package FS::Cron::rt_tasks; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG $conf ); use Exporter; use FS::UID qw( dbh driver_name ); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::TicketSystem; use FS::Conf; use Date::Parse qw(str2time); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT_OK = qw ( rt_daily ); $DEBUG = 0; FS::UID->install_callback( sub { eval "use FS::Conf;"; die $@ if $@; $conf = FS::Conf->new; }); my %void = (); sub rt_daily { my %opt = @_; my @custnums = @ARGV; # ick # RT_External installations should have their own cron scripts for this my $system = $FS::TicketSystem::system; return if !defined($system) || $system ne 'RT_Internal'; system('/opt/rt3/sbin/rt-clean-sessions --older 1M --skip-user &'); system('/opt/rt3/sbin/rt-fulltext-indexer --quiet --limit 5400 &'); # if -d or -y is in use, bail out. There's no reliable way to tell RT # to use an alternate system time. if ( $opt{'d'} or $opt{'y'} ) { warn "Forced date options in use - RT daily tasks skipped.\n"; return; } FS::TicketSystem->init; my $session = FS::TicketSystem->session(); my $CurrentUser = $session->{'CurrentUser'} or die "Failed to create RT session"; $DEBUG = 1 if $opt{'v'}; RT::Config->Set( LogToScreen => 'debug' ) if $DEBUG; # load some modules that aren't handled in FS::TicketSystem foreach (qw( Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue Action::EscalatePriority Action::EscalateQueue Action::ScheduledResolve )) { eval "use RT::$_"; die $@ if $@; } # adapted from rt-crontool # to make some actions work without complaining %void = map { $_ => "RT::$_"->new($CurrentUser) } (qw(Scrip ScripAction)); # compile actions to be run my (@actions, @active_tickets); my $queues = RT::Queues->new($CurrentUser); $queues->UnLimit; while (my $queue = $queues->Next) { warn "Queue '".$queue->Name."'\n" if $DEBUG; my %opt = @_; my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($CurrentUser); my $search = RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue->new( TicketsObj => $tickets, Argument => $queue->Id, CurrentUser => $CurrentUser, ); $search->Prepare; foreach my $custnum ( @custnums ) { die "invalid custnum passed to rt_daily: $custnum" if !$custnum =~ /^\d+$/; $tickets->LimitMemberOf( "freeside://freeside/cust_main/$custnum", ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', SUBCLAUSE => 'custnum' ); } while (my $ticket = $tickets->Next) { warn 'Ticket #'.$ticket->Id()."\n" if $DEBUG; my @a = task_actions($ticket); push @actions, @a; push @active_tickets, $ticket if @a; # avoid garbage collection } } # and then commit them all foreach (grep {$_} @actions) { my ($val, $msg) = $_->Commit; if ( $DEBUG ) { if ($val) { warn "Action committed: ".ref($_)." #".$_->TicketObj->Id."\n"; } else { warn "Action returned $msg: #".$_->TicketObj->Id."\n"; } } } return; } sub task_actions { my $ticket = shift; ( ### escalation ### $conf->exists('ticket_system-escalation') ? ( action($ticket, 'EscalatePriority', "CurrentTime: $^T"), action($ticket, 'EscalateQueue') ) : (), ### scheduled resolve ### action($ticket, 'ScheduledResolve'), ); } sub action { my $ticket = shift; my $CurrentUser = $ticket->CurrentUser; my $action = shift; my $argument = shift; $action = "RT::Action::$action"; my $action_obj = $action->new( TicketObj => $ticket, Argument => $argument, Scrip => $void{'Scrip'}, ScripAction => $void{'ScripAction'}, CurrentUser => $CurrentUser, ); if ( $action_obj->Prepare ) { warn "Action prepared: $action\n" if $DEBUG; return $action_obj; } else { return; } } 1;