path: root/rt/html/Developer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/html/Developer')
2 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/html/Developer/CronTool/autohandler b/rt/html/Developer/CronTool/autohandler
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7daa09e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/html/Developer/CronTool/autohandler
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+%# All theoretical chemistry is really physics;
+%# and all theoretical chemists know it.
+%# -- Richard P. Feynman
+$m->call_next(%ARGS) if $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->HasRight(
+ Right => 'SuperUser',
+ Object => $RT::System,
diff --git a/rt/html/Developer/CronTool/index.html b/rt/html/Developer/CronTool/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67c9e5634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/html/Developer/CronTool/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+% if ($@) {
+<P><FONT Color="red"><% $@ %></FONT></P>
+% }
+% if (!$NoUI) {
+<FORM Action="index.html" Method="POST">
+% foreach my $class (qw( Search Condition Action )) {
+<% loc($class) %>
+<SELECT NAME="<% $class %>">
+% require File::Find;
+% my @modules;
+% File::Find::find(sub {
+% push @modules, $1 if /^(?!Generic|UserDefined)(\w+)\.pm$/i;
+% }, grep -d, map "$_/RT/$class", @INC);
+<OPTION <% $ARGS{$class} ? '' : 'SELECTED' %>></OPTION>
+% foreach my $module (sort @modules) {
+% my $fullname = "RT::$class\::$module";
+ <OPTION VALUE="<% $fullname %>" <% ($fullname eq $ARGS{$class}) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $module %></OPTION>
+% }
+<INPUT NAME="<% $class %>Arg" VALUE="<% $ARGS{$class.'Arg'} %>">
+% }
+<TD COLSPAN="4" ALIGN="Right">
+<INPUT TYPE="CheckBox" NAME="Verbose" <% $Verbose ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>><&|/l&>Verbose</&>
+<INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="<&|/l&>Run</&>">
+% }
+$m->print("<H1>", loc("Web CronTool"), "</H1>");
+if ($Search) {
+ my $load_module = sub {
+ my $modname = $_[0];
+ $modname =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ require "$" or die (
+ loc( "Failed to load module [_1]. ([_2])", $_[0], $@ ) . "\n"
+ );
+ };
+ $m->print(loc("Starting..."), "<UL>");
+ eval {
+ $load_module->($Search);
+ $load_module->($Action) if $Action;
+ $load_module->($Condition) if $Condition;
+ if ($TemplateId and !$TemplateObj) {
+ $TemplateObj = RT::Template->new($RT::Nobody);
+ $TemplateObj->LoadById($TemplateId);
+ }
+ my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ my $search = $Search->new( TicketsObj => $tickets, Argument => $SearchArg );
+ $search->Prepare;
+ my $tickets_found = $search->TicketsObj;
+ #for each ticket we've found
+ while ( my $ticket = $tickets_found->Next ) {
+ $m->print("<LI>" . $ticket->Id . ": ") if $Verbose;
+ $m->print(loc("Checking...")) if $Verbose;
+ # perform some more advanced check
+ if ($Condition) {
+ my $ConditionObj = $Condition->new(
+ TicketObj => $ticket,
+ Argument => $ConditionArg
+ );
+ # if the condition doesn't apply, get out of here
+ next unless ( $ConditionObj->IsApplicable );
+ $m->print(loc("Condition matches...")) if $Verbose;
+ }
+ if ($Action) {
+ #prepare our action
+ my $ActionObj = $Action->new(
+ TicketObj => $ticket,
+ TemplateObj => $TemplateObj,
+ Argument => $ActionArg
+ );
+ #if our preparation, move onto the next ticket
+ next unless ( $ActionObj->Prepare );
+ $m->print(loc("Action prepared...")) if $Verbose;
+ #commit our action.
+ next unless ( $ActionObj->Commit );
+ $m->print(loc("Action committed.")) if $Verbose;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $m->print('</UL>', loc("Finished."));
+$Search => undef
+$SearchArg => undef
+$Condition => undef
+$ConditionArg => undef
+$Action => undef
+$ActionArg => undef
+$TemplateId => undef
+$TemplateObj => undef
+$Verbose => 1
+$NoUI => 0