path: root/rt/t/mail/gnupg-incoming.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/t/mail/gnupg-incoming.t')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/t/mail/gnupg-incoming.t b/rt/t/mail/gnupg-incoming.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec313330a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/t/mail/gnupg-incoming.t
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Test tests => 39;
+plan skip_all => 'GnuPG required.'
+ unless eval 'use GnuPG::Interface; 1';
+plan skip_all => 'gpg executable is required.'
+ unless RT::Test->find_executable('gpg');
+use File::Temp;
+use Cwd 'getcwd';
+use String::ShellQuote 'shell_quote';
+use IPC::Run3 'run3';
+my $homedir = RT::Test::get_abs_relocatable_dir(File::Spec->updir(),
+ qw(data gnupg keyrings));
+# catch any outgoing emails
+RT->Config->Set( 'GnuPG',
+ Enable => 1,
+ OutgoingMessagesFormat => 'RFC' );
+RT->Config->Set( 'GnuPGOptions',
+ homedir => $homedir,
+ 'no-permission-warning' => undef);
+RT->Config->Set( 'MailPlugins' => 'Auth::MailFrom', 'Auth::GnuPG' );
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+# configure key for General queue
+$m->get( $baseurl."?user=root;pass=password" );
+$m->content_like(qr/Logout/, 'we did log in');
+$m->get( $baseurl.'/Admin/Queues/');
+$m->follow_link_ok( {text => 'General'} );
+$m->submit_form( form_number => 3,
+ fields => { CorrespondAddress => '' } );
+$m->content_like(qr/general\* - never/, 'has key info.');
+ok(my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser));
+ok($user->Load('root'), "Loaded user 'root'");
+# test simple mail. supposedly this should fail when
+# 1. the queue requires signature
+# 2. the from is not what the key is associated with
+my $mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<EOF;
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation as root
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ is( $tick->Subject,
+ 'This is a test of new ticket creation as root',
+ "Created the ticket"
+ );
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ like(
+ $txn->Attachments->First->Headers,
+ qr/^X-RT-Incoming-Encryption: Not encrypted/m,
+ 'recorded incoming mail that is not encrypted'
+ );
+ like( $txn->Attachments->First->Content, qr'Blah');
+# test for signed mail
+my $buf = '';
+ shell_quote(
+ qw(gpg --armor --sign),
+ '--default-key' => '',
+ '--homedir' => $homedir,
+ '--passphrase' => 'recipient',
+ ),
+ \"fnord\r\n",
+ \$buf,
+$mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<"EOF";
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: signed message for queue
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ is( $tick->Subject, 'signed message for queue',
+ "Created the ticket"
+ );
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, $attach) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ is( $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'),
+ 'Not encrypted',
+ 'recorded incoming mail that is encrypted'
+ );
+ # test for some kind of PGP-Signed-By: Header
+ like( $attach->Content, qr'fnord');
+# test for clear-signed mail
+$buf = '';
+ shell_quote(
+ qw(gpg --armor --sign --clearsign),
+ '--default-key' => '',
+ '--homedir' => $homedir,
+ '--passphrase' => 'recipient',
+ ),
+ \"clearfnord\r\n",
+ \$buf,
+$mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<"EOF";
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: signed message for queue
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ is( $tick->Subject, 'signed message for queue',
+ "Created the ticket"
+ );
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, $attach) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ is( $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'),
+ 'Not encrypted',
+ 'recorded incoming mail that is encrypted'
+ );
+ # test for some kind of PGP-Signed-By: Header
+ like( $attach->Content, qr'clearfnord');
+# test for signed and encrypted mail
+$buf = '';
+ shell_quote(
+ qw(gpg --encrypt --armor --sign),
+ '--recipient' => '',
+ '--default-key' => '',
+ '--homedir' => $homedir,
+ '--passphrase' => 'recipient',
+ ),
+ \"orzzzzzz\r\n",
+ \$buf,
+$mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<"EOF";
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: Encrypted message for queue
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ is( $tick->Subject, 'Encrypted message for queue',
+ "Created the ticket"
+ );
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, $attach, $orig) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ is( $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Encryption'),
+ 'Success',
+ 'recorded incoming mail that is encrypted'
+ );
+ is( $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Privacy'),
+ 'PGP',
+ 'recorded incoming mail that is encrypted'
+ );
+ like( $attach->Content, qr'orz');
+ is( $orig->GetHeader('Content-Type'), 'application/x-rt-original-message');
+ ok(index($orig->Content, $buf) != -1, 'found original msg');
+# test for signed mail by other key
+$buf = '';
+ shell_quote(
+ qw(gpg --armor --sign),
+ '--default-key' => '',
+ '--homedir' => $homedir,
+ '--passphrase' => 'test',
+ ),
+ \"alright\r\n",
+ \$buf,
+$mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<"EOF";
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: signed message for queue
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, $attach) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ # XXX: in this case, which credential should we be using?
+ is( $msg->GetHeader('X-RT-Incoming-Signature'),
+ 'Test User <>',
+ 'recorded incoming mail signed by others'
+ );
+# test for encrypted mail with key not associated to the queue
+$buf = '';
+ shell_quote(
+ qw(gpg --armor --encrypt),
+ '--recipient' => 'random@localhost',
+ '--homedir' => $homedir,
+ ),
+ \"should not be there either\r\n",
+ \$buf,
+$mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<"EOF";
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: encrypted message for queue
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, $attach) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ {
+ local $TODO = "this test requires keys associated with queues";
+ unlike( $attach->Content, qr'should not be there either');
+ }
+# test for badly encrypted mail
+$buf = '';
+ shell_quote(
+ qw(gpg --armor --encrypt),
+ '--recipient' => '',
+ '--homedir' => $homedir,
+ ),
+ \"really should not be there either\r\n",
+ \$buf,
+$mail = RT::Test->open_mailgate_ok($baseurl);
+print $mail <<"EOF";
+From: recipient\
+To: general\@$RT::rtname
+Subject: encrypted message for queue
+my @mail = RT::Test->fetch_caught_mails;
+is(@mail, 1, 'caught outgoing mail.');
+ my $tick = RT::Test->last_ticket;
+ my $txn = $tick->Transactions->First;
+ my ($msg, $attach) = @{$txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef};
+ unlike( ($attach ? $attach->Content : ''), qr'really should not be there either');