path: root/sql-ledger/doc/UPGRADE-2.2.7-2.4.0
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql-ledger/doc/UPGRADE-2.2.7-2.4.0')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/sql-ledger/doc/UPGRADE-2.2.7-2.4.0 b/sql-ledger/doc/UPGRADE-2.2.7-2.4.0
deleted file mode 100644
index c10bcbe49..000000000
--- a/sql-ledger/doc/UPGRADE-2.2.7-2.4.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Upgrading to version 2.4.0
-1. install SQL-Ledger over top
- # cd /usr/local
- # tar zxvf sql-ledger-2.4.0.tar.gz
-2. fix permissions
- # chown -hR nobody:nogroup *
- # chmod 711 templates users spool
-replace nobody:nogroup with your web server user and group
-3. install the plpgsql language compiler for PostgreSQL
- # createlang plpgsql <dataset>
-4. install plpgsql in template1
- # createlang plpgsql template1
-5. Edit your templates! The old address fields are obsolete.
-The new fields are:
- address1
- address2
- city
- state
- zipcode
- country
-The same applies to the "shipto" addresses.
-Before you log in edit Pg-upgrade-2.3.4-2.3.5.sql and change the
-way addresses are rewritten if you don't want US style addresses.
-North-american addresses are usually in the form of
-Five Star Stables
-123 Horsehoe Blvd.
-Sweetgrass, MT 19867
-addr1 --> address1
-addr2 --> city
-addr3 --> country
-addr4 --> state
-addr4 was put into the state field to bring the field forward
-to the new layout. To check if there is something in the field run
-a report and sort by the "State" field.
-Either edit the records or run the SQL queries below to take them apart.
-If you have anything in the "state" field change the records to match
-the others before you run the following queries.
-dbname=# update customer set state = substr(city,strpos(city,' ')+1);
-dbname=# update customer set zipcode = substr(state,strpos(state,' ')+1);
-dbname=# update customer set state = substr(state,1,strpos(state,' ')-1);
-dbname=# update customer set city = substr(city,1,strpos(city,',')-1);
-do the same with the vendor and shipto table.
-6. create a new set of templates
- * load and edit one of the user's
- * in the "New Templates" field enter "new" and save the user
- * go back in your browser so you have the same screen again
- as before
- * change the template directory back to what it was before
- the change and save the user
- * drop into a shell window
- * cd to sql-ledger/templates/new
- * copy the additional templates to your private template directory
-7. Printers
-printer setup has changed to multiple printers which allow
-users to choose a printer. Printers can be defined in sql-ledger.conf
-Oracle and DB2:
-There is no upgrade available for Oracle and DB2 yet.