path: root/rt/sbin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/sbin/')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/sbin/ b/rt/sbin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e0174472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2015 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+# <>
+# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# fix lib paths, some may be relative
+ require File::Spec;
+ my @libs = ("@RT_LIB_PATH@", "@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@");
+ my $bin_path;
+ for my $lib (@libs) {
+ unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($lib) ) {
+ unless ($bin_path) {
+ if ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(__FILE__) ) {
+ $bin_path = ( File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__) )[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ require FindBin;
+ no warnings "once";
+ $bin_path = $FindBin::Bin;
+ }
+ }
+ $lib = File::Spec->catfile( $bin_path, File::Spec->updir, $lib );
+ }
+ unshift @INC, $lib;
+ }
+use RT;
+@RT::Record::ISA = qw( DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record RT::Base );
+use RT::Migrate;
+use RT::Migrate::Serializer::File;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage qw//;
+use Time::HiRes qw//;
+my %OPT;
+ \%OPT,
+ "help|?",
+ "verbose|v!",
+ "quiet|q!",
+ "directory|d=s",
+ "force|f!",
+ "size|s=i",
+ "users!",
+ "groups!",
+ "deleted!",
+ "scrips!",
+ "tickets!",
+ "acls!",
+ "clone",
+ "incremental",
+ "gc=i",
+ "page=i",
+) or Pod::Usage::pod2usage();
+Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if $OPT{help};
+my %args;
+$args{Directory} = $OPT{directory};
+$args{Force} = $OPT{force};
+$args{MaxFileSize} = $OPT{size} if $OPT{size};
+$args{AllUsers} = $OPT{users} if defined $OPT{users};
+$args{AllGroups} = $OPT{groups} if defined $OPT{groups};
+$args{FollowDeleted} = $OPT{deleted} if defined $OPT{deleted};
+$args{FollowScrips} = $OPT{scrips} if defined $OPT{scrips};
+$args{FollowTickets} = $OPT{tickets} if defined $OPT{tickets};
+$args{FollowACL} = $OPT{acls} if defined $OPT{acls};
+$args{Clone} = $OPT{clone} if $OPT{clone};
+$args{Incremental} = $OPT{incremental} if $OPT{incremental};
+$args{GC} = defined $OPT{gc} ? $OPT{gc} : 5000;
+$args{Page} = defined $OPT{page} ? $OPT{page} : 100;
+if (($OPT{clone} or $OPT{incremental})
+ and grep { /^(users|groups|deleted|scrips|tickets|acls)$/ } keys %OPT) {
+ die "You cannot specify object types when cloning.\n\nPlease see $0 --help.\n";
+my $walker;
+my $gnuplot = `which gnuplot`;
+my $msg = "";
+if (-t STDOUT and not $OPT{verbose} and not $OPT{quiet}) {
+ $args{Progress} = RT::Migrate::progress(
+ top => \&gnuplot,
+ bottom => sub { print "\n$msg"; $msg = ""; },
+ counts => sub { $walker->ObjectCount },
+ max => { estimate() },
+ );
+ $args{MessageHandler} = sub {
+ print "\r", " "x60, "\r", $_[-1]; $msg = $_[-1];
+ };
+ $args{Verbose} = 0;
+$args{Verbose} = 0 if $OPT{quiet};
+$walker = RT::Migrate::Serializer::File->new( %args );
+my $log = RT::Migrate::setup_logging( $walker->{Directory} => 'serializer.log' );
+print "Logging warnings and errors to $log\n" if $log;
+print "Beginning database serialization...";
+my %counts = $walker->Export;
+my @files = $walker->Files;
+print "Wrote @{[scalar @files]} files:\n";
+print " $_\n" for @files;
+print "\n";
+print "Total object counts:\n";
+for (sort {$counts{$b} <=> $counts{$a}} keys %counts) {
+ printf "%8d %s\n", $counts{$_}, $_;
+if ($log and -s $log) {
+ print STDERR "\n! Some warnings or errors occurred during serialization."
+ ."\n! Please see $log for details.\n\n";
+} else {
+ unlink $log;
+sub estimate {
+ $| = 1;
+ my %e;
+ # Expected types we'll serialize
+ my @types = map {"RT::$_"} qw/
+ Queue Ticket Transaction Attachment Link
+ User Group GroupMember Attribute
+ CustomField CustomFieldValue
+ ObjectCustomField ObjectCustomFieldValue
+ /;
+ for my $class (@types) {
+ print "Estimating $class count...";
+ my $collection = $class . "s";
+ if ($collection->require) {
+ my $objs = $collection->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ $objs->FindAllRows;
+ $objs->UnLimit;
+ $objs->{allow_deleted_search} = 1 if $class eq "RT::Ticket";
+ $e{$class} = $objs->DBIx::SearchBuilder::Count;
+ }
+ print "\r", " "x60, "\r";
+ }
+ return %e;
+sub gnuplot {
+ my ($elapsed, $rows, $cols) = @_;
+ my $length = $walker->StackSize;
+ my $file = $walker->Directory . "/progress.plot";
+ open(my $dat, ">>", $file);
+ printf $dat "%10.3f\t%8d\n", $elapsed, $length;
+ close $dat;
+ if ($rows <= 24 or not $gnuplot) {
+ print "\n\n";
+ } elsif ($elapsed) {
+ my $gnuplot = qx|
+ gnuplot -e '
+ set term dumb $cols @{[$rows - 12]};
+ set xlabel "Seconds";
+ unset key;
+ set xrange [0:*];
+ set yrange [0:*];
+ set title "Queue length";
+ plot "$file" using 1:2 with lines
+ '
+ |;
+ if ($? == 0 and $gnuplot) {
+ $gnuplot =~ s/^(\s*\n)//;
+ print $gnuplot;
+ unlink $file;
+ } else {
+ warn "Couldn't run gnuplot (\$? == $?): $!\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "\n" for 1..($rows - 13);
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+rt-serializer - Serialize an RT database to disk
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ rt-validator --check && rt-serializer
+This script is used to write out the entire RT database to disk, for
+later import into a different RT instance. It requires that the data in
+the database be self-consistent, in order to do so; please make sure
+that the database being exported passes validation by L<rt-validator>
+before attempting to use C<rt-serializer>.
+While running, it will attempt to estimate the number of remaining
+objects to be serialized; these estimates are pessimistic, and will be
+incorrect if C<--no-users>, C<--no-groups>, or C<--no-tickets> are used.
+If the controlling terminal is large enough (more than 25 columns high)
+and the C<gnuplot> program is installed, it will also show a textual
+graph of the queue size over time.
+=head2 OPTIONS
+=item B<--directory> I<name>
+The name of the output directory to write data files to, which should
+not exist yet; it is a fatal error if it does. Defaults to
+C<< ./I<$Organization>:I<Date>/ >>, where I<$Organization> is as set in
+F<>, and I<Date> is today's date.
+=item B<--force>
+Remove the output directory before starting.
+=item B<--size> I<megabytes>
+By default, C<rt-serializer> chunks its output into data files which are
+around 32Mb in size; this option is used to set a different threshold
+size, in megabytes. Note that this is the threshold after which it
+rotates to writing a new file, and is as such the I<lower bound> on the
+size of each output file.
+=item B<--no-users>
+By default, all privileged users are serialized; passing C<--no-users>
+limits it to only those users which are referenced by serialized tickets
+and history, and are thus necessary for internal consistency.
+=item B<--no-groups>
+By default, all groups are serialized; passing C<--no-groups> limits it
+to only system-internal groups, which are needed for internal
+=item B<--no-deleted>
+By default, all tickets, including deleted tickets, are serialized;
+passing C<--no-deleted> skips deleted tickets during serialization.
+=item B<--scrips>
+No scrips or templates are serialized by default; this option forces all
+scrips and templates to be serialized.
+=item B<--acls>
+No ACLs are serialized by default; this option forces all ACLs to be
+=item B<--no-tickets>
+Skip serialization of all ticket data.
+=item B<--clone>
+Serializes your entire database, creating a clone. This option should
+be used if you want to migrate your RT database from one database type
+to another (e.g. MySQL to Postgres). It is an error to combine
+C<--clone> with any option that limits object types serialized. No
+dependency walking is performed when cloning. C<rt-importer> will detect
+that your serialized data set was generated by a clone.
+=item B<--incremental>
+Will generate an incremenal serialized dataset using the data stored in
+your IncrementalRecords database table. This assumes that you have created
+that table and run RT using the shim as documented in
+=item B<--gc> I<n>
+Adjust how often the garbage collection sweep is done; lower numbers are
+more frequent. See L</GARBAGE COLLECTION>.
+=item B<--page> I<n>
+Adjust how many rows are pulled from the database in a single query. Disable
+paging by setting this to 0. Defaults to 100.
+Keep in mind that rows from RT's Attachments table are the limiting factor when
+determining page size. You should likely be aiming for 60-75% of your total
+memory on an otherwise unloaded box.
+=item B<--quiet>
+Do not show graphical progress UI.
+=item B<--verbose>
+Do not show graphical progress UI, but rather log was each row is
+written out.
+C<rt-serializer> maintains a priority queue of objects to serialize, or
+searches which may result in objects to serialize. When inserting into
+this queue, it does no checking if the object in question is already in
+the queue, or if the search will contain any results. These checks are
+done when the object reaches the front of the queue, or during periodic
+garbage collection.
+During periodic garbage collection, the entire queue is swept for
+objects which have already been serialized, occur more than once in the
+queue, and searches which contain no results in the database. This is
+done to reduce the memory footprint of the serialization process, and is
+triggered when enough new objects have been placed in the queue. This
+parameter is tunable via the C<--gc> parameter, which defaults to
+running garbage collection every 5,000 objects inserted into the queue;
+smaller numbers will result in more frequent garbage collection.
+The default of 5,000 is roughly tuned based on a database with several
+thousand tickets, but optimal values will vary wildly depending on
+database configuration and size. Values as low as 25 have provided
+speedups with smaller databases; if speed is a factor, experimenting
+with different C<--gc> values may be helpful. Note that there are
+significant boundary condition changes in serialization rate, as the
+queue empties and fills, causing the time estimates to be rather
+imprecise near the start and end of the process.
+Setting C<--gc> to 0 turns off all garbage collection. Be aware that
+this will bloat the memory usage of the serializer. Any negative value
+for C<--gc> turns off periodic garbage collection and instead objects
+already serialized or in the queue are checked for at the time they
+would be inserted.