path: root/rt/tools/cpan2rpm
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1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/tools/cpan2rpm b/rt/tools/cpan2rpm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b54cb912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/tools/cpan2rpm
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Take a perl tarball and make a specfile for it. Now with bundles.
+# Copyright 2000,2001 Simon Wilkinson. All rights reserved.
+# 10/18/2001 - <>
+# Added resolution of prereq_pm modules
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+use strict;
+use CPAN;
+use POSIX;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use vars qw ($DEBUG $ARCH $builddir $seen @report);
+$ARCH = 'i386';
+$DEBUG = 0;
+# Icky globals
+my $release;
+my $package;
+$seen = {};
+sub usage
+ print STDERR <<EOM;
+Usage: cpan2rpm [--release <release>] [--builddir <rpm build dir>] <Perl::Module>
+<release> is the release number of the RPM you wish to produce
+<Perl::Module> is the name of the module to build
+ exit(1);
+my $ret=GetOptions("release" => \$release,
+ "builddir=s" => \$builddir);
+usage() if !$package;
+$release=1 if !$release;
+$builddir=ExtractRpmMacro($ENV{HOME}."/.rpmmacros","_topdir") if !$builddir;
+$builddir=ExtractRpmMacro("/etc/rpm/macros","_topdir") if !$builddir;
+$builddir=getcwd() if !$builddir;
+die "Build directory $builddir doesn't look like an RPM build root\n"
+ if ((! -d "$builddir/SPECS") || (! -d "$builddir/SOURCES"));
+print join("\n",@report)."\n";
+sub process {
+ my ($infile,$release)=@_;
+# Convert our installation list into an unbundled one
+ unbundle($infile);
+ print "Building $infile\n";
+ cpan2rpm($infile,$builddir,$release);
+# Given a Module, try to split it into its required components - this
+# currently only handles Bundles, but could also be extended to deal with
+# prereqs as well.
+sub unbundle {
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ if ($item=~/Bundle::/) {
+ my $obj=CPAN::Shell->expand('Bundle',$item);
+ foreach my $kid ($obj->contains) {
+ process($kid,$release);
+ }
+ }
+sub cpan2rpm($$$) {
+ my ($infile,$builddir,$release) = @_;
+ my $ret;
+ my $obj=CPAN::Shell->expand('Module',$infile);
+ print "CPAN tells us the following about $infile:\n",$obj->as_string if ($DEBUG);
+ $ret=fetch_source($obj,$builddir);
+ $ret=build_specfile($obj,$builddir,$release) if !$ret;
+ return $ret;
+# FIXME: Some error handling in the function below wouldn't go amiss ...
+sub fetch_source {
+ my ($obj,$builddir)=@_;
+ # Minor Sanity checks
+ my $id=$obj->{ID};
+ return "Error: No file for $id\n"
+ if $obj->cpan_file eq "N/A";
+ return "Error: $id says 'Contact Author'\n"
+ if $obj->cpan_file =~ /^Contact Author/;
+ return "Error: $id is contained within Perl itself!\n"
+ if ($obj->cpan_file =~/perl-5\.\d?\.\d?\.tar\.gz/xo);
+ # We do this so we can take advantage of CPAN's object caching. This is
+ # pinched from the CPAN::Distribution::get method, which we can't use
+ # directly, as it untars the package as well - which we let RPM do.
+ my $dist = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Distribution',$obj->cpan_file);
+ my($local_wanted) =
+ MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
+ "authors",
+ "id",
+ split("/",$dist->{ID})
+ );
+ my $local_file = CPAN::FTP->localize("authors/id/$dist->{ID}", $local_wanted);
+ $dist->{localfile} = $local_file;
+ $dist->verifyMD5 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('MD5'));
+ # Find all the prereqs for this distribution, then build em.
+ # TODO this should be somewhere else
+ $dist->make;
+ build_prereqs( $dist->prereq_pm());
+ my $infile=basename($obj->cpan_file);
+ File::Copy::copy($local_file,"$builddir/SOURCES/$infile");
+ return undef;
+sub build_prereqs($) {
+ my ($prereqs) = @_;
+ foreach my $prereq (keys %{$prereqs}) {
+ process ($prereq, $release);
+ }
+sub build_specfile($$$) {
+ my ($obj,$builddir,$release) = @_;
+ my $source=basename($obj->cpan_file);
+ # don't go through dependencies on something we've already dealt with
+ return() if ($seen->{$source});
+ $seen->{$source} = 1;
+my ($name,$version)=($source=~/(.*)-(.*)\.tar\.gz/);
+ return "Couldn't get a name for $source\n" if !$name;
+ return "Couldn't get a version for $source\n" if !$version;
+ my $summary="$name module for perl";
+ my $description=$obj->{description};
+ $description= $summary if !$description;
+ open(SPEC, ">$builddir/SPECS/perl-$name.spec")
+ or die "Couldn't open perl-$name.spec for writing.";
+ print SPEC <<EOF;
+Summary: $summary
+Name: perl-$name
+Version: $version
+Release: $release
+Copyright: distributable
+Group: Applications/CPAN
+Source0: $source
+BuildRoot: /var/tmp/perl-${name}-buildroot/
+Requires: perl
+This is a perl module, autogenerated by cpan2rpm. The original package's
+description was:
+%setup -q -n $name-%{version}
+CFLAGS="\$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" perl Makefile.PL
+rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+eval `perl '-V:installarchlib'`
+mkdir -p \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/\$installarchlib
+make PREFIX=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr install
+find \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr -type f -print | sed "s\@^\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\@\@g" | grep -v perllocal.pod > $name-$version-filelist
+%files -f ${name}-${version}-filelist
+ print SPEC "* ",POSIX::strftime("%a %b %d %Y",localtime()), " ",$ENV{USER}," <",$ENV{USER},"\@",hostname(),">\n";
+ print SPEC "- Spec file automatically generated by cpan2rpm\n";
+ close(SPEC);
+ system("rpm -ba $builddir/SPECS/perl-$name.spec >/dev/null") == 0
+ or push (@report, "RPM of $source failed with : $!\n");
+ system("rpm -Uvh $builddir/RPMS/$ARCH/perl-$name-$version-$release.$ARCH.rpm") == 0
+ or warn "RPM of $source could not be installed: $!\n";
+ push (@report, "Built perl-$name-$version-$release.$ARCH.rpm");
+sub ExtractRpmMacro {
+ my ($file,$macro) = @_;
+ my $handle=new IO::File;
+ if (!$handle->open($file)) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ while(<$handle>) {
+ if (/\%$macro (.*)/) {
+ return $1;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+=head1 NAME
+cpan2rpm - fetch and convert CPAN packages to RPMs
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+cpan2rpm --release <release> <package>
+cpan2rpm provides a quick way of creating RPM packages from perl modules
+published on CPAN. It interfaces with the perl CPAN module to fetch the
+file from the selected mirror, and then creates a spec file from the
+information in CPAN, and invokes RPM on that spec file.
+Files are created in the users RPM build root.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item release
+Sets the release number of the created RPMs.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Wilkinson <>