path: root/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib
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diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/
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-package App::Info;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:28 ivan Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info - Information about software packages on a system
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use App::Info::Category::FooApp;
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new;
- if ($app->installed) {
- print "App name: ", $app->name, "\n";
- print "Version: ", $app->version, "\n";
- print "Bin dir: ", $app->bin_dir, "\n";
- } else {
- print "App not installed on your system. :-(\n";
- }
-App::Info is an abstract base class designed to provide a generalized
-interface for subclasses that provide metadata about software packages
-installed on a system. The idea is that these classes can be used in Perl
-application installers in order to determine whether software dependencies
-have been fulfilled, and to get necessary metadata about those software
-App::Info provides an event model for handling events triggered by App::Info
-subclasses. The events are classified as "info", "error", "unknown", and
-"confirm" events, and multiple handlers may be specified to handle any or all
-of these event types. This allows App::Info clients to flexibly handle events
-in any way they deem necessary. Implementing new event handlers is
-straight-forward, and use the triggering of events by App::Info subclasses is
-likewise kept easy-to-use.
-A few L<sample subclasses|"SEE ALSO"> are provided with the distribution, but
-others are invited to write their own subclasses and contribute them to the
-CPAN. Contributors are welcome to extend their subclasses to provide more
-information relevant to the application for which data is to be provided (see
-L<App::Info::HTTPD::Apache|App::Info::HTTPD::Apache> for an example), but are
-encouraged to, at a minimum, implement the abstract methods defined here and
-in the category abstract base classes (e.g.,
-L<App::Info::HTTPD|App::Info::HTTPD> and L<App::Info::Lib|App::Info::Lib>).
-See L<Subclassing|"SUBCLASSING"> for more information on implementing new
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-use App::Info::Handler;
-use App::Info::Request;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '0.23';
-# This code ref is used by the abstract methods to throw an exception when
-# they're called directly.
-my $croak = sub {
- my ($caller, $meth) = @_;
- $caller = ref $caller || $caller;
- if ($caller eq __PACKAGE__) {
- $meth = __PACKAGE__ . '::' . $meth;
- Carp::croak(__PACKAGE__ . " is an abstract base class. Attempt to " .
- " call non-existent method $meth");
- } else {
- Carp::croak("Class $caller inherited from the abstract base class " .
- __PACKAGE__ . ", but failed to redefine the $meth() " .
- "method. Attempt to call non-existent method " .
- "${caller}::$meth");
- }
-# This code reference is used by new() and the on_* error handler methods to
-# set the error handlers.
-my $set_handlers = sub {
- my $on_key = shift;
- # Default is to do nothing.
- return [] unless $on_key;
- my $ref = ref $on_key;
- if ($ref) {
- $on_key = [$on_key] unless $ref eq 'ARRAY';
- # Make sure they're all handlers.
- foreach my $h (@$on_key) {
- if (my $r = ref $h) {
- Carp::croak("$r object is not an App::Info::Handler")
- unless UNIVERSAL::isa($h, 'App::Info::Handler');
- } else {
- # Look up the handler.
- $h = App::Info::Handler->new( key => $h);
- }
- }
- # Return 'em!
- return $on_key;
- } else {
- # Look up the handler.
- return [ App::Info::Handler->new( key => $on_key) ];
- }
-This section documents the public interface of App::Info.
-=head2 Constructor
-=head3 new
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new(@params);
-Constructs an App::Info object and returns it. The @params arguments define
-how the App::Info object will respond to certain events, and correspond to
-their like-named methods. See the L<"Event Handler Object Methods"> section
-for more information on App::Info events and how to handle them. The
-parameters to C<new()> for the different types of App::Info events are:
-=over 4
-=item on_info
-=item on_error
-=item on_unknown
-=item on_confirm
-When passing event handlers to C<new()>, the list of handlers for each type
-should be an anonymous array, for example:
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_info => \@handlers );
-sub new {
- my ($pkg, %p) = @_;
- my $class = ref $pkg || $pkg;
- # Fail if the method isn't overridden.
- $croak->($pkg, 'new') if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
- # Set up handlers.
- for (qw(on_error on_unknown on_info on_confirm)) {
- $p{$_} = $set_handlers->($p{$_});
- }
- # Do it!
- return bless \%p, $class;
-=head2 Metadata Object Methods
-These are abstract methods in App::Info and must be provided by its
-subclasses. They provide the essential metadata of the software package
-supported by the App::Info subclass.
-=head3 key_name
- my $key_name = $app->key_name;
-Returns a string that uniquely identifies the software for which the App::Info
-subclass provides data. This value should be unique across all App::Info
-classes. Typically, it's simply the name of the software.
-sub key_name { $croak->(shift, 'key_name') }
-=head3 installed
- if ($app->installed) {
- print "App is installed.\n"
- } else {
- print "App is not installed.\n"
- }
-Returns a true value if the application is installed, and a false value if it
-is not.
-sub installed { $croak->(shift, 'installed') }
-=head3 name
- my $name = $app->name;
-Returns the name of the application.
-sub name { $croak->(shift, 'name') }
-=head3 version
- my $version = $app->version;
-Returns the full version number of the application.
-sub version { $croak->(shift, 'version') }
-=head3 major_version
- my $major_version = $app->major_version;
-Returns the major version number of the application. For example, if
-C<version()> returns "7.1.2", then this method returns "7".
-sub major_version { $croak->(shift, 'major_version') }
-=head3 minor_version
- my $minor_version = $app->minor_version;
-Returns the minor version number of the application. For example, if
-C<version()> returns "7.1.2", then this method returns "1".
-sub minor_version { $croak->(shift, 'minor_version') }
-=head3 patch_version
- my $patch_version = $app->patch_version;
-Returns the patch version number of the application. For example, if
-C<version()> returns "7.1.2", then this method returns "2".
-sub patch_version { $croak->(shift, 'patch_version') }
-=head3 bin_dir
- my $bin_dir = $app->bin_dir;
-Returns the full path the application's bin directory, if it exists.
-sub bin_dir { $croak->(shift, 'bin_dir') }
-=head3 inc_dir
- my $inc_dir = $app->inc_dir;
-Returns the full path the application's include directory, if it exists.
-sub inc_dir { $croak->(shift, 'inc_dir') }
-=head3 lib_dir
- my $lib_dir = $app->lib_dir;
-Returns the full path the application's lib directory, if it exists.
-sub lib_dir { $croak->(shift, 'lib_dir') }
-=head3 so_lib_dir
- my $so_lib_dir = $app->so_lib_dir;
-Returns the full path the application's shared library directory, if it
-sub so_lib_dir { $croak->(shift, 'so_lib_dir') }
-=head3 home_url
- my $home_url = $app->home_url;
-The URL for the software's home page.
-sub home_url { $croak->(shift, 'home_url') }
-=head3 download_url
- my $download_url = $app->download_url;
-The URL for the software's download page.
-sub download_url { $croak->(shift, 'download_url') }
-=head2 Event Handler Object Methods
-These methods provide control over App::Info event handling. Events can be
-handled by one or more objects of subclasses of App::Info::Handler. The first
-to return a true value will be the last to execute. This approach allows
-handlers to be stacked, and makes it relatively easy to create new handlers.
-L<App::Info::Handler|App::Info::Handler> for information on writing event
-Each of the event handler methods takes a list of event handlers as its
-arguments. If none are passed, the existing list of handlers for the relevant
-event type will be returned. If new handlers are passed in, they will be
-The event handlers may be specified as one or more objects of the
-App::Info::Handler class or subclasses, as one or more strings that tell
-App::Info construct such handlers itself, or a combination of the two. The
-strings can only be used if the relevant App::Info::Handler subclasses have
-registered strings with App::Info. For example, the App::Info::Handler::Print
-class included in the App::Info distribution registers the strings "stderr"
-and "stdout" when it starts up. These strings may then be used to tell
-App::Info to construct App::Info::Handler::Print objects that print to STDERR
-or to STDOUT, respectively. See the App::Info::Handler subclasses for what
-strings they register with App::Info.
-=head3 on_info
- my @handlers = $app->on_info;
- $app->on_info(@handlers);
-Info events are triggered when the App::Info subclass wants to send an
-informational status message. By default, these events are ignored, but a
-common need is for such messages to simply print to STDOUT. Use the
-L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print> class included with the
-App::Info distribution to have info messages print to STDOUT:
- use App::Info::Handler::Print;
- $app->on_info('stdout');
- # Or:
- my $stdout_handler = App::Info::Handler::Print->new('stdout');
- $app->on_info($stdout_handler);
-sub on_info {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{on_info} = $set_handlers->(\@_) if @_;
- return @{ $self->{on_info} };
-=head3 on_error
- my @handlers = $app->on_error;
- $app->on_error(@handlers);
-Error events are triggered when the App::Info subclass runs into an unexpected
-but not fatal problem. (Note that fatal problems will likely throw an
-exception.) By default, these events are ignored. A common way of handling
-these events is to print them to STDERR, once again using the
-L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print> class included with the
-App::Info distribution:
- use App::Info::Handler::Print;
- my $app->on_error('stderr');
- # Or:
- my $stderr_handler = App::Info::Handler::Print->new('stderr');
- $app->on_error($stderr_handler);
-Another approach might be to turn such events into fatal exceptions. Use the
-included L<App::Info::Handler::Carp|App::Info::Handler::Carp> class for this
- use App::Info::Handler::Carp;
- my $app->on_error('croak');
- # Or:
- my $croaker = App::Info::Handler::Carp->new('croak');
- $app->on_error($croaker);
-sub on_error {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{on_error} = $set_handlers->(\@_) if @_;
- return @{ $self->{on_error} };
-=head3 on_unknown
- my @handlers = $app->on_unknown;
- $app->on_uknown(@handlers);
-Unknown events are trigged when the App::Info subclass cannot find the value
-to be returned by a method call. By default, these events are ignored. A
-common way of handling them is to have the application prompt the user for the
-relevant data. The App::Info::Handler::Prompt class included with the
-App::Info distribution can do just that:
- use App::Info::Handler::Prompt;
- my $app->on_unknown('prompt');
- # Or:
- my $prompter = App::Info::Handler::Prompt;
- $app->on_unknown($prompter);
-See L<App::Info::Handler::Prompt|App::Info::Handler::Prompt> for information
-on how it works.
-sub on_unknown {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{on_unknown} = $set_handlers->(\@_) if @_;
- return @{ $self->{on_unknown} };
-=head3 on_confirm
- my @handlers = $app->on_confirm;
- $app->on_confirm(@handlers);
-Confirm events are triggered when the App::Info subclass has found an
-important piece of information (such as the location of the executable it'll
-use to collect information for the rest of its methods) and wants to confirm
-that the information is correct. These events will most often be triggered
-during the App::Info subclass object construction. Here, too, the
-App::Info::Handler::Prompt class included with the App::Info distribution can
-help out:
- use App::Info::Handler::Prompt;
- my $app->on_confirm('prompt');
- # Or:
- my $prompter = App::Info::Handler::Prompt;
- $app->on_confirm($prompter);
-sub on_confirm {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{on_confirm} = $set_handlers->(\@_) if @_;
- return @{ $self->{on_confirm} };
-As an abstract base class, App::Info is not intended to be used directly.
-Instead, you'll use concrete subclasses that implement the interface it
-defines. These subclasses each provide the metadata necessary for a given
-software package, via the interface outlined above (plus any additional
-methods the class author deems sensible for a given application).
-This section describes the facilities App::Info provides for subclassing. The
-goal of the App::Info design has been to make subclassing straight-forward, so
-that developers can focus on gathering the data they need for their
-application and minimize the work necessary to handle unknown values or to
-confirm values. As a result, there are essentially three concepts that
-developers need to understand when subclassing App::Info: organization,
-utility methods, and events.
-=head2 Organization
-The organizational idea behind App::Info is to name subclasses by broad
-software categories. This approach allows the categories themselves to
-function as abstract base classes that extend App::Info, so that they can
-specify more methods for all of their base classes to implement. For example,
-App::Info::HTTPD has specified the C<httpd_root()> abstract method that its
-subclasses must implement. So as you get ready to implement your own subclass,
-think about what category of software you're gathering information about.
-New categories can be added as necessary.
-=head2 Utility Methods
-Once you've decided on the proper category, you can start implementing your
-App::Info concrete subclass. As you do so, take advantage of App::Info::Util,
-wherein I've tried to encapsulate common functionality to make subclassing
-easier. I found that most of what I was doing repetitively was looking for
-files and directories, and searching through files. Thus, App::Info::Util
-subclasses L<File::Spec|File::Spec> in order to offer easy access to
-commonly-used methods from that class, e.g., C<path()>. Plus, it has several
-of its own methods to assist you in finding files and directories in lists of
-files and directories, as well as methods for searching through files and
-returning the values found in those files. See
-L<App::Info::Util|App::Info::Util> for more information, and the App::Info
-subclasses in this distribution for usage examples.
-I recommend the use of a package-scoped lexical App::Info::Util object. That
-way it's nice and handy when you need to carry out common tasks. If you find
-you're doing something over and over that's not already addressed by an
-App::Info::Util method, consider submitting a patch to App::Info::Util to add
-the functionality you need.
-=head2 Events
-Use the methods described below to trigger events. Events are designed to
-provide a simple way for App::Info subclass developers to send status messages
-and errors, to confirm data values, and to request a value when the class
-caonnot determine a value itself. Events may optionally be handled by module
-users who assign App::Info::Handler subclass objects to your App::Info
-subclass object using the event handling methods described in the L<"Event
-Handler Object Methods"> section.
-# This code reference is used by the event methods to manage the stack of
-# event handlers that may be available to handle each of the events.
-my $handler = sub {
- my ($self, $meth, $params) = @_;
- # Sanity check. We really want to keep control over this.
- Carp::croak("Cannot call protected method $meth()")
- unless UNIVERSAL::isa($self, scalar caller(1));
- # Create the request object.
- $params->{type} ||= $meth;
- my $req = App::Info::Request->new(%$params);
- # Do the deed. The ultimate handling handler may die.
- foreach my $eh (@{$self->{"on_$meth"}}) {
- last if $eh->handler($req);
- }
- # Return the requst.
- return $req;
-=head3 info
- $self->info(@message);
-Use this method to display status messages for the user. You may wish to use
-it to inform users that you're searching for a particular file, or attempting
-to parse a file or some other resource for the data you need. For example, a
-common use might be in the object constructor: generally, when an App::Info
-object is created, some important initial piece of information is being
-sought, such as an executable file. That file may be in one of many locations,
-so it makes sense to let the user know that you're looking for it:
- $self->info("Searching for executable");
-Note that, due to the nature of App::Info event handlers, your informational
-message may be used or displayed any number of ways, or indeed not at all (as
-is the default behavior).
-The C<@message> will be joined into a single string and stored in the
-C<message> attribute of the App::Info::Request object passed to info event
-sub info {
- my $self = shift;
- # Execute the handler sequence.
- my $req = $handler->($self, 'info', { message => join '', @_ });
-=head3 error
- $self->error(@error);
-Use this method to inform the user that something unexpected has happened. An
-example might be when you invoke another program to parse its output, but it's
-output isn't what you expected:
- $self->error("Unable to parse version from `/bin/myapp -c`");
-As with all events, keep in mind that error events may be handled in any
-number of ways, or not at all.
-The C<@erorr> will be joined into a single string and stored in the C<message>
-attribute of the App::Info::Request object passed to error event handlers. If
-that seems confusing, think of it as an "error message" rather than an "error
-error." :-)
-sub error {
- my $self = shift;
- # Execute the handler sequence.
- my $req = $handler->($self, 'error', { message => join '', @_ });
-=head3 unknown
- my $val = $self->unknown(@params);
-Use this method when a value is unknown. This will give the user the option --
-assuming the appropriate handler handles the event -- to provide the needed
-data. The value entered will be returned by C<unknown()>. The parameters are
-as follows:
-=over 4
-=item key
-The C<key> parameter uniquely identifies the data point in your class, and is
-used by App::Info to ensure that an unknown event is handled only once, no
-matter how many times the method is called. The same value will be returned by
-subsequent calls to C<unknown()> as was returned by the first call, and no
-handlers will be activated. Typical values are "version" and "lib_dir".
-=item prompt
-The C<prompt> parameter is the prompt to be displayed should an event handler
-decide to prompt for the appropriate value. Such a prompt might be something
-like "Path to your httpd executable?". If this parameter is not provided,
-App::Info will construct one for you using your class' C<key_name()> method
-and the C<key> parameter. The result would be something like "Enter a valid
-FooApp version". The C<prompt> parameter value will be stored in the
-C<message> attribute of the App::Info::Request object passed to event
-=item callback
-Assuming a handler has collected a value for your unknown data point, it might
-make sense to validate the value. For example, if you prompt the user for a
-directory location, and the user enters one, it makes sense to ensure that the
-directory actually exists. The C<callback> parameter allows you to do this. It
-is a code reference that takes the new value or values as its arguments, and
-returns true if the value is valid, and false if it is not. For the sake of
-convenience, the first argument to the callback code reference is also stored
-in C<$_> .This makes it easy to validate using functions or operators that,
-er, operate on C<$_> by default, but still allows you to get more information
-from C<@_> if necessary. For the directory example, a good callback might be
-C<sub { -d }>. The C<callback> parameter code reference will be stored in the
-C<callback> attribute of the App::Info::Request object passed to event
-=item error
-The error parameter is the error message to display in the event that the
-C<callback> code reference returns false. This message may then be used by the
-event handler to let the user know what went wrong with the data she entered.
-For example, if the unknown value was a directory, and the user entered a
-value that the C<callback> identified as invalid, a message to display might
-be something like "Invalid directory path". Note that if the C<error>
-parameter is not provided, App::Info will supply the generic error message
-"Invalid value". This value will be stored in the C<error> attribute of the
-App::Info::Request object passed to event handlers.
-This may be the event method you use most, as it should be called in every
-metadata method if you cannot provide the data needed by that method. It will
-typically be the last part of the method. Here's an example demonstrating each
-of the above arguments:
- my $dir = $self->unknown( key => 'lib_dir',
- prompt => "Enter lib directory path",
- callback => sub { -d },
- error => "Not a directory");
-sub unknown {
- my ($self, %params) = @_;
- my $key = delete $params{key}
- or Carp::croak("No key parameter passed to unknown()");
- # Just return the value if we've already handled this value. Ideally this
- # shouldn't happen.
- return $self->{__unknown__}{$key} if exists $self->{__unknown__}{$key};
- # Create a prompt and error message, if necessary.
- $params{message} = delete $params{prompt} ||
- "Enter a valid " . $self->key_name . " $key";
- $params{error} ||= 'Invalid value';
- # Execute the handler sequence.
- my $req = $handler->($self, "unknown", \%params);
- # Mark that we've provided this value and then return it.
- $self->{__unknown__}{$key} = $req->value;
- return $self->{__unknown__}{$key};
-=head3 confirm
- my $val = $self->confirm(@params);
-This method is very similar to C<unknown()>, but serves a different purpose.
-Use this method for significant data points where you've found an appropriate
-value, but want to ensure it's really the correct value. A "significant data
-point" is usually a value essential for your class to collect metadata values.
-For example, you might need to locate an executable that you can then call to
-collect other data. In general, this will only happen once for an object --
-during object construction -- but there may be cases in which it is needed
-more than that. But hopefully, once you've confirmed in the constructor that
-you've found what you need, you can use that information to collect the data
-needed by all of the metadata methods and can assume that they'll be right
-because that first, significant data point has been confirmed.
-Other than where and how often to call C<confirm()>, its use is quite similar
-to that of C<unknown()>. Its parameters are as follows:
-=item key
-Same as for C<unknown()>, a string that uniquely identifies the data point in
-your class, and ensures that the event is handled only once for a given key.
-The same value will be returned by subsequent calls to C<confirm()> as was
-returned by the first call for a given key.
-=item prompt
-Same as for C<unknown()>. Although C<confirm()> is called to confirm a value,
-typically the prompt should request the relevant value, just as for
-C<unknown()>. The difference is that the handler I<should> use the C<value>
-parameter as the default should the user not provide a value. The C<prompt>
-parameter will be stored in the C<message> attribute of the App::Info::Request
-object passed to event handlers.
-=item value
-The value to be confirmed. This is the value you've found, and it will be
-provided to the user as the default option when they're prompted for a new
-value. This value will be stored in the C<value> attribute of the
-App::Info::Request object passed to event handlers.
-=item callback
-Same as for C<unknown()>. Because the user can enter data to replace the
-default value provided via the C<value> parameter, you might want to validate
-it. Use this code reference to do so. The callback will be stored in the
-C<callback> attribute of the App::Info::Request object passed to event
-=item error
-Same as for C<unknown()>: an error message to display in the event that a
-value entered by the user isn't validated by the C<callback> code reference.
-This value will be stored in the C<error> attribute of the App::Info::Request
-object passed to event handlers.
-Here's an example usage demonstrating all of the above arguments:
- my $exe = $self->confirm( key => 'shell',
- prompt => 'Path to your shell?',
- value => '/bin/sh',
- callback => sub { -x },
- error => 'Not an executable');
-sub confirm {
- my ($self, %params) = @_;
- my $key = delete $params{key}
- or Carp::croak("No key parameter passed to confirm()");
- return $self->{__confirm__}{$key} if exists $self->{__confirm__}{$key};
- # Create a prompt and error message, if necessary.
- $params{message} = delete $params{prompt} ||
- "Enter a valid " . $self->key_name . " $key";
- $params{error} ||= 'Invalid value';
- # Execute the handler sequence.
- my $req = $handler->($self, "confirm", \%params);
- # Mark that we've confirmed this value.
- $self->{__confirm__}{$key} = $req->value;
- return $self->{__confirm__}{$key}
-=head2 Event Examples
-Below I provide some examples demonstrating the use of the event methods.
-These are meant to emphasize the contexts in which it's appropriate to use
-Let's start with the simplest, first. Let's say that to find the version
-number for an application, you need to search a file for the relevant data.
-Your App::Info concrete subclass might have a private method that handles this
-work, and this method is the appropriate place to use the C<info()> and, if
-necessary, C<error()> methods.
- sub _find_version {
- my $self = shift;
- # Try to find the revelant file. We cover this method below.
- # Just return if we cant' find it.
- my $file = $self->_find_file('version.conf') or return;
- # Send a status message.
- $self->info("Searching '$file' file for version");
- # Search the file. $util is an App::Info::Util object.
- my $ver = $util->search_file($file, qr/^Version\s+(.*)$/);
- # Trigger an error message, if necessary. We really think we'll have the
- # value, but we have to cover our butts in the unlikely event that we're
- # wrong.
- $self->error("Unable to find version in file '$file'") unless $ver;
- # Return the version number.
- return $ver;
- }
-Here we've used the C<info()> method to display a status message to let the
-user know what we're doing. Then we used the C<error()> method when something
-unexpected happened, which in this case was that we weren't able to find the
-version number in the file.
-Note the C<_find_file()> method we've thrown in. This might be a method that
-we call whenever we need to find a file that might be in one of a list of
-directories. This method, too, will be an appropriate place for an C<info()>
-method call. But rather than call the C<error()> method when the file can't be
-found, you might want to give an event handler a chance to supply that value
-for you. Use the C<unknown()> method for a case such as this:
- sub _find_file {
- my ($self, $file) = @_;
- # Send a status message.
- $self->info("Searching for '$file' file");
- # Look for the file. See App::Info:Utility for its interface.
- my @paths = qw(/usr/conf /etc/conf /foo/conf);
- my $found = $util->first_cat_path($file, @paths);
- # If we didn't find it, trigger an unknown event to
- # give a handler a chance to get the value.
- $found ||= $self->unknown( key => "file_$file",
- prompt => "Location of '$file' file?",
- callback => sub { -f },
- error => "Not a file");
- # Now return the file name, regardless of whether we found it or not.
- return $found;
- }
-Note how in this method, we've tried to locate the file ourselves, but if we
-can't find it, we trigger an unknown event. This allows clients of our
-App::Info subclass to try to establish the value themselves by having an
-App::Info::Handler subclass handle the event. If a value is found by an
-App::Info::Handler subclass, it will be returned by C<unknown()> and we can
-continue. But we can't assume that the unknown event will even be handled, and
-thus must expect that an unknown value may remain unknown. This is why the
-C<_find_version()> method above simply returns if C<_find_file()> doesn't
-return a file name; there's no point in searching through a file that doesn't
-Attentive readers may be left to wonder how to decide when to use C<error()>
-and when to use C<unknown()>. To a large extent, this decision must be based
-on one's own understanding of what's most appropriate. Nevertheless, I offer
-the following simple guidelines: Use C<error()> when you expect something to
-work and then it just doesn't (as when a file exists and should contain the
-information you seek, but then doesn't). Use C<unknown()> when you're less
-sure of your processes for finding the value, and also for any of the values
-that should be returned by any of the L<metadata object methods|"Metadata
-Object Methods">. And of course, C<error()> would be more appropriate when you
-encounter an unexpected condition and don't think that it could be handled in
-any other way.
-Now, more than likely, a method such C<_find_version()> would be called by the
-C<version()> method, which is a metadata method mandated by the App::Info
-abstract base class. This is an appropriate place to handle an unknown version
-value. Indeed, every one of your metadata methods should make use of the
-C<unknown()> method. The C<version()> method then should look something like
- sub version {
- my $self = shift;
- unless (exists $self->{version}) {
- # Try to find the version number.
- $self->{version} = $self->_find_version ||
- $self->unknown( key => 'version',
- prompt => "Enter the version number");
- }
- # Now return the version number.
- return $self->{version};
- }
-Note how this method only tries to find the version number once. Any
-subsequent calls to C<version()> will return the same value that was returned
-the first time it was called. Of course, thanks to the C<key> parameter in the
-call to C<unknown()>, we could have have tried to enumerate the version number
-every time, as C<unknown()> will return the same value every time it is called
-(as, indeed, should C<_find_version()>. But by checking for the C<version> key
-in C<$self> ourselves, we save some of the overhead.
-But as I said before, every metadata method should make use of the
-C<unknown()> method. Thus, the C<major()> method might looks something like
- sub major {
- my $self = shift;
- unless (exists $self->{major}) {
- # Try to get the major version from the full version number.
- ($self->{major}) = $self->version =~ /^(\d+)\./;
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->{major} = $self->unknown( key => 'major',
- prompt => "Enter major version",
- callback => sub { /^\d+$/ },
- error => "Not a number")
- unless defined $self->{major};
- }
- return $self->{version};
- }
-Finally, the C<confirm()> method should be used to verify core pieces of data
-that significant numbers of other methods rely on. Typically such data are
-executables or configuration files from which will be drawn other metadata.
-Most often, such major data points will be sought in the object constructor.
-Here's an example:
- sub new {
- # Construct the object so that handlers will work properly.
- my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
- # Try to find the executable.
- $self->info("Searching for executable");
- if (my $exe = $util->first_exe('/bin/myapp', '/usr/bin/myapp')) {
- # Confirm it.
- $self->{exe} =
- $self->confirm( key => 'binary',
- prompt => 'Path to your executable?',
- value => $exe,
- callback => sub { -x },
- error => 'Not an executable');
- } else {
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->{exe} =
- $self->unknown( key => 'binary',
- prompt => 'Path to your executable?',
- callback => sub { -x },
- error => 'Not an executable');
- }
- # We're done.
- return $self;
- }
-By now, most of what's going on here should be quite familiar. The use of the
-C<confirm()> method is quite similar to that of C<unknown()>. Really the only
-difference is that the value is known, but we need verification or a new value
-supplied if the value we found isn't correct. Such may be the case when
-multiple copies of the executable have been installed on the system, we found
-F</bin/myapp>, but the user may really be interested in F</usr/bin/myapp>.
-Thus the C<confirm()> event gives the user the chance to change the value if
-the confirm event is handled.
-The final thing to note about this constructor is the first line:
- my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
-The first thing an App::Info subclass should do is execute this line to allow
-the super class to construct the object first. Doing so allows any event
-handling arguments to set up the event handlers, so that when we call
-C<confirm()> or C<unknown()> the event will be handled as the client expects.
-If we needed our subclass constructor to take its own parameter argumente, the
-approach is to specify the same C<key => $arg> syntax as is used by
-App::Info's C<new()> method. Say we wanted to allow clients of our App::Info
-subclass to pass in a list of alternate executable locations for us to search.
-Such an argument would most make sense as an array reference. So we specify
-that the key be C<alt_paths> and allow the user to construct an object like
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( alt_paths => \@paths );
-This approach allows the super class constructor arguments to pass unmolested
-(as long as we use unique keys!):
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_error => \@handlers,
- alt_paths => \@paths );
-Then, to retrieve these paths inside our C<new()> constructor, all we need do
-is access them directly from the object:
- my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
- my $alt_paths = $self->{alt_paths};
-=head2 Subclassing Guidelines
-To summarize, here are some guidelines for subclassing App::Info.
-=over 4
-=item *
-Always subclass an App::Info category subclass. This will help to keep the
-App::Info namespace well-organized. New categories can be added as needed.
-=item *
-When you create the C<new()> constructor, always call C<SUPER::new(@_)>. This
-ensures that the event handling methods methods defined by the App::Info base
-classes (e.g., C<error()>) will work properly.
-=item *
-Use a package-scoped lexical App::Info::Util object to carry out common tasks.
-If you find you're doing something over and over that's not already addressed
-by an App::Info::Util method, and you think that others might find your
-solution useful, consider submitting a patch to App::Info::Util to add the
-functionality you need. See L<App::Info::Util|App::Info::Util> for complete
-documentation of its interface.
-=item *
-Use the C<info()> event triggering method to send messages to users of your
-=item *
-Use the C<error()> event triggering method to alert users of unexpected
-conditions. Fatal errors should still be fatal; use C<Carp::croak()> to throw
-exceptions for fatal errors.
-=item *
-Use the C<unknown()> event triggering method when a metadata or other
-important value is unknown and you want to give any event handlers the chance
-to provide the data.
-=item *
-Use the C<confirm()> event triggering method when a core piece of data is
-known (such as the location of an executable in the C<new()> constructor) and
-you need to make sure that you have the I<correct> information.
-=item *
-Be sure to implement B<all> of the abstract methods defined by App::Info and
-by your category abstract base class -- even if they don't do anything. Doing
-so ensures that all App::Info subclasses share a common interface, and can, if
-necessary, be used without regard to subclass. Any method not implemented but
-called on an object will generate a fatal exception.
-Otherwise, have fun! There are a lot of software packages for which relevant
-information might be collected and aggregated into an App::Info concrete
-subclass (witness all of the Automake macros in the world!), and folks who are
-knowledgeable about particular software packages or categories of software are
-warmly invited to contribute. As more subclasses are implemented, it will make
-sense, I think, to create separate distributions based on category -- or even,
-when necessary, on a single software package. Broader categories can then be
-aggregated in Bundle distributions.
-But I get ahead of myself...
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The following classes define a few software package categories in which
-App::Info subclasses can be placed. Check them out for ideas on how to
-create new category subclasses.
-=over 4
-=item L<App::Info::HTTP|App::Info::HTTPD>
-=item L<App::Info::RDBMS|App::Info::RDBMS>
-=item L<App::Info::Lib|App::Info::Lib>
-The following classes implement the App::Info interface for various software
-packages. Check them out for examples of how to implement new App::Info
-concrete subclasses.
-=item L<App::Info::HTTPD::Apache|App::Info::HTTPD::Apache>
-=item L<App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL|App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL>
-=item L<App::Info::Lib::Expat|App::Info::Lib::Expat>
-=item L<App::Info::Lib::Iconv|App::Info::Lib::Iconv>
-L<App::Info::Util|App::Info::Util> provides utility methods for App::Info
-L<App::Info::Handler|App::Info::Handler> defines an interface for event
-handlers to subclass. Consult its documentation for information on creating
-custom event handlers.
-The following classes implement the App::Info::Handler interface to offer some
-simple event handling. Check them out for examples of how to implement new
-App::Info::Handler subclasses.
-=over 4
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print>
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Carp|App::Info::Handler::Carp>
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Prompt|App::Info::Handler::Prompt>
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
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-package App::Info::Handler;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:28 ivan Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info::Handler - App::Info event handler base class
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use App::Info::Category::FooApp;
- use App::Info::Handler;
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_info => ['default'] );
-This class defines the interface for subclasses that wish to handle events
-triggered by App::Info concrete subclasses. The different types of events
-triggered by App::Info can all be handled by App::Info::Handler (indeed, by
-default they're all handled by a single App::Info::Handler object), and
-App::Info::Handler subclasses may be designed to handle whatever events they
-If you're interested in I<using> an App::Info event handler, this is probably
-not the class you should look at, since all it does is define a simple handler
-that does nothing with an event. Look to the L<App::Info::Handler
-subclasses|"SEE ALSO"> included in this distribution to do more interesting
-things with App::Info events.
-If, on the other hand, you're interested in implementing your own event
-handlers, read on!
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '0.22';
-my %handlers;
-This section documents the public interface of App::Info::Handler.
-=head2 Class Method
-=head3 register_handler
- App::Info::Handler->register_handler( $key => $code_ref );
-This class method may be used by App::Info::Handler subclasses to register
-themselves with App::Info::Handler. Multiple registrations are supported. The
-idea is that a subclass can define different functionality by specifying
-different strings that represent different modes of constructing an
-App::Info::Handler subclass object. The keys are case-sensitve, and should be
-unique across App::Info::Handler subclasses so that many subclasses can be
-loaded and used separately. If the C<$key> is already registered,
-C<register_handler()> will throw an exception. The values are code references
-that, when executed, return the appropriate App::Info::Handler subclass
-sub register_handler {
- my ($pkg, $key, $code) = @_;
- Carp::croak("Handler '$key' already exists")
- if $handlers{$key};
- $handlers{$key} = $code;
-# Register ourself.
-__PACKAGE__->register_handler('default', sub { __PACKAGE__->new } );
-=head2 Constructor
-=head3 new
- my $handler = App::Info::Handler->new;
- $handler = App::Info::Handler->new( key => $key);
-Constructs an App::Info::Handler object and returns it. If the key parameter
-is provided and has been registered by an App::Info::Handler subclass via the
-C<register_handler()> class method, then the relevant code reference will be
-executed and the resulting App::Info::Handler subclass object returned. This
-approach provides a handy shortcut for having C<new()> behave as an abstract
-factory method, returning an object of the subclass appropriate to the key
-sub new {
- my ($pkg, %p) = @_;
- my $class = ref $pkg || $pkg;
- $p{key} ||= 'default';
- if ($class eq __PACKAGE__ && $p{key} ne 'default') {
- # We were called directly! Handle it.
- Carp::croak("No such handler '$p{key}'") unless $handlers{$p{key}};
- return $handlers{$p{key}}->();
- } else {
- # A subclass called us -- just instantiate and return.
- return bless \%p, $class;
- }
-=head2 Instance Method
-=head3 handler
- $handler->handler($req);
-App::Info::Handler defines a single instance method that must be defined by
-its subclasses, C<handler()>. This is the method that will be executed by an
-event triggered by an App::Info concrete subclass. It takes as its single
-argument an App::Info::Request object, and returns a true value if it has
-handled the event request. Returning a false value declines the request, and
-App::Info will then move on to the next handler in the chain.
-The C<handler()> method implemented in App::Info::Handler itself does nothing
-more than return a true value. It thus acts as a very simple default event
-handler. See the App::Info::Handler subclasses for more interesting handling
-of events, or create your own!
-sub handler { 1 }
-I hatched the idea of the App::Info event model with its subclassable handlers
-as a way of separating the aggregation of application metadata from writing a
-user interface for handling certain conditions. I felt it a better idea to
-allow people to create their own user interfaces, and instead to provide only
-a few examples. The App::Info::Handler class defines the API interface for
-handling these conditions, which App::Info refers to as "events".
-There are various types of events defined by App::Info ("info", "error",
-"unknown", and "confirm"), but the App::Info::Handler interface is designed to
-be flexible enough to handle any and all of them. If you're interested in
-creating your own App::Info event handler, this is the place to learn how.
-=head2 The Interface
-To create an App::Info event handler, all one need do is subclass
-App::Info::Handler and then implement the C<new()> constructor and the
-C<handler()> method. The C<new()> constructor can do anything you like, and
-take any arguments you like. However, I do recommend that the first thing
-you do in your implementation is to call the super constructor:
- sub new {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_);
- # ... other stuff.
- return $self;
- }
-Although the default C<new()> constructor currently doesn't do much, that may
-change in the future, so this call will keep you covered. What it does do is
-take the parameterized arguments and assign them to the App::Info::Handler
-object. Thus if you've specified a "mode" argument, where clients can
-construct objects of you class like this:
- my $handler = FooHandler->new( mode => 'foo' );
-You can access the mode parameter directly from the object, like so:
- sub new {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_);
- if ($self->{mode} eq 'foo') {
- # ...
- }
- return $self;
- }
-Just be sure not to use a parameter key name required by App::Info::Handler
-itself. At the moment, the only parameter accepted by App::Info::Handler is
-"key", so in general you'll be pretty safe.
-Next, I recommend that you take advantage of the C<register_handler()> method
-to create some shortcuts for creating handlers of your class. For example, say
-we're creating a handler subclass FooHandler. It has two modes, a default
-"foo" mode and an advanced "bar" mode. To allow both to be constructed by
-stringified shortcuts, the FooHandler class implementation might start like
- package FooHandler;
- use strict;
- use App::Info::Handler;
- use vars qw(@ISA);
- @ISA = qw(App::Info::Handler);
- foreach my $c (qw(foo bar)) {
- App::Info::Handler->register_handler
- ( $c => sub { __PACKAGE__->new( mode => $c) } );
- }
-The strings "foo" and "bar" can then be used by clients as shortcuts to have
-App::Info objects automatically create and use handlers for certain events.
-For example, if a client wanted to use a "bar" event handler for its info
-events, it might do this:
- use App::Info::Category::FooApp;
- use FooHandler;
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new(on_info => ['bar']);
-Take a look at App::Info::Handler::Print and App::Info::Handler::Carp to see
-concrete examples of C<register_handler()> usage.
-The final step in creating a new App::Info event handler is to implement the
-C<handler()> method itself. This method takes a single argument, an
-App::Info::Request object, and is expected to return true if it handled the
-request, and false if it did not. The App::Info::Request object contains all
-the metadata relevant to a request, including the type of event that triggered
-it; see L<App::Info::Request|App::Info::Request> for its documentation.
-Use the App::Info::Request object however you like to handle the request
-however you like. You are, however, expected to abide by a a few guidelines:
-=over 4
-=item *
-For error and info events, you are expected (but not required) to somehow
-display the info or error message for the user. How your handler chooses to do
-so is up to you and the handler.
-=item *
-For unknown and confirm events, you are expected to prompt the user for a
-value. If it's a confirm event, offer the known value (found in
-C<$req-E<gt>value>) as a default.
-=item *
-For unknown and confirm events, you are expected to call C<$req-E<gt>callback>
-and pass in the new value. If C<$req-E<gt>callback> returns a false value, you
-are expected to display the error message in C<$req-E<gt>error> and prompt the
-user again. Note that C<$req-E<gt>value> calls C<$req-E<gt>callback>
-internally, and thus assigns the value and returns true if
-C<$req-E<gt>callback> returns true, and does not assign the value and returns
-false if C<$req-E<gt>callback> returns false.
-=item *
-For unknown and confirm events, if you've collected a new value and
-C<$req-E<gt>callback> returns true for that value, you are expected to assign
-the value by passing it to C<$req-E<gt>value>. This allows App::Info to give
-the value back to the calling App::Info concrete subclass.
-Probably the easiest way to get started creating new App::Info event handlers
-is to check out the simple handlers provided with the distribution and follow
-their logical examples. Consult the App::Info documentation of the L<event
-methods|App::Info/"Events"> for details on how App::Info constructs the
-App::Info::Request object for each event type.
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<App::Info|App::Info> thoroughly documents the client interface for setting
-event handlers, as well as the event triggering interface for App::Info
-concrete subclasses.
-L<App::Info::Request|App::Info::Request> documents the interface for the
-request objects passed to App::Info::Handler C<handler()> methods.
-The following App::Info::Handler subclasses offer examples for event handler
-authors, and, of course, provide actual event handling functionality for
-App::Info clients.
-=over 4
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Carp|App::Info::Handler::Carp>
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print>
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Prompt|App::Info::Handler::Prompt>
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/
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--- a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/Handler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-package App::Info::Handler::Prompt;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:29 ivan Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info::Handler::Prompt - Prompting App::Info event handler
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use App::Info::Category::FooApp;
- use App::Info::Handler::Print;
- my $prompter = App::Info::Handler::Print->new;
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_unknown => $prompter );
- # Or...
- my $app = App::Info::Category::FooApp->new( on_confirm => 'prompt' );
-App::Info::Handler::Prompt objects handle App::Info events by printing their
-messages to C<STDOUT> and then accepting a new value from C<STDIN>. The new
-value is validated by any callback supplied by the App::Info concrete subclass
-that triggered the event. If the value is valid, App::Info::Handler::Prompt
-assigns the new value to the event request. If it isn't it prints the error
-message associated with the event request, and then prompts for the data
-Although designed with unknown and confirm events in mind,
-App::Info::Handler::Prompt handles info and error events as well. It will
-simply print info event messages to C<STDOUT> and print error event messages
-to C<STDERR>. For more interesting info and error event handling, see
-L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print> and
-Upon loading, App::Info::Handler::Print registers itself with
-App::Info::Handler, setting up a single string, "prompt", that can be passed
-to an App::Info concrete subclass constructor. This string is a shortcut that
-tells App::Info how to create an App::Info::Handler::Print object for handling
-use strict;
-use App::Info::Handler;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
-$VERSION = '0.22';
-@ISA = qw(App::Info::Handler);
-# Register ourselves.
- ('prompt' => sub { __PACKAGE__->new('prompt') } );
-=head2 Constructor
-=head3 new
- my $prompter = App::Info::Handler::Prompt->new;
-Constructs a new App::Info::Handler::Prompt object and returns it. No special
-arguments are required.
-sub new {
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_);
- $self->{tty} = -t STDIN && ( -t STDOUT || !( -f STDOUT || -c STDOUT ) );
- # We're done!
- return $self;
-my $get_ans = sub {
- my ($prompt, $tty, $def) = @_;
- # Print the message.
- local $| = 1;
- local $\;
- print $prompt;
- # Collect the answer.
- my $ans;
- if ($tty) {
- $ans = <STDIN>;
- if (defined $ans ) {
- chomp $ans;
- } else { # user hit ctrl-D
- print "\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "$def\n" if defined $def;
- }
- return $ans;
-sub handler {
- my ($self, $req) = @_;
- my $ans;
- my $type = $req->type;
- if ($type eq 'unknown' || $type eq 'confirm') {
- # We'll want to prompt for a new value.
- my $val = $req->value;
- my ($def, $dispdef) = defined $val ? ($val, " [$val] ") : ('', ' ');
- my $msg = $req->message or Carp::croak("No message in request");
- $msg .= $dispdef;
- # Get the answer.
- $ans = $get_ans->($msg, $self->{tty}, $def);
- # Just return if they entered an empty string or we couldnt' get an
- # answer.
- return 1 unless defined $ans && $ans ne '';
- # Validate the answer.
- my $err = $req->error;
- while (!$req->value($ans)) {
- print "$err: '$ans'\n";
- $ans = $get_ans->($msg, $self->{tty}, $def);
- return 1 unless defined $ans && $ans ne '';
- }
- } elsif ($type eq 'info') {
- # Just print the message.
- print STDOUT $req->message, "\n";
- } elsif ($type eq 'error') {
- # Just print the message.
- print STDERR $req->message, "\n";
- } else {
- # This shouldn't happen.
- Carp::croak("Invalid request type '$type'");
- }
- # Return true to indicate that we've handled the request.
- return 1;
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<App::Info|App::Info> documents the event handling interface.
-L<App::Info::Handler::Carp|App::Info::Handler::Carp> handles events by
-passing their messages Carp module functions.
-L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print> handles events by
-printing their messages to a file handle.
-L<App::Info::Handler|App::Info::Handler> describes how to implement custom
-App::Info event handlers.
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package App::Info::RDBMS;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:28 ivan Exp $
-use strict;
-use App::Info;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(App::Info);
-$VERSION = '0.22';
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info::RDBMS - Information about databases on a system
-This class is an abstract base class for App::Info subclasses that provide
-information about relational databases. Its subclasses are required to
-implement its interface. See L<App::Info|App::Info> for a complete description
-and L<App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL|App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL> for an example
-Currently, App::Info::RDBMS adds no more methods than those from its parent
-class, App::Info.
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/RDBMS/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/RDBMS/
deleted file mode 100644
index aef326cca..000000000
--- a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/RDBMS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-package App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:29 ivan Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL - Information about PostgreSQL
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL;
- my $pg = App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL->new;
- if ($pg->installed) {
- print "App name: ", $pg->name, "\n";
- print "Version: ", $pg->version, "\n";
- print "Bin dir: ", $pg->bin_dir, "\n";
- } else {
- print "PostgreSQL is not installed. :-(\n";
- }
-App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL supplies information about the PostgreSQL
-database server installed on the local system. It implements all of the
-methods defined by App::Info::RDBMS. Methods that trigger events will trigger
-them only the first time they're called (See L<App::Info|App::Info> for
-documentation on handling events). To start over (after, say, someone has
-installed PostgreSQL) construct a new App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL object to
-aggregate new metadata.
-Some of the methods trigger the same events. This is due to cross-calling of
-shared subroutines. However, any one event should be triggered no more than
-once. For example, although the info event "Executing `pg_config --version`"
-is documented for the methods C<name()>, C<version()>, C<major_version()>,
-C<minor_version()>, and C<patch_version()>, rest assured that it will only be
-triggered once, by whichever of those four methods is called first.
-use strict;
-use App::Info::RDBMS;
-use App::Info::Util;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(App::Info::RDBMS);
-$VERSION = '0.22';
-my $u = App::Info::Util->new;
-=head2 Constructor
-=head3 new
- my $pg = App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL->new(@params);
-Returns an App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL object. See L<App::Info|App::Info> for
-a complete description of argument parameters.
-When it called, C<new()> searches the file system for the F<pg_config>
-application. If found, F<pg_config> will be called by the object methods below
-to gather the data necessary for each. If F<pg_config> cannot be found, then
-PostgreSQL is assumed not to be installed, and each of the object methods will
-return C<undef>.
-App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL searches for F<pg_config> along your path, as
-defined by C<File::Spec-E<gt>path>. Failing that, it searches the following
-=over 4
-=item /usr/local/pgsql/bin
-=item /usr/local/postgres/bin
-=item /opt/pgsql/bin
-=item /usr/local/bin
-=item /usr/local/sbin
-=item /usr/bin
-=item /usr/sbin
-=item /bin
-=over 4
-=item info
-Looking for pg_config
-=item confirm
-Path to pg_config?
-=item unknown
-Path to pg_config?
-sub new {
- # Construct the object.
- my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
- # Find pg_config.
- $self->info("Looking for pg_config");
- my @paths = ($u->path,
- qw(/usr/local/pgsql/bin
- /usr/local/postgres/bin
- /opt/pgsql/bin
- /usr/local/bin
- /usr/local/sbin
- /usr/bin
- /usr/sbin
- /bin));
- if (my $cfg = $u->first_cat_exe('pg_config', @paths)) {
- # We found it. Confirm.
- $self->{pg_config} = $self->confirm( key => 'pg_config',
- prompt => 'Path to pg_config?',
- value => $cfg,
- callback => sub { -x },
- error => 'Not an executable');
- } else {
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->{pg_config} = $self->unknown( key => 'pg_config',
- prompt => 'Path to pg_config?',
- callback => sub { -x },
- error => 'Not an executable');
- }
- return $self;
-# We'll use this code reference as a common way of collecting data.
-my $get_data = sub {
- return unless $_[0]->{pg_config};
- $_[0]->info("Executing `$_[0]->{pg_config} $_[1]`");
- my $info = `$_[0]->{pg_config} $_[1]`;
- chomp $info;
- return $info;
-=head2 Class Method
-=head3 key_name
- my $key_name = App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL->key_name;
-Returns the unique key name that describes this class. The value returned is
-the string "PostgreSQL".
-sub key_name { 'PostgreSQL' }
-=head2 Object Methods
-=head3 installed
- print "PostgreSQL is ", ($pg->installed ? '' : 'not '), "installed.\n";
-Returns true if PostgreSQL is installed, and false if it is not.
-App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL determines whether PostgreSQL is installed based
-on the presence or absence of the F<pg_config> application on the file system
-as found when C<new()> constructed the object. If PostgreSQL does not appear
-to be installed, then all of the other object methods will return empty
-sub installed { return $_[0]->{pg_config} ? 1 : undef }
-=head3 name
- my $name = $pg->name;
-Returns the name of the application. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL parses the
-name from the system call C<`pg_config --version`>.
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --version`
-=item error
-Failed to find PostgreSQL version with `pg_config --version`
-Unable to parse name from string
-Unable to parse version from string
-Failed to parse PostgreSQL version parts from string
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL name
-# This code reference is used by name(), version(), major_version(),
-# minor_version(), and patch_version() to aggregate the data they need.
-my $get_version = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{'--version'} = 1;
- my $data = $get_data->($self, '--version');
- unless ($data) {
- $self->error("Failed to find PostgreSQL version with ".
- "`$self->{pg_config} --version");
- return;
- }
- chomp $data;
- my ($name, $version) = split /\s+/, $data, 2;
- # Check for and assign the name.
- $name ?
- $self->{name} = $name :
- $self->error("Unable to parse name from string '$data'");
- # Parse the version number.
- if ($version) {
- my ($x, $y, $z) = $version =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)/;
- if (defined $x and defined $y and defined $z) {
- @{$self}{qw(version major minor patch)} =
- ($version, $x, $y, $z);
- } else {
- $self->error("Failed to parse PostgreSQL version parts from " .
- "string '$version'");
- }
- } else {
- $self->error("Unable to parse version from string '$data'");
- }
-sub name {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- # Load data.
- $get_version->($self) unless $self->{'--version'};
- # Handle an unknown name.
- $self->{name} ||= $self->unknown( key => 'name' );
- # Return the name.
- return $self->{name};
-=head3 version
- my $version = $pg->version;
-Returns the PostgreSQL version number. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL parses the
-version number from the system call C<`pg_config --version`>.
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --version`
-=item error
-Failed to find PostgreSQL version with `pg_config --version`
-Unable to parse name from string
-Unable to parse version from string
-Failed to parse PostgreSQL version parts from string
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL version number
-sub version {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- # Load data.
- $get_version->($self) unless $self->{'--version'};
- # Handle an unknown value.
- unless ($self->{version}) {
- # Create a validation code reference.
- my $chk_version = sub {
- # Try to get the version number parts.
- my ($x, $y, $z) = /^(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)$/;
- # Return false if we didn't get all three.
- return unless $x and defined $y and defined $z;
- # Save all three parts.
- @{$self}{qw(major minor patch)} = ($x, $y, $z);
- # Return true.
- return 1;
- };
- $self->{version} = $self->unknown( key => 'version number',
- callback => $chk_version);
- }
- return $self->{version};
-=head3 major version
- my $major_version = $pg->major_version;
-Returns the PostgreSQL major version number. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-parses the major version number from the system call C<`pg_config --version`>.
-For example, C<version()> returns "7.1.2", then this method returns "7".
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --version`
-=item error
-Failed to find PostgreSQL version with `pg_config --version`
-Unable to parse name from string
-Unable to parse version from string
-Failed to parse PostgreSQL version parts from string
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL major version number
-# This code reference is used by major_version(), minor_version(), and
-# patch_version() to validate a version number entered by a user.
-my $is_int = sub { /^\d+$/ };
-sub major_version {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- # Load data.
- $get_version->($self) unless exists $self->{'--version'};
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->{major} = $self->unknown( key => 'major version number',
- callback => $is_int)
- unless $self->{major};
- return $self->{major};
-=head3 minor version
- my $minor_version = $pg->minor_version;
-Returns the PostgreSQL minor version number. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-parses the minor version number from the system call C<`pg_config --version`>.
-For example, if C<version()> returns "7.1.2", then this method returns "2".
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --version`
-=item error
-Failed to find PostgreSQL version with `pg_config --version`
-Unable to parse name from string
-Unable to parse version from string
-Failed to parse PostgreSQL version parts from string
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL minor version number
-sub minor_version {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- # Load data.
- $get_version->($self) unless exists $self->{'--version'};
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->{minor} = $self->unknown( key => 'minor version number',
- callback => $is_int)
- unless defined $self->{minor};
- return $self->{minor};
-=head3 patch version
- my $patch_version = $pg->patch_version;
-Returns the PostgreSQL patch version number. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-parses the patch version number from the system call C<`pg_config --version`>.
-For example, if C<version()> returns "7.1.2", then this method returns "1".
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --version`
-=item error
-Failed to find PostgreSQL version with `pg_config --version`
-Unable to parse name from string
-Unable to parse version from string
-Failed to parse PostgreSQL version parts from string
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL minor version number
-sub patch_version {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- # Load data.
- $get_version->($self) unless exists $self->{'--version'};
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->{patch} = $self->unknown( key => 'patch version number',
- callback => $is_int)
- unless defined $self->{patch};
- return $self->{patch};
-=head3 bin_dir
- my $bin_dir = $pg->bin_dir;
-Returns the PostgreSQL binary directory path. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-gathers the path from the system call C<`pg_config --bindir`>.
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --bindir`
-=item error
-Cannot find bin directory
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL bin directory
-# This code reference is used by bin_dir(), lib_dir(), and so_lib_dir() to
-# validate a directory entered by the user.
-my $is_dir = sub { -d };
-sub bin_dir {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- unless (exists $self->{bin_dir} ) {
- if (my $dir = $get_data->($self, '--bindir')) {
- $self->{bin_dir} = $dir;
- } else {
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->error("Cannot find bin directory");
- $self->{bin_dir} = $self->unknown( key => 'bin directory',
- callback => $is_dir)
- }
- }
- return $self->{bin_dir};
-=head3 inc_dir
- my $inc_dir = $pg->inc_dir;
-Returns the PostgreSQL include directory path. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-gathers the path from the system call C<`pg_config --includedir`>.
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --includedir`
-=item error
-Cannot find include directory
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL include directory
-sub inc_dir {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- unless (exists $self->{inc_dir} ) {
- if (my $dir = $get_data->($self, '--includedir')) {
- $self->{inc_dir} = $dir;
- } else {
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->error("Cannot find include directory");
- $self->{inc_dir} = $self->unknown( key => 'include directory',
- callback => $is_dir)
- }
- }
- return $self->{inc_dir};
-=head3 lib_dir
- my $lib_dir = $pg->lib_dir;
-Returns the PostgreSQL library directory path. App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-gathers the path from the system call C<`pg_config --libdir`>.
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --libdir`
-=item error
-Cannot find library directory
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL library directory
-sub lib_dir {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- unless (exists $self->{lib_dir} ) {
- if (my $dir = $get_data->($self, '--libdir')) {
- $self->{lib_dir} = $dir;
- } else {
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->error("Cannot find library directory");
- $self->{lib_dir} = $self->unknown( key => 'library directory',
- callback => $is_dir)
- }
- }
- return $self->{lib_dir};
-=head3 so_lib_dir
- my $so_lib_dir = $pg->so_lib_dir;
-Returns the PostgreSQL shared object library directory path.
-App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL gathers the path from the system call
-C<`pg_config --pkglibdir`>.
-=over 4
-=item info
-Executing `pg_config --pkglibdir`
-=item error
-Cannot find shared object library directory
-=item unknown
-Enter a valid PostgreSQL shared object library directory
-# Location of dynamically loadable modules.
-sub so_lib_dir {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{pg_config};
- unless (exists $self->{so_lib_dir} ) {
- if (my $dir = $get_data->($self, '--pkglibdir')) {
- $self->{so_lib_dir} = $dir;
- } else {
- # Handle an unknown value.
- $self->error("Cannot find shared object library directory");
- $self->{so_lib_dir} =
- $self->unknown( key => 'shared object library directory',
- callback => $is_dir)
- }
- }
- return $self->{so_lib_dir};
-=head3 home_url
- my $home_url = $pg->home_url;
-Returns the PostgreSQL home page URL.
-sub home_url { "" }
-=head3 download_url
- my $download_url = $pg->download_url;
-Returns the PostgreSQL download URL.
-sub download_url { "" }
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">> based on code by Sam
-Tregar <L<|"">>.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<App::Info|App::Info> documents the event handling interface.
-L<App::Info::RDBMS|App::Info::RDBMS> is the App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL
-parent class.
-L<DBD::Pg|DBD::Pg> is the L<DBI|DBI> driver for connecting to PostgreSQL
-L<> is the PostgreSQL home page.
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
deleted file mode 100644
index c02c97ba2..000000000
--- a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-package App::Info::Request;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:28 ivan Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info::Request - App::Info event handler request object
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # In an App::Info::Handler subclass:
- sub handler {
- my ($self, $req) = @_;
- print "Event Type: ", $req->type;
- print "Message: ", $req->message;
- print "Error: ", $req->error;
- print "Value: ", $req->value;
- }
-Objects of this class are passed to the C<handler()> method of App::Info event
-handlers. Generally, this class will be of most interest to App::Info::Handler
-subclass implementers.
-The L<event triggering methods|App::Info/"Events"> in App::Info each construct
-a new App::Info::Request object and initialize it with their arguments. The
-App::Info::Request object is then the sole argument passed to the C<handler()>
-method of any and all App::Info::Handler objects in the event handling chain.
-Thus, if you'd like to create your own App::Info event handler, this is the
-object you need to be familiar with. Consult the
-L<App::Info::Handler|App::Info::Handler> documentation for details on creating
-custom event handlers.
-Each of the App::Info event triggering methods constructs an
-App::Info::Request object with different attribute values. Be sure to consult
-the documentation for the L<event triggering methods|App::Info/"Events"> in
-App::Info, where the values assigned to the App::Info::Request object are
-documented. Then, in your event handler subclass, check the value returned by
-the C<type()> method to determine what type of event request you're handling
-to handle the request appropriately.
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '0.23';
-The following sections document the App::Info::Request interface.
-=head2 Constructor
-=head3 new
- my $req = App::Info::Request->new(%params);
-This method is used internally by App::Info to construct new
-App::Info::Request objects to pass to event handler objects. Generally, you
-won't need to use it, other than perhaps for testing custom App::Info::Handler
-The parameters to C<new()> are passed as a hash of named parameters that
-correspond to their like-named methods. The supported parameters are:
-=over 4
-=item type
-=item message
-=item error
-=item value
-=item callback
-See the object methods documentation below for details on these object
-sub new {
- my $pkg = shift;
- # Make sure we've got a hash of arguments.
- Carp::croak("Odd number of parameters in call to " . __PACKAGE__ .
- "->new() when named parameters expected" ) if @_ % 2;
- my %params = @_;
- # Validate the callback.
- if ($params{callback}) {
- Carp::croak("Callback parameter '$params{callback}' is not a code ",
- "reference")
- unless UNIVERSAL::isa($params{callback}, 'CODE');
- } else {
- # Otherwise just assign a default approve callback.
- $params{callback} = sub { 1 };
- }
- # Validate type parameter.
- if (my $t = $params{type}) {
- Carp::croak("Invalid handler type '$t'")
- unless $t eq 'error' or $t eq 'info' or $t eq 'unknown'
- or $t eq 'confirm';
- } else {
- $params{type} = 'info';
- }
- # Return the request object.
- bless \%params, ref $pkg || $pkg;
-=head2 Object Methods
-=head3 message
- my $message = $req->message;
-Returns the message stored in the App::Info::Request object. The message is
-typically informational, or an error message, or a prompt message.
-sub message { $_[0]->{message} }
-=head3 error
- my $error = $req->error;
-Returns any error message associated with the App::Info::Request object. The
-error message is typically there to display for users when C<callback()>
-returns false.
-sub error { $_[0]->{error} }
-=head3 type
- my $type = $req->type;
-Returns a string representing the type of event that triggered this request.
-The types are the same as the event triggering methods defined in App::Info.
-As of this writing, the supported types are:
-=item info
-=item error
-=item unknown
-=item confirm
-Be sure to consult the App::Info documentation for more details on the event
-sub type { $_[0]->{type} }
-=head3 callback
- if ($req->callback($value)) {
- print "Value '$value' is valid.\n";
- } else {
- print "Value '$value' is not valid.\n";
- }
-Executes the callback anonymous subroutine supplied by the App::Info concrete
-base class that triggered the event. If the callback returns false, then
-C<$value> is invalid. If the callback returns true, then C<$value> is valid
-and can be assigned via the C<value()> method.
-Note that the C<value()> method itself calls C<callback()> if it was passed a
-value to assign. See its documentation below for more information.
-sub callback {
- my $self = shift;
- my $code = $self->{callback};
- local $_ = $_[0];
- $code->(@_);
-=head3 value
- my $value = $req->value;
- if ($req->value($value)) {
- print "Value '$value' successfully assigned.\n";
- } else {
- print "Value '$value' not successfully assigned.\n";
- }
-When called without an argument, C<value()> simply returns the value currently
-stored by the App::Info::Request object. Typically, the value is the default
-value for a confirm event, or a value assigned to an unknown event.
-When passed an argument, C<value()> attempts to store the the argument as a
-new value. However, C<value()> calls C<callback()> on the new value, and if
-C<callback()> returns false, then C<value()> returns false and does not store
-the new value. If C<callback()> returns true, on the other hand, then
-C<value()> goes ahead and stores the new value and returns true.
-sub value {
- my $self = shift;
- if ($#_ >= 0) {
- # grab the value.
- my $value = shift;
- # Validate the value.
- if ($self->callback($value)) {
- # The value is good. Assign it and return true.
- $self->{value} = $value;
- return 1;
- } else {
- # Invalid value. Return false.
- return;
- }
- }
- # Just return the value.
- return $self->{value};
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<App::Info|App::Info> documents the event triggering methods and how they
-construct App::Info::Request objects to pass to event handlers.
-L<App::Info::Handler:|App::Info::Handler> documents how to create custom event
-handlers, which must make use of the App::Info::Request object passed to their
-C<handler()> object methods.
-The following classes subclass App::Info::Handler, and thus offer good
-exemplars for using App::Info::Request objects when handling events.
-=over 4
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Carp|App::Info::Handler::Carp>
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Print|App::Info::Handler::Print>
-=item L<App::Info::Handler::Prompt|App::Info::Handler::Prompt>
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/ b/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bb333cd..000000000
--- a/install/5.005/DBD-Pg-1.22-fixvercmp/t/lib/App/Info/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-package App::Info::Util;
-# $Id:,v 1.1 2004-04-29 09:21:28 ivan Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-App::Info::Util - Utility class for App::Info subclasses
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use App::Info::Util;
- my $util = App::Info::Util->new;
- # Subclasses File::Spec.
- my @paths = $util->paths;
- # First directory that exists in a list.
- my $dir = $util->first_dir(@paths);
- # First directory that exists in a path.
- $dir = $util->first_path($ENV{PATH});
- # First file that exists in a list.
- my $file = $util->first_file('this.txt', '/that.txt', 'C:\\foo.txt');
- # First file found among file base names and directories.
- my $files = ['this.txt', 'that.txt'];
- $file = $util->first_cat_file($files, @paths);
-This class subclasses L<File::Spec|File::Spec> and adds its own methods in
-order to offer utility methods to L<App::Info|App::Info> classes. Although
-intended to be used by App::Info subclasses, in truth App::Info::Util's
-utility may be considered more general, so feel free to use it elsewhere.
-The methods added in addition to the usual File::Spec suspects are designed to
-facilitate locating files and directories on the file system, as well as
-searching those files. The assumption is that, in order to provide useful
-metadata about a given software package, an App::Info subclass must find
-relevant files and directories and parse them with regular expressions. This
-class offers methods that simplify those tasks.
-use strict;
-use File::Spec ();
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(File::Spec);
-$VERSION = '0.22';
-my %path_dems = (MacOS => qr',',
- MSWin32 => qr';',
- os2 => qr';',
- VMS => undef,
- epoc => undef);
-my $path_dem = exists $path_dems{$^O} ? $path_dems{$^O} : qr':';
-=head2 new
- my $util = App::Info::Util->new;
-This is a very simple constructor that merely returns an App::Info::Util
-object. Since, like its File::Spec super class, App::Info::Util manages no
-internal data itself, all methods may be used as class methods, if one prefers
-to. The constructor here is provided merely as a convenience.
-sub new { bless {}, ref $_[0] || $_[0] }
-In addition to all of the methods offered by its super class,
-L<File::Spec|File::Spec>, App::Info::Util offers the following methods.
-=head2 first_dir
- my @paths = $util->paths;
- my $dir = $util->first_dir(@dirs);
-Returns the first file system directory in @paths that exists on the local
-file system. Only the first item in @paths that exists as a directory will be
-returned; any other paths leading to non-directories will be ignored.
-sub first_dir {
- shift;
- foreach (@_) { return $_ if -d }
- return;
-=head2 first_path
- my $path = $ENV{PATH};
- $dir = $util->first_path($path);
-Takes the $path string and splits it into a list of directory paths, based on
-the path demarcator on the local file system. Then calls C<first_dir()> to
-return the first directoy in the path list that exists on the local file
-system. The path demarcator is specified for the following file systems:
-=over 4
-=item MacOS: ","
-=item MSWin32: ";"
-=item os2: ";"
-=item VMS: undef
-This method always returns undef on VMS. Patches welcome.
-=item epoc: undef
-This method always returns undef on epoch. Patches welcome.
-=item Unix: ":"
-All other operating systems are assumed to be Unix-based.
-sub first_path {
- return unless $path_dem;
- shift->first_dir(split /$path_dem/, shift)
-=head2 first_file
- my $file = $util->first_file(@filelist);
-Examines each of the files in @filelist and returns the first one that exists
-on the file system. The file must be a regular file -- directories will be
-sub first_file {
- shift;
- foreach (@_) { return $_ if -f }
- return;
-=head2 first_exe
- my $exe = $util->first_exe(@exelist);
-Examines each of the files in @exelist and returns the first one that exists
-on the file system as an executable file. Directories will be ignored.
-sub first_exe {
- shift;
- foreach (@_) { return $_ if -f && -x }
- return;
-=head2 first_cat_path
- my $file = $util->first_cat_path('ick.txt', @paths);
- $file = $util->first_cat_path(['this.txt', 'that.txt'], @paths);
-The first argument to this method may be either a file or directory base name
-(that is, a file or directory name without a full path specification), or a
-reference to an array of file or directory base names. The remaining arguments
-constitute a list of directory paths. C<first_cat_path()> processes each of
-these directory paths, concatenates (by the method native to the local
-operating system) each of the file or directory base names, and returns the
-first one that exists on the file system.
-For example, let us say that we were looking for a file called either F<httpd>
-or F<apache>, and it could be in any of the following paths:
-F</usr/local/bin>, F</usr/bin/>, F</bin>. The method call looks like this:
- my $httpd = $util->first_cat_path(['httpd', 'apache'], '/usr/local/bin',
- '/usr/bin/', '/bin');
-If the OS is a Unix variant, C<first_cat_path()> will then look for the first
-file that exists in this order:
-=over 4
-=item /usr/local/bin/httpd
-=item /usr/local/bin/apache
-=item /usr/bin/httpd
-=item /usr/bin/apache
-=item /bin/httpd
-=item /bin/apache
-The first of these complete paths to be found will be returned. If none are
-found, then undef will be returned.
-sub first_cat_path {
- my $self = shift;
- my $files = ref $_[0] ? shift() : [shift()];
- foreach my $p (@_) {
- foreach my $f (@$files) {
- my $path = $self->catfile($p, $f);
- return $path if -e $path;
- }
- }
- return;
-=head2 first_cat_dir
- my $dir = $util->first_cat_dir('ick.txt', @paths);
- $dir = $util->first_cat_dir(['this.txt', 'that.txt'], @paths);
-Funtionally identical to C<first_cat_path()>, except that it returns the
-directory path in which the first file was found, rather than the full
-concatenated path. Thus, in the above example, if the file found was
-F</usr/bin/httpd>, while C<first_cat_path()> would return that value,
-C<first_cat_dir()> would return F</usr/bin> instead.
-sub first_cat_dir {
- my $self = shift;
- my $files = ref $_[0] ? shift() : [shift()];
- foreach my $p (@_) {
- foreach my $f (@$files) {
- my $path = $self->catfile($p, $f);
- return $p if -e $path;
- }
- }
- return;
-=head2 first_cat_exe
- my $exe = $util->first_cat_exe('ick.txt', @paths);
- $exe = $util->first_cat_exe(['this.txt', 'that.txt'], @paths);
-Funtionally identical to C<first_cat_path()>, except that it returns the full
-path to the first executable file found, rather than simply the first file
-sub first_cat_exe {
- my $self = shift;
- my $files = ref $_[0] ? shift() : [shift()];
- foreach my $p (@_) {
- foreach my $f (@$files) {
- my $path = $self->catfile($p, $f);
- return $path if -f $path && -x $path;
- }
- }
- return;
-=head2 search_file
- my $file = 'foo.txt';
- my $regex = qr/(text\s+to\s+find)/;
- my $value = $util->search_file($file, $regex);
-Opens C<$file> and executes the C<$regex> regular expression against each line
-in the file. Once the line matches and one or more values is returned by the
-match, the file is closed and the value or values returned.
-For example, say F<foo.txt> contains the line "Version 6.5, patch level 8",
-and you need to grab each of the three version parts. All three parts can
-be grabbed like this:
- my $regex = qr/Version\s+(\d+)\.(\d+),[^\d]*(\d+)/;
- my @nums = $util->search_file($file, $regex);
-Now C<@nums> will contain the values C<(6, 5, 8)>. Note that in a scalar
-context, the above search would yeild an array reference:
- my $regex = qr/Version\s+(\d+)\.(\d+),[^\d]*(\d+)/;
- my $nums = $util->search_file($file, $regex);
-So now C<$nums> contains C<[6, 5, 8]>. The same does not hold true if the
-match returns only one value, however. Say F<foo.txt> contains the line
-"king of the who?", and you wish to know who the king is king of. Either
-of the following two calls would get you the data you need:
- my $minions = $util->search_file($file, qr/King\s+of\s+(.*)/);
- my @minions = $util->search_file($file, qr/King\s+of\s+(.*)/);
-In the first case, because the regular expression contains only one set of
-parentheses, C<search_file()> will simply return that value: C<$minions>
-contains the string "the who?". In the latter case, C<@minions> of course
-contains a single element: C<("the who?")>.
-Note that a regular expression without parentheses -- that is, one that
-doesn't grab values and put them into $1, $2, etc., will never successfully
-match a line in this method. You must include something to parentetically
-match. If you just want to know the value of what was matched, parenthesize
-the whole thing and if the value returns, you have a match. Also, if you need
-to match patterns across lines, try using multiple regular expressions with
-C<multi_search_file()>, instead.
-sub search_file {
- my ($self, $file, $regex) = @_;
- return unless $file && $regex;
- open F, "<$file" or Carp::croak "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
- my @ret;
- while (<F>) {
- # If we find a match, we're done.
- (@ret) = /$regex/ and last;
- }
- close F;
- # If the match returned an more than one value, always return the full
- # array. Otherwise, return just the first value in a scalar context.
- return unless @ret;
- return wantarray ? @ret : $#ret <= 0 ? $ret[0] : \@ret;
-=head2 multi_search_file
- my @regexen = (qr/(one)/, qr/(two)\s+(three)/);
- my @matches = $util->multi_search_file($file, @regexen);
-Like C<search_file()>, this mehod opens C<$file> and parses it for regular
-expresion matches. This method, however, can take a list of regular
-expressions to look for, and will return the values found for all of them.
-Regular expressions that match and return multiple values will be returned as
-array referernces, while those that match and return a single value will
-return just that single value.
-For example, say you are parsing a file with lines like the following:
- #define XML_MINOR_VERSION 95
-You need to get each of these numbers, but calling C<search_file()> for each
-of them would be wasteful, as each call to C<search_file()> opens the file and
-parses it. With C<multi_search_file()>, on the other hand, the file will be
-opened only once, and, once all of the regular expressions have returned
-matches, the file will be closed and the matches returned.
-Thus the above values can be collected like this:
- my @regexen = ( qr/XML_MAJOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)$/,
- qr/XML_MINOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)$/,
- qr/XML_MICRO_VERSION\s+(\d+)$/ );
- my @nums = $file->multi_search_file($file, @regexen);
-The result will be that C<@nums> contains C<(1, 95, 2)>. Note that
-C<multi_file_search()> tries to do the right thing by only parsing the file
-until all of the regular expressions have been matched. Thus, a large file
-with the values you need near the top can be parsed very quickly.
-As with C<search_file()>, C<multi_search_file()> can take regular expressions
-that match multiple values. These will be returned as array references. For
-example, say the file you're parsing has files like this:
- FooApp Version 4
- Subversion 2, Microversion 6
-To get all of the version numbers, you can either use three regular
-expressions, as in the previous example:
- my @regexen = ( qr/FooApp\s+Version\s+(\d+)$/,
- qr/Subversion\s+(\d+),/,
- qr/Microversion\s+(\d$)$/ );
- my @nums = $file->multi_search_file($file, @regexen);
-In which case C<@nums> will contain C<(4, 2, 6)>. Or, you can use just two
-regular expressions:
- my @regexen = ( qr/FooApp\s+Version\s+(\d+)$/,
- qr/Subversion\s+(\d+),\s+Microversion\s+(\d$)$/ );
- my @nums = $file->multi_search_file($file, @regexen);
-In which case C<@nums> will contain C<(4, [2, 6])>. Note that the two
-parentheses that return values in the second regular expression cause the
-matches to be returned as an array reference.
-sub multi_search_file {
- my ($self, $file, @regexen) = @_;
- return unless $file && @regexen;
- my @each = @regexen;
- open F, "<$file" or Carp::croak "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
- my %ret;
- while (my $line = <F>) {
- my @splice;
- # Process each of the regular expresssions.
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @each; $i++) {
- if ((my @ret) = $line =~ /$each[$i]/) {
- # We have a match! If there's one match returned, just grab
- # it. If there's more than one, keep it as an array ref.
- $ret{$each[$i]} = $#ret > 0 ? \@ret : $ret[0];
- # We got values for this regex, so not its place in the @each
- # array.
- push @splice, $i;
- }
- }
- # Remove any regexen that have already found a match.
- for (@splice) { splice @each, $_, 1 }
- # If there are no more regexes, we're done -- no need to keep
- # processing lines in the file!
- last unless @each;
- }
- close F;
- return unless %ret;
- return wantarray ? @ret{@regexen} : \@ret{@regexen};
-=head1 BUGS
-Report all bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 AUTHOR
-David Wheeler <L<|"">>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<App::Info|App::Info>, L<File::Spec|File::Spec>,
-Copyright (c) 2002, David Wheeler. All Rights Reserved.
-This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.