path: root/FS
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-08-06communigate phase 3: archive messages, RT#7515ivan
2010-08-05add options to only process account records from a particular realm and to ig...jeff
2010-08-05error message in decline templates, RT#9507mark
2010-08-04show cust_pay_pending attempted payments on customer payment history, RT#8815ivan
2010-08-04fix scalar_sql not to return empty string for zeroivan
2010-08-04better serialization on debugging data, RT#7514ivan
2010-08-04better serialization on debugging data, RT#7514ivan
2010-08-04better serialization on debugging data, RT#7514ivan
2010-08-04better serialization on debugging data, RT#7514ivan
2010-08-04better serialization on debugging data, RT#7514ivan
2010-08-04better serialization on debugging data, RT#7514ivan
2010-08-03fix problem with expiring discounts, RT#6679ivan
2010-08-03customer view tab for an external info page, RT#8903mark
2010-08-03fix active customers sometimes showing in search results for new "ordered" st...ivan
2010-07-30fix warningmark
2010-07-30payment receipts use msg_template, RT#9060mark
2010-07-30fix typomark
2010-07-30fix error message to be more usefuljeff
2010-07-29add pkg_freq event condition, RT#8896mark
2010-07-28msg_template improvements, RT#8324mark
2010-07-28fix unnecessary warnings on upgrade of remote Pg RADIUS db, RT#9178ivan
2010-07-28fix unnecessary warnings on upgrade of remote Pg RADIUS db, RT#9178ivan
2010-07-28fix unnecessary warnings on upgrade of remote Pg RADIUS db, RT#9178ivan
2010-07-27fix fallout with original API usage, oops, RT#9334ivan
2010-07-27extend maestro status API for the multi-service scenario, RT#9334ivan
2010-07-27add test page for maestro status, RT#9381ivan
2010-07-25missing upgradejeff
2010-07-25limit memory use when upgrading attachmentsivan
2010-07-25proceed with upgrade even when N/A cards can't be recoveredivan
2010-07-25don't queue fuzzyfile upgrade jobs on otaker upgradeivan
2010-07-23put batch card numbers/masks in cust_pay so they can be refunded, patch from ...ivan
2010-07-23add EmptyTrash values and finish consolidating the CGP timezone arrays, RT#7083ivan
2010-07-23consolidate four CGP timezone arrays, RT#7083ivan
2010-07-23'View customers of all agents' doesn't mean create them, or upload inventory,...ivan
2010-07-22option to force default queue for new tickets in cust_main, RT#8889mark
2010-07-22allow Configuration ACL to edit templates, RT#8324ivan
2010-07-22cdr rating by day and time, part 2, RT#4763mark
2010-07-21fix calendar popup for weirdly named fields in RT, for the quotes around cust...ivan
2010-07-17customer tags, RT#9192ivan
2010-07-17customer tags, RT#9192ivan
2010-07-16customer tags, RT#9192ivan
2010-07-15customer tags, RT#9192ivan
2010-07-15add skip_dst_prefix option, RT#3288mark
2010-07-14include rate_detail->conn_sec in displayed duration #RT8605jeff
2010-07-13improve error handling on mass email jobs, RT#8720mark
2010-07-13Optional alternate rate plan when accountcode is toll free, RT#8084ivan
2010-07-13notices, RT#8324ivan
2010-07-13notices, RT#8324ivan
2010-07-12message templates, RT#8896ivan
2010-07-12message templates, RT#8896ivan