path: root/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js')
1 files changed, 893 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c661ebd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/share/html/NoAuth/RichText/FCKeditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+ * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
+ *
+ *
+ * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
+ * choice:
+ *
+ * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
+ *
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
+ *
+ *
+ * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
+ *
+ *
+ * == END LICENSE ==
+ *
+ * Scripts related to the Link dialog window (see fck_link.html).
+ */
+var dialog = window.parent ;
+var oEditor = dialog.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
+var FCK = oEditor.FCK ;
+var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ;
+var FCKConfig = oEditor.FCKConfig ;
+var FCKRegexLib = oEditor.FCKRegexLib ;
+var FCKTools = oEditor.FCKTools ;
+//#### Dialog Tabs
+// Set the dialog tabs.
+dialog.AddTab( 'Info', FCKLang.DlgLnkInfoTab ) ;
+if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideTarget )
+ dialog.AddTab( 'Target', FCKLang.DlgLnkTargetTab, true ) ;
+if ( FCKConfig.LinkUpload )
+ dialog.AddTab( 'Upload', FCKLang.DlgLnkUpload, true ) ;
+if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideAdvanced )
+ dialog.AddTab( 'Advanced', FCKLang.DlgAdvancedTag ) ;
+// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
+function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
+ ShowE('divInfo' , ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ;
+ ShowE('divTarget' , ( tabCode == 'Target' ) ) ;
+ ShowE('divUpload' , ( tabCode == 'Upload' ) ) ;
+ ShowE('divAttribs' , ( tabCode == 'Advanced' ) ) ;
+ dialog.SetAutoSize( true ) ;
+//#### Regular Expressions library.
+var oRegex = new Object() ;
+oRegex.UriProtocol = /^(((http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)|mailto:)/gi ;
+oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol = /^(http|https|ftp|news):\/\/(?=.)/gi ;
+oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther = /^((javascript:)|[#\/\.])/gi ;
+oRegex.ReserveTarget = /^_(blank|self|top|parent)$/i ;
+oRegex.PopupUri = /^javascript:void\(\s*\(\s*'([^']+)'\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*\)\s*$/ ;
+// Accessible popups
+oRegex.OnClickPopup = /^\s*on[cC]lick="\s*\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*"$/ ;
+oRegex.PopupFeatures = /(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\d+|yes|no)/gi ;
+//#### Parser Functions
+var oParser = new Object() ;
+// This method simply returns the two inputs in numerical order. You can even
+// provide strings, as the method would parseInt() the values.
+oParser.SortNumerical = function(a, b)
+ return parseInt( a, 10 ) - parseInt( b, 10 ) ;
+oParser.ParseEMailParams = function(sParams)
+ // Initialize the oEMailParams object.
+ var oEMailParams = new Object() ;
+ oEMailParams.Subject = '' ;
+ oEMailParams.Body = '' ;
+ var aMatch = sParams.match( /(^|^\?|&)subject=([^&]+)/i ) ;
+ if ( aMatch ) oEMailParams.Subject = decodeURIComponent( aMatch[2] ) ;
+ aMatch = sParams.match( /(^|^\?|&)body=([^&]+)/i ) ;
+ if ( aMatch ) oEMailParams.Body = decodeURIComponent( aMatch[2] ) ;
+ return oEMailParams ;
+// This method returns either an object containing the email info, or FALSE
+// if the parameter is not an email link.
+oParser.ParseEMailUri = function( sUrl )
+ // Initializes the EMailInfo object.
+ var oEMailInfo = new Object() ;
+ oEMailInfo.Address = '' ;
+ oEMailInfo.Subject = '' ;
+ oEMailInfo.Body = '' ;
+ var aLinkInfo = sUrl.match( /^(\w+):(.*)$/ ) ;
+ if ( aLinkInfo && aLinkInfo[1] == 'mailto' )
+ {
+ // This seems to be an unprotected email link.
+ var aParts = aLinkInfo[2].match( /^([^\?]+)\??(.+)?/ ) ;
+ if ( aParts )
+ {
+ // Set the e-mail address.
+ oEMailInfo.Address = aParts[1] ;
+ // Look for the optional e-mail parameters.
+ if ( aParts[2] )
+ {
+ var oEMailParams = oParser.ParseEMailParams( aParts[2] ) ;
+ oEMailInfo.Subject = oEMailParams.Subject ;
+ oEMailInfo.Body = oEMailParams.Body ;
+ }
+ }
+ return oEMailInfo ;
+ }
+ else if ( aLinkInfo && aLinkInfo[1] == 'javascript' )
+ {
+ // This may be a protected email.
+ // Try to match the url against the EMailProtectionFunction.
+ var func = FCKConfig.EMailProtectionFunction ;
+ if ( func != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Escape special chars.
+ func = func.replace( /([\/^$*+.?()\[\]])/g, '\\$1' ) ;
+ // Define the possible keys.
+ var keys = new Array('NAME', 'DOMAIN', 'SUBJECT', 'BODY') ;
+ // Get the order of the keys (hold them in the array <pos>) and
+ // the function replaced by regular expression patterns.
+ var sFunc = func ;
+ var pos = new Array() ;
+ for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys.length ; i ++ )
+ {
+ var rexp = new RegExp( keys[i] ) ;
+ var p = rexp ) ;
+ if ( p >= 0 )
+ {
+ sFunc = sFunc.replace( rexp, '\'([^\']*)\'' ) ;
+ pos[pos.length] = p + ':' + keys[i] ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort the available keys.
+ pos.sort( oParser.SortNumerical ) ;
+ // Replace the excaped single quotes in the url, such they do
+ // not affect the regexp afterwards.
+ aLinkInfo[2] = aLinkInfo[2].replace( /\\'/g, '###SINGLE_QUOTE###' ) ;
+ // Create the regexp and execute it.
+ var rFunc = new RegExp( '^' + sFunc + '$' ) ;
+ var aMatch = rFunc.exec( aLinkInfo[2] ) ;
+ if ( aMatch )
+ {
+ var aInfo = new Array();
+ for ( var i = 1 ; i < aMatch.length ; i ++ )
+ {
+ var k = pos[i-1].match(/^\d+:(.+)$/) ;
+ aInfo[k[1]] = aMatch[i].replace(/###SINGLE_QUOTE###/g, '\'') ;
+ }
+ // Fill the EMailInfo object that will be returned
+ oEMailInfo.Address = aInfo['NAME'] + '@' + aInfo['DOMAIN'] ;
+ oEMailInfo.Subject = decodeURIComponent( aInfo['SUBJECT'] ) ;
+ oEMailInfo.Body = decodeURIComponent( aInfo['BODY'] ) ;
+ return oEMailInfo ;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to match the email against the encode protection.
+ var aMatch = aLinkInfo[2].match( /^(?:void\()?location\.href='mailto:'\+(String\.fromCharCode\([\d,]+\))\+'(.*)'\)?$/ ) ;
+ if ( aMatch )
+ {
+ // The link is encoded
+ oEMailInfo.Address = eval( aMatch[1] ) ;
+ if ( aMatch[2] )
+ {
+ var oEMailParams = oParser.ParseEMailParams( aMatch[2] ) ;
+ oEMailInfo.Subject = oEMailParams.Subject ;
+ oEMailInfo.Body = oEMailParams.Body ;
+ }
+ return oEMailInfo ;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+oParser.CreateEMailUri = function( address, subject, body )
+ // Switch for the EMailProtection setting.
+ switch ( FCKConfig.EMailProtection )
+ {
+ case 'function' :
+ var func = FCKConfig.EMailProtectionFunction ;
+ if ( func == null )
+ {
+ if ( FCKConfig.Debug )
+ {
+ alert('EMailProtection alert!\nNo function defined. Please set "FCKConfig.EMailProtectionFunction"') ;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ // Split the email address into name and domain parts.
+ var aAddressParts = address.split( '@', 2 ) ;
+ if ( aAddressParts[1] == undefined )
+ {
+ aAddressParts[1] = '' ;
+ }
+ // Replace the keys by their values (embedded in single quotes).
+ func = func.replace(/NAME/g, "'" + aAddressParts[0].replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'") ;
+ func = func.replace(/DOMAIN/g, "'" + aAddressParts[1].replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'") ;
+ func = func.replace(/SUBJECT/g, "'" + encodeURIComponent( subject ).replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'") ;
+ func = func.replace(/BODY/g, "'" + encodeURIComponent( body ).replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'") ;
+ return 'javascript:' + func ;
+ case 'encode' :
+ var aParams = [] ;
+ var aAddressCode = [] ;
+ if ( subject.length > 0 )
+ aParams.push( 'subject='+ encodeURIComponent( subject ) ) ;
+ if ( body.length > 0 )
+ aParams.push( 'body=' + encodeURIComponent( body ) ) ;
+ for ( var i = 0 ; i < address.length ; i++ )
+ aAddressCode.push( address.charCodeAt( i ) ) ;
+ return 'javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+String.fromCharCode(' + aAddressCode.join( ',' ) + ')+\'?' + aParams.join( '&' ) + '\')' ;
+ }
+ // EMailProtection 'none'
+ var sBaseUri = 'mailto:' + address ;
+ var sParams = '' ;
+ if ( subject.length > 0 )
+ sParams = '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent( subject ) ;
+ if ( body.length > 0 )
+ {
+ sParams += ( sParams.length == 0 ? '?' : '&' ) ;
+ sParams += 'body=' + encodeURIComponent( body ) ;
+ }
+ return sBaseUri + sParams ;
+//#### Initialization Code
+// oLink: The actual selected link in the editor.
+var oLink = dialog.Selection.GetSelection().MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ;
+if ( oLink )
+ FCK.Selection.SelectNode( oLink ) ;
+window.onload = function()
+ // Translate the dialog box texts.
+ oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;
+ // Fill the Anchor Names and Ids combos.
+ LoadAnchorNamesAndIds() ;
+ // Load the selected link information (if any).
+ LoadSelection() ;
+ // Update the dialog box.
+ SetLinkType( GetE('cmbLinkType').value ) ;
+ // Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button.
+ GetE('divBrowseServer').style.display = FCKConfig.LinkBrowser ? '' : 'none' ;
+ // Show the initial dialog content.
+ GetE('divInfo').style.display = '' ;
+ // Set the actual uploader URL.
+ if ( FCKConfig.LinkUpload )
+ GetE('frmUpload').action = FCKConfig.LinkUploadURL ;
+ // Set the default target (from configuration).
+ SetDefaultTarget() ;
+ // Activate the "OK" button.
+ dialog.SetOkButton( true ) ;
+ // Select the first field.
+ switch( GetE('cmbLinkType').value )
+ {
+ case 'url' :
+ SelectField( 'txtUrl' ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 'email' :
+ SelectField( 'txtEMailAddress' ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 'anchor' :
+ if ( GetE('divSelAnchor').style.display != 'none' )
+ SelectField( 'cmbAnchorName' ) ;
+ else
+ SelectField( 'cmbLinkType' ) ;
+ }
+var bHasAnchors ;
+function LoadAnchorNamesAndIds()
+ // Since version 2.0, the anchors are replaced in the DOM by IMGs so the user see the icon
+ // to edit them. So, we must look for that images now.
+ var aAnchors = new Array() ;
+ var i ;
+ var oImages = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName( 'IMG' ) ;
+ for( i = 0 ; i < oImages.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( oImages[i].getAttribute('_fckanchor') )
+ aAnchors[ aAnchors.length ] = oEditor.FCK.GetRealElement( oImages[i] ) ;
+ }
+ // Add also real anchors
+ var oLinks = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName( 'A' ) ;
+ for( i = 0 ; i < oLinks.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( oLinks[i].name && ( oLinks[i].name.length > 0 ) )
+ aAnchors[ aAnchors.length ] = oLinks[i] ;
+ }
+ var aIds = FCKTools.GetAllChildrenIds( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body ) ;
+ bHasAnchors = ( aAnchors.length > 0 || aIds.length > 0 ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aAnchors.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ var sName = aAnchors[i].name ;
+ if ( sName && sName.length > 0 )
+ FCKTools.AddSelectOption( GetE('cmbAnchorName'), sName, sName ) ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aIds.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ FCKTools.AddSelectOption( GetE('cmbAnchorId'), aIds[i], aIds[i] ) ;
+ }
+ ShowE( 'divSelAnchor' , bHasAnchors ) ;
+ ShowE( 'divNoAnchor' , !bHasAnchors ) ;
+function LoadSelection()
+ if ( !oLink ) return ;
+ var sType = 'url' ;
+ // Get the actual Link href.
+ var sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
+ if ( sHRef == null )
+ sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( 'href' , 2 ) || '' ;
+ // Look for a popup javascript link.
+ var oPopupMatch = oRegex.PopupUri.exec( sHRef ) ;
+ if( oPopupMatch )
+ {
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'popup' ;
+ sHRef = oPopupMatch[1] ;
+ FillPopupFields( oPopupMatch[2], oPopupMatch[3] ) ;
+ SetTarget( 'popup' ) ;
+ }
+ // Accessible popups, the popup data is in the onclick attribute
+ if ( !oPopupMatch )
+ {
+ var onclick = oLink.getAttribute( 'onclick_fckprotectedatt' ) ;
+ if ( onclick )
+ {
+ // Decode the protected string
+ onclick = decodeURIComponent( onclick ) ;
+ oPopupMatch = oRegex.OnClickPopup.exec( onclick ) ;
+ if( oPopupMatch )
+ {
+ GetE( 'cmbTarget' ).value = 'popup' ;
+ FillPopupFields( oPopupMatch[1], oPopupMatch[2] ) ;
+ SetTarget( 'popup' ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for the protocol.
+ var sProtocol = oRegex.UriProtocol.exec( sHRef ) ;
+ // Search for a protected email link.
+ var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUri( sHRef );
+ if ( oEMailInfo )
+ {
+ sType = 'email' ;
+ GetE('txtEMailAddress').value = oEMailInfo.Address ;
+ GetE('txtEMailSubject').value = oEMailInfo.Subject ;
+ GetE('txtEMailBody').value = oEMailInfo.Body ;
+ }
+ else if ( sProtocol )
+ {
+ sProtocol = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ;
+ GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol ;
+ // Remove the protocol and get the remaining URL.
+ var sUrl = sHRef.replace( oRegex.UriProtocol, '' ) ;
+ sType = 'url' ;
+ GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ;
+ }
+ else if ( sHRef.substr(0,1) == '#' && sHRef.length > 1 ) // It is an anchor link.
+ {
+ sType = 'anchor' ;
+ GetE('cmbAnchorName').value = GetE('cmbAnchorId').value = sHRef.substr(1) ;
+ }
+ else // It is another type of link.
+ {
+ sType = 'url' ;
+ GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ;
+ GetE('txtUrl').value = sHRef ;
+ }
+ if ( !oPopupMatch )
+ {
+ // Get the target.
+ var sTarget = ;
+ if ( sTarget && sTarget.length > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sTarget ) )
+ {
+ sTarget = sTarget.toLowerCase() ;
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = sTarget ;
+ }
+ else
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ;
+ GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = sTarget ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get Advances Attributes
+ GetE('txtAttId').value = ;
+ GetE('txtAttName').value = ;
+ GetE('cmbAttLangDir').value = oLink.dir ;
+ GetE('txtAttLangCode').value = oLink.lang ;
+ GetE('txtAttAccessKey').value = oLink.accessKey ;
+ GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value = oLink.tabIndex <= 0 ? '' : oLink.tabIndex ;
+ GetE('txtAttTitle').value = oLink.title ;
+ GetE('txtAttContentType').value = oLink.type ;
+ GetE('txtAttCharSet').value = oLink.charset ;
+ var sClass ;
+ if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
+ {
+ sClass = oLink.getAttribute('className',2) || '' ;
+ // Clean up temporary classes for internal use:
+ sClass = sClass.replace( FCKRegexLib.FCK_Class, '' ) ;
+ GetE('txtAttStyle').value = ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sClass = oLink.getAttribute('class',2) || '' ;
+ GetE('txtAttStyle').value = oLink.getAttribute('style',2) || '' ;
+ }
+ GetE('txtAttClasses').value = sClass ;
+ // Update the Link type combo.
+ GetE('cmbLinkType').value = sType ;
+//#### Link type selection.
+function SetLinkType( linkType )
+ ShowE('divLinkTypeUrl' , (linkType == 'url') ) ;
+ ShowE('divLinkTypeAnchor' , (linkType == 'anchor') ) ;
+ ShowE('divLinkTypeEMail' , (linkType == 'email') ) ;
+ if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideTarget )
+ dialog.SetTabVisibility( 'Target' , (linkType == 'url') ) ;
+ if ( FCKConfig.LinkUpload )
+ dialog.SetTabVisibility( 'Upload' , (linkType == 'url') ) ;
+ if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideAdvanced )
+ dialog.SetTabVisibility( 'Advanced' , (linkType != 'anchor' || bHasAnchors) ) ;
+ if ( linkType == 'email' )
+ dialog.SetAutoSize( true ) ;
+//#### Target type selection.
+function SetTarget( targetType )
+ GetE('tdTargetFrame').style.display = ( targetType == 'popup' ? 'none' : '' ) ;
+ GetE('tdPopupName').style.display =
+ GetE('tablePopupFeatures').style.display = ( targetType == 'popup' ? '' : 'none' ) ;
+ switch ( targetType )
+ {
+ case "_blank" :
+ case "_self" :
+ case "_parent" :
+ case "_top" :
+ GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = targetType ;
+ break ;
+ case "" :
+ GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = '' ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if ( targetType == 'popup' )
+ dialog.SetAutoSize( true ) ;
+//#### Called while the user types the URL.
+function OnUrlChange()
+ var sUrl = GetE('txtUrl').value ;
+ var sProtocol = oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.exec( sUrl ) ;
+ if ( sProtocol )
+ {
+ sUrl = sUrl.substr( sProtocol[0].length ) ;
+ GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ;
+ GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ;
+ }
+ else if ( oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.test( sUrl ) )
+ {
+ GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ;
+ }
+//#### Called while the user types the target name.
+function OnTargetNameChange()
+ var sFrame = GetE('txtTargetFrame').value ;
+ if ( sFrame.length == 0 )
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = '' ;
+ else if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sFrame ) )
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = sFrame.toLowerCase() ;
+ else
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ;
+// Accessible popups
+function BuildOnClickPopup()
+ var sWindowName = "'" + GetE('txtPopupName').value.replace(/\W/gi, "") + "'" ;
+ var sFeatures = '' ;
+ var aChkFeatures = document.getElementsByName( 'chkFeature' ) ;
+ for ( var i = 0 ; i < aChkFeatures.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( i > 0 ) sFeatures += ',' ;
+ sFeatures += aChkFeatures[i].value + '=' + ( aChkFeatures[i].checked ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ;
+ }
+ if ( GetE('txtPopupWidth').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',width=' + GetE('txtPopupWidth').value ;
+ if ( GetE('txtPopupHeight').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',height=' + GetE('txtPopupHeight').value ;
+ if ( GetE('txtPopupLeft').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',left=' + GetE('txtPopupLeft').value ;
+ if ( GetE('txtPopupTop').value.length > 0 ) sFeatures += ',top=' + GetE('txtPopupTop').value ;
+ if ( sFeatures != '' )
+ sFeatures = sFeatures + ",status" ;
+ return ( "," + sWindowName + ",'" + sFeatures + "'); return false" ) ;
+//#### Fills all Popup related fields.
+function FillPopupFields( windowName, features )
+ if ( windowName )
+ GetE('txtPopupName').value = windowName ;
+ var oFeatures = new Object() ;
+ var oFeaturesMatch ;
+ while( ( oFeaturesMatch = oRegex.PopupFeatures.exec( features ) ) != null )
+ {
+ var sValue = oFeaturesMatch[2] ;
+ if ( sValue == ( 'yes' || '1' ) )
+ oFeatures[ oFeaturesMatch[1] ] = true ;
+ else if ( ! isNaN( sValue ) && sValue != 0 )
+ oFeatures[ oFeaturesMatch[1] ] = sValue ;
+ }
+ // Update all features check boxes.
+ var aChkFeatures = document.getElementsByName('chkFeature') ;
+ for ( var i = 0 ; i < aChkFeatures.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( oFeatures[ aChkFeatures[i].value ] )
+ aChkFeatures[i].checked = true ;
+ }
+ // Update position and size text boxes.
+ if ( oFeatures['width'] ) GetE('txtPopupWidth').value = oFeatures['width'] ;
+ if ( oFeatures['height'] ) GetE('txtPopupHeight').value = oFeatures['height'] ;
+ if ( oFeatures['left'] ) GetE('txtPopupLeft').value = oFeatures['left'] ;
+ if ( oFeatures['top'] ) GetE('txtPopupTop').value = oFeatures['top'] ;
+//#### The OK button was hit.
+function Ok()
+ var sUri, sInnerHtml ;
+ oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
+ switch ( GetE('cmbLinkType').value )
+ {
+ case 'url' :
+ sUri = GetE('txtUrl').value ;
+ if ( sUri.length == 0 )
+ {
+ alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoUrl ) ;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ sUri = GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value + sUri ;
+ break ;
+ case 'email' :
+ sUri = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value ;
+ if ( sUri.length == 0 )
+ {
+ alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoEMail ) ;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ sUri = oParser.CreateEMailUri(
+ sUri,
+ GetE('txtEMailSubject').value,
+ GetE('txtEMailBody').value ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 'anchor' :
+ var sAnchor = GetE('cmbAnchorName').value ;
+ if ( sAnchor.length == 0 ) sAnchor = GetE('cmbAnchorId').value ;
+ if ( sAnchor.length == 0 )
+ {
+ alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor ) ;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ sUri = '#' + sAnchor ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ // If no link is selected, create a new one (it may result in more than one link creation - #220).
+ var aLinks = oLink ? [ oLink ] : oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( sUri, true ) ;
+ // If no selection, no links are created, so use the uri as the link text (by dom, 2006-05-26)
+ var aHasSelection = ( aLinks.length > 0 ) ;
+ if ( !aHasSelection )
+ {
+ sInnerHtml = sUri;
+ // Built a better text for empty links.
+ switch ( GetE('cmbLinkType').value )
+ {
+ // anchor: use old behavior --> return true
+ case 'anchor':
+ sInnerHtml = sInnerHtml.replace( /^#/, '' ) ;
+ break ;
+ // url: try to get path
+ case 'url':
+ var oLinkPathRegEx = new RegExp("//?([^?\"']+)([?].*)?$") ;
+ var asLinkPath = oLinkPathRegEx.exec( sUri ) ;
+ if (asLinkPath != null)
+ sInnerHtml = asLinkPath[1]; // use matched path
+ break ;
+ // mailto: try to get email address
+ case 'email':
+ sInnerHtml = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ // Create a new (empty) anchor.
+ aLinks = [ oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( 'a' ) ] ;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0 ; i < aLinks.length ; i++ )
+ {
+ oLink = aLinks[i] ;
+ if ( aHasSelection )
+ sInnerHtml = oLink.innerHTML ; // Save the innerHTML (IE changes it if it is like an URL).
+ oLink.href = sUri ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, '_fcksavedurl', sUri ) ;
+ var onclick;
+ // Accessible popups
+ if( GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' )
+ {
+ onclick = BuildOnClickPopup() ;
+ // Encode the attribute
+ onclick = encodeURIComponent( " onclick=\"" + onclick + "\"" ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'onclick_fckprotectedatt', onclick ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check if the previous onclick was for a popup:
+ // In that case remove the onclick handler.
+ onclick = oLink.getAttribute( 'onclick_fckprotectedatt' ) ;
+ if ( onclick )
+ {
+ // Decode the protected string
+ onclick = decodeURIComponent( onclick ) ;
+ if( oRegex.OnClickPopup.test( onclick ) )
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'onclick_fckprotectedatt', '' ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ oLink.innerHTML = sInnerHtml ; // Set (or restore) the innerHTML
+ // Target
+ if( GetE('cmbTarget').value != 'popup' )
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', GetE('txtTargetFrame').value ) ;
+ else
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', null ) ;
+ // Let's set the "id" only for the first link to avoid duplication.
+ if ( i == 0 )
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'id', GetE('txtAttId').value ) ;
+ // Advances Attributes
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'name' , GetE('txtAttName').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'dir' , GetE('cmbAttLangDir').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'lang' , GetE('txtAttLangCode').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'accesskey', GetE('txtAttAccessKey').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'tabindex' , ( GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value > 0 ? GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value : null ) ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'title' , GetE('txtAttTitle').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'type' , GetE('txtAttContentType').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'charset' , GetE('txtAttCharSet').value ) ;
+ if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
+ {
+ var sClass = GetE('txtAttClasses').value ;
+ // If it's also an anchor add an internal class
+ if ( GetE('txtAttName').value.length != 0 )
+ sClass += ' FCK__AnchorC' ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'className', sClass ) ;
+ = GetE('txtAttStyle').value ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'class', GetE('txtAttClasses').value ) ;
+ SetAttribute( oLink, 'style', GetE('txtAttStyle').value ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ // Select the (first) link.
+ oEditor.FCKSelection.SelectNode( aLinks[0] );
+ return true ;
+function BrowseServer()
+ OpenFileBrowser( FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL, FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth, FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
+function SetUrl( url )
+ GetE('txtUrl').value = url ;
+ OnUrlChange() ;
+ dialog.SetSelectedTab( 'Info' ) ;
+function OnUploadCompleted( errorNumber, fileUrl, fileName, customMsg )
+ // Remove animation
+ window.parent.Throbber.Hide() ;
+ GetE( 'divUpload' ).style.display = '' ;
+ switch ( errorNumber )
+ {
+ case 0 : // No errors
+ alert( 'Your file has been successfully uploaded' ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 1 : // Custom error
+ alert( customMsg ) ;
+ return ;
+ case 101 : // Custom warning
+ alert( customMsg ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 201 :
+ alert( 'A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to "' + fileName + '"' ) ;
+ break ;
+ case 202 :
+ alert( 'Invalid file type' ) ;
+ return ;
+ case 203 :
+ alert( "Security error. You probably don't have enough permissions to upload. Please check your server." ) ;
+ return ;
+ case 500 :
+ alert( 'The connector is disabled' ) ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ alert( 'Error on file upload. Error number: ' + errorNumber ) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ SetUrl( fileUrl ) ;
+ GetE('frmUpload').reset() ;
+var oUploadAllowedExtRegex = new RegExp( FCKConfig.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions, 'i' ) ;
+var oUploadDeniedExtRegex = new RegExp( FCKConfig.LinkUploadDeniedExtensions, 'i' ) ;
+function CheckUpload()
+ var sFile = GetE('txtUploadFile').value ;
+ if ( sFile.length == 0 )
+ {
+ alert( 'Please select a file to upload' ) ;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ if ( ( FCKConfig.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions.length > 0 && !oUploadAllowedExtRegex.test( sFile ) ) ||
+ ( FCKConfig.LinkUploadDeniedExtensions.length > 0 && oUploadDeniedExtRegex.test( sFile ) ) )
+ {
+ OnUploadCompleted( 202 ) ;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ // Show animation
+ window.parent.Throbber.Show( 100 ) ;
+ GetE( 'divUpload' ).style.display = 'none' ;
+ return true ;
+function SetDefaultTarget()
+ var target = FCKConfig.DefaultLinkTarget || '' ;
+ if ( oLink || target.length == 0 )
+ return ;
+ switch ( target )
+ {
+ case '_blank' :
+ case '_self' :
+ case '_parent' :
+ case '_top' :
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = target ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = target ;