path: root/rt/etc/upgrade/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/etc/upgrade/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/rt/etc/upgrade/ b/rt/etc/upgrade/
deleted file mode 100755
index bc59c97a1..000000000
--- a/rt/etc/upgrade/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use DBI;
-use DBD::mysql 4.002;
-unless (@ARGV) {
- print STDERR "usage: $0 db_name[:server_name] db_user db_password\n";
- exit 1;
-# pretty correct support of charsets has been introduced in mysql 4.1
-# as RT doesn't use it may result in issues:
-# 1) data corruptions when default charset of mysql server has data restrictions like utf8
-# 2) wrong ordering (collations)
-# we have to define correct types for all columns. RT uses UTF-8, ascii and binary.
-# * ascii is subset of many mysql's charsets except may be one or two rare where some ascii
-# characters replaced with local
-# * for many charsets mysql allows us to store any octets sequences even when those are
-# invalid for this particula set, for example we can store UTF-8 data in latin1
-# column and fetch it as UTF-8, however sorting will be wrong
-# here is tricky algorithm to change column to desired charset:
-# * text to binary convertion is pretty straight forward except that text types
-# have length definitions in terms of characters and in some cases we must
-# use longer binary types to satisfy space requirements
-# * binary to text is much easier as we know that there is ascii or UTF-8 then
-# we just make convertion, also 32 chars are long enough to store 32 bytes, so
-# length changes is not required
-# * text to text convertion is trickier. no matter what is the current character set
-# of the column we know that there is either ascii or UTF-8, so we can not use
-# direct convertion, instead we do text to binary plus binary to text convertion
-# instead
-# * as well we add charset definition for all tables and for the DB as well,
-# so all new columns by default will be in UTF-8 charset
-my @tables = qw(
- Attachments
- Attributes
- CustomFields
- CustomFieldValues
- GroupMembers
- Groups
- Links
- ObjectCustomFields
- ObjectCustomFieldValues
- Principals
- Queues
- ScripActions
- ScripConditions
- Scrips
- sessions
- Templates
- Tickets
- Transactions
- Users
-my %charset = (
- ACL => {
- RightName => 'ascii',
- ObjectType => 'ascii',
- PrincipalType => 'ascii',
- },
- Attachments => {
- MessageId => 'ascii',
- Subject => 'utf8',
- Filename => 'utf8',
- ContentType => 'ascii',
- ContentEncoding => 'ascii',
- Content => 'binary',
- Headers => 'utf8',
- },
- Attributes => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- Content => 'binary',
- ContentType => 'ascii',
- ObjectType => 'ascii',
- },
- CustomFields => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Type => 'ascii',
- Pattern => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- LookupType => 'ascii',
- },
- CustomFieldValues => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- },
- Groups => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- Domain => 'ascii',
- Type => 'ascii',
- },
- Links => {
- Base => 'ascii',
- Target => 'ascii',
- Type => 'ascii',
- },
- ObjectCustomFieldValues => {
- ObjectType => 'ascii',
- Content => 'utf8',
- LargeContent => 'binary',
- ContentType => 'ascii',
- ContentEncoding => 'ascii',
- },
- Principals => {
- PrincipalType => 'ascii',
- },
- Queues => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- CorrespondAddress => 'ascii',
- CommentAddress => 'ascii',
- },
- ScripActions => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- ExecModule => 'ascii',
- Argument => 'binary',
- },
- ScripConditions => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- ExecModule => 'ascii',
- Argument => 'binary',
- ApplicableTransTypes => 'ascii',
- },
- Scrips => {
- Description => 'utf8',
- ConditionRules => 'utf8',
- ActionRules => 'utf8',
- CustomIsApplicableCode => 'utf8',
- CustomPrepareCode => 'utf8',
- CustomCommitCode => 'utf8',
- Stage => 'ascii',
- },
- sessions => {
- id => 'binary', # ascii?
- a_session => 'binary',
- },
- Templates => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Description => 'utf8',
- Type => 'ascii',
- Language => 'ascii',
- Content => 'utf8',
- },
- Tickets => {
- Type => 'ascii',
- Subject => 'utf8',
- Status => 'ascii',
- },
- Transactions => {
- ObjectType => 'ascii',
- Type => 'ascii',
- Field => 'ascii',
- OldValue => 'utf8',
- NewValue => 'utf8',
- ReferenceType => 'ascii',
- Data => 'utf8',
- },
- Users => {
- Name => 'utf8',
- Password => 'binary',
- Comments => 'utf8',
- Signature => 'utf8',
- EmailAddress => 'ascii',
- FreeformContactInfo => 'utf8',
- Organization => 'utf8',
- RealName => 'utf8',
- NickName => 'utf8',
- Lang => 'ascii',
- EmailEncoding => 'ascii',
- WebEncoding => 'ascii',
- ExternalContactInfoId => 'utf8',
- ContactInfoSystem => 'utf8',
- ExternalAuthId => 'utf8',
- AuthSystem => 'utf8',
- Gecos => 'utf8',
- HomePhone => 'utf8',
- WorkPhone => 'utf8',
- MobilePhone => 'utf8',
- PagerPhone => 'utf8',
- Address1 => 'utf8',
- Address2 => 'utf8',
- City => 'utf8',
- State => 'utf8',
- Zip => 'utf8',
- Country => 'utf8',
- Timezone => 'ascii',
- PGPKey => 'binary',
- },
-my %max_type_length = (
- char => int 1<<8,
- varchar => int 1<<8,
- tinytext => int 1<<8,
- mediumtext => int 1<<16,
- text => int 1<<24,
- longtext => int 1<<32,
-my @sql_commands;
-my ($db_datasource, $db_user, $db_pass) = (shift, shift, shift);
-my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db_datasource", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1 });
-my $db_name = $db_datasource;
-$db_name =~ s/:.*$//;
-my $version = ($dbh->selectrow_array("show variables like 'version'"))[1];
-($version) = $version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)/;
-push @sql_commands, qq{ALTER DATABASE $db_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8};
-convert_table($_) foreach @tables;
-print join "\n", map(/;$/? $_ : "$_;", @sql_commands), "";
-my $use_p = $db_pass ? " -p" : '';
--- ** NOTICE: No database changes have been made. **
--- Please review the generated SQL, ensure you have a full backup of your database
--- and apply it to your database using a command like:
--- mysql -u ${db_user}${use_p} $db_name < queries.sql";
-exit 0;
-my %alter_aggregator;
-sub convert_table {
- my $table = shift;
- @alter_aggregator{'char_to_binary','binary_to_char'} = (['DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8'],[]);
- my $sth = $dbh->column_info( undef, $db_name, $table, undef );
- $sth->execute;
- while ( my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
- convert_column(%$info);
- }
- for my $conversiontype (qw(char_to_binary binary_to_char)) {
- next unless @{$alter_aggregator{$conversiontype}};
- push @sql_commands, qq{ALTER TABLE $table\n }.
- join(",\n ",@{$alter_aggregator{$conversiontype}});
- }
-sub convert_column {
- my %info = @_;
- my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
- my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
- my $type = $info{'TYPE_NAME'};
- return unless $type =~ /(CHAR|TEXT|BLOB|BINARY)$/i;
- my $required_charset = $charset{$table}{$column};
- unless ( $required_charset ) {
- print STDERR join(".", @info{'TABLE_SCHEMA', 'TABLE_NAME', 'COLUMN_NAME'})
- ." has type $type however mapping is missing.\n";
- return;
- }
- my $collation = column_info($table, $column)->{'collation'};
- # mysql 4.1 returns literal NULL instead of undef
- my $current_charset = $collation && $collation ne 'NULL'? (split /_/, $collation)[0]: 'binary';
- return if $required_charset eq $current_charset;
- if ( $required_charset eq 'binary' ) {
- char_to_binary(%info);
- }
- elsif ( $current_charset eq 'binary' ) {
- binary_to_char( $required_charset, %info);
- } else {
- char_to_char( $required_charset, %info);
- }
-sub char_to_binary {
- my %info = @_;
- my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
- my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
- my $new_type = calc_suitable_binary_type(%info);
- push @{$alter_aggregator{char_to_binary}},
- "MODIFY $column $new_type ".build_column_definition(%info);
-sub binary_to_char {
- my ($charset, %info) = @_;
- my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
- my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
- my $new_type = lc $info{'TYPE_NAME'};
- if ( $new_type =~ /binary/ ) {
- $new_type =~ s/binary/char/;
- $new_type .= '('. $info{'COLUMN_SIZE'} .')';
- } else {
- $new_type =~ s/blob/text/;
- }
- push @{$alter_aggregator{binary_to_char}},
- "MODIFY $column ". uc($new_type) ." CHARACTER SET ". $charset
- ." ". build_column_definition(%info);
-sub char_to_char {
- my ($charset, %info) = @_;
- my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
- my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
- my $new_type = $info{'mysql_type_name'};
- char_to_binary(%info);
- push @{$alter_aggregator{binary_to_char}},
- "MODIFY $column ". uc($new_type)." CHARACTER SET ". $charset
- ." ". build_column_definition(%info);
-sub calc_suitable_binary_type {
- my %info = @_;
- my $type = lc $info{'TYPE_NAME'};
- return 'LONGBLOB' if $type eq 'longtext';
- my $current_max_byte_length = column_byte_length(@info{qw(TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME)}) || 0;
- if ( $max_type_length{ $type } > $current_max_byte_length ) {
- if ( $type eq 'varchar' || $type eq 'char' ) {
- my $new_type = $type;
- $new_type =~ s/char/binary/;
- $new_type .= $info{'COLUMN_SIZE'} >= $current_max_byte_length
- ? '('. $info{'COLUMN_SIZE'} .')'
- : '('. $current_max_byte_length .')';
- return uc $new_type;
- } else {
- my $new_type = $type;
- $new_type =~ s/text/blob/;
- return uc $new_type;
- }
- } else {
- my $new_type;
- foreach ( sort { $max_type_length{$a} <=> $max_type_length{$b} } keys %max_type_length ) {
- next if $max_type_length{ $_ } <= $current_max_byte_length;
- $new_type = $_; last;
- }
- $new_type =~ s/text/blob/;
- return uc $new_type;
- }
-sub build_column_definition {
- my %info = @_;
- my $res = '';
- $res .= 'NOT ' unless $info{'NULLABLE'};
- $res .= 'NULL';
- my $default = column_info(@info{qw(TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME)})->{default};
- if ( defined $default ) {
- $res .= ' DEFAULT '. $dbh->quote($default);
- } elsif ( $info{'NULLABLE'} ) {
- $res .= ' DEFAULT NULL';
- }
- $res .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT' if $info{'mysql_is_auto_increment'};
- return $res;
-sub column_byte_length {
- my ($table, $column) = @_;
- if ( $version >= 5.0 ) {
- my ($char, $octet) = @{ $dbh->selectrow_arrayref(
- ." TABLE_SCHEMA = ". $dbh->quote($db_name)
- ." AND TABLE_NAME = ". $dbh->quote($table)
- ." AND COLUMN_NAME = ". $dbh->quote($column)
- ) };
- return $octet if $octet == $char;
- }
- return $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT MAX(LENGTH(". $dbh->quote_identifier($column) .")) FROM $table")->[0];
-sub column_info {
- my ($table, $column) = @_;
- # XXX: DBD::mysql doesn't provide this info, may be will do in 4.0007 if I'll write a patch
- local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
- return $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE " . $dbh->quote($column));