path: root/sql-ledger/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql-ledger/')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql-ledger/ b/sql-ledger/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f65cbeb99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql-ledger/
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# SQL-Ledger, Accounting Software Installer
+# Copyright (c) 2002, Dieter Simader
+# Web:
+$| = 1;
+ print "
+This does not work yet!
+use $0 from the command line";
+ exit;
+$lynx = `lynx -version`; # if LWP is not installed use lynx
+$gzip = `gzip -V 2>&1`; # gz decompression utility
+$tar = `tar --version 2>&1`; # tar archiver
+$latex = `latex -version`;
+@source = ( "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "" );
+$userspath = "users"; # default for new installation
+eval { require "sql-ledger.conf"; };
+$filename = shift;
+# is LWP installed
+eval { require LWP::Simple; };
+$lwp = !($@);
+unless ($lwp || $lynx || $filename) {
+ die "You must have either lynx or LWP installed or specify a filename.
+perl $0 <filename>\n";
+if ($filename) {
+ # extract version
+ die "Not a SQL-Ledger archive\n" if ($filename !~ /^sql-ledger/);
+ $version = $filename;
+ $version =~ s/sql-ledger-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*$/$1/;
+ $newinstall = 1;
+if (!$filename && -f "VERSION") {
+ # get installed version from VERSION file
+ open(FH, "VERSION");
+ @a = <FH>;
+ close(FH);
+ $version = $a[0];
+ chomp $version;
+ $newinstall = !$version;
+} else {
+ $newinstall = 1;
+# is this windows? only used for downloading the right code
+$windows = ($^O =~ /MS/) ? '/windows' : '';
+$webowner = $<;
+$webgroup = $(;
+if ($httpd = `find /etc /usr/local/etc -type f -name 'httpd.conf'`) {
+ chomp $httpd;
+ $webowner = `grep "^User " $httpd`;
+ $webgroup = `grep "^Group " $httpd`;
+ chomp $webowner;
+ chomp $webgroup;
+ ($null, $webowner) = split / /, $webowner;
+ ($null, $webgroup) = split / /, $webgroup;
+system("tput clear");
+if ($filename) {
+ $install = "\ninstall $version from (f)ile\n";
+# check for latest version
+if (!$newinstall) {
+ $install .= "\n(r)einstall $version\n";
+if ($version && $latest_version) {
+ if (!$filename && $version le $latest_version) {
+ if (substr($version, 0, rindex($version, ".")) eq substr($latest_version, 0, rindex($latest_version, "."))) {
+ $install .= "\n(u)pgrade to $latest_version\n";
+ }
+ }
+$install .= "\n(i)nstall $latest_version (from Internet)\n" if $latest_version;
+$install .= "\n(d)ownload $latest_version (no installation)" unless $filename;
+ print qq|
+ SQL-Ledger Accounting Installation
+Enter: |;
+$a = <STDIN>;
+chomp $a;
+exit unless $a;
+$a = lc $a;
+if ($a !~ /d/) {
+ print qq|\nEnter httpd owner [$webowner] : |;
+ $web = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $web;
+ $webowner = $web if $web;
+ print qq|\nEnter httpd group [$webgroup] : |;
+ $web = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $web;
+ $webgroup = $web if $web;
+if ($a eq 'd') {
+ &download;
+if ($a =~ /(i|u)/) {
+ &install;
+if ($a eq 'r') {
+ $latest_version = $version;
+ &install;
+if ($a eq 'f') {
+ &install;
+# end main
+sub download {
+ &get_source_code;
+sub get_latest_version {
+ print "Checking for latest version number .... ";
+ if ($filename) {
+ print "skipping, filename supplied\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($lwp) {
+ foreach $source (@source) {
+ $host = $source;
+ $host =~ s/(\w\/).*/$1/g;
+ chop $host;
+ print "\nTrying $host ... ";
+ $latest_version = LWP::Simple::get("$source/latest_version");
+ if ($latest_version) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ print "not found";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$lynx) {
+ print "\nYou must have either lynx or LWP installed";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ foreach $source (@source) {
+ $host = $source;
+ $host =~ s/(\w\/).*/$1/g;
+ chop $host;
+ print "\nTrying $host ... ";
+ $ok = `lynx -dump -head $source/latest_version`;
+ if ($ok = ($ok =~ s/HTTP.*?200 OK//g)) {
+ $latest_version = `lynx -dump $source/latest_version`;
+ chomp $latest_version;
+ last;
+ } else {
+ print "not found";
+ }
+ }
+ die unless $ok;
+ }
+ chomp $latest_version;
+ if ($latest_version) {
+ print "ok\n";
+ 1;
+ }
+sub get_source_code {
+ $err = 0;
+ if ($latest_version) {
+ # download it
+ $latest_version = "sql-ledger-${latest_version}.tar.gz";
+ print "\nStatus\n";
+ print "Downloading $latest_version .... ";
+ foreach $source (@source) {
+ $host = $source;
+ $host =~ s/(\w\/).*/$1/g;
+ chop $host;
+ print "\nTrying $host .... ";
+ if ($lwp) {
+ $err = LWP::Simple::getstore("$source$windows/$latest_version", "$latest_version");
+ $err -= 200;
+ } else {
+ $ok = `lynx -dump -head $source$windows/$latest_version`;
+ $err = !($ok =~ s/HTTP.*?200 OK//);
+ if (!$err) {
+ $err = system("lynx -dump $source$windows/$latest_version > $latest_version");
+ }
+ }
+ last unless $err;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $err = -1;
+ }
+ if ($err) {
+ die "Cannot get $latest_version";
+ } else {
+ print "ok\n";
+ }
+ $latest_version;
+sub install {
+ if ($filename) {
+ $latest_version = $filename;
+ } else {
+ $latest_version = &get_source_code;
+ }
+ &decompress;
+ if ($newinstall) {
+ open(FH, "sql-ledger.conf.default");
+ @f = <FH>;
+ close(FH);
+ unless ($latex) {
+ grep { s/^\$latex.*/\$latex = 0;/ } @f;
+ }
+ open(FH, ">sql-ledger.conf");
+ print FH @f;
+ close(FH);
+ $alias = $absolutealias = $ENV{'PWD'};
+ $alias =~ s/.*\///g;
+ $httpddir = `dirname $httpd`;
+ chomp $httpddir;
+ $filename = "sql-ledger-httpd.conf";
+ # do we have write permission?
+ if (!open(FH, ">>$httpddir/$filename")) {
+ open(FH, ">$filename");
+ $norw = 1;
+ }
+ $directives = qq|
+Alias /$alias/ $absolutealias/
+<Directory $absolutealias>
+ AllowOverride All
+ AddHandler cgi-script .pl
+ Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks
+ Order Allow,Deny
+ Allow from All
+<Directory $absolutealias/users>
+ Order Deny,Allow
+ Deny from All
+ print FH $directives;
+ close(FH);
+ print qq|
+This is a new installation.
+ if ($norw) {
+ print qq|
+Webserver directives were written to $filename
+Copy $filename to $httpddir and add
+ print qq|
+# SQL-Ledger
+Include $httpddir/$filename
+to $httpd
+Don't forget to restart your webserver!
+ if (!$permset) {
+ print qq|
+WARNING: permissions for templates, users, css and spool directory
+could not be set. Login as root and set permissions
+# chown -hR :$webgroup users templates css spool
+# chmod 771 users templates css spool
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!(`grep "^# SQL-Ledger" $httpd`)) {
+ open(FH, ">>$httpd");
+ print FH qq|
+# SQL-Ledger
+Include $httpddir/$filename
+ close(FH);
+ print qq|
+Webserver directives were written to
+ $httpddir/$filename
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$>) {
+ # send SIGHUP to httpd
+ if ($f = `find /var -type f -name ''`) {
+ $pid = `cat $f`;
+ chomp $pid;
+ if ($pid) {
+ system("kill -s HUP $pid");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # if this is not root, check if user is part of $webgroup
+ if ($>) {
+ if ($permset = ($) =~ getgrnam $webgroup)) {
+ `chown -hR :$webgroup users templates css spool`;
+ chmod 0771, 'users', 'templates', 'css', 'spool';
+ }
+ } else {
+ # root
+ `chown -hR 0:0 *`;
+ `chown -hR $webowner:$webgroup users templates css spool`;
+ chmod 0771, 'users', 'templates', 'css', 'spool';
+ }
+ unlink "sql-ledger.conf.default";
+ &cleanup;
+ while ($a !~ /(Y|N)/) {
+ print qq|\nDisplay README (Y/n) : |;
+ $a = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $a;
+ $a = ($a) ? uc $a : 'Y';
+ if ($a eq 'Y') {
+ @args = ("more", "doc/README");
+ system(@args);
+ }
+ }
+sub decompress {
+ die "Error: gzip not installed\n" unless ($gzip);
+ die "Error: tar not installed\n" unless ($tar);
+ &create_lockfile;
+ # ungzip and extract source code
+ print "Decompressing $latest_version ... ";
+ if (system("gzip -df $latest_version")) {
+ print "Error: Could not decompress $latest_version\n";
+ &remove_lockfile;
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ print "done\n";
+ }
+ # strip gz from latest_version
+ $latest_version =~ s/\.gz//;
+ # now untar it
+ print "Unpacking $latest_version ... ";
+ if (system("tar -xf $latest_version")) {
+ print "Error: Could not unpack $latest_version\n";
+ &remove_lockfile;
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ # now we have a copy in sql-ledger
+ if (system("tar -cf $latest_version -C sql-ledger .")) {
+ print "Error: Could not create archive for $latest_version\n";
+ &remove_lockfile;
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ if (system("tar -xf $latest_version")) {
+ print "Error: Could not unpack $latest_version\n";
+ &remove_lockfile;
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ print "done\n";
+ print "cleaning up ... ";
+ `rm -rf sql-ledger`;
+ print "done\n";
+ # replace shebang if this is windows
+ &shebang if $windows;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub create_lockfile {
+ if (-d "$userspath") {
+ open(FH, ">$userspath/nologin");
+ close(FH);
+ }
+sub cleanup {
+ unlink "$latest_version";
+ unlink "$userspath/members.default" if (-f "$userspath/members.default");
+ &remove_lockfile;
+sub remove_lockfile { unlink "$userspath/nologin" if (-f "$userspath/nologin") };
+sub shebang {
+ opendir DIR, ".";
+ @perlfiles = grep /\.pl/, readdir DIR;
+ closedir DIR;
+ foreach $file (@perlfiles) {
+ open FH, "+<$file";
+ @file = <FH>;
+ seek(FH, 0, 0);
+ truncate(FH, 0);
+ $line = shift @file;
+ print FH "#!c:\\perl\\bin\\perl\n";
+ print FH @file;
+ close(FH);
+ }