path: root/rt/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default b/rt/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fec499b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+%# REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default
+$changes => {}
+$fields => undef
+use MIME::Entity;
+my @comments;
+my ($c, $o, $k, $e) = ("", [], {}, 0);
+my %data = %$changes;
+my $ticket = new RT::Ticket $session{CurrentUser};
+my @dates = qw(Created Starts Started Due Resolved Told);
+my @people = qw(Requestors Cc AdminCc);
+my @create = qw(Queue Requestor Subject Cc AdminCc Owner Status Priority
+ InitialPriority FinalPriority TimeEstimated TimeWorked
+ TimeLeft Starts Started Due Resolved);
+my @simple = qw(Subject Status Priority Disabled TimeEstimated TimeWorked
+ TimeLeft InitialPriority FinalPriority);
+my %dates = map {lc $_ => $_} @dates;
+my %people = map {lc $_ => $_} @people;
+my %create = map {lc $_ => $_} @create;
+my %simple = map {lc $_ => $_} @simple;
+# Are we dealing with an existing ticket?
+if ($id ne 'new') {
+ $ticket->Load($id);
+ if (!$ticket->Id) {
+ return [ "# Ticket $id does not exist.", [], {}, 1 ];
+ }
+ elsif (!$ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') ||
+ (%data && !$ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket')))
+ {
+ my $act = %data ? "modify" : "display";
+ return [ "# You are not allowed to $act ticket $id.", [], {}, 1 ];
+ }
+else {
+ if (%data == 0) {
+ # GET ticket/new: Return a suitable default form.
+ # We get defaults from queue/1 (XXX: What if it isn't there?).
+ my $due = new RT::Date $session{CurrentUser};
+ my $queue = new RT::Queue $session{CurrentUser};
+ my $starts = new RT::Date $session{CurrentUser};
+ $queue->Load(1);
+ $due->SetToNow;
+ $due->AddDays($queue->DefaultDueIn) if $queue->DefaultDueIn;
+ $starts->SetToNow;
+ return [
+ "# Required: Queue, Requestor, Subject",
+ [ qw(id Queue Requestor Subject Cc AdminCc Owner Status Priority
+ InitialPriority FinalPriority TimeEstimated Starts Due Text) ],
+ {
+ id => "ticket/new",
+ Queue => $queue->Name,
+ Requestor => $session{CurrentUser}->Name,
+ Subject => "",
+ Cc => [],
+ AdminCc => [],
+ Owner => "",
+ Status => "new",
+ Priority => $queue->InitialPriority,
+ InitialPriority => $queue->InitialPriority,
+ FinalPriority => $queue->FinalPriority,
+ TimeEstimated => 0,
+ Starts => $starts->ISO,
+ Due => $due->ISO,
+ Text => "",
+ },
+ 0
+ ];
+ }
+ else {
+ # We'll create a new ticket, and fall through to set fields that
+ # can't be set in the call to Create().
+ my (%v, $text);
+ foreach my $k (keys %data) {
+ if (exists $create{lc $k}) {
+ $v{$create{lc $k}} = delete $data{$k};
+ }
+ elsif (lc $k eq 'text') {
+ $text = delete $data{$k};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($text) {
+ $v{MIMEObj} =
+ MIME::Entity->build(
+ From => $session{CurrentUser}->EmailAddress,
+ Subject => $v{Subject},
+ Data => $text
+ );
+ }
+ $ticket->Create(%v);
+ unless ($ticket->Id) {
+ return [ "# Could not create ticket.", [], {}, 1 ];
+ }
+ delete $data{id};
+ $id = $ticket->Id;
+ push(@comments, "# Ticket $id created.");
+ goto DONE if %data == 0;
+ }
+# Now we know we're dealing with an existing ticket.
+if (%data == 0) {
+ my ($time, $key, $val, @data);
+ push @data, [ id => "ticket/".$ticket->Id ];
+ push @data, [ Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->Name ]
+ if (!%$fields || exists $fields->{lc 'Queue'});
+ push @data, [ Owner => $ticket->OwnerObj->Name ]
+ if (!%$fields || exists $fields->{lc 'Owner'});
+ push @data, [ Creator => $ticket->CreatorObj->Name ]
+ if (!%$fields || exists $fields->{lc 'Creator'});
+ foreach (qw(Subject Status Priority InitialPriority FinalPriority)) {
+ next unless (!%$fields || (exists $fields->{lc $_}));
+ push @data, [$_ => $ticket->$_ ];
+ }
+ foreach $key (@people) {
+ next unless (!%$fields || (exists $fields->{lc $key}));
+ push @data, [ $key => [ $ticket->$key->MemberEmailAddresses ] ];
+ }
+ $time = new RT::Date ($session{CurrentUser});
+ foreach $key (@dates) {
+ next unless (!%$fields || (exists $fields->{lc $key}));
+ $time->Set(Format => 'sql', Value => $ticket->$key);
+ push @data, [ $key => $time->AsString ];
+ }
+ $time = new RT::Date ($session{CurrentUser});
+ foreach $key (qw(TimeEstimated TimeWorked TimeLeft)) {
+ next unless (!%$fields || (exists $fields->{lc $key}));
+ $val = $ticket->$key || 0;
+ $val = $time->DurationAsString($val*60) if $val;
+ push @data, [ $key => $val ];
+ }
+ my %k = map {@$_} @data;
+ $o = [ map {$_->[0]} @data ];
+ $k = \%k;
+else {
+ my ($get, $set, $key, $val, $n, $s);
+ foreach $key (keys %data) {
+ $val = $data{$key};
+ $key = lc $key;
+ $n = 1;
+ if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
+ unless ($key =~ /^(?:Requestors|Cc|AdminCc)$/i) {
+ $n = 0;
+ $s = "$key may have only one value.";
+ goto SET;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /^queue$/i) {
+ next if $val eq $ticket->QueueObj->Name;
+ ($n, $s) = $ticket->SetQueue($val);
+ }
+ elsif ($key =~ /^owner$/i) {
+ next if $val eq $ticket->OwnerObj->Name;
+ ($n, $s) = $ticket->SetOwner($val);
+ }
+ elsif (exists $simple{$key}) {
+ $key = $simple{$key};
+ $set = "Set$key";
+ next if $val eq $ticket->$key;
+ ($n, $s) = $ticket->$set($val);
+ }
+ elsif (exists $dates{$key}) {
+ $key = $dates{$key};
+ $set = "Set$key";
+ my $time = new RT::Date $session{CurrentUser};
+ $time->Set(Format => 'sql', Value => $ticket->$key);
+ next if ($val =~ /^not set$/i || $val eq $time->AsString);
+ ($n, $s) = $ticket->$set($val);
+ }
+ elsif (exists $people{$key}) {
+ $key = $people{$key};
+ my ($p, @msgs);
+ my %new = map {$_=>1} @{ vsplit($val) };
+ my %old = map {$_=>1} $ticket->$key->MemberEmailAddresses;
+ my $type = $key eq 'Requestors' ? 'Requestor' : $key;
+ foreach $p (keys %old) {
+ unless (exists $new{$p}) {
+ ($s, $n) = $ticket->DeleteWatcher(Type => $type,
+ Email => $p);
+ push @msgs, [ $s, $n ];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $p (keys %new) {
+ # XXX: This is a stupid test.
+ unless ($p =~ /^[\w.+-]+\@([\w.-]+\.)*\w+.?$/) {
+ $s = 0;
+ $n = "$p is not a valid email address.";
+ push @msgs, [ $s, $n ];
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ($ticket->IsWatcher(Type => $type, Email => $p)) {
+ ($s, $n) = $ticket->AddWatcher(Type => $type,
+ Email => $p);
+ push @msgs, [ $s, $n ];
+ }
+ }
+ $n = 1;
+ if (@msgs = grep {$_->[0] == 0} @msgs) {
+ $n = 0;
+ $s = join "\n", map {"# ".$_->[1]} @msgs;
+ $s =~ s/^# //;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($key ne 'id' && $key ne 'type') {
+ $n = 0;
+ $s = "Unknown field.";
+ }
+ SET:
+ if ($n == 0) {
+ $e = 1;
+ push @comments, "# $key: $s";
+ unless (@$o) {
+ my %o = keys %$changes;
+ delete $o{id};
+ @$o = ("id", keys %o);
+ $k = $changes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@comments, "# Ticket ".$ticket->id." updated.") unless $n == 0;
+$c ||= join("\n", @comments) if @comments;
+return [$c, $o, $k, $e];