path: root/rt/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t b/rt/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a46833c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/t/web/gnupg-outgoing.t
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => 492;
+plan skip_all => 'GnuPG required.'
+ unless eval 'use GnuPG::Interface; 1';
+plan skip_all => 'gpg executable is required.'
+ unless RT::Test->find_executable('gpg');
+use RT::Action::SendEmail;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+RT->Config->Set( GnuPG =>
+ Enable => 1,
+ OutgoingMessagesFormat => 'RFC',
+RT->Config->Set( GnuPGOptions =>
+ homedir => scalar tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ),
+ passphrase => 'rt-test',
+ 'no-permission-warning' => undef,
+ 'trust-model' => 'always',
+RT->Config->Set( 'MailPlugins' => 'Auth::MailFrom', 'Auth::GnuPG' );
+RT::Test->import_gnupg_key('', 'public');
+my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
+ Name => 'Regression',
+ CorrespondAddress => '',
+ CommentAddress => '',
+ok $queue && $queue->id, 'loaded or created queue';
+ Principal => 'Everyone',
+ Right => ['CreateTicket', 'ShowTicket', 'SeeQueue', 'ReplyToTicket', 'ModifyTicket'],
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ok $m->login, 'logged in';
+my @variants = (
+ {},
+ { Sign => 1 },
+ { Encrypt => 1 },
+ { Sign => 1, Encrypt => 1 },
+# collect emails
+my %mail = (
+ plain => [],
+ signed => [],
+ encrypted => [],
+ signed_encrypted => [],
+diag "check in read-only mode that queue's props influence create/update ticket pages" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+ foreach my $variant ( @variants ) {
+ set_queue_crypt_options( %$variant );
+ $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue );
+ $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ if ( $variant->{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ if ( $variant->{'Sign'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ }
+ # to avoid encryption/signing during create
+ set_queue_crypt_options();
+ my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my ($id) = $ticket->Create(
+ Subject => 'test',
+ Queue => $queue->id,
+ Requestor => '',
+ );
+ ok $id, 'ticket created';
+ foreach my $variant ( @variants ) {
+ set_queue_crypt_options( %$variant );
+ $m->goto_ticket( $id );
+ $m->follow_link_ok({text => 'Reply'}, '-> reply');
+ $m->form_number(3);
+ if ( $variant->{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Encrypt', 2), "encrypt tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ if ( $variant->{'Sign'} ) {
+ ok $m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is checked";
+ } else {
+ ok !$m->value('Sign', 2), "sign tick box is unchecked";
+ }
+ }
+# create a ticket for each combination
+foreach my $queue_set ( @variants ) {
+ set_queue_crypt_options( %$queue_set );
+ foreach my $ticket_set ( @variants ) {
+ create_a_ticket( %$ticket_set );
+ }
+my $tid;
+ my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ ($tid) = $ticket->Create(
+ Subject => 'test',
+ Queue => $queue->id,
+ Requestor => '',
+ );
+ ok $tid, 'ticket created';
+# again for each combination add a reply message
+foreach my $queue_set ( @variants ) {
+ set_queue_crypt_options( %$queue_set );
+ foreach my $ticket_set ( @variants ) {
+ update_ticket( $tid, %$ticket_set );
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# now delete all keys from the keyring and put back secret/pub pair for rt-test@
+# and only public key for rt-recipient@ so we can verify signatures and decrypt
+# like we are on another side recieve emails
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+unlink $_ foreach glob( RT->Config->Get('GnuPGOptions')->{'homedir'} ."/*" );
+RT::Test->import_gnupg_key('', 'public');
+$queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(
+ Name => 'Regression',
+ CorrespondAddress => '',
+ CommentAddress => '',
+ok $queue && $queue->id, 'changed props of the queue';
+foreach my $mail ( map cleanup_headers($_), @{ $mail{'plain'} } ) {
+ my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail);
+ is ($status >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally");
+ ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id");
+ my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $tick->Load( $id );
+ ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id");
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, @attachments) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ ok !$msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Privacy'), "RT's outgoing mail has no crypto";
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'), 'Not encrypted',
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks not encrypted";
+ ok !$msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Signature'),
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks not signed";
+ like $msg->Content, qr/Some content/, "RT's mail includes copy of ticket text";
+foreach my $mail ( map cleanup_headers($_), @{ $mail{'signed'} } ) {
+ my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail);
+ is ($status >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally");
+ ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id");
+ my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $tick->Load( $id );
+ ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id");
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, @attachments) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Privacy'), 'PGP',
+ "RT's outgoing mail has crypto";
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'), 'Not encrypted',
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks not encrypted";
+ like $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Signature'),
+ qr/<rt-recipient\>/,
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks signed";
+ like $attachments[0]->Content, qr/Some content/,
+ "RT's mail includes copy of ticket text";
+foreach my $mail ( map cleanup_headers($_), @{ $mail{'encrypted'} } ) {
+ my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail);
+ is ($status >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally");
+ ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id");
+ my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $tick->Load( $id );
+ ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id");
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, @attachments) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Privacy'), 'PGP',
+ "RT's outgoing mail has crypto";
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'), 'Success',
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks encrypted";
+ ok !$msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Signature'),
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks not signed";
+ like $attachments[0]->Content, qr/Some content/,
+ "RT's mail includes copy of ticket text";
+foreach my $mail ( map cleanup_headers($_), @{ $mail{'signed_encrypted'} } ) {
+ my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail);
+ is ($status >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally");
+ ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id");
+ my $tick = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $tick->Load( $id );
+ ok ($tick->id, "loaded ticket #$id");
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, @attachments) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Privacy'), 'PGP',
+ "RT's outgoing mail has crypto";
+ is $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'), 'Success',
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks encrypted";
+ like $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Signature'),
+ qr/<rt-recipient\>/,
+ "RT's outgoing mail looks signed";
+ like $attachments[0]->Content, qr/Some content/,
+ "RT's mail includes copy of ticket text";
+sub create_a_ticket {
+ my %args = (@_);
+ RT::Test->clean_caught_mails;
+ $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue );
+ $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ $m->field( Subject => 'test' );
+ $m->field( Requestors => '' );
+ $m->field( Content => 'Some content' );
+ foreach ( qw(Sign Encrypt) ) {
+ if ( $args{ $_ } ) {
+ $m->tick( $_ => 1 );
+ } else {
+ $m->untick( $_ => 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ $m->submit;
+ is $m->status, 200, "request successful";
+ unlike($m->content, qr/unable to sign outgoing email messages/);
+ $m->get_ok('/'); # ensure that the mail has been processed
+ my @mail = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ check_text_emails( \%args, @mail );
+sub update_ticket {
+ my $tid = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ RT::Test->clean_caught_mails;
+ ok $m->goto_ticket( $tid ), "UI -> ticket #$tid";
+ $m->follow_link_ok( { text => 'Reply' }, 'ticket -> reply' );
+ $m->form_number(3);
+ $m->field( UpdateContent => 'Some content' );
+ foreach ( qw(Sign Encrypt) ) {
+ if ( $args{ $_ } ) {
+ $m->tick( $_ => 1 );
+ } else {
+ $m->untick( $_ => 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ $m->click('SubmitTicket');
+ is $m->status, 200, "request successful";
+ $m->content_like(qr/Message recorded/, 'Message recorded') or diag $m->content;
+ $m->get_ok('/'); # ensure that the mail has been processed
+ my @mail = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+ check_text_emails( \%args, @mail );
+sub check_text_emails {
+ my %args = %{ shift @_ };
+ my @mail = @_;
+ ok scalar @mail, "got some mail";
+ for my $mail (@mail) {
+ if ( $args{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ unlike $mail, qr/Some content/, "outgoing email was encrypted";
+ } else {
+ like $mail, qr/Some content/, "outgoing email was not encrypted";
+ }
+ if ( $args{'Sign'} && $args{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ like $mail, qr/BEGIN PGP MESSAGE/, 'outgoing email was signed';
+ } elsif ( $args{'Sign'} ) {
+ like $mail, qr/SIGNATURE/, 'outgoing email was signed';
+ } else {
+ unlike $mail, qr/SIGNATURE/, 'outgoing email was not signed';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $args{'Sign'} && $args{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ push @{ $mail{'signed_encrypted'} }, @mail;
+ } elsif ( $args{'Sign'} ) {
+ push @{ $mail{'signed'} }, @mail;
+ } elsif ( $args{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ push @{ $mail{'encrypted'} }, @mail;
+ } else {
+ push @{ $mail{'plain'} }, @mail;
+ }
+sub cleanup_headers {
+ my $mail = shift;
+ # strip id from subject to create new ticket
+ $mail =~ s/^(Subject:)\s*\[.*?\s+#\d+\]\s*/$1 /m;
+ # strip several headers
+ foreach my $field ( qw(Message-ID X-RT-Original-Encoding RT-Originator RT-Ticket X-RT-Loop-Prevention) ) {
+ $mail =~ s/^$field:.*?\n(?! |\t)//gmsi;
+ }
+ return $mail;
+sub set_queue_crypt_options {
+ my %args = @_;
+ $m->get_ok("/Admin/Queues/Modify.html?id=". $queue->id);
+ $m->form_with_fields('Sign', 'Encrypt');
+ foreach my $opt ('Sign', 'Encrypt') {
+ if ( $args{$opt} ) {
+ $m->tick($opt => 1);
+ } else {
+ $m->untick($opt => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $m->submit;