path: root/install/5.005/DBIx-DBSchema-0.23-5.005kludge/DBSchema/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/5.005/DBIx-DBSchema-0.23-5.005kludge/DBSchema/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBIx-DBSchema-0.23-5.005kludge/DBSchema/ b/install/5.005/DBIx-DBSchema-0.23-5.005kludge/DBSchema/
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--- a/install/5.005/DBIx-DBSchema-0.23-5.005kludge/DBSchema/
+++ /dev/null
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-package DBIx::DBSchema::Column;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-#use Carp;
-#use Exporter;
-#@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@ISA = qw();
-$VERSION = '0.02';
-=head1 NAME
-DBIx::DBSchema::Column - Column objects
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use DBIx::DBSchema::Column;
- #named params with a hashref (preferred)
- $column = new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( {
- 'name' => 'column_name',
- 'type' => 'varchar'
- 'null' => 'NOT NULL',
- 'length' => 64,
- 'default' => '
- 'local' => '',
- } );
- #list
- $column = new DBIx::DBSchema::Column ( $name, $sql_type, $nullability, $length, $default, $local );
- $name = $column->name;
- $column->name( 'name' );
- $sql_type = $column->type;
- $column->type( 'sql_type' );
- $null = $column->null;
- $column->null( 'NULL' );
- $column->null( 'NOT NULL' );
- $column->null( '' );
- $length = $column->length;
- $column->length( '10' );
- $column->length( '8,2' );
- $default = $column->default;
- $column->default( 'Roo' );
- $sql_line = $column->line;
- $sql_line = $column->line($datasrc);
-DBIx::DBSchema::Column objects represent columns in tables (see
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item new HASHREF
-=item new [ name [ , type [ , null [ , length [ , default [ , local ] ] ] ] ] ]
-Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema::Column object. Takes a hashref of named
-parameters, or a list. B<name> is the name of the column. B<type> is the SQL
-data type. B<null> is the nullability of the column (intrepreted using Perl's
-rules for truth, with one exception: `NOT NULL' is false). B<length> is the
-SQL length of the column. B<default> is the default value of the column.
-B<local> is reserved for database-specific information.
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self;
- if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
- $self = shift;
- } else {
- $self = { map { $_ => shift } qw(name type null length default local) };
- }
- #croak "Illegal name: ". $self->{'name'}
- # if grep $self->{'name'} eq $_, @reserved_words;
- $self->{'null'} =~ s/^NOT NULL$//i;
- $self->{'null'} = 'NULL' if $self->{'null'};
- bless ($self, $class);
-=item name [ NAME ]
-Returns or sets the column name.
-sub name {
- my($self,$value)=@_;
- if ( defined($value) ) {
- #croak "Illegal name: $name" if grep $name eq $_, @reserved_words;
- $self->{'name'} = $value;
- } else {
- $self->{'name'};
- }
-=item type [ TYPE ]
-Returns or sets the column type.
-sub type {
- my($self,$value)=@_;
- if ( defined($value) ) {
- $self->{'type'} = $value;
- } else {
- $self->{'type'};
- }
-=item null [ NULL ]
-Returns or sets the column null flag (the empty string is equivalent to
-sub null {
- my($self,$value)=@_;
- if ( defined($value) ) {
- $value =~ s/^NOT NULL$//i;
- $value = 'NULL' if $value;
- $self->{'null'} = $value;
- } else {
- $self->{'null'};
- }
-=item length [ LENGTH ]
-Returns or sets the column length.
-sub length {
- my($self,$value)=@_;
- if ( defined($value) ) {
- $self->{'length'} = $value;
- } else {
- $self->{'length'};
- }
-=item default [ LOCAL ]
-Returns or sets the default value.
-sub default {
- my($self,$value)=@_;
- if ( defined($value) ) {
- $self->{'default'} = $value;
- } else {
- $self->{'default'};
- }
-=item local [ LOCAL ]
-Returns or sets the database-specific field.
-sub local {
- my($self,$value)=@_;
- if ( defined($value) ) {
- $self->{'local'} = $value;
- } else {
- $self->{'local'};
- }
-Returns an SQL column definition.
-The data source can be specified by passing an open DBI database handle, or by
-passing the DBI data source name, username and password.
-Although the username and password are optional, it is best to call this method
-with a database handle or data source including a valid username and password -
-a DBI connection will be opened and the quoting and type mapping will be more
-If passed a DBI data source (or handle) such as `DBI:mysql:database' or
-`DBI:Pg:dbname=database', will use syntax specific to that database engine.
-Currently supported databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL. Non-standard syntax
-for other engines (if applicable) may also be supported in the future.
-sub line {
- my($self,$dbh) = (shift, shift);
- my $created_dbh = 0;
- unless ( ref($dbh) || ! @_ ) {
- $dbh = DBI->connect( $dbh, @_ ) or die $DBI::errstr;
- my $gratuitous = $DBI::errstr; #surpress superfluous `used only once' error
- $created_dbh = 1;
- }
- my $driver = DBIx::DBSchema::_load_driver($dbh);
- my %typemap;
- %typemap = eval "\%DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::${driver}::typemap" if $driver;
- my $type = defined( $typemap{uc($self->type)} )
- ? $typemap{uc($self->type)}
- : $self->type;
- my $null = $self->null;
- my $default;
- if ( defined($self->default) && $self->default ne ''
- && ref($dbh)
- # false laziness: nicked from FS::Record::_quote
- && ( $self->default !~ /^\-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/
- || $type =~ /(char|binary|blob|text)$/i
- )
- ) {
- $default = $dbh->quote($self->default);
- } else {
- $default = $self->default;
- }
- #this should be a callback into the driver
- if ( $driver eq 'mysql' ) { #yucky mysql hack
- $null ||= "NOT NULL";
- $self->local('AUTO_INCREMENT') if uc($self->type) eq 'SERIAL';
- } elsif ( $driver eq 'Pg' ) { #yucky Pg hack
- $null ||= "NOT NULL";
- $null =~ s/^NULL$//;
- }
- my $r = join(' ',
- $self->name,
- $type. ( ( defined($self->length) && $self->length )
- ? '('.$self->length.')'
- : ''
- ),
- $null,
- ( ( defined($default) && $default ne '' )
- ? 'DEFAULT '. $default
- : ''
- ),
- ( ( $driver eq 'mysql' && defined($self->local) )
- ? $self->local
- : ''
- ),
- );
- $dbh->disconnect if $created_dbh;
- $r;
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Ivan Kohler <>
-Copyright (c) 2000 Ivan Kohler
-Copyright (c) 2000 Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC
-All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 BUGS
-line() has database-specific foo that probably ought to be abstracted into
-the DBIx::DBSchema:DBD:: modules.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<DBIx::DBSchema::Table>, L<DBIx::DBSchema>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::DBD>, L<DBI>