path: root/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar
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25 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add('specialchar',function(a){var b,c=a.lang.specialChar,d=function(j){var k,l;if(;else k=new CKEDITOR.dom.element(j);if(k.getName()=='a'&&(l=k.getChild(0).getHtml())){k.removeClass('cke_light_background');b.hide();var m=a.document.createElement('span');m.setHtml(l);a.insertText(m.getText());}},,f,g=function(j,k){var l;k=k||;if(k.getName()=='span')k=k.getParent();if(k.getName()=='a'&&(l=k.getChild(0).getHtml())){if(f)h(null,f);var m=b.getContentElement('info','htmlPreview').getElement();b.getContentElement('info','charPreview').getElement().setHtml(l);m.setHtml(;k.getParent().addClass('cke_light_background');f=k;}},h=function(j,k){k=k||;if(k.getName()=='span')k=k.getParent();if(k.getName()=='a'){b.getContentElement('info','charPreview').getElement().setHtml('&nbsp;');b.getContentElement('info','htmlPreview').getElement().setHtml('&nbsp;');k.getParent().removeClass('cke_light_background');f=undefined;}},{j=new CKEDITOR.dom.event(j);var k=j.getTarget(),l,m,n=j.getKeystroke(),o=a.lang.dir=='rtl';switch(n){case 38:if(l=k.getParent().getParent().getPrevious()){m=l.getChild([k.getParent().getIndex(),0]);m.focus();h(null,k);g(null,m);}j.preventDefault();break;case 40:if(l=k.getParent().getParent().getNext()){m=l.getChild([k.getParent().getIndex(),0]);if(m&&m.type==1){m.focus();h(null,k);g(null,m);}}j.preventDefault();break;case 32:d({data:j});j.preventDefault();break;case o?37:39:if(l=k.getParent().getNext()){m=l.getChild(0);if(m.type==1){m.focus();h(null,k);g(null,m);j.preventDefault(true);}else h(null,k);}else if(l=k.getParent().getParent().getNext()){m=l.getChild([0,0]);if(m&&m.type==1){m.focus();h(null,k);g(null,m);j.preventDefault(true);}else h(null,k);}break;case o?39:37:if(l=k.getParent().getPrevious()){m=l.getChild(0);m.focus();h(null,k);g(null,m);j.preventDefault(true);}else if(l=k.getParent().getParent().getPrevious()){m=l.getLast().getChild(0);m.focus();h(null,k);g(null,m);j.preventDefault(true);}else h(null,k);break;default:return;}});return{title:c.title,minWidth:430,minHeight:280,buttons:[CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton],charColumns:17,onLoad:function(){var j=this.definition.charColumns,k=a.config.extraSpecialChars,l=a.config.specialChars,'_specialchar_table_label',n=['<table role="listbox" aria-labelledby="'+m+'"'+' style="width: 320px; height: 100%; border-collapse: separate;"'+' align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">'],o=0,p=l.length,q,r;
-while(o<p){n.push('<tr role="presentation">');for(var s=0;s<j;s++,o++){if(q=l[o]){r='';if(q instanceof Array){r=q[1];q=q[0];}else{var t=q.replace('&','').replace(';','').replace('#','');r=c[t]||q;}var u='cke_specialchar_label_'+o+'_';n.push('<td class="cke_dark_background" style="cursor: default" role="presentation"><a href="javascript: void(0);" role="option" aria-posinset="'+(o+1)+'"',' aria-setsize="'+p+'"',' aria-labelledby="'+u+'"',' style="cursor: inherit; display: block; height: 1.25em; margin-top: 0.25em; text-align: center;" title="',,'" onkeydown=" '+i+', event, this )"'+' onclick="'+e+', this); return false;"'+' tabindex="-1">'+'<span style="margin: 0 auto;cursor: inherit">'+q+'</span>'+'<span class="cke_voice_label" id="'+u+'">'+r+'</span></a>');}else n.push('<td class="cke_dark_background">&nbsp;');n.push('</td>');}n.push('</tr>');}n.push('</tbody></table>','<span id="'+m+'" class="cke_voice_label">'+c.options+'</span>');this.getContentElement('info','charContainer').getElement().setHtml(n.join(''));},contents:[{id:'info',label:a.lang.common.generalTab,title:a.lang.common.generalTab,padding:0,align:'top',elements:[{type:'hbox',align:'top',widths:['320px','90px'],children:[{type:'html',id:'charContainer',html:'',onMouseover:g,onMouseout:h,focus:function(){var j=this.getElement().getElementsByTag('a').getItem(0);setTimeout(function(){j.focus();g(null,j);},0);},onShow:function(){var j=this.getElement().getChild([0,0,0,0,0]);setTimeout(function(){j.focus();g(null,j);},0);},onLoad:function(j){b=j.sender;}},{type:'hbox',align:'top',widths:['100%'],children:[{type:'vbox',align:'top',children:[{type:'html',html:'<div></div>'},{type:'html',id:'charPreview',className:'cke_dark_background',style:"border:1px solid #eeeeee;font-size:28px;height:40px;width:70px;padding-top:9px;font-family:'Microsoft Sans Serif',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana;text-align:center;",html:'<div>&nbsp;</div>'},{type:'html',id:'htmlPreview',className:'cke_dark_background',style:"border:1px solid #eeeeee;font-size:14px;height:20px;width:70px;padding-top:2px;font-family:'Microsoft Sans Serif',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana;text-align:center;",html:'<div>&nbsp;</div>'}]}]}]}]}]};});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/_translationstatus.txt b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/_translationstatus.txt
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-cs.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-cy.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-de.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-el.js Found: 16 Missing: 102
-eo.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-et.js Found: 31 Missing: 87
-fa.js Found: 24 Missing: 94
-fi.js Found: 23 Missing: 95
-fr.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-he.js Found: 1 Missing: 117
-hr.js Found: 23 Missing: 95
-it.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-ku.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-lv.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-nb.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-nl.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-no.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-pt-br.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-sk.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-tr.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
-ug.js Found: 39 Missing: 79
-zh-cn.js Found: 118 Missing: 0
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cs.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cs.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','cs',{euro:'Znak eura',lsquo:'Počáteční uvozovka jednoduchá',rsquo:'Koncová uvozovka jednoduchá',ldquo:'Počáteční uvozovka dvojitá',rdquo:'Koncová uvozovka dvojitá',ndash:'En pomlčka',mdash:'Em pomlčka',iexcl:'Obrácený vykřičník',cent:'Znak centu',pound:'Znak libry',curren:'Znak měny',yen:'Znak jenu',brvbar:'Přerušená svislá čára',sect:'Znak oddílu',uml:'Přehláska',copy:'Znak copyrightu',ordf:'Ženský indikátor rodu',laquo:'Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vlevo',not:'Logistický zápor',reg:'Znak registrace',macr:'Pomlčka nad',deg:'Znak stupně',sup2:'Dvojka jako horní index',sup3:'Trojka jako horní index',acute:'Čárka nad vpravo',micro:'Znak mikro',para:'Znak odstavce',middot:'Tečka uprostřed',cedil:'Ocásek vlevo',sup1:'Jednička jako horní index',ordm:'Mužský indikátor rodu',raquo:'Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vpravo',frac14:'Obyčejný zlomek jedna čtvrtina',frac12:'Obyčejný zlomek jedna polovina',frac34:'Obyčejný zlomek tři čtvrtiny',iquest:'Znak obráceného otazníku',Agrave:'Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vlevo',Aacute:'Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vpravo',Acirc:'Velké písmeno latinky A s vokáněm',Atilde:'Velké písmeno latinky A s tildou',Auml:'Velké písmeno latinky A s dvěma tečkami',Aring:'Velké písmeno latinky A s kroužkem nad',AElig:'Velké písmeno latinky Ae',Ccedil:'Velké písmeno latinky C s ocáskem vlevo',Egrave:'Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vlevo',Eacute:'Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vpravo',Ecirc:'Velké písmeno latinky E s vokáněm',Euml:'Velké písmeno latinky E s dvěma tečkami',Igrave:'Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vlevo',Iacute:'Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vpravo',Icirc:'Velké písmeno latinky I s vokáněm',Iuml:'Velké písmeno latinky I s dvěma tečkami',ETH:'Velké písmeno latinky Eth',Ntilde:'Velké písmeno latinky N s tildou',Ograve:'Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vlevo',Oacute:'Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vpravo',Ocirc:'Velké písmeno latinky O s vokáněm',Otilde:'Velké písmeno latinky O s tildou',Ouml:'Velké písmeno latinky O s dvěma tečkami',times:'Znak násobení',Oslash:'Velké písmeno latinky O přeškrtnuté',Ugrave:'Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vlevo',Uacute:'Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vpravo',Ucirc:'Velké písmeno latinky U s vokáněm',Uuml:'Velké písmeno latinky U s dvěma tečkami',Yacute:'Velké písmeno latinky Y s čárkou nad vpravo',THORN:'Velké písmeno latinky Thorn',szlig:'Malé písmeno latinky ostré s',agrave:'Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vlevo',aacute:'Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vpravo',acirc:'Malé písmeno latinky a s vokáněm',atilde:'Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou',auml:'Malé písmeno latinky a s dvěma tečkami',aring:'Malé písmeno latinky a s kroužkem nad',aelig:'Malé písmeno latinky ae',ccedil:'Malé písmeno latinky c s ocáskem vlevo',egrave:'Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vlevo',eacute:'Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vpravo',ecirc:'Malé písmeno latinky e s vokáněm',euml:'Malé písmeno latinky e s dvěma tečkami',igrave:'Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vlevo',iacute:'Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vpravo',icirc:'Malé písmeno latinky i s vokáněm',iuml:'Malé písmeno latinky i s dvěma tečkami',eth:'Malé písmeno latinky eth',ntilde:'Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou',ograve:'Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vlevo',oacute:'Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vpravo',ocirc:'Malé písmeno latinky o s vokáněm',otilde:'Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou',ouml:'Malé písmeno latinky o s dvěma tečkami',divide:'Znak dělení',oslash:'Malé písmeno latinky o přeškrtnuté',ugrave:'Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vlevo',uacute:'Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vpravo',ucirc:'Malé písmeno latinky u s vokáněm',uuml:'Malé písmeno latinky u s dvěma tečkami',yacute:'Malé písmeno latinky y s čárkou nad vpravo',thorn:'Malé písmeno latinky thorn',yuml:'Malé písmeno latinky y s dvěma tečkami',OElig:'Velká ligatura latinky OE',oelig:'Malá ligatura latinky OE',372:'Velké písmeno latinky W s vokáněm',374:'Velké písmeno latinky Y s vokáněm',373:'Malé písmeno latinky w s vokáněm',375:'Malé písmeno latinky y s vokáněm',sbquo:'Dolní 9 uvozovka jednoduchá',8219:'Horní obrácená 9 uvozovka jednoduchá',bdquo:'Dolní 9 uvozovka dvojitá',hellip:'Trojtečkový úvod',trade:'Obchodní značka',9658:'Černý ukazatel směřující vpravo',bull:'Kolečko',rarr:'Šipka vpravo',rArr:'Dvojitá šipka vpravo',hArr:'Dvojitá šipka vlevo a vpravo',diams:'Černé piky',asymp:'Téměř se rovná'});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cy.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/cy.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','cy',{euro:'Arwydd yr Ewro',lsquo:'Dyfynnod chwith unigol',rsquo:'Dyfynnod dde unigol',ldquo:'Dyfynnod chwith dwbl',rdquo:'Dyfynnod dde dwbl',ndash:'Cysylltnod en',mdash:'Cysylltnod em',iexcl:'Ebychnod gwrthdro',cent:'Arwydd sent',pound:'Arwydd punt',curren:'Arwydd arian cyfred',yen:'Arwydd yen',brvbar:'Bar toriedig',sect:'Arwydd adran',uml:'Didolnod',copy:'Arwydd hawlfraint',ordf:'Dangosydd benywaidd',laquo:"Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i'r chwith",not:'Arwydd Nid',reg:'Arwydd cofrestredig',macr:'Macron',deg:'Arwydd gradd',sup2:'Dau uwchsgript',sup3:'Tri uwchsgript',acute:'Acen ddyrchafedig',micro:'Arwydd micro',para:'Arwydd pilcrow',middot:'Dot canol',cedil:'Sedila',sup1:'Un uwchsgript',ordm:'Dangosydd gwrywaidd',raquo:"Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i'r dde",frac14:'Ffracsiwn cyffredin un cwarter',frac12:'Ffracsiwn cyffredin un hanner',frac34:'Ffracsiwn cyffredin tri chwarter',iquest:'Marc cwestiwn gwrthdroëdig',Agrave:'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',Aacute:'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',Acirc:'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',Atilde:'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda thild',Auml:'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',Aring:'Priflythyren A Lladinaidd gyda chylch uwchben',AElig:'Priflythyren Æ Lladinaidd',Ccedil:'Priflythyren C Lladinaidd gyda sedila',Egrave:'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',Eacute:'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',Ecirc:'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',Euml:'Priflythyren E Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',Igrave:'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',Iacute:'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',Icirc:'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',Iuml:'Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',ETH:'Priflythyren Eth',Ntilde:'Priflythyren N Lladinaidd gyda thild',Ograve:'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',Oacute:'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',Ocirc:'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',Otilde:'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda thild',Ouml:'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',times:'Arwydd lluosi',Oslash:'Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda strôc',Ugrave:'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',Uacute:'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',Ucirc:'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',Uuml:'Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',Yacute:'Priflythyren Y Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',THORN:'Priflythyren Thorn',szlig:'Llythyren s fach Lladinaidd siarp ',agrave:'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',aacute:'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',acirc:'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',atilde:'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda thild',auml:'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',aring:'Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gyda chylch uwchben',aelig:'Llythyren æ fach Lladinaidd',ccedil:'Llythyren c fach Lladinaidd gyda sedila',egrave:'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',eacute:'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',ecirc:'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',euml:'Llythyren e fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',igrave:'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',iacute:'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',icirc:'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',iuml:'Llythyren i fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',eth:'Llythyren eth fach',ntilde:'Llythyren n fach Lladinaidd gyda thild',ograve:'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',oacute:'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',ocirc:'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',otilde:'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda thild',ouml:'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',divide:'Arwydd rhannu',oslash:'Llyth',ugrave:'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',uacute:'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig',ucirc:'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom',uuml:'Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',yacute:'Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig',thorn:'Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda strôc',yuml:'Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod',OElig:'Priflythyren cwlwm OE Lladinaidd ',oelig:'Priflythyren cwlwm oe Lladinaidd ',372:'Priflythyren W gydag acen grom',374:'Priflythyren Y gydag acen grom',373:'Llythyren w fach gydag acen grom',375:'Llythyren y fach gydag acen grom',sbquo:'Dyfynnod sengl 9-isel',8219:'Dyfynnod sengl 9-uchel cildro',bdquo:'Dyfynnod dwbl 9-isel',hellip:'Coll geiriau llorweddol',trade:'Arwydd marc masnachol',9658:"Pwyntydd du i'r dde",bull:'Bwled',rarr:"Saeth i'r dde",rArr:"Saeth ddwbl i'r dde",hArr:"Saeth ddwbl i'r chwith",diams:'Siwt diemwnt du',asymp:'Bron yn hafal iddo'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','de',{euro:'Euro Zeichen',lsquo:'Hochkomma links',rsquo:'Hochkomma rechts',ldquo:'Anführungszeichen links',rdquo:'Anführungszeichen rechts',ndash:'kleiner Strich',mdash:'mittlerer Strich',iexcl:'invertiertes Ausrufezeichen',cent:'Cent',pound:'Pfund',curren:'Währung',yen:'Yen',brvbar:'gestrichelte Linie',sect:'§ Zeichen',uml:'Diäresis',copy:'Copyright',ordf:'Feminine ordinal Anzeige',laquo:'Nach links zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen',not:'Not-Zeichen',reg:'Registriert',macr:'Längezeichen',deg:'Grad',sup2:'Hoch 2',sup3:'Hoch 3',acute:'Akzentzeichen ',micro:'Micro',para:'Pilcrow-Zeichen',middot:'Mittelpunkt',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Hoch 1',ordm:'Männliche Ordnungszahl Anzeige',raquo:'Nach rechts zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen',frac14:'ein Viertel',frac12:'Hälfte',frac34:'Dreiviertel',iquest:'Umgekehrtes Fragezeichen',Agrave:'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit AkzentGrave',Aacute:'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Akutakzent',Acirc:'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Zirkumflex',Atilde:'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Tilde',Auml:'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Trema',Aring:'Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Ring oben',AElig:'Lateinischer Buchstabe Æ',Ccedil:'Lateinischer Buchstabe C mit Cedille',Egrave:'Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit AkzentGrave',Eacute:'Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Akutakzent',Ecirc:'Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Zirkumflex',Euml:'Lateinischer Buchstabe E Trema',Igrave:'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit AkzentGrave',Iacute:'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Akutakzent',Icirc:'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Zirkumflex',Iuml:'Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Trema',ETH:'Lateinischer Buchstabe Eth',Ntilde:'Lateinischer Buchstabe N mit Tilde',Ograve:'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit AkzentGrave',Oacute:'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Akutakzent',Ocirc:'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Zirkumflex',Otilde:'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Tilde',Ouml:'Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Trema',times:'Multiplikation',Oslash:'Lateinischer Buchstabe O durchgestrichen',Ugrave:'Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akzentgrave',Uacute:'Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akutakzent',Ucirc:'Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Zirkumflex',Uuml:'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema',Yacute:'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akzent',THORN:'Lateinischer Buchstabe mit Dorn',szlig:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe scharfe s',agrave:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Accent grave',aacute:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akut',acirc:'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Zirkumflex',atilde:'Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Tilde',auml:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema',aring:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Ring oben',aelig:'Lateinischer Buchstabe æ',ccedil:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe c mit Cedille',egrave:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Accent grave',eacute:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Akut',ecirc:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Zirkumflex',euml:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Trema',igrave:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit AkzentGrave',iacute:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Akzent',icirc:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Zirkumflex',iuml:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Trema',eth:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe eth',ntilde:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe n mit Tilde',ograve:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Accent grave',oacute:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Akzent',ocirc:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Zirkumflex',otilde:'Lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Tilde',ouml:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Trema',divide:'Divisionszeichen',oslash:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o durchgestrichen',ugrave:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Accent grave',uacute:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Akut',ucirc:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Zirkumflex',uuml:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Trema',yacute:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Akut',thorn:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Dorn',yuml:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Trema',OElig:'Lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE',oelig:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE',372:'Lateinischer Buchstabe W mit Zirkumflex',374:'Lateinischer Buchstabe Y mit Zirkumflex',373:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe w mit Zirkumflex',375:'Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Zirkumflex',sbquo:'Tiefergestelltes Komma',8219:'Rumgedrehtes Komma',bdquo:'Doppeltes Anführungszeichen unten',hellip:'horizontale Auslassungspunkte',trade:'Handelszeichen',9658:'Dreickspfeil rechts',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Pfeil rechts',rArr:'Doppelpfeil rechts',hArr:'Doppelpfeil links',diams:'Karo',asymp:'Ungefähr'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','el',{euro:'Σύμβολο Ευρώ',lsquo:'Αριστερός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού',rsquo:'Δεξιός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού',ldquo:'Αριστερός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού',rdquo:'Δεξιός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού',ndash:'Παύλα en',mdash:'Παύλα em',iexcl:'Ανάποδο θαυμαστικό',cent:'Σύμβολο Σεντ',pound:'Σύμβολο λίρας',curren:'Σύμβολο συναλλαγματικής μονάδας',yen:'Σύμβολο Γιέν',brvbar:'Σπασμένη μπάρα',sect:'Σύμβολο τμήματος',uml:'Διαίρεση',copy:'Σύμβολο πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark',not:'Not sign',reg:'Registered sign',macr:'Macron',deg:'Degree sign',sup2:'Superscript two',sup3:'Superscript three',acute:'Acute accent',micro:'Micro sign',para:'Pilcrow sign',middot:'Middle dot',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Superscript one',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark',frac14:'Vulgar fraction one quarter',frac12:'Vulgar fraction one half',frac34:'Vulgar fraction three quarters',iquest:'Inverted question mark',Agrave:'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Latin capital letter A with tilde',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',times:'Multiplication sign',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',Uuml:'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Latin small letter sharp s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Latin small letter a with circumflex',atilde:'Latin small letter a with tilde',auml:'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'Latin small letter n with tilde',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Division sign',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Trade mark sign',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Rightwards arrow',rArr:'Rightwards double arrow',hArr:'Left right double arrow',diams:'Black diamond suit',asymp:'Almost equal to'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','en',{euro:'Euro sign',lsquo:'Left single quotation mark',rsquo:'Right single quotation mark',ldquo:'Left double quotation mark',rdquo:'Right double quotation mark',ndash:'En dash',mdash:'Em dash',iexcl:'Inverted exclamation mark',cent:'Cent sign',pound:'Pound sign',curren:'Currency sign',yen:'Yen sign',brvbar:'Broken bar',sect:'Section sign',uml:'Diaeresis',copy:'Copyright sign',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark',not:'Not sign',reg:'Registered sign',macr:'Macron',deg:'Degree sign',sup2:'Superscript two',sup3:'Superscript three',acute:'Acute accent',micro:'Micro sign',para:'Pilcrow sign',middot:'Middle dot',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Superscript one',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark',frac14:'Vulgar fraction one quarter',frac12:'Vulgar fraction one half',frac34:'Vulgar fraction three quarters',iquest:'Inverted question mark',Agrave:'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Latin capital letter A with tilde',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',times:'Multiplication sign',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',Uuml:'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Latin small letter sharp s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Latin small letter a with circumflex',atilde:'Latin small letter a with tilde',auml:'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'Latin small letter n with tilde',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Division sign',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Trade mark sign',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Rightwards arrow',rArr:'Rightwards double arrow',hArr:'Left right double arrow',diams:'Black diamond suit',asymp:'Almost equal to'});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eo.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/eo.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','eo',{euro:'Eŭrosigno',lsquo:'Supra 6-citilo',rsquo:'Supra 9-citilo',ldquo:'Supra 66-citilo',rdquo:'Supra 99-citilo',ndash:'Streketo',mdash:'Substreko',iexcl:'Renversita krisigno',cent:'Cendosigno',pound:'Pundosigno',curren:'Monersigno',yen:'Enosigno',brvbar:'Rompita vertikala streko',sect:'Kurba paragrafo',uml:'Tremao',copy:'Kopirajtosigno',ordf:'Adjektiva numerfinaĵo',laquo:'Duobla malplio-citilo',not:'Negohoko',reg:'Registrita marko',macr:'Superstreko',deg:'Gradosigno',sup2:'Supra indico 2',sup3:'Supra indico 3',acute:'Dekstra korno',micro:'Mikrosigno',para:'Rekta paragrafo',middot:'Meza punkto',cedil:'Zoeto',sup1:'Supra indico 1',ordm:'Substantiva numerfinaĵo',raquo:'Duobla plio-citilo',frac14:'Kvaronosigno',frac12:'Duonosigno',frac34:'Trikvaronosigno',iquest:'renversita demandosigno',Agrave:'Latina ĉeflitero A kun liva korno',Aacute:'Latina ĉeflitero A kun dekstra korno',Acirc:'Latina ĉeflitero A kun ĉapelo',Atilde:'Latina ĉeflitero A kun tildo',Auml:'Latina ĉeflitero A kun tremao',Aring:'Latina ĉeflitero A kun superringo',AElig:'Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Æ',Ccedil:'Latina ĉeflitero C kun zoeto',Egrave:'Latina ĉeflitero E kun liva korno',Eacute:'Latina ĉeflitero E kun dekstra korno',Ecirc:'Latina ĉeflitero E kun ĉapelo',Euml:'Latina ĉeflitero E kun tremao',Igrave:'Latina ĉeflitero I kun liva korno',Iacute:'Latina ĉeflitero I kun dekstra korno',Icirc:'Latina ĉeflitero I kun ĉapelo',Iuml:'Latina ĉeflitero I kun tremao',ETH:'Latina ĉeflitero islanda edo',Ntilde:'Latina ĉeflitero N kun tildo',Ograve:'Latina ĉeflitero O kun liva korno',Oacute:'Latina ĉeflitero O kun dekstra korno',Ocirc:'Latina ĉeflitero O kun ĉapelo',Otilde:'Latina ĉeflitero O kun tildo',Ouml:'Latina ĉeflitero O kun tremao',times:'Multipliko',Oslash:'Latina ĉeflitero O trastrekita',Ugrave:'Latina ĉeflitero U kun liva korno',Uacute:'Latina ĉeflitero U kun dekstra korno',Ucirc:'Latina ĉeflitero U kun ĉapelo',Uuml:'Latina ĉeflitero U kun tremao',Yacute:'Latina ĉeflitero Y kun dekstra korno',THORN:'Latina ĉeflitero islanda dorno',szlig:'Latina etlitero germana sozo (akra s)',agrave:'Latina etlitero a kun liva korno',aacute:'Latina etlitero a kun dekstra korno',acirc:'Latina etlitero a kun ĉapelo',atilde:'Latina etlitero a kun tildo',auml:'Latina etlitero a kun tremao',aring:'Latina etlitero a kun superringo',aelig:'Latina etlitera ligaturo æ',ccedil:'Latina etlitero c kun zoeto',egrave:'Latina etlitero e kun liva korno',eacute:'Latina etlitero e kun dekstra korno',ecirc:'Latina etlitero e kun ĉapelo',euml:'Latina etlitero e kun tremao',igrave:'Latina etlitero i kun liva korno',iacute:'Latina etlitero i kun dekstra korno',icirc:'Latina etlitero i kun ĉapelo',iuml:'Latina etlitero i kun tremao',eth:'Latina etlitero islanda edo',ntilde:'Latina etlitero n kun tildo',ograve:'Latina etlitero o kun liva korno',oacute:'Latina etlitero o kun dekstra korno',ocirc:'Latina etlitero o kun ĉapelo',otilde:'Latina etlitero o kun tildo',ouml:'Latina etlitero o kun tremao',divide:'Dividosigno',oslash:'Latina etlitero o trastrekita',ugrave:'Latina etlitero u kun liva korno',uacute:'Latina etlitero u kun dekstra korno',ucirc:'Latina etlitero u kun ĉapelo',uuml:'Latina etlitero u kun tremao',yacute:'Latina etlitero y kun dekstra korno',thorn:'Latina etlitero islanda dorno',yuml:'Latina etlitero y kun tremao',OElig:'Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Œ',oelig:'Latina etlitera ligaturo œ',372:'Latina ĉeflitero W kun ĉapelo',374:'Latina ĉeflitero Y kun ĉapelo',373:'Latina etlitero w kun ĉapelo',375:'Latina etlitero y kun ĉapelo',sbquo:'Suba 9-citilo',8219:'Supra renversita 9-citilo',bdquo:'Suba 99-citilo',hellip:'Tripunkto',trade:'Varmarka signo',9658:'Nigra sago dekstren',bull:'Bulmarko',rarr:'Sago dekstren',rArr:'Duobla sago dekstren',hArr:'Duobla sago maldekstren',diams:'Nigra kvadrato',asymp:'Preskaŭ egala'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','et',{euro:'Euromärk',lsquo:'Alustav ühekordne jutumärk',rsquo:'Lõpetav ühekordne jutumärk',ldquo:'Alustav kahekordne jutumärk',rdquo:'Lõpetav kahekordne jutumärk',ndash:'Enn-kriips',mdash:'Emm-kriips',iexcl:'Pööratud hüüumärk',cent:'Sendimärk',pound:'Naela märk',curren:'Valuutamärk',yen:'Jeeni märk',brvbar:'Katkestatud kriips',sect:'Lõigu märk',uml:'Täpid',copy:'Autoriõiguse märk',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark',not:'Ei-märk',reg:'Registered sign',macr:'Macron',deg:'Kraadimärk',sup2:'Ülaindeks kaks',sup3:'Ülaindeks kolm',acute:'Acute accent',micro:'Mikro-märk',para:'Pilcrow sign',middot:'Keskpunkt',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Ülaindeks üks',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark',frac14:'Vulgar fraction one quarter',frac12:'Vulgar fraction one half',frac34:'Vulgar fraction three quarters',iquest:'Inverted question mark',Agrave:'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Ladina suur A tildega',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Täppidega ladina suur O',times:'Multiplication sign',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Kandilise katusega suur ladina U',Uuml:'Täppidega ladina suur U',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Ladina väike terav s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Kandilise katusega ladina väike a',atilde:'Tildega ladina väike a',auml:'Täppidega ladina väike a',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'Latin small letter n with tilde',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Division sign',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Trade mark sign',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Rightwards arrow',rArr:'Rightwards double arrow',hArr:'Left right double arrow',diams:'Black diamond suit',asymp:'Almost equal to'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'fa',
- euro: 'نشان یورو',
- lsquo: 'علامت نقل قول تکی چپ',
- rsquo: 'علامت نقل قول تکی راست',
- ldquo: 'علامت دوتایی نقل قول چپ',
- rdquo: 'علامت دوتایی نقل قول راست',
- ndash: 'En dash', // MISSING
- mdash: 'Em dash', // MISSING
- iexcl: 'علامت گذاری به عنوان علامت تعجب وارونه',
- cent: 'نشان سنت',
- pound: 'نشان پوند',
- curren: 'نشان ارز',
- yen: 'نشان ین',
- brvbar: 'نوار شکسته',
- sect: 'نشان بخش',
- uml: 'Diaeresis', // MISSING
- copy: 'نشان کپی رایت',
- ordf: 'Feminine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
- laquo: 'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark', // MISSING
- not: 'علامت ثبت نشده',
- reg: 'علامت ثبت شده',
- macr: 'Macron', // MISSING
- deg: 'نشان درجه',
- sup2: 'بالانویس دو',
- sup3: 'بالانویس سه',
- acute: 'لهجه غلیظ',
- micro: 'نشان مایکرو',
- para: 'Pilcrow sign', // MISSING
- middot: 'نقطه میانی',
- cedil: 'Cedilla', // MISSING
- sup1: 'Superscript one', // MISSING
- ordm: 'Masculine ordinal indicator', // MISSING
- raquo: 'نشان زاویه‌دار دوتایی نقل قول راست چین',
- frac14: 'Vulgar fraction one quarter', // MISSING
- frac12: 'Vulgar fraction one half', // MISSING
- frac34: 'Vulgar fraction three quarters', // MISSING
- iquest: 'Inverted question mark', // MISSING
- Agrave: 'Latin capital letter A with grave accent', // MISSING
- Aacute: 'Latin capital letter A with acute accent', // MISSING
- Acirc: 'Latin capital letter A with circumflex', // MISSING
- Atilde: 'Latin capital letter A with tilde', // MISSING
- Auml: 'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis', // MISSING
- Aring: 'Latin capital letter A with ring above', // MISSING
- AElig: 'Latin Capital letter Æ', // MISSING
- Ccedil: 'Latin capital letter C with cedilla', // MISSING
- Egrave: 'Latin capital letter E with grave accent', // MISSING
- Eacute: 'Latin capital letter E with acute accent', // MISSING
- Ecirc: 'Latin capital letter E with circumflex', // MISSING
- Euml: 'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis', // MISSING
- Igrave: 'Latin capital letter I with grave accent', // MISSING
- Iacute: 'Latin capital letter I with acute accent', // MISSING
- Icirc: 'Latin capital letter I with circumflex', // MISSING
- Iuml: 'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis', // MISSING
- ETH: 'Latin capital letter Eth', // MISSING
- Ntilde: 'Latin capital letter N with tilde', // MISSING
- Ograve: 'Latin capital letter O with grave accent', // MISSING
- Oacute: 'Latin capital letter O with acute accent', // MISSING
- Ocirc: 'Latin capital letter O with circumflex', // MISSING
- Otilde: 'Latin capital letter O with tilde', // MISSING
- Ouml: 'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis', // MISSING
- times: 'Multiplication sign', // MISSING
- Oslash: 'Latin capital letter O with stroke', // MISSING
- Ugrave: 'Latin capital letter U with grave accent', // MISSING
- Uacute: 'Latin capital letter U with acute accent', // MISSING
- Ucirc: 'Latin capital letter U with circumflex', // MISSING
- Uuml: 'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis', // MISSING
- Yacute: 'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent', // MISSING
- THORN: 'Latin capital letter Thorn', // MISSING
- szlig: 'Latin small letter sharp s', // MISSING
- agrave: 'Latin small letter a with grave accent', // MISSING
- aacute: 'Latin small letter a with acute accent', // MISSING
- acirc: 'Latin small letter a with circumflex', // MISSING
- atilde: 'Latin small letter a with tilde', // MISSING
- auml: 'Latin small letter a with diaeresis', // MISSING
- aring: 'Latin small letter a with ring above', // MISSING
- aelig: 'Latin small letter æ', // MISSING
- ccedil: 'Latin small letter c with cedilla', // MISSING
- egrave: 'Latin small letter e with grave accent', // MISSING
- eacute: 'Latin small letter e with acute accent', // MISSING
- ecirc: 'Latin small letter e with circumflex', // MISSING
- euml: 'Latin small letter e with diaeresis', // MISSING
- igrave: 'Latin small letter i with grave accent', // MISSING
- iacute: 'Latin small letter i with acute accent', // MISSING
- icirc: 'Latin small letter i with circumflex', // MISSING
- iuml: 'Latin small letter i with diaeresis', // MISSING
- eth: 'Latin small letter eth', // MISSING
- ntilde: 'Latin small letter n with tilde', // MISSING
- ograve: 'Latin small letter o with grave accent', // MISSING
- oacute: 'Latin small letter o with acute accent', // MISSING
- ocirc: 'Latin small letter o with circumflex', // MISSING
- otilde: 'Latin small letter o with tilde', // MISSING
- ouml: 'Latin small letter o with diaeresis', // MISSING
- divide: 'Division sign', // MISSING
- oslash: 'Latin small letter o with stroke', // MISSING
- ugrave: 'Latin small letter u with grave accent', // MISSING
- uacute: 'Latin small letter u with acute accent', // MISSING
- ucirc: 'Latin small letter u with circumflex', // MISSING
- uuml: 'Latin small letter u with diaeresis', // MISSING
- yacute: 'Latin small letter y with acute accent', // MISSING
- thorn: 'Latin small letter thorn', // MISSING
- yuml: 'Latin small letter y with diaeresis', // MISSING
- OElig: 'Latin capital ligature OE', // MISSING
- oelig: 'Latin small ligature oe', // MISSING
- '372': 'Latin capital letter W with circumflex', // MISSING
- '374': 'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex', // MISSING
- '373': 'Latin small letter w with circumflex', // MISSING
- '375': 'Latin small letter y with circumflex', // MISSING
- sbquo: 'Single low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
- '8219': 'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
- bdquo: 'Double low-9 quotation mark', // MISSING
- hellip: 'Horizontal ellipsis', // MISSING
- trade: 'Trade mark sign', // MISSING
- '9658': 'Black right-pointing pointer', // MISSING
- bull: 'Bullet', // MISSING
- rarr: 'Rightwards arrow', // MISSING
- rArr: 'Rightwards double arrow', // MISSING
- hArr: 'جهت‌نمای دوتایی چپ به راست',
- diams: 'Black diamond suit', // MISSING
- asymp: 'تقریبا برابر با'
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fi.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fi.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','fi',{euro:'Euron merkki',lsquo:'Vasen yksittäinen lainausmerkki',rsquo:'Oikea yksittäinen lainausmerkki',ldquo:'Vasen kaksoislainausmerkki',rdquo:'Oikea kaksoislainausmerkki',ndash:'En dash',mdash:'Em dash',iexcl:'Inverted exclamation mark',cent:'Sentin merkki',pound:'Punnan merkki',curren:'Valuuttamerkki',yen:'Yenin merkki',brvbar:'Broken bar',sect:'Section sign',uml:'Diaeresis',copy:'Copyright sign',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark',not:'Not sign',reg:'Rekisteröity merkki',macr:'Macron',deg:'Asteen merkki',sup2:'Yläindeksi kaksi',sup3:'Yläindeksi kolme',acute:'Acute accent',micro:'Mikron merkki',para:'Pilcrow sign',middot:'Middle dot',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Yläindeksi yksi',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark',frac14:'Vulgar fraction one quarter',frac12:'Vulgar fraction one half',frac34:'Vulgar fraction three quarters',iquest:'Ylösalaisin oleva kysymysmerkki',Agrave:'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Latin capital letter A with tilde',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',times:'Kertomerkki',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',Uuml:'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Latin small letter sharp s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Latin small letter a with circumflex',atilde:'Latin small letter a with tilde',auml:'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'Latin small letter n with tilde',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Jakomerkki',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Tavaramerkki merkki',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Nuoli oikealle',rArr:'Kaksoisnuoli oikealle',hArr:'Kaksoisnuoli oikealle ja vasemmalle',diams:'Black diamond suit',asymp:'Noin'});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/fr.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','fr',{euro:'Symbole Euro',lsquo:'Guillemet simple ouvrant',rsquo:'Guillemet simple fermant',ldquo:'Guillemet double ouvrant',rdquo:'Guillemet double fermant',ndash:'Tiret haut',mdash:'Tiret bas underscore',iexcl:"Point d'exclamation inversé",cent:'Symbole Cent',pound:'Symbole Livre Sterling',curren:'Symbole monétaire',yen:'Symbole Yen',brvbar:'Barre verticale scindée',sect:'Section',uml:'Tréma',copy:'Symbole Copyright',ordf:'Indicateur ordinal féminin',laquo:'Guillemet français ouvrant',not:'Crochet de négation',reg:'Marque déposée',macr:'Macron',deg:'Degré',sup2:'Exposant 2',sup3:'\\tExposant 3',acute:'Accent aigu',micro:'Omicron',para:'Paragraphe',middot:'Point médian',cedil:'Cédille',sup1:'\\tExposant 1',ordm:'Indicateur ordinal masculin',raquo:'Guillemet français fermant',frac14:'Un quart',frac12:'Un demi',frac34:'Trois quarts',iquest:"Point d'interrogation inversé",Agrave:'A majuscule accent grave',Aacute:'A majuscule accent aigu',Acirc:'A majuscule accent circonflexe',Atilde:'A majuscule avec caron',Auml:'A majuscule tréma',Aring:'A majuscule avec un rond au-dessus',AElig:'Æ majuscule ligaturés',Ccedil:'C majuscule cédille',Egrave:'E majuscule accent grave',Eacute:'E majuscule accent aigu',Ecirc:'E majuscule accent circonflexe',Euml:'E majuscule tréma',Igrave:'I majuscule accent grave',Iacute:'I majuscule accent aigu',Icirc:'I majuscule accent circonflexe',Iuml:'I majuscule tréma',ETH:'Lettre majuscule islandaise ED',Ntilde:'N majuscule avec caron',Ograve:'O majuscule accent grave',Oacute:'O majuscule accent aigu',Ocirc:'O majuscule accent circonflexe',Otilde:'O majuscule avec caron',Ouml:'O majuscule tréma',times:'Multiplication',Oslash:'O majuscule barré',Ugrave:'U majuscule accent grave',Uacute:'U majuscule accent aigu',Ucirc:'U majuscule accent circonflexe',Uuml:'U majuscule tréma',Yacute:'Y majuscule accent aigu',THORN:'Lettre islandaise Thorn majuscule',szlig:'Lettre minuscule allemande s dur',agrave:'a minuscule accent grave',aacute:'a minuscule accent aigu',acirc:'a minuscule accent circonflexe',atilde:'a minuscule avec caron',auml:'a minuscule tréma',aring:'a minuscule avec un rond au-dessus',aelig:'æ minuscule ligaturés',ccedil:'c minuscule cédille',egrave:'e minuscule accent grave',eacute:'e minuscule accent aigu',ecirc:'e minuscule accent circonflexe',euml:'e minuscule tréma',igrave:'i minuscule accent grave',iacute:'i minuscule accent aigu',icirc:'i minuscule accent circonflexe',iuml:'i minuscule tréma',eth:'Lettre minuscule islandaise ED',ntilde:'n minuscule avec caron',ograve:'o minuscule accent grave',oacute:'o minuscule accent aigu',ocirc:'o minuscule accent circonflexe',otilde:'o minuscule avec caron',ouml:'o minuscule tréma',divide:'Division',oslash:'o minuscule barré',ugrave:'u minuscule accent grave',uacute:'u minuscule accent aigu',ucirc:'u minuscule accent circonflexe',uuml:'u minuscule tréma',yacute:'y minuscule accent aigu',thorn:'Lettre islandaise thorn minuscule',yuml:'y minuscule tréma',OElig:'ligature majuscule latine Œ',oelig:'ligature minuscule latine œ',372:'W majuscule accent circonflexe',374:'Y majuscule accent circonflexe',373:'w minuscule accent circonflexe',375:'y minuscule accent circonflexe',sbquo:'Guillemet simple fermant (anglais)',8219:'Guillemet-virgule supérieur culbuté',bdquo:'Guillemet-virgule double inférieur',hellip:'Points de suspension',trade:'Marque commerciale (trade mark)',9658:'Flèche noire pointant vers la droite',bull:'Gros point médian',rarr:'Flèche vers la droite',rArr:'Double flèche vers la droite',hArr:'Double flèche vers la gauche',diams:'Carreau noir',asymp:'Presque égal'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','he',{euro:'יורו',lsquo:'Left single quotation mark',rsquo:'Right single quotation mark',ldquo:'Left double quotation mark',rdquo:'Right double quotation mark',ndash:'En dash',mdash:'Em dash',iexcl:'Inverted exclamation mark',cent:'Cent sign',pound:'Pound sign',curren:'Currency sign',yen:'Yen sign',brvbar:'Broken bar',sect:'Section sign',uml:'Diaeresis',copy:'Copyright sign',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'Left-pointing double angle quotation mark',not:'Not sign',reg:'Registered sign',macr:'Macron',deg:'Degree sign',sup2:'Superscript two',sup3:'Superscript three',acute:'Acute accent',micro:'Micro sign',para:'Pilcrow sign',middot:'Middle dot',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Superscript one',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'Right-pointing double angle quotation mark',frac14:'Vulgar fraction one quarter',frac12:'Vulgar fraction one half',frac34:'Vulgar fraction three quarters',iquest:'Inverted question mark',Agrave:'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Latin capital letter A with tilde',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',times:'Multiplication sign',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',Uuml:'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Latin small letter sharp s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Latin small letter a with circumflex',atilde:'Latin small letter a with tilde',auml:'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'Latin small letter n with tilde',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Division sign',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Trade mark sign',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Rightwards arrow',rArr:'Rightwards double arrow',hArr:'Left right double arrow',diams:'Black diamond suit',asymp:'Almost equal to'});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hr.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/hr.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','hr',{euro:'Euro znak',lsquo:'Lijevi jednostruki navodnik',rsquo:'Desni jednostruki navodnik',ldquo:'Lijevi dvostruki navodnik',rdquo:'Desni dvostruki navodnik',ndash:'En crtica',mdash:'Em crtica',iexcl:'Naopaki uskličnik',cent:'Cent znak',pound:'Funta znak',curren:'Znak valute',yen:'Yen znak',brvbar:'Potrgana prečka',sect:'Znak odjeljka',uml:'Diaeresis',copy:'Copyright znak',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'Lijevi dvostruki uglati navodnik',not:'Not znak',reg:'Registered znak',macr:'Macron',deg:'Stupanj znak',sup2:'Superscript two',sup3:'Superscript three',acute:'Acute accent',micro:'Micro sign',para:'Pilcrow sign',middot:'Srednja točka',cedil:'Cedilla',sup1:'Superscript one',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'Desni dvostruku uglati navodnik',frac14:'Vulgar fraction one quarter',frac12:'Vulgar fraction one half',frac34:'Vulgar fraction three quarters',iquest:'Naopaki upitnik',Agrave:'Veliko latinsko slovo A s akcentom',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Latin capital letter A with tilde',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'Latin capital letter O with grave accent',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',times:'Multiplication sign',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',Uuml:'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Latin small letter sharp s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Latin small letter a with circumflex',atilde:'Latin small letter a with tilde',auml:'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'Latin small letter n with tilde',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Division sign',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Trade mark sign',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Rightwards arrow',rArr:'Rightwards double arrow',hArr:'Left right double arrow',diams:'Black diamond suit',asymp:'Almost equal to'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','it',{euro:'Simbolo Euro',lsquo:'Virgoletta singola sinistra',rsquo:'Virgoletta singola destra',ldquo:'Virgolette aperte',rdquo:'Virgolette chiuse',ndash:'Trattino',mdash:'Trattino lungo',iexcl:'Punto esclavamativo invertito',cent:'Simbolo Cent',pound:'Simbolo Sterlina',curren:'Simbolo Moneta',yen:'Simbolo Yen',brvbar:'Barra interrotta',sect:'Simbolo di sezione',uml:'Dieresi',copy:'Simbolo Copyright',ordf:'Indicatore ordinale femminile',laquo:'Virgolette basse aperte',not:'Nessun segno',reg:'Simbolo Registrato',macr:'Macron',deg:'Simbolo Grado',sup2:'Apice Due',sup3:'Apice Tre',acute:'Accento acuto',micro:'Simbolo Micro',para:'Simbolo Paragrafo',middot:'Punto centrale',cedil:'Cediglia',sup1:'Apice Uno',ordm:'Indicatore ordinale maschile',raquo:'Virgolette basse chiuse',frac14:'Frazione volgare un quarto',frac12:'Frazione volgare un mezzo',frac34:'Frazione volgare tre quarti',iquest:'Punto interrogativo invertito',Agrave:'Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento grave',Aacute:'Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento acuto',Acirc:'Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento circonflesso',Atilde:'Lettera maiuscola latina A con tilde',Auml:'Lettera maiuscola latina A con dieresi',Aring:'Lettera maiuscola latina A con anello sopra',AElig:'Lettera maiuscola latina AE',Ccedil:'Lettera maiuscola latina C con cediglia',Egrave:'Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento grave',Eacute:'Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento acuto',Ecirc:'Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento circonflesso',Euml:'Lettera maiuscola latina E con dieresi',Igrave:'Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento grave',Iacute:'Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento acuto',Icirc:'Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento circonflesso',Iuml:'Lettera maiuscola latina I con dieresi',ETH:'Lettera maiuscola latina Eth',Ntilde:'Lettera maiuscola latina N con tilde',Ograve:'Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento grave',Oacute:'Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento acuto',Ocirc:'Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento circonflesso',Otilde:'Lettera maiuscola latina O con tilde',Ouml:'Lettera maiuscola latina O con dieresi',times:'Simbolo di moltiplicazione',Oslash:'Lettera maiuscola latina O barrata',Ugrave:'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento grave',Uacute:'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento acuto',Ucirc:'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso',Uuml:'Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso',Yacute:'Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento acuto',THORN:'Lettera maiuscola latina Thorn',szlig:'Lettera latina minuscola doppia S',agrave:'Lettera minuscola latina a con accento grave',aacute:'Lettera minuscola latina a con accento acuto',acirc:'Lettera minuscola latina a con accento circonflesso',atilde:'Lettera minuscola latina a con tilde',auml:'Lettera minuscola latina a con dieresi',aring:'Lettera minuscola latina a con anello superiore',aelig:'Lettera minuscola latina ae',ccedil:'Lettera minuscola latina c con cediglia',egrave:'Lettera minuscola latina e con accento grave',eacute:'Lettera minuscola latina e con accento acuto',ecirc:'Lettera minuscola latina e con accento circonflesso',euml:'Lettera minuscola latina e con dieresi',igrave:'Lettera minuscola latina i con accento grave',iacute:'Lettera minuscola latina i con accento acuto',icirc:'Lettera minuscola latina i con accento circonflesso',iuml:'Lettera minuscola latina i con dieresi',eth:'Lettera minuscola latina eth',ntilde:'Lettera minuscola latina n con tilde',ograve:'Lettera minuscola latina o con accento grave',oacute:'Lettera minuscola latina o con accento acuto',ocirc:'Lettera minuscola latina o con accento circonflesso',otilde:'Lettera minuscola latina o con tilde',ouml:'Lettera minuscola latina o con dieresi',divide:'Simbolo di divisione',oslash:'Lettera minuscola latina o barrata',ugrave:'Lettera minuscola latina u con accento grave',uacute:'Lettera minuscola latina u con accento acuto',ucirc:'Lettera minuscola latina u con accento circonflesso',uuml:'Lettera minuscola latina u con dieresi',yacute:'Lettera minuscola latina y con accento acuto',thorn:'Lettera minuscola latina thorn',yuml:'Lettera minuscola latina y con dieresi',OElig:'Legatura maiuscola latina OE',oelig:'Legatura minuscola latina oe',372:'Lettera maiuscola latina W con accento circonflesso',374:'Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento circonflesso',373:'Lettera minuscola latina w con accento circonflesso',375:'Lettera minuscola latina y con accento circonflesso',sbquo:'Singola virgoletta bassa low-9',8219:'Singola virgoletta bassa low-9 inversa',bdquo:'Doppia virgoletta bassa low-9',hellip:'Ellissi orizzontale',trade:'Simbolo TM',9658:'Puntatore nero rivolto verso destra',bull:'Punto',rarr:'Freccia verso destra',rArr:'Doppia freccia verso destra',hArr:'Doppia freccia sinistra destra',diams:'Simbolo nero diamante',asymp:'Quasi uguale a'});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ku.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ku.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f60bbbb..0000000
--- a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/ku.js
+++ /dev/null
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'specialchar', 'ku',
- euro: 'نیشانه‌ی یۆرۆ',
- lsquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری تاکی چه‌پ',
- rsquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری تاکی ڕاست',
- ldquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری دووهێنده‌ی چه‌پ',
- rdquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی سه‌رووژێری دووهێنده‌ی ڕاست',
- ndash: 'ته‌قه‌ڵی کورت',
- mdash: 'ته‌قه‌ڵی درێژ',
- iexcl: 'نیشانه‌ی هه‌ڵه‌وگێڕی سه‌رسوڕمێنه‌ر',
- cent: 'نیشانه‌ی سه‌نت',
- pound: 'نیشانه‌ی پاوه‌ند',
- curren: 'نیشانه‌ی دراو',
- yen: 'نیشانه‌ی یه‌نی ژاپۆنی',
- brvbar: 'شریتی ئه‌ستوونی پچڕاو',
- sect: 'نیشانه‌ی دوو s له‌سه‌ریه‌ك',
- uml: 'خاڵ',
- copy: 'نیشانه‌ی مافی چاپ',
- ordf: 'هێڵ له‌سه‌ر پیتی a',
- laquo: 'دوو تیری به‌دووایه‌کی چه‌پ',
- not: 'نیشانه‌ی نه‌خێر',
- reg: 'نیشانه‌ی R له‌ناو بازنه‌دا',
- macr: 'ماکڕوون',
- deg: 'نیشانه‌ی پله',
- sup2: 'سه‌رنووسی دوو',
- sup3: 'سه‌رنووسی سێ',
- acute: 'لاری تیژ',
- micro: 'نیشانه‌ی u لق درێژی چه‌پی خواروو',
- para: 'نیشانه‌یپه‌ڕه‌گراف',
- middot: 'ناوه‌ڕاستی خاڵ',
- cedil: 'نیشانه‌ی c ژێر چووکره‌',
- sup1: 'سه‌رنووسی یه‌ك',
- ordm: 'هێڵ له‌ژێر پیتی o',
- raquo: 'دوو تیری به‌دووایه‌کی ڕاست',
- frac14: 'یه‌ك له‌سه‌ر چووار',
- frac12: 'یه‌ك له‌سه‌ر دوو',
- frac34: 'سێ له‌سه‌ر چووار',
- iquest: 'هێمای هه‌ڵه‌وگێری پرسیار',
- Agrave: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- Aacute: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- Acirc: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Atilde: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
- Auml: 'پیتی لاتینی A-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Aring: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Å',
- AElig: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Æ',
- Ccedil: 'پیتی لاتینی C-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ژێر چووکره‌',
- Egrave: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- Eacute: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- Ecirc: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Euml: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Igrave: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- Iacute: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- Icirc: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Iuml: 'پیتی لاتینی I-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- ETH: 'پیتی لاتینی E-ی گه‌وره‌ی',
- Ntilde: 'پیتی لاتینی N-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
- Ograve: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- Oacute: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- Ocirc: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Otilde: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
- Ouml: 'پیتی لاتینی O-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- times: 'نیشانه‌ی لێکدان',
- Oslash: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی Ø له‌گه‌ڵ هێمای دڵ وه‌ستان',
- Ugrave: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- Uacute: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- Ucirc: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Uuml: 'پیتی لاتینی U-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- Yacute: 'پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- THORN: 'پیتی لاتینی دڕکی گه‌وره',
- szlig: 'پیتی لاتنی نووك تیژی s',
- agrave: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- aacute: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- acirc: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- atilde: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
- auml: 'پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- aring: 'پیتی لاتینی å-ی بچووك',
- aelig: 'پیتی لاتینی æ-ی بچووك',
- ccedil: 'پیتی لاتینی c-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ژێر چووکره‌',
- egrave: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- eacute: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- ecirc: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- euml: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- igrave: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- iacute: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- icirc: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- iuml: 'پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- eth: 'پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك',
- ntilde: 'پیتی لاتینی n-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
- ograve: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- oacute: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- ocirc: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- otilde: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ زه‌ڕه‌',
- ouml: 'پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- divide: 'نیشانه‌ی دابه‌ش',
- oslash: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی ø له‌گه‌ڵ هێمای دڵ وه‌ستان',
- ugrave: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری لار',
- uacute: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- ucirc: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- uuml: 'پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- yacute: 'پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ ڕوومه‌تداری تیژ',
- thorn: 'پیتی لاتینی دڕکی بچووك',
- yuml: 'پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- OElig: 'پیتی لاتینی گه‌وره‌ی پێکه‌وه‌نووسراوی OE',
- oelig: 'پیتی لاتینی بچووکی پێکه‌وه‌نووسراوی oe',
- '372': 'پیتی لاتینی W-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- '374': 'پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گه‌وره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- '373': 'پیتی لاتینی w-ی بچووکی له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- '375': 'پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووکی له‌گه‌ڵ نیشانه‌ له‌سه‌ری',
- sbquo: 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی نزم',
- '8219': 'نیشانه‌ی فاریزه‌ی به‌رزی پێچه‌وانه',
- bdquo: 'دوو فاریزه‌ی ته‌نیش یه‌ك',
- hellip: 'ئاسۆیی بازنه',
- trade: 'نیشانه‌ی بازرگانی',
- '9658': 'ئاراسته‌ی ڕه‌شی ده‌ستی ڕاست',
- bull: 'فیشه‌ك',
- rarr: 'تیری ده‌ستی ڕاست',
- rArr: 'دووتیری ده‌ستی ڕاست',
- hArr: 'دوو تیری ڕاست و چه‌پ',
- diams: 'ڕه‌شی پاقڵاوه‌یی',
- asymp: 'نیشانه‌ی یه‌کسانه'
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lv.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lv.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2703c8..0000000
--- a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/lv.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','lv',{euro:'Euro zīme',lsquo:'Kreisā vienkārtīga pēdiņa',rsquo:'Labā vienkārtīga pēdiņa',ldquo:'Kreisā dubult pēdiņa',rdquo:'Labā dubult pēdiņa',ndash:'En svītra',mdash:'Em svītra',iexcl:'Apgriezta izsaukuma zīme',cent:'Centu naudas zīme',pound:'Sterliņu mārciņu naudas zīme',curren:'Valūtas zīme',yen:'Jenu naudas zīme',brvbar:'Vertikāla pārrauta līnija',sect:'Paragrāfa zīme',uml:'Diakritiska zīme',copy:'Autortiesību zīme',ordf:'Sievišķas kārtas rādītājs',laquo:'Kreisā dubult stūra pēdiņu zīme',not:'Neparakstīts',reg:'Reģistrēta zīme',macr:'Garumzīme',deg:'Grādu zīme',sup2:'Augšraksts divi',sup3:'Augšraksts trīs',acute:'Akūta uzsvara zīme',micro:'Mikro zīme',para:'Rindkopas zīme ',middot:'Vidējs punkts',cedil:'Āķītis zem burta',sup1:'Augšraksts viens',ordm:'Vīrišķīgas kārtas rādītājs',raquo:'Labā dubult stūra pēdiņu zīme',frac14:'Vulgāra frakcija 1/4',frac12:'Vulgāra frakcija 1/2',frac34:'Vulgāra frakcija 3/4',iquest:'Apgriezta jautājuma zīme',Agrave:'Lielais latīņu burts A ar uzsvara zīmi',Aacute:'Lielais latīņu burts A ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',Acirc:'Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisku zīmi',Atilde:'Lielais latīņu burts A ar tildi ',Auml:'Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisko zīmi',Aring:'Lielais latīņu burts A ar aplīti augšā',AElig:'Lielais latīņu burts Æ',Ccedil:'Lielais latīņu burts C ar āķīti zem burta',Egrave:'Lielais latīņu burts E ar apostrofu',Eacute:'Lielais latīņu burts E ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',Ecirc:'Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi',Euml:'Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi',Igrave:'Lielais latīņu burts I ar uzsvaras zīmi',Iacute:'Lielais latīņu burts I ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',Icirc:'Lielais latīņu burts I ar diakritisko zīmi',Iuml:'Lielais latīņu burts I ar diakritisko zīmi',ETH:'Lielais latīņu burts Eth',Ntilde:'Lielais latīņu burts N ar tildi',Ograve:'Lielais latīņu burts O ar uzsvara zīmi',Oacute:'Lielais latīņu burts O ar akūto uzsvara zīmi',Ocirc:'Lielais latīņu burts O ar diakritisko zīmi',Otilde:'Lielais latīņu burts O ar tildi',Ouml:'Lielais latīņu burts O ar diakritisko zīmi',times:'Reizināšanas zīme ',Oslash:'Lielais latīņu burts O ar iesvītrojumu',Ugrave:'Lielais latīņu burts U ar uzsvaras zīmi',Uacute:'Lielais latīņu burts U ar akūto uzsvars zīmi',Ucirc:'Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi',Uuml:'Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi',Yacute:'Lielais latīņu burts Y ar akūto uzsvaras zīmi',THORN:'Lielais latīņu burts torn',szlig:'Mazs latīņu burts ar ligatūru',agrave:'Mazs latīņu burts a ar uzsvara zīmi',aacute:'Mazs latīņu burts a ar akūto uzsvara zīmi',acirc:'Mazs latīņu burts a ar diakritisko zīmi',atilde:'Mazs latīņu burts a ar tildi',auml:'Mazs latīņu burts a ar diakritisko zīmi',aring:'Mazs latīņu burts a ar aplīti augšā',aelig:'Mazs latīņu burts æ',ccedil:'Mazs latīņu burts c ar āķīti zem burta',egrave:'Mazs latīņu burts e ar uzsvara zīmi ',eacute:'Mazs latīņu burts e ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',ecirc:'Mazs latīņu burts e ar diakritisko zīmi',euml:'Mazs latīņu burts e ar diakritisko zīmi',igrave:'Mazs latīņu burts i ar uzsvara zīmi ',iacute:'Mazs latīņu burts i ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',icirc:'Mazs latīņu burts i ar diakritisko zīmi',iuml:'Mazs latīņu burts i ar diakritisko zīmi',eth:'Mazs latīņu burts eth',ntilde:'Mazs latīņu burts n ar tildi',ograve:'Mazs latīņu burts o ar uzsvara zīmi ',oacute:'Mazs latīņu burts o ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',ocirc:'Mazs latīņu burts o ar diakritisko zīmi',otilde:'Mazs latīņu burts o ar tildi',ouml:'Mazs latīņu burts o ar diakritisko zīmi',divide:'Dalīšanas zīme',oslash:'Mazs latīņu burts o ar iesvītrojumu',ugrave:'Mazs latīņu burts u ar uzsvara zīmi ',uacute:'Mazs latīņu burts u ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi',ucirc:'Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi',uuml:'Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi',yacute:'Mazs latīņu burts y ar akūtu uzsvaras zīmi',thorn:'Mazs latīņu burts torns',yuml:'Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi',OElig:'Liela latīņu ligatūra OE',oelig:'Maza latīņu ligatūra oe',372:'Liels latīņu burts W ar diakritisko zīmi ',374:'Liels latīņu burts Y ar diakritisko zīmi ',373:'Mazs latīņu burts w ar diakritisko zīmi ',375:'Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi ',sbquo:'Mazas-9 vienkārtīgas pēdiņas',8219:'Lielas-9 vienkārtīgas apgrieztas pēdiņas',bdquo:'Mazas-9 dubultas pēdiņas',hellip:'Horizontāli daudzpunkti',trade:'Preču zīmes zīme',9658:'Melns pa labi pagriezts radītājs',bull:'Lode',rarr:'Bulta pa labi',rArr:'Dubulta Bulta pa labi',hArr:'Bulta pa kreisi',diams:'Dubulta Bulta pa kreisi',asymp:'Gandrīz vienāds ar'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','nb',{euro:'Eurosymbol',lsquo:'Venstre enkelt anførselstegn',rsquo:'Høyre enkelt anførselstegn',ldquo:'Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn',rdquo:'Høyre anførsesltegn',ndash:'Kort tankestrek',mdash:'Lang tankestrek',iexcl:'Omvendt utropstegn',cent:'Centsymbol',pound:'Pundsymbol',curren:'Valutategn',yen:'Yensymbol',brvbar:'Brutt loddrett strek',sect:'Paragraftegn',uml:'Tøddel',copy:'Copyrighttegn',ordf:'Feminin ordensindikator',laquo:'Venstre anførselstegn',not:'Negasjonstegn',reg:'Registrert varemerke-tegn',macr:'Makron',deg:'Gradsymbol',sup2:'Hevet totall',sup3:'Hevet tretall',acute:'Akutt aksent',micro:'Mikrosymbol',para:'Avsnittstegn',middot:'Midtstilt prikk',cedil:'Cedille',sup1:'Hevet ettall',ordm:'Maskulin ordensindikator',raquo:'Høyre anførselstegn',frac14:'Fjerdedelsbrøk',frac12:'Halvbrøk',frac34:'Tre fjerdedelers brøk',iquest:'Omvendt spørsmålstegn',Agrave:'Stor A med grav aksent',Aacute:'Stor A med akutt aksent',Acirc:'Stor A med cirkumfleks',Atilde:'Stor A med tilde',Auml:'Stor A med tøddel',Aring:'Stor Å',AElig:'Stor Æ',Ccedil:'Stor C med cedille',Egrave:'Stor E med grav aksent',Eacute:'Stor E med akutt aksent',Ecirc:'Stor E med cirkumfleks',Euml:'Stor E med tøddel',Igrave:'Stor I med grav aksent',Iacute:'Stor I med akutt aksent',Icirc:'Stor I med cirkumfleks',Iuml:'Stor I med tøddel',ETH:'Stor Edd/stungen D',Ntilde:'Stor N med tilde',Ograve:'Stor O med grav aksent',Oacute:'Stor O med akutt aksent',Ocirc:'Stor O med cirkumfleks',Otilde:'Stor O med tilde',Ouml:'Stor O med tøddel',times:'Multiplikasjonstegn',Oslash:'Stor Ø',Ugrave:'Stor U med grav aksent',Uacute:'Stor U med akutt aksent',Ucirc:'Stor U med cirkumfleks',Uuml:'Stor U med tøddel',Yacute:'Stor Y med akutt aksent',THORN:'Stor Thorn',szlig:'Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett',agrave:'Liten a med grav aksent',aacute:'Liten a med akutt aksent',acirc:'Liten a med cirkumfleks',atilde:'Liten a med tilde',auml:'Liten a med tøddel',aring:'Liten å',aelig:'Liten æ',ccedil:'Liten c med cedille',egrave:'Liten e med grav aksent',eacute:'Liten e med akutt aksent',ecirc:'Liten e med cirkumfleks',euml:'Liten e med tøddel',igrave:'Liten i med grav aksent',iacute:'Liten i med akutt aksent',icirc:'Liten i med cirkumfleks',iuml:'Liten i med tøddel',eth:'Liten edd/stungen d',ntilde:'Liten n med tilde',ograve:'Liten o med grav aksent',oacute:'Liten o med akutt aksent',ocirc:'Liten o med cirkumfleks',otilde:'Liten o med tilde',ouml:'Liten o med tøddel',divide:'Divisjonstegn',oslash:'Liten ø',ugrave:'Liten u med grav aksent',uacute:'Liten u med akutt aksent',ucirc:'Liten u med cirkumfleks',uuml:'Liten u med tøddel',yacute:'Liten y med akutt aksent',thorn:'Liten thorn',yuml:'Liten y med tøddel',OElig:'Stor ligatur av O og E',oelig:'Liten ligatur av o og e',372:'Stor W med cirkumfleks',374:'Stor Y med cirkumfleks',373:'Liten w med cirkumfleks',375:'Liten y med cirkumfleks',sbquo:'Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',8219:'Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn',bdquo:'Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',hellip:'Ellipse',trade:'Varemerkesymbol',9658:'Svart høyrevendt peker',bull:'Tykk interpunkt',rarr:'Høyrevendt pil',rArr:'Dobbel høyrevendt pil',hArr:'Dobbel venstrevendt pil',diams:'Svart ruter',asymp:'Omtrent likhetstegn'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','nl',{euro:'Euro-teken',lsquo:'Linker enkel aanhalingsteken',rsquo:'Rechter enkel aanhalingsteken',ldquo:'Linker dubbel aanhalingsteken',rdquo:'Rechter dubbel aanhalingsteken',ndash:'En dash',mdash:'Em dash',iexcl:'Omgekeerd uitroepteken',cent:'Cent-teken',pound:'Pond-teken',curren:'Valuta-teken',yen:'Yen-teken',brvbar:'Gebroken streep',sect:'Paragraaf-teken',uml:'Trema',copy:'Copyright-teken',ordf:'Vrouwelijk ordinaal',laquo:'Linker guillemet',not:'Ongelijk-teken',reg:'Geregistreerd handelsmerk-teken',macr:'Macron',deg:'Graden-teken',sup2:'Superscript twee',sup3:'Superscript drie',acute:'Accent aigu',micro:'Mico-teken',para:'Alinea-teken',middot:'Halfhoge punt',cedil:'Cedille',sup1:'Superscript een',ordm:'Mannelijk ordinaal',raquo:'Rechter guillemet',frac14:'Breuk kwart',frac12:'Breuk half',frac34:'Breuk driekwart',iquest:'Omgekeerd vraagteken',Agrave:'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een accent grave',Aacute:'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een accent aigu',Acirc:'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een circonflexe',Atilde:'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een tilde',Auml:'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een trema',Aring:'Latijnse hoofdletter A met een corona',AElig:'Latijnse hoofdletter Æ',Ccedil:'Latijnse hoofdletter C met een cedille',Egrave:'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een accent grave',Eacute:'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een accent aigu',Ecirc:'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een circonflexe',Euml:'Latijnse hoofdletter E met een trema',Igrave:'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een accent grave',Iacute:'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een accent aigu',Icirc:'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een circonflexe',Iuml:'Latijnse hoofdletter I met een trema',ETH:'Latijnse hoofdletter Eth',Ntilde:'Latijnse hoofdletter N met een tilde',Ograve:'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een accent grave',Oacute:'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een accent aigu',Ocirc:'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een circonflexe',Otilde:'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een tilde',Ouml:'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een trema',times:'Maal-teken',Oslash:'Latijnse hoofdletter O met een schuine streep',Ugrave:'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een accent grave',Uacute:'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een accent aigu',Ucirc:'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een circonflexe',Uuml:'Latijnse hoofdletter U met een trema',Yacute:'Latijnse hoofdletter Y met een accent aigu',THORN:'Latijnse hoofdletter Thorn',szlig:'Latijnse kleine ringel-s',agrave:'Latijnse kleine letter a met een accent grave',aacute:'Latijnse kleine letter a met een accent aigu',acirc:'Latijnse kleine letter a met een circonflexe',atilde:'Latijnse kleine letter a met een tilde',auml:'Latijnse kleine letter a met een trema',aring:'Latijnse kleine letter a met een corona',aelig:'Latijnse kleine letter æ',ccedil:'Latijnse kleine letter c met een cedille',egrave:'Latijnse kleine letter e met een accent grave',eacute:'Latijnse kleine letter e met een accent aigu',ecirc:'Latijnse kleine letter e met een circonflexe',euml:'Latijnse kleine letter e met een trema',igrave:'Latijnse kleine letter i met een accent grave',iacute:'Latijnse kleine letter i met een accent aigu',icirc:'Latijnse kleine letter i met een circonflexe',iuml:'Latijnse kleine letter i met een trema',eth:'Latijnse kleine letter eth',ntilde:'Latijnse kleine letter n met een tilde',ograve:'Latijnse kleine letter o met een accent grave',oacute:'Latijnse kleine letter o met een accent aigu',ocirc:'Latijnse kleine letter o met een circonflexe',otilde:'Latijnse kleine letter o met een tilde',ouml:'Latijnse kleine letter o met een trema',divide:'Deel-teken',oslash:'Latijnse kleine letter o met een schuine streep',ugrave:'Latijnse kleine letter u met een accent grave',uacute:'Latijnse kleine letter u met een accent aigu',ucirc:'Latijnse kleine letter u met een circonflexe',uuml:'Latijnse kleine letter u met een trema',yacute:'Latijnse kleine letter y met een accent aigu',thorn:'Latijnse kleine letter thorn',yuml:'Latijnse kleine letter y met een trema',OElig:'Latijnse hoofdletter Œ',oelig:'Latijnse kleine letter œ',372:'Latijnse hoofdletter W met een circonflexe',374:'Latijnse hoofdletter Y met een circonflexe',373:'Latijnse kleine letter w met een circonflexe',375:'Latijnse kleine letter y met een circonflexe',sbquo:'Lage enkele aanhalingsteken',8219:'Hoge omgekeerde enkele aanhalingsteken',bdquo:'Lage dubbele aanhalingsteken',hellip:'Beletselteken',trade:'Trademark-teken',9658:'Zwarte driehoek naar rechts',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'Pijl naar rechts',rArr:'Dubbele pijl naar rechts',hArr:'Dubbele pijl naar links',diams:'Zwart ruitje',asymp:'Benaderingsteken'});
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/no.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/lang/no.js
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','no',{euro:'Eurosymbol',lsquo:'Venstre enkelt anførselstegn',rsquo:'Høyre enkelt anførselstegn',ldquo:'Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn',rdquo:'Høyre anførsesltegn',ndash:'Kort tankestrek',mdash:'Lang tankestrek',iexcl:'Omvendt utropstegn',cent:'Centsymbol',pound:'Pundsymbol',curren:'Valutategn',yen:'Yensymbol',brvbar:'Brutt loddrett strek',sect:'Paragraftegn',uml:'Tøddel',copy:'Copyrighttegn',ordf:'Feminin ordensindikator',laquo:'Venstre anførselstegn',not:'Negasjonstegn',reg:'Registrert varemerke-tegn',macr:'Makron',deg:'Gradsymbol',sup2:'Hevet totall',sup3:'Hevet tretall',acute:'Akutt aksent',micro:'Mikrosymbol',para:'Avsnittstegn',middot:'Midtstilt prikk',cedil:'Cedille',sup1:'Hevet ettall',ordm:'Maskulin ordensindikator',raquo:'Høyre anførselstegn',frac14:'Fjerdedelsbrøk',frac12:'Halvbrøk',frac34:'Tre fjerdedelers brøk',iquest:'Omvendt spørsmålstegn',Agrave:'Stor A med grav aksent',Aacute:'Stor A med akutt aksent',Acirc:'Stor A med cirkumfleks',Atilde:'Stor A med tilde',Auml:'Stor A med tøddel',Aring:'Stor Å',AElig:'Stor Æ',Ccedil:'Stor C med cedille',Egrave:'Stor E med grav aksent',Eacute:'Stor E med akutt aksent',Ecirc:'Stor E med cirkumfleks',Euml:'Stor E med tøddel',Igrave:'Stor I med grav aksent',Iacute:'Stor I med akutt aksent',Icirc:'Stor I med cirkumfleks',Iuml:'Stor I med tøddel',ETH:'Stor Edd/stungen D',Ntilde:'Stor N med tilde',Ograve:'Stor O med grav aksent',Oacute:'Stor O med akutt aksent',Ocirc:'Stor O med cirkumfleks',Otilde:'Stor O med tilde',Ouml:'Stor O med tøddel',times:'Multiplikasjonstegn',Oslash:'Stor Ø',Ugrave:'Stor U med grav aksent',Uacute:'Stor U med akutt aksent',Ucirc:'Stor U med cirkumfleks',Uuml:'Stor U med tøddel',Yacute:'Stor Y med akutt aksent',THORN:'Stor Thorn',szlig:'Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett',agrave:'Liten a med grav aksent',aacute:'Liten a med akutt aksent',acirc:'Liten a med cirkumfleks',atilde:'Liten a med tilde',auml:'Liten a med tøddel',aring:'Liten å',aelig:'Liten æ',ccedil:'Liten c med cedille',egrave:'Liten e med grav aksent',eacute:'Liten e med akutt aksent',ecirc:'Liten e med cirkumfleks',euml:'Liten e med tøddel',igrave:'Liten i med grav aksent',iacute:'Liten i med akutt aksent',icirc:'Liten i med cirkumfleks',iuml:'Liten i med tøddel',eth:'Liten edd/stungen d',ntilde:'Liten n med tilde',ograve:'Liten o med grav aksent',oacute:'Liten o med akutt aksent',ocirc:'Liten o med cirkumfleks',otilde:'Liten o med tilde',ouml:'Liten o med tøddel',divide:'Divisjonstegn',oslash:'Liten ø',ugrave:'Liten u med grav aksent',uacute:'Liten u med akutt aksent',ucirc:'Liten u med cirkumfleks',uuml:'Liten u med tøddel',yacute:'Liten y med akutt aksent',thorn:'Liten thorn',yuml:'Liten y med tøddel',OElig:'Stor ligatur av O og E',oelig:'Liten ligatur av o og e',372:'Stor W med cirkumfleks',374:'Stor Y med cirkumfleks',373:'Liten w med cirkumfleks',375:'Liten y med cirkumfleks',sbquo:'Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',8219:'Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn',bdquo:'Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn',hellip:'Ellipse',trade:'Varemerkesymbol',9658:'Svart høyrevendt peker',bull:'Tykk interpunkt',rarr:'Høyrevendt pil',rArr:'Dobbel høyrevendt pil',hArr:'Dobbel venstrevendt pil',diams:'Svart ruter',asymp:'Omtrent likhetstegn'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','pt-br',{euro:'Euro',lsquo:'Aspas simples esquerda',rsquo:'Aspas simples direita',ldquo:'Aspas duplas esquerda',rdquo:'Aspas duplas direita',ndash:'Traço',mdash:'Travessão',iexcl:'Ponto de exclamação invertido',cent:'Cent',pound:'Cerquilha',curren:'Dinheiro',yen:'Yen',brvbar:'Bara interrompida',sect:'Símbolo de Parágrafo',uml:'Trema',copy:'Direito de Cópia',ordf:'Indicador ordinal feminino',laquo:'Aspas duplas angulares esquerda',not:'Negação',reg:'Marca Registrada',macr:'Mácron',deg:'Grau',sup2:'2 Superscrito',sup3:'3 Superscrito',acute:'Acento agudo',micro:'Micro',para:'Pé de mosca',middot:'Ponto mediano',cedil:'Cedilha',sup1:'1 Superscrito',ordm:'Indicador ordinal masculino',raquo:'Aspas duplas angulares direita',frac14:'Um quarto',frac12:'Um meio',frac34:'Três quartos',iquest:'Interrogação invertida',Agrave:'A maiúsculo com acento grave',Aacute:'A maiúsculo com acento agudo',Acirc:'A maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',Atilde:'A maiúsculo com til',Auml:'A maiúsculo com trema',Aring:'A maiúsculo com anel acima',AElig:'Æ maiúsculo',Ccedil:'Ç maiúlculo',Egrave:'E maiúsculo com acento grave',Eacute:'E maiúsculo com acento agudo',Ecirc:'E maiúsculo com acento circumflexo',Euml:'E maiúsculo com trema',Igrave:'I maiúsculo com acento grave',Iacute:'I maiúsculo com acento agudo',Icirc:'I maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',Iuml:'I maiúsculo com crase',ETH:'Eth maiúsculo',Ntilde:'N maiúsculo com til',Ograve:'O maiúsculo com acento grave',Oacute:'O maiúsculo com acento agudo',Ocirc:'O maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',Otilde:'O maiúsculo com til',Ouml:'O maiúsculo com trema',times:'Multiplicação',Oslash:'Diâmetro',Ugrave:'U maiúsculo com acento grave',Uacute:'U maiúsculo com acento agudo',Ucirc:'U maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',Uuml:'U maiúsculo com trema',Yacute:'Y maiúsculo com acento agudo',THORN:'Thorn maiúsculo',szlig:'Eszett minúsculo',agrave:'a minúsculo com acento grave',aacute:'a minúsculo com acento agudo',acirc:'a minúsculo com acento circunflexo',atilde:'a minúsculo com til',auml:'a minúsculo com trema',aring:'a minúsculo com anel acima',aelig:'æ minúsculo',ccedil:'ç minúsculo',egrave:'e minúsculo com acento grave',eacute:'e minúsculo com acento agudo',ecirc:'e minúsculo com acento circunflexo',euml:'e minúsculo com trema',igrave:'i minúsculo com acento grave',iacute:'i minúsculo com acento agudo',icirc:'i minúsculo com acento circunflexo',iuml:'i minúsculo com trema',eth:'eth minúsculo',ntilde:'n minúsculo com til',ograve:'o minúsculo com acento grave',oacute:'o minúsculo com acento agudo',ocirc:'o minúsculo com acento circunflexo',otilde:'o minúsculo com til',ouml:'o minúsculo com trema',divide:'Divisão',oslash:'o minúsculo com cortado ou diâmetro',ugrave:'u minúsculo com acento grave',uacute:'u minúsculo com acento agudo',ucirc:'u minúsculo com acento circunflexo',uuml:'u minúsculo com trema',yacute:'y minúsculo com acento agudo',thorn:'thorn minúsculo',yuml:'y minúsculo com trema',OElig:'Ligação tipográfica OE maiúscula',oelig:'Ligação tipográfica oe minúscula',372:'W maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',374:'Y maiúsculo com acento circunflexo',373:'w minúsculo com acento circunflexo',375:'y minúsculo com acento circunflexo',sbquo:'Aspas simples inferior direita',8219:'Aspas simples superior esquerda',bdquo:'Aspas duplas inferior direita',hellip:'Reticências',trade:'Trade mark',9658:'Ponta de seta preta para direita',bull:'Ponto lista',rarr:'Seta para direita',rArr:'Seta dupla para direita',hArr:'Seta dupla direita e esquerda',diams:'Ouros',asymp:'Aproximadamente'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','sk',{euro:'Znak eura',lsquo:'Ľavá jednoduchá úvodzovka',rsquo:'Pravá jednoduchá úvodzovka',ldquo:'Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka',rdquo:'Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka',ndash:'En pomlčka',mdash:'Em pomlčka',iexcl:'Obrátený výkričník',cent:'Znak centu',pound:'Znak libry',curren:'Znak meny',yen:'Znak jenu',brvbar:'Prerušená zvislá čiara',sect:'Znak odseku',uml:'Prehláska',copy:'Znak copyrightu',ordf:'Ženský indikátor rodu',laquo:'Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vľavo',not:'Logistický zápor',reg:'Znak registrácie',macr:'Pomlčka nad',deg:'Znak stupňa',sup2:'Dvojka ako horný index',sup3:'Trojka ako horný index',acute:'Dĺžeň',micro:'Znak mikro',para:'Znak odstavca',middot:'Bodka uprostred',cedil:'Chvost vľavo',sup1:'Jednotka ako horný index',ordm:'Mužský indikátor rodu',raquo:'Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vpravo',frac14:'Obyčajný zlomok jedna štvrtina',frac12:'Obyčajný zlomok jedna polovica',frac34:'Obyčajný zlomok tri štvrtiny',iquest:'Otočený otáznik',Agrave:'Veľké písmeno latinky A s accentom',Aacute:'Veľké písmeno latinky A s dĺžňom',Acirc:'Veľké písmeno latinky A s mäkčeňom',Atilde:'Veľké písmeno latinky A s tildou',Auml:'Veľké písmeno latinky A s dvoma bodkami',Aring:'Veľké písmeno latinky A s krúžkom nad',AElig:'Veľké písmeno latinky Æ',Ccedil:'Veľké písmeno latinky C s chvostom vľavo',Egrave:'Veľké písmeno latinky E s accentom',Eacute:'Veľké písmeno latinky E s dĺžňom',Ecirc:'Veľké písmeno latinky E s mäkčeňom',Euml:'Veľké písmeno latinky E s dvoma bodkami',Igrave:'Veľké písmeno latinky I s accentom',Iacute:'Veľké písmeno latinky I s dĺžňom',Icirc:'Veľké písmeno latinky I s mäkčeňom',Iuml:'Veľké písmeno latinky I s dvoma bodkami',ETH:'Veľké písmeno latinky Eth',Ntilde:'Veľké písmeno latinky N s tildou',Ograve:'Veľké písmeno latinky O s accentom',Oacute:'Veľké písmeno latinky O s dĺžňom',Ocirc:'Veľké písmeno latinky O s mäkčeňom',Otilde:'Veľké písmeno latinky O s tildou',Ouml:'Veľké písmeno latinky O s dvoma bodkami',times:'Znak násobenia',Oslash:'Veľké písmeno latinky O preškrtnuté',Ugrave:'Veľké písmeno latinky U s accentom',Uacute:'Veľké písmeno latinky U s dĺžňom',Ucirc:'Veľké písmeno latinky U s mäkčeňom',Uuml:'Veľké písmeno latinky U s dvoma bodkami',Yacute:'Veľké písmeno latinky Y s dĺžňom',THORN:'Veľké písmeno latinky Thorn',szlig:'Malé písmeno latinky ostré s',agrave:'Malé písmeno latinky a s accentom',aacute:'Malé písmeno latinky a s dĺžňom',acirc:'Malé písmeno latinky a s mäkčeňom',atilde:'Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou',auml:'Malé písmeno latinky a s dvoma bodkami',aring:'Malé písmeno latinky a s krúžkom nad',aelig:'Malé písmeno latinky æ',ccedil:'Malé písmeno latinky c s chvostom vľavo',egrave:'Malé písmeno latinky e s accentom',eacute:'Malé písmeno latinky e s dĺžňom',ecirc:'Malé písmeno latinky e s mäkčeňom',euml:'Malé písmeno latinky e s dvoma bodkami',igrave:'Malé písmeno latinky i s accentom',iacute:'Malé písmeno latinky i s dĺžňom',icirc:'Malé písmeno latinky i s mäkčeňom',iuml:'Malé písmeno latinky i s dvoma bodkami',eth:'Malé písmeno latinky eth',ntilde:'Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou',ograve:'Malé písmeno latinky o s accentom',oacute:'Malé písmeno latinky o s dĺžňom',ocirc:'Malé písmeno latinky o s mäkčeňom',otilde:'Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou',ouml:'Malé písmeno latinky o s dvoma bodkami',divide:'Znak delenia',oslash:'Malé písmeno latinky o preškrtnuté',ugrave:'Malé písmeno latinky u s accentom',uacute:'Malé písmeno latinky u s dĺžňom',ucirc:'Malé písmeno latinky u s mäkčeňom',uuml:'Malé písmeno latinky u s dvoma bodkami',yacute:'Malé písmeno latinky y s dĺžňom',thorn:'Malé písmeno latinky thorn',yuml:'Malé písmeno latinky y s dvoma bodkami',OElig:'Veľká ligatúra latinky OE',oelig:'Malá ligatúra latinky OE',372:'Veľké písmeno latinky W s mäkčeňom',374:'Veľké písmeno latinky Y s mäkčeňom',373:'Malé písmeno latinky w s mäkčeňom',375:'Malé písmeno latinky y s mäkčeňom',sbquo:'Dolná jednoduchá 9-úvodzovka',8219:'Horná jednoduchá otočená 9-úvodzovka',bdquo:'Dolná dvojitá 9-úvodzovka',hellip:'Trojbodkový úvod',trade:'Znak ibchodnej značky',9658:'Čierny ukazovateľ smerujúci vpravo',bull:'Kruh',rarr:'Šípka vpravo',rArr:'Dvojitá šipka vpravo',hArr:'Dvojitá šipka vľavo a vpravo',diams:'Čierne piky',asymp:'Skoro sa rovná'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','tr',{euro:'Euro işareti',lsquo:'Sol tek tırnak işareti',rsquo:'Sağ tek tırnak işareti',ldquo:'Sol çift tırnak işareti',rdquo:'Sağ çift tırnak işareti',ndash:'En tire',mdash:'Em tire',iexcl:'Ters ünlem işareti',cent:'Cent işareti',pound:'Pound işareti',curren:'Para birimi işareti',yen:'Yen işareti',brvbar:'Kırık bar',sect:'Bölüm işareti',uml:'İki sesli harfin ayrılması',copy:'Telif hakkı işareti',ordf:'Dişil sıralı gösterge',laquo:'Sol-işaret çift açı tırnak işareti',not:'Not işareti',reg:'Kayıtlı işareti',macr:'Makron',deg:'Derece işareti',sup2:'İkili üstsimge',sup3:'Üçlü üstsimge',acute:'Aksan işareti',micro:'Mikro işareti',para:'Pilcrow işareti',middot:'Orta nokta',cedil:'Kedilla',sup1:'Üstsimge',ordm:'Eril sıralı gösterge',raquo:'Sağ işaret çift açı tırnak işareti',frac14:'Bayağı kesrin dörtte biri',frac12:'Bayağı kesrin bir yarım',frac34:'Bayağı kesrin dörtte üç',iquest:'Ters soru işareti',Agrave:'Aksanlı latin harfi',Aacute:'Aşırı aksanıyla Latin harfi',Acirc:'Çarpık Latin harfi',Atilde:'Tilde latin harfi',Auml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin harfi',Aring:'Halkalı latin büyük A harfi',AElig:'Latin büyük Æ harfi',Ccedil:'Latin büyük C harfi ile kedilla',Egrave:'Aksanlı latin büyük E harfi',Eacute:'Aşırı vurgulu latin büyük E harfi',Ecirc:'Çarpık latin büyük E harfi',Euml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük E harfi',Igrave:'Aksanlı latin büyük I harfi',Iacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük I harfi',Icirc:'Çarpık latin büyük I harfi',Iuml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük I harfi',ETH:'Latin büyük Eth harfi',Ntilde:'Tildeli latin büyük N harfi',Ograve:'Aksanlı latin büyük O harfi',Oacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük O harfi',Ocirc:'Çarpık latin büyük O harfi',Otilde:'Tildeli latin büyük O harfi',Ouml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük O harfi',times:'Çarpma işareti',Oslash:'Vurgulu latin büyük O harfi',Ugrave:'Aksanlı latin büyük U harfi',Uacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük U harfi',Ucirc:'Çarpık latin büyük U harfi',Uuml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük U harfi',Yacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük Y harfi',THORN:'Latin büyük Thorn harfi',szlig:'Latin küçük keskin s harfi',agrave:'Aksanlı latin küçük a harfi',aacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük a harfi',acirc:'Çarpık latin küçük a harfi',atilde:'Tildeli latin küçük a harfi',auml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük a harfi',aring:'Halkalı latin küçük a harfi',aelig:'Latin büyük æ harfi',ccedil:'Kedillalı latin küçük c harfi',egrave:'Aksanlı latin küçük e harfi',eacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük e harfi',ecirc:'Çarpık latin küçük e harfi',euml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük e harfi',igrave:'Aksanlı latin küçük i harfi',iacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük i harfi',icirc:'Çarpık latin küçük i harfi',iuml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük i harfi',eth:'Latin küçük eth harfi',ntilde:'Tildeli latin küçük n harfi',ograve:'Aksanlı latin küçük o harfi',oacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük o harfi',ocirc:'Çarpık latin küçük o harfi',otilde:'Tildeli latin küçük o harfi',ouml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük o harfi',divide:'Bölme işareti',oslash:'Vurgulu latin küçük o harfi',ugrave:'Aksanlı latin küçük u harfi',uacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük u harfi',ucirc:'Çarpık latin küçük u harfi',uuml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük u harfi',yacute:'Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük y harfi',thorn:'Latin küçük thorn harfi',yuml:'Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük y harfi',OElig:'Latin büyük bağlı OE harfi',oelig:'Latin küçük bağlı oe harfi',372:'Çarpık latin büyük W harfi',374:'Çarpık latin büyük Y harfi',373:'Çarpık latin küçük w harfi',375:'Çarpık latin küçük y harfi',sbquo:'Tek düşük-9 tırnak işareti',8219:'Tek yüksek-ters-9 tırnak işareti',bdquo:'Çift düşük-9 tırnak işareti',hellip:'Yatay elips',trade:'Marka tescili işareti',9658:'Siyah sağ işaret işaretçisi',bull:'Koyu nokta',rarr:'Sağa doğru ok',rArr:'Sağa doğru çift ok',hArr:'Sol, sağ çift ok',diams:'Siyah elmas takımı',asymp:'Hemen hemen eşit'});
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-Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
-CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang('specialchar','ug',{euro:'ياۋرو بەلگىسى',lsquo:'يالاڭ پەش سول',rsquo:'يالاڭ پەش ئوڭ',ldquo:'قوش پەش سول',rdquo:'قوش پەش ئوڭ',ndash:'سىزىقچە',mdash:'سىزىق',iexcl:'ئۈندەش',cent:'تىيىن بەلگىسى',pound:'فوند ستېرلىڭ',curren:'پۇل بەلگىسى',yen:'ياپونىيە يىنى',brvbar:'ئۈزۈك بالداق',sect:'پاراگراف بەلگىسى',uml:'تاۋۇش ئايرىش بەلگىسى',copy:'نەشر ھوقۇقى بەلگىسى',ordf:'Feminine ordinal indicator',laquo:'قوش تىرناق سول',not:'غەيرى بەلگە',reg:'خەتلەتكەن تاۋار ماركىسى',macr:'سوزۇش بەلگىسى',deg:'گىرادۇس بەلگىسى',sup2:'يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 2',sup3:'يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 3',acute:'ئۇرغۇ بەلگىسى',micro:'Micro sign',para:'ئابزاس بەلگىسى',middot:'ئوتتۇرا چېكىت',cedil:'ئاستىغا قوشۇلىدىغان بەلگە',sup1:'يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 1',ordm:'Masculine ordinal indicator',raquo:'قوش تىرناق ئوڭ',frac14:'ئاددىي كەسىر تۆتتىن بىر',frac12:'ئاددىي كەسىر ئىككىدىن بىر',frac34:'ئاددىي كەسىر ئۈچتىن تۆرت',iquest:'Inverted question mark',Agrave:'Latin capital letter A with grave accent',Aacute:'Latin capital letter A with acute accent',Acirc:'Latin capital letter A with circumflex',Atilde:'Latin capital letter A with tilde',Auml:'Latin capital letter A with diaeresis',Aring:'Latin capital letter A with ring above',AElig:'Latin Capital letter Æ',Ccedil:'Latin capital letter C with cedilla',Egrave:'Latin capital letter E with grave accent',Eacute:'Latin capital letter E with acute accent',Ecirc:'Latin capital letter E with circumflex',Euml:'Latin capital letter E with diaeresis',Igrave:'Latin capital letter I with grave accent',Iacute:'Latin capital letter I with acute accent',Icirc:'Latin capital letter I with circumflex',Iuml:'Latin capital letter I with diaeresis',ETH:'Latin capital letter Eth',Ntilde:'Latin capital letter N with tilde',Ograve:'قوش پەش ئوڭ',Oacute:'Latin capital letter O with acute accent',Ocirc:'Latin capital letter O with circumflex',Otilde:'Latin capital letter O with tilde',Ouml:'Latin capital letter O with diaeresis',times:'Multiplication sign',Oslash:'Latin capital letter O with stroke',Ugrave:'Latin capital letter U with grave accent',Uacute:'Latin capital letter U with acute accent',Ucirc:'Latin capital letter U with circumflex',Uuml:'Latin capital letter U with diaeresis',Yacute:'Latin capital letter Y with acute accent',THORN:'Latin capital letter Thorn',szlig:'Latin small letter sharp s',agrave:'Latin small letter a with grave accent',aacute:'Latin small letter a with acute accent',acirc:'Latin small letter a with circumflex',atilde:'Latin small letter a with tilde',auml:'Latin small letter a with diaeresis',aring:'Latin small letter a with ring above',aelig:'Latin small letter æ',ccedil:'Latin small letter c with cedilla',egrave:'Latin small letter e with grave accent',eacute:'Latin small letter e with acute accent',ecirc:'Latin small letter e with circumflex',euml:'Latin small letter e with diaeresis',igrave:'Latin small letter i with grave accent',iacute:'Latin small letter i with acute accent',icirc:'Latin small letter i with circumflex',iuml:'Latin small letter i with diaeresis',eth:'Latin small letter eth',ntilde:'تىك موللاق سوئال بەلگىسى',ograve:'Latin small letter o with grave accent',oacute:'Latin small letter o with acute accent',ocirc:'Latin small letter o with circumflex',otilde:'Latin small letter o with tilde',ouml:'Latin small letter o with diaeresis',divide:'Division sign',oslash:'Latin small letter o with stroke',ugrave:'Latin small letter u with grave accent',uacute:'Latin small letter u with acute accent',ucirc:'Latin small letter u with circumflex',uuml:'Latin small letter u with diaeresis',yacute:'Latin small letter y with acute accent',thorn:'Latin small letter thorn',yuml:'Latin small letter y with diaeresis',OElig:'Latin capital ligature OE',oelig:'Latin small ligature oe',372:'Latin capital letter W with circumflex',374:'Latin capital letter Y with circumflex',373:'Latin small letter w with circumflex',375:'Latin small letter y with circumflex',sbquo:'Single low-9 quotation mark',8219:'Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark',bdquo:'Double low-9 quotation mark',hellip:'Horizontal ellipsis',trade:'Trade mark sign',9658:'Black right-pointing pointer',bull:'Bullet',rarr:'ئوڭ يا ئوق',rArr:'ئوڭ قوش سىزىق يا ئوق',hArr:'ئوڭ سول قوش سىزىق يا ئوق',diams:'ئۇيۇل غىچ',asymp:'تەخمىنەن تەڭ'});
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