package FS::CGI; use strict; use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK @ISA); use Exporter; use CGI; use URI::URL; #use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use FS::UID; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(header menubar idiot eidiot popurl rooturl table itable ntable small_custview myexit http_header); =head1 NAME FS::CGI - Subroutines for the web interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use FS::CGI qw(header menubar idiot eidiot popurl); print header( 'Title', '' ); print header( 'Title', menubar('item', 'URL', ... ) ); idiot "error message"; eidiot "error message"; $url = popurl; #returns current url $url = popurl(3); #three levels up =head1 DESCRIPTION Provides a few common subroutines for the web interface. =head1 SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item header TITLE, MENUBAR Returns an HTML header. =cut sub header { use Carp; carp 'FS::CGI::header deprecated; include /elements/header.html instead'; my($title,$menubar,$etc)=@_; #$etc is for things like onLoad= etc. $etc = '' unless defined $etc; my $x = < $title

END $x .= $menubar. "

" if $menubar; $x; } =item http_header Sets an http header. =cut sub http_header { my ( $header, $value ) = @_; if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL}) { if ( defined $HTML::Mason::Commands::r ) { #Mason ## is this the correct pacakge for $r ??? for 1.0x and 1.1x ? if ( $header =~ /^Content-Type$/ ) { $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->content_type($value); } else { $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->header_out( $header => $value ); } } else { die "http_header called in unknown environment"; } } else { die "http_header called not running under mod_perl"; } } =item menubar ITEM, URL, ... Returns an HTML menubar. =cut sub menubar { #$menubar=menubar('Main Menu', '../', 'Item', 'url', ... ); use Carp; carp 'FS::CGI::menubar deprecated; include /elements/menubar.html instead'; my($item,$url,@html); while (@_) { ($item,$url)=splice(@_,0,2); next if $item =~ /^\s*Main\s+Menu\s*$/i; push @html, qq!$item!; } join(' | ',@html); } =item idiot ERROR This is depriciated. Don't use it. Sends an HTML error message. =cut sub idiot { #warn "idiot depriciated"; my($error)=@_; # my $cgi = &FS::UID::cgi(); # if ( $cgi->isa('CGI::Base') ) { # no strict 'subs'; # &CGI::Base::SendHeaders; # } else { # print $cgi->header( @FS::CGI::header ); # } print < Error processing your request

Error processing your request

Your request could not be processed because of the following error:

$error END } =item eidiot ERROR This is depriciated. Don't use it. Sends an HTML error message, then exits. =cut sub eidiot { warn "eidiot depriciated"; $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->send_http_header if defined $HTML::Mason::Commands::r; idiot(@_); &myexit(); } =item myexit You probably shouldn't use this; but if you must: If running under mod_perl, calles Apache::exit, otherwise, calls exit. =cut sub myexit { if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL}) { if ( defined $HTML::Mason::Commands::m ) { #Mason #$HTML::Mason::Commands::m->flush_buffer(); $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->abort(); die "shouldn't fall through to here (mason \$m->abort didn't)"; } else { #??? well, it is $ENV{MOD_PERL} warn "running under unknown mod_perl environment; trying Apache::exit()"; require Apache; Apache::exit(); } } else { exit; } } =item popurl LEVEL Returns current URL with LEVEL levels of path removed from the end (default 0). =cut sub popurl { my($up)=@_; my $cgi = &FS::UID::cgi; my $url_string = $cgi->isa('Apache') ? $cgi->uri : $cgi->url; $url_string =~ s/\?.*//; my $url = new URI::URL ( $url_string ); my(@path)=$url->path_components; splice @path, 0-$up; $url->path_components(@path); my $x = $url->as_string; $x .= '/' unless $x =~ /\/$/; $x; } =item rooturl =cut sub rooturl { # better to start with the client-provided URL my $cgi = &FS::UID::cgi; my $url_string = $cgi->isa('Apache') ? $cgi->uri : $cgi->url; $url_string =~ s/\?.*//; #even though this is kludgy $url_string =~ s{ / index\.html /? $ } {/}x; $url_string =~ s{ / (browse|config|docs|edit|graph|misc|search|view|pref|rt|elements) / (process/)? ([\w\-\.\/]+) $ } {}x; #elements because of progress-popup.html... #XXX remove anything from elements that is called directly & prevent #those pages from being served up $url_string .= '/' unless $url_string =~ /\/$/; $url_string; } =item table Returns HTML tag for beginning a table. =cut sub table { use Carp; carp 'FS::CGI::table deprecated; include /elements/table.html instead'; my $col = shift; if ( $col ) { qq!!; } else { '
'; } } =item itable Returns HTML tag for beginning an (invisible) table. =cut sub itable { my $col = shift; my $cellspacing = shift || 0; my $width = ( scalar(@_) && shift ) ? '' : 'WIDTH="100%"'; #bah if ( $col ) { qq!
!; } else { qq!
!; } } =item ntable This is getting silly. =cut sub ntable { my $col = shift; my $cellspacing = shift || 0; if ( $col ) { qq!
!; } else { '
'; } } =item small_custview CUSTNUM || CUST_MAIN_OBJECT, COUNTRYDEFAULT, NOBALANCE_FLAG, URL Sheesh. I should just switch to Mason. =cut sub small_custview { use FS::Record qw(qsearchs); use FS::cust_main; my $arg = shift; my $countrydefault = shift || 'US'; my $nobalance = shift; my $url = shift; my $cust_main = ref($arg) ? $arg : qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $arg } ) or die "unknown custnum $arg"; my $html; $html = qq!View ' if $url; $html .= 'Customer #'. $cust_main->custnum. ''. ' - '. ucfirst($cust_main->status). ''. ntable('#e8e8e8'). '
'. ntable("#cccccc",2). '
'. $cust_main->getfield('last'). ', '. $cust_main->first. '
'; $html .= $cust_main->company. '
' if $cust_main->company; $html .= $cust_main->address1. '
'; $html .= $cust_main->address2. '
' if $cust_main->address2; $html .= $cust_main->city. ', '. $cust_main->state. ' '. $cust_main->zip. '
'; $html .= $cust_main->country. '
' if $cust_main->country && $cust_main->country ne $countrydefault; $html .= '
'; if ( $cust_main->daytime && $cust_main->night ) { use FS::Msgcat; $html .= ( FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime') || 'Day' ). ' '. $cust_main->daytime. '
'. ( FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night') || 'Night' ). ' '. $cust_main->night; } elsif ( $cust_main->daytime || $cust_main->night ) { $html .= $cust_main->daytime || $cust_main->night; } if ( $cust_main->fax ) { $html .= '
Fax '. $cust_main->fax; } $html .= '
'; if ( defined $cust_main->dbdef_table->column('ship_last') ) { my $pre = $cust_main->ship_last ? 'ship_' : ''; $html .= ''. ntable("#cccccc",2). 'Service
Address'. $cust_main->get("${pre}last"). ', '. $cust_main->get("${pre}first"). '
'; $html .= $cust_main->get("${pre}company"). '
' if $cust_main->get("${pre}company"); $html .= $cust_main->get("${pre}address1"). '
'; $html .= $cust_main->get("${pre}address2"). '
' if $cust_main->get("${pre}address2"); $html .= $cust_main->get("${pre}city"). ', '. $cust_main->get("${pre}state"). ' '. $cust_main->get("${pre}zip"). '
'; $html .= $cust_main->get("${pre}country"). '
' if $cust_main->get("${pre}country") && $cust_main->get("${pre}country") ne $countrydefault; $html .= ''; if ( $cust_main->get("${pre}daytime") && $cust_main->get("${pre}night") ) { use FS::Msgcat; $html .= ( FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime') || 'Day' ). ' '. $cust_main->get("${pre}daytime"). '
'. ( FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night') || 'Night' ). ' '. $cust_main->get("${pre}night"); } elsif ( $cust_main->get("${pre}daytime") || $cust_main->get("${pre}night") ) { $html .= $cust_main->get("${pre}daytime") || $cust_main->get("${pre}night"); } if ( $cust_main->get("${pre}fax") ) { $html .= '
Fax '. $cust_main->get("${pre}fax"); } $html .= ''; } $html .= ''; $html .= '
Balance: $'. $cust_main->balance. '
' unless $nobalance; # last payment might be good here too? $html; } =back =head1 BUGS Not OO. Not complete. small_custview sooooo doesn't belong here. i should just switch to Mason. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =cut 1;