path: root/rt/share/html/Search
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/share/html/Search')
7 files changed, 253 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Bulk.html b/rt/share/html/Search/Bulk.html
index fa20e331c..f2ca45c26 100755
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Bulk.html
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Bulk.html
@@ -163,7 +163,9 @@
<input type="submit" class="button" name="AddMoreAttach" value="<&|/l&>Add More Files</&>" />
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="UpdateAttach" value="1" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Message</&>:</td><td>
- <& /Elements/MessageBox, Name=>"UpdateContent"&>
+%# Currently, bulk update always starts with Comment not Reply selected, so we check this unconditionally
+% my $IncludeSignature = RT->Config->Get('MessageBoxIncludeSignatureOnComment');
+<& /Elements/MessageBox, Name => "UpdateContent", IncludeSignature => $IncludeSignature &>
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Chart b/rt/share/html/Search/Chart
index 59e9fc6fc..abee3e52a 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Chart
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Chart
@@ -66,52 +66,11 @@ if ($ChartStyle eq 'pie') {
use RT::Report::Tickets;
my $tix = RT::Report::Tickets->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
my ($count_name, $value_name) = $tix->SetupGroupings(
Query => $Query, GroupBy => $PrimaryGroupBy,
-my $chart = $chart_class->new( 600 => 400 );
-my $font = RT->Config->Get('ChartFont') || ['verdana', 'arial', gdMediumBoldFont];
-$chart->set_title_font( $font, 12 ) if $chart->can('set_title_font');
-$chart->set_legend_font( $font, 12 ) if $chart->can('set_legend_font');
-$chart->set_x_label_font( $font, 10 ) if $chart->can('set_x_label_font');
-$chart->set_y_label_font( $font, 10 ) if $chart->can('set_y_label_font');
-$chart->set_label_font( $font, 10 ) if $chart->can('set_label_font');
-$chart->set_x_axis_font( $font, 9 ) if $chart->can('set_x_axis_font');
-$chart->set_y_axis_font( $font, 9 ) if $chart->can('set_y_axis_font');
-$chart->set_values_font( $font, 9 ) if $chart->can('set_values_font');
-$chart->set_value_font( $font, 9 ) if $chart->can('set_value_font');
-# Pie charts don't like having no input, so we show a special image
-# that indicates an error message. Because this is used in an <img>
-# context, it can't be a simple error message. Without this check,
-# the chart will just be a non-loading image.
-if ($tix->Count == 0) {
- my $plot = GD::Image->new(600 => 400);
- $plot->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255); # background
- my $black = $plot->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0);
- require GD::Text::Wrap;
- my $error = GD::Text::Wrap->new($plot,
- color => $black,
- text => loc("No tickets found."),
- );
- $error->set_font( $font, 12 );
- $error->draw(0, 0);
- $m->comp( 'SELF:Plot', plot => $plot, %ARGS );
-if ($chart_class eq "GD::Graph::bars") {
- $chart->set(
- x_label => $tix->Label( $PrimaryGroupBy ),
- x_labels_vertical => 1,
- y_label => loc('Tickets'),
- show_values => 1
- );
my %class = (
Queue => 'RT::Queue',
Owner => 'RT::User',
@@ -121,15 +80,17 @@ my %class = (
my $class = $class{ $PrimaryGroupBy };
my %data;
+my $max_value = 0;
+my $max_key_length = 0;
while ( my $entry = $tix->Next ) {
my $key;
if ( $class ) {
my $q = $class->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- $q->Load( $entry->__Value( $value_name ) );
+ $q->Load( $entry->LabelValue( $value_name ) );
$key = $q->Name;
else {
- $key = $entry->__Value($value_name);
+ $key = $entry->LabelValue($value_name);
$key ||= '(no value)';
@@ -140,26 +101,84 @@ while ( my $entry = $tix->Next ) {
$key = loc($key);
$data{ $key } = $value;
-# XXX: Convert 1970-01-01 date to the 'Not Set'
-# this code should be generalized!!!
-if ( $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /(Daily|Monthly|Annually)$/ ) {
- my $re;
- $re = qr{1970-01-01} if $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /Daily$/;
- $re = qr{1970-01} if $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /Monthly$/;
- $re = qr{1970} if $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /Annually$/;
- foreach my $k (keys %data) {
- my $tmp = $k;
- $tmp =~ s/^$re/loc('Not Set')/e or next;
- $data{$tmp} = delete $data{$k};
- }
+ $max_value = $value if $max_value < $value;
+ $max_key_length = length $key if $max_key_length < length $key;
unless (keys %data) {
$data{''} = 0;
+my $chart = $chart_class->new( 600 => 400 );
+$chart->set( pie_height => 60 ) if $chart_class eq 'GD::Graph::pie';
+my %font_config = RT->Config->Get('ChartFont');
+my $font = $font_config{ $session{CurrentUser}->UserObj->Lang || '' }
+ || $font_config{'others'};
+$chart->set_title_font( $font, 16 ) if $chart->can('set_title_font');
+$chart->set_legend_font( $font, 16 ) if $chart->can('set_legend_font');
+$chart->set_x_label_font( $font, 14 ) if $chart->can('set_x_label_font');
+$chart->set_y_label_font( $font, 14 ) if $chart->can('set_y_label_font');
+$chart->set_label_font( $font, 14 ) if $chart->can('set_label_font');
+$chart->set_x_axis_font( $font, 12 ) if $chart->can('set_x_axis_font');
+$chart->set_y_axis_font( $font, 12 ) if $chart->can('set_y_axis_font');
+$chart->set_values_font( $font, 12 ) if $chart->can('set_values_font');
+$chart->set_value_font( $font, 12 ) if $chart->can('set_value_font');
+# Pie charts don't like having no input, so we show a special image
+# that indicates an error message. Because this is used in an <img>
+# context, it can't be a simple error message. Without this check,
+# the chart will just be a non-loading image.
+if ($tix->Count == 0) {
+ my $plot = GD::Image->new(600 => 400);
+ $plot->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255); # background
+ my $black = $plot->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0);
+ require GD::Text::Wrap;
+ my $error = GD::Text::Wrap->new($plot,
+ color => $black,
+ text => loc("No tickets found."),
+ );
+ $error->set_font( $font, 16 );
+ $error->draw(0, 0);
+ $m->comp( 'SELF:Plot', plot => $plot, %ARGS );
+if ($chart_class eq "GD::Graph::bars") {
+ $chart->set(
+ x_label => $tix->Label( $PrimaryGroupBy ),
+ y_label => loc('Tickets'),
+ show_values => 1,
+ bar_spacing => 5,
+ bargroup_spacing => 10,
+ x_label_position => 0.6,
+ y_label_position => 0.6,
+ values_space => -1,
+# the following line to make sure there's enough space for values to show
+ y_max_value => 5*(int($max_value/5) + 2),
+# if there're too many bars or at least one key is too long, use vertical
+ x_labels_vertical => ( keys(%data) * $max_key_length > 60 ) ? 1 : 0,
+ );
+# refine values' colors, with both Color::Scheme's help and my own tweak
+$chart->{dclrs} = [
+ '66cc66', 'ff6666', 'ffcc66', '663399',
+ '3333cc',
+ '339933', '993333', '996633', '663399',
+ '33cc33', 'cc3333', 'cc9933', '6633cc'
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *GD::Graph::pick_data_clr = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $color_hex = $self->{dclrs}[ $_[0] % @{ $self->{dclrs} } - 1 ];
+ return map { hex } ( $color_hex =~ /(..)(..)(..)/ );
+ };
my $plot = $chart->plot( [ [sort keys %data], [map $data{$_}, sort keys %data] ] ) or die $chart->error;
$m->comp( 'SELF:Plot', plot => $plot, %ARGS );
@@ -170,7 +189,6 @@ $plot => undef
my @types = ('png', 'gif');
for my $type (@types) {
or next;
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart b/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart
index 3db92c4d8..bf4cd0c1c 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/Chart
@@ -72,28 +72,16 @@ my (@keys, @values);
while ( my $entry = $tix->Next ) {
if ($class) {
my $q = $class->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- $q->Load( $entry->__Value( $value_name ) );
+ $q->Load( $entry->LabelValue( $value_name ) );
push @keys, $q->Name;
else {
- push @keys, $entry->__Value( $value_name );
+ push @keys, $entry->LabelValue( $value_name );
$keys[-1] ||= loc('(no value)');
push @values, $entry->__Value( $count_name );
-# XXX: Convert 1970-01-01 date to the 'Not Set'
-# this code should be generalized!!!
-if ( $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /(Daily|Monthly|Annually)$/ ) {
- my $re;
- $re = qr{1970-01-01} if $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /Daily$/;
- $re = qr{1970-01} if $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /Monthly$/;
- $re = qr{1970} if $PrimaryGroupBy =~ /Annually$/;
- foreach (@keys) {
- s/^$re/loc('Not Set')/e;
- }
my %data;
my %loc_keys;
foreach my $key (@keys) { $data{$key} = shift @values; $loc_keys{$key} = loc($key); }
@@ -126,7 +114,23 @@ my $query_string = $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %ARGS);
% $total += $value;
<tr class="<%$i%2 ? 'evenline' : 'oddline' %>">
<td class="label collection-as-table">
+%# TODO sadly we don't have " is null" or alike support yet
+%# so no link if the key is undef for now
+% if ( $PrimaryGroupBy !~ /(Hourly|Daily|Monthly|Annually)$/
+% && $key ne loc('(no value)') ) {
+% my $group = $PrimaryGroupBy; $group =~ s! !.!;
+% my %orig_keys = reverse %loc_keys;
+% my $QueryString = $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString',
+% Query => "$Query and $group = '$orig_keys{$key}'",
+% Format => $ARGS{Format},
+% Rows => $ARGS{Rows},
+% OrderBy => $ARGS{OrderBy},
+% Order => $ARGS{Order},
+% );
+<a href=<% RT->Config->Get('WebURL') %>Search/Results.html?<%$QueryString%>><%$key%></a>
+% } else {
+<% $key %>
+% }
<td class="value collection-as-table">
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/ResultsRSSView b/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/ResultsRSSView
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f335411f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Elements/ResultsRSSView
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+use Encode ();
+my $old_current_user;
+if ( $m->request_comp->path =~ RT->Config->Get('WebNoAuthRegex') ) {
+ my $path = $m->dhandler_arg;
+ my $notfound = sub {
+ my $mesg = shift;
+ $r->headers_out->{'Status'} = '404 Not Found';
+ $RT::Logger->info("Error encountered in rss generation: $mesg");
+ $m->clear_and_abort;
+ };
+ $notfound->("Invalid path: $path") unless $path =~ m!^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?!;
+ my ( $name, $auth ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ # Unescape parts
+ $name =~ s/\%([0-9a-z]{2})/chr(hex($1))/gei;
+ # convert to perl strings
+ $name = Encode::decode_utf8($name);
+ my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $user->Load($name);
+ $notfound->("Invalid user: $user") unless $user->id;
+ $notfound->("Invalid authstring")
+ unless $user->ValidateAuthString( $auth,
+ $ARGS{Query} . $ARGS{Order} . $ARGS{OrderBy} );
+ $old_current_user = $session{'CurrentUser'};
+ my $cu = RT::CurrentUser->new;
+ $cu->Load($user);
+ $session{'CurrentUser'} = $cu;
+my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+if ($OrderBy =~ /\|/) {
+ # Multiple Sorts
+ my @OrderBy = split /\|/,$OrderBy;
+ my @Order = split /\|/,$Order;
+ $Tickets->OrderByCols(
+ map { { FIELD => $OrderBy[$_], ORDER => $Order[$_] } } ( 0
+ .. $#OrderBy ) );;
+} else {
+ $Tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => $OrderBy, ORDER => $Order);
+ # create an RSS 1.0 file (
+ use XML::RSS;
+ my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0');
+ $rss->channel(
+ title => RT->Config->Get('rtname').": Search " . $ARGS{'Query'},
+ link => RT->Config->Get('WebURL'),
+ description => "",
+ dc => {
+ },
+ generator => "RT v" . $RT::VERSION,
+ syn => {
+ updatePeriod => "hourly",
+ updateFrequency => "1",
+ updateBase => "1901-01-01T00:00+00:00",
+ },
+ );
+ while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next()) {
+ my $creator_str = $m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $Ticket->CreatorObj);
+ $creator_str =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ $rss->add_item(
+ title => $Ticket->Subject || loc('No Subject'),
+ link => RT->Config->Get('WebURL')."Ticket/Display.html?id=".$Ticket->id,
+ description => $Ticket->Transactions->First->Content,
+ dc => { creator => $creator_str,
+ date => $Ticket->CreatedObj->RFC2822,
+ },
+ guid => $Ticket->Queue . '_' . $Ticket->id,
+ );
+ }
+$session{'CurrentUser'} = $old_current_user if $old_current_user;
+$OrderBy => 'Created'
+$Order => 'ASC'
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Results.html b/rt/share/html/Search/Results.html
index 13252eebb..22858f172 100755
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Results.html
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Results.html
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
<div align="right" class="search-result-actions">
<& Elements/ResultViews,
+ Collection => $session{'tickets'},
QueryString => $QueryString,
Query => $Query,
Format => $Format,
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ if ( !defined($Rows) ) {
$Rows = 50;
+$Page = 1 unless $Page && $Page > 0;
my ($title, $ticketcount);
@@ -134,6 +136,8 @@ if ($OrderBy =~ /\|/) {
} else {
$session{'tickets'}->OrderBy(FIELD => $OrderBy, ORDER => $Order);
+$session{'tickets'}->RowsPerPage( $Rows ) if $Rows;
+$session{'tickets'}->GotoPage( $Page - 1 );
$session{'CurrentSearchHash'} = {
Format => $Format,
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ $session{'CurrentSearchHash'} = {
Order => $Order,
OrderBy => $OrderBy,
RowsPerPage => $Rows
- };
if ( $session{'tickets'}->Query()) {
@@ -161,7 +165,10 @@ my $QueryString = "?".$m->comp('/Elements/QueryString',
Page => $Page);
my $ShortQueryString = "?".$m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', Query => $Query);
my $RSSQueryString = "?".$m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', Query => $Query, Order => $Order, OrderBy => $OrderBy);
-my $RSSFeedURL = RT->Config->Get('WebPath')."/Search/Results.rdf$RSSQueryString";
+my $RSSPath = join '/', map $m->interp->apply_escapes($_, 'u'),
+ $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Name,
+ $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->GenerateAuthString( $Query.$Order.$OrderBy );
+my $RSSFeedURL = RT->Config->Get('WebPath')."/NoAuth/rss/$RSSPath/$RSSQueryString";
if ($ARGS{'TicketsRefreshInterval'}) {
$session{'tickets_refresh_interval'} = $ARGS{'TicketsRefreshInterval'};
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Results.rdf b/rt/share/html/Search/Results.rdf
index 0a1943059..c402b6f8e 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Results.rdf
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Results.rdf
@@ -45,59 +45,4 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-if ($OrderBy =~ /\|/) {
- # Multiple Sorts
- my @OrderBy = split /\|/,$OrderBy;
- my @Order = split /\|/,$Order;
- $Tickets->OrderByCols(
- map { { FIELD => $OrderBy[$_], ORDER => $Order[$_] } } ( 0
- .. $#OrderBy ) );;
-} else {
- $Tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => $OrderBy, ORDER => $Order);
- # create an RSS 1.0 file (
- use XML::RSS;
- my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0');
- $rss->channel(
- title => RT->Config->Get('rtname').": Search" . $ARGS{'Query'},
- link => RT->Config->Get('WebURL'),
- description => "",
- dc => {
- },
- generator => "RT v" . $RT::VERSION,
- syn => {
- updatePeriod => "hourly",
- updateFrequency => "1",
- updateBase => "1901-01-01T00:00+00:00",
- },
- );
- while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next()) {
- my $creator_str = $m->scomp('/Elements/ShowUser', User => $Ticket->CreatorObj);
- $creator_str =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
- $rss->add_item(
- title => $Ticket->Subject || loc('No Subject'),
- link => RT->Config->Get('WebURL')."Ticket/Display.html?id=".$Ticket->id,
- description => $Ticket->Transactions->First->Content,
- dc => { creator => $creator_str,
- date => $Ticket->CreatedObj->RFC2822,
- },
- guid => $Ticket->Queue . '_' . $Ticket->id,
- );
- }
-$OrderBy => 'Created'
-$Order => 'ASC'
+<& /Search/Elements/ResultsRSSView, %ARGS &>
diff --git a/rt/share/html/Search/Results.tsv b/rt/share/html/Search/Results.tsv
index bb3ac4482..946a35d02 100644
--- a/rt/share/html/Search/Results.tsv
+++ b/rt/share/html/Search/Results.tsv
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ $r->content_type('application/');
$_ += @header - 1 foreach values %cf_name_to_pos;
- foreach my $name ( sort { $cf_name_to_pos{$a} <=> $cf_name_to_pos{$a} } keys %cf_name_to_pos ) {
+ foreach my $name ( sort { $cf_name_to_pos{$a} <=> $cf_name_to_pos{$b} } keys %cf_name_to_pos ) {
push @header, "CF-". $name;
$m->out(join("\t", @header));