path: root/install/5.005/DBIx-DBSchema-0.23-5.005kludge/
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-package DBIx::DBSchema;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-#use Exporter;
-use Carp qw(confess);
-use DBI;
-use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw cmpStr);
-use DBIx::DBSchema::Table;
-use DBIx::DBSchema::Column;
-use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique;
-use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index;
-#@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@ISA = ();
-$VERSION = "0.23";
-=head1 NAME
-DBIx::DBSchema - Database-independent schema objects
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use DBIx::DBSchema;
- $schema = new DBIx::DBSchema @dbix_dbschema_table_objects;
- $schema = new_odbc DBIx::DBSchema $dbh;
- $schema = new_odbc DBIx::DBSchema $dsn, $user, $pass;
- $schema = new_native DBIx::DBSchema $dbh;
- $schema = new_native DBIx::DBSchema $dsn, $user, $pass;
- $schema->save("filename");
- $schema = load DBIx::DBSchema "filename";
- $schema->addtable($dbix_dbschema_table_object);
- @table_names = $schema->tables;
- $DBIx_DBSchema_table_object = $schema->table("table_name");
- @sql = $schema->sql($dbh);
- @sql = $schema->sql($dsn, $username, $password);
- @sql = $schema->sql($dsn); #doesn't connect to database - less reliable
- $perl_code = $schema->pretty_print;
- %hash = eval $perl_code;
- use DBI qw(:sql_types); $schema = pretty_read DBIx::DBSchema \%hash;
-DBIx::DBSchema objects are collections of DBIx::DBSchema::Table objects and
-represent a database schema.
-This module implements an OO-interface to database schemas. Using this module,
-you can create a database schema with an OO Perl interface. You can read the
-schema from an existing database. You can save the schema to disk and restore
-it a different process. Most importantly, DBIx::DBSchema can write SQL
-CREATE statements statements for different databases from a single source.
-Currently supported databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL. Sybase support is
-partially implemented. DBIx::DBSchema will attempt to use generic SQL syntax
-for other databases. Assistance adding support for other databases is
-welcomed. See L<DBIx::DBSchema::DBD>, "Driver Writer's Guide and Base Class".
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema object.
-sub new {
- my($proto, @tables) = @_;
- my %tables = map { $_->name, $_ } @tables; #check for duplicates?
- my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my $self = {
- 'tables' => \%tables,
- };
- bless ($self, $class);
-Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema object from an existing data source, which can be
-specified by passing an open DBI database handle, or by passing the DBI data
-source name, username, and password. This uses the experimental DBI type_info
-method to create a schema with standard (ODBC) SQL column types that most
-closely correspond to any non-portable column types. Use this to import a
-schema that you wish to use with many different database engines. Although
-primary key and (unique) index information will only be read from databases
-with DBIx::DBSchema::DBD drivers (currently MySQL and PostgreSQL), import of
-column names and attributes *should* work for any database. Note that this
-method only uses "ODBC" column types; it does not require or use an ODBC
-sub new_odbc {
- my($proto, $dbh) = (shift, shift);
- $dbh = DBI->connect( $dbh, @_ ) or die $DBI::errstr unless ref($dbh);
- $proto->new(
- map { new_odbc DBIx::DBSchema::Table $dbh, $_ } _tables_from_dbh($dbh)
- );
-Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema object from an existing data source, which can be
-specified by passing an open DBI database handle, or by passing the DBI data
-source name, username and password. This uses database-native methods to read
-the schema, and will preserve any non-portable column types. The method is
-only available if there is a DBIx::DBSchema::DBD for the corresponding database engine (currently, MySQL and PostgreSQL).
-sub new_native {
- my($proto, $dbh) = (shift, shift);
- $dbh = DBI->connect( $dbh, @_ ) or die $DBI::errstr unless ref($dbh);
- $proto->new(
- map { new_native DBIx::DBSchema::Table ( $dbh, $_ ) } _tables_from_dbh($dbh)
- );
-=item load FILENAME
-Loads a DBIx::DBSchema object from a file.
-sub load {
- my($proto,$file)=@_; #use $proto ?
- open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Can't open $file: $!";
- my($string)=join('',<FILE>); #can $string have newlines? pry not?
- close FILE or die "Can't close $file: $!";
- my($self)=thaw $string;
- #no bless needed?
- $self;
-=item save FILENAME
-Saves a DBIx::DBSchema object to a file.
-sub save {
- my($self,$file)=@_;
- my($string)=freeze $self;
- open(FILE,">$file") or die "Can't open $file: $!";
- print FILE $string;
- close FILE or die "Can't close file: $!";
- my($check_self)=thaw $string;
- die "Verify error: Can't freeze and thaw dbdef $self"
- if (cmpStr($self,$check_self));
-=item addtable TABLE_OBJECT
-Adds the given DBIx::DBSchema::Table object to this DBIx::DBSchema.
-sub addtable {
- my($self,$table)=@_;
- $self->{'tables'}->{$table->name} = $table; #check for dupliates?
-=item tables
-Returns a list of the names of all tables.
-sub tables {
- my($self)=@_;
- keys %{$self->{'tables'}};
-=item table TABLENAME
-Returns the specified DBIx::DBSchema::Table object.
-sub table {
- my($self,$table)=@_;
- $self->{'tables'}->{$table};
-Returns a list of SQL `CREATE' statements for this schema.
-The data source can be specified by passing an open DBI database handle, or by
-passing the DBI data source name, username and password.
-Although the username and password are optional, it is best to call this method
-with a database handle or data source including a valid username and password -
-a DBI connection will be opened and the quoting and type mapping will be more
-If passed a DBI data source (or handle) such as `DBI:mysql:database' or
-`DBI:Pg:dbname=database', will use syntax specific to that database engine.
-Currently supported databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL.
-If not passed a data source (or handle), or if there is no driver for the
-specified database, will attempt to use generic SQL syntax.
-sub sql {
- my($self, $dbh) = (shift, shift);
- my $created_dbh = 0;
- unless ( ref($dbh) || ! @_ ) {
- $dbh = DBI->connect( $dbh, @_ ) or die $DBI::errstr;
- $created_dbh = 1;
- }
- my @r = map { $self->table($_)->sql_create_table($dbh); } $self->tables;
- $dbh->disconnect if $created_dbh;
- @r;
-=item pretty_print
-Returns the data in this schema as Perl source, suitable for assigning to a
-sub pretty_print {
- my($self) = @_;
- join("},\n\n",
- map {
- my $table = $_;
- "'$table' => {\n".
- " 'columns' => [\n".
- join("", map {
- #cant because -w complains about , in qw()
- # (also biiiig problems with empty lengths)
- #" qw( $_ ".
- #$self->table($table)->column($_)->type. " ".
- #( $self->table($table)->column($_)->null ? 'NULL' : 0 ). " ".
- #$self->table($table)->column($_)->length. " ),\n"
- " '$_', ".
- "'". $self->table($table)->column($_)->type. "', ".
- "'". $self->table($table)->column($_)->null. "', ".
- "'". $self->table($table)->column($_)->length. "', ".
- "'". $self->table($table)->column($_)->default. "', ".
- "'". $self->table($table)->column($_)->local. "',\n"
- } $self->table($table)->columns
- ).
- " ],\n".
- " 'primary_key' => '". $self->table($table)->primary_key. "',\n".
- " 'unique' => [ ". join(', ',
- map { "[ '". join("', '", @{$_}). "' ]" }
- @{$self->table($table)->unique->lol_ref}
- ). " ],\n".
- " 'index' => [ ". join(', ',
- map { "[ '". join("', '", @{$_}). "' ]" }
- @{$self->table($table)->index->lol_ref}
- ). " ],\n"
- #" 'index' => [ ". " ],\n"
- } $self->tables
- ), "}\n";
-=item pretty_read HASHREF
-Creates a schema as specified by a data structure such as that created by
-B<pretty_print> method.
-sub pretty_read {
- my($proto, $href) = @_;
- my $schema = $proto->new( map {
- my(@columns);
- while ( @{$href->{$_}{'columns'}} ) {
- push @columns, DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new(
- splice @{$href->{$_}{'columns'}}, 0, 6
- );
- }
- DBIx::DBSchema::Table->new(
- $_,
- $href->{$_}{'primary_key'},
- DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique->new($href->{$_}{'unique'}),
- DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index->new($href->{$_}{'index'}),
- @columns,
- );
- } (keys %{$href}) );
-# private subroutines
-sub _load_driver {
- my($dbh) = @_;
- my $driver;
- if ( ref($dbh) ) {
- $driver = $dbh->{Driver}->{Name};
- } else {
- $dbh =~ s/^dbi:(\w*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?://i #nicked from DBI->connect
- or '' =~ /()/; # ensure $1 etc are empty if match fails
- $driver = $1 or confess "can't parse data source: $dbh";
- }
- #require "DBIx/DBSchema/DBD/$";
- #$driver;
- eval 'require "DBIx/DBSchema/DBD/$"' and $driver or die $@;
-sub _tables_from_dbh {
- my($dbh) = @_;
- my $sth = $dbh->table_info or die $dbh->errstr;
- #map { $_->{TABLE_NAME} } grep { $_->{TABLE_TYPE} eq 'TABLE' }
- # @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref({ TABLE_NAME=>1, TABLE_TYPE=>1}) };
- map { $_->[0] } grep { $_->[1] =~ /^TABLE$/i }
- @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref([2,3]) };
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Ivan Kohler <>
-Charles Shapiro <> and Mitchell Friedman
-<> contributed the start of a Sybase driver.
-Copyright (c) 2000 Ivan Kohler
-Copyright (c) 2000 Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC
-All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 BUGS
-Each DBIx::DBSchema object should have a name which corresponds to its name
-within the SQL database engine (DBI data source).
-pretty_print is actually pretty ugly.
-Perhaps pretty_read should eval column types so that we can use DBI
-qw(:sql_types) here instead of externally.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<DBIx::DBSchema::Table>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup>,
-L<DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index>,
-L<DBIx::DBSchema::Column>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::DBD>,
-L<DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::mysql>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::Pg>, L<FS::Record>,