path: root/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'rt/html/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html b/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d0cd9f158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/html/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('New, Open and Stalled tickets by Queue') &>
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/Tabs, Title => loc('New, Open and Stalled tickets by Queue') &>
+<p>The purpose of this page is to show a snapshot of the current status of tickets by Queue. You can multi select Queues from the dropdown
+list or simply show all available queues. This will indicate how many tickets have not yet been viewed (New), how many have been at least
+viewed once (Open) and how many have had their status changed to stalled.</p>
+<form method="POST" action="index.html">
+%my $tix = new RT::Tickets($session{'CurrentUser'});
+%if ($queue) {
+% $tix->LimitQueue (VALUE => $queue);
+%my $title = "New, Open and Stalled Tickets in " . join(', ', @queues);
+<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => $title, title_href => "/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html?$QueryString"&>
+<TABLE BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 WIDTH="100%">
+% if ($ShowHeader) {
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Header,
+ Format => \@RowFormat,
+ FormatString => $RowFormat,
+ AllowSorting => $AllowSorting,
+ Order => $Order,
+ Query => undef,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ Page => $Page,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy ,
+ BaseURL => $BaseURL,
+ maxitems => $maxitems &>
+% }
+% for ( sort keys %queues_to_show) {
+% push @data, $_;
+% }
+% my @legend;
+% my $total = 0;
+% my $line = 0;
+%# NOTE need to handle all status values (see share/html/Elements/SelectStatus).
+% foreach my $s (qw(new open stalled)) {
+% $line++;
+% push @legend, $s;
+% $total=0;
+% foreach my $q (sort keys %queues_to_show) {
+% $tix = new RT::Tickets($session{'CurrentUser'});
+% $tix->LimitQueue(VALUE => "$q");
+% $tix->LimitStatus(VALUE => "$s");
+% push @data, $tix->Count;
+% $totals{$q} += $tix->Count; # Add up columns for each queue
+% $total += $tix->Count;
+% $values{$q} = $tix->Count;
+% }
+% $totals{"Totals"} += $total;
+% $values{Statistics_Status} = $s;
+% $values{Statistics_Totals} = $total;
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@RowFormat, i => $line, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>
+% }
+% $values{Statistics_Status} = "Totals";
+% foreach my $q (sort keys %queues_to_show) {
+% $values{$q} = $totals{$q};
+% }
+% $values{Statistics_Totals} = $totals{"Totals"};
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@BoldRowFormat, i => $line+1, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>
+<& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd&>
+<BR />
+<BR />
+% use Data::Dumper;
+% Statistics::DebugLog("Dump of data array is " . Dumper(@data) . "\n");
+% my $url = 'Elements/Chart?x_labels=';
+% for (1..(scalar keys %queues_to_show)) {
+% $url .= $m->interp->apply_escapes((shift @data),'u') . ',';
+% }
+% chop $url;
+% $url .= '&data1=' ;
+% for (1..(scalar keys %queues_to_show)) {
+% $url .= $m->interp->apply_escapes((shift @data),'u') . ',';
+% }
+% chop $url;
+% $url .= '&data2=' ;
+% for (1..(scalar keys %queues_to_show)) {
+% $url .= $m->interp->apply_escapes((shift @data),'u') . ',';
+% }
+% chop $url;
+% $url .= '&data3=' ;
+% for (1..(scalar keys %queues_to_show)) {
+% $url .= $m->interp->apply_escapes((shift @data),'u') . ',';
+% }
+% $url .= '&set_legend='.(join ",", @legend);
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/GraphBox, GraphURL => $url &>
+<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/ControlsAsTable/ControlBox, Title => "Select Queues", ShowMultiQueues => 1, queues_ref => \@queues &>
+<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/index.html?<% $QueryString %>"><&|/l&>Bookmarkable link</&></a>
+%# | <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/RTx/Statistics/OpenStalled/Results.tsv?<%$QueryString%>"><&|/l&>spreadsheet</&></a>
+% Statistics::DebugInit( $m );
+@queues => @Statistics::OpenStalledQueueList
+$AllowSorting => undef
+$Order => undef
+$OrderBy => undef
+$ShowNavigation => 1
+$ShowHeader => 1
+$Rows => 50
+$Page => 1
+$BaseURL => undef
+$AddAllCheck => undef
+ use RTx::Statistics;
+ my $n = 0;
+ my @data;
+ my @msgs;
+ my %totals;
+ my $QueryString;
+ my %queues_to_show;
+ my $maxitems;
+ my $RowFormat;
+ my $BoldRowFormat;
+ my %record;
+ my %values;
+ my $record = \%record;
+ $record{values} = \%values;
+ Statistics::DebugClear();
+ # Handle the Add All Checkbox
+ if($AddAllCheck eq "on") {
+ $AddAllCheck = undef;
+ undef (@queues);
+ my $q=new RT::Queues($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $q->UnLimit;
+ while (my $queue=$q->Next) {
+ next if !$queue->CurrentUserHasRight('SeeQueue');
+ push @queues, $queue->Name;
+ }
+ }
+ # If the user has the right to see the queue, put it into the map
+ for my $q (@queues) {
+ my $Queueobj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $Queueobj->Load($q);
+ next if !$Queueobj->CurrentUserHasRight('SeeQueue');
+ $queues_to_show{$q} = 1;
+ }
+ $maxitems = (scalar @queues) + 2;
+ # Build the new query string
+ $QueryString = "queues=" . join("&queues=", @queues);
+ # Build the format strings
+ $RowFormat = "'__Statistics_Status__'";
+ $BoldRowFormat = "'<B>__Statistics_Status__</B>'";
+ for my $q (@queues) {
+ $RowFormat .= ",'__Statistics_Dynamic__/KEY:$q/TITLE:$q/STYLE:text-align:right;'";
+ $BoldRowFormat .= ",'<B>__Statistics_Dynamic__</B>/KEY:$q/TITLE:$q/STYLE:text-align:right;'";
+ }
+ $RowFormat .= ",'<B>__Statistics_Totals__</B>/STYLE:text-align:right;'";
+ $BoldRowFormat .= ",'<B>__Statistics_Totals__</B>/STYLE:text-align:right;'";
+ # Parse the formats into structures.
+ my (@RowFormat) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $RowFormat);
+ my (@BoldRowFormat) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $BoldRowFormat);
+ my $queue = new RT::Queues($session{CurrentUser});
+ $queue->UnLimit;
+ my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $QueueObj->Load($queue);