path: root/sql-ledger/SL/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql-ledger/SL/')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql-ledger/SL/ b/sql-ledger/SL/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80487e406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql-ledger/SL/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# SQL-Ledger Accounting
+# Copyright (C) 2000
+# Author: Dieter Simader
+# Email:
+# Web:
+# Contributors:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Accounts Receivable module backend routines
+package AR;
+sub post_transaction {
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ my $null;
+ my $taxrate;
+ my $amount;
+ my $tax;
+ my $diff;
+ my $exchangerate = 0;
+ my $i;
+ # split and store id numbers in link accounts
+ map { ($form->{AR_amounts}{"amount_$_"}) = split(/--/, $form->{"AR_amount_$_"}) } (1 .. $form->{rowcount});
+ ($form->{AR_amounts}{receivables}) = split(/--/, $form->{AR});
+ ($null, $form->{department_id}) = split(/--/, $form->{department});
+ $form->{department_id} *= 1;
+ if ($form->{currency} eq $form->{defaultcurrency}) {
+ $form->{exchangerate} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $exchangerate = $form->check_exchangerate($myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{transdate}, 'buy');
+ $form->{exchangerate} = ($exchangerate) ? $exchangerate : $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{exchangerate});
+ }
+ for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
+ $form->{"amount_$i"} = $form->round_amount($form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"amount_$i"}) * $form->{exchangerate}, 2);
+ $form->{netamount} += $form->{"amount_$i"};
+ }
+ # taxincluded doesn't make sense if there is no amount
+ $form->{taxincluded} = 0 if ($form->{netamount} == 0);
+ foreach my $item (split / /, $form->{taxaccounts}) {
+ $form->{AR_amounts}{"tax_$item"} = $item;
+ $form->{"tax_$item"} = $form->round_amount($form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"tax_$item"}) * $form->{exchangerate}, 2);
+ $form->{tax} += $form->{"tax_$item"};
+ }
+ # adjust paidaccounts if there is no date in the last row
+ $form->{paidaccounts}-- unless ($form->{"datepaid_$form->{paidaccounts}"});
+ $form->{paid} = 0;
+ # add payments
+ for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
+ $form->{"paid_$i"} = $form->round_amount($form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"paid_$i"}), 2);
+ $form->{paid} += $form->{"paid_$i"};
+ $form->{datepaid} = $form->{"datepaid_$i"};
+ }
+ if ($form->{taxincluded} *= 1) {
+ for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
+ $tax = ($form->{netamount}) ? $form->{tax} * $form->{"amount_$i"} / $form->{netamount} : 0;
+ $amount = $form->{"amount_$i"} - $tax;
+ $form->{"amount_$i"} = $form->round_amount($amount, 2);
+ $diff += $amount - $form->{"amount_$i"};
+ }
+ $form->{netamount} -= $form->{tax};
+ # deduct difference from amount_1
+ $form->{amount_1} += $form->round_amount($diff, 2);
+ }
+ $form->{amount} = $form->{netamount} + $form->{tax};
+ $form->{paid} = $form->round_amount($form->{paid} * $form->{exchangerate}, 2);
+ # connect to database
+ my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);
+ my $query;
+ my $sth;
+ ($null, $form->{employee_id}) = split /--/, $form->{employee};
+ unless ($form->{employee_id}) {
+ ($form->{employee}, $form->{employee_id}) = $form->get_employee($dbh);
+ }
+ # if we have an id delete old records
+ if ($form->{id}) {
+ # delete detail records
+ $query = qq|DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = $form->{id}|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ } else {
+ my $uid = time;
+ $uid .= $form->{login};
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO ar (invnumber)
+ VALUES ('$uid')|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ $query = qq|SELECT id FROM ar
+ WHERE invnumber = '$uid'|;
+ ($form->{id}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
+ }
+ # record last payment date in ar table
+ $form->{datepaid} = $form->{transdate} unless $form->{datepaid};
+ my $datepaid = ($form->{paid} != 0) ? qq|'$form->{datepaid}'| : 'NULL';
+ $query = qq|UPDATE ar set
+ invnumber = |.$dbh->quote($form->{invnumber}).qq|,
+ ordnumber = |.$dbh->quote($form->{ordnumber}).qq|,
+ transdate = '$form->{transdate}',
+ customer_id = $form->{customer_id},
+ taxincluded = '$form->{taxincluded}',
+ amount = $form->{amount},
+ duedate = '$form->{duedate}',
+ paid = $form->{paid},
+ datepaid = $datepaid,
+ netamount = $form->{netamount},
+ curr = '$form->{currency}',
+ notes = |.$dbh->quote($form->{notes}).qq|,
+ department_id = $form->{department_id},
+ employee_id = $form->{employee_id}
+ WHERE id = $form->{id}|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ # amount for AR account
+ $form->{receivables} = $form->{amount} * -1;
+ # update exchangerate
+ if (($form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency}) && !$exchangerate) {
+ $form->update_exchangerate($dbh, $form->{currency}, $form->{transdate}, $form->{exchangerate}, 0);
+ }
+ # add individual transactions for AR, amount and taxes
+ foreach my $item (keys %{ $form->{AR_amounts} }) {
+ if ($form->{$item} != 0) {
+ $project_id = 'NULL';
+ if ($item =~ /amount_/) {
+ if ($form->{"projectnumber_$'"}) {
+ ($null, $project_id) = split /--/, $form->{"projectnumber_$'"};
+ }
+ }
+ # insert detail records in acc_trans
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate,
+ project_id)
+ VALUES ($form->{id}, (SELECT id FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = '$form->{AR_amounts}{$item}'),
+ $form->{$item}, '$form->{transdate}', $project_id)|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($form->{amount} == 0) {
+ $form->{receivables} = $form->{paid};
+ $form->{receivables} -= $form->{paid_1} if $form->{amount_1} != 0;
+ }
+ # add paid transactions
+ for my $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
+ if ($form->{"paid_$i"} != 0) {
+ ($form->{AR_amounts}{"paid_$i"}) = split(/--/, $form->{"AR_paid_$i"});
+ $form->{"datepaid_$i"} = $form->{transdate} unless ($form->{"datepaid_$i"});
+ $exchangerate = 0;
+ if ($form->{currency} eq $form->{defaultcurrency}) {
+ $form->{"exchangerate_$i"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $exchangerate = $form->check_exchangerate($myconfig, $form->{currency}, $form->{"datepaid_$i"}, 'buy');
+ $form->{"exchangerate_$i"} = ($exchangerate) ? $exchangerate : $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"exchangerate_$i"});
+ }
+ # if there is no amount
+ if ($form->{amount} == 0 && $form->{netamount} == 0) {
+ $form->{exchangerate} = $form->{"exchangerate_$i"};
+ }
+ # receivables amount
+ $amount = $form->round_amount($form->{"paid_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate}, 2);
+ if ($form->{receivables} != 0) {
+ # add receivable
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount,
+ transdate)
+ VALUES ($form->{id},
+ (SELECT id FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = '$form->{AR_amounts}{receivables}'),
+ $amount, '$form->{"datepaid_$i"}')|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ }
+ $form->{receivables} = $amount;
+ if ($form->{"paid_$i"} != 0) {
+ # add payment
+ $amount = $form->{"paid_$i"} * -1;
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount,
+ transdate, source, memo)
+ VALUES ($form->{id},
+ (SELECT id FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = '$form->{AR_amounts}{"paid_$i"}'),
+ $amount, '$form->{"datepaid_$i"}', |
+ .$dbh->quote($form->{"source_$i"}).qq|, |
+ .$dbh->quote($form->{"memo_$i"}).qq|)|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ # exchangerate difference for payment
+ $amount = $form->round_amount($form->{"paid_$i"} * ($form->{"exchangerate_$i"} - 1) * -1, 2);
+ if ($amount != 0) {
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount,
+ transdate, fx_transaction, cleared)
+ VALUES ($form->{id},
+ (SELECT id FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = '$form->{AR_amounts}{"paid_$i"}'),
+ $amount, '$form->{"datepaid_$i"}', '1', '0')|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ }
+ # exchangerate gain/loss
+ $amount = $form->round_amount($form->{"paid_$i"} * ($form->{exchangerate} - $form->{"exchangerate_$i"}) * -1, 2);
+ if ($amount != 0) {
+ $accno = ($amount > 0) ? $form->{fxgain_accno} : $form->{fxloss_accno};
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount,
+ transdate, fx_transaction, cleared)
+ VALUES ($form->{id}, (SELECT id FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = '$accno'),
+ $amount, '$form->{"datepaid_$i"}', '1', '0')|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ }
+ }
+ # update exchangerate record
+ if (($form->{currency} ne $form->{defaultcurrency}) && !$exchangerate) {
+ $form->update_exchangerate($dbh, $form->{currency}, $form->{"datepaid_$i"}, $form->{"exchangerate_$i"}, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # save printed and queued
+ $form->save_status($dbh);
+ my %audittrail = ( tablename => 'ar',
+ reference => $form->{invnumber},
+ formname => 'transaction',
+ action => 'posted',
+ id => $form->{id} );
+ $form->audittrail($dbh, "", \%audittrail);
+ my $rc = $dbh->commit;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ $rc;
+sub delete_transaction {
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ # connect to database, turn AutoCommit off
+ my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);
+ my %audittrail = ( tablename => 'ar',
+ reference => $form->{invnumber},
+ formname => 'transaction',
+ action => 'deleted',
+ id => $form->{id} );
+ $form->audittrail($dbh, "", \%audittrail);
+ my $query = qq|DELETE FROM ar WHERE id = $form->{id}|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ $query = qq|DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = $form->{id}|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ # delete spool files
+ $query = qq|SELECT spoolfile FROM status
+ WHERE trans_id = $form->{id}
+ AND spoolfile IS NOT NULL|;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+ $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
+ my $spoolfile;
+ my @spoolfiles = ();
+ while (($spoolfile) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
+ push @spoolfiles, $spoolfile;
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ $query = qq|DELETE FROM status WHERE trans_id = $form->{id}|;
+ $dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
+ # commit
+ my $rc = $dbh->commit;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ if ($rc) {
+ foreach $spoolfile (@spoolfiles) {
+ unlink "$spool/$spoolfile" if $spoolfile;
+ }
+ }
+ $rc;
+sub ar_transactions {
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ # connect to database
+ my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
+ my $var;
+ my $paid = "a.paid";
+ ($form->{transdatefrom}, $form->{transdateto}) = $form->from_to($form->{year}, $form->{month}, $form->{interval}) if $form->{year} && $form->{month};
+ if ($form->{outstanding}) {
+ $paid = qq|SELECT SUM(ac.amount) * -1
+ FROM acc_trans ac
+ JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
+ WHERE ac.trans_id =
+ AND ( LIKE '%AR_paid%' OR = '')|;
+ $paid .= qq|
+ AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{transdateto}'| if $form->{transdateto};
+ }
+ my $query = qq|SELECT, a.invnumber, a.ordnumber, a.transdate,
+ a.duedate, a.netamount, a.amount, ($paid) AS paid,
+ a.invoice, a.datepaid, a.terms, a.notes,
+ a.shipvia, a.shippingpoint, AS employee,,
+ a.customer_id, a.till, AS manager, a.curr,
+ AS exchangerate
+ FROM ar a
+ JOIN customer c ON (a.customer_id =
+ LEFT JOIN employee e ON (a.employee_id =
+ LEFT JOIN employee m ON (e.managerid =
+ LEFT JOIN exchangerate ex ON (ex.curr = a.curr
+ AND ex.transdate = a.transdate)
+ |;
+ my %ordinal = ( 'id' => 1,
+ 'invnumber' => 2,
+ 'ordnumber' => 3,
+ 'transdate' => 4,
+ 'duedate' => 5,
+ 'datepaid' => 10,
+ 'shipvia' => 13,
+ 'shippingpoint' => 14,
+ 'employee' => 15,
+ 'name' => 16,
+ 'manager' => 19,
+ 'curr' => 20
+ );
+ my @a = (transdate, invnumber, name);
+ push @a, "employee" if $form->{l_employee};
+ push @a, "manager" if $form->{l_manager};
+ my $sortorder = $form->sort_order(\@a, \%ordinal);
+ my $where = "1 = 1";
+ if ($form->{customer_id}) {
+ $where .= " AND a.customer_id = $form->{customer_id}";
+ } else {
+ if ($form->{customer}) {
+ $var = $form->like(lc $form->{customer});
+ $where .= " AND lower( LIKE '$var'";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($form->{department}) {
+ my ($null, $department_id) = split /--/, $form->{department};
+ $where .= " AND a.department_id = $department_id";
+ }
+ if ($form->{invnumber}) {
+ $var = $form->like(lc $form->{invnumber});
+ $where .= " AND lower(a.invnumber) LIKE '$var'";
+ $form->{open} = $form->{closed} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($form->{ordnumber}) {
+ $var = $form->like(lc $form->{ordnumber});
+ $where .= " AND lower(a.ordnumber) LIKE '$var'";
+ $form->{open} = $form->{closed} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($form->{shipvia}) {
+ $var = $form->like(lc $form->{shipvia});
+ $where .= " AND lower(a.shipvia) LIKE '$var'";
+ }
+ if ($form->{notes}) {
+ $var = $form->like(lc $form->{notes});
+ $where .= " AND lower(a.notes) LIKE '$var'";
+ }
+ $where .= " AND a.transdate >= '$form->{transdatefrom}'" if $form->{transdatefrom};
+ $where .= " AND a.transdate <= '$form->{transdateto}'" if $form->{transdateto};
+ if ($form->{open} || $form->{closed}) {
+ unless ($form->{open} && $form->{closed}) {
+ $where .= " AND a.amount != a.paid" if ($form->{open});
+ $where .= " AND a.amount = a.paid" if ($form->{closed});
+ }
+ }
+ if ($form->{till}) {
+ $where .= " AND a.invoice = '1'
+ AND NOT a.till IS NULL";
+ if ($myconfig->{role} eq 'user') {
+ $where .= " AND e.login = '$form->{login}'";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($form->{AR}) {
+ my ($accno) = split /--/, $form->{AR};
+ $where .= qq|
+ AND IN (SELECT ac.trans_id
+ FROM acc_trans ac
+ JOIN chart c ON ( = ac.chart_id)
+ WHERE = ac.trans_id
+ AND c.accno = '$accno')
+ |;
+ }
+ $query .= "WHERE $where
+ ORDER by $sortorder";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+ $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
+ $ref->{exchangerate} = 1 unless $ref->{exchangerate};
+ if ($form->{outstanding}) {
+ next if $form->round_amount($ref->{amount}, 2) == $form->round_amount($ref->{paid}, 2);
+ }
+ push @{ $form->{transactions} }, $ref;
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ $dbh->disconnect;