path: root/rt/lib/RT/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/lib/RT/')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/ b/rt/lib/RT/
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index 000000000..6865216fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+#$Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/lib/RT/Attic/,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:07 ivan Exp $
+package RT::KeywordSelect;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+use RT::Record;
+use RT::Keyword;
+@ISA = qw(RT::Record);
+# {{{ POD
+=head1 NAME
+ RT::KeywordSelect - Manipulate an RT::KeywordSelect record
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use RT::KeywordSelect;
+ my $keyword_select = RT::KeywordSelect->new($CurrentUser);
+ $keyword_select->Create(
+ Keyword => 20,
+ ObjectType => 'Ticket',
+ Name => 'Choices'
+ );
+ my $keyword_select = RT::KeywordSelect->new($CurrentUser);
+ $keyword_select->Create(
+ Name => 'Choices',
+ Keyword => 20,
+ ObjectType => 'Ticket',
+ ObjectField => 'Queue',
+ ObjectValue => 1,
+ Single => 1,
+ Depth => 4,
+ );
+An B<RT::KeywordSelect> object is a link between a Keyword and a object
+type (one of: Ticket), titled by the I<Name> field of the B<RT::Keyword> such
+=over 4
+=item Object display will contain a field, titled with the I<Name> field and
+ showing any descendent keywords which are related to this object via the
+ B<RT::ObjectKeywords> table.
+=item Object creation for this object will contain a field titled with the
+ I<Name> field and containing the descendents of the B<RT::Keyword> as
+ choices. If the I<Single> field of this B<RT::KeywordSelect> is true, each
+ object must be associated (via an B<RT::ObjectKeywords> record) to a single
+ descendent. If the I<Single> field is false, each object may be connect to
+ zero, one, or many descendents.
+=item Searches for this object type will contain a selection field titled with
+ the I<Name> field and containing the descendents of the B<RT::Keyword> as
+ choices.
+=item If I<ObjectField> is defined (one of: Queue), all of the above apply only
+ when the value of I<ObjectField> (Queue) in B<ObjectType> (Ticket) matches
+ I<ObjectValue>.
+=begin testing
+ok (require RT::TestHarness);
+ok (require RT::KeywordSelects);
+=end testing
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item new CURRENT_USER
+Takes a single argument, an RT::CurrentUser object. Instantiates a new
+(uncreated) RT::KeywordSelect object.
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub _Init
+sub _Init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'table'} = "KeywordSelects";
+ $self->SUPER::_Init(@_);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub _Accessible
+sub _Accessible {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %Cols = (
+ Name => 'read/write',
+ Keyword => 'read/write', # link to Keywords. Can be specified by id
+ Single => 'read/write', # bool (described below)
+ Depth => 'read/write', #- If non-zero, limits the descendents to this number of levels deep.
+ ObjectType => 'read/write', # currently only C<Ticket>
+ ObjectField => 'read/write', #optional, currently only C<Queue>
+ ObjectValue => 'read/write', #constrains KeywordSelect function to when B<ObjectType>.I<ObjectField> equals I<ObjectValue>
+ Disabled => 'read/write'
+ );
+ return($self->SUPER::_Accessible(@_, %Cols));
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LoadByName
+=head2 LoadByName( Name => [NAME], Queue => [QUEUE_ID])
+. Takes a queue id and a keyword select name.
+ tries to load the keyword select for that queue. if that fails, it tries to load it
+ without a queue specified.
+sub LoadByName {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Name => undef,
+ Queue => undef,
+ @_
+ );
+ if ($args{'Queue'}) {
+ #Try to get the keyword select for this queue
+ $self->LoadByCols( Name => $args{'Name'},
+ ObjectType => 'Ticket',
+ ObjectField => 'Queue',
+ ObjectValue => $args{'Queue'});
+ }
+ unless ($self->Id) { #if that failed to load an object
+ #Try to get the keyword select of that name that's global
+ $self->LoadByCols( Name => $args{'Name'},
+ ObjectType => 'Ticket',
+ ObjectField => 'Queue',
+ ObjectValue => '0');
+ }
+ return($self->Id);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub Create
+=item Create KEY => VALUE, ...
+Takes a list of key/value pairs and creates a the object. Returns the id of
+the newly created record, or false if there was an error.
+Keys are:
+Keyword - link to Keywords. Can be specified by id.
+Name - A name for this KeywordSelect
+Single - bool (described above)
+Depth - If non-zero, limits the descendents to this number of levels deep.
+ObjectType - currently only C<Ticket>
+ObjectField - optional, currently only C<Queue>
+ObjectValue - constrains KeywordSelect function to when B<ObjectType>.I<ObjectField> equals I<ObjectValue>
+sub Create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Keyword => undef,
+ Single => 1,
+ Depth => 0,
+ Name => undef,
+ ObjectType => undef,
+ ObjectField => undef,
+ ObjectValue => undef,
+ @_);
+ #If we're talking about a keyword select based on a ticket's 'Queue' field
+ if ( ($args{'ObjectField'} eq 'Queue') and
+ ($args{'ObjectType'} eq 'Ticket')) {
+ #If we're talking about a keywordselect for all queues
+ if ($args{'ObjectValue'} == 0) {
+ unless( $self->CurrentUserHasSystemRight('AdminKeywordSelects')) {
+ return (0, 'Permission Denied');
+ }
+ }
+ #otherwise, we're talking about a keywordselect for a specific queue
+ else {
+ unless ($self->CurrentUserHasQueueRight( Right => 'AdminKeywordSelects',
+ Queue => $args{'ObjectValue'})) {
+ return (0, 'Permission Denied');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return (0, "Can't create a KeywordSelect for that object/field combo");
+ }
+ my $Keyword = new RT::Keyword($self->CurrentUser);
+ if ( $args{'Keyword'} && $args{'Keyword'} !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
+ $Keyword->LoadByPath($args{'Keyword'});
+ }
+ else {
+ $Keyword->Load($args{'Keyword'});
+ }
+ unless ($Keyword->Id) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("Keyword ".$args{'Keyword'} ." not found\n");
+ return(0, 'Keyword not found');
+ }
+ $args{'Name'} = $Keyword->Name if (!$args{'Name'});
+ my $val = $self->SUPER::Create( Name => $args{'Name'},
+ Keyword => $Keyword->Id,
+ Single => $args{'Single'},
+ Depth => $args{'Depth'},
+ ObjectType => $args{'ObjectType'},
+ ObjectField => $args{'ObjectField'},
+ ObjectValue => $args{'ObjectValue'});
+ if ($val) {
+ return ($val, 'KeywordSelect Created');
+ }
+ else {
+ return (0, 'System error. KeywordSelect not created');
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub Delete
+sub Delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return (0, 'Deleting this object would break referential integrity.');
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub SetDisabled
+=head2 Sub SetDisabled
+Toggles the KeywordSelect's disabled flag.
+sub SetDisabled {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminKeywordSelects')) {
+ return (0, "Permission Denied");
+ }
+ return($self->_Set(Field => 'Disabled', Value => $value));
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub KeywordObj
+=item KeywordObj
+Returns the B<RT::Keyword> referenced by the I<Keyword> field.
+sub KeywordObj {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $Keyword = new RT::Keyword($self->CurrentUser);
+ $Keyword->Load( $self->Keyword ); #or ?
+ return($Keyword);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub Object
+=item Object
+Returns the object (currently only RT::Queue) specified by ObjectField and ObjectValue.
+sub Object {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( $self->ObjectField eq 'Queue' ) {
+ my $Queue = new RT::Queue($self->CurrentUser);
+ $Queue->Load( $self->ObjectValue );
+ return ($Queue);
+ } else {
+ $RT::Logger->error("$self trying to load an object value for a non-queue object");
+ return (undef);
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub _Set
+# does an acl check, then passes off the call
+sub _Set {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ($self->CurrentUserHasRight('AdminKeywordSelects')) {
+ return (0, "Permission Denied");
+ }
+ return ($self->SUPER::_Set(@_));
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub CurrentUserHasQueueRight
+=head2 CurrentUserHasQueueRight ( Queue => QUEUEID, Right => RIGHTNANAME )
+Check to see whether the current user has the specified right for the specified queue.
+sub CurrentUserHasQueueRight {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (Queue => undef,
+ Right => undef,
+ @_
+ );
+ return ($self->HasRight( Right => $args{'Right'},
+ Principal => $self->CurrentUser->UserObj,
+ Queue => $args{'Queue'}));
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub CurrentUserHasSystemRight
+=head2 CurrentUserHasSystemRight RIGHTNAME
+Check to see whether the current user has the specified right for the 'system' scope.
+sub CurrentUserHasSystemRight {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $right = shift;
+ $RT::Logger->debug("$self in hashsysright for right $right\n");
+ return ($self->HasRight( Right => $right,
+ System => 1,
+ Principal => $self->CurrentUser->UserObj));
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub CurrentUserHasRight
+=item CurrentUserHasRight RIGHT [QUEUEID]
+Takes a rightname as a string. Can take a queue id as a second
+optional parameter, which can be useful to a routine like create.
+Helper menthod for HasRight. Presets Principal to CurrentUser then
+calls HasRight.
+sub CurrentUserHasRight {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $right = shift;
+ return ($self->HasRight( Principal => $self->CurrentUser->UserObj,
+ Right => $right,
+ ));
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub HasRight
+=item HasRight
+Takes a param-hash consisting of "Right" and "Principal" Principal is
+an RT::User object or an RT::CurrentUser object. "Right" is a textual
+Right string that applies to KeywordSelects
+sub HasRight {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( Right => undef,
+ Principal => undef,
+ Queue => undef,
+ System => undef,
+ @_ );
+ #If we're explicitly specifying a queue, as we need to do on create
+ if ($args{'Queue'}) {
+ return ($args{'Principal'}->HasQueueRight(Right => $args{'Right'},
+ Queue => $args{'Queue'}));
+ }
+ #else if we're specifying to check a system right
+ elsif ($args{'System'}) {
+ return( $args{'Principal'}->HasSystemRight( $args{'Right'} ));
+ }
+ #else if we 're using the object's queue
+ elsif (($self->__Value('ObjectField') eq 'Queue') and
+ ($self->__Value('ObjectValue') > 0 )) {
+ return ($args{'Principal'}->HasQueueRight(Right => $args{'Right'},
+ Queue => $self->__Value('ObjectValue') ));
+ }
+ #If the object is system scoped.
+ else {
+ return( $args{'Principal'}->HasSystemRight( $args{'Right'} ));
+ }
+# }}}
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Ivan Kohler <>, Jesse Vincent <>
+=head1 BUGS
+The ACL system for this object is more byzantine than it should be. reworking it eventually
+would be a good thing.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<RT::KeywordSelects>, L<RT::Keyword>, L<RT::Keywords>, L<RT::ObjectKeyword>,
+L<RT::ObjectKeywords>, L<RT::Record>