payment_gateway; use FS::agent_payment_gateway; use FS::XMLRPC; use FS::payby; use FS::cdr; use FS::cdr_batch; use FS::inventory_class; use FS::inventory_item; use FS::pkg_category; use FS::pkg_class; use FS::access_user; use FS::access_user_pref; use FS::access_group; use FS::access_usergroup; use FS::access_groupagent; use FS::access_right; use FS::AccessRight; use FS::svc_phone; use FS::phone_device; use FS::part_device; use FS::reason_type; use FS::reason; use FS::cust_main_note; use FS::tax_class; use FS::cust_tax_location; use FS::part_pkg_taxproduct; use FS::part_pkg_taxoverride; use FS::part_pkg_taxrate; use FS::tax_rate; use FS::part_pkg_report_option; use FS::cust_attachment; use FS::h_cust_pkg; use FS::h_svc_acct; use FS::h_svc_broadband; use FS::h_svc_domain; #use FS::h_domain_record; use FS::h_svc_external; use FS::h_svc_forward; use FS::h_svc_phone; #use FS::h_phone_device; use FS::h_svc_www; use FS::cust_statement; use FS::cust_class; use FS::cust_category; use FS::prospect_main; use FS::contact; use FS::svc_pbx; use FS::discount; use FS::cust_pkg_discount; use FS::cust_bill_pkg_discount; use FS::svc_mailinglist; use FS::cgp_rule; use FS::cgp_rule_condition; use FS::cgp_rule_action; # Sammath Naur if ( $FS::Mason::addl_handler_use ) { eval $FS::Mason::addl_handler_use; die $@ if $@; } if ( %%%RT_ENABLED%%% ) { eval ' use lib ( "/opt/rt3/local/lib", "/opt/rt3/lib" ); use vars qw($Nobody $SystemUser); use RT; use RT::Tickets; use RT::Transactions; use RT::Users; use RT::CurrentUser; use RT::Templates; use RT::Queues; use RT::ScripActions; use RT::ScripConditions; use RT::Scrips; use RT::Groups; use RT::GroupMembers; use RT::CustomFields; use RT::CustomFieldValues; use RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues; #blah. manually updated from RT::Interface::Web::Handler use RT::Interface::Web; use MIME::Entity; use Text::Wrapper; use Time::ParseDate; use Time::HiRes; use HTML::Scrubber; #blah. not even in RT::Interface::Web::Handler, just in #html/NoAuth/css/dhandler and rt-test-dependencies. ask for it here #to throw a real error instead of just a mysterious unstyled RT use CSS::Squish 0.06; use RT::Interface::Web::Request; #slow, unreliable, segfaults and is optional #see rt/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments #use Text::Quoted; #?#use File::Path qw( rmtree ); #?#use File::Glob qw( bsd_glob ); #?#use File::Spec::Unix; '; die $@ if $@; } *CGI::redirect = sub { my $self = shift; my $cookie = ''; if ( $_[0] eq '-cookie' ) { #this isn't actually used at the moment (my $x, $cookie) = (shift, shift); $HTML::Mason::r->err_headers_out->add( 'Set-cookie' => $cookie ); } my $location = shift; use vars qw($m); # false laziness w/below if ( defined(@DBIx::Profile::ISA) ) { if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->option('show_db_profile') ) { #profiling redirect my $page = qq!Redirect to $location!. '

            ( UNIVERSAL::can(dbh, 'sprintProfile')
                ? encode_entities(dbh->sprintProfile())
                : 'DBIx::Profile missing sprintProfile method;'.
                  'unpatched or too old?'                        ).
          #"\n\n". &sprintAutoProfile().  '
'. "\n\n". ''. ''; dbh->{'private_profile'} = {}; return $page; } else { #clear db profile, but normal redirect dbh->{'private_profile'} = {}; $m->redirect($location); ''; } } else { #normal redirect $m->redirect($location); ''; } }; sub include { use vars qw($m); $m->scomp(@_); } sub errorpage { use vars qw($m); $m->comp('/elements/errorpage.html', @_); } sub redirect { my( $location ) = @_; use vars qw($m); $m->clear_buffer; #false laziness w/above if ( defined(@DBIx::Profile::ISA) ) { if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->option('show_db_profile') ) { #profiling redirect $m->print( qq!Redirect to $location!. '

            ( UNIVERSAL::can(dbh, 'sprintProfile')
                ? encode_entities(dbh->sprintProfile())
                : 'DBIx::Profile missing sprintProfile method;'.
                  'unpatched or too old?'                        ).
          #"\n\n". &sprintAutoProfile().  '
'. "\n\n". ''. '' ); dbh->{'private_profile'} = {}; } else { #clear db profile, but normal redirect dbh->{'private_profile'} = {}; $m->redirect($location); } } else { #normal redirect $m->redirect($location); } } } # end package HTML::Mason::Commands; =head1 SUBROUTINE =over 4 =item mason_interps [ MODE [ OPTION => VALUE ... ] ] Returns a list consisting of two HTML::Mason::Interp objects, the first for Freeside pages, and the second for RT pages. MODE can be 'apache' or 'standalone'. If not specified, defaults to 'apache'. Options and values can be passed following mode. Currently available options are: I should be set to a scalar reference in standalone mode. =cut my %defang_opts = ( attribs_to_callback => ['src'], attribs_callback => sub { 1 }); sub mason_interps { my $mode = shift || 'apache'; my %opt = @_; #my $request_class = 'HTML::Mason::Request'. #( $mode eq 'apache' ? '::ApacheHandler' : '' ); my $request_class = 'FS::Mason::Request'; #not entirely sure it belongs here, but what the hey if ( %%%RT_ENABLED%%% && $mode ne 'standalone' ) { RT::LoadConfig(); } # A hook supporting strange legacy ways people have added stuff on my @addl_comp_root = (); my $addl_comp_root_file = '%%%FREESIDE_CONF%%%/'; if ( -e $addl_comp_root_file ) { warn "reading $addl_comp_root_file\n"; my $text = slurp( $addl_comp_root_file ); my @addl = eval $text; if ( @addl && ! $@ ) { @addl_comp_root = @addl; } elsif ($@) { warn "error parsing $addl_comp_root_file: $@\n"; } } my %interp = ( request_class => $request_class, data_dir => '%%%MASONDATA%%%', error_mode => 'output', error_format => 'html', ignore_warnings_expr => '.', comp_root => [ [ 'freeside'=>'%%%FREESIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT%%%' ], [ 'rt' =>'%%%FREESIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT%%%/rt' ], @addl_comp_root, ], ); $interp{out_method} = $opt{outbuf} if $mode eq 'standalone' && $opt{outbuf}; my $html_defang = new HTML::Defang (%defang_opts); my $fs_interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp ( %interp, escape_flags => { 'js_string' => sub { #${$_[0]} =~ s/(['\\\n])/'\\'.($1 eq "\n" ? 'n' : $1)/ge; ${$_[0]} =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; ${$_[0]} =~ s/\n/\\n/g; ${$_[0]} = "'". ${$_[0]}. "'"; }, 'defang' => sub { ${$_[0]} = $html_defang->defang(${$_[0]}); }, }, compiler => HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject->new( allow_globals => [qw(%session)], ), ); my $rt_interp = new HTML::Mason::Interp ( %interp, escape_flags => { 'h' => \&RT::Interface::Web::EscapeUTF8 }, compiler => HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject->new( default_escape_flags => 'h', allow_globals => [qw(%session)], ), ); ( $fs_interp, $rt_interp ); } =back =head1 BUGS Lurking in the darkness... =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =cut 1;