path: root/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/Resolution/index.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/html/RTx/Statistics/Resolution/index.html')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/Resolution/index.html b/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/Resolution/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9885b093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/Resolution/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => 'Time to Resolution' &>
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/Tabs, Title => loc("Time To Resolve tickets by Queue for : " .$QueueObj->Name()) &>
+<p>This page shows details of resolution of tickets in the selected queue. It displays tickets created on each day in your selected date
+range. Of those tickets created on that day, how many have been resolved and the total time it has taken for all tickets created on that
+day to be resolved.</p>
+<p>At the bottom of the chart is shows total time taken to resolve all tickets
+in the selected date range and the average time per ticket to
+<form method="POST" action="index.html">
+%my $title = "Time to resolve in " . $QueueObj->Name() . " per day from " .
+% Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[0]) . " through " .
+% Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[$#dates-1]);
+ title => $title,
+ title_href => "/RTx/Statistics/Resolution/index.html?$QueryString" &>
+<TABLE BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 WIDTH=100%>
+% if ($ShowHeader) {
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Header,
+ Format => \@Format,
+ FormatString => $Format,
+ AllowSorting => $AllowSorting,
+ Order => $Order,
+ Query => undef,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ Page => $Page,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy ,
+ BaseURL => $BaseURL,
+ maxitems => $maxitems &>
+% }
+% my $line = 1;
+% LINE: for my $d (0..$#dates ) {
+% if ($d == $#dates ){
+% next LINE;
+% }
+% my $x = 1;
+% $values{Statistics_Date} = Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[$d]);
+% my $tix = new RT::Tickets($session{'CurrentUser'});
+% $tix->LimitCreated(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
+% if ($dates[$d+1]) {
+% $tix->LimitCreated(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
+% }
+% if ($Queue) {
+% $tix->LimitQueue (VALUE => $Queue);
+% }
+% $values{Statistics_Created_Count} = $tix->Count;
+% $tix->LimitStatus(VALUE => "resolved");
+% $values{Statistics_Resolved_Count} = $tix->Count;
+% if ($tix->Count) {
+% my @tix = @{$tix->ItemsArrayRef};
+% my $total;
+% $total += ($_->ResolvedObj->Unix - $_->CreatedObj->Unix) for @tix;
+% $size+= ($#tix +1);
+% $grandtotal += $total;
+% $values{Duration} = Statistics::DurationAsString($total);
+% $data[$x++][$d] = int ($total );
+% } else {
+% $values{Duration} = "N/A";
+% }
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@Format, i => $line, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>
+% $line++;
+% $size =1 if $size==0;
+% $values{text} = "Average time to resolve = " . Statistics::DurationAsString($grandtotal / $size);
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@OneCellFormat, i => $line, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>
+% $line++;
+% $values{text} = "Total time to resolve = " . Statistics::DurationAsString( $grandtotal );
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@OneCellFormat, i => $line, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>
+% $line++;
+<BR />
+<BR />
+# Create the graph URL
+# change the total time to resolve to a floating point number of days
+foreach my $dat(@{$data[1]} ){
+ $dat = ($dat / $Statistics::secsPerDay);
+ $dat = sprintf("%0.4f", $dat);
+my $url = 'Elements/Chart?x_labels=';
+for (0..$diff-1) {
+ $url .= $data[0][$_] . ",";
+chop $url;
+shift @data;
+$url .= "&data1=";
+for(0..$diff-1) {
+ $data[0][$_] = 0 if !$data[0][$_];
+ $url .= $data[0][$_] . ",";
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/GraphBox, GraphURL => $url &>
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/ControlsAsTable/ControlBox,
+ Title => "Change Queue or Dates",
+ ShowDates => 1, sMonth => \$sMonth, sDay => \$sDay, sYear => \$sYear,
+ eMonth => \$eMonth, eDay => \$eDay, eYear => \$eYear,
+ weekends => $weekends,
+ ShowSingleQueue => 1, Queue => $Queue
+ &>
+$max => $Statistics::TimeToResolveMaxRows
+$Queue => undef
+$weekends =>$Statistics::TimeToResolveWeekends
+$AllowSorting => undef
+$Order => undef
+$OrderBy => undef
+$ShowNavigation => 1
+$ShowHeader => 1
+$Rows => 50
+$Page => 1
+$BaseURL => undef
+use RTx::Statistics;
+use Time::Local;
+my $n = 0;
+my @data = ([]);
+my @dates;
+my @msgs;
+my $size;
+my $selected;
+my $grandtotal = 0;
+my $diff;
+my $sEpoch=0;
+my $eEpoch=0;
+my $QueryString;
+my $maxitems = 4;
+my %record;
+my %values;
+my $record = \%record;
+$record{values} = \%values;
+# If debugging, set things up and display all the args
+Statistics::DebugLog("CallsQueueDay/index.html ARGS:\n");
+for my $key (keys %ARGS) {
+ Statistics::DebugLog("ARG{ $key }=" . $ARGS{$key} . "\n");
+my $Format = qq{ Statistics_Date,
+ '__Statistics_Created_Count__/STYLE:text-align:right;',
+ '__Statistics_Resolved_Count__/STYLE:text-align:right;',
+ '__Statistics_Dynamic__/KEY:Duration/TITLE:Time To Resolve/STYLE:text-align:right;' };
+my $BoldFormat = qq{ '<B>__Statistics_Date__</B>',
+ '<B>__Statistics_Created_Count__</B>/STYLE:text-align:right;',
+ '<B>__Statistics_Resolved_Count__</B>/STYLE:text-align:right;',
+ '<B>__Statistics_Dynamic__</B>/KEY:Duration/TITLE:Time To Resolve/STYLE:text-align:right;' };
+# TODO need way to make this cell do colspan
+my $OneCellFormat = qq{ '<B>__Statistics_Dynamic__</B>/KEY:text/STYLE:text-align:left;','','','' };
+my (@Format) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $Format);
+my (@BoldFormat) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $BoldFormat);
+my (@OneCellFormat) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $OneCellFormat);
+Statistics::DebugLog("CallsQueueDay/index.html Format array=" . join(',', @Format) . "\n");
+if ($sDay > $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$sMonth}) {
+ $sDay = $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$sMonth};
+if ($eDay > $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$eMonth}) {
+ $eDay = $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$eMonth};
+if ($sYear){
+ $sEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear-1900);
+if ($eYear){
+Statistics::DebugLog("eMonth = " . $eMonth . "\n");
+ $eEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $eDay, $eMonth, $eYear-1900);
+} else {
+ # This case happens when the page is first loaded
+ my @local = localtime(time);
+ ($eDay, $eMonth, $eYear) = ($local[3], $local[4], $local[5]);
+ $eYear += 1900;
+ $eEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $local[3], $local[4], $local[5], $local[6], $local[7], $local[8]);
+Statistics::DebugLog("Setting eEpoch=$eEpoch from current time.\n");
+if (($eEpoch < $sEpoch) || ($sEpoch == 0)) {
+ # We have an end, but not a start, or, overlapping.
+ # if $currentMonth is set, just set the day to 1
+ if($currentMonth) {
+ # set start vars from end, but with day set to 1
+ (undef, undef, undef, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear) = localtime($eEpoch);
+ $sDay=1;
+ $sEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear);
+ } else {
+ # If the user has specified how many days back to go, use that,
+ # If not, set start to configured default period before end
+ if(defined $days) {
+ $sEpoch = $eEpoch - ($days * $Statistics::secsPerDay);
+ } else {
+ $sEpoch = $eEpoch - ($Statistics::PerDayPeriod * $Statistics::secsPerDay);
+ }
+ (undef, undef, undef, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear) = localtime($sEpoch);
+ }
+ $sYear += 1900;
+# Compute days to chart.
+# The +1 is because we need to generate one more date. If the user
+# selected a 10 day range, we need to generate 11 days.
+$diff = int(($eEpoch - $sEpoch + $Statistics::secsPerDay - 1) / $Statistics::secsPerDay)+1;
+Statistics::DebugLog("Setting diff=$diff\n");
+Statistics::DebugLog("sEpoch=$sEpoch, components=" . join(',', localtime($sEpoch)) . "\n");
+Statistics::DebugLog("eEpoch=$eEpoch, components=" . join(',', localtime($eEpoch)) . "\n");
+my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
+if (!defined $Queue) {
+ $QueueObj->Load($Statistics::TimeToResolveQueue);
+ $Queue = $QueueObj->Id();
+# Set up the string for the current query for bookmarkable link
+$QueryString = "sDay=$sDay&sMonth=$sMonth&sYear=$sYear&eDay=$eDay&eMonth=$eMonth&eYear=$eYear&weekends=$weekends&Queue=$Queue";
+# Set up the end date to be midnight(morning) of the date after the one the user wanted.
+my $endRange = $eEpoch + $Statistics::secsPerDay;
+# NOTE: list loop starts at the end of the date range, unshifting dates onto
+# the arrays, so that they end up in start to finish order.
+$eEpoch += $Statistics::secsPerDay;
+$n = 0;
+until ($#dates == $diff ) {
+ my $date = new RT::Date($session{CurrentUser});
+ $date->Set(Value=>$endRange - $n, Format => 'unix');
+ # Note: we used to adjust the time to local midnight, but
+ # none of the other date entry fields in RT seem to adjust, so we've stopped.
+ #Statistics::DebugLog("Before adjust to midnight date " . Statistics::FormatDate("%c", $date) . "\n");
+ $n+= $Statistics::secsPerDay;
+ # If we aren't showing weekends and this is one, decrement the number
+ # of days to show and skip to the next date.
+ if(!$weekends and Statistics::RTDateIsWeekend($date)) {$diff--; next;}
+ unshift @dates, $date;
+Statistics::DebugLog("pushing date " . Statistics::FormatDate("%c", $date) . "\n");
+ unshift @{ $data[0] }, Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayLabelDateFormat, $date);