path: root/rt/t/web/ticket_forward.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/t/web/ticket_forward.t')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/t/web/ticket_forward.t b/rt/t/web/ticket_forward.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be06ad976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/t/web/ticket_forward.t
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => undef;
+use File::Spec;
+my $att_file = File::Spec->catfile( RT::Test->temp_directory, 'attachment' );
+open my $att_fh, '>', $att_file or die $!;
+print $att_fh "this is an attachment";
+close $att_fh;
+my $att_name = ( File::Spec->splitpath($att_file) )[-1];
+my ( $baseurl, $m ) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ok $m->login, 'logged in as root';
+# Create a ticket with content and an attachment
+$m->get_ok( $baseurl . '/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=1' );
+ form_name => 'TicketCreate',
+ fields => {
+ Subject => 'test forward',
+ Content => 'this is content',
+ Attach => $att_file,
+ },
+$m->content_like( qr/Ticket \d+ created/i, 'created the ticket' );
+diag "Forward Ticket" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ $m->follow_link_ok(
+ { id => 'page-actions-forward' },
+ 'follow 1st Forward to forward ticket'
+ );
+ $m->submit_form(
+ form_name => 'ForwardMessage',
+ fields => {
+ To => 'rt-test,',
+ Cc => '',
+ },
+ button => 'ForwardAndReturn'
+ );
+ $m->content_contains( 'Sent email successfully', 'sent mail msg' );
+ $m->content_contains(
+ 'Forwarded Ticket to rt-test,,',
+ 'txn msg' );
+ my ($mail) = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ like( $mail, qr!Subject: test forward!, 'Subject field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!To: rt-test, rt-to\!, 'To field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!Cc: rt-cc\!, 'Cc field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!This is a forward of ticket!, 'content' );
+ like( $mail, qr!this is an attachment!, 'att content' );
+ like( $mail, qr!$att_name!, 'att file name' );
+diag "Forward Transaction" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Forward', n => 2 }, 'follow 2nd Forward' );
+ $m->submit_form(
+ form_name => 'ForwardMessage',
+ fields => {
+ To => 'rt-test,',
+ Cc => '',
+ Bcc => ''
+ },
+ button => 'ForwardAndReturn'
+ );
+ $m->content_contains( 'Sent email successfully', 'sent mail msg' );
+ $m->content_like(
+qr/Forwarded Transaction #\d+ to rt-test, rt-to\, rt-cc\, rt-bcc\,
+ 'txn msg'
+ );
+ my ($mail) = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ like( $mail, qr!Subject: test forward!, 'Subject field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!To: rt-test, rt-to\!, 'To field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!Cc: rt-cc\!, 'Cc field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!Bcc: rt-bcc\!, 'Bcc field' );
+ like( $mail, qr!This is a forward of transaction!, 'content' );
+ like( $mail, qr!$att_name!, 'att file name' );
+ like( $mail, qr!this is an attachment!, 'att content' );
+diag "Forward Ticket without content" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ my $ticket = RT::Test->create_ticket(
+ Subject => 'test forward without content',
+ Queue => 1,
+ );
+ $m->get_ok( $baseurl . '/Ticket/Forward.html?id=' . $ticket->id );
+ $m->submit_form(
+ form_name => 'ForwardMessage',
+ fields => { To => '', },
+ button => 'ForwardAndReturn'
+ );
+ $m->content_contains( 'Sent email successfully', 'sent mail msg' );
+ my ($mail) = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ like( $mail, qr/Subject: Fwd: \[example\.com #\d\] test forward without content/, 'Subject field' );
+ like( $mail, qr/To: rt-test\@example\.com/, 'To field' );
+ like( $mail, qr/This is a forward of ticket #\d/, 'content' );
+diag "Forward Transaction with attachments but empty content" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ # Create a ticket without content but with a non-text/plain attachment
+ $m->get_ok( $baseurl . '/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=1' );
+ $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ my $attach = $m->current_form->find_input('Attach');
+ $attach->filename("awesome.patch");
+ $attach->headers('Content-Type' => 'text/x-diff');
+ $m->set_fields(
+ Subject => 'test forward, empty content but attachments',
+ Attach => $att_file, # from up top
+ );
+ $m->click('AddMoreAttach');
+ $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ $attach = $m->current_form->find_input('Attach');
+ $attach->filename("bpslogo.png");
+ $attach->headers('Content-Type' => 'image/png');
+ $m->set_fields(
+ Attach => RT::Test::get_relocatable_file('bpslogo.png', '..', 'data'), # an image!
+ );
+ $m->submit;
+ $m->content_like( qr/Ticket \d+ created/i, 'created the ticket' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/awesome\.patch/, 'uploaded patch file' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/text\/x-diff/, 'uploaded patch file content type' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/bpslogo\.png/, 'uploaded image file' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/image\/png/, 'uploaded image file content type' );
+ RT::Test->clean_caught_mails;
+ $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Forward', n => 2 }, 'follow 2nd Forward' );
+ $m->submit_form(
+ form_name => 'ForwardMessage',
+ fields => {
+ To => '',
+ },
+ button => 'ForwardAndReturn'
+ );
+ $m->content_contains( 'Sent email successfully', 'sent mail msg' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/Forwarded Transaction #\d+ to rt-test\@example\.com/, 'txn msg' );
+ my ($mail) = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ like( $mail, qr/Subject: test forward, empty content but attachments/, 'Subject field' );
+ like( $mail, qr/To: rt-test\, 'To field' );
+ like( $mail, qr/This is a forward of transaction/, 'content' );
+ like( $mail, qr/awesome\.patch/, 'att file name' );
+ like( $mail, qr/this is an attachment/, 'att content' );
+ like( $mail, qr/text\/x-diff/, 'att content type' );
+ like( $mail, qr/bpslogo\.png/, 'att image file name' );
+ like( $mail, qr/image\/png/, 'att image content type' );
+diag "Forward Transaction with attachments but no 'content' part" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ my $mime = MIME::Entity->build(
+ From => '',
+ Subject => 'attachments for everyone',
+ Type => 'multipart/mixed',
+ );
+ $mime->attach(
+ Path => $att_file,
+ Type => 'text/x-diff',
+ Filename => 'awesome.patch',
+ Disposition => 'attachment',
+ );
+ $mime->attach(
+ Path => RT::Test::get_relocatable_file('bpslogo.png', '..', 'data'),
+ Type => 'image/png',
+ Filename => 'bpslogo.png',
+ Encoding => 'base64',
+ Disposition => 'attachment',
+ );
+ my $ticket = RT::Test->create_ticket(
+ Queue => 1,
+ Subject => 'test forward, attachments but no "content"',
+ MIMEObj => $mime,
+ );
+ $m->get_ok( $baseurl . '/Ticket/Display.html?id=' . $ticket->Id );
+ $m->content_like( qr/awesome\.patch/, 'uploaded patch file' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/text\/x-diff/, 'uploaded patch file content type' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/bpslogo\.png/, 'uploaded image file' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/image\/png/, 'uploaded image file content type' );
+ RT::Test->clean_caught_mails;
+ # Forward txn
+ $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Forward', n => 2 }, 'follow 2nd Forward' );
+ $m->submit_form(
+ form_name => 'ForwardMessage',
+ fields => {
+ To => '',
+ },
+ button => 'ForwardAndReturn'
+ );
+ $m->content_contains( 'Sent email successfully', 'sent mail msg' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/Forwarded Transaction #\d+ to rt-test\@example\.com/, 'txn msg' );
+ # Forward ticket
+ $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Forward', n => 1 }, 'follow 1st Forward' );
+ $m->submit_form(
+ form_name => 'ForwardMessage',
+ fields => {
+ To => '',
+ },
+ button => 'ForwardAndReturn'
+ );
+ $m->content_contains( 'Sent email successfully', 'sent mail msg' );
+ $m->content_like( qr/Forwarded Ticket to rt-test\@example\.com/, 'txn msg' );
+ my ($forward_txn, $forward_ticket) = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ my $tag = qr/Fwd: \[example\.com #\d+\]/;
+ like( $forward_txn, qr/Subject: $tag attachments for everyone/, 'Subject field is from txn' );
+ like( $forward_txn, qr/This is a forward of transaction/, 'forward description' );
+ like( $forward_ticket, qr/Subject: $tag test forward, attachments but no "content"/, 'Subject field is from ticket' );
+ like( $forward_ticket, qr/This is a forward of ticket/, 'forward description' );
+ for my $mail ($forward_txn, $forward_ticket) {
+ like( $mail, qr/To: rt-test\, 'To field' );
+ like( $mail, qr/awesome\.patch/, 'att file name' );
+ like( $mail, qr/this is an attachment/, 'att content' );
+ like( $mail, qr/text\/x-diff/, 'att content type' );
+ like( $mail, qr/bpslogo\.png/, 'att image file name' );
+ like( $mail, qr/image\/png/, 'att image content type' );
+ }
+undef $m;