path: root/rt/t/shredder/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/t/shredder/')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/t/shredder/ b/rt/t/shredder/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54243318e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/t/shredder/
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp 0.19 ();
+require File::Path;
+require File::Copy;
+require Cwd;
+### after: push @INC, qw(@RT_LIB_PATH@);
+ push @INC, qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);
+use RT::Shredder;
+# where to keep temporary generated test data
+my $tmpdir = '';
+RT::Shredder test suite utilities
+=head1 TESTING
+Since RT:Shredder 0.01_03 we have a test suite. You
+can run tests and see if everything works as expected
+before you try shredder on your actual data.
+Tests also help in the development process.
+The test suite uses SQLite databases to store data in individual files,
+so you could sun tests on your production servers without risking
+damage to your production data.
+You'll want to run the test suite almost every time you install or update
+the shredder distribution, especialy if you have local customizations of
+the DB schema and/or RT code.
+Tests are one thing you can write even if you don't know much perl,
+but want to learn more about RT's internals. New tests are very welcome.
+The shredder distribution has several files to help write new tests.
+ t/shredder/ - this file, utilities
+ t/00skeleton.t - skeleteton .t file for new tests
+All tests follow this algorithm:
+ require "t/shredder/"; # plug in utilities
+ init_db(); # create new tmp RT DB and init RT API
+ # create RT data you want to be always in the RT DB
+ # ...
+ create_savepoint('mysp'); # create DB savepoint
+ # create data you want delete with shredder
+ # ...
+ # run shredder on the objects you've created
+ # ...
+ # check that shredder deletes things you want
+ # this command will compare savepoint DB with current
+ cmp_deeply( dump_current_and_savepoint('mysp'), "current DB equal to savepoint");
+ # then you can create another object and delete it, then check again
+Savepoints are named and you can create two or more savepoints.
+=head2 RT CONFIG
+=head3 rewrite_rtconfig
+Call this sub after C<RT::LoadConfig>. It changes the RT config
+options necessary to switch to a local SQLite database.
+sub rewrite_rtconfig
+ # database
+ config_set( '$DatabaseType' , 'SQLite' );
+ config_set( '$DatabaseHost' , 'localhost' );
+ config_set( '$DatabaseRTHost' , 'localhost' );
+ config_set( '$DatabasePort' , '' );
+ config_set( '$DatabaseUser' , 'rt_user' );
+ config_set( '$DatabasePassword' , 'rt_pass' );
+ config_set( '$DatabaseRequireSSL' , undef );
+ # database file name
+ config_set( '$DatabaseName' , db_name() );
+ # generic logging
+ config_set( '$LogToSyslog' , undef );
+ config_set( '$LogToScreen' , 'error' );
+ config_set( '$LogStackTraces' , 'crit' );
+ # logging to standalone file
+ config_set( '$LogToFile' , 'debug' );
+ my $fname = File::Spec->catfile(create_tmpdir(), test_name() .".log");
+ config_set( '$LogToFileNamed' , $fname );
+=head3 config_set
+This sub is a helper used by C<rewrite_rtconfig>. You shouldn't
+need to use it elsewhere unless you need to change other RT
+configuration variables.
+sub config_set {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ $opt =~ s/^[\$\%\@]//;
+ RT->Config->Set($opt, @_)
+=head3 init_db
+Creates a new RT DB with initial data in a new test tmp dir.
+Also runs RT::Init() and RT::InitLogging().
+This is all you need to call to setup a testing environment
+in most situations.
+sub init_db
+ create_tmpdir();
+ RT::LoadConfig();
+ rewrite_rtconfig();
+ RT::InitLogging();
+ _init_db();
+ RT::Init();
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $RT::Logger->warning( @_ ); warn @_ };
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $RT::Logger->crit( @_ ) unless $^S; die @_ };
+use IPC::Open2;
+sub _init_db
+ foreach ( qw(Type Host Port Name User Password) ) {
+ $ENV{ "RT_DB_". uc $_ } = RT->Config->Get("Database$_");
+ }
+ my $rt_setup_database = RT::Test::get_relocatable_file(
+ 'rt-setup-database', (File::Spec->updir(), File::Spec->updir(), 'sbin'));
+ my $cmd = "$^X $rt_setup_database --action init 2>&1";
+ my ($child_out, $child_in);
+ my $pid = open2($child_out, $child_in, $cmd);
+ close $child_in;
+ my $result = do { local $/; <$child_out> };
+ return $result;
+=head3 db_name
+Returns the absolute file path to the current DB.
+It is <$tmpdir . test_name() .'.db'>.
+See also the C<test_name> function.
+sub db_name { return File::Spec->catfile(create_tmpdir(), test_name() .".db") }
+=head3 connect_sqlite
+Returns connected DBI DB handle.
+Takes path to sqlite db.
+sub connect_sqlite
+ return DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=". shift, "", "");
+=head2 SHREDDER
+=head3 shredder_new
+Creates and returns a new RT::Shredder object.
+sub shredder_new
+ my $obj = new RT::Shredder;
+ my $file = File::Spec->catfile( create_tmpdir(), test_name() .'.XXXX.sql' );
+ $obj->AddDumpPlugin( Arguments => {
+ file_name => $file,
+ from_storage => 0,
+ } );
+ return $obj;
+=head2 TEST FILES
+=head3 test_name
+Returns name of the test file running now with file extension and
+directory names stripped.
+For example, it returns '00load' for the test file 't/00load.t'.
+sub test_name
+ my $name = $0;
+ $name =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//;
+ $name =~ s/\..*$//;
+ return $name;
+=head3 tmpdir
+Returns the absolute path to a tmp dir used in tests.
+sub tmpdir {
+ if (-d $tmpdir) {
+ return $tmpdir;
+ } else {
+ $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir(TEMPLATE => 'shredderXXXXX', CLEANUP => 0);
+ return $tmpdir;
+ }
+=head2 create_tmpdir
+Creates a tmp dir if one doesn't exist already. Returns tmpdir path.
+sub create_tmpdir { my $n = tmpdir(); File::Path::mkpath( [$n] ); return $n }
+=head3 cleanup_tmp
+Deletes all the tmp dir used in the tests.
+See also the C<test_name> function.
+sub cleanup_tmp
+ my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(tmpdir(), test_name());
+ return File::Path::rmtree( File::Spec->catdir( tmpdir(), test_name() ));
+=head3 savepoint_name
+Returns the absolute path to the named savepoint DB file.
+Takes one argument - savepoint name, by default C<sp>.
+sub savepoint_name
+ my $name = shift || 'sp';
+ return File::Spec->catfile( create_tmpdir(), test_name() .".$name.db" );
+=head3 create_savepoint
+Creates savepoint DB from the current DB.
+Takes name of the savepoint as argument.
+=head3 restore_savepoint
+Restores current DB to savepoint state.
+Takes name of the savepoint as argument.
+sub create_savepoint { return __cp_db( db_name() => savepoint_name( shift ) ) }
+sub restore_savepoint { return __cp_db( savepoint_name( shift ) => db_name() ) }
+sub __cp_db
+ my( $orig, $dest ) = @_;
+ $RT::Handle->dbh->disconnect;
+ # DIRTY HACK: undef Handles to force reconnect
+ $RT::Handle = undef;
+ %DBIx::SearchBuilder::DBIHandle = ();
+ $DBIx::SearchBuilder::PrevHandle = undef;
+ File::Copy::copy( $orig, $dest ) or die "Couldn't copy '$orig' => '$dest': $!";
+ RT::ConnectToDatabase();
+ return;
+=head2 DUMPS
+=head3 dump_sqlite
+Returns DB dump as a complex hash structure:
+ {
+ TableName => {
+ #id => {
+ lc_field => 'value',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Takes named argument C<CleanDates>. If true, clean all date fields from
+dump. True by default.
+sub dump_sqlite
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my %args = ( CleanDates => 1, @_ );
+ my $old_fhkn = $dbh->{'FetchHashKeyName'};
+ $dbh->{'FetchHashKeyName'} = 'NAME_lc';
+ my $sth = $dbh->table_info( '', '', '%', 'TABLE' ) || die $DBI::err;
+ my @tables = keys %{$sth->fetchall_hashref( 'table_name' )};
+ my $res = {};
+ foreach my $t( @tables ) {
+ next if lc($t) eq 'sessions';
+ $res->{$t} = $dbh->selectall_hashref("SELECT * FROM $t", 'id');
+ clean_dates( $res->{$t} ) if $args{'CleanDates'};
+ die $DBI::err if $DBI::err;
+ }
+ $dbh->{'FetchHashKeyName'} = $old_fhkn;
+ return $res;
+=head3 dump_current_and_savepoint
+Returns dump of the current DB and of the named savepoint.
+Takes one argument - savepoint name.
+sub dump_current_and_savepoint
+ my $orig = savepoint_name( shift );
+ die "Couldn't find savepoint file" unless -f $orig && -r _;
+ my $odbh = connect_sqlite( $orig );
+ return ( dump_sqlite( $RT::Handle->dbh, @_ ), dump_sqlite( $odbh, @_ ) );
+=head3 dump_savepoint_and_current
+Returns the same data as C<dump_current_and_savepoint> function,
+but in reversed order.
+sub dump_savepoint_and_current { return reverse dump_current_and_savepoint(@_) }
+sub clean_dates
+ my $h = shift;
+ my $date_re = qr/^\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d\s*\d\d\:\d\d(\:\d\d)?$/i;
+ foreach my $id ( keys %{ $h } ) {
+ next unless $h->{ $id };
+ foreach ( keys %{ $h->{ $id } } ) {
+ delete $h->{$id}{$_} if $h->{$id}{$_} &&
+ $h->{$id}{$_} =~ /$date_re/;
+ }
+ }
+=head2 NOTES
+Function that returns debug notes.
+=head3 note_on_fail
+Returns a note about debug info that you can display if tests fail.
+sub note_on_fail
+ my $name = test_name();
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir();
+ return <<END;
+Some tests in '$0' file failed.
+You can find debug info in '$tmpdir' dir.
+There should be:
+ $name.log - RT debug log file
+ $name.db - latest RT DB used while testing
+ $name.*.db - savepoint databases
+See also perldoc t/shredder/ for how to use this info.
+=head2 OTHER
+=head3 all_were_successful
+Returns true if all tests that have already run were successful.
+sub all_were_successful
+ use Test::Builder;
+ my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+ return grep( !$_, $Test->summary )? 0: 1;
+END {
+ return unless -e tmpdir();
+ if ( all_were_successful() ) {
+ cleanup_tmp();
+ } else {
+ diag( note_on_fail() );
+ }