path: root/rt/lib/t/regression/26command_line.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/lib/t/regression/26command_line.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/rt/lib/t/regression/26command_line.t b/rt/lib/t/regression/26command_line.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 702138303..000000000
--- a/rt/lib/t/regression/26command_line.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::Expect;
-#use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
-use Test::More tests => 222;
-use RT;
-use RT::User;
-use RT::Queue;
-my $rt_tool_path = "$RT::BinPath/rt";
-# {{{ test configuration options
-# config directives:
-# (in $CWD/.rtrc)
-# - server <URL> URL to RT server.
-# - user <username> RT username.
-# - passwd <passwd> RT user's password.
-# - query <RT Query> Default RT Query for list action
-# - orderby <order> Default RT order for list action
-# Blank and #-commented lines are ignored.
-# environment variables
-# The following environment variables override any corresponding
-# values defined in configuration files:
-$ENV{'RTUSER'} = 'root';
-$ENV{'RTPASSWD'} = 'password';
-$RT::Logger->debug("Connecting to server at $RT::WebBaseURL...");
-$ENV{'RTSERVER'} = $RT::WebBaseURL;
-# - RTDEBUG Numeric debug level. (Set to 3 for full logs.)
-$ENV{'RTDEBUG'} = '1';
-# - RTCONFIG Specifies a name other than ".rtrc" for the
-# configuration file.
-# - RTQUERY Default RT Query for rt list
-# - RTORDERBY Default order for rt list
-# }}}
-# {{{ test ticket manipulation
-# create a ticket
- command => "$rt_tool_path shell",
- prompt => 'rt> ',
- quit => 'quit',
-expect_send(q{create -t ticket set subject='new ticket' add}, "Creating a ticket...");
-expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, "Created the ticket");
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Ticket (\d+) created/;
-my $ticket_id = $1;
-ok($ticket_id, "Got ticket id=$ticket_id");
-expect_send(q{create -t ticket set subject='new ticket'}, "Creating a ticket as just a subject...");
-expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, "Created the ticket");
-# make sure we can request things as 'rt foo'
-expect_send(q{rt create -t ticket set subject='rt ticket'}, "Creating a ticket with 'rt create'...");
-expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, "Created the ticket");
-# {{{ test queue manipulation
-# creating queues
-expect_send("create -t queue set Name='NewQueue$$'", 'Creating a queue...');
-expect_like(qr/Queue \d+ created/, 'Created the queue');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Queue (\d+) created/;
-my $queue_id = $1;
-ok($queue_id, "Got queue id=$queue_id");
-# updating users
-expect_send("edit queue/$queue_id set Name='EditedQueue$$'", 'Editing the queue');
-expect_like(qr/Queue $queue_id updated/, 'Edited the queue');
-expect_send("show queue/$queue_id", 'Showing the queue...');
-expect_like(qr/id: queue\/$queue_id/, 'Saw the queue');
-expect_like(qr/Name: EditedQueue$$/, 'Saw the modification');
-TODO: {
- todo_skip "Listing non-ticket items doesn't work", 2;
- expect_send("list -t queue 'id > 0'", 'Listing the queues...');
- expect_like(qr/$queue_id: EditedQueue$$/, 'Found the queue');
-# }}}
-# Set up a custom field for editing tests
-my $cf = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
-my ($val,$msg) = $cf->Create(Name => 'MyCF'.$$, Type => 'FreeformSingle', Queue => $queue_id);
-my $othercf = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
-($val,$msg) = $othercf->Create(Name => 'My CF'.$$, Type => 'FreeformSingle', Queue => $queue_id);
-# add a comment to ticket
- expect_send("comment -m 'comment-$$' $ticket_id", "Adding a comment...");
- expect_like(qr/Message recorded/, "Added the comment");
- ### should test to make sure it actually got added
- # add correspondance to ticket (?)
- expect_send("correspond -m 'correspond-$$' $ticket_id", "Adding correspondence...");
- expect_like(qr/Message recorded/, "Added the correspondence");
- ### should test to make sure it actually got added
- # add attachments to a ticket
- # text attachment
- check_attachment("$RT::BasePath/lib/t/data/lorem-ipsum");
- # binary attachment
- check_attachment($RT::MasonComponentRoot.'/NoAuth/images/bplogo.gif');
-# change a ticket's Owner
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set owner=root", 'Changing owner...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed owner');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f owner", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Owner: root/, 'Verified change');
-# change a ticket's Requestor
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set requestors=foo\", 'Changing Requestor...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed Requestor');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f requestors", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Requestors: foo\, 'Verified change');
-# change a ticket's Cc
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set cc=bar\", 'Changing Cc...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed Cc');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f cc", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Cc: bar\, 'Verified change');
-# change a ticket's priority
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set priority=10", 'Changing priority...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed priority');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f priority", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Priority: 10/, 'Verified change');
-# move a ticket to a different queue
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set queue=EditedQueue$$", 'Changing queue...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed queue');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f queue", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Queue: EditedQueue$$/, 'Verified change');
-# cannot move ticket to a nonexistent queue
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set queue=nonexistent-$$", 'Changing to nonexistent queue...');
-expect_like(qr/queue does not exist/i, 'Errored out');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f queue", 'Verifying lack of change...');
-expect_like(qr/Queue: EditedQueue$$/, 'Verified lack of change');
-# Test reading and setting custom fields without spaces
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f CF-myCF$$", 'Checking initial value');
-expect_like(qr/CF-myCF$$:/i, 'Verified initial empty value');
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set 'CF-myCF$$=VALUE' ", 'Changing CF...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed cf');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f CF-myCF$$", 'Checking new value');
-expect_like(qr/CF-myCF$$: VALUE/i, 'Verified change');
-# Test setting 0 as value of the custom field
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set 'CF-myCF$$=0' ", 'Changing CF...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed cf');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f CF-myCF$$", 'Checking new value');
-expect_like(qr/CF-myCF$$: 0/i, 'Verified change');
-# Test reading and setting custom fields with spaces
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f 'CF-my CF$$'", 'Checking initial value');
-expect_like(qr/my CF$$:/i, 'Verified change');
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set 'CF-my CF$$=VALUE' ", 'Changing CF...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed cf');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f 'CF-my CF$$'", 'Checking new value');
-expect_like(qr/my CF$$: VALUE/i, 'Verified change');
-expect_send("ls 'id = $ticket_id' -f 'CF-my CF$$'", 'Checking new value');
-expect_like(qr/my CF$$: VALUE/i, 'Verified change');
-# ...
-# change a ticket's ...[other properties]...
-# ...
-# stall a ticket
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set status=stalled", 'Changing status to "stalled"...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed status');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f status", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Status: stalled/, 'Verified change');
-# resolve a ticket
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set status=resolved", 'Changing status to "resolved"...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket $ticket_id updated/, 'Changed status');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f status", 'Verifying change...');
-expect_like(qr/Status: resolved/, 'Verified change');
-# try to set status to an illegal value
-expect_send("edit ticket/$ticket_id set status=quux", 'Changing status to an illegal value...');
-expect_like(qr/illegal value/i, 'Errored out');
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id -f status", 'Verifying lack of change...');
-expect_like(qr/Status: resolved/, 'Verified change');
-# }}}
-# {{{ display
-# show ticket list
-expect_send("ls -s -t ticket -o +id \"Status='resolved'\"", 'Listing resolved tickets...');
-expect_like(qr/$ticket_id: new ticket/, 'Found our ticket');
-# show ticket list verbosely
-expect_send("ls -l -t ticket -o +id \"Status='resolved'\"", 'Listing resolved tickets verbosely...');
-expect_like(qr/id: ticket\/$ticket_id/, 'Found our ticket');
-# show ticket
-expect_send("show -t ticket $ticket_id", 'Showing our ticket...');
-expect_like(qr/id: ticket\/$ticket_id/, 'Got our ticket');
-# show ticket history
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id/history", 'Showing our ticket\'s history...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket created by root/, 'Got our history');
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Cannot show verbose ticket history right now";
- # show ticket history verbosely
- expect_send("show -v ticket/$ticket_id/history", 'Showing our ticket\'s history verbosely...');
- expect_like(qr/Ticket created by root/, 'Got our history');
-# get attachments from a ticket
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id/attachments", 'Showing ticket attachments...');
-expect_like(qr/id: ticket\/$ticket_id\/attachments/, 'Got our ticket\'s attachments');
-expect_like(qr/Attachments: \d+:\s*\(\S+ \/ \d+\w+\)/, 'Our ticket has an attachment');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Attachments: (\d+):\s*\((\S+)/;
-my $attachment_id = $1;
-my $attachment_type = $2;
-ok($attachment_id, "Got attachment id=$attachment_id $attachment_type");
-expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id/attachments/$attachment_id", "Showing attachment $attachment_id...");
-expect_like(qr/ContentType: $attachment_type/, 'Got the attachment');
-# }}}
-# {{{ test user manipulation
-# creating users
-expect_send("create -t user set Name='NewUser$$' EmailAddress='fbar$$\'", 'Creating a user...');
-expect_like(qr/User \d+ created/, 'Created the user');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /User (\d+) created/;
-my $user_id = $1;
-ok($user_id, "Got user id=$user_id");
-# updating users
-expect_send("edit user/$user_id set Name='EditedUser$$'", 'Editing the user');
-expect_like(qr/User $user_id updated/, 'Edited the user');
-expect_send("show user/$user_id", 'Showing the user...');
-expect_like(qr/id: user\/$user_id/, 'Saw the user');
-expect_like(qr/Name: EditedUser$$/, 'Saw the modification');
-TODO: {
- todo_skip "Listing non-ticket items doesn't work", 2;
- expect_send("list -t user 'id > 0'", 'Listing the users...');
- expect_like(qr/$user_id: EditedUser$$/, 'Found the user');
-# }}}
-# {{{ test group manipulation
-TODO: {
-todo_skip "Group manipulation doesn't work right now", 8;
-# creating groups
-expect_send("create -t group set Name='NewGroup$$'", 'Creating a group...');
-expect_like(qr/Group \d+ created/, 'Created the group');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Group (\d+) created/;
-my $group_id = $1;
-ok($group_id, "Got group id=$group_id");
-# updating groups
-expect_send("edit group/$group_id set Name='EditedGroup$$'", 'Editing the group');
-expect_like(qr/Group $group_id updated/, 'Edited the group');
-expect_send("show group/$group_id", 'Showing the group...');
-expect_like(qr/id: group\/$group_id/, 'Saw the group');
-expect_like(qr/Name: EditedGroup$$/, 'Saw the modification');
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Listing non-ticket items doesn't work";
- expect_send("list -t group 'id > 0'", 'Listing the groups...');
- expect_like(qr/$group_id: EditedGroup$$/, 'Found the group');
-# }}}
-TODO: {
-todo_skip "Custom field manipulation not yet implemented", 8;
-# {{{ test custom field manipulation
-# creating custom fields
-expect_send("create -t custom_field set Name='NewCF$$'", 'Creating a custom field...');
-expect_like(qr/Custom Field \d+ created/, 'Created the custom field');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Custom Field (\d+) created/;
-my $cf_id = $1;
-ok($cf_id, "Got custom field id=$cf_id");
-# updating custom fields
-expect_send("edit cf/$cf_id set Name='EditedCF$$'", 'Editing the custom field');
-expect_like(qr/Custom field $cf_id updated/, 'Edited the custom field');
-expect_send("show cf/$cf_id", 'Showing the queue...');
-expect_like(qr/id: custom_field\/$cf_id/, 'Saw the custom field');
-expect_like(qr/Name: EditedCF$$/, 'Saw the modification');
-TODO: {
- todo_skip "Listing non-ticket items doesn't work", 2;
- expect_send("list -t custom_field 'id > 0'", 'Listing the CFs...');
- expect_like(qr/$cf_id: EditedCF$$/, 'Found the custom field');
-# }}}
-# {{{ test merging tickets
-expect_send("create -t ticket set subject='CLIMergeTest1-$$'", 'Creating first ticket to merge...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, 'Created first ticket');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Ticket (\d+) created/;
-my $merge_ticket_A = $1;
-ok($merge_ticket_A, "Got first ticket to merge id=$merge_ticket_A");
-expect_send("create -t ticket set subject='CLIMergeTest2-$$'", 'Creating second ticket to merge...');
-expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, 'Created second ticket');
-expect_handle->before() =~ /Ticket (\d+) created/;
-my $merge_ticket_B = $1;
-ok($merge_ticket_B, "Got second ticket to merge id=$merge_ticket_B");
-expect_send("merge $merge_ticket_B $merge_ticket_A", 'Merging the tickets...');
-expect_like(qr/Merge completed/, 'Merged the tickets');
-expect_send("show ticket/$merge_ticket_A/history", 'Checking merge on first ticket');
-expect_like(qr/Merged into ticket #$merge_ticket_A by root/, 'Merge recorded in first ticket');
-expect_send("show ticket/$merge_ticket_B/history", 'Checking merge on second ticket');
-expect_like(qr/Merged into ticket #$merge_ticket_A by root/, 'Merge recorded in second ticket');
-# }}}
-# {{{ test taking/stealing tickets
- # create a user; give them privileges to take and steal
- ### TODO: implement 'grant' in the CLI tool; use that here instead.
- ### this breaks the abstraction barrier, like, a lot.
- my $steal_user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
- my ($steal_user_id, $msg) = $steal_user->Create( Name => "fooser$$",
- EmailAddress => "fooser$$\@localhost",
- Privileged => 1,
- Password => 'foobar',
- );
- ok($steal_user_id, "Created the user? $msg");
- my $steal_queue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
- my $steal_queue_id;
- ($steal_queue_id, $msg) = $steal_queue->Create( Name => "Steal$$" );
- ok($steal_queue_id, "Got the queue? $msg");
- ok($steal_queue->id, "queue obj has id");
- my $status;
- ($status, $msg) = $steal_user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'ShowTicket', Object => $steal_queue );
- ok($status, "Gave 'SeeTicket' to our user? $msg");
- ($status, $msg) = $steal_user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'OwnTicket', Object => $steal_queue );
- ok($status, "Gave 'OwnTicket' to our user? $msg");
- ($status, $msg) = $steal_user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'StealTicket', Object => $steal_queue );
- ok($status, "Gave 'StealTicket' to our user? $msg");
- ($status, $msg) = $steal_user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'TakeTicket', Object => $steal_queue );
- ok($status, "Gave 'TakeTicket' to our user? $msg");
- # create a ticket to take/steal
- expect_send("create -t ticket set queue=$steal_queue_id subject='CLIStealTest-$$'", 'Creating ticket to steal...');
- expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, 'Created ticket');
- expect_handle->before() =~ /Ticket (\d+) created/;
- my $steal_ticket_id = $1;
- ok($steal_ticket_id, "Got ticket to steal id=$steal_ticket_id");
- # root takes the ticket
- expect_send("take $steal_ticket_id", 'root takes the ticket...');
- expect_like(qr/Owner changed from Nobody to root/, 'root took the ticket');
- # log in as the non-root user
- #expect_quit(); # this is apparently unnecessary, but I'll leave it in
- # until I'm sure
- $ENV{'RTUSER'} = "fooser$$";
- $ENV{'RTPASSWD'} = 'foobar';
- expect_run( command => "$rt_tool_path shell", prompt => 'rt> ', quit => 'quit',);
- # user tries to take the ticket, fails
- # shouldn't be able to 'take' a ticket which someone else has taken out from
- # under you; that should produce an error. should have to explicitly
- # 'steal' it back from them. 'steal' can automatically 'take' a ticket,
- # though.
- expect_send("take $steal_ticket_id", 'user tries to take the ticket...');
- expect_like(qr/You can only take tickets that are unowned/, '...and fails.');
- expect_send("show ticket/$steal_ticket_id -f owner", 'Double-checking...');
- expect_like(qr/Owner: root/, ' change.');
- # user steals the ticket
- expect_send("steal $steal_ticket_id", 'user tries to *steal* the ticket...');
- expect_like(qr/Owner changed from root to fooser$$/, '...and succeeds!');
- expect_send("show ticket/$steal_ticket_id -f owner", 'Double-checking...');
- expect_like(qr/Owner: fooser$$/, '...yup, it worked.');
- # log back in as root
- #expect_quit(); # ditto
- $ENV{'RTUSER'} = 'root';
- $ENV{'RTPASSWD'} = 'password';
- expect_run( command => "$rt_tool_path shell", prompt => 'rt> ', quit => 'quit',);
- # root steals the ticket back
- expect_send("steal $steal_ticket_id", 'root steals the ticket back...');
- expect_like(qr/Owner changed from fooser$$ to root/, '...and succeeds.');
-# }}}
-# {{{ test ticket linking
- my @link_relns = ( 'DependsOn', 'DependedOnBy', 'RefersTo', 'ReferredToBy',
- 'MemberOf', 'HasMember', );
- my %display_relns = map { $_ => $_ } @link_relns;
- $display_relns{HasMember} = 'Members';
- my $link1_id = ok_create_ticket( "LinkTicket1-$$" );
- my $link2_id = ok_create_ticket( "LinkTicket2-$$" );
- foreach my $reln (@link_relns) {
- # create link
- expect_send("link $link1_id $reln $link2_id", "Link by $reln...");
- expect_like(qr/Created link $link1_id $reln $link2_id/, 'Linked');
- expect_send("show ticket/$link1_id/links", "Checking creation of $reln...");
- expect_like(qr/$display_relns{reln}: [\w\d\.\-]+:\/\/[\w\d\.]+\/ticket\/$link2_id/, "Created link $reln");
- # delete link
- expect_send("link -d $link1_id $reln $link2_id", "Delete $reln...");
- expect_like(qr/Deleted link $link1_id $reln $link2_id/, 'Deleted');
- expect_send("show ticket/$link1_id/links", "Checking removal of $reln...");
- ok( expect_handle->before() !~ /\Q$display_relns{$reln}: \E[\w\d\.\-]+:\/\/[w\d\.]+\/ticket\/$link2_id/, "Removed link $reln" );
- #expect_unlike(qr/\Q$reln: \E[\w\d\.]+\Q://\E[w\d\.]+\/ticket\/$link2_id/, "Removed link $reln");
- }
-# }}}
-# helper function
-sub ok_create_ticket {
- my $subject = shift;
- expect_send("create -t ticket set subject='$subject'", 'Creating ticket...');
- expect_like(qr/Ticket \d+ created/, "Created ticket '$subject'");
- expect_handle->before() =~ /Ticket (\d+) created/;
- my $id = $1;
- ok($id, "Got ticket id=$id");
- return $id;
-# wrap up all the file handling stuff for attachment testing
-sub check_attachment {
- my $attachment_path = shift;
- (my $filename = $attachment_path) =~ s/.*\/(.*?)$/$1/;
- expect_send("comment -m 'attach file' -a $attachment_path $ticket_id", "Adding an attachment ($filename)");
- expect_like(qr/Message recorded/, "Added the attachment");
- expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id/attachments","Finding Attachment");
- my $attachment_regex = qr/(\d+):\s+$filename/;
- expect_like($attachment_regex,"Attachment Uploaded");
- expect_handle->before() =~ $attachment_regex;
- my $attachment_id = $1;
- expect_send("show ticket/$ticket_id/attachments/$attachment_id/content","Fetching Attachment");
- open (my $fh, $attachment_path) or die "Can't open $attachment_path: $!";
- my $attachment_content = do { local($/); <$fh> };
- close $fh;
- chomp $attachment_content;
- expect_is($attachment_content,"Attachment contains original text");