path: root/torrus/doc/devdoc/devdiscover.pod
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+# devdiscover.pod - Guide to devdiscover
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Shawn Ferry, Stanislav Sinyagin
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# $Id: devdiscover.pod,v 1.1 2010-12-27 00:04:36 ivan Exp $
+# Shawn Ferry <sferry at sevenspace dot com> <lalartu at obscure dot org>
+# Stanislav Sinyagin <>
+=head1 Torrus SNMP Device Discovery Developer's Guide
+=head2 C<devdiscover> overview
+C<devdiscover> is an extensible, module based, SNMP device discovery
+utility. It is intended to automatically generate Torrus configuration
+files, based on SNMP discovery results and templates.
+See I<Torrus Command Reference> for command usage and functionality overview.
+In general, C<devdiscover> consists of the following files and functional
+=over 4
+=item * C<bin/>
+This file is installed as C<bin/devdiscover> in Torrus installation directory,
+with certain variables substituted. The program provides all the commandline
+functionality and options processing. Once the CLI options are processed and
+verified, the control is passed to the C<Torrus::DevDiscover> object.
+=item * C<Torrus::DevDiscover>
+This Perl module is responsible for the SNMP discovery process organization:
+=over 8
+=item *
+it registers the discovery modules;
+=item *
+establishes an SNMP session to the target host;
+=item *
+initiates a new C<Torrus::DevDiscover::DevDetails> object for the target host;
+=item *
+stores the connection-specific parameters to the device object;
+=item *
+for each registered discovery module, executes C<checkdevtype()> in
+I<sequential> order;
+=item *
+for those discovery modules which paid interest in this target host,
+executes C<discover()> in I<sequential> order;
+=item *
+upon request from C<bin/devdiscover>, builds the configuration
+XML tree, by calling C<buildConfig()> in I<sequential> order for each
+relevant discovery module for each target host.
+=item * C<Torrus::DevDiscover::DevDetails>
+This Perl module is defined in F<perllib/Torrus/>, and provides
+the functionality to store the results of SNMP device discovery.
+=item * C<Torrus::ConfigBuilder>
+This module is an encapsulation wrapper for XML configuration builder.
+It provides methods for every element of Torrus configuration.
+=item * Discovery Modules
+These provide all the functionality for SNMP discovery. Normally
+one module covers one MIB, or sometimes several vendor-specific MIBs,
+and it is responsible for finding out the device details necessary
+for Torrus configuration building. Usually a discovery module refers to one or
+several I<template definition files>. A module may depend on
+other modules' discovery results. This is controlled by its
+C<sequence number>. Vendor-independent discovery modules are normally named
+as C<Torrus::DevDiscover::RFCXXXX_SOME_HUMAN_NAME>, and vendor-specific
+ones are named as C<Torrus::DevDiscover::Vendor[Product[Subsystem]]>.
+=item * Template definition files
+These are XML documents residing in F<xmlconfig/vendor> and
+F<xmlconfig/generic> directories. Each file is a piece of Torrus configuration,
+and contains definitions and templates for particular MIB or vendor.
+Generic template definition files are for vendor-independent MIBs,
+and normally they are named as F<rfcXXXX.some-human-name.xml>.
+Vendor-specific files are named as F<vendor.product[.subsystem].xml>.
+=head2 Discovery Module Internals
+Discovery modules are Perl packages with few required components.
+Before creating your own modules, please read and follow
+I<Torrus Programming Style Guide>.
+Upon initialization, C<Torrus::DevDiscover> loads the modules listed in
+C<@Torrus::DevDiscover::loadModules> array. This array is pre-populated
+by standard module names in F<>.
+You can add new module names by pushing them onto this array in your
+local F<>.
+=head3 Module Registration
+Each discovery module should register itself in DevDiscover registry.
+Normally there's only one registry entry per discovery module, though
+it's not a limitation. The registry entry is identified by a registry
+name, which normally repeats the module name.
+ $Torrus::DevDiscover::registry{'RFC2790_HOST_RESOURCES'} = {
+ 'sequence' => 100,
+ 'checkdevtype' => \&checkdevtype,
+ 'discover' => \&discover,
+ 'buildConfig' => \&buildConfig
+ };
+Each registry entry must contain 4 fields:
+=over 4
+=item * C<sequence>
+The sequence number determines the order in which every discovery module's
+procedure is executed. Sequence numbers of dependant modules must
+be higher than those of their dependencies.
+Generic MIB discovery modules should have the sequence number 100. If
+a particular generic module depends on other generic modules, its sequence
+number may be 110.
+Vendor-specific modules should have the sequence number 500.
+Vendor-specific modules that depend on other vendor-specific modules,
+should have sequence number 510.
+Dependencies deeper than one level may exist, but it's recommended
+to avoid them. For most cases this should be enough.
+Exception is made for C<RFC2863_IF_MIB> module, which has the sequence
+number 50. That is because it provides the basic interface discovery,
+and many other modules depend on its results.
+Another exception is vendor-specific modules where the SNMP session parameters
+must be set earliest possible. One of such parameters is C<snmp-max-msg-size>.
+Some vendor SNMP agents would not be walked properly without this setting.
+In these occasions, the sequence number is below 50. The recommended value
+is 30.
+=item * C<checkdevtype>
+Must be a subroutine reference. This subroutine is called with two object
+references as arguments: C<Torrus::DevDiscover> and
+The purpose of this subroutine is to determine if the target host is
+of required type, or if it supports the required MIB.
+The subroutine should return true if and only if the target host
+supports the MIB variables this module is supposed to discover.
+In general, C<checkdevtype> subroutine is small, and checks one or several
+OIDs presence on the host, or their values, e.g. the value of I<sysObjectID>
+variable. It should perform as less as possible SNMP requests, in order to
+speed up the pre-discovery process.
+=item * C<discover>
+Must be a subroutine reference. This subroutine is called with the same
+two arguments as C<checkdevtype()>. It is called for those modules only,
+whose C<checkdevtype()> has returned true. The subroutine should return true
+if no errors occured during the discovery.
+The purpose of C<discover()> is to perform the actual SNMP discovery,
+and prepare the parameter values for future XML configuration.
+=item * C<buildConfig>
+Must be a subroutine reference. This subroutine is called with three object
+references as arguments: C<Torrus::DevDiscover::DevDetails>,
+C<Torrus::ConfigBuilder>, and an XML element object, which should be used only
+to pass data to ConfigBuilder methods.
+This subroutine is designed to construct the resulting XML configuration
+subtree as a child of a given XML element. Upper level subtrees
+are handled by CLI options processing code.
+=head3 OID Definitions
+OID definitions are designed to provide symbolic names to OIDs
+in numerical notation. Normally the symbolic names repeat the names from
+corresponding MIBs.
+The definitions must be defined in an C<oiddef> hash defined in the
+package namespace. Then they are automatically imported by DevDiscover
+initialization procerure.
+ our %oiddef =
+ (
+ 'hrSystemUptime' => '',
+ 'hrSystemNumUsers' => '',
+ 'hrSystemProcesses' => '',
+ 'hrSystemMaxProcesses' => '',
+ 'hrMemorySize' => '',
+ 'hrStorageTable' => '',
+ 'hrStorageIndex' => '',
+ 'hrStorageType' => '',
+ 'hrStorageDescr' => '',
+ 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '',
+ 'hrStorageSize' => '',
+ 'hrStorageUsed' => '',
+ 'hrStorageAllocationFailures' => ''
+ );
+=head3 Template References
+Normally a discovery module would refer to configuration templates
+defined in template definition files. In order to provide an extra level of
+flexibility, these templates should be defined in
+F<> or in F<>.
+It is recommended that the template references in the discovery modules
+follow the naming standard: C<module::template-name>.
+ConfigBuilder's C<addTemplateApplication()> method looks up every
+template name in the global hash C<%Torrus::ConfigBuilder::templateRegistry>
+and figures out the source XML file and the actual template name.
+ $Torrus::ConfigBuilder::templateRegistry{
+ 'RFC2790_HOST_RESOURCES::hr-system-uptime'} = {
+ 'name' => 'mytest-hr-system-uptime',
+ 'source' => 'mytest.templates.xml'
+ };
+=head3 Interface filtering
+Usually not all interfaces from ifTable need to be monitored.
+For example, Loopback and Null0 interfaces on Cisco routers.
+C<Torrus::DevDiscover::RFC2863_IF_MIB> provides the functionality to
+automatically filter out the interfaces, based on filter definitions.
+Filter definitions are registered by calling the subroutine
+($devdetails, $interfaceFilter)>. The second argument is a reference
+to a hash of the following structure:
+Keys are symbolic names that mean nothing and need only to be unique.
+Values are hash references with the following entries: C<ifType>
+specifies the IANA interface type, and optional C<ifDescr> specifies
+a regular expression to match against interface description.
+The filters are usually registered within C<checkdevtype> subroutine
+of the vendor module, after the device type is identified. See
+F<> and F<> as examples.
+=head2 Authors
+Shawn Ferry: initial draft.
+Stanislav Sinyagin: revision and detailed content.