path: root/site_perl/
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Diffstat (limited to 'site_perl/')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/site_perl/ b/site_perl/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e30c595b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site_perl/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+package FS::cust_pay;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
+use Exporter;
+use Business::CreditCard;
+use FS::Record qw(fields qsearchs);
+use FS::cust_bill;
+@ISA = qw(FS::Record Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(fields);
+=head1 NAME
+FS::cust_pay - Object methods for cust_pay objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use FS::cust_pay;
+ $record = create FS::cust_pay \%hash;
+ $record = create FS::cust_pay { 'column' => 'value' };
+ $error = $record->insert;
+ $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);
+ $error = $record->delete;
+ $error = $record->check;
+An FS::cust_pay object represents a payment. FS::cust_pay inherits from
+FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
+=over 4
+=item paynum - primary key (assigned automatically for new payments)
+=item invnum - Invoice (see L<FS::cust_bill>)
+=item paid - Amount of this payment
+=item _date - specified as a UNIX timestamp; see L<perlfunc/"time">. Also see
+L<Time::Local> and L<Date::Parse> for conversion functions.
+=item payby - `CARD' (credit cards), `BILL' (billing), or `COMP' (free)
+=item payinfo - card number, P.O.#, or comp issuer (4-8 lowercase alphanumerics; think username)
+=item paybatch - text field for tracking card processing
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item create HASHREF
+Creates a new payment. To add the payment to the databse, see L<"insert">.
+sub create {
+ my($proto,$hashref)=@_;
+ #now in FS::Record::new
+ #my($field);
+ #foreach $field (fields('cust_pay')) {
+ # $hashref->{$field}='' unless defined $hashref->{$field};
+ #}
+ $proto->new('cust_pay',$hashref);
+=item insert
+Adds this payment to the databse, and updates the invoice (see
+sub insert {
+ my($self)=@_;
+ my($error);
+ $error=$self->check;
+ return $error if $error;
+ my($old_cust_bill) = qsearchs('cust_bill', {
+ 'invnum' => $self->getfield('invnum')
+ } );
+ return "Unknown invnum" unless $old_cust_bill;
+ my(%hash)=$old_cust_bill->hash;
+ $hash{owed} = sprintf("%.2f",$hash{owed} - $self->getfield('paid') );
+ my($new_cust_bill) = create FS::cust_bill ( \%hash );
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ $error=$new_cust_bill -> replace($old_cust_bill);
+ return "Error modifying cust_bill: $error" if $error;
+ $self->add;
+=item delete
+Currently unimplemented (accounting reasons).
+sub delete {
+ return "Can't (yet?) delete cust_pay records!";
+#template code below
+# my($self)=@_;
+# $self->del;
+=item replace OLD_RECORD
+Currently unimplemented (accounting reasons).
+sub replace {
+ return "Can't (yet?) modify cust_pay records!";
+#template code below
+# my($new,$old)=@_;
+# return "(Old) Not a cust_pay record!" unless $old->table eq "cust_pay";
+# $new->check or
+# $new->rep($old);
+=item check
+Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid payment. If there is an error,
+returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert method.
+sub check {
+ my($self)=@_;
+ return "Not a cust_pay record!" unless $self->table eq "cust_pay";
+ my($recref) = $self->hashref;
+ $recref->{paynum} =~ /^(\d*)$/ or return "Illegal paynum";
+ $recref->{paynum} = $1;
+ $recref->{invnum} =~ /^(\d+)$/ or return "Illegal invnum";
+ $recref->{invnum} = $1;
+ $recref->{paid} =~ /^(\d+(\.\d\d)?)$/ or return "Illegal paid";
+ $recref->{paid} = $1;
+ $recref->{_date} =~ /^(\d*)$/ or return "Illegal date";
+ $recref->{_date} = $recref->{_date} ? $1 : time;
+ $recref->{payby} =~ /^(CARD|BILL|COMP)$/ or return "Illegal payby";
+ $recref->{payby} = $1;
+ if ( $recref->{payby} eq 'CARD' ) {
+ $recref->{payinfo} =~ s/\D//g;
+ if ( $recref->{payinfo} ) {
+ $recref->{payinfo} =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/
+ or return "Illegal (mistyped?) credit card number (payinfo)";
+ $recref->{payinfo} = $1;
+ #validate($recref->{payinfo})
+ # or return "Illegal credit card number";
+ my($type)=cardtype($recref->{payinfo});
+ return "Unknown credit card type"
+ unless ( $type =~ /^VISA/ ||
+ $type =~ /^MasterCard/ ||
+ $type =~ /^American Express/ ||
+ $type =~ /^Discover/ );
+ } else {
+ $recref->{payinfo}='N/A';
+ }
+ } elsif ( $recref->{payby} eq 'BILL' ) {
+ $recref->{payinfo} =~ /^([\w \-]*)$/
+ or return "Illegal P.O. number (payinfo)";
+ $recref->{payinfo} = $1;
+ } elsif ( $recref->{payby} eq 'COMP' ) {
+ $recref->{payinfo} =~ /^([\w]{2,8})$/
+ or return "Illegal comp account issuer (payinfo)";
+ $recref->{payinfo} = $1;
+ }
+ $recref->{paybatch} =~ /^([\w\-\:]*)$/
+ or return "Illegal paybatch";
+ $recref->{paybatch} = $1;
+ ''; #no error
+=head1 BUGS
+It doesn't properly override FS::Record yet.
+Delete and replace methods.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<FS::Record>, L<FS::cust_bill>, schema.html from the base documentation.
+=head1 HISTORY
+ 97-jul-1 - 25 - 29
+new api 98-mar-13
+pod 98-sep-21