package FS::ClientAPI::MyAccount; use 5.008; #require 5.8+ for Time::Local 1.05+ use strict; use vars qw( $cache $DEBUG $me ); use subs qw( _cache _provision ); use IO::Scalar; use Data::Dumper; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Digest::SHA qw(sha512_hex); use Date::Format; use Time::Duration; use Time::Local qw(timelocal_nocheck); use Business::CreditCard 0.35; use HTML::Entities; use Text::CSV_XS; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; use OLE::Storage_Lite; use FS::UI::Web::small_custview qw(small_custview); #less doh use FS::UI::Web; use FS::UI::bytecount qw( display_bytecount ); use FS::Conf; #use FS::UID qw(dbh); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh); use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext); use FS::Misc qw(card_types money_pretty); use FS::Misc::DateTime qw(parse_datetime); use FS::TicketSystem; use FS::ClientAPI_SessionCache; use FS::cust_svc; use FS::svc_acct; use FS::svc_forward; use FS::svc_domain; use FS::svc_phone; use FS::svc_external; use FS::svc_dsl; use FS::dsl_device; use FS::part_svc; use FS::cust_main; use FS::cust_bill; use FS::legacy_cust_bill; use FS::cust_main_county; use FS::part_pkg; use FS::cust_pkg; use FS::payby; use FS::acct_rt_transaction; use FS::msg_template; use FS::contact; use FS::cust_contact; use FS::cust_location; use FS::cust_payby; # for code organization use FS::ClientAPI::MyAccount::contact; use FS::ClientAPI::MyAccount::quotation; $DEBUG = 0; $me = '[FS::ClientAPI::MyAccount]'; use vars qw( @cust_main_editable_fields @location_editable_fields ); @cust_main_editable_fields = qw( first last company daytime night fax mobile locale ss stateid stateid_state ); @location_editable_fields = qw( address1 address2 city county state zip country ); BEGIN { #preload to reduce time customer_info takes if ( $FS::TicketSystem::system ) { warn "$me: initializing ticket system\n" if $DEBUG; FS::TicketSystem->init(); } } sub _cache { $cache ||= new FS::ClientAPI_SessionCache( { 'namespace' => 'FS::ClientAPI::MyAccount', } ); } sub skin_info { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); #return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $agentnum = ''; if ( $context eq 'customer' && $custnum ) { my $sth = dbh->prepare('SELECT agentnum FROM cust_main WHERE custnum = ?') or die dbh->errstr; $sth->execute($custnum) or die $sth->errstr; $agentnum = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] or die "no agentnum for custnum $custnum"; #} elsif ( $context eq 'agent' ) { } elsif ( defined($p->{'agentnum'}) and $p->{'agentnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $agentnum = $1; } $p->{'agentnum'} = $agentnum; my $conf = new FS::Conf; #false laziness w/ my $skin_info_cache_agent = _cache->get("skin_info_cache_agent$agentnum"); if ( $skin_info_cache_agent ) { warn "$me loading cached skin info for agentnum $agentnum\n" if $DEBUG > 1; } else { warn "$me populating skin info cache for agentnum $agentnum\n" if $DEBUG > 1; $skin_info_cache_agent = { 'agentnum' => $agentnum, ( map { $_ => scalar( $conf->config($_, $agentnum) ) } qw( company_name date_format ) ), ( map { $_ => scalar( $conf->config("selfservice-$_", $agentnum ) ) } qw( body_bgcolor box_bgcolor stripe1_bgcolor stripe2_bgcolor text_color link_color vlink_color hlink_color alink_color font title_color title_align title_size menu_bgcolor menu_fontsize ) ), 'menu_disable' => [ $conf->config('selfservice-menu_disable',$agentnum) ], ( map { $_ => $conf->exists("selfservice-$_", $agentnum ) } qw( menu_skipblanks menu_skipheadings menu_nounderline no_logo enable_payment_without_balance ) ), ( map { $_ => scalar($conf->config_binary("selfservice-$_", $agentnum)) } qw( title_left_image title_right_image menu_top_image menu_body_image menu_bottom_image ) ), 'logo' => scalar($conf->config_binary('logo.png', $agentnum )), ( map { $_ => join("\n", $conf->config("selfservice-$_", $agentnum ) ) } qw( head body_header body_footer company_address ) ), 'money_char' => $conf->config("money_char") || '$', 'menu' => join("\n", $conf->config("ng_selfservice-menu", $agentnum ) ) || 'main.php Home services.php Services services.php My Services services_new.php Order a new service personal.php Profile personal.php Personal Information password.php Change Password payment.php Payments payment_cc.php Credit Card Payment payment_ach.php Electronic Check Payment payment_paypal.php PayPal Payment payment_webpay.php Webpay Payments usage.php Usage usage_data.php Data usage usage_cdr.php Call usage tickets.php Help Desk tickets.php Open Tickets tickets_resolved.php Resolved Tickets ticket_create.php Create a new ticket docs.php FAQs logout.php Logout ', }; _cache->set("skin_info_cache_agent$agentnum", $skin_info_cache_agent); } #{ %$skin_info_cache_agent }; $skin_info_cache_agent; } sub login_info { my $p = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my %info = ( %{ skin_info($p) }, 'phone_login' => $conf->exists('selfservice_server-phone_login'), 'single_domain'=> scalar($conf->config('selfservice_server-single_domain')), 'banner_url' => scalar($conf->config('selfservice-login_banner_url')), 'banner_image_md5' => md5_hex($conf->config_binary('selfservice-login_banner_image')), ); return \%info; } sub login_banner_image { my $p = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $image = $conf->config_binary('selfservice-login_banner_image'); return { 'md5' => md5_hex($image), 'image' => $image, }; } #false laziness w/FS::ClientAPI::passwd::passwd sub login { my $p = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $svc_x = ''; my $session = {}; if ( $p->{'domain'} eq 'svc_phone' && $conf->exists('selfservice_server-phone_login') ) { my $svc_phone = qsearchs( 'svc_phone', { 'phonenum' => $p->{'username'} } ); return { error => 'Number not found.' } unless $svc_phone; #XXX? #my $pkg_svc = $svc_acct->cust_svc->pkg_svc; #return { error => 'Only primary user may log in.' } # if $conf->exists('selfservice_server-primary_only') # && ( ! $pkg_svc || $pkg_svc->primary_svc ne 'Y' ); return { error => 'Incorrect PIN.' } unless $svc_phone->check_pin($p->{'password'}); $svc_x = $svc_phone; } elsif ( $p->{email} && (my $contact = FS::contact->by_selfservice_email($p->{email})) ) { return { error => 'Incorrect contact password.' } unless $contact->authenticate_password($p->{'password'}); $session->{'contactnum'} = $contact->contactnum; my @cust_contact = grep $_->selfservice_access, $contact->cust_contact; if ( scalar(@cust_contact) == 1 ) { $session->{'custnum'} = $cust_contact[0]->custnum; } elsif ( scalar(@cust_contact) ) { $session->{'customers'} = { map { $_->custnum => $_->cust_main->name } @cust_contact }; } else { return { error => 'No customer self-service access for contact' }; #?? } } else { ( $p->{username}, $p->{domain} ) = split('@', $p->{email}) if $p->{email}; my $svc_domain = qsearchs('svc_domain', { 'domain' => $p->{'domain'} } ) or return { error => 'Domain '. $p->{'domain'}. ' not found' }; my @svc_acct = qsearch( 'svc_acct', { 'username' => $p->{'username'}, 'domsvc' => $svc_domain->svcnum, } ); if ( $conf->exists('selfservice_server-login_svcpart') ) { my @svcpart = $conf->config('selfservice_server-login_svcpart'); @svc_acct = grep { my $svcpart = $_->cust_svc->svcpart; scalar( grep( $_ eq $svcpart, @svcpart ) ); } @svc_acct; } if ( $conf->exists('selfservice_server-primary_only') ) { @svc_acct = grep { my $cust_svc = $_->cust_svc; $cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg->svcpart([qw( svc_acct svc_phone )]) == $cust_svc->svcpart } @svc_acct; } return { error => 'User not found.' } unless @svc_acct; return { error => 'Multiple users.' } if scalar(@svc_acct) > 1; my $svc_acct = $svc_acct[0]; if ( $conf->exists('selfservice_server-login_svcpart') ) { my @svcpart = $conf->config('selfservice_server-login_svcpart'); my $svcpart = $svc_acct->cust_svc->svcpart; return { error => 'Invalid user.' } unless grep($_ eq $svcpart, @svcpart); } return { error => 'Incorrect password.' } unless $svc_acct->check_password($p->{'password'}); $svc_x = $svc_acct; } if ( $svc_x ) { $session->{'svcnum'} = $svc_x->svcnum; my $cust_svc = $svc_x->cust_svc; my $cust_pkg = $cust_svc->cust_pkg; if ( $cust_pkg ) { my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main; $session->{'custnum'} = $cust_main->custnum; if ( $conf->exists('pkg-balances') ) { my @cust_pkg = grep { $_->part_pkg->freq !~ /^(0|$)/ } $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs; $session->{'pkgnum'} = $cust_pkg->pkgnum if scalar(@cust_pkg) > 1; } } #my $pkg_svc = $svc_acct->cust_svc->pkg_svc; #return { error => 'Only primary user may log in.' } # if $conf->exists('selfservice_server-primary_only') # && ( ! $pkg_svc || $pkg_svc->primary_svc ne 'Y' ); my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg; return { error => 'Only primary user may log in.' } if $conf->exists('selfservice_server-primary_only') && $cust_svc->svcpart != $part_pkg->svcpart([qw( svc_acct svc_phone )]); } my $session_id; do { $session_id = sha512_hex(time(). {}. rand(). $$) } until ( ! defined _cache->get($session_id) ); #just in case my $timeout = $conf->config('selfservice-session_timeout') || '1 hour'; _cache->set( $session_id, $session, $timeout ); return { 'error' => '', 'session_id' => $session_id, %$session, }; } sub logout { my $p = shift; my $skin_info = skin_info($p); if ( $p->{'session_id'} ) { _cache->remove($p->{'session_id'}); return { %$skin_info, 'error' => '' }; } else { return { %$skin_info, 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message } } sub switch_acct { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $svc_acct = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_acct' ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; $session->{'svcnum'} = $svc_acct->svcnum; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $timeout = $conf->config('selfservice-session_timeout') || '1 hour'; _cache->set( $p->{'session_id'}, $session, $timeout ); return { 'error' => '' }; } sub switch_cust { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; $session->{'custnum'} = $p->{'custnum'} if exists $session->{'customers'}{ $p->{'custnum'} }; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $timeout = $conf->config('selfservice-session_timeout') || '1 hour'; _cache->set( $p->{'session_id'}, $session, $timeout ); return { 'error' => '', %{ customer_info( { session_id=>$p->{'session_id'} } ) }, }; } sub payment_gateway { # internal use only # takes a cust_main and a cust_payby entry, returns the payment_gateway my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $cust_main = shift; my $cust_payby = shift; return '' if ! FS::payby->realtime($cust_payby); my $pg = $cust_main->agent->payment_gateway( 'method' => FS::payby->payby2bop($cust_payby), 'nofatal' => 1 ); return $pg; } sub access_info { my $p = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $info = skin_info($p); use vars qw( $cust_paybys ); #cache for performance unless ( $cust_paybys ) { my %cust_paybys = map { $_ => 1 } map { FS::payby->payby2payment($_) } $conf->config('signup_server-payby'); $cust_paybys = [ keys %cust_paybys ]; } $info->{'cust_paybys'} = $cust_paybys; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ); $info->{'hide_payment_fields'} = [ map { my $pg = $cust_main && payment_gateway($cust_main, $_); $pg && $pg->gateway_namespace eq 'Business::OnlineThirdPartyPayment'; } @{ $info->{cust_paybys} } ]; $info->{'self_suspend_reason'} = $conf->config('selfservice-self_suspend_reason', $cust_main ? $cust_main->agentnum : '' ); $info->{'edit_ticket_subject'} = $conf->exists('ticket_system-selfservice_edit_subject') && $cust_main && $cust_main->edit_subject; $info->{'timeout'} = $conf->config('selfservice-timeout') || 3600; $info->{'hide_usage'} = $conf->exists('selfservice_hide-usage'); return { %$info, 'custnum' => $custnum, 'access_pkgnum' => $session->{'pkgnum'}, 'access_svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'}, }; } sub customer_info { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my %return; my $conf = new FS::Conf; $return{'require_address2'} = $conf->exists('cust_main-require_address2'); # if ( $FS::TicketSystem::system ) { # warn "$me customer_info: initializing ticket system\n" if $DEBUG; # FS::TicketSystem->init(); # } if ( $custnum ) { #customer record %return = ( %return, %{ customer_info_short($p) } ); #redundant with customer_info_short, but we need it for several things below my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "customer_info: unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $list_tickets = list_tickets($p); $return{'tickets'} = $list_tickets->{'tickets'}; if ( $session->{'pkgnum'} ) { #XXX open invoices in the pkg-balances case } else { $return{'money_char'} = $conf->config("money_char") || '$'; my @open = map { { invnum => $_->invnum, date => time2str("%b %o, %Y", $_->_date), owed => $_->owed, charged => $_->charged, }; } $cust_main->open_cust_bill; $return{open_invoices} = \@open; my $sql = 'SELECT MAX(_date) FROM cust_bill WHERE custnum = ?'; my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr; $sth->execute($custnum) or die $sth->errstr; $return{'last_invoice_date'} = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; $return{'last_invoice_date_pretty'} = time2str('%m/%d/%Y', $return{'last_invoice_date'} ); } #customer_info_short always has nobalance on.. $return{small_custview} = small_custview( $cust_main, $return{countrydefault}, ( $session->{'pkgnum'} ? 1 : 0 ), #nobalance ); $return{has_ship_address} = $cust_main->has_ship_address; $return{status} = $cust_main->status_label; #$cust_main->status; #better to break anyone obscurely testing for strings in self-service than to have to upgrade every front-end to get the new status to display $return{statuscolor} = $cust_main->statuscolor; $return{status_label} = $cust_main->status_label; # compatibility: some places in selfservice use this to determine # if there's a ship address if ( $return{has_ship_address} ) { $return{ship_last} = $cust_main->last; $return{ship_first} = $cust_main->first; } if (scalar($conf->config('support_packages'))) { my @support_services = (); foreach ($cust_main->support_services) { my $seconds = $_->svc_x->seconds || 0; my $time_remaining = (($seconds < 0) ? '-' : '' ). int(abs($seconds)/3600)."h". sprintf("%02d",(abs($seconds)%3600)/60)."m"; my $cust_pkg = $_->cust_pkg; my $pkgnum = ''; my $pkg = ''; $pkgnum = $cust_pkg->pkgnum if $cust_pkg; $pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->pkg if $cust_pkg; push @support_services, { svcnum => $_->svcnum, time => $time_remaining, pkgnum => $pkgnum, pkg => $pkg, }; } $return{support_services} = \@support_services; } if ( $conf->config('prepayment_discounts-credit_type') ) { #need to eval? $return{discount_terms_hash} = { $cust_main->discount_terms_hash }; } } elsif ( $session->{'svcnum'} ) { #no customer record my $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'} } ) or die "unknown svcnum"; $return{name} = $svc_acct->email; } else { return { 'error' => 'Expired session' }; #XXX redirect to login w/this err! } return { 'error' => '', 'custnum' => $custnum, %return, }; } sub customer_info_short { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my %return; my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ( $custnum ) { #customer record my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "customer_info_short: unknown custnum $custnum" }; $return{display_custnum} = $cust_main->display_custnum; $return{max_invnum} = $cust_main->max_invnum; if ( $session->{'pkgnum'} ) { $return{balance} = $cust_main->balance_pkgnum( $session->{'pkgnum'} ); #next_bill_date from cust_pkg? } else { $return{balance} = $cust_main->balance; $return{next_bill_date} = $cust_main->next_bill_date; $return{next_bill_date_pretty} = $return{next_bill_date} ? time2str('%m/%d/%Y', $return{next_bill_date} ) : '(none)'; } $return{balance_pretty} = money_pretty($return{balance}); $return{countrydefault} = scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')); $return{small_custview} = small_custview( $cust_main, $return{countrydefault}, 1, ##nobalance ); $return{first} = $cust_main->first; $return{'last'} = $cust_main->get('last'); $return{name} = $cust_main->first. ' '. $cust_main->get('last'); #none of these are terribly expensive if we want 'em... for (@cust_main_editable_fields) { $return{$_} = $cust_main->get($_); } $return{$_} = $cust_main->masked($_) for qw/ss stateid/; #maybe a little more expensive, but it should be cached by now for (@location_editable_fields) { $return{$_} = $cust_main->bill_location->get($_) if $cust_main->bill_locationnum; $return{'ship_'.$_} = $cust_main->ship_location->get($_) if $cust_main->ship_locationnum; } my @invoicing_list = $cust_main->invoicing_list; $return{'invoicing_list'} = join(', ', grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } @invoicing_list ); $return{'postal_invoicing'} = 0 < ( grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list ); if ( $session->{'svcnum'} ) { my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'} }); $return{'svc_label'} = ($cust_svc->label)[1] if $cust_svc; $return{'svcnum'} = $session->{'svcnum'}; } } elsif ( $session->{'svcnum'} ) { #no customer record #uuh, not supproted yet... die? return { 'error' => 'customer_info_short not yet supported as agent' }; } else { return { 'error' => 'Expired session' }; #XXX redirect to login w/this err! } # this is here because this routine is called by both fs_ and ng_ main pages, where it appears # it is not customer-specific, though it is only shown to authenticated customers # it is not currently agent-specific, though at some point it might be $return{'announcement'} = join(' ',$conf->config('selfservice-announcement')) || ''; return { 'error' => '', 'custnum' => $custnum, %return, }; } sub customer_recurring { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my %return; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "customer_info_short: unknown custnum $custnum" }; $return{'display_recurring'} = [ $cust_main->display_recurring ]; return { 'error' => '', 'custnum' => $custnum, %return, }; } sub billing_history { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; return { 'error' => 'No customer' } unless $custnum; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my %return = (); if ( $session->{'pkgnum'} ) { #$return{balance} = $cust_main->balance_pkgnum( $session->{'pkgnum'} ); #next_bill_date from cust_pkg? return { 'error' => 'No history for package' }; } $return{balance} = $cust_main->balance; $return{balance_pretty} = money_pretty($return{balance}); $return{next_bill_date} = $cust_main->next_bill_date; $return{next_bill_date_pretty} = $return{next_bill_date} ? time2str('%m/%d/%Y', $return{next_bill_date} ) : '(none)'; my $conf = new FS::Conf; $return{'history'} = [ $cust_main->payment_history( 'line_items' => $conf->exists('selfservice-billing_history-line_items'), 'reverse_sort' => 1, ) ]; $return{'money_char'} = $conf->config("money_char") || '$', return \%return; } sub edit_info { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'} or return { 'error' => "no customer record" }; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ($p->{payby}) { return { 'error' => "You do not have authority to add a bank account" } if (($p->{payby} eq "CHEK" || $p->{payby} eq "DCHEK") && $conf->exists('selfservice-ACH_info_readonly')); ## get default cust_payby and change it. For old v3 selfservice that upgraded to v4. this is for v4 only my ($cust_payby) = $cust_main->cust_payby(); $p->{'custpaybynum'} = $cust_payby->custpaybynum; update_payby($p); } my $new = new FS::cust_main { $cust_main->hash }; $new->set( $_ => $p->{$_} ) foreach grep { exists $p->{$_} } @cust_main_editable_fields; if ( exists($p->{address1}) ) { my $bill_location = FS::cust_location->new({ map { $_ => $p->{$_} } @location_editable_fields }); # if this is unchanged from before, cust_main::replace will ignore it $new->set('bill_location' => $bill_location); } if ( exists($p->{ship_address1}) ) { my $ship_location = FS::cust_location->new({ map { $_ => $p->{"ship_$_"} } @location_editable_fields }); if ( !grep { length($p->{"ship_$_"}) } @location_editable_fields ) { # Selfservice unfortunately tries to indicate "same as billing # address" by sending all fields empty. Did this ever work? $ship_location = $cust_main->bill_location; } $new->set('ship_location' => $ship_location); } # but if it hasn't been passed in at all, leave ship_location alone-- # DON'T change it to match bill_location. my @invoicing_list; if ( exists $p->{'invoicing_list'} || exists $p->{'postal_invoicing'} ) { #false laziness with httemplate/edit/process/cust_main.cgi @invoicing_list = split( /\s*\,\s*/, $p->{'invoicing_list'} ); push @invoicing_list, 'POST' if $p->{'postal_invoicing'}; } else { @invoicing_list = $cust_main->invoicing_list; } my $error = $new->replace($cust_main, \@invoicing_list); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; #$cust_main = $new; return { 'error' => '' }; } sub payment_info { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message ## #generic ## my $conf = new FS::Conf; use vars qw($payment_info); #cache for performance unless ( $payment_info ) { my %states = map { $_->state => 1 } qsearch('cust_main_county', { 'country' => $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US' } ); my %cust_paybys = map { $_ => 1 } map { FS::payby->payby2payment($_) } $conf->config('signup_server-payby'); my @cust_paybys = keys %cust_paybys; $payment_info = { #list all counties/states/countries 'cust_main_county' => [ map { $_->hashref } qsearch('cust_main_county', {}) ], #shortcut for one-country folks 'states' => [ sort { $a cmp $b } keys %states ], 'card_types' => card_types(), 'withcvv' => $conf->exists('selfservice-require_cvv'), #or enable optional cvv? 'require_cvv' => $conf->exists('selfservice-require_cvv'), 'onfile_require_cvv' => $conf->exists('selfservice-onfile_require_cvv'), 'paytypes' => [ FS::cust_payby::paytypes ], 'paybys' => [ $conf->config('signup_server-payby') ], 'cust_paybys' => \@cust_paybys, 'stateid_label' => FS::Msgcat::_gettext('stateid'), 'stateid_state_label' => FS::Msgcat::_gettext('stateid_state'), 'show_ss' => $conf->exists('show_ss'), 'show_stateid' => $conf->exists('show_stateid'), 'show_paystate' => $conf->exists('show_bankstate'), 'save_unchecked' => $conf->exists('selfservice-save_unchecked'), 'ach_read_only' => $conf->exists('selfservice-ACH_info_readonly'), }; } ## #customer-specific ## my %return = %$payment_info; delete $return{'cust_main_county'} if $p->{'omit_cust_main_county'}; my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; $return{'hide_payment_fields'} = [ map { my $pg = payment_gateway($cust_main, $_); $pg && $pg->gateway_namespace eq 'Business::OnlineThirdPartyPayment'; } @{ $return{cust_paybys} } ]; $return{balance} = $cust_main->balance; #XXX pkg-balances? $return{$_} = $cust_main->bill_location->get($_) for qw(address1 address2 city state zip); # look for stored cust_payby info # v3 to v4 upgrade would break change_pay because change_pay does not send payment_payby # so for change_pay to work need to search for all allowed paybys and grab default payment account my @search_payby = (); @search_payby = ($p->{'payment_payby'} eq 'CARD') ? ('CARD','DCRD') : ('CHEK','DCHK') if ($p->{'payment_payby'} =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/); my ($cust_payby) = $cust_main->cust_payby(@search_payby); if ($cust_payby) { $return{payby} = $cust_payby->payby; $return{payname} = $cust_payby->payname || ( $cust_main->first. ' '. $cust_main->get('last') ); $return{custpaybynum} = $cust_payby->custpaybynum; if ( $cust_payby->payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ) { $return{card_type} = cardtype($cust_payby->payinfo); $return{payinfo} = $cust_payby->paymask; @return{'month', 'year'} = $cust_payby->paydate_monthyear; } if ( $cust_payby->payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) { my ($payinfo1, $payinfo2) = split '@', $cust_payby->paymask; $return{payinfo1} = $payinfo1; $return{payinfo2} = $payinfo2; $return{paytype} = $cust_payby->paytype; $return{paystate} = $cust_payby->paystate; $return{payname} = $cust_payby->payname; # override 'first/last name' default from above, if any. Is instution-name here. (#15819) } } if ( $conf->config('prepayment_discounts-credit_type') ) { #need to eval? $return{discount_terms_hash} = { $cust_main->discount_terms_hash }; } #doubleclick protection my $_date = time; $return{payunique} = "webui-MyAccount-$_date-$$-". rand() * 2**32; #new $return{paybatch} = $return{payunique}; #back compat $return{credit_card_surcharge_percentage} = $conf->config('credit-card-surcharge-percentage', $cust_main->agentnum); $return{credit_card_surcharge_flatfee} = $conf->config('credit-card-surcharge-flatfee', $cust_main->agentnum); # A value for 'payby' must be defined in %return $return{payby} = $return{paybys}->[0] if !$return{payby} && ref $return{paybys} && scalar @{ $return{paybys} }; return { 'error' => '', %return, }; } #some false laziness with httemplate/process/payment.cgi - look there for #ACH and CVV support stuff sub validate_payment { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; $p->{'amount'} =~ /^\s*(\d+(\.\d{2})?)\s*$/ or return { 'error' => gettext('illegal_amount') }; my $amount = $1; return { error => 'Amount must be greater than 0' } unless $amount > 0; #false laziness w/tr-amount_fee.html, but we don't want selfservice users #changing the hidden form values my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $fee_display = $conf->config('selfservice_process-display') || 'add'; my $fee_pkgpart = $conf->config('selfservice_process-pkgpart', $cust_main->agentnum); my $fee_skip_first = $conf->exists('selfservice_process-skip_first'); if ( $fee_display eq 'add' and $fee_pkgpart and ! $fee_skip_first || scalar($cust_main->cust_pay) ) { my $fee_pkg = qsearchs('part_pkg', { pkgpart=>$fee_pkgpart } ); $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $amount + $fee_pkg->option('setup_fee') ); } $p->{'discount_term'} =~ /^\s*(\d*)\s*$/ or return { 'error' => gettext('illegal_discount_term'). ': '. $p->{'discount_term'} }; my $discount_term = $1; $p->{'payname'} =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']+)$/ or return { 'error' => gettext('illegal_name'). " payname: ". $p->{'payname'} }; my $payname = $1; $p->{'payunique'} =~ /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=]*)$/ or return { 'error' => gettext('illegal_text'). " payunique: ". $p->{'payunique'} }; my $payunique = $1; $p->{'paybatch'} =~ /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=]*)$/ or return { 'error' => gettext('illegal_text'). " paybatch: ". $p->{'paybatch'} }; my $paybatch = $1; $payunique = $paybatch if ! length($payunique) && length($paybatch); $p->{'payby'} ||= 'CARD'; $p->{'payby'} =~ /^([A-Z]{4})$/ or return { 'error' => "illegal_payby " . $p->{'payby'} }; my $payby = $1; #false laziness w/process/payment.cgi my $payinfo; my $paycvv = ''; my $replace_cust_payby; if ( $payby eq 'CHEK' || $payby eq 'DCHK' ) { $p->{'payinfo1'} =~ /^([\dx]+)$/ or return { 'error' => "illegal account number ". $p->{'payinfo1'} }; my $payinfo1 = $1; $p->{'payinfo2'} =~ /^([\dx]+)$/ or return { 'error' => "illegal ABA/routing number ". $p->{'payinfo2'} }; my $payinfo2 = $1; $payinfo = $payinfo1. '@'. $payinfo2; my $achonfile = 0; foreach my $cust_payby ($cust_main->cust_payby('CHEK','DCHK')) { if ( $cust_payby->paymask eq $payinfo ) { $payinfo = $cust_payby->payinfo; $replace_cust_payby = $cust_payby; $achonfile = 1; last; } } if ($conf->exists('selfservice-ACH_info_readonly') && !$achonfile) { return { 'error' => "You are not allowed to change your payment information." }; } } elsif ( $payby eq 'CARD' || $payby eq 'DCRD' ) { $payinfo = $p->{'payinfo'}; my $onfile = 0; #more intelligent matching will be needed here if you change #card_masking_method and don't remove existing paymasks foreach my $cust_payby ($cust_main->cust_payby('CARD','DCRD')) { if ( $cust_payby->paymask eq $payinfo ) { $payinfo = $cust_payby->payinfo; $replace_cust_payby = $cust_payby; $onfile = 1; last; } } $payinfo =~ s/\D//g; $payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,19}|\d{8,9})$/ or return { 'error' => gettext('invalid_card') }; # . ": ". $self->payinfo $payinfo = $1; validate($payinfo) or return { 'error' => gettext('invalid_card') }; # . ": ". $self->payinfo return { 'error' => gettext('unknown_card_type') } if !$cust_main->tokenized($payinfo) && cardtype($payinfo) eq "Unknown"; if ( length($p->{'paycvv'}) && $p->{'paycvv'} !~ /^\s*$/ ) { if ( cardtype($payinfo) eq 'American Express card' ) { $p->{'paycvv'} =~ /^\s*(\d{4})\s*$/ or return { 'error' => "CVV2 (CID) for American Express cards is four digits." }; $paycvv = $1; } else { $p->{'paycvv'} =~ /^\s*(\d{3})\s*$/ or return { 'error' => "CVV2 (CVC2/CID) is three digits." }; $paycvv = $1; } } elsif ( $conf->exists('selfservice-onfile_require_cvv') ) { return { 'error' => 'CVV2 is required' }; } elsif ( !$onfile && $conf->exists('selfservice-require_cvv') ) { return { 'error' => 'CVV2 is required' }; } } else { die "unknown payby $payby"; } my %payby2fields = ( 'CARD' => [ qw( paystart_month paystart_year payissue payip address1 address2 city state zip country ) ], 'CHEK' => [ qw( ss paytype paystate stateid stateid_state payip ) ], ); my %replace = ( 'replace' => $replace_cust_payby, ); my $card_type = ''; $card_type = cardtype($payinfo) if $payby eq 'CARD'; { 'cust_main' => $cust_main, #XXX or just custnum?? 'amount' => sprintf('%.2f', $amount), 'payby' => $payby, 'payinfo' => $payinfo, 'paymask' => FS::payinfo_Mixin->mask_payinfo( $payby, $payinfo ), 'card_type' => $card_type, 'paydate' => $p->{'year'}. '-'. $p->{'month'}. '-01', 'paydate_pretty' => $p->{'month'}. ' / '. $p->{'year'}, 'month' => $p->{'month'}, 'year' => $p->{'year'}, 'payname' => $payname, 'payunique' => $payunique, 'paybatch' => $paybatch, 'paycvv' => $paycvv, 'payname' => $payname, 'discount_term' => $discount_term, 'pkgnum' => $session->{'pkgnum'}, %replace, map { $_ => $p->{$_} } ( @{ $payby2fields{$payby} }, qw( save auto ), ) }; } sub store_payment { my $p = shift; my $validate = validate_payment($p); return $validate if $validate->{'error'}; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $timeout = $conf->config('selfservice-session_timeout') || '1 hour'; #? _cache->set( 'payment_'.$p->{'session_id'}, $validate, $timeout ); +{ map { $_=>$validate->{$_} } qw( card_type paymask payname paydate_pretty month year amount address1 address2 city state zip country ) }; } sub process_stored_payment { my $p = shift; my $session_id = $p->{'session_id'}; my $payment_info = _cache->get( "payment_$session_id" ) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message do_process_payment($payment_info); } sub process_payment { my $p = shift; my $payment_info = validate_payment($p); return $payment_info if $payment_info->{'error'}; do_process_payment($payment_info); } sub do_process_payment { my $validate = shift; my $cust_main = $validate->{'cust_main'}; my $amount = delete $validate->{'amount'}; my $paynum = ''; my $payby = delete $validate->{'payby'}; if ( $validate->{'save'} ) { my %saveopt; foreach my $field ( qw( auto payinfo paymask payname payip ) ) { $saveopt{$field} = $validate->{$field}; } if ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) { my $bill_location = FS::cust_location->new({ map { $_ => $validate->{$_} } qw(address1 address2 city state country zip) }); $saveopt{'bill_location'} = $bill_location; foreach my $field ( qw( paydate paystart_month paystart_year payissue ) ) { $saveopt{$field} = $validate->{$field}; } } else { # stateid/stateid_state won't be saved, might be broken as of 4.x foreach my $field ( qw( paytype paystate ) ) { $saveopt{$field} = $validate->{$field}; } } my $error = $cust_main->save_cust_payby( 'payment_payby' => $payby, 'replace' => $validate->{'replace'}, # cust_payby object to replace %saveopt ); if ( $error ) { #no, this causes customers to process their payments again #return { 'error' => $error }; #XXX just warn verosely for now so i can figure out how these happen in # the first place, eventually should redirect them to the "change #address" page but indicate if the payment processed? delete($validate->{'payinfo'}); #don't want to log this! warn "WARNING: error changing customer info when processing payment (not returning to customer as a processing error): $error\n". "PAYBY: $payby\n". "SAVEOPT: ".Dumper(\%saveopt)."\n". "CUST_MAIN: ". Dumper($cust_main)."\n". "PACKET: ". Dumper($validate)."\n"; } } my $error = $cust_main->realtime_bop( $FS::payby::payby2bop{$payby}, $amount, 'quiet' => 1, 'manual' => 1, 'selfservice' => 1, 'paynum_ref' => \$paynum, %$validate, ); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; #no error, so order the fee package if applicable... my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $fee_pkgpart = $conf->config('selfservice_process-pkgpart', $cust_main->agentnum); my $fee_skip_first = $conf->exists('selfservice_process-skip_first'); if ( $fee_pkgpart and ! $fee_skip_first || scalar($cust_main->cust_pay) ) { my $cust_pkg = new FS::cust_pkg { 'pkgpart' => $fee_pkgpart }; $error = $cust_main->order_pkg( 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg ); return { 'error' => "payment processed successfully, but error ordering fee: $error" } if $error; #and generate an invoice for it now too $error = $cust_main->bill( 'pkg_list' => [ $cust_pkg ] ); return { 'error' => "payment processed and fee ordered successfully, but error billing fee: $error" } if $error; } $cust_main->apply_payments; my $cust_pay = ''; my $receipt_html = ''; if ($paynum) { # currently supported for realtime CC only; send receipt data to SS $cust_pay = qsearchs('cust_pay', { 'paynum' => $paynum } ); if($cust_pay) { $receipt_html = qq!
Payment# ! . $cust_pay->paynum . qq!
Date ! . time2str("%a %b %o, %Y %r", $cust_pay->_date) . qq!
Amount ! . sprintf('%.2f', $cust_pay->paid) . qq!
Payment method ! . $cust_pay->payby_name .' #'. $cust_pay->paymask . qq!
!; } } if ( $cust_pay ) { return { 'error' => '', 'amount' => sprintf('%.2f', $cust_pay->paid), 'date' => $cust_pay->_date, 'date_pretty' => time2str('%Y-%m-%d', $cust_pay->_date), 'time_pretty' => time2str('%T', $cust_pay->_date), 'auth_num' => $cust_pay->auth, 'order_num' => $cust_pay->order_number, 'receipt_html' => $receipt_html, }; } else { return { 'error' => '', 'receipt_html' => '', }; } } sub realtime_collect { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $amount; if ( $p->{'amount'} ) { $amount = $p->{'amount'}; } elsif ( $session->{'pkgnum'} ) { $amount = $cust_main->balance_pkgnum( $session->{'pkgnum'} ); } else { $amount = $cust_main->balance; } my $error = $cust_main->realtime_collect( 'method' => $p->{'method'}, 'amount' => $amount, 'pkgnum' => $session->{'pkgnum'}, 'session_id' => $p->{'session_id'}, 'apply' => 1, 'selfservice'=> 1, ); return { 'error' => $error } unless ref( $error ); return { 'error' => '', amount => $amount, %$error }; } sub start_thirdparty { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = FS::cust_main->by_key($custnum); my $amount = $p->{'amount'} or return { error => 'no amount' }; my $result = $cust_main->create_payment( 'method' => $p->{'method'}, 'amount' => $p->{'amount'}, 'pkgnum' => $session->{'pkgnum'}, 'session_id' => $p->{'session_id'}, ); if ( ref($result) ) { # hashref or error return $result; } else { return { error => $result }; } } sub finish_thirdparty { my $p = shift; my $session_id = delete $p->{'session_id'}; my $session = _cache->get($session_id) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = FS::cust_main->by_key($custnum); if ( $p->{_cancel} ) { # customer backed out of making a payment return $cust_main->cancel_payment( $session_id ); } my $result = $cust_main->execute_payment( $session_id, %$p ); if ( ref($result) ) { return $result; } else { return { error => $result }; } } sub process_payment_order_pkg { my $p = shift; my $hr = process_payment($p); return $hr if $hr->{'error'}; order_pkg($p); } sub process_payment_order_renew { my $p = shift; my $hr = process_payment($p); return $hr if $hr->{'error'}; order_renew($p); } sub process_prepay { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my %return; my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my( $amount, $seconds, $upbytes, $downbytes, $totalbytes ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); my $error = $cust_main->recharge_prepay( $p->{'prepaid_cardnum'}, \$amount, \$seconds, \$upbytes, \$downbytes, \$totalbytes, ); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; return { 'error' => '', 'amount' => $amount, 'seconds' => $seconds, 'duration' => duration_exact($seconds), 'upbytes' => $upbytes, 'upload' => FS::UI::bytecount::bytecount_unexact($upbytes), 'downbytes' => $downbytes, 'download' => FS::UI::bytecount::bytecount_unexact($downbytes), 'totalbytes'=> $totalbytes, 'totalload' => FS::UI::bytecount::bytecount_unexact($totalbytes), }; } sub invoice { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $invnum = $p->{'invnum'}; my $cust_bill = qsearchs('cust_bill', { 'invnum' => $invnum, 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "Can't find invnum" }; #my %return; return { 'error' => '', 'invnum' => $invnum, 'invoice_text' => join('', $cust_bill->print_text ), 'invoice_html' => $cust_bill->print_html( { unsquelch_cdr => 1 } ), }; } sub invoice_pdf { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $invnum = $p->{'invnum'}; my $cust_bill = qsearchs('cust_bill', { 'invnum' => $invnum, 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "Can't find invnum" }; #my %return; return { 'error' => '', 'invnum' => $invnum, 'invoice_pdf' => $cust_bill->print_pdf({ 'unsquelch_cdr' => 1, 'locale' => $p->{'locale'}, }), }; } sub legacy_invoice { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $legacyinvnum = $p->{'legacyinvnum'}; my %hash = ( 'legacyinvnum' => $legacyinvnum, 'custnum' => $custnum, ); my $legacy_cust_bill = qsearchs('legacy_cust_bill', { %hash, 'locale' => $p->{'locale'} } ) || qsearchs('legacy_cust_bill', \%hash ) or return { 'error' => "Can't find legacyinvnum" }; #my %return; return { 'error' => '', 'legacyinvnum' => $legacyinvnum, 'legacyid' => $legacy_cust_bill->legacyid, 'invoice_html' => $legacy_cust_bill->content_html, }; } sub legacy_invoice_pdf { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $legacyinvnum = $p->{'legacyinvnum'}; my $legacy_cust_bill = qsearchs('legacy_cust_bill', { 'legacyinvnum' => $legacyinvnum, 'custnum' => $custnum, }) or return { 'error' => "Can't find legacyinvnum" }; #my %return; return { 'error' => '', 'legacyinvnum' => $legacyinvnum, 'legacyid' => $legacy_cust_bill->legacyid, 'invoice_pdf' => $legacy_cust_bill->content_pdf, }; } sub invoice_logo { my $p = shift; #sessioning for this? how do we get the session id to the backend invoice # template so it can add it to the link, blah my $agentnum = ''; if ( $p->{'invnum'} ) { my $cust_bill = qsearchs('cust_bill', { 'invnum' => $p->{'invnum'} } ) or return { 'error' => 'unknown invnum' }; $agentnum = $cust_bill->cust_main->agentnum; } my $templatename = $p->{'template'} || $p->{'templatename'}; #false laziness-ish w/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ( $templatename =~ /^([^\.\/]*)$/ && $conf->exists("logo_$1.png") ) { $templatename = "_$1"; } else { $templatename = ''; } my $filename = "logo$templatename.png"; return { 'error' => '', 'logo' => $conf->config_binary($filename, $agentnum), 'content_type' => 'image/png', #should allow gif, jpg too }; } sub list_invoices { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my @legacy_cust_bill = $cust_main->legacy_cust_bill; my @cust_bill = grep ! $_->hide, $cust_main->cust_bill; my $balance = 0; my $invoices = [ map { #not super efficient, we also run cust_bill_pay/cust_credited inside owed my @payments_and_credits = sort {$b->_date <=> $a->_date} ($_->cust_bill_pay,$_->cust_credited); my $owed = $_->owed; $balance += $owed; +{ 'invnum' => $_->invnum, '_date' => $_->_date, 'date' => time2str("%b %o, %Y", $_->_date), 'date_short' => time2str("%m-%d-%Y", $_->_date), 'previous' => sprintf('%.2f', ($_->previous)[0]), 'charged' => sprintf('%.2f', $_->charged), 'owed' => sprintf('%.2f', $owed), 'balance' => sprintf('%.2f', $balance), 'lastpay' => @payments_and_credits ? time2str("%b %o, %Y", $payments_and_credits[0]->_date) : '', } } @cust_bill ]; return { 'error' => '', 'balance' => $cust_main->balance, 'money_char' => $conf->config("money_char") || '$', 'invoices' => $invoices, 'legacy_invoices' => [ map { +{ 'legacyinvnum' => $_->legacyinvnum, 'legacyid' => $_->legacyid, '_date' => $_->_date, 'date' => time2str("%b %o, %Y", $_->_date), 'date_short' => time2str("%m-%d-%Y", $_->_date), 'charged' => sprintf('%.2f', $_->charged), 'has_content' => ( length($_->content_pdf) || length($_->content_html) ), } } @legacy_cust_bill ], }; } sub list_payments { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; return { 'error' => '', 'balance' => $cust_main->balance, 'money_char' => FS::Conf->new->config("money_char") || '$', 'payments' => [ map $_->SSAPI_getinfo, $cust_main->cust_pay ], }; } sub payment_receipt { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_pay = qsearchs('cust_pay', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'paynum' => $p->{'paynum'}, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown payment ". $p->{'paynum'} }; return { 'error' => '', %{ $cust_pay->SSAPI_getinfo }, }; } sub list_payby { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; return { 'payby' => [ map { my $cust_payby = $_; +{ map { $_ => $cust_payby->$_ } qw( custpaybynum weight payby paymask paydate payname paystate paytype ) }; } $cust_main->cust_payby ], }; } sub insert_payby { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; #XXX payinfo1 + payinfo2 for CHEK? #or take the opportunity to use separate, more well- named fields? if ($p->{'payby'} eq 'CHEK') { $p->{'payinfo1'} =~ /^([\dx]+)$/ or return { 'error' => "illegal account number ". $p->{'payinfo1'} }; my $payinfo1 = $1; $p->{'payinfo2'} =~ /^([\dx\.]+)$/ # . turned on by echeck-country CA ? or return { 'error' => "illegal ABA/routing number ". $p->{'payinfo2'} }; my $payinfo2 = $1; $p->{'payinfo'} = $payinfo1. '@'. $payinfo2; } my $cust_payby = new FS::cust_payby { 'custnum' => $custnum, map { $_ => $p->{$_} } qw( weight payby payinfo paycvv paydate payname paystate paytype payip ), }; my $error = $cust_payby->insert; if ( $error ) { return { 'error' => $error }; } else { return { 'custpaybynum' => $cust_payby->custpaybynum }; } } sub update_payby { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; if ($p->{'payby'} eq 'CHEK') { $p->{'payinfo1'} =~ /^([\dx]+)$/ or return { 'error' => "illegal account number ". $p->{'payinfo1'} }; my $payinfo1 = $1; $p->{'payinfo2'} =~ /^([\dx\.]+)$/ # . turned on by echeck-country CA ? or return { 'error' => "illegal ABA/routing number ". $p->{'payinfo2'} }; my $payinfo2 = $1; $p->{'payinfo'} = $payinfo1. '@'. $payinfo2; } elsif ($p->{'payby'} eq 'CARD') { $p->{paydate} = $p->{year} . '-' . $p->{month} . '-01' unless $p->{paydate}; } my $cust_payby = qsearchs('cust_payby', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'custpaybynum' => $p->{'custpaybynum'}, }) or return { 'error' => 'unknown custpaybynum '. $p->{'custpaybynum'} }; my $cust_main = qsearchs( 'cust_main', {custnum => $cust_payby->custnum} ) or return { 'error' => 'unknown custnum '.$cust_payby->custnum }; foreach my $field ( qw( weight payby payinfo paycvv paydate payname paystate paytype payip ) ) { next unless exists($p->{$field}); $cust_payby->set($field,$p->{$field}); } $cust_payby->set( 'paymask' => $cust_payby->mask_payinfo ); # Update column if given a value, and the given value wasn't # the value generated by $cust_main->masked($column); $cust_main->set( $_, $p->{$_} ) for grep{ $p->{$_} !~ /^x/i; } grep{ exists $p->{$_} } qw/ss stateid/; # Perform updates within a transaction local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0; if ( my $error = $cust_payby->replace || $cust_main->replace ) { dbh->rollback; return { error => $error }; } dbh->commit; return { custpaybynum => $cust_payby->custpaybynum }; } sub verify_payby { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $cust_payby = qsearchs('cust_payby', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'custpaybynum' => $p->{'custpaybynum'}, }) or return { 'error' => 'unknown custpaybynum '. $p->{'custpaybynum'} }; return { 'error' => $cust_payby->verify }; } sub delete_payby { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $cust_payby = qsearchs('cust_payby', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'custpaybynum' => $p->{'custpaybynum'}, }) or return { 'error' => 'unknown custpaybynum '. $p->{'custpaybynum'} }; my $conf = new FS::Conf; if (($cust_payby->payby eq "DCHK" || $cust_payby->payby eq "CHEK") && $conf->exists('selfservice-ACH_info_readonly')) { return { 'error' => "Sorry you do not have permission to delete bank information." }; } else { return { 'error' => $cust_payby->delete }; } } sub cancel { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my @errors = $cust_main->cancel( 'quiet'=>1 ); my $error = scalar(@errors) ? join(' / ', @errors) : ''; return { 'error' => $error }; } sub pkg_info { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $pkg = qsearchs({ 'table' => 'cust_pkg', 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )', 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgnum' => $p->{'pkgnum'}, }, }) or return {'error' => 'unknown pkg num $pkgnum'}; return { pkg_label => $pkg->pkg, pkgpart => $pkg->pkgpart, classnum => $pkg->classnum, }; } sub list_pkgs { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $immutable = $conf->exists('selfservice_immutable-package'); # the duplication below is necessary: # 1. to maintain the current buggy behaviour wrt the cust_pkg and part_pkg # hashes overwriting each other (setup and no_auto fields). Fixing that is a # non-backwards-compatible change breaking the software of anyone using the API # instead of the stock selfservice # 2. to return cancelled packages as well - for wholesale and non-wholesale if( $conf->exists('selfservice_server-view-wholesale') ) { return { 'svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'}, 'custnum' => $custnum, 'cust_pkg' => [ map { { $_->hash, immutable => $immutable, part_pkg => [ map $_->hashref, $_->part_pkg ], part_svc => [ map $_->hashref, $_->available_part_svc ], cust_svc => [ map { my $ref = { $_->hash, label => [ $_->label ], }; $ref->{_password} = $_->svc_x->_password if $context eq 'agent' && $conf->exists('agent-showpasswords') && $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_acct'; $ref; } $_->cust_svc ], }; } $cust_main->cust_pkg ], 'small_custview' => small_custview( $cust_main, $conf->config('countrydefault') ), 'wholesale_view' => 1, 'login_svcpart' => [ $conf->config('selfservice_server-login_svcpart') ], 'date_format' => $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y', 'lnp' => $conf->exists('svc_phone-lnp'), }; } { 'svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'}, 'custnum' => $custnum, 'cust_pkg' => [ map { my $primary_cust_svc = $_->primary_cust_svc; +{ $_->hash, $_->part_pkg->hash, immutable => $immutable, pkg_label => $_->pkg_locale, status => $_->status, statuscolor => $_->statuscolor, part_svc => [ map { $_->hashref } grep { $_->selfservice_access ne 'hidden' } $_->available_part_svc ], cust_svc => [ map { my $ref = { $_->hash, label => [ $_->label ], }; $ref->{_password} = $_->svc_x->_password if $context eq 'agent' && $conf->exists('agent-showpasswords') && $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_acct'; $ref->{svchash} = { $_->svc_x->hash } if $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone'; $ref->{svchash}->{svcpart} = $_->part_svc->svcpart if $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone'; # hack $ref; } grep { $_->part_svc->selfservice_access ne 'hidden' } $_->cust_svc ], primary_cust_svc => $primary_cust_svc ? { $primary_cust_svc->hash, label => [ $primary_cust_svc->label ], finger => $primary_cust_svc->svc_x->finger, #uuh $primary_cust_svc->part_svc->hash, } : {}, #'' ? }; } $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs ], 'small_custview' => small_custview( $cust_main, $conf->config('countrydefault') ), 'date_format' => $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y', }; } sub list_svcs { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $hide_usage = $conf->exists('selfservice_hide-usage') ? 1 : 0; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $pkgnum = $session->{'pkgnum'} || $p->{'pkgnum'} || ''; if ( ! $pkgnum && $p->{'svcnum'} ) { my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $p->{'svcnum'} } ); $pkgnum = $cust_svc->pkgnum if $cust_svc; } my @cust_svc = (); my @cust_pkg_usage = (); foreach my $cust_pkg ( $p->{'ncancelled'} ? $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs : $cust_main->unsuspended_pkgs ) { next if $pkgnum && $cust_pkg->pkgnum != $pkgnum; push @cust_svc, @{[ $cust_pkg->cust_svc ]}; #@{[ ]} to force array context push @cust_pkg_usage, $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_usage; } @cust_svc = grep { $_->part_svc->selfservice_access ne 'hidden' } @cust_svc; my %usage_pools; if (!$hide_usage) { foreach (@cust_pkg_usage) { my $part = $_->part_pkg_usage; my $tag = $part->description . ($part->shared ? 1 : 0); my $row = $usage_pools{$tag} ||= [ $part->description, 0, 0, $part->shared ? 1 : 0 ]; $row->[1] += sprintf('%.1f', $_->minutes); # minutes remaining $row->[2] += $part->minutes; # minutes total } } # otherwise just leave them empty if ( $p->{'svcdb'} ) { my $svcdb = ref($p->{'svcdb'}) eq 'HASH' ? $p->{'svcdb'} : ref($p->{'svcdb'}) eq 'ARRAY' ? { map { $_=>1 } @{ $p->{'svcdb'} } } : { $p->{'svcdb'} => 1 }; @cust_svc = grep $svcdb->{ $_->part_svc->svcdb }, @cust_svc } #@svc_x = sort { $a->domain cmp $b->domain || $a->username cmp $b->username } # @svc_x; my @svcs; # stuff to return to the client my %bytes_used_total; # for _used columns only foreach my $cust_svc (@cust_svc) { my $svc_x = $cust_svc->svc_x; my($label, $value) = $cust_svc->label; my $part_svc = $cust_svc->part_svc; my $svcdb = $part_svc->svcdb; my $cust_pkg = $cust_svc->cust_pkg; my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg; my %hash = ( 'svcnum' => $cust_svc->svcnum, 'display_svcnum' => $cust_svc->display_svcnum, 'svcdb' => $svcdb, 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value, 'pkg_label' => $cust_pkg->pkg_locale, 'pkg_status' => $cust_pkg->status, 'readonly' => ($part_svc->selfservice_access eq 'readonly'), ); # would it make sense to put this in a svc_* method? if (!$hide_usage and grep(/^$svcdb$/, qw(svc_acct svc_broadband)) and $part_svc->part_export_usage) { my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill || 0; my $now = time; my $up_used = $cust_svc->attribute_since_sqlradacct($last_bill,$now,'AcctInputOctets'); my $down_used = $cust_svc->attribute_since_sqlradacct($last_bill,$now,'AcctOutputOctets'); %hash = ( %hash, 'seconds_used' => $cust_svc->seconds_since_sqlradacct($last_bill,$now), 'upbytes_used' => display_bytecount($up_used), 'downbytes_used' => display_bytecount($down_used), 'totalbytes_used' => display_bytecount($up_used + $down_used) ); $bytes_used_total{'seconds_used'} += $hash{'seconds_used'}; $bytes_used_total{'upbytes_used'} += $up_used; $bytes_used_total{'downbytes_used'} += $down_used; $bytes_used_total{'totalbytes_used'} += $up_used + $down_used; } if ( $svcdb eq 'svc_acct' ) { foreach (qw(username email finger seconds)) { $hash{$_} = $svc_x->$_; } if (!$hide_usage) { %hash = ( %hash, 'upbytes' => display_bytecount($svc_x->upbytes), 'downbytes' => display_bytecount($svc_x->downbytes), 'totalbytes' => display_bytecount($svc_x->totalbytes), 'recharge_amount' => $part_pkg->option('recharge_amount',1), 'recharge_seconds' => $part_pkg->option('recharge_seconds',1), 'recharge_upbytes' => display_bytecount($part_pkg->option('recharge_upbytes',1)), 'recharge_downbytes' => display_bytecount($part_pkg->option('recharge_downbytes',1)), 'recharge_totalbytes' => display_bytecount($part_pkg->option('recharge_totalbytes',1)), # more... ); } } elsif ( $svcdb eq 'svc_dsl' ) { $hash{'phonenum'} = $svc_x->phonenum; if ( $svc_x->first || $svc_x->get('last') || $svc_x->company ) { $hash{'name'} = $svc_x->first. ' '. $svc_x->get('last'); $hash{'name'} = $svc_x->company. ' ('. $hash{'name'}. ')' if $svc_x->company; } else { $hash{'name'} = $cust_main->name; } # no usage to hide here } elsif ( $svcdb eq 'svc_phone' or $svcdb eq 'svc_pbx' ) { if (!$hide_usage) { # could potentially show lots of things... $hash{'outbound'} = 1; $hash{'inbound'} = 0; if ( $svcdb eq 'svc_phone' ) { if ( $part_pkg->plan eq 'voip_inbound' ) { $hash{'outbound'} = 0; $hash{'inbound'} = 1; } elsif ( $part_pkg->option('selfservice_inbound_format') or $conf->config('selfservice-default_inbound_cdr_format') ) { $hash{'inbound'} = 1; } } foreach (qw(inbound outbound)) { # hmm...we can't filter by status here, because there might # not be cdr_terminations at all. have to go by date. # find all since the last bill date. # XXX cdr types? we are going to need them. if ( $hash{$_} ) { my $sum_cdr = $svc_x->sum_cdrs( 'inbound' => ( $_ eq 'inbound' ? 1 : 0 ), 'begin' => ($cust_pkg->last_bill || 0), 'nonzero' => 1, 'disable_charged_party' => 1, ); $hash{$_} = $sum_cdr->hashref; } } } # not hiding usage } # svcdb push @svcs, \%hash; } # foreach $cust_svc foreach my $field (keys %bytes_used_total) { if ($field =~ /bytes/) { $bytes_used_total{$field} = display_bytecount($bytes_used_total{$field}); } } return { 'svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'}, 'custnum' => $custnum, 'date_format' => $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y', 'view_usage_nodomain' => $conf->exists('selfservice-view_usage_nodomain'), 'svcs' => \@svcs, 'bytes_used_total' => \%bytes_used_total, 'usage_pools' => [ map { $usage_pools{$_} } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %usage_pools ], 'hide_usage' => $hide_usage, }; } sub _customer_svc_x { my($custnum, $svcnum, $table) = (shift, shift, shift); my $hashref = ref($svcnum) ? $svcnum : { 'svcnum' => $svcnum }; $custnum =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "illegal custnum"; my $search = " AND custnum = $1"; #$search .= " AND agentnum = ". $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; qsearchs( { 'table' => ($table || 'svc_acct'), 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '. 'LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) ',#. #'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ', 'hashref' => $hashref, 'extra_sql' => $search, #important } ); } sub svc_status_html { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; #XXX only svc_dsl for now my $svc_x = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_dsl') or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; my $html = $svc_x->getstatus_html; return { 'html' => $html }; } sub svc_status_hash { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; #XXX only svc_acct for now my $svc_x = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_acct') or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; my ( $html, $hashref ) = $svc_x->export_getstatus; return $hashref; } sub set_svc_status_hash { _svc_method_X(shift, 'export_setstatus') } sub set_svc_status_listadd { _svc_method_X(shift, 'export_setstatus_listadd') } sub set_svc_status_listdel { _svc_method_X(shift, 'export_setstatus_listdel') } sub set_svc_status_vacationadd { _svc_method_X(shift, 'export_setstatus_vacationadd') } sub set_svc_status_vacationdel { _svc_method_X(shift, 'export_setstatus_vacationdel') } sub _svc_method_X { my( $p, $method ) = @_; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; #XXX only svc_acct for now my $svc_x = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_acct') or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; warn "$method ". join(' / ', map "$_=>".$p->{$_}, keys %$p ) if $DEBUG; my $error = $svc_x->$method($p); #$p? returns error? return { 'error' => $error } if $error; return {}; #? { 'error' => '' } } sub acct_forward_info { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $svc_forward = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, { 'srcsvc' => $p->{'svcnum'} }, 'svc_forward', ) or return { 'error' => '', 'dst' => '', }; return { 'error' => '', 'dst' => $svc_forward->dst || $svc_forward->dstsvc_acct->email, }; } sub process_acct_forward { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $old = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, { 'srcsvc' => $p->{'svcnum'} }, 'svc_forward', ); if ( $p->{'dst'} eq '' ) { if ( $old ) { my $error = $old->delete; return { 'error' => $error }; } return { 'error' => '' }; } my $new = new FS::svc_forward { 'srcsvc' => $p->{'svcnum'}, 'dst' => $p->{'dst'}, }; my $error; if ( $old ) { $new->svcnum($old->svcnum); my $cust_svc = $old->cust_svc; $new->svcpart($old->svcpart); $new->pkgnuym($old->pkgnum); $error = $new->replace($old); } else { my $conf = new FS::Conf; $new->svcpart($conf->config('selfservice-svc_forward_svcpart')); my $svc_acct = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_acct' ) or return { 'error' => 'No service' }; #how would we even get here? $new->pkgnum( $svc_acct->cust_svc->pkgnum ); $error = $new->insert; } return { 'error' => $error }; } sub list_dsl_devices { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $svc_dsl = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_dsl' ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; return { 'devices' => [ map { +{ 'mac_addr' => $_->mac_addr }; } $svc_dsl->dsl_device ], }; } sub add_dsl_device { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $svc_dsl = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_dsl' ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; return { 'error' => 'No MAC address supplied' } unless length($p->{'mac_addr'}); my $dsl_device = new FS::dsl_device { 'svcnum' => $svc_dsl->svcnum, 'mac_addr' => scalar($p->{'mac_addr'}), }; my $error = $dsl_device->insert; return { 'error' => $error }; } sub delete_dsl_device { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $svc_dsl = _customer_svc_x( $custnum, $p->{'svcnum'}, 'svc_dsl' ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; my $dsl_device = qsearchs('dsl_device', { 'svcnum' => $svc_dsl->svcnum, 'mac_addr' => scalar($p->{'mac_addr'}), } ) or return { 'error' => 'Unknown MAC address: '. $p->{'mac_addr'} }; my $error = $dsl_device->delete; return { 'error' => $error }; } sub port_graph { my $p = shift; _usage_details( \&_port_graph, $p, 'svcdb' => 'svc_port', ); } sub _port_graph { my($svc_port, $begin, $end) = @_; my @usage = (); my $pngOrError = $svc_port->graph_png( start=>$begin, end=> $end ); push @usage, { 'png' => $pngOrError }; (@usage); } sub _list_svc_usage { my($svc_acct, $begin, $end) = @_; my @usage = (); foreach my $part_export ( map { qsearch ( 'part_export', { 'exporttype' => $_ } ) } qw( sqlradius sqlradius_withdomain ) ) { push @usage, @ { $part_export->usage_sessions($begin, $end, $svc_acct) }; } (@usage); } sub list_svc_usage { _usage_details(\&_list_svc_usage, @_); } sub _list_support_usage { my($svc_acct, $begin, $end) = @_; my @usage = (); foreach ( grep { $begin <= $_->_date && $_->_date <= $end } qsearch('acct_rt_transaction', { 'svcnum' => $svc_acct->svcnum }) ) { push @usage, { 'seconds' => $_->seconds, 'support' => $_->support, '_date' => $_->_date, 'id' => $_->transaction_id, 'creator' => $_->creator, 'subject' => $_->subject, 'status' => $_->status, 'ticketid' => $_->ticketid, }; } (@usage); } sub list_support_usage { _usage_details(\&_list_support_usage, @_); } sub _list_cdr_usage { # XXX CDR type support... # XXX any way to do a paged search on this? # we have to return the results all at once... my($svc_x, $begin, $end, %opt) = @_; map [ $_->downstream_csv(%opt, 'keeparray' => 1) ], $svc_x->get_cdrs( 'begin' => $begin, 'end' => $end, 'disable_charged_party' => 1, %opt ); } sub list_cdr_usage { my $p = shift; _usage_details( \&_list_cdr_usage, $p ); } sub _usage_details { my($callback, $p, %opt) = @_; my $conf = FS::Conf->new; if ( $conf->exists('selfservice_hide-usage') ) { return { 'error' => 'Viewing usage is not allowed.' }; } my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'svcnum' => $p->{'svcnum'} }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc', $search ); return { 'error' => 'No service selected in list_svc_usage' } unless $cust_svc; my $svc_x = $cust_svc->svc_x; my $svcdb = $svc_x->table; my $cust_pkg = $cust_svc->cust_pkg; my $freq = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->freq; my %callback_opt; my $header = []; if ( $svcdb eq 'svc_phone' or $svcdb eq 'svc_pbx' ) { my $format = ''; if ( $p->{inbound} ) { $format = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('selfservice_inbound_format') || $conf->config('selfservice-default_inbound_cdr_format') || 'source_default'; $callback_opt{inbound} = 1; } else { $format = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('selfservice_format') || $conf->config('selfservice-default_cdr_format') || 'default'; } $callback_opt{format} = $format; $callback_opt{use_clid} = 1; $header = [ split(',', FS::cdr::invoice_header($format) ) ]; } my $start = $cust_pkg->setup; #my $end = $cust_pkg->bill; # or time? my $end = time; unless ( $p->{beginning} ) { $p->{beginning} = $cust_pkg->last_bill; $p->{ending} = $end; } die "illegal beginning" if $p->{beginning} !~ /^\d*$/; die "illegal ending" if $p->{ending} !~ /^\d*$/; my (@usage) = &$callback($svc_x, $p->{beginning}, $p->{ending}, %callback_opt ); if ( $conf->exists('selfservice-hide_cdr_price') ) { # ugly kludge, I know my ($delete_col) = grep { $header->[$_] eq 'Price' } (0..scalar(@$header)); if (defined $delete_col) { delete($_->[$delete_col]) foreach ($header, @usage); } } #kinda false laziness with FS::cust_main::bill, but perhaps #we should really change this bit to DateTime and DateTime::Duration # #change this bit to use Date::Manip? CAREFUL with timezones (see # mailing list archive) my ($nsec,$nmin,$nhour,$nmday,$nmon,$nyear) = (localtime($p->{ending}) )[0,1,2,3,4,5]; my ($psec,$pmin,$phour,$pmday,$pmon,$pyear) = (localtime($p->{beginning}) )[0,1,2,3,4,5]; if ( $freq =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $nmon += $freq; until ( $nmon < 12 ) { $nmon -= 12; $nyear++; } $pmon -= $freq; until ( $pmon >= 0 ) { $pmon += 12; $pyear--; } } elsif ( $freq =~ /^(\d+)w$/ ) { my $weeks = $1; $nmday += $weeks * 7; $pmday -= $weeks * 7; } elsif ( $freq =~ /^(\d+)d$/ ) { my $days = $1; $nmday += $days; $pmday -= $days; } elsif ( $freq =~ /^(\d+)h$/ ) { my $hours = $1; $nhour += $hours; $phour -= $hours; } else { return { 'error' => "unparsable frequency: ". $freq }; } my $previous = timelocal_nocheck($psec,$pmin,$phour,$pmday,$pmon,$pyear); my $next = timelocal_nocheck($nsec,$nmin,$nhour,$nmday,$nmon,$nyear); { 'error' => '', 'svcnum' => $p->{svcnum}, 'beginning' => $p->{beginning}, 'ending' => $p->{ending}, 'inbound' => $p->{inbound}, 'previous' => ($previous > $start) ? $previous : $start, 'next' => ($next < $end) ? $next : $end, 'header' => $header, 'usage' => \@usage, }; } sub order_pkg { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $status = $cust_main->status; my %order_pkg_options = (); if ( $p->{locationnum} > 0 ) { $order_pkg_options{locationnum} = delete($p->{locationnum}); } elsif ( $p->{address1} ) { $order_pkg_options{'cust_location'} = new FS::cust_location { map { $_ => $p->{$_} } qw( address1 address2 city county state zip country ) }; } #false laziness w/ClientAPI/ my $cust_pkg = new FS::cust_pkg ( { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgpart' => $p->{'pkgpart'}, 'quantity' => $p->{'quantity'} || 1, } ); my $error = $cust_pkg->check; return { 'error' => $error } if $error; my @svc = (); unless ( $p->{'svcpart'} eq 'none' ) { my $svcdb; my $svcpart = ''; if ( $p->{'svcpart'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $svcpart = $1; my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc', { 'svcpart' => $svcpart } ); return { 'error' => "Unknown svcpart $svcpart" } unless $part_svc; $svcdb = $part_svc->svcdb; } else { $svcdb = 'svc_acct'; } $svcpart ||= $cust_pkg->part_pkg->svcpart($svcdb); my %fields = ( 'svc_acct' => [ qw( username domsvc _password sec_phrase popnum ) ], 'svc_domain' => [ qw( domain ) ], 'svc_phone' => [ qw( phonenum pin sip_password phone_name ) ], 'svc_external' => [ qw( id title ) ], 'svc_pbx' => [ qw( id title ) ], ); my $svc_x = "FS::$svcdb"->new( { 'svcpart' => $svcpart, map { $_ => $p->{$_} } @{$fields{$svcdb}} } ); if ( $svcdb eq 'svc_acct' && exists($p->{"snarf_machine1"}) ) { my @acct_snarf; my $snarfnum = 1; while ( length($p->{"snarf_machine$snarfnum"}) ) { my $acct_snarf = new FS::acct_snarf ( { 'machine' => $p->{"snarf_machine$snarfnum"}, 'protocol' => $p->{"snarf_protocol$snarfnum"}, 'username' => $p->{"snarf_username$snarfnum"}, '_password' => $p->{"snarf_password$snarfnum"}, } ); $snarfnum++; push @acct_snarf, $acct_snarf; } $svc_x->child_objects( \@acct_snarf ); } my $y = $svc_x->setdefault; # arguably should be in new method return { 'error' => $y } if $y && !ref($y); $error = $svc_x->check; return { 'error' => $error } if $error; push @svc, $svc_x; } $error = $cust_main->order_pkg( 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg, 'svcs' => \@svc, 'noexport' => 1, %order_pkg_options, ); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ( $conf->exists('signup_server-realtime') ) { my $bill_error = _do_bop_realtime( $cust_main, $status, 'collect'=>$p->{run_bill_events} ); if ($bill_error) { $cust_pkg->cancel('quiet'=>1); return $bill_error; } else { $cust_pkg->reexport; } } else { $cust_pkg->reexport; } my $svcnum = $svc[0] ? $svc[0]->svcnum : ''; return { error=>'', pkgnum=>$cust_pkg->pkgnum, svcnum=>$svcnum }; } sub change_pkg { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $immutable = $conf->exists('selfservice_immutable-package'); return { 'error' => "Package modification disabled" } if $immutable; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $status = $cust_main->status; my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $p->{pkgnum} } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown package $p->{pkgnum}" }; #if someone does need self-service package change of suspended packages, # figure out how to be more discriminating return { error=>"Can't change a suspended package", pkgnum=>$cust_pkg->pkgnum} if $cust_pkg->status eq 'suspended'; my $err_or_cust_pkg = $cust_pkg->change( 'pkgpart' => $p->{'pkgpart'}, 'quantity' => $p->{'quantity'} || 1, ); my $new_pkg = qsearchs('part_pkg', { 'pkgpart' => $p->{pkgpart} } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown package $p->{pkgpart}" }; return { error=>$err_or_cust_pkg, pkgnum=>$cust_pkg->pkgnum } unless ref($err_or_cust_pkg); if ( $conf->exists('signup_server-realtime') ) { my $bill_error = _do_bop_realtime( $cust_main, $status, 'no_invoice_void'=>1 ); if ($bill_error) { $err_or_cust_pkg->suspend; return $bill_error; } else { $err_or_cust_pkg->reexport; } } else { $err_or_cust_pkg->reexport; } return { error => '', pkg => $new_pkg->pkg, pkgnum => $err_or_cust_pkg->pkgnum }; } sub order_recharge { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $status = $cust_main->status; my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $p->{'svcnum'} } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown service " . $p->{'svcnum'} }; my $svc_x = $cust_svc->svc_x; my $part_pkg = $cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg; my %vhash = map { $_ =~ /^recharge_(.*)$/; $1, $part_pkg->option($_, 1) } qw ( recharge_seconds recharge_upbytes recharge_downbytes recharge_totalbytes ); my $amount = $part_pkg->option('recharge_amount', 1); my ($l, $v, $d) = $cust_svc->label; # blah my $pkg = "Recharge $v"; my $bill_error = $cust_main->charge($amount, $pkg, "time: $vhash{seconds}, up: $vhash{upbytes}," . "down: $vhash{downbytes}, total: $vhash{totalbytes}", $part_pkg->taxclass); #meh my $conf = new FS::Conf; if ( $conf->exists('signup_server-realtime') && !$bill_error ) { $bill_error = _do_bop_realtime( $cust_main, $status ); if ($bill_error) { return $bill_error; } else { my $error = $svc_x->recharge (\%vhash); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; } } else { my $error = $bill_error; $error ||= $svc_x->recharge (\%vhash); return { 'error' => $error } if $error; } return { error => '', svc => $cust_svc->part_svc->svc }; } sub _do_bop_realtime { my ($cust_main, $status, %opt) = @_; my $old_balance = $cust_main->balance; my @cust_bill; my $bill_error = $cust_main->bill( 'return_bill' => \@cust_bill, ); $bill_error ||= $cust_main->apply_payments_and_credits; $bill_error ||= $cust_main->realtime_collect('selfservice' => 1); if ( $cust_main->balance > $old_balance && $cust_main->balance > 0 && ( $cust_main->has_cust_payby_auto || $status eq 'suspended' ) ) { unless ( $opt{'no_invoice_void'} ) { #this used to apply a credit, but now we can void invoices... foreach my $cust_bill (@cust_bill) { my $voiderror = $cust_bill->void('automatic payment failed'); warn "Error voiding cust bill after decline: $voiderror" if $voiderror; } } return { 'error' => '_decline', 'bill_error' => $bill_error }; } if ( $opt{'collect'} ) { my $collect_error = $cust_main->collect(); return { 'error' => '_decline', 'bill_error' => $collect_error } if $collect_error; #? } ''; } sub renew_info { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my @cust_pkg = sort { $a->bill <=> $b->bill } grep { $_->part_pkg->freq ne '0' } $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs; #return { 'error' => 'No active packages to renew.' } unless @cust_pkg; my $total = $cust_main->balance; my @array = map { my $bill = $_->bill; $total += $_->part_pkg->base_recur($_, \$bill); my $renew_date = $_->part_pkg->add_freq($_->bill); { 'pkgnum' => $_->pkgnum, 'amount' => sprintf('%.2f', $total), 'bill_date' => $_->bill, 'bill_date_pretty' => time2str('%x', $_->bill), 'renew_date' => $renew_date, 'renew_date_pretty' => time2str('%x', $renew_date), 'expire_date' => $_->expire, 'expire_date_pretty' => time2str('%x', $_->expire), }; } @cust_pkg; return { 'dates' => \@array }; } sub payment_info_renew_info { my $p = shift; my $renew_info = renew_info($p); my $payment_info = payment_info($p); return { %$renew_info, %$payment_info, }; } sub order_renew { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $date = $p->{'date'}; my $now = time; #freeside-daily -n -d $date fs_daily $custnum $cust_main->bill_and_collect( 'time' => $date, 'invoice_time' => $now, 'actual_time' => $now, 'check_freq' => '1d', ); return { 'error' => '' }; } sub suspend_pkg { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $reasonnum = $conf->config('selfservice-self_suspend_reason', $cust_main->agentnum) or return { 'error' => 'Permission denied' }; my $pkgnum = $p->{'pkgnum'}; my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown pkgnum $pkgnum" }; my $error = $cust_pkg->suspend(reason => $reasonnum); return { 'error' => $error }; } sub cancel_pkg { my $p = shift; my $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $pkgnum = $p->{'pkgnum'}; my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown pkgnum $pkgnum" }; my $error = $cust_pkg->cancel( 'quiet' => 1, 'date' => $p->{'date'}, ); return { 'error' => $error }; } sub provision_phone { my $p = shift; my @bulkdid; @bulkdid = @{$p->{'bulkdid'}} if $p->{'bulkdid'}; #editing an existing phone number if ( $p->{'svcnum'} && $p->{'svcnum'} =~ /^\d+$/ ) { my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $svc_phone = qsearchs('svc_phone', { svcnum => $p->{'svcnum'} }); return { 'error' => 'service not found' } unless $svc_phone; return { 'error' => 'invalid svcnum' } if $svc_phone && $svc_phone->cust_svc->cust_pkg->custnum != $custnum; $svc_phone->email($p->{'email'}) if $svc_phone->email ne $p->{'email'} && $p->{'email'} =~ /^([\w\.\d@]+|)$/; $svc_phone->forwarddst($p->{'forwarddst'}) if $svc_phone->forwarddst ne $p->{'forwarddst'} && $p->{'forwarddst'} =~ /^(\d+|)$/; return { 'error' => $svc_phone->replace }; } # single DID LNP unless ( $p->{'lnp'} ) { $p->{'lnp_desired_due_date'} = parse_datetime($p->{'lnp_desired_due_date'}); $p->{'lnp_status'} = "portingin"; return _provision( 'FS::svc_phone', [qw(lnp_desired_due_date lnp_other_provider lnp_other_provider_account phonenum countrycode lnp_status)], [qw(phonenum countrycode)], $p, @_ ); } # single DID order (the usual case) unless (scalar(@bulkdid)) { return _provision( 'FS::svc_phone', [qw(phonenum countrycode)], [qw(phonenum countrycode)], $p, @_ ); } # bulk DID order case my $error; foreach my $did ( @bulkdid ) { $did =~ s/[^0-9]//g; $error = _provision( 'FS::svc_phone', [qw(phonenum countrycode)], [qw(phonenum countrycode)], { 'pkgnum' => $p->{'pkgnum'}, 'svcpart' => $p->{'svcpart'}, 'phonenum' => $did, 'countrycode' => $p->{'countrycode'}, 'session_id' => $p->{'session_id'}, } ); return $error if ($error->{'error'} && length($error->{'error'}) > 1); } { 'bulkdid' => [ @bulkdid ], 'svc' => $error->{'svc'} } } sub provision_pbx { my $p = shift; warn "provision_pbx called\n" if $DEBUG; warn "provision_pbx calling _provision\n" if $DEBUG; _provision( 'FS::svc_pbx', [qw(id title max_extensions max_simultaneous ip_addr)], [qw(id title max_extensions max_simultaneous ip_addr)], $p, @_ ); } sub provision_acct { my $p = shift; warn "provision_acct called\n" if $DEBUG; return { 'error' => gettext('passwords_dont_match') } if $p->{'_password'} ne $p->{'_password2'}; return { 'error' => gettext('empty_password') } unless length($p->{'_password'}); if ($p->{'domsvc'}) { my %domains = domain_select_hash FS::svc_acct(map { $_ => $p->{$_} } qw ( svcpart pkgnum ) ); return { 'error' => gettext('invalid_domain') } unless ($domains{$p->{'domsvc'}}); } warn "provision_acct calling _provision\n" if $DEBUG; _provision( 'FS::svc_acct', [qw(username _password domsvc)], [qw(username _password domsvc)], $p, @_ ); } sub provision_external { my $p = shift; #_provision( 'FS::svc_external', [qw(id title)], [qw(id title)], $p, @_ ); _provision( 'FS::svc_external', [], [qw(id title)], $p, @_ ); } sub provision_forward { my $p = shift; _provision( 'FS::svc_forward', ['srcsvc','src','dstsvc','dst'], [], $p, ); } sub _provision { my( $class, $fields, $return_fields, $p ) = splice(@_, 0, 4); warn "_provision called for $class\n" if $DEBUG; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $pkgnum = $p->{'pkgnum'}; warn "searching for custnum $custnum pkgnum $pkgnum\n" if $DEBUG; my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown pkgnum $pkgnum" }; warn "searching for svcpart ". $p->{'svcpart'}. "\n" if $DEBUG; my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc', { 'svcpart' => $p->{'svcpart'} } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown svcpart $p->{'svcpart'}" }; return { error=> 'svcpart '. $p->{'svcpart'}. " is not a $class definition" } if $class ne 'FS::'. $part_svc->svcdb; warn "creating $class record\n" if $DEBUG; my $svc_x = $class->new( { 'pkgnum' => $p->{'pkgnum'}, 'svcpart' => $p->{'svcpart'}, map { $_ => $p->{$_} } @$fields } ); my %insert_args = (); #i shouldn't be a special case here (pass an option or something) if ( $class eq 'FS::svc_phone' && grep length($p->{$_}), @location_editable_fields ) { $insert_args{'cust_location'} = new FS::cust_location { map { $_ => $p->{$_} } @location_editable_fields }; } warn "inserting $class record\n" if $DEBUG; my $error = $svc_x->insert(%insert_args); unless ( $error ) { warn "finding inserted record for svcnum ". $svc_x->svcnum. "\n" if $DEBUG; $svc_x = qsearchs($svc_x->table, { 'svcnum' => $svc_x->svcnum }) } my $return = { 'svc' => $part_svc->svc, 'error' => $error, map { $_ => $svc_x->get($_) } @$return_fields }; warn "_provision returning ". Dumper($return). "\n" if $DEBUG; return $return; } sub part_svc_info { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $pkgnum = $p->{'pkgnum'}; my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown pkgnum $pkgnum" }; my $svcpart = $p->{'svcpart'}; my $pkg_svc = qsearchs('pkg_svc', { 'pkgpart' => $cust_pkg->pkgpart, 'svcpart' => $svcpart, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown svcpart $svcpart for pkgnum $pkgnum" }; my $part_svc = $pkg_svc->part_svc; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $ret = { 'svc' => $part_svc->svc, 'svcdb' => $part_svc->svcdb, 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum, 'svcpart' => $svcpart, 'custnum' => $custnum, 'security_phrase' => 0, #XXX ! 'svc_acct_pop' => [], #XXX ! 'popnum' => '', 'init_popstate' => '', 'popac' => '', 'acstate' => '', 'small_custview' => small_custview( $cust_main, $conf->config('countrydefault') ), }; if ($p->{'svcnum'} && $p->{'svcnum'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $ret->{'svcdb'} eq 'svc_phone') { $ret->{'svcnum'} = $p->{'svcnum'}; my $svc_phone = qsearchs('svc_phone', { svcnum => $p->{'svcnum'} }); if ( $svc_phone && $svc_phone->cust_svc->cust_pkg->custnum == $custnum ) { $ret->{'email'} = $svc_phone->email; $ret->{'forwarddst'} = $svc_phone->forwarddst; } } if ($ret->{'svcdb'} eq 'svc_forward') { $ret->{'forward_emails'} = {$cust_pkg->forward_emails()}; } $ret; } sub unprovision_svc { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; my $svcnum = $p->{'svcnum'}; my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum, } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown svcnum $svcnum" }; return { 'error' => "Service $svcnum does not belong to customer $custnum" } unless $cust_svc->cust_pkg->custnum == $custnum; my $conf = new FS::Conf; return { 'svc' => $cust_svc->part_svc->svc, 'error' => $cust_svc->cancel, 'small_custview' => small_custview( $cust_main, $conf->config('countrydefault') ), }; } sub myaccount_passwd { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; return { 'error' => "New passwords don't match." } if $p->{'new_password'} ne $p->{'new_password2'}; return { 'error' => 'Enter new password' } unless length($p->{'new_password'}); #my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; #$search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; $custnum =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "illegal custnum"; my $search = " AND custnum = $1"; $search .= " AND agentnum = ". $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $svc_acct = qsearchs( { 'table' => 'svc_acct', 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '. 'LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '. 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ', 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $p->{'svcnum'}, }, 'extra_sql' => $search, #important } ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; my $error = ''; my $conf = new FS::Conf; return { 'error' => 'Incorrect current password.' } if ( exists($p->{'old_password'}) || $conf->exists('selfservice-password_change_oldpass') ) && ! $svc_acct->check_password($p->{'old_password'}); $error ||= $svc_acct->is_password_allowed($p->{'new_password'}) || $svc_acct->set_password($p->{'new_password'}) || $svc_acct->replace(); #regular pw change in self-service should change contact pw too, otherwise its #way too confusing. hell its confusing they're separate at all, but alas. #need to support the "ISP provides email that's used as a contact email" case #as well as we can. my $contact = FS::contact->by_selfservice_email($svc_acct->email); if ( $contact && qsearchs('cust_contact', { contactnum=> $contact->contactnum, custnum => $custnum, selfservice_access => 'Y', } ) ) { #svc_acct was successful but this one returns an error? "shouldn't happen" #don't recheck is_password_allowed here; if the svc_acct password was #legal, that's good enough $error ||= $contact->change_password($p->{'new_password'}); } my($label, $value) = $svc_acct->cust_svc->label; return { 'error' => $error, 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value, }; } sub reset_passwd { my $p = shift; my $info = skin_info($p); my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $verification = $conf->config('selfservice-password_reset_verification') or return { %$info, 'error' => 'Password resets disabled' }; my $contact = ''; my $svc_acct = ''; my $cust_main = ''; if ( $p->{'email'} ) { #new-style, changes contact and svc_acct $contact = FS::contact->by_selfservice_email($p->{'email'}); if ( $contact ) { my @cust_contact = grep $_->selfservice_access, $contact->cust_contact; $cust_main = $cust_contact[0]->cust_main if scalar(@cust_contact) == 1; } #also look for an svc_acct, otherwise it would be super confusing my($username, $domain) = split('@', $p->{'email'}); my $svc_domain = qsearchs('svc_domain', { 'domain' => $domain } ); if ( $svc_domain ) { $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'username' => $username, 'domsvc' => $svc_domain->svcnum } ); if ( $svc_acct ) { my $cust_pkg = $svc_acct->cust_svc->cust_pkg; $cust_main ||= $cust_pkg->cust_main if $cust_pkg; #precaution: don't change svc_acct password not part of the same # customer as contact $svc_acct = '' if ! $cust_pkg || $cust_pkg->custnum != $cust_main->custnum; } } return { %$info, 'error' => 'Email address not found' } unless $contact || $svc_acct; } elsif ( $p->{'username'} ) { #old style, looks in svc_acct only my $svc_domain = qsearchs('svc_domain', { 'domain' => $p->{'domain'} } ) or return { %$info, 'error' => 'Account not found' }; $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'username' => $p->{'username'}, 'domsvc' => $svc_domain->svcnum } ) or return { %$info, 'error' => 'Account not found' }; my $cust_pkg = $svc_acct->cust_svc->cust_pkg or return { %$info, 'error' => 'Account not found' }; $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main; } return { %$info, 'error' => 'Multi-customer contacts incompatible with customer-based verification' } if ! $cust_main && $verification ne 'email'; my %verify = ( 'email' => sub { 1; }, 'paymask' => sub { my( $p, $cust_main ) = @_; $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD|CHEK|DCHK)$/ && $p->{'paymask'} eq substr($cust_main->paymask, -4) }, 'amount' => sub { my( $p, $cust_main ) = @_; my $cust_pay = qsearchs({ 'table' => 'cust_pay', 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum }, 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY _date DESC LIMIT 1', }) or return 0; $p->{'amount'} == $cust_pay->paid; }, 'zip' => sub { my( $p, $cust_main ) = @_; $p->{'zip'} eq $cust_main->zip || ( $cust_main->ship_zip && $p->{'zip'} eq $cust_main->ship_zip ); }, ); foreach my $verify ( split(',', $verification) ) { &{ $verify{$verify} }( $p, $cust_main ) or return { %$info, 'error' => 'Account not found' }; } #okay, we're verified if ( $contact ) { my $error = $contact->send_reset_email( 'svcnum' => ($svc_acct ? $svc_acct->svcnum : ''), ); if ( $error ) { return { %$info, 'error' => $error }; #???? } } elsif ( $svc_acct ) { #create a unique session my $reset_session = { 'svcnum' => $svc_acct->svcnum, 'agentnum' => $svc_acct->cust_main->agentnum, }; my $timeout = '1 hour'; #? my $reset_session_id; do { $reset_session_id = sha512_hex(time(). {}. rand(). $$) } until ( ! defined _cache->get("reset_passwd_$reset_session_id") ); #just in case _cache->set( "reset_passwd_$reset_session_id", $reset_session, $timeout ); #email it my $msgnum = $conf->config('selfservice-password_reset_msgnum', $cust_main->agentnum); #die "selfservice-password_reset_msgnum unset" unless $msgnum; return { %$info, 'error' => "selfservice-password_reset_msgnum unset" } unless $msgnum; my $msg_template = qsearchs('msg_template', { msgnum => $msgnum } ); my $error = $msg_template->send( 'cust_main' => $cust_main, 'object' => $svc_acct, 'substitutions' => { 'session_id' => $reset_session_id, } ); if ( $error ) { return { %$info, 'error' => $error }; #???? } } return { %$info, 'error' => '' }; } sub check_reset_passwd { my $p = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $verification = $conf->config('selfservice-password_reset_verification') or return { 'error' => 'Password resets disabled' }; my $reset_session = _cache->get('reset_passwd_'. $p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message if ( $reset_session->{'svcnum'} ) { my $svcnum = $reset_session->{'svcnum'}; my $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; $p->{'agentnum'} = $svc_acct->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main->agentnum; my $info = skin_info($p); return { %$info, 'error' => '', 'session_id' => $p->{'session_id'}, 'username' => $svc_acct->username, }; } elsif ( $reset_session->{'contactnum'} ) { my $contactnum = $reset_session->{'contactnum'}; my $contact = qsearchs('contact', { 'contactnum' => $contactnum } ) or return { 'error' => "Contact not found" }; my @contact_email = $contact->contact_email; return { 'error' => 'No contact email' } unless @contact_email; my @cust_contact = grep $_->selfservice_access, $contact->cust_contact; $p->{'agentnum'} = $cust_contact[0]->cust_main->agentnum if scalar(@cust_contact) == 1; my $info = skin_info($p); return { %$info, 'error' => '', 'session_id' => $p->{'session_id'}, 'email' => $contact_email[0]->email, #the first? }; } else { return { 'error' => 'No svcnum or contactnum in session' }; #?? } } sub process_reset_passwd { my $p = shift; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $verification = $conf->config('selfservice-password_reset_verification') or return { 'error' => 'Password resets disabled' }; my $reset_session = _cache->get('reset_passwd_'. $p->{'session_id'}) or return { 'error' => "Can't resume session" }; #better error message my $info = ''; my $svc_acct = ''; if ( $reset_session->{'svcnum'} ) { my $svcnum = $reset_session->{'svcnum'}; $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } ) or return { 'error' => "Service not found" }; $p->{'agentnum'} ||= $svc_acct->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main->agentnum; $info ||= skin_info($p); } my $contact = ''; if ( $reset_session->{'contactnum'} ) { my $contactnum = $reset_session->{'contactnum'}; $contact = qsearchs('contact', { 'contactnum' => $contactnum } ) or return { 'error' => "Contact not found" }; my @cust_contact = grep $_->selfservice_access, $contact->cust_contact; $p->{'agentnum'} = $cust_contact[0]->cust_main->agentnum if scalar(@cust_contact) == 1; $info ||= skin_info($p); } return { %$info, 'error' => "New passwords don't match." } if $p->{'new_password'} ne $p->{'new_password2'}; return { %$info, 'error' => 'Enter new password' } unless length($p->{'new_password'}); if ( $svc_acct ) { my $error ||= $svc_acct->is_password_allowed($p->{'new_password'}) || $svc_acct->set_password($p->{'new_password'}) || $svc_acct->replace(); return { %$info, 'error' => $error } if $error; #my($label, $value) = $svc_acct->cust_svc->label; #return { 'error' => $error, # #'label' => $label, # #'value' => $value, # }; } if ( $contact ) { my $error = $contact->is_password_allowed($p->{'new_password'}) || $contact->change_password($p->{'new_password'}); return { %$info, 'error' => $error }; # if $error; } #password changed ,so remove session, don't want it reused _cache->remove($p->{'session_id'}); return { %$info, 'error' => '' }; } sub validate_passwd { my $p = shift; my %result; %result = ( 'fieldid' => $p->{'fieldid'} ) if $p->{'fieldid'} =~ /^\w+$/; return { %result, 'password_invalid' => 'Enter new password' } unless length($p->{'check_password'}); my $svc_acct; if ($p->{'svcnum'}) { # false laziness with myaccount_passwd my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { %result, 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; $custnum =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "illegal custnum"; my $search = " AND custnum = $1"; $search .= " AND agentnum = ". $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; $svc_acct = qsearchs( { 'table' => 'svc_acct', 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '. 'LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '. 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ', 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $p->{'svcnum'}, }, 'extra_sql' => $search, #important } ) or return { %result, 'error' => "Service not found" }; # end false laziness } $svc_acct ||= new FS::svc_acct {}; my $error = $svc_acct->is_password_allowed($p->{'check_password'}); return { %result, 'password_invalid' => $error } if $error; return { %result, 'password_valid' => 1 }; } sub list_tickets { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; my @tickets = (); if ( $session->{'pkgnum'} ) { #tickets for specific service with pkg-balances on my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'custnum' => $custnum, 'pkgnum' => $session->{'pkgnum'} }) or return { 'error' => 'unknown package' }; foreach my $cust_svc ( $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) { push @tickets, $cust_svc->tickets( $p->{status} ); } } else { my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; @tickets = $cust_main->tickets( $p->{status} ); } # unavoidable false laziness w/ httemplate/view/cust_main/tickets.html if ( $FS::TicketSystem::system && FS::TicketSystem->selfservice_priority ) { @tickets = grep { $_->{'_selfservice_priority'} !~ /^\s*(closed?|resolved?|done)\s*/i } @tickets; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $dir = $conf->exists('ticket_system-priority_reverse') ? -1 : 1; +{ tickets => [ sort { ( ($a->{'_selfservice_priority'} eq '') <=> ($b->{'_selfservice_priority'} eq '') ) || ( $dir * ($b->{'_selfservice_priority'} <=> $a->{'_selfservice_priority'}) ) } @tickets ] }; } else { +{ tickets => \@tickets }; } } sub create_ticket { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; warn "$me create_ticket: initializing ticket system\n" if $DEBUG; FS::TicketSystem->init(); my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $queue = $p->{'queue'} || $conf->config('ticket_system-selfservice_queueid') || $conf->config('ticket_system-default_queueid'); warn "$me create_ticket: creating ticket\n" if $DEBUG; my $err_or_ticket = FS::TicketSystem->create_ticket( '', #create RT session based on FS CurrentUser (fs_selfservice) 'queue' => $queue, 'custnum' => $custnum, 'svcnum' => $session->{'svcnum'}, map { $_ => $p->{$_} } qw( requestor cc subject message mime_type ) ); if ( ref($err_or_ticket) ) { warn "$me create_ticket: successful: ". $err_or_ticket->id. "\n" if $DEBUG; return { 'error' => '', 'ticket_id' => $err_or_ticket->id, }; } else { warn "$me create_ticket: unsuccessful: $err_or_ticket\n" if $DEBUG; return { 'error' => $err_or_ticket }; } } sub did_report { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; return { error => 'requested format not implemented' } unless ($p->{'format'} eq 'csv' || $p->{'format'} eq 'xls'); my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $age_threshold = 0; $age_threshold = time() - $conf->config('selfservice-recent-did-age') if ($p->{'recentonly'} && $conf->exists('selfservice-recent-did-age')); my $search = { 'custnum' => $custnum }; $search->{'agentnum'} = $session->{'agentnum'} if $context eq 'agent'; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', $search ) or return { 'error' => "unknown custnum $custnum" }; # does it make more sense to just run one sql query for this instead of all the # insanity below? would increase performance greately for large data sets? my @svc_phone = (); foreach my $cust_pkg ( $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs ) { my @part_svc = $cust_pkg->part_svc; foreach my $part_svc ( @part_svc ) { if($part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_phone'){ my @cust_pkg_svc = @{$part_svc->cust_pkg_svc}; foreach my $cust_pkg_svc ( @cust_pkg_svc ) { push @svc_phone, $cust_pkg_svc->svc_x if $cust_pkg_svc->date_inserted >= $age_threshold; } } } } my $csv; my $xls; my($xls_r,$xls_c) = (0,0); my $xls_workbook; my $content = ''; my @fields = qw( countrycode phonenum pin sip_password phone_name ); if($p->{'format'} eq 'csv') { $csv = new Text::CSV_XS { 'always_quote' => 1, 'eol' => "\n", }; return { 'error' => 'Unable to create CSV' } unless $csv->combine(@fields); $content .= $csv->string; } elsif($p->{'format'} eq 'xls') { my $XLS1 = new IO::Scalar \$content; $xls_workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($XLS1) or return { 'error' => "Error opening .xls file: $!" }; $xls = $xls_workbook->add_worksheet('DIDs'); foreach ( @fields ) { $xls->write(0,$xls_c++,$_); } $xls_r++; } foreach my $svc_phone ( @svc_phone ) { my @cols = map { $svc_phone->$_ } @fields; if($p->{'format'} eq 'csv') { return { 'error' => 'Unable to create CSV' } unless $csv->combine(@cols); $content .= $csv->string; } elsif($p->{'format'} eq 'xls') { $xls_c = 0; foreach ( @cols ) { $xls->write($xls_r,$xls_c++,$_); } $xls_r++; } } $xls_workbook->close() if $p->{'format'} eq 'xls'; { content => $content, format => $p->{'format'}, }; } sub get_ticket { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; # warn "$me get_ticket: initializing ticket system\n" if $DEBUG; # FS::TicketSystem->init(); # return { 'error' => 'get_ticket configuration error' } # if $FS::TicketSystem::system ne 'RT_Internal'; # check existence and ownership as part of this warn "$me get_ticket: fetching ticket\n" if $DEBUG; my $rt_session = FS::TicketSystem->session(''); my $Ticket = FS::TicketSystem->get_ticket_object( $rt_session, ticket_id => $p->{'ticket_id'}, custnum => $custnum ); return { 'error' => 'ticket not found' } if !$Ticket; if ( length( $p->{'subject'} || '' ) ) { # subject change if ( $p->{'subject'} ne $Ticket->Subject ) { my ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->SetSubject($p->{'subject'}); return { 'error' => "unable to set subject: $msg" } if !$val; } } if(length($p->{'reply'})) { my @err_or_res = FS::TicketSystem->correspond_ticket( $rt_session, 'ticket_id' => $p->{'ticket_id'}, 'content' => $p->{'reply'}, ); return { 'error' => 'unable to reply to ticket' } unless ( $err_or_res[0] != 0 && defined $err_or_res[2] ); } warn "$me get_ticket: getting ticket history\n" if $DEBUG; my $err_or_ticket = FS::TicketSystem->get_ticket( $rt_session, 'ticket_id' => $p->{'ticket_id'}, ); if ( !ref($err_or_ticket) ) { # there is no way this should ever happen warn "$me get_ticket: unsuccessful: $err_or_ticket\n" if $DEBUG; return { 'error' => $err_or_ticket }; } my @custs = @{$err_or_ticket->{'custs'}}; my @txns = @{$err_or_ticket->{'txns'}}; my @filtered_txns; # superseded by check in get_ticket_object #return { 'error' => 'invalid ticket requested' } #unless grep($_ eq $custnum, @custs); foreach my $txn ( @txns ) { push @filtered_txns, $txn if ($txn->{'type'} eq 'EmailRecord' || $txn->{'type'} eq 'Correspond' || $txn->{'type'} eq 'Create'); } warn "$me get_ticket: successful: \n" if $DEBUG; return { 'error' => '', 'transactions' => \@filtered_txns, 'ticket_fields' => $err_or_ticket->{'fields'}, 'ticket_id' => $p->{'ticket_id'}, }; } sub adjust_ticket_priority { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum) = _custoragent_session_custnum($p); return { 'error' => $session } if $context eq 'error'; # warn "$me adjust_ticket_priority: initializing ticket system\n" if $DEBUG; # FS::TicketSystem->init; my $ss_priority = FS::TicketSystem->selfservice_priority; return { 'error' => 'adjust_ticket_priority configuration error' } if $FS::TicketSystem::system ne 'RT_Internal' or !$ss_priority; my $values = $p->{'values'}; #hashref, id => priority value my %ticket_error; foreach my $id (keys %$values) { warn "$me adjust_ticket_priority: fetching ticket $id\n" if $DEBUG; my $Ticket = FS::TicketSystem->get_ticket_object('', 'ticket_id' => $id, 'custnum' => $custnum, ); if ( !$Ticket ) { $ticket_error{$id} = 'ticket not found'; next; } # RT API stuff--would we gain anything by wrapping this in FS::TicketSystem? # We're not going to implement it for RT_External. my $old_value = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue($ss_priority); my $new_value = $values->{$id}; next if $old_value eq $new_value; warn "$me adjust_ticket_priority: updating ticket $id\n" if $DEBUG; # AddCustomFieldValue works fine (replacing any existing value) if it's # a single-valued custom field, which it should be. If it's not, you're # doing something wrong. my ($val, $msg); if ( length($new_value) ) { ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => $ss_priority, Value => $new_value, ); } else { ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue( Field => $ss_priority, Value => $old_value, ); } $ticket_error{$id} = $msg if !$val; warn "$me adjust_ticket_priority: $id: $msg\n" if $DEBUG and !$val; } return { 'error' => '', 'ticket_error' => \%ticket_error, %{ customer_info($p) } # send updated customer info back } } #-- sub _custoragent_session_custnum { my $p = shift; my($context, $session, $custnum); if ( $p->{'session_id'} ) { $context = 'customer'; $session = _cache->get($p->{'session_id'}) or return ( 'error' => "Can't resume session" ); #better error message $custnum = $session->{'custnum'}; } elsif ( $p->{'agent_session_id'} ) { $context = 'agent'; my $agent_cache = new FS::ClientAPI_SessionCache( { 'namespace' => 'FS::ClientAPI::Agent', } ); $session = $agent_cache->get($p->{'agent_session_id'}) or return ( 'error' => "Can't resume session" ); #better error message $custnum = $p->{'custnum'}; } else { $context = 'error'; return ( 'error' => "Can't resume session" ); #better error message } ($context, $session, $custnum); } 1;