path: root/site_perl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site_perl/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 868 deletions
diff --git a/site_perl/ b/site_perl/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec282731e..000000000
--- a/site_perl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,868 +0,0 @@
-#this is so kludgy i'd be embarassed if it wasn't cybercash's fault
-package main;
-use vars qw($paymentserversecret $paymentserverport $paymentserverhost);
-package FS::cust_main;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK $conf $lpr $processor $xaction $E_NoErr);
-use Safe;
-use Exporter;
-use Carp;
-use Time::Local;
-use Date::Format;
-use Date::Manip;
-use Business::CreditCard;
-use FS::UID qw(getotaker);
-use FS::Record qw(fields hfields qsearchs qsearch);
-use FS::cust_pkg;
-use FS::cust_bill;
-use FS::cust_bill_pkg;
-use FS::cust_pay;
-#use FS::cust_pay_batch;
-@ISA = qw(FS::Record Exporter);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(hfields);
-$conf = new FS::Conf;
-$lpr = $conf->config('lpr');
-if ( $conf->exists('cybercash3.2') ) {
- require CCMckLib3_2;
- #qw($MCKversion %Config InitConfig CCError CCDebug CCDebug2);
- require CCMckDirectLib3_2;
- #qw(SendCC2_1Server);
- require CCMckErrno3_2;
- #qw(MCKGetErrorMessage $E_NoErr);
- import CCMckErrno3_2 qw($E_NoErr);
- my $merchant_conf;
- ($merchant_conf,$xaction)= $conf->config('cybercash3.2');
- my $status = &CCMckLib3_2::InitConfig($merchant_conf);
- if ( $status != $E_NoErr ) {
- warn "CCMckLib3_2::InitConfig error:\n";
- foreach my $key (keys %CCMckLib3_2::Config) {
- warn " $key => $CCMckLib3_2::Config{$key}\n"
- }
- my($errmsg) = &CCMckErrno3_2::MCKGetErrorMessage($status);
- die "CCMckLib3_2::InitConfig fatal error: $errmsg\n";
- }
- $processor='cybercash3.2';
-} elsif ( $conf->exists('cybercash2') ) {
- require CCLib;
- #qw(sendmserver);
- ( $main::paymentserverhost,
- $main::paymentserverport,
- $main::paymentserversecret,
- $xaction,
- ) = $conf->config('cybercash2');
- $processor='cybercash2';
-=head1 NAME
-FS::cust_main - Object methods for cust_main records
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use FS::cust_main;
- $record = create FS::cust_main \%hash;
- $record = create FS::cust_main { 'column' => 'value' };
- $error = $record->insert;
- $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);
- $error = $record->delete;
- $error = $record->check;
- @cust_pkg = $record->all_pkgs;
- @cust_pkg = $record->ncancelled_pkgs;
- $error = $record->bill;
- $error = $record->bill %options;
- $error = $record->bill 'time' => $time;
- $error = $record->collect;
- $error = $record->collect %options;
- $error = $record->collect 'invoice_time' => $time,
- 'batch_card' => 'yes',
- 'report_badcard' => 'yes',
- ;
-An FS::cust_main object represents a customer. FS::cust_main inherits from
-FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
-=over 4
-=item custnum - primary key (assigned automatically for new customers)
-=item agentnum - agent (see L<FS::agent>)
-=item refnum - referral (see L<FS::part_referral>)
-=item first - name
-=item last - name
-=item ss - social security number (optional)
-=item company - (optional)
-=item address1
-=item address2 - (optional)
-=item city
-=item county - (optional, see L<FS::cust_main_county>)
-=item state - (see L<FS::cust_main_county>)
-=item zip
-=item country - (see L<FS::cust_main_county>)
-=item daytime - phone (optional)
-=item night - phone (optional)
-=item payby - `CARD' (credit cards), `BILL' (billing), or `COMP' (free)
-=item payinfo - card number, P.O.#, or comp issuer (4-8 lowercase alphanumerics; think username)
-=item paydate - expiration date, mm/yyyy, m/yyyy, mm/yy or m/yy
-=item payname - name on card or billing name
-=item tax - tax exempt, empty or `Y'
-=item otaker - order taker (assigned automatically, see L<FS::UID>)
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item create HASHREF
-Creates a new customer. To add the customer to the database, see L<"insert">.
-Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it
-points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I<hash> method.
-sub create {
- my($proto,$hashref)=@_;
- #now in FS::Record::new
- #my $field;
- #foreach $field (fields('cust_main')) {
- # $hashref->{$field}='' unless defined $hashref->{$field};
- #}
- $proto->new('cust_main',$hashref);
-=item insert
-Adds this customer to the database. If there is an error, returns the error,
-otherwise returns false.
-sub insert {
- my($self)=@_;
- #no callbacks in check, only data checks
- #local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
- #local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
- #local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
- #local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
- #local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
- $self->check or
- $self->add;
-=item delete
-Currently unimplemented. Maybe cancel all of this customer's
-packages (cust_pkg)?
-I don't remove the customer record in the database because there would then
-be no record the customer ever existed (which is bad, no?)
-# Usage: $error = $record -> delete;
-sub delete {
- return "Can't (yet?) delete customers.";
-# my($self)=@_;
-# $self->del;
-=item replace OLD_RECORD
-Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error,
-returns the error, otherwise returns false.
-sub replace {
- my($new,$old)=@_;
- return "(Old) Not a cust_main record!" unless $old->table eq "cust_main";
- return "Can't change custnum!"
- unless $old->getfield('custnum') eq $new->getfield('custnum');
- $new->check or
- $new->rep($old);
-=item check
-Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid customer record. If there is
-an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert
-and repalce methods.
-sub check {
- my($self)=@_;
- return "Not a cust_main record!" unless $self->table eq "cust_main";
- my $error =
- $self->ut_number('agentnum')
- || $self->ut_number('refnum')
- || $self->ut_textn('company')
- || $self->ut_text('address1')
- || $self->ut_textn('address2')
- || $self->ut_text('city')
- || $self->ut_textn('county')
- || $self->ut_text('state')
- || $self->ut_phonen('daytime')
- || $self->ut_phonen('night')
- || $self->ut_phonen('fax')
- ;
- return $error if $error;
- return "Unknown agent"
- unless qsearchs('agent',{'agentnum'=>$self->agentnum});
- return "Unknown referral"
- unless qsearchs('part_referral',{'refnum'=>$self->refnum});
- $self->getfield('last') =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']+)$/ or return "Illegal last name";
- $self->setfield('last',$1);
- $self->first =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']+)$/ or return "Illegal first name";
- $self->first($1);
- if ( $self->ss eq '' ) {
- $self->ss('');
- } else {
- my $ss = $self->ss;
- $ss =~ s/\D//g;
- $ss =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})$/
- or return "Illegal social security number";
- $self->ss("$1-$2-$3");
- }
- return "Unknown state/county/country"
- unless qsearchs('cust_main_county',{
- 'state' => $self->state,
- 'county' => $self->county,
- } );
- #int'l zips?
- $self->zip =~ /^(\d{5}(-\d{4})?)$/ or return "Illegal zip";
- $self->zip($1);
- #int'l countries!
- $self->country =~ /^(US)$/ or return "Illegal country";
- $self->country($1);
- $self->payby =~ /^(CARD|BILL|COMP)$/ or return "Illegal payby";
- $self->payby($1);
- if ( $self->payby eq 'CARD' ) {
- my $payinfo = $self->payinfo;
- $payinfo =~ s/\D//g;
- $payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/
- or return "Illegal credit card number";
- $payinfo = $1;
- $self->payinfo($payinfo);
- validate($payinfo) or return "Illegal credit card number";
- my $type = cardtype($payinfo);
- return "Unknown credit card type"
- unless ( $type =~ /^VISA/ ||
- $type =~ /^MasterCard/ ||
- $type =~ /^American Express/ ||
- $type =~ /^Discover/ );
- } elsif ( $self->payby eq 'BILL' ) {
- $self->payinfo =~ /^([\w \-]*)$/ or return "Illegal P.O. number";
- $self->payinfo($1);
- } elsif ( $self->payby eq 'COMP' ) {
- $self->payinfo =~ /^(\w{2,8})$/ or return "Illegal comp account issuer";
- $self->payinfo($1);
- }
- if ( $self->paydate eq '' ) {
- return "Expriation date required" unless $self->payby eq 'BILL';
- $self->paydate('');
- } else {
- $self->paydate =~ /^(\d{1,2})[\/\-](\d{2}(\d{2})?)$/
- or return "Illegal expiration date";
- if ( length($2) == 4 ) {
- $self->paydate("$2-$1-01");
- } elsif ( $2 > 97 ) { #should pry change to check for "this year"
- $self->paydate("19$2-$1-01");
- } else {
- $self->paydate("20$2-$1-01");
- }
- }
- if ( $self->payname eq '' ) {
- $self->payname( $self->first. " ". $self->getfield('last') );
- } else {
- $self->payname =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']+)$/
- or return "Illegal billing name";
- $self->payname($1);
- }
- $self->tax =~ /^(Y?)$/ or return "Illegal tax";
- $self->tax($1);
- $self->otaker(getotaker);
- ''; #no error
-=item all_pkgs
-Returns all packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this customer.
-sub all_pkgs {
- my($self)=@_;
- qsearch( 'cust_pkg', { 'custnum' => $self->custnum });
-=item ncancelled_pkgs
-Returns all non-cancelled packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this customer.
-sub ncancelled_pkgs {
- my($self)=@_;
- qsearch( 'cust_pkg', {
- 'custnum' => $self->custnum,
- 'cancel' => '',
- });
-=item bill OPTIONS
-Generates invoices (see L<FS::cust_bill>) for this customer. Usually used in
-conjunction with the collect method.
-The only currently available option is `time', which bills the customer as if
-it were that time. It is specified as a UNIX timestamp; see
-L<perlfunc/"time">). Also see L<Time::Local> and L<Date::Parse> for conversion
-If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
-sub bill {
- my($self,%options)=@_;
- my($time) = $options{'time'} || $^T;
- my($error);
- #put below somehow?
- local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
- # find the packages which are due for billing, find out how much they are
- # & generate invoice database.
- my($total_setup,$total_recur)=(0,0);
- my(@cust_bill_pkg);
- my($cust_pkg);
- foreach $cust_pkg (
- qsearch('cust_pkg',{'custnum'=> $self->getfield('custnum') } )
- ) {
- bless($cust_pkg,"FS::cust_pkg");
- next if ( $cust_pkg->getfield('cancel') );
- #? to avoid use of uninitialized value errors... ?
- $cust_pkg->setfield('bill', '')
- unless defined($cust_pkg->bill);
- my($part_pkg)=
- qsearchs('part_pkg',{'pkgpart'=> $cust_pkg->pkgpart } );
- #so we don't modify cust_pkg record unnecessarily
- my($cust_pkg_mod_flag)=0;
- my(%hash)=$cust_pkg->hash;
- my($old_cust_pkg)=create FS::cust_pkg(\%hash);
- # bill setup
- my($setup)=0;
- unless ( $cust_pkg->setup ) {
- my($setup_prog)=$part_pkg->getfield('setup');
- my($cpt) = new Safe;
- #$cpt->permit(); #what is necessary?
- $cpt->share(qw($cust_pkg)); #can $cpt now use $cust_pkg methods?
- $setup = $cpt->reval($setup_prog);
- unless ( defined($setup) ) {
- warn "Error reval-ing part_pkg->setup pkgpart ",
- $part_pkg->pkgpart, ": $@";
- } else {
- $cust_pkg->setfield('setup',$time);
- $cust_pkg_mod_flag=1;
- }
- }
- #bill recurring fee
- my($recur)=0;
- my($sdate);
- if ( $part_pkg->getfield('freq') > 0 &&
- ! $cust_pkg->getfield('susp') &&
- ( $cust_pkg->getfield('bill') || 0 ) < $time
- ) {
- my($recur_prog)=$part_pkg->getfield('recur');
- my($cpt) = new Safe;
- #$cpt->permit(); #what is necessary?
- $cpt->share(qw($cust_pkg)); #can $cpt now use $cust_pkg methods?
- $recur = $cpt->reval($recur_prog);
- unless ( defined($recur) ) {
- warn "Error reval-ing part_pkg->recur pkgpart ",
- $part_pkg->pkgpart, ": $@";
- } else {
- #change this bit to use Date::Manip?
- #$sdate=$cust_pkg->bill || time;
- #$sdate=$cust_pkg->bill || $time;
- $sdate=$cust_pkg->bill || $cust_pkg->setup || $time;
- my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year)=
- (localtime($sdate) )[0,1,2,3,4,5];
- $mon += $part_pkg->getfield('freq');
- until ( $mon < 12 ) { $mon -= 12; $year++; }
- $cust_pkg->setfield('bill',timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year));
- $cust_pkg_mod_flag=1;
- }
- }
- warn "setup is undefinded" unless defined($setup);
- warn "recur is undefinded" unless defined($recur);
- warn "cust_pkg bill is undefinded" unless defined($cust_pkg->bill);
- if ($cust_pkg_mod_flag) {
- $error=$cust_pkg->replace($old_cust_pkg);
- if ( $error ) {
- warn "Error modifying pkgnum ", $cust_pkg->pkgnum, ": $error";
- } else {
- #just in case
- $setup=sprintf("%.2f",$setup);
- $recur=sprintf("%.2f",$recur);
- my($cust_bill_pkg)=create FS::cust_bill_pkg ({
- 'pkgnum' => $cust_pkg->pkgnum,
- 'setup' => $setup,
- 'recur' => $recur,
- 'sdate' => $sdate,
- 'edate' => $cust_pkg->bill,
- });
- push @cust_bill_pkg, $cust_bill_pkg;
- $total_setup += $setup;
- $total_recur += $recur;
- }
- }
- }
- my($charged)=sprintf("%.2f",$total_setup + $total_recur);
- return '' if scalar(@cust_bill_pkg) == 0;
- unless ( $self->getfield('tax') eq 'Y' ||
- $self->getfield('tax') eq 'y' ||
- $self->getfield('payby') eq 'COMP'
- ) {
- my($cust_main_county) = qsearchs('cust_main_county',{
- 'county' => $self->getfield('county'),
- 'state' => $self->getfield('state'),
- } );
- my($tax) = sprintf("%.2f",
- $charged * ( $cust_main_county->getfield('tax') / 100 )
- );
- $charged = sprintf("%.2f",$charged+$tax);
- my($cust_bill_pkg)=create FS::cust_bill_pkg ({
- 'pkgnum' => 0,
- 'setup' => $tax,
- 'recur' => 0,
- 'sdate' => '',
- 'edate' => '',
- });
- push @cust_bill_pkg, $cust_bill_pkg;
- }
- my($cust_bill) = create FS::cust_bill ( {
- 'custnum' => $self->getfield('custnum'),
- '_date' => $time,
- 'charged' => $charged,
- } );
- $error=$cust_bill->insert;
- #shouldn't happen, but how else to handle this? (wrap me in eval, to catch
- # fatal errors)
- die "Error creating cust_bill record: $error!\n",
- "Check updated but unbilled packages for customer", $self->custnum, "\n"
- if $error;
- my($invnum)=$cust_bill->invnum;
- my($cust_bill_pkg);
- foreach $cust_bill_pkg ( @cust_bill_pkg ) {
- $cust_bill_pkg->setfield('invnum',$invnum);
- $error=$cust_bill_pkg->insert;
- #shouldn't happen, but how else tohandle this?
- die "Error creating cust_bill_pkg record: $error!\n",
- "Check incomplete invoice ", $invnum, "\n"
- if $error;
- }
- ''; #no error
-=item collect OPTIONS
-(Attempt to) collect money for this customer's outstanding invoices (see
-L<FS::cust_bill>). Usually used after the bill method.
-Depending on the value of `payby', this may print an invoice (`BILL'), charge
-a credit card (`CARD'), or just add any necessary (pseudo-)payment (`COMP').
-If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
-Currently available options are:
-invoice_time - Use this time when deciding when to print invoices and
-late notices on those invoices. The default is now. It is specified as a UNIX timestamp; see L<perlfunc/"time">). Also see L<Time::Local> and L<Date::Parse>
-for conversion functions.
-batch_card - Set this true to batch cards (see L<cust_pay_batch>). By
-default, cards are processed immediately, which will generate an error if
-CyberCash is not installed.
-report_badcard - Set this true if you want bad card transactions to
-return an error. By default, they don't.
-sub collect {
- my($self,%options)=@_;
- my($invoice_time) = $options{'invoice_time'} || $^T;
- my($total_owed) = $self->balance;
- return '' unless $total_owed > 0; #redundant?????
- #put below somehow?
- local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
- foreach my $cust_bill ( qsearch('cust_bill', {
- 'custnum' => $self->getfield('custnum'),
- } ) ) {
- #this has to be before next's
- my($amount) = sprintf("%.2f", $total_owed < $cust_bill->owed
- ? $total_owed
- : $cust_bill->owed
- );
- $total_owed = sprintf("%.2f",$total_owed-$amount);
- next unless $cust_bill->owed > 0;
- next if qsearchs('cust_pay_batch',{'invnum'=> $cust_bill->invnum });
- #warn "invnum ". $cust_bill->invnum. " (owed ". $cust_bill->owed. ", amount $amount, total_owed $total_owed)";
- next unless $amount > 0;
- if ( $self->getfield('payby') eq 'BILL' ) {
- #30 days 2592000
- my($since)=$invoice_time - ( $cust_bill->_date || 0 );
- #warn "$invoice_time ", $cust_bill->_date, " $since";
- if ( $since >= 0 #don't print future invoices
- && ( $cust_bill->printed * 2592000 ) <= $since
- ) {
- open(LPR,$lpr) or die "Can't open $lpr: $!";
- print LPR $cust_bill->print_text; #( date )
- close LPR
- or die $! ? "Error closing $lpr: $!"
- : "Exit status $? from $lpr";
- my(%hash)=$cust_bill->hash;
- $hash{'printed'}++;
- my($new_cust_bill)=create FS::cust_bill(\%hash);
- my($error)=$new_cust_bill->replace($cust_bill);
- if ( $error ) {
- warn "Error updating $cust_bill->printed: $error";
- }
- }
- } elsif ( $self->getfield('payby') eq 'COMP' ) {
- my($cust_pay) = create FS::cust_pay ( {
- 'invnum' => $cust_bill->getfield('invnum'),
- 'paid' => $amount,
- '_date' => '',
- 'payby' => 'COMP',
- 'payinfo' => $self->getfield('payinfo'),
- 'paybatch' => ''
- } );
- my($error)=$cust_pay->insert;
- return 'Error COMPing invnum #' . $cust_bill->getfield('invnum') .
- ':' . $error if $error;
- } elsif ( $self->getfield('payby') eq 'CARD' ) {
- if ( $options{'batch_card'} ne 'yes' ) {
- return "Real time card processing not enabled!" unless $processor;
- if ( $processor =~ /cybercash/ ) {
- #fix exp. date for cybercash
- $self->getfield('paydate') =~ /^(\d+)\/\d*(\d{2})$/;
- my($exp)="$1/$2";
- my($paybatch)= $cust_bill->getfield('invnum') .
- '-' . time2str("%y%m%d%H%M%S",time);
- my($payname)= $self->getfield('payname') ||
- $self->getfield('first') . ' ' .$self->getfield('last');
- my($address)= $self->getfield('address1');
- $address .= ", " . $self->getfield('address2')
- if $self->getfield('address2');
- my($country) = $self->getfield('country') eq 'US' ?
- 'USA' : $self->getfield('country');
- my(@full_xaction)=($xaction,
- 'Order-ID' => $paybatch,
- 'Amount' => "usd $amount",
- 'Card-Number' => $self->getfield('payinfo'),
- 'Card-Name' => $payname,
- 'Card-Address' => $address,
- 'Card-City' => $self->getfield('city'),
- 'Card-State' => $self->getfield('state'),
- 'Card-Zip' => $self->getfield('zip'),
- 'Card-Country' => $country,
- 'Card-Exp' => $exp,
- );
- my(%result);
- if ( $processor eq 'cybercash2' ) {
- $^W=0; #CCLib isn't -w safe, ugh!
- %result = &CCLib::sendmserver(@full_xaction);
- $^W=1;
- } elsif ( $processor eq 'cybercash3.2' ) {
- %result = &CCMckDirectLib3_2::SendCC2_1Server(@full_xaction);
- } else {
- return "Unkonwn real-time processor $processor\n";
- }
- #if ( $result{'MActionCode'} == 7 ) { #cybercash smps v.1.1.3
- #if ( $result{'action-code'} == 7 ) { #cybercash smps v.2.1
- if ( $result{'MStatus'} eq 'success' ) { #cybercash smps v.2 or 3
- my($cust_pay) = create FS::cust_pay ( {
- 'invnum' => $cust_bill->getfield('invnum'),
- 'paid' => $amount,
- '_date' => '',
- 'payby' => 'CARD',
- 'payinfo' => $self->getfield('payinfo'),
- 'paybatch' => "$processor:$paybatch",
- } );
- my($error)=$cust_pay->insert;
- return 'Error applying payment, invnum #' .
- $cust_bill->getfield('invnum') . ':' . $error if $error;
- } elsif ( $result{'Mstatus'} ne 'failure-bad-money'
- || $options{'report_badcard'} ) {
- return 'Cybercash error, invnum #' .
- $cust_bill->getfield('invnum') . ':' . $result{'MErrMsg'};
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- } else {
- return "Unkonwn real-time processor $processor\n";
- }
- } else { #batch card
-# my($cust_pay_batch) = create FS::cust_pay_batch ( {
- my($cust_pay_batch) = new FS::Record ('cust_pay_batch', {
- 'invnum' => $cust_bill->getfield('invnum'),
- 'custnum' => $self->getfield('custnum'),
- 'last' => $self->getfield('last'),
- 'first' => $self->getfield('first'),
- 'address1' => $self->getfield('address1'),
- 'address2' => $self->getfield('address2'),
- 'city' => $self->getfield('city'),
- 'state' => $self->getfield('state'),
- 'zip' => $self->getfield('zip'),
- 'country' => $self->getfield('country'),
- 'trancode' => 77,
- 'cardnum' => $self->getfield('payinfo'),
- 'exp' => $self->getfield('paydate'),
- 'payname' => $self->getfield('payname'),
- 'amount' => $amount,
- } );
-# my($error)=$cust_pay_batch->insert;
- my($error)=$cust_pay_batch->add;
- return "Error adding to cust_pay_batch: $error" if $error;
- }
- } else {
- return "Unknown payment type ".$self->getfield('payby');
- }
- }
- '';
-=item total_owed
-Returns the total owed for this customer on all invoices
-(see L<FS::cust_bill>).
-sub total_owed {
- my($self) = @_;
- my($total_bill) = 0;
- my($cust_bill);
- foreach $cust_bill ( qsearch('cust_bill', {
- 'custnum' => $self->getfield('custnum'),
- } ) ) {
- $total_bill += $cust_bill->getfield('owed');
- }
- sprintf("%.2f",$total_bill);
-=item total_credited
-Returns the total credits (see L<FS::cust_credit>) for this customer.
-sub total_credited {
- my($self) = @_;
- my($total_credit) = 0;
- my($cust_credit);
- foreach $cust_credit ( qsearch('cust_credit', {
- 'custnum' => $self->getfield('custnum'),
- } ) ) {
- $total_credit += $cust_credit->getfield('credited');
- }
- sprintf("%.2f",$total_credit);
-=item balance
-Returns the balance for this customer (total owed minus total credited).
-sub balance {
- my($self) = @_;
- sprintf("%.2f",$self->total_bill - $self->total_credit);
-=head1 BUGS
-The delete method.
-It doesn't properly override FS::Record yet.
-hfields should be removed.
-Bill and collect options should probably be passed as references instead of a
-CyberCash v2 forces us to define some variables in package main.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<FS::Record>, L<FS::cust_pkg>, L<FS::cust_bill>, L<FS::cust_credit>
-L<FS::cust_pay_batch>, L<FS::agent>, L<FS::part_referral>,
-L<FS::cust_main_county>, L<FS::UID>, schema.html from the base documentation.
-=head1 HISTORY
- 97-jul-28
-Changed to standard Business::CreditCard
-no more TableUtil
-EXPORT_OK FS::Record's hfields
-removed unique calls and locking (not needed here now)
-wrapped the (now) optional fields in if statements in sub check (notyetdone!) 97-nov-12
-updated paydate with SQL-type date info 98-mar-5
-Added export of datasrc from for Pg6.3
-changed 'day' to 'daytime' because Pg6.3 reserves the day word
- 98-apr-3
-in ->create, s/svc_acct/cust_main/, now it should actually eliminate the
-warnings it was meant to 98-jul-16
-don't require a phone number and allow '/' in company names 98-jul-18
-use ut_ and rewrite &check, &*_pkgs 98-sep-5
-pod, merge with FS::Bill (about time!), total_owed, total_credited and balance
-methods, cleaned collect method, source modifications no longer necessary to
-enable cybercash, cybercash v3 support, don't need to import
-FS::UID::{datasrc,checkruid} 98-sep-19-21