Thanks to Matt Simerson of MichWeb Inc. for documentation and pre-release testing. Without his help the documentation in 1.0.0 release would have consisted of a single screenfull of text. Steve Cleff did the default background image in 1.0.x and is also the creator of Freeside's elusive mascot, Snakeman. Jerry St. Pierre did the "SISD" graphic used in 1.0.x and most of 1.1.x. Mark Norris of Urban Design, Inc. did the red "S" logo for later 1.1.x versions and 1.2.x Brian McCane? contributed PostgreSQL support, HTML style enhancements and many, many bugfixes. Cerkit contributed CompleteHOST, Inc. ( funded the development of the following Freeside features by contracting me for a custom billing system based on Freeside: - Multiple, separate databases and configurations on one box. - Per-customer pricing (custom packages) - Internationalization wrt addresses (cust_main, cust_main_county) Thanks! Mark Williamson and Roger Mangraviti contributed state/provence listings for Australia. Peter Wemm sent in a bunch of bugfixes for the 1.2 release. Everything else is my (Ivan Kohler ) fault.