path: root/httemplate/view
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/view')
8 files changed, 354 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi
index e2f810c3f..9c1c1d71d 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices');
+ unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices')
+ or $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi
index 42e1e6177..c5373ff19 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi
@@ -60,63 +60,18 @@
<A HREF="<% $p %>view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi?<% $link %>.pdf">View typeset invoice</A>
% }
-% #false laziness with search/cust_bill_event.cgi
-% unless ( $templatename ) {
- <% table() %>
- <TR>
- <TH>Event</TH>
- <TH>Date</TH>
- <TH>Status</TH>
- </TR>
-% foreach my $cust_bill_event (
-% sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date } $cust_bill->cust_bill_event
-% ) {
-% my $status = $cust_bill_event->status;
-% $status .= ': '. encode_entities($cust_bill_event->statustext)
-% if $cust_bill_event->statustext;
-% my $part_bill_event = $cust_bill_event->part_bill_event;
- <TR>
- <TD><% $part_bill_event->event %>
-% if ( $part_bill_event->templatename ) {
-% my $alt_templatename = $part_bill_event->templatename;
-% my $alt_link = "$alt_templatename-$invnum";
- ( <A HREF="<% $p %>view/cust_bill.cgi?<% $alt_link %>">view</A>
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi?<% $alt_link %>.pdf">view
- typeset</A>
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/print-invoice.cgi?<% $alt_link %>">re-print</A>
-% if ( grep { $_ ne 'POST' }
-% $cust_bill->cust_main->invoicing_list ) {
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/email-invoice.cgi?<% $alt_link %>">re-email</A>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('hylafax')
-% && length($cust_bill->cust_main->fax) ) {
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/fax-invoice.cgi?<% $alt_link %>">re-fax</A>
+% my $br = 0;
+% if ( $cust_bill->num_cust_event ) { $br++;
+<A HREF="<%$p%>search/cust_event.html?invnum=<% $cust_bill->invnum %>">(&nbsp;View invoice events&nbsp;)</A>
% }
+% if ( $cust_bill->num_cust_bill_event ) { $br++;
+<A HREF="<%$p%>search/cust_bill_event.cgi?invnum=<% $cust_bill->invnum %>">(&nbsp;View deprecated, old-style invoice events&nbsp;)</A>
+% }
- )
-% }
+<% $br ? '<BR><BR>' : '' %>
- </TD>
- <TD><% time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y", $cust_bill_event->_date) %></TD>
- <TD><% $status %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE>
- <BR>
-% }
% if ( $conf->exists('invoice_html') ) {
<% join('', $cust_bill->print_html('', $templatename) ) %>
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
index 850b48b27..4ca777d6a 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
@@ -16,52 +16,38 @@ function areyousure(href, message) {
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-%my $ban = '';
-%if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD|CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) {
-% $ban = '<BR><P ALIGN="center">'.
-% '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ban" VALUE="1"> Ban this customer\\\'s ';
-% if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ) {
-% $ban .= 'credit card';
-% } elsif ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ) {
-% $ban .= 'ACH account';
-% }
-var confirm_cancel = '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<% $p %>misc/cust_main-cancel.cgi"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<% $custnum %>"> <BR><P ALIGN="center"><B>Permanently delete all services and cancel this customer?</B> <% $ban%><BR><P ALIGN="CENTER"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Cancel customer">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Don\'t cancel" onClick="cClick()"> </FORM> ';
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Cancel customer')
% && $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs
% ) {
- <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib(confirm_cancel, CAPTION, 'Confirm cancellation', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, CLOSETEXT, '', MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, WIDTH, 576, HEIGHT, 128, TEXTSIZE, 3, BGCOLOR, '#ff0000', CGCOLOR, '#ff0000' ); return false; ">Cancel this customer</A> |
+ <% cust_cancel_link($cust_main) %> |
% }
% if ( $conf->exists('deletecustomers')
% && $curuser->access_right('Delete customer')
% ) {
<A HREF="<% $p %>misc/delete-customer.cgi?<% $custnum%>">Delete this customer</A> |
% }
-% unless ( $conf->exists('disable_customer_referrals') ) {
- <A HREF="<% popurl(2) %>edit/cust_main.cgi?referral_custnum=<% $custnum %>">Refer a new customer</A> |
- <A HREF="<% popurl(2) %>search/cust_main.cgi?referral_custnum=<% $custnum %>">View this customer's referrals</A>
+% unless ( $conf->exists('disable_customer_referrals') ) {
+ <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_main.cgi?referral_custnum=<% $custnum %>">Refer a new customer</A> |
+ <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_main.cgi?referral_custnum=<% $custnum %>">View this customer's referrals</A>
% }
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
+% || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
+% ) {
+ <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_event.html?custnum=<% $custnum %>">View billing events for this customer</A>
+ <BR><BR>
+% }
%my $signupurl = $conf->config('signupurl');
%if ( $signupurl ) {
This customer's signup URL: <A HREF="<% $signupurl %>?ref=<% $custnum %>"><% $signupurl %>?ref=<% $custnum %></A><BR><BR>
% }
@@ -161,11 +147,41 @@ die "No customer specified (bad URL)!" unless $cgi->keywords;
my($query) = $cgi->keywords; # needs parens with my, ->keywords returns array
$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
my $custnum = $1;
-my $cust_main = qsearchs({
+my $cust_main = qsearchs( {
'table' => 'cust_main',
- 'hashref' => {'custnum'=>$custnum},
+ 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $custnum },
'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $curuser->agentnums_sql,
die "Customer not found!" unless $cust_main;
+sub cust_cancel_link { cust_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_cust.html',
+ 'Cancel&nbsp;this&nbsp;customer',
+ 'Confirm Cancellation',
+ '#ff0000',
+ @_,
+ );
+#false laziness w/view/cust_main/packages.html
+sub cust_popup_link {
+ my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color, $cust_main) = @_;
+ $action .= '?'. $cust_main->custnum;
+ popup_link($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color);
+sub popup_link {
+ my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color) = @_;
+ $color ||= '#333399';
+ qq!<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('$p$action', 540, 336, 'pkg_or_svc_action_popup' ), CAPTION, '$actionlabel', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '$color', CGCOLOR, '$color', CLOSETEXT, '' ); return false;">$label</A>!;
+#WIDTH, 576, HEIGHT, 128, TEXTSIZE, 3,
+#BGCOLOR, '#ff0000', CGCOLOR, '#ff0000'
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/order_pkg.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/order_pkg.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f48bf0929..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/order_pkg.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-% my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function enable_order_pkg () {
- if ( document.OrderPkgForm.pkgpart.selectedIndex > 0 ) {
- document.OrderPkgForm.submit.disabled = false;
- } else {
- document.OrderPkgForm.submit.disabled = true;
- }
-<FORM NAME="OrderPkgForm" ACTION="<% $p %>edit/process/quick-cust_pkg.cgi" METHOD="POST">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<% $cust_main->custnum %>">
-<SELECT NAME="pkgpart" onChange="enable_order_pkg()"><OPTION>Order additional package
-%foreach my $part_pkg (
-% qsearch( 'part_pkg', { 'disabled' => '' }, '',
-% ' AND 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM type_pkgs '.
-% ' WHERE typenum = '. $cust_main->agent->typenum.
-% ' AND type_pkgs.pkgpart = part_pkg.pkgpart )'.
-% ' ORDER BY pkg' # case ?
-% )
-%) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $part_pkg->pkgpart %>"><% $part_pkg->pkg %> - <% $part_pkg->comment %>
-% }
-<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Order Package" disabled>
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
index 5890726ae..f424425a7 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
@@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
-% my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-% my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-% my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-% my $packages = get_packages($cust_main, $conf);
+<A NAME="cust_pkg"><FONT SIZE="+2">Packages</FONT></A><BR>
-<A NAME="cust_pkg"><FONT SIZE="+2">Packages</FONT></A>
+% my $s = 0;
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Order customer package') ) {
- <% include('order_pkg.html', $cust_main ) %>
+ <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
+ <% order_pkg_link($cust_main) %>
% }
% if ( $curuser->access_right('One-time charge')
% && $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE'
% ) {
- <% popup_link('edit/quick-charge.html?custnum='. $cust_main->custnum, 'One-time charge', 'One-time charge', 545) %>
+ <% popup_link('edit/quick-charge.html?custnum='. $cust_main->custnum, 'One-time charge', 'One-time charge', '#333399', 545) %>
% }
% if ( $curuser->access_right('Bulk change customer packages') ) {
@@ -77,27 +72,43 @@ Current packages
<!--pkgnum: <% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>-->
<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <A NAME="cust_pkg<% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>"><% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %></A>:
- <% $part_pkg->pkg %> - <% $part_pkg->comment %><BR>
+ <A NAME="cust_pkg<% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>" ID="cust_pkg<% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>"><% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %></A>:
+ <% $part_pkg->pkg %> - <% $part_pkg->comment %>
+ <BR>
% unless ( $cust_pkg->get('cancel') ) {
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Change customer package') ) {
+% my $br = 0;
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Change customer package') ) { $br=1;
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit customer package dates') ) {
+% }
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit customer package dates') ) { $br=1;
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Customize customer package') ) {
+% }
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Customize customer package') ) { $br=1;
+% }
+ <% $br ? '<BR>' : '' %>
% }
-% }
+% if ( $cust_pkg->num_cust_event
+% && ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
+% || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
+% )
+% ) {
+ (&nbsp;<%pkg_event_link($cust_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
+% }
<TD CLASS="inv" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
@@ -417,157 +428,207 @@ Current packages
% }
-%sub get_packages {
-% my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
-% my $conf = shift;
-% my @packages = ();
-% my $method;
-% if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
-% || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
-% && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') )
-% )
-% {
-% $method = 'ncancelled_pkgs';
-% } else {
-% $method = 'all_pkgs';
-% }
-% [ $cust_main->$method() ];
-%sub svc_provision_link {
-% my ($cust_pkg, $part_svc, $conf, $curuser) = @_;
-% ( my $svc_nbsp = $part_svc->svc ) =~ s/\s+/&nbsp;/g;
-% my $num_avail = $part_svc->num_avail;
-% my $pkgnum_svcpart = "pkgnum=". $cust_pkg->pkgnum. ';'.
-% "svcpart=". $part_svc->svcpart;
-% my $url;
-% if ( $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_external' #could be generalized
-% && $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual')
-% ) {
-% $url = "${p}edit/process/". $part_svc->svcdb. ".cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
-% } else {
-% $url = svc_url(
-% 'm' => $m,
-% 'action' => 'edit',
-% 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
-% 'query' => $pkgnum_svcpart,
-% );
-% #$url = "${p}edit/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
-% }
-% my $link = qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="$url">!.
-% "Provision&nbsp;$svc_nbsp&nbsp;($num_avail)</A>";
-% if ( $conf->exists('legacy_link')
-% && $curuser->access_right('View/link unlinked services')
-% )
-% {
-% $link .= '<BR>'.
-% qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="${p}misc/link.cgi?!.
-% qq!$pkgnum_svcpart">!.
-% "Link&nbsp;to&nbsp;legacy&nbsp;$svc_nbsp&nbsp;($num_avail)</A>";
-% }
-% $link;
-%sub svc_unprovision_link {
-% my $cust_svc = shift or return '';
-% qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/unprovision.cgi?!. $cust_svc->svcnum.
-% qq!', 'Permanently unprovision and delete this service?')">Unprovision</A>!;
-%sub pkg_datestr {
-% my($cust_pkg, $field, $conf) = @_ or return '';
-% return '&nbsp;' unless $cust_pkg->get($field);
-% my $format = '<TD align="left"><B>%b</B></TD>'.
-% '<TD align="right"><B>&nbsp;%o,</B></TD>'.
-% '<TD align="right"><B>&nbsp;%Y</B></TD>';
-% #$format .= '&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=-3>%l:%M:%S%P&nbsp;%z</FONT>'
-% $format .= '<TD ALIGN="right"><B>&nbsp;%l</TD>'.
-% '<TD ALIGN="center"><B>:</B></TD>'.
-% '<TD ALIGN="left"><B>%M</B></TD>'.
-% '<TD ALIGN="left"><B>&nbsp;%P</B></TD>'
-% if $conf->exists('cust_pkg-display_times');
-% my $strip = time2str($format, $cust_pkg->get($field) );
-% $strip =~ s/ (\d)/$1/g;
-% $strip;
-%sub pkg_change_link { pkg_link('misc/change_pkg', 'Change&nbsp;package', @_ ); }
-%sub pkg_suspend_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=suspend',
-% 'Suspend&nbsp;now',
-% 'Suspend',
-% @_
-% );
-% }
-%sub pkg_unsuspend_link { pkg_link('misc/unsusp_pkg', 'Unsuspend', @_ ); }
-%sub pkg_expire_link { pkg_link('misc/expire_pkg', 'Cancel&nbsp;later', @_ ); }
-%sub pkg_dates_link { pkg_link('edit/REAL_cust_pkg', 'Edit&nbsp;dates', @_ ); }
-%sub pkg_cancel_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=cancel',
-% 'Cancel&nbsp;now',
-% 'Cancel',
-% @_
-% );
-% }
-%sub pkg_adjourn_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=adjourn',
-% 'Suspend&nbsp;later',
-% 'Adjourn',
-% @_
-% );
-% }
-%sub pkg_expire_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=expire',
-% 'Cancel&nbsp;later',
-% 'Expire', #"Cancel package $num later"
-% @_
-% );
-% }
-%sub svc_recharge_link { svc_popup_link( 'misc/recharge_svc.html',
-% 'Recharge',
-% 'Recharge',
-% @_
-% );
-% }
-%sub pkg_link {
-% my($action, $label, $cust_pkg) = @_;
-% return '' unless $cust_pkg;
-% qq!<a href="$p$action.cgi?!. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. qq!">$label</a>!;
-%sub pkg_popup_link {
-% my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $cust_pkg) = @_;
-% $action .= '&pkgnum='. $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
-% $actionlabel .= ' package '. $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
-% popup_link($action, $label, $actionlabel, 392);
-%sub svc_popup_link {
-% my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $cust_svc) = @_;
-% $action .= '?svcnum='. $cust_svc->svcnum;
-% $actionlabel .= ' service '. $cust_svc->svcnum;
-% popup_link($action, $label, $actionlabel, 392);
-%sub popup_link {
-% my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $width) = @_;
-% qq!<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('$p$action', $width, 336, 'pkg_or_svc_action_popup' ), CAPTION, '$actionlabel', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK ); return false;">$label</A>!;
-%sub pkg_customize_link {
-% my $cust_pkg = shift or return '';
-% my $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
-% qq!<A HREF="${p}edit/part_pkg.cgi?!.
-% "keywords=$custnum;".
-% "clone=". $cust_pkg->part_pkg->pkgpart. ';'.
-% "pkgnum=". $cust_pkg->pkgnum.
-% qq!">Customize</A>!;
+% if ( $cgi->param('fragment') =~ /^cust_pkg(\d+)$/ ) {
+ // IE-specific hack. other browsers listen to #fragments
+ // is this even working? or is the #target redirection just working cause
+ // we set the URL params differently?
+ var el = document.getElementById( 'cust_pkg<% $1 %>' );
+ if ( el ) el.scrollIntoView(true);
+% }
+my( $cust_main ) = @_;
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
+my $packages = get_packages($cust_main, $conf);
+sub get_packages {
+ my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my @packages = ();
+ my $method;
+ if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
+ || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
+ && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') )
+ )
+ {
+ $method = 'ncancelled_pkgs';
+ } else {
+ $method = 'all_pkgs';
+ }
+ [ $cust_main->$method() ];
+sub svc_provision_link {
+ my ($cust_pkg, $part_svc, $conf, $curuser) = @_;
+ ( my $svc_nbsp = $part_svc->svc ) =~ s/\s+/&nbsp;/g;
+ my $num_avail = $part_svc->num_avail;
+ my $pkgnum_svcpart = "pkgnum=". $cust_pkg->pkgnum. ';'.
+ "svcpart=". $part_svc->svcpart;
+ my $url;
+ if ( $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_external' #could be generalized
+ && $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual')
+ ) {
+ $url = "${p}edit/process/". $part_svc->svcdb. ".cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
+ } else {
+ $url = svc_url(
+ 'm' => $m,
+ 'action' => 'edit',
+ 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
+ 'query' => $pkgnum_svcpart,
+ );
+ #$url = "${p}edit/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
+ }
+ my $link = qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="$url">!.
+ "Provision&nbsp;$svc_nbsp&nbsp;($num_avail)</A>";
+ if ( $conf->exists('legacy_link')
+ && $curuser->access_right('View/link unlinked services')
+ )
+ {
+ $link .= '<BR>'.
+ qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="${p}misc/link.cgi?!.
+ qq!$pkgnum_svcpart">!.
+ "Link&nbsp;to&nbsp;legacy&nbsp;$svc_nbsp&nbsp;($num_avail)</A>";
+ }
+ $link;
+sub svc_unprovision_link {
+ my $cust_svc = shift or return '';
+ qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/unprovision.cgi?!. $cust_svc->svcnum.
+ qq!', 'Permanently unprovision and delete this service?')">Unprovision</A>!;
+sub pkg_datestr {
+ my($cust_pkg, $field, $conf) = @_ or return '';
+ return '&nbsp;' unless $cust_pkg->get($field);
+ my $format = '<TD align="left"><B>%b</B></TD>'.
+ '<TD align="right"><B>&nbsp;%o,</B></TD>'.
+ '<TD align="right"><B>&nbsp;%Y</B></TD>';
+ #$format .= '&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=-3>%l:%M:%S%P&nbsp;%z</FONT>'
+ $format .= '<TD ALIGN="right"><B>&nbsp;%l</TD>'.
+ '<TD ALIGN="center"><B>:</B></TD>'.
+ '<TD ALIGN="left"><B>%M</B></TD>'.
+ '<TD ALIGN="left"><B>&nbsp;%P</B></TD>'
+ if $conf->exists('cust_pkg-display_times');
+ my $strip = time2str($format, $cust_pkg->get($field) );
+ $strip =~ s/ (\d)/$1/g;
+ $strip;
+sub pkg_change_link { pkg_link('misc/change_pkg', 'Change&nbsp;package', @_ ); }
+sub pkg_suspend_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=suspend',
+ 'Suspend&nbsp;now',
+ 'Suspend',
+ '#FF9900',
+ @_
+ );
+ }
+sub pkg_adjourn_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=adjourn',
+ 'Suspend&nbsp;later',
+ 'Adjourn',
+ '#CC6600',
+ @_
+ );
+ }
+sub pkg_unsuspend_link { pkg_link('misc/unsusp_pkg', 'Unsuspend', @_ ); }
+sub pkg_expire_link { pkg_link('misc/expire_pkg', 'Cancel&nbsp;later', @_ ); }
+sub pkg_dates_link { pkg_link('edit/REAL_cust_pkg', 'Edit&nbsp;dates', @_ ); }
+sub pkg_cancel_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=cancel',
+ 'Cancel&nbsp;now',
+ 'Cancel',
+ '#ff0000',
+ @_
+ );
+ }
+sub pkg_expire_link { pkg_popup_link( 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=expire',
+ 'Cancel&nbsp;later',
+ 'Expire', #"Cancel package $num later"
+ '#CC0000',
+ @_
+ );
+ }
+sub svc_recharge_link { svc_popup_link( 'misc/recharge_svc.html',
+ 'Recharge',
+ 'Recharge',
+ '#333399',
+ @_
+ );
+ }
+sub order_pkg_link { cust_popup_link( 'misc/order_pkg.html',
+ 'Order&nbsp;new&nbsp;package',
+ 'Order new package',
+ '#333399',
+ @_
+ );
+ }
+sub pkg_event_link {
+ my($cust_pkg) = @_;
+ qq!<a href="${p}search/cust_event.html?pkgnum=!. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. qq!">!.
+ 'View package events'.
+ '</a>';
+sub pkg_link {
+ my($action, $label, $cust_pkg) = @_;
+ return '' unless $cust_pkg;
+ qq!<a href="$p$action.cgi?!. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. qq!">$label</a>!;
+sub pkg_popup_link {
+ my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color, $cust_pkg) = @_;
+ $action .= '&pkgnum='. $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
+ $actionlabel .= ' package '. $cust_pkg->pkgnum;
+ popup_link($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color);
+sub svc_popup_link {
+ my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color, $cust_svc) = @_;
+ $action .= '?svcnum='. $cust_svc->svcnum;
+ $actionlabel .= ' service '. $cust_svc->svcnum;
+ popup_link($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color);
+sub cust_popup_link {
+ my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color, $cust_main) = @_;
+ $action .= '?'. $cust_main->custnum;
+ popup_link($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color);
+sub popup_link {
+ my($action, $label, $actionlabel, $color, $width) = @_;
+ $color ||= '#333399';
+ $width ||= 540;
+ qq!<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('$p$action', $width, 336, 'pkg_or_svc_action_popup' ), CAPTION, '$actionlabel', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '$color', CGCOLOR, '$color' ); return false;">$label</A>!;
+sub pkg_customize_link {
+ my $cust_pkg = shift or return '';
+ my $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
+ qq!<A HREF="${p}edit/part_pkg.cgi?!.
+ "keywords=$custnum;".
+ "clone=". $cust_pkg->part_pkg->pkgpart. ';'.
+ "pkgnum=". $cust_pkg->pkgnum.
+ qq!">Customize</A>!;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html
index b2d98cc55..099bc4f2b 100644
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html
@@ -73,11 +73,21 @@
% my $link = $curuser->access_right('View invoices')
% ? qq!<A HREF="${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?$invnum">!
% : '';
+% my $events = '';
+% if ( $cust_bill->num_cust_event
+% && ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
+% || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
+% )
+% ) {
+% $events =
+% qq!<BR><FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="${p}search/cust_event.html?invnum=!.
+% $cust_bill->invnum. '">(&nbsp;View invoice events&nbsp;)</A></FONT>';
+% }
% push @history, {
% 'date' => $cust_bill->_date,
% 'desc' => $link. $pre.
% "Invoice #$invnum (Balance \$". $cust_bill->owed. ')'.
-% $post. ( $link ? '</A>' : '' ),
+% $post. ( $link ? '</A>' : '' ). $events,
% 'charge' => $cust_bill->charged,
% };
diff --git a/httemplate/view/logo.cgi b/httemplate/view/logo.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeca0f3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/view/logo.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<% $data %>
+die "access denied"
+ unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $type;
+if ( $cgi->param('type') eq 'png' ) {
+ $type = 'png';
+} elsif ( $cgi->param('type') eq 'eps' ) {
+ $type = 'eps';
+} else {
+ die "unknown logo type ". $cgi->param('type');
+my $data;
+if ( $cgi->param('preview_session') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
+ my $session = $1;
+ my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
+ $data = decode_base64( $curuser->option("logo_preview$session") );
+} elsif ( $cgi->param('name') =~ /^([^\.\/]*)$/ ) {
+ my $templatename = $1;
+ if ( $templatename && $conf->exists("logo_$templatename.$type") ) {
+ $templatename = "_$templatename";
+ } else {
+ $templatename = '';
+ }
+ if ( $type eq 'png' ) {
+ $data = $conf->config_binary("logo$templatename.png");
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'eps' ) {
+ #convert EPS to a png... punting on that for now
+ }
+} else {
+ die "neither a valid name nor a valid preview_session specified";
+http_header('Content-Type' => 'image/png' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html b/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html
index defbee974..bb3a6dd33 100644
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html
+++ b/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => $table,
- 'edit_url' => $p."edit/svc_Common.html?svcdb=$table;svcnum=",
- %opt,
- )
# false laziness w/edit/svc_Common.html
@@ -27,3 +21,9 @@ if ( UNIVERSAL::can("FS::$table", 'table_info') ) {
+<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
+ 'table' => $table,
+ 'edit_url' => $p."edit/svc_Common.html?svcdb=$table;svcnum=",
+ %opt,
+ )