package FS::Cron::bill; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK ); use Exporter; use Date::Parse; use DBI 1.33; #The "clone" method was added in DBI 1.33. use FS::UID qw( dbh driver_name ); use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs ); use FS::Misc::DateTime qw( day_end ); use FS::queue; use FS::cust_main; use FS::part_event; use FS::part_event_condition; use FS::Log; @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT_OK = qw ( bill bill_where ); #freeside-daily %opt: # -s: re-charge setup fees # -v: enable debugging # -l: debugging level # -m: Experimental multi-process mode uses the job queue for multi-process and/or multi-machine billing. # -r: Multi-process mode dry run option # -g: Don't bill these pkgparts sub bill { my %opt = @_; my $log = FS::Log->new('Cron::bill'); $log->info('start'); my $check_freq = $opt{'check_freq'} || '1d'; my $debug = 0; $debug = 1 if $opt{'v'}; $debug = $opt{'l'} if $opt{'l'}; $FS::cust_main::DEBUG = $debug; #$FS::cust_event::DEBUG = $opt{'l'} if $opt{'l'}; my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ( $conf->exists('disable_cron_billing') ) { warn "disable_cron_billing set, skipping billing\n" if $debug; return; } #we're at now now (and later). $opt{'time'} = $opt{'d'} ? str2time($opt{'d'}) : $^T; $opt{'time'} += $opt{'y'} * 86400 if $opt{'y'}; $opt{'invoice_time'} = $opt{'n'} ? $^T : $opt{'time'}; #hashref here doesn't work with -m #my $not_pkgpart = $opt{g} ? { map { $_=>1 } split(/,\s*/, $opt{g}) } # : {}; ### # get a list of custnums ### my $cursor_dbh = dbh->clone; my $select = 'SELECT custnum FROM cust_main WHERE '. bill_where( %opt ); unless ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/ ) { $cursor_dbh->do( "DECLARE cron_bill_cursor CURSOR FOR $select" ) or die $cursor_dbh->errstr; } while ( 1 ) { my $sql = (driver_name =~ /^mysql/) ? $select : 'FETCH 100 FROM cron_bill_cursor'; my $sth = $cursor_dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr; my @custnums = map { $_->[0] } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref }; last unless scalar(@custnums); ### # for each custnum, queue or make one customer object and bill # (one at a time, to reduce memory footprint with large #s of customers) ### foreach my $custnum ( @custnums ) { my %args = ( 'time' => $opt{'time'}, 'invoice_time' => $opt{'invoice_time'}, 'actual_time' => $^T, #when freeside-bill was started #(not, when using -m, freeside-queued) 'check_freq' => $check_freq, 'resetup' => ( $opt{'s'} ? $opt{'s'} : 0 ), 'not_pkgpart' => $opt{'g'}, #$not_pkgpart, 'one_recur' => $opt{'o'}, ); if ( $opt{'m'} ) { if ( $opt{'r'} ) { warn "DRY RUN: would add custnum $custnum for queued_bill\n"; } else { #avoid queuing another job if there's one still waiting to run next if qsearch( 'queue', { 'job' => 'FS::cust_main::queued_bill', 'custnum' => $custnum, 'status' => 'new', } ); #add job to queue that calls bill_and_collect with options my $queue = new FS::queue { 'job' => 'FS::cust_main::queued_bill', 'secure' => 'Y', 'priority' => 99, #don't get in the way of provisioning jobs }; my $error = $queue->insert( 'custnum'=>$custnum, %args ); } } else { my $cust_main = qsearchs( 'cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ); $cust_main->bill_and_collect( %args, 'debug' => $debug ); } } last if driver_name =~ /^mysql/; } $cursor_dbh->commit or die $cursor_dbh->errstr; $log->info('finish'); } # freeside-daily %opt: # -d: Pretend it's 'date'. Date is in any format Date::Parse is happy with, # but be careful. # # -y: In addition to -d, which specifies an absolute date, the -y switch # specifies an offset, in days. For example, "-y 15" would increment the # "pretend date" 15 days from whatever was specified by the -d switch # (or now, if no -d switch was given). # # -n: When used with "-d" and/or "-y", specifies that invoices should be dated # with today's date, regardless of the pretend date used to pre-generate # the invoices. # # -p: Only process customers with the specified payby (I, I, I, I, I, I, I) # # -a: Only process customers with the specified agentnum # # -v: enable debugging # # -l: debugging level =item bill_where Internal function. Returns a WHERE clause to select the set of customers who have actionable packages (no setup date, or bill date in the past, or expire or adjourn dates in the past) or events (does a complete where_conditions_sql scan). =cut sub bill_where { my( %opt ) = @_; my $time = $opt{'time'}; my $invoice_time = $opt{'invoice_time'}; my $check_freq = $opt{'check_freq'} || '1d'; my @search = (); push @search, "( cust_main.archived != 'Y' OR archived IS NULL )"; #disable? push @search, "cust_main.payby = '". $opt{'p'}. "'" if $opt{'p'}; push @search, "cust_main.agentnum IN ( ". $opt{'a'}. " ) " if $opt{'a'}; #it would be useful if i recognized $opt{g} / $not_pkgpart... if ( @ARGV ) { push @search, "( ". join(' OR ', map "cust_main.custnum = $_", @ARGV ). " )"; } ### # generate where_pkg/where_event search clause ### my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $billtime = $conf->exists('next-bill-ignore-time') ? day_end($time) : $time; # select * from cust_main where my $where_pkg = <<"END"; EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM cust_pkg LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart ) WHERE cust_main.custnum = cust_pkg.custnum AND ( cancel IS NULL OR cancel = 0 ) AND ( ( ( cust_pkg.setup IS NULL OR cust_pkg.setup = 0 ) AND ( start_date IS NULL OR start_date = 0 OR ( start_date IS NOT NULL AND start_date <= $^T ) ) ) OR ( freq != '0' AND ( bill IS NULL OR bill <= $billtime ) ) OR ( expire IS NOT NULL AND expire <= $^T ) OR ( adjourn IS NOT NULL AND adjourn <= $^T ) OR ( resume IS NOT NULL AND resume <= $^T ) ) ) END #some false laziness w/cust_main::Billing due_cust_event my $where_event = join(' OR ', map { my $eventtable = $_; # joins and where clauses to test event conditions my $join = FS::part_event_condition->join_conditions_sql( $eventtable ); my $where = FS::part_event_condition->where_conditions_sql( $eventtable, 'time'=>$time, ); $where = $where ? "AND $where" : ''; # test to return all applicable part_events (defined on this eventtable, # not disabled, check_freq correct, and all event conditions true) my $are_part_event = "EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM part_event $join WHERE check_freq = '$check_freq' AND eventtable = '$eventtable' AND ( disabled = '' OR disabled IS NULL ) $where ) "; if ( $eventtable eq 'cust_main' ) { $are_part_event; } else { my $cust_join = FS::part_event->eventtables_cust_join->{$eventtable} || ''; my $custnum = FS::part_event->eventtables_custnum->{$eventtable}; "EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM $eventtable $cust_join WHERE cust_main.custnum = $custnum AND $are_part_event ) "; } } FS::part_event->eventtables); push @search, "( $where_pkg OR $where_event )"; warn "searching for customers:\n". join("\n", @search). "\n" if $opt{'v'} || $opt{'l'}; join(' AND ', @search); } 1;