path: root/httemplate/view
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/view')
71 files changed, 0 insertions, 7885 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/view/REAL_logo.cgi b/httemplate/view/REAL_logo.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index c269c7d04..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/REAL_logo.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<% $conf->config_binary("logo.png", $agentnum) %>
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $agentnum = '';
-my @agentnums = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums;
-if ( scalar(@agentnums) == 1 ) {
- $agentnum = $agentnums[0];
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'image/png' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/attachment.html b/httemplate/view/attachment.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc053967..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/attachment.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<% $attach->body %>
-my ($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $attachnum = $1 or die 'Invalid attachment number';
-$FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Download attachment') or die 'access denied';
-my $attach = qsearchs('cust_attachment', { attachnum => $attachnum }) or die "Attachment not found: $attachnum";
-die 'access denied' if $attach->disabled;
-$r->content_type($attach->mime_type || 'text/plain');
-$r->headers_out->add('Content-Disposition' => 'attachment;filename=' . $attach->filename);
diff --git a/httemplate/view/bill_batch.cgi b/httemplate/view/bill_batch.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fca6ebbe..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/bill_batch.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-% if($magic eq 'print') {
-<% include('/elements/header.html', "Download Batch") %>
-<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="batchnum" VALUE="<% $batchnum %>">
-% $cgi->delete('magic');
-<% include('/elements/progress-init.html',
- 'OneTrueForm',
- [ 'batchnum' ],
- $p.'misc/process/bill_batch-print.html',
- {'url' => $cgi->self_url . ';magic=download'},
- '',
-) %></FORM>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">process();</SCRIPT>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-% }
-% elsif($magic eq 'download') {
-% $m->clear_buffer;
-% $r->content_type('application/pdf');
-% $r->headers_out->add('Content-Disposition' => 'attachment;filename="invoice_batch_'.$batchnum.'.pdf"');
-<% $batch->pdf %>
-% $batch->pdf('');
-% my $error = $batch->replace;
-% warn "error deleting cached PDF: '$error'\n" if $error;
-% }
-% else {
-<% include('/search/elements/search.html',
- 'title' => $close ?
- "Batch $batchnum closed." :
- "Invoice Batch $batchnum",
- 'name' => 'invoices',
- 'query' => { 'table' => 'cust_bill_batch',
- 'select' => join(', ',
- 'cust_bill.*',
- FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields(),
- 'cust_main.custnum AS cust_main_custnum',
- ),
- 'hashref' => { },
- 'addl_from' =>
- 'LEFT JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum ) '.
- 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'extra_sql' => '',
- " WHERE batchnum = $batchnum",
- },
- 'count_query' => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_bill_batch WHERE batchnum = $batchnum",
- 'html_init' => $html_init,
- 'header' => [ 'Invoice #',
- 'Amount',
- 'Date',
- 'Customer',
- ],
- 'fields' => [ sub { shift->cust_bill->display_invnum },
- sub { sprintf($money_char.'%.2f',
- shift->cust_bill->charged ) },
- sub { time2str('%b %d %Y',
- shift->cust_bill->_date ) },
- sub { shift->cust_bill->cust_main->name },
- ],
- 'align' => 'rrll',
- 'links' => [ ($link) x 3, $clink,
- ],
- 'really_disable_download' => 1,
-) %>
-% }
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $batch;
-my $batchnum = $cgi->param('batchnum');
-$batch = FS::bill_batch->by_key($batchnum);
-die "Batch '$batchnum' not found!\n" if !$batch;
-my $magic = $cgi->param('magic');
-my $html_init = '';
-my $close = $cgi->param('close');
-$batch->close if $close;
-if(!$magic) {
- $cgi->param('magic' => 'print');
- $cgi->delete('close');
- $html_init = '<A HREF="'.$cgi->self_url.'">Download this batch</A><BR>';
- if($batch->status eq 'O') {
- $cgi->param('close' => 1);
- $cgi->delete('magic');
- $html_init .= '<A HREF="'.$cgi->self_url.'">Close this batch</A><BR>';
- }
- $html_init .= '<BR>';
-my $link = [ "$p/view/cust_bill.cgi?", 'invnum' ];
-my $clink = [ "$p/view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ];
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index ad2ff5430..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-logo.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<% $conf->config_binary("logo$templatename.png", $agentnum) %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices')
- or $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $templatename;
-my $agentnum = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('invnum') ) {
- $templatename = $cgi->param('template') || $cgi->param('templatename');
- my $cust_bill = qsearchs('cust_bill', { 'invnum' => $cgi->param('invnum') } )
- or die 'unknown invnum';
- $agentnum = $cust_bill->cust_main->agentnum;
-} else {
- my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
- $query =~ /^([^\.\/]*)$/ or die 'illegal query';
- $templatename = $1;
-if ( $templatename && $conf->exists("logo_$templatename.png") ) {
- $templatename = "_$templatename";
-} else {
- $templatename = '';
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'image/png' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 51e47e00d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<% $pdf %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices');
-my( $invnum, $template, $notice_name );
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-if ( $query =~ /^((.+)-)?(\d+)(.pdf)?$/ ) {
- $template = $2;
- $invnum = $3;
- $notice_name = 'Invoice';
-} else {
- $invnum = $cgi->param('invnum');
- $invnum =~ s/\.pdf//i;
- $template = $cgi->param('template');
- $notice_name = ( $cgi->param('notice_name') || 'Invoice' );
-my %opt = (
- 'template' => $template,
- 'notice_name' => $notice_name,
-my $cust_bill = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'cust_bill.*',
- 'table' => 'cust_bill',
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'invnum' => $invnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Invoice #$invnum not found!" unless $cust_bill;
-my $pdf = $cust_bill->print_pdf(\%opt);
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/pdf' );
-http_header('Content-Length' => length($pdf) );
-http_header('Cache-control' => 'max-age=60' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-ps.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_bill-ps.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 881491f69..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_bill-ps.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<% $cust_bill->print_ps(\%opt) %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices');
-my( $invnum, $template, $notice_name );
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-if ( $query =~ /^((.+)-)?(\d+)(.pdf)?$/ ) {
- $template = $2;
- $invnum = $3;
- $notice_name = 'Invoice';
-} else {
- $invnum = $cgi->param('invnum');
- $template = $cgi->param('template');
- $notice_name = ( $cgi->param('notice_name') || 'Invoice' );
-my %opt = (
- 'template' => $template,
- 'notice_name' => $notice_name,
-my $cust_bill = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'cust_bill.*',
- 'table' => 'cust_bill',
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'invnum' => $invnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Invoice #$invnum not found!" unless $cust_bill;
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/postscript' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 0928d04bc..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_bill.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html",'Invoice View', menubar(
- "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
-)) %>
-% if ( $conf->exists('deleteinvoices')
-% && $curuser->access_right('Delete invoices' )
-% )
-% {
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- function areyousure(href, message) {
- if (confirm(message) == true)
- window.location.href = href;
- }
- <A HREF = "javascript:areyousure(
- '<%$p%>misc/delete-cust_bill.html?<% $invnum %>',
- 'Are you sure you want to delete this invoice?'
- )"
- TITLE = "Delete this invoice from the database completely"
- >Delete this invoice</A>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $cust_bill->owed > 0
-% && scalar( grep $payby{$_}, qw(BILL CASH WEST MCRD) )
-% && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment', 'Post check payment', 'Post cash payment'])
-% && ! $conf->exists('pkg-balances')
-% )
-% {
-% my $s = 0;
- Post
-% if ( $payby{'BILL'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment', 'Post check payment']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?payby=BILL;invnum=<% $invnum %>">check</A>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'CASH'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment', 'Post cash payment']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?payby=CASH;invnum=<% $invnum %>">cash</A>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'WEST'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?payby=WEST;invnum=<% $invnum %>">Western Union</A>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'MCRD'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?payby=MCRD;invnum=<% $invnum %>">manual credit card</A>
-% }
- payment against this invoice<BR><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Resend invoices') ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/send-invoice.cgi?method=print;<% $link %>">Re-print this invoice</A>
-% if ( grep { $_ ne 'POST' } $cust_bill->cust_main->invoicing_list ) {
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/send-invoice.cgi?method=email;<% $link %>">Re-email this invoice</A>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('hylafax') && length($cust_bill->cust_main->fax) ) {
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/send-invoice.cgi?method=fax;<% $link %>">Re-fax this invoice</A>
-% }
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('invoice_latex') ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>view/cust_bill-pdf.cgi?<% $link %>">View typeset invoice PDF</A>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-% my $br = 0;
-% if ( $cust_bill->num_cust_event ) { $br++;
-<A HREF="<%$p%>search/cust_event.html?invnum=<% $cust_bill->invnum %>">(&nbsp;View invoice events&nbsp;)</A>
-% }
-% if ( $cust_bill->num_cust_bill_event ) { $br++;
-<A HREF="<%$p%>search/cust_bill_event.cgi?invnum=<% $cust_bill->invnum %>">(&nbsp;View deprecated, old-style invoice events&nbsp;)</A>
-% }
-<% $br ? '<BR><BR>' : '' %>
-% if ( $conf->exists('invoice_html') ) {
- <% join('', $cust_bill->print_html(\%opt) ) %>
-% } else {
- <PRE><% join('', $cust_bill->print_text(\%opt) ) %></PRE>
-% }
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('View invoices');
-my( $invnum, $template, $notice_name );
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-if ( $query =~ /^((.+)-)?(\d+)$/ ) {
- $template = $2;
- $invnum = $3;
- $notice_name = 'Invoice';
-} else {
- $invnum = $cgi->param('invnum');
- $template = $cgi->param('template');
- $notice_name = $cgi->param('notice_name');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my %opt = (
- 'unsquelch_cdr' => $conf->exists('voip-cdr_email'),
- 'template' => $template,
- 'notice_name' => $notice_name,
-my @payby = grep /\w/, $conf->config('payby');
- unless @payby;
-my %payby = map { $_=>1 } @payby;
-my $cust_bill = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'cust_bill.*',
- 'table' => 'cust_bill',
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'invnum' => $invnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $curuser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Invoice #$invnum not found!" unless $cust_bill;
-my $custnum = $cust_bill->custnum;
-my $display_custnum = $cust_bill->cust_main->display_custnum;
-#my $printed = $cust_bill->printed;
-my $link = "invnum=$invnum";
-$link .= ';template='. uri_escape($template) if $template;
-$link .= ';notice_name='. $notice_name if $notice_name;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index e6db0a6c1..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-<% include('/elements/header.html', {
- 'title' => $title,
- 'nobr' => 1,
- })
-% my @part_tag = $cust_main->part_tag;
-% if ( $conf->config('cust_tag-location') eq 'top' && @part_tag ) {
-<TABLE STYLE="margin-bottom:8px" CELLSPACING=2>
-% foreach my $part_tag ( @part_tag ) {
- <TD>
- <FONT SIZE="+1"
- <% length($part_tag->tagcolor)
- ? 'STYLE="background-color:#'.$part_tag->tagcolor.'"'
- : ''
- %>><% $part_tag->tagname.': '. $part_tag->tagdesc |h %></FONT>
- </TD>
-% }
-% }
-<% include('/elements/menubar.html',
- { 'newstyle' => 1,
- 'selected' => $viewname{$view},
- 'url_base' => $cgi->url. "?custnum=$custnum;show=",
- },
- %views,
- )
-<DIV CLASS="fstabcontainer">
-<% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function areyousure(href, message) {
- if (confirm(message) == true)
- window.location.href = href;
-% if ( $view eq 'basics' || $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit customer') ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_main.cgi?<% $custnum %>">Edit this customer</A> |
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Cancel customer')
-% && $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs
-% ) {
- <% include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- { 'action' => $p. 'misc/cancel_cust.html',
- 'label' => 'Cancel&nbsp;this&nbsp;customer',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Confirm Cancellation',
- 'color' => '#ff0000',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'width' => 616, #make room for reasons
- 'height' => 366,
- }
- )
- %> |
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Merge customer') ) {
- <% include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- { 'action' => $p. 'misc/merge_cust.html',
- 'label' => 'Merge&nbsp;this&nbsp;customer',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Merge customer',
- #'color' => '#ff0000',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'width' => 480,
- 'height' => 192,
- }
- )
- %> |
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('deletecustomers')
-% && $curuser->access_right('Delete customer')
-% ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/delete-customer.cgi?<% $custnum%>">Delete this customer</A> |
-% }
-% unless ( $conf->exists('disable_customer_referrals') ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_main.cgi?referral_custnum=<% $custnum %>">Refer a new customer</A> |
- <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_main.cgi?referral_custnum=<% $custnum %>">View this customer's referrals</A>
-% }
-% my $br = 0;
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
-% || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
-% ) {
-% $br=1;
- <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_event.html?custnum=<% $custnum %>">View billing events for this customer</A>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->config('cust_main-external_links') ) {
- <% $br++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
-% my @links = split(/\n/, $conf->config('menu-prepend_links'));
-% foreach my $link (@links) {
-% $link =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*?)(\s*\(([^\)]*)\))?$/ or next;
-% my($url, $label, $alt) = ($1, $2, $4);
- <A HREF="<% $url.$custnum %>" ALT="<% $alt |h %>"><% $label |h %></A>
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $br ) {
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-%my $signupurl = $conf->config('signupurl');
-%if ( $signupurl ) {
- This customer's signup URL: <A HREF="<% $signupurl %>?ref=<% $custnum %>"><% $signupurl %>?ref=<% $custnum %></A><BR><BR>
-% }
-%if ( $conf->exists('maestro-status_test') ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/maestro-customer_status-test.html?<% $custnum %>">Test maestro status</A><BR><BR>
-% }
-<A NAME="cust_main"></A>
- <TD VALIGN="top">
- <% include('cust_main/contacts.html', $cust_main ) %>
- </TD>
- <TD VALIGN="top" STYLE="padding-left: 54px">
- <% include('cust_main/misc.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) {
- <BR>
- <% include('cust_main/billing.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% }
- </TD>
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'notes' || $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
-%if ( $cust_main->comments =~ /[^\s\n\r]/ ) {
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <PRE><% encode_entities($cust_main->comments) %></PRE>
- </TD>
-% }
-<A NAME="notes">
-% my $notecount = scalar($cust_main->notes(0));
-% if ( ! $conf->exists('cust_main-disable_notes') || $notecount) {
-% unless ( $view eq 'notes' && $cust_main->comments !~ /[^\s\n\r]/ ) {
- <BR>
- <A NAME="cust_main_note"><FONT SIZE="+2">Notes</FONT></A><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Add customer note') &&
-% ! $conf->exists('cust_main-disable_notes')
-% ) {
- <% include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Add customer note',
- 'action' => $p. 'edit/cust_main_note.cgi',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Enter customer note',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'width' => 616,
- 'height' => 538, #575
- )
- %>
-% }
-<% include('cust_main/notes.html', 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum ) %>
-% }
-% if(! $conf->config('disable_cust_attachment')
-% and $curuser->access_right('Add attachment')) {
-<% include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Attach file',
- 'action' => $p.'edit/cust_main_attach.cgi',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Upload file',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'width' => 480,
- 'height' => 296,
- )
-% }
-% if( $curuser->access_right('View attachments') ) {
-<% include('cust_main/attachments.html', 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum ) %>
-% if ($cgi->param('show_deleted')) {
-<A HREF="<% $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=' . $cust_main->custnum .
- ($view ? ";show=$view" : '') . '#notes'
- %>"><I>(Show active attachments)</I></A>
-% }
-% elsif($curuser->access_right('View deleted attachments')) {
-<A HREF="<% $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?custnum=' . $cust_main->custnum .
- ($view ? ";show=$view" : '') . ';show_deleted=1#notes'
- %>"><I>(Show deleted attachments)</I></A>
-% }
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
- <BR><BR>
- <A NAME="tickets"><FONT SIZE="+2">Tickets</FONT></A><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'tickets' || $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
-% if ( $conf->config('ticket_system') ) {
- <% include('cust_main/tickets.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% }
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'jumbo' ) { #XXX enable me && $curuser->access_right('View customer packages') {
- <A NAME="cust_pkg"><FONT SIZE="+2">Packages</FONT></A><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'packages' || $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
-% #XXX enable me# if ( $curuser->access_right('View customer packages') {
-<% include('cust_main/packages.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% #}
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
- <BR><BR>
- <A NAME="history"><FONT SIZE="+2">Payment History</FONT></A><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'payment_history' || $view eq 'jumbo' ) {
-% if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) {
- <% include('cust_main/payment_history.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'change_history' ) { # || $view eq 'jumbo'
-<% include('cust_main/change_history.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% }
-% if ( $view eq 'custom' ) {
-<% include('cust_main/custom.html', $cust_main ) %>
-% }
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('View customer');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $custnum;
-if ( $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- $custnum = $1;
-} else {
- die "No customer specified (bad URL)!" unless $cgi->keywords;
- my($query) = $cgi->keywords; # needs parens with my, ->keywords returns array
- $query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
- $custnum = $1;
-my $cust_main = qsearchs( {
- 'table' => 'cust_main',
- 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $custnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $curuser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Customer not found!" unless $cust_main;
-my $title = $cust_main->name;
-$title = '('. $cust_main->display_custnum. ") $title"
- if $conf->exists('cust_main-title-display_custnum');
-$title = "Customer: $title";
-#false laziness w/pref/pref.html and (cust_main-default_view)
-tie my %views, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'Basics' => 'basics',
- 'Notes' => 'notes', #notes and files?
-$views{'Tickets'} = 'tickets'
- if $conf->config('ticket_system');
-$views{'Packages'} = 'packages';
-$views{'Payment History'} = 'payment_history'
- unless $conf->config('payby-default' eq 'HIDE');
-$views{'Change History'} = 'change_history'
- if $curuser->access_right('View customer history');
-$views{$conf->config('cust_main-custom_title') || 'Custom'} = 'custom'
- if $conf->config('cust_main-custom_link');
-$views{'Jumbo'} = 'jumbo';
-my %viewname = reverse %views;
-my $view = $cgi->param('show') || $curuser->default_customer_view;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/attachments.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/attachments.html
deleted file mode 100755
index bdd4f5917..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/attachments.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-% if ( scalar(@attachments) ) {
- <% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
- <% include("/elements/table-grid.html") %>
- <TR>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Date</TH>
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main_note-display_times') ) {
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Time</TH>
-% }
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Person</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Filename</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Description</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Type</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Size</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
- </TR>
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = '';
-% if($cgi->param('show_deleted')) {
-% if ($curuser->access_right('View deleted attachments')) {
-% @attachments = grep { $_->disabled } @attachments;
-% }
-% else {
-% @attachments = ();
-% }
-% }
-% else {
-% @attachments = grep { not $_->disabled } @attachments;
-% }
-% foreach my $attach (@attachments) {
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
-% my $pop = popurl(3);
-% my $attachnum = $attach->attachnum;
-% my $edit = '';
-% if($attach->disabled) { # then you can undelete it or purge it.
-% if ($curuser->access_right('Undelete attachment')) {
-% my $clickjs = popup('edit/process/cust_main_attach.cgi?'.
-% "custnum=$custnum;attachnum=$attachnum;".
-% "undelete=1",
-% 'Undelete attachment');
-% $edit .= qq!&nbsp; <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" $clickjs>(undelete)</A>!;
-% }
-% if ($curuser->access_right('Purge attachment')) {
-% my $clickjs = popup('edit/process/cust_main_attach.cgi?'.
-% "custnum=$custnum;attachnum=$attachnum;".
-% "purge=1",
-% 'Purge attachment',
-% 'Permanently remove this file?');
-% $edit .= qq!&nbsp; <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" $clickjs>(purge)</A>!;
-% }
-% }
-% else { # you can download or edit it
-% if ($curuser->access_right('Edit attachment') ) {
-% my $clickjs = popup('edit/cust_main_attach.cgi?'.
-% "custnum=$custnum;attachnum=$attachnum",
-% 'Edit attachment properties');
-% $edit .= qq!&nbsp; <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" $clickjs>(edit)</A>!;
-% }
-% if($curuser->access_right('Delete attachment') ) {
-% my $clickjs = popup('edit/process/cust_main_attach.cgi?'.
-% "custnum=$custnum;attachnum=$attachnum;delete=1",
-% 'Delete attachment',
-% 'Delete this file?');
-% $edit .= qq!&nbsp; <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" $clickjs>(delete)</A>!;
-% }
-% if ($curuser->access_right('Download attachment') ) {
-% $edit .= qq!&nbsp; <A HREF="!.popurl(1).'attachment.html?'.$attachnum.qq!">(download)</A>!;
-% }
-% }
- <TR>
- <% note_datestr($attach,$conf,$bgcolor) %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- &nbsp;<% $attach->usernum ? $attach->access_user->name : $attach->otaker %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- &nbsp;<% $attach->filename %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- &nbsp;<% $attach->title %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- &nbsp;<% $attach->mime_type %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- &nbsp;<% size_units( $attach->size ) %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $edit %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% } #end display notes
-% }
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied" if !$curuser->access_right('View attachments');
-my(%opt) = @_;
-my $custnum = $opt{'custnum'};
-my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', {'custnum' => $custnum} );
-die "Customer not found!" unless $cust_main;
-my (@attachments) = qsearch('cust_attachment', {'custnum' => $custnum});
-sub note_datestr {
- my($note, $conf, $bgcolor) = @_ or return '';
- my $td = qq{<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor" ALIGN="right">};
- my $format = "$td%b&nbsp;%o,&nbsp;%Y</TD>";
- $format .= "$td%l:%M%P</TD>"
- if $conf->exists('cust_main_note-display_times');
- ( my $strip = time2str($format, $note->_date) ) =~ s/ (\d)/$1/g;
- $strip;
-sub size_units {
- my $bytes = shift;
- return $bytes if $bytes < 1024;
- return int($bytes / 1024)."K" if $bytes < 1048576;
- return int($bytes / 1048576)."M";
-sub popup {
- my ($url, $label, $confirm) = @_;
- my $onclick =
- include('/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
- 'action' => popurl(2).$url,
- 'actionlabel' => $label,
- 'width' => 510,
- 'height' => 315,
- 'frame' => 'top',
- );
- $onclick = qq!if(confirm('$confirm')) { $onclick }! if $confirm;
- return qq!onclick="$onclick"!;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 014ddaba2..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-Billing information
-%# If we can't see the unencrypted card, then bill now is an exercise in
-%# frustration (without some sort of job queue magic to send it to a secure
-%# machine, anyway)
-%if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Bill customer now')
-% && ! $cust_main->is_encrypted($cust_main->payinfo)
-% ) {
-%# (<A HREF="<% $p %>misc/bill.cgi?<% $cust_main->custnum %>">Bill now</A>)
- (<% include('/elements/bill.html',
- custnum => $cust_main->custnum,
- label => 'Bill now',
- url => $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?'.$cust_main->custnum,
- ) %>)
-% }
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
-%( my $balance = $cust_main->balance )
-% =~ s/^(\-?)(.*)$/<FONT SIZE=+1>$1<\/FONT>$money_char$2/;
- <TD ALIGN="right">Balance due</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><% $balance %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Billing&nbsp;type</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
-% if ( $cust_main->payby eq 'CARD' || $cust_main->payby eq 'DCRD' ) {
- Credit&nbsp;card&nbsp;<% $cust_main->payby eq 'CARD' ? '(automatic)' : '(on-demand)' %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Card number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->paymask %></TD>
-%#false laziness w/elements/select-month_year.html & edit/cust_main/billing.html
-%my( $mon, $year );
-%my $date = $cust_main->paydate || '12-2037';
-%if ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-\d{1,2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
-% ( $mon, $year ) = ( $2, $1 );
-%} elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
-% ( $mon, $year ) = ( $1, $3 );
-%} else {
-% warn "unrecognized expiration date format: $date";
-% ( $mon, $year ) = ( '', '' );
- <TD ALIGN="right">Expiration</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% "$mon/$year" %></TD>
-% if ( $cust_main->paystart_month ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Start date</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->paystart_month. '/'. $cust_main->paystart_year %>
- </TR>
-% } elsif ( $cust_main->payissue ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Issue #</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->payissue %>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Name on card</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->payname %></TD>
-% } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'CHEK' || $cust_main->payby eq 'DCHK') {
-% my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_main->paymask );
- Electronic&nbsp;check&nbsp;<% $cust_main->payby eq 'CHEK' ? '(automatic)' : '(on-demand)' %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">ABA/Routing code</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $aba %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Account number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $account %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Account type</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->paytype %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Bank name</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->payname %></TD>
-% if ( $conf->exists('show_bankstate') ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $paystate_label %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->paystate || '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' %></TD>
-% }
-% } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'LECB' ) {
-% $cust_main->payinfo =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/;
-% my $payinfo = "$1-$2-$3";
- Phone&nbsp;bill&nbsp;billing
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Phone number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $payinfo %></TD>
-% } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'BILL' ) {
- Billing
- </TD>
-% if ( $cust_main->payinfo ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">P.O. </TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->payinfo %></TD>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Attention</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->payname |h %></TD>
-% } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'COMP' ) {
- Complimentary
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Authorized&nbsp;by</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->payinfo %></TD>
-%#false laziness w/above etc.
-%my( $mon, $year );
-%my $date = $cust_main->paydate || '12-2037';
-%if ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-\d{1,2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
-% ( $mon, $year ) = ( $2, $1 );
-%} elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
-% ( $mon, $year ) = ( $1, $3 );
-%} else {
-% warn "unrecognized expiration date format: $date";
-% ( $mon, $year ) = ( '', '' );
- <TD ALIGN="right">Expiration</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% "$mon/$year" %></TD>
-% }
-% my @exempt_groups = grep /\S/, $conf->config('tax-cust_exempt-groups');
- <TD ALIGN="right">Tax&nbsp;exempt<% @exempt_groups ? ' (all taxes)' : '' %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->tax ? 'yes' : 'no' %></TD>
-% foreach my $exempt_group ( @exempt_groups ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">Tax&nbsp;exempt (<% $exempt_group %> taxes)</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->tax_exemption($exempt_group) ? 'yes' : 'no' %></TD>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxproducts') ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">Tax&nbsp;location</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->geocode('cch') %></TD>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Postal&nbsp;invoices</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% ( grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list ) ? 'yes' : 'no' %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">FAX&nbsp;invoices</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% ( grep { $_ eq 'FAX' } @invoicing_list ) ? 'yes' : 'no' %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Email&nbsp;invoices</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% join(', ', grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } @invoicing_list ) || 'no' %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Invoice&nbsp;terms</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% $cust_main->invoice_terms || 'Default ('. ( $conf->config('invoice_default_terms') || 'Payable upon receipt' ). ')' %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Credit&nbsp;limit</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% length($cust_main->credit_limit) ?
- $money_char.sprintf("%.2f", $cust_main->credit_limit) :
- 'Unlimited' %>
- </TD>
-% if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_cdr_spools') ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Spool&nbsp;CDRs</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->spool_cdr ? 'yes' : 'no' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_cdr_squelch') ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Print&nbsp;CDRs</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->squelch_cdr ? 'no' : 'yes' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_email_csv_cdr') ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Email&nbsp;CDRs&nbsp;as&nbsp;CSV</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->email_csv_cdr ? 'yes' : 'no' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $show_term || $cust_main->cdr_termination_percentage ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">CDR termination settlement</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->cdr_termination_percentage %><% $cust_main->cdr_termination_percentage =~ /\d/ ? '%' : '' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-my $paystate_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('paystate');
-$paystate_label = 'Bank state' if $paystate_label =~/^paystate$/;
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my @invoicing_list = $cust_main->invoicing_list;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-#false laziness w/edit/cust_main/billing.html
-my $term_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart ) WHERE custnum = ? AND plan = 'cdr_termination' LIMIT 1";
-my $term_sth = dbh->prepare($term_sql) or die dbh->errstr;
-$term_sth->execute($cust_main->custnum) or die $term_sth->errstr;
-my $show_term = $term_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/change_history.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/change_history.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ff67ca4..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/change_history.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-% if ( int( time - (keys %years)[0] * 31556736 ) > $start ) {
- Show:
-% my $chy = $cgi->param('change_history-years');
-% foreach my $y (keys %years) {
-% if ( $y == $years ) {
- <FONT SIZE="+1"><% $years{$y} %></FONT>
-% } else {
-% $cgi->param('change_history-years', $y);
- <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>"><% $years{$y} %></A>
-% }
-% last if int( time - $y * 31556736 ) < $start;
-% }
-% $cgi->param('change_history-years', $chy);
-% }
-<% include("/elements/table-grid.html") %>
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = '';
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">User</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Date</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Time</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Item</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Action</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Description</TH>
-% foreach my $item ( sort { $a->history_date <=> $b->history_date
-% #|| table order
-% || $a->historynum <=> $b->historynum
-% }
-% @history
-% )
-% {
-% my $history_other = '';
-% my $act = $item->history_action;
-% if ( $act =~ /^replace/ ) {
-% my $pkey = $item->primary_key;
-% my $date = $item->history_date;
-% $history_other = qsearchs({
-% 'table' => $item->table,
-% 'hashref' => { $pkey => $item->$pkey(),
-% 'history_action' => $replace_other{$act},
-% 'historynum' => { 'op' => $replace_dir{$act},
-% 'value' => $item->historynum
-% },
-% },
-% 'extra_sql' => "
-% AND history_date $replace_direq{$act} $date
-% AND ($date $replace_op{$act} $fuzz) $replace_direq{$act} history_date
-% ORDER BY historynum $replace_ord{$act} LIMIT 1
-% ",
-% });
-% }
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="left" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% my $otaker = $item->history_user;
-% $otaker = '<i>auto billing</i>' if $otaker eq 'fs_daily';
-% $otaker = '<i>customer self-service</i>' if $otaker eq 'fs_selfservice';
-% $otaker = '<i>job queue</i>' if $otaker eq 'fs_queue';
- <% $otaker %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% my $d = time2str('%b %o, %Y', $item->history_date );
-% $d =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
- <% $d %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% my $t = time2str('%r', $item->history_date );
-% $t =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
- <% $t %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="center" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% my $label = $h_tables{$item->table};
-% $label = &{ $h_table_labelsub{$item->table} }( $item, $label )
-% if $h_table_labelsub{$item->table};
- <% $label %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="left" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $action{$item->history_action} %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="left" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% join(', ',
- map { my $value = ( $_ =~ /(^pay(info|cvv)|^ss|_password)$/ )
- ? 'N/A'
- : $item->get($_);
- $value = time2str($cust_pkg_date_format, $value)
- if $item->table eq 'h_cust_pkg'
- && $cust_pkg_date_fields{$_}
- && $value;
- $value = substr($value, 0, 77).'...' if length($value) > 80;
- $value = encode_entities($value);
- "<I>$_</I>:<B>$value</B>";
- }
- grep { $history_other
- ? ( $item->get($_) ne $history_other->get($_) )
- : ( $item->get($_) =~ /\S/ )
- }
- grep { ! /^(history|custnum$)/i }
- $item->fields
- )
- %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-# length-switching
-tie my %years, 'Tie::IxHash',
- .5 => '6 months',
- 1 => '1 year',
- 2 => '2 years',
- 5 => '5 years',
- 39 => 'all history',
-# labeling history rows
-my %action = (
- 'insert' => 'Insert', #'Create',
- 'replace_old' => 'Change&nbsp;from',
- 'replace_new' => 'Change&nbsp;to',
- 'delete' => 'Remove',
-# finding the other replace row
-my %replace_other = (
- 'replace_new' => 'replace_old',
- 'replace_old' => 'replace_new',
-my %replace_dir = (
- 'replace_new' => '<',
- 'replace_old' => '>',
-my %replace_direq = (
- 'replace_new' => '<=',
- 'replace_old' => '>=',
-my %replace_op = (
- 'replace_new' => '-',
- 'replace_old' => '+',
-my %replace_ord = (
- 'replace_new' => 'DESC',
- 'replace_old' => 'ASC',
-my $fuzz = 5; #seems like a lot
-# which tables to search and what to call them
-tie my %tables, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'cust_main' => 'Customer',
- 'cust_main_invoice' => 'Invoice destination',
- 'cust_pkg' => 'Package',
- #? or just svc_* ? 'cust_svc' =>
- 'svc_acct' => 'Account',
- 'radius_usergroup' => 'RADIUS group',
- 'svc_domain' => 'Domain',
- 'svc_www' => 'Hosting',
- 'svc_forward' => 'Mail forward',
- 'svc_broadband' => 'Broadband',
- 'svc_external' => 'External service',
- 'svc_phone' => 'Phone',
- 'phone_device' => 'Phone device',
- #? it gets provisioned anyway 'phone_avail' => 'Phone',
-my $svc_join = 'JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )';
-my %table_join = (
- 'svc_acct' => $svc_join,
- 'radius_usergroup' => $svc_join,
- 'svc_domain' => $svc_join,
- 'svc_www' => $svc_join,
- 'svc_forward' => $svc_join,
- 'svc_broadband' => $svc_join,
- 'svc_external' => $svc_join,
- 'svc_phone' => $svc_join,
- 'phone_device' => $svc_join,
-my %h_tables = map { ( "h_$_" => $tables{$_} ) } keys %tables;
-my %pkgpart = ();
-my $pkg_labelsub = sub {
- my($item, $label) = @_;
- $pkgpart{$item->pkgpart} ||= $item->part_pkg->pkg;
- $label. ': <b>'. encode_entities($pkgpart{$item->pkgpart}). '</b>';
-my $svc_labelsub = sub {
- my($item, $label) = @_;
- $label. ': <b>'. encode_entities($item->label($item->history_date)). '</b>';
-my %h_table_labelsub = (
- 'h_cust_pkg' => $pkg_labelsub,
- 'h_svc_acct' => $svc_labelsub,
- #'h_radius_usergroup' =>
- 'h_svc_domain' => $svc_labelsub,
- 'h_svc_www' => $svc_labelsub,
- 'h_svc_forward' => $svc_labelsub,
- 'h_svc_broadband' => $svc_labelsub,
- 'h_svc_external' => $svc_labelsub,
- 'h_svc_phone' => $svc_labelsub,
- #'h_phone_device'
-# cust_main
-# cust_main_invoice
-# cust_pkg
-# cust_pkg_option?
-# cust_pkg_detail
-# cust_pkg_reason? no
-# svc_acct
-# radius_usergroup
-# acct_snarf? is this even used? it is now, for communigate RPOP
-# svc_domain
-# domain_record
-# registrar
-# svc_forward
-# svc_www
-# svc_broadband
-# (virtual fields? eh... maybe when they're real)
-# svc_external
-# svc_phone
-# phone_device
-# phone_avail
-# future:
-# inventory_item (from services)
-# pkg_referral? (changed?)
-#random others:
-# cust_location?
-# cust_main-exemption?? ( named tax exemptions)
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access deined"
- unless $curuser->access_right('View customer history');
-my $cust_pkg_date_format = '%b %o, %Y';
-$cust_pkg_date_format .= '%l:%M:%S%P'
- if $conf->exists('cust_pkg-display_times')
- || $curuser->option('cust_pkg-display_times');
-my %cust_pkg_date_fields = map { $_=>1 } qw(
- start_date setup bill last_bill susp adjourn cancel expire contract_end
- change_date
-# find out the beginning of this customer history, if possible
-my $h_insert = qsearchs({
- 'table' => 'h_cust_main',
- 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum,
- 'history_action' => 'insert',
- },
- 'extra_sql' => 'ORDER BY historynum LIMIT 1',
-my $start = $h_insert ? $h_insert->history_date : 0;
-# retreive the history
-my @history = ();
-my $years = $conf->config('change_history-years') || .5;
-if ( $cgi->param('change_history-years') =~ /^([\d\.]+)$/ ) {
- $years = $1;
-my $newer_than = int( time - $years * 31556736 ); #60*60*24*365.24
-local($FS::Record::nowarn_classload) = 1;
-foreach my $table ( keys %tables ) {
- my @items = qsearch({
- 'table' => "h_$table",
- 'addl_from' => $table_join{$table},
- 'hashref' => { 'history_date' => { op=>'>=', value=>$newer_than }, },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND custnum = '. $cust_main->custnum,
- });
- push @history, @items;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/contacts.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/contacts.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e91af54e6..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/contacts.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-% my %which = (
-% '' => 'Billing',
-% 'ship_' => 'Service',
-% );
-% foreach my $which ( '', 'ship_' ) {
-% my $pre = $cust_main->get("${which}last") ? $which : '';
-<% $which{$which} %> address
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Contact name</TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% $cust_main->get("${pre}last"). ', '. $cust_main->get("${pre}first") |h %>
- </TD>
-% if ( $which eq '' && $conf->exists('show_ss') ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">SS#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->masked('ss') || '&nbsp' %></TD>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=7 BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->get("${pre}company") |h %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Address</TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=7 BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->get("${pre}address1") |h %></TD>
-% if ( $cust_main->get("${pre}address2") ) {
-% my $address2_label =
-% ( $conf->exists('cust_main-require_address2')
-% && ! ( $pre xor $cust_main->has_ship_address )
-% )
-% ? 'Unit&nbsp;#'
-% : '&nbsp;';
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $address2_label %></TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=7 BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->get("${pre}address2") |h %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">City</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->get("${pre}city") |h %></TD>
-% if ( $cust_main->get("${pre}county") ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">County</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->get("${pre}county") |h %></TD>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">State</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% state_label( $cust_main->get("${pre}state"), $cust_main->get("${pre}country") ) |h %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Zip</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->get("${pre}zip") %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Country</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% code2country( $cust_main->get("${pre}country") ) %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $daytime_label %></TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% include('/elements/phonenumber.html',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}daytime"),
- 'callable'=>1
- )
- %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $night_label %></TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% include('/elements/phonenumber.html',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}night"),
- 'callable'=>1
- )
- %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <% $cust_main->get("${pre}fax") || '&nbsp' %>
- </TD>
-% if ( $which eq '' && $conf->exists('show_stateid') ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $stateid_label %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->masked('stateid') || '&nbsp' %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $stateid_state_label %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->stateid_state || '&nbsp' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $which ne 'ship_' ) {
-% }
-% }
-my $daytime_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime') =~ /^(daytime)?$/
- ? 'Day&nbsp;Phone'
- : FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime');
-my $night_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night') =~ /^(night)?$/
- ? 'Night&nbsp;Phone'
- : FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night');
-my $stateid_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('stateid') =~ /^(stateid)?$/
- ? 'Driver&rsquo;s&nbsp;License'
- : FS::Msgcat::_gettext('stateid');
-my $stateid_state_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('stateid_state') =~ /^(stateid_state)?$/
- ? 'Driver&rsquo;s&nbsp;License State'
- : FS::Msgcat::_gettext('stateid_state');
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/custom.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/custom.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e2e07b75..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/custom.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<IFRAME id="customframe"
- src="<% $proxyurl %>"
- onload="resizeFrame(this)"
- frameborder=0
- marginheight="0px"
- marginwidth="0px"
- width="100%"
- scrolling="no"
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function resizeFrame(f) {
- = f.contentDocument.body.scrollHeight + 'px';
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my $proxyurl = $p.'/misc/custom_link_proxy.cgi?custnum='.$cust_main->custnum;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/locations.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/locations.html
deleted file mode 100755
index ea6216ea9..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/locations.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-span.loclabel {
- padding-left: 4px;
- padding-right: 4px;
- background-color: #cccccc;
- border: 1px solid black
-% foreach my $locationnum (@sorted) {
-% my $packages = $packages_in{$locationnum};
-% my $loc = $locations{$locationnum};
-% next if $loc->disabled and scalar(@$packages) == 0;
-<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
-<TR><TH COLSPAN=3 ALIGN="left" VALIGN="bottom"
-STYLE="padding-bottom: 0px;
- padding-left: 0px;
- border-bottom-style: solid;
- border-bottom-color: black;
- border-bottom-width: 1px;">
-<SPAN CLASS="loclabel">
-% if (! $locationnum) {
-Default service location:
-% }
-% elsif ( $loc->disabled ) {
-<FONT COLOR="#808080"><I>
-% }
-<% $loc->location_label %></SPAN>
-<SPAN STYLE="float:right;">
-% if ( $locationnum and !$loc->disabled ) {
-<% edit_location_link($locationnum) %>
-% }
-% if ( $locationnum and !$loc->disabled and !$active{$locationnum} ) {
-&nbsp;<% disable_location_link($locationnum) %>
-% }
-% if (@$packages) {
-<% include('packages/section.html', 'packages' => $packages ) %>
-% }
-% } #foreach $locationnum
-my %opt = @_;
-my $cust_main = $opt{'cust_main'};
-my $all_packages = $opt{'packages'};
-my %locations = map { $_->locationnum => $_ } qsearch({
- 'table' => 'cust_location',
- 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum },
- 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY country, state, city, address1, locationnum',
- });
-my @sections = keys %locations;
-$locations{''} = $cust_main;
-my %packages_in = map { $_ => [] } ('', @sections);
-my %active = (); # groups with non-canceled packages
-foreach my $cust_pkg ( @$all_packages ) {
- my $key = $cust_pkg->locationnum;
- push @{ $packages_in{$key} }, $cust_pkg;
- $active{$key} = 1 if !$cust_pkg->getfield('cancel');
-my @sorted = (
- '',
- grep ( { $active{$_} } @sections),
- grep ( { !$active{$_} } @sections),
-sub edit_location_link {
- my $locationnum = shift;
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $p. "edit/cust_location.cgi?locationnum=$locationnum",
- 'label' => '(Edit location)',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Edit',
- );
-sub disable_location_link {
- my $locationnum = shift;
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $p. "misc/disable-cust_location.cgi?locationnum=$locationnum",
- 'label' => '(Disable location)',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Disable',
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/misc.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/misc.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e90a0b4c..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/misc.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% &ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Customer&nbsp;number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->display_custnum %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Status</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT COLOR="#<% $cust_main->statuscolor %>"><B><% ucfirst($cust_main->status) %></B></FONT></TD>
-% my @part_tag = $cust_main->part_tag;
-% if ( $conf->config('cust_tag-location') =~ /^(cust_misc|)$/ && @part_tag ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">Tags</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
-% foreach my $part_tag ( @part_tag ) {
- <FONT <% length($part_tag->tagcolor)
- ? 'STYLE="background-color:#'.$part_tag->tagcolor.'"'
- : '' %>
- ><% $part_tag->tagname.': '. $part_tag->tagdesc |h %></FONT>
- <BR>
-% }
- </TD>
-% }
-%unless ( scalar(@agentnums) == 1
-% && !$curuser->access_right('View customers of all agents') ) {
-% my $agent = qsearchs('agent',{ 'agentnum' => $cust_main->agentnum } );
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Agent</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $agent->agentnum %>: <% $agent->agent %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $cust_main->agent_custid
-% && ! $conf->exists('cust_main-default_agent_custid') ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">Agent customer ref#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->agent_custid %></TD>
-% }
-% #if ( $cust_main->classnum ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Class</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->classname || '(none)' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% #}
-% unless ( FS::part_referral->num_part_referral == 1 ) {
-% my $referral = qsearchs('part_referral', {
-% 'refnum' => $cust_main->refnum
-% } );
- <TD ALIGN="right">Advertising&nbsp;source</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $referral->refnum %>: <% $referral->referral%></TD>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Referring&nbsp;Customer</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
-% my $referring_cust_main = '';
-% if ( $cust_main->referral_custnum
-% && ( $referring_cust_main =
-% qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum => $cust_main->referral_custnum } )
-% )
-% ) {
-<A HREF="<% popurl(1) %>cust_main.cgi?<% $cust_main->referral_custnum %>"><%$cust_main->referral_custnum %>:
- ( $referring_cust_main->company
- ? $referring_cust_main->company. ' ('.
- $referring_cust_main->last. ', '. $referring_cust_main->first.
- ')'
- : $referring_cust_main->last. ', '. $referring_cust_main->first
- )
-% }
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Order taker</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->otaker %></TD>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Signup Date</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->signupdate ? time2str($date_format, $cust_main->signupdate) : '' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-enable_birthdate') ) {
-% my $dt = $cust_main->birthdate ne ''
-% ? DateTime->from_epoch( 'epoch' => $cust_main->birthdate,
-% 'time_zone' =>'floating',
-% )
-% : '';
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Date of Birth</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $dt ? $dt->strftime($date_format) : '' %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-require_censustract') ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Census tract</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $cust_main->censustract %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $date_format = ($conf->config('date_format') || "%m/%d/%Y");
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my @agentnums = $curuser->agentnums;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/notes.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/notes.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 237838029..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/notes.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-% if ( scalar(@notes) ) {
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- function display_notes_classnum(classnum){
- document.getElementById('notes_'+classnum).style.display = 'block';
- document.getElementById('notes_tablink_'+classnum).style.fontWeight = 'bold';
- var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
- var i;
- for(i=0; i < divs.length; i++){
- var d = divs[i];
- if( > 6 &&,6) == 'notes_') {
- if(divs[i].id != 'notes_'+classnum) {
- divs[i].style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- }
- var as = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
- for(i=0; i < as.length; i++){
- var a = as[i];
- if( > 14 &&,14) == 'notes_tablink_') {
- if(as[i].id != 'notes_tablink_'+classnum) {
- as[i].style.fontWeight = 'normal';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- <% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = '';
-% my $last_classnum = -1;
-% my $skipheader = 0;
-% my %classes = ();
-% foreach my $note (@notes) {
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
-% my $pop = popurl(3);
-% my $notenum = $note->notenum;
-% my $onclick = include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
-% 'action' => popurl(2).
-% 'edit/cust_main_note.cgi'.
-% "?custnum=$custnum".
-% ";notenum=$notenum",
-% 'actionlabel' => 'Edit customer note',
-% 'width' => 616,
-% 'height' => 538, #575
-% 'frame' => 'top',
-% );
-% my $clickjs = qq!onclick="$onclick"!;
-% my $edit = '';
-% if ($curuser->access_right('Edit customer note') ) {
-% $edit = qq! <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" $clickjs>(edit)</A>!;
-% }
-% if ( $last_classnum != $note->classnum && !$skipheader ) {
-% my $tmp_classnum = $note->classnum ? $note->classnum : 0;
-% $classes{$tmp_classnum} = $note->classname ne '' ? $note->classname
-% : 'Other';
-% if ( $last_classnum != -1 ) {
- </TABLE>
- </DIV>
-% }
-% my $display = ($tmp_classnum == 0 || !$conf->exists('note-classes')
-% || $conf->config('note-classes') < 2)
-% ? 'block' : 'none';
- <DIV id="notes_<% $tmp_classnum %>"
- style="display:<% $display %>"
- >
- <% include("/elements/table-grid.html") %>
- <TR>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Date</TH>
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main_note-display_times') ) {
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Time</TH>
-% }
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Person</TH>
-% if ($conf->exists('note-classes') && $conf->config('note-classes') == 1) {
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Class</TH>
-% }
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Note</TH>
-% if ($curuser->access_right('Edit customer note') ) {
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">&nbsp;</TH>
-% }
- </TR>
-% $skipheader = (!$conf->exists('note-classes') || $conf->config('note-classes') < 2);
-% $last_classnum = $note->classnum;
-% }
- <TR>
- <% note_datestr($note,$conf,$bgcolor) %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- &nbsp;<% $note->usernum ? $note->access_user->name : $note->otaker %>
- </TD>
-% if ($conf->exists('note-classes') && $conf->config('note-classes') == 1) {
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $note->classname %>
- </TD>
-% }
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $note->comments | defang %>
- </TD>
-% if($edit) {
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $edit %></TD>
-% }
- </TR>
-% } #end display notes
-% if ( $conf->exists('note-classes') && $conf->config('note-classes') == 2 ) {
-% my($classnum,$classname);
-Show notes of class: &nbsp;
-% foreach my $classnum ( sort { $b <=> $a } (keys %classes) ) {
- <A id="notes_tablink_<% $classnum %>"
- HREF="javascript:display_notes_classnum(<% $classnum %>)"
- style="font-weight: <% $classnum == 0 ? 'bold' : 'normal' %>"
- ><% $classes{$classnum} %></A>
-% }
- <BR>
-% }
-% }
-use HTML::Defang;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my(%opt) = @_;
-my $custnum = $opt{'custnum'};
-my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', {'custnum' => $custnum} );
-die "Customer not found!" unless $cust_main;
-my (@notes) = $cust_main->notes($conf->exists('note-classes') && $conf->config('note-classes') == 2);
-sub note_datestr {
- my($note, $conf, $bgcolor) = @_ or return '';
- my $td = qq{<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor" ALIGN="right">};
- my $format = "$td%b&nbsp;%o,&nbsp;%Y</TD>";
- $format .= "$td%l:%M%P</TD>"
- if $conf->exists('cust_main_note-display_times');
- ( my $strip = time2str($format, $note->_date) ) =~ s/ (\d)/$1/g;
- $strip;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/one_time_charge_link.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/one_time_charge_link.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b3defa294..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/one_time_charge_link.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function taxproductmagic(which) {
- var str = '';
- var elements = which.form.elements;
- for (var i = 0; i<elements.length; i++) {
- if (elements[i].name == 'taxproductnum'){
- document.getElementById('taxproductnum').value = elements[i].value;
- continue;
- }
- if (elements[i].name == 'taxproductnum_description'){
- continue;
- }
- if (str.length){str += ';';}
- var value = '';
- if ( elements[i].type == 'checkbox' || elements[i].type == 'radio' ) {
- if ( elements[i].checked == true ) {
- value = elements[i].value;
- //} else {
- // value = '';
- }
- } else {
- value = elements[i].value;
- }
- str += elements[i].name + '=' + escape(value);
- }
- document.getElementById('charge_storage').value = str;
- cClick();
- overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.cgi?_type=select&id=taxproductnum&onclick=taxproductquickchargemagic&taxproductnum='+document.getElementById('taxproductnum').value, 1000, 400, 'tax_product_popup'), CAPTION, 'Select product', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK);
-function taxproductquickchargemagic() {
- var str = document.getElementById('charge_storage').value;
- if (str.length){str += ';';}
- str += 'magic=taxproductnum;taxproductnum=';
- str += escape(document.getElementById('taxproductnum').value);
- cClick();
- overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/edit/quick-charge.html?'+str, 545, 336, 'One-time charge'), CAPTION, 'One-time charge', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '#333399', CGCOLOR, '#333399', CLOSETEXT, 'Close');
-function taxoverridemagic(which) {
- var str = '';
- var elements = which.ownerDocument.QuickChargeForm.elements;
- for (var i = 0; i<elements.length; i++) {
- if (elements[i].name == 'tax_override'){
- document.getElementById('tax_override').value = elements[i].value;
- continue;
- }
- if (str.length){str += ';';}
- str += elements[i].name + '=' + escape(elements[i].value);
- }
- document.getElementById('charge_storage').value = str;
- cClick();
- overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/edit/part_pkg_taxoverride.html?element_name=tax_override;onclick=taxoverridequickchargemagic;selected='+document.getElementById('tax_override').value, 1100, 600, 'tax_product_popup'), CAPTION, 'Edit product tax overrides', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK);
-function taxoverridequickchargemagic() {
- var str = document.getElementById('charge_storage').value;
- if (str.length){str += ';';}
- str += 'magic=taxoverride;tax_override=';
- str += document.getElementById('tax_override').value;
- cClick();
- overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/edit/quick-charge.html?'+str, 545, 336, 'One-time charge'), CAPTION, 'One-time charge', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '#333399', CGCOLOR, '#333399', CLOSETEXT, 'Close');
-<FORM NAME='quickcharge' STYLE="margin:0; padding:0; display:inline"><INPUT NAME="taxproductnum" ID="taxproductnum" TYPE="hidden"><INPUT NAME="tax_override" ID="tax_override" TYPE="hidden"><INPUT NAME="charge_storage" ID="charge_storage" TYPE="hidden"><INPUT NAME="taxproductnum_description" ID="taxproductnum_description" TYPE="hidden"></FORM>
-<% include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $p.'edit/quick-charge.html?custnum='. $cust_main->custnum,
- 'label' => 'One-time charge',
- 'actionlabel' => 'One-time charge',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'width' => 763,
- 'height' => 460, #more for more room for lines of add'l description?
- })
-my($cust_main) = @_;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/order_pkg_link.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/order_pkg_link.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c86a757..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/order_pkg_link.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<% include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/order_pkg.html',
- 'label' => 'Order&nbsp;new&nbsp;package',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Order new package',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'closetext' => 'Close',
- 'width' => 763,
- 'height' => 538,
- )
-my($cust_main) = @_;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 383c2a75e..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-% my $s = 0;
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Qualify service') ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('qual_link.html', $cust_main) %>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Order customer package') ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('order_pkg_link.html', $cust_main) %>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('One-time charge')
-% && $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE'
-% ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('one_time_charge_link.html', $cust_main) %>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Bulk change customer packages') ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pkg.cgi?<% $cust_main->custnum %>">Bulk order and cancel packages</A> (preserves services)
-% }
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="left">
-% if ( @$packages ) {
-Current packages
-% }
-% if ( $cust_main->num_cancelled_pkgs ) {
-% if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
-% || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
-% && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages')
-% )
-% )
-% {
-% my $prev = $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages');
-% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 1);
- ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>">show
-% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', $prev);
-% } else {
-% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 0);
- ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>">hide
-% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 1);
-% }
- cancelled packages</a> )
-% }
-% if ( $num_old_packages ) {
-% $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 1);
- ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>">show old packages</a> )
-% } elsif ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
-% $cgi->param('showoldpackages', 0);
- ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>">hide old packages</a> )
-% }
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%$p%>search/report_cust_pkg.html?custnum=<% $cust_main->custnum %>">Package reports</A>
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Qualify service') ) {
- | <A HREF="<%$p%>search/qual.cgi?custnum=<% $cust_main->custnum %>">View Qualifications</A>
-% }
- <BR>
- Service reports:
- <A HREF="<%$p%>search/report_svc_acct.html?custnum=<% $cust_main->custnum %>">accounts</A><BR>
- Usage reports:
- <A HREF="<%$p%>search/report_cdr.html?custnum=<% $cust_main->custnum %>">CDRs</A>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_pkg-group_by_location') and $show_location ) {
-<% include('locations.html',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'packages' => $packages,
-) %>
-% }
-% else {
-% # in this format, put all packages in one section
-<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
-<% include('packages/section.html',
- 'packages' => $packages,
- 'show_location' => $show_location,
-) %>
-% }
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $cgi->param('fragment') =~ /^cust_pkg(\d+)$/ ) {
- // IE-specific hack. other browsers listen to #fragments
- // is this even working? or is the #target redirection just working cause
- // we set the URL params differently?
- var el = document.getElementById( 'cust_pkg<% $1 %>' );
- if ( el ) el.scrollIntoView(true);
-% }
-my $cust_main = shift;
-my %opt = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my( $packages, $num_old_packages ) = get_packages($cust_main, $conf);
-my $show_location = $conf->exists('cust_pkg-always_show_location')
- || (grep $_->locationnum, @$packages); # ? '1' : '0';
-my $countrydefault = scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')) || 'US';
-sub get_packages {
- my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
- my $conf = shift;
- my $method;
- if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
- || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
- && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') )
- )
- {
- $method = 'ncancelled_pkgs';
- } else {
- $method = 'all_pkgs';
- }
- my $cust_pkg_fields =
- join(', ', map { "cust_pkg.$_ AS $_" } fields('cust_pkg') );
- my $part_pkg_fields =
- join(', ', map { "part_pkg.$_ AS part_pkg_$_" } fields('part_pkg') );
- my $group_by =
- join(', ', map "cust_pkg.$_", fields('cust_pkg') ). ', '.
- join(', ', map "part_pkg.$_", fields('part_pkg') );
- my $num_svcs = '( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_svc '.
- ' WHERE cust_svc.pkgnum = cust_pkg.pkgnum ) AS num_svcs';
- my @packages = $cust_main->$method( {
- 'select' => "$cust_pkg_fields, $part_pkg_fields, $num_svcs",
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )',
- } );
- my $num_old_packages = scalar(@packages);
- foreach my $cust_pkg ( @packages ) {
- my %hash = $cust_pkg->hash;
- my %part_pkg = map { /^part_pkg_(.+)$/ or die; ( $1 => $hash{$_} ); }
- grep { /^part_pkg_/ } keys %hash;
- $cust_pkg->{'_pkgpart'} = new FS::part_pkg \%part_pkg;
- }
- unless ( $cgi->param('showoldpackages') ) {
- my $years = $conf->config('cust_main-packages-years') || 2;
- my $then = time - $years * 31556926; #60*60*24*365.2422 is close enough
- my %hide = ( 'cancelled' => 'cancel',
- 'one-time charge' => 'setup',
- );
- @packages =
- grep { !exists($hide{$_->status}) or $_->get($hide{$_->status}) > $then
- or $_->num_svcs #don't hide packages w/services
- }
- @packages;
- }
- $num_old_packages -= scalar(@packages);
- ( \@packages, $num_old_packages );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/location.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/location.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a7de59f..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/location.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-<TD CLASS="inv" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% unless ( $cust_pkg->locationnum ) {
- <I><FONT SIZE=-1>(default service address)</FONT><BR>
-% }
- <% $loc->location_label( 'join_string' => '<BR>',
- 'double_space' => ' &nbsp; ',
- 'escape_function' => \&encode_entities,
- 'countrydefault' => $countrydefault,
- )
- %>
-% unless ( $cust_pkg->locationnum ) {
- </I>
-% }
-% if ( ! $cust_pkg->get('cancel')
-% && $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Change customer package')
-% )
-% {
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
- (&nbsp;<%pkg_change_location_link($cust_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
-% if ( $cust_pkg->locationnum ) {
-% }
- </FONT>
-% }
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my %opt = @_;
-my $bgcolor = $opt{'bgcolor'};
-my $cust_pkg = $opt{'cust_pkg'};
-my $countrydefault = $opt{'countrydefault'} || 'US';
-my $statedefault = $opt{'statedefault'}
- || ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '');
-my $loc = $cust_pkg->cust_location_or_main;
-sub pkg_change_location_link {
- my $cust_pkg = shift;
- my $pkgpart = $cust_pkg->pkgpart;
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. "misc/change_pkg.cgi?locationnum=-1;pkgpart=$pkgpart;".
- "address1=;address2=;city=;county=;state=$statedefault;".
- "zip=;country=$countrydefault",
- 'label' => 'Change&nbsp;location',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Change',
- 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
- );
-sub edit_location_link {
- my $locationnum = shift;
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $p. "edit/cust_location.cgi?locationnum=$locationnum",
- 'label' => 'Edit&nbsp;location',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Edit',
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/package.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/package.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cae5fdba..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/package.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-<TD CLASS="inv" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" VALIGN="top">
- <TR>
- <A NAME="cust_pkg<% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>"
- ID ="cust_pkg<% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>"
- ><% $curuser->option('show_pkgnum') ? $cust_pkg->pkgnum.': ' : '' %><B><% $part_pkg->pkg |h %></B></A>
- -
- <% $part_pkg->custom_comment |h %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $cust_pkg->quantity > 1 ) {
- <TR>
- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Quantity:
- <B><% $cust_pkg->quantity %></B>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
-% unless ( $cust_pkg->get('cancel') ) {
-% my $br = 0;
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Change customer package') ) {
-% $br=1;
- (&nbsp;<%pkg_change_link($cust_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit customer package dates') ) {
-% $br=1;
- (&nbsp;<%pkg_dates_link($cust_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Discount customer package')
-% && $part_pkg->can_discount
-% && ! scalar($cust_pkg->cust_pkg_discount_active)
-% && ! scalar($cust_pkg->part_pkg->part_pkg_discount)
-% )
-% {
-% $br=1;
- (&nbsp;<%pkg_discount_link($cust_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Customize customer package') ) {
-% $br=1;
- (&nbsp;<%pkg_customize_link($cust_pkg,$part_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
-% }
- <% $br ? '<BR>' : '' %>
-% }
-% if ( $cust_pkg->num_cust_event
-% && ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
-% || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
-% )
-% ) {
- (&nbsp;<%pkg_event_link($cust_pkg)%>&nbsp;)
-% }
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% my $editi = $curuser->access_right('Edit customer package invoice details');
-% my $editc = $curuser->access_right('Edit customer package comments');
-% my @cust_pkg_detail = $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_detail;
-% my @invoice_detail = grep { $_->detailtype eq 'I' } @cust_pkg_detail;
-% my @comments = grep { $_->detailtype eq 'C' } @cust_pkg_detail;
-% if ( scalar(@invoice_detail) || scalar(@comments) || $editi || $editc ) {
-% my $editlink = $p. 'edit/cust_pkg_detail?pkgnum='. $cust_pkg->pkgnum.
-% ';detailtype=';
- <TR>
-% if ( @invoice_detail ) {
- <TD VALIGN="top">
- <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
- <TR>
- <TH BGCOLOR="#dddddd" STYLE="border-bottom: dashed 1px black; padding-bottom: 1px">
- <FONT SIZE="-1">
- Invoice details
-% if ( $editi && ! $cust_pkg->get('cancel') ) {
- (<% include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $editlink. 'I',
- 'label' => 'edit',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Edit invoice details',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'width' => 763,
- })
- %>)
-% }
- </FONT>
- </TH>
- </TR>
-% foreach my $cust_pkg_detail ( @invoice_detail ) {
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT SIZE="-1">&nbsp;-&nbsp;<% $cust_pkg_detail->detail |h %></FONT></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
-% } else {
- <TD>
-% if ( $editi && ! $cust_pkg->get('cancel') ) {
- <FONT SIZE="-1">
- (&nbsp;<% include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $editlink. 'I',
- 'label' => 'Add&nbsp;invoice&nbsp;details',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Add invoice details',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'width' => 763,
- })
- %>&nbsp;)
- </FONT>
-% }
- </TD>
-% }
-% if ( @comments ) {
- <TD VALIGN="top">
- <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
- <TR>
- <TH BGCOLOR="#dddddd" STYLE="border-bottom: dashed 1px black; padding-bottom: 1px">
- <FONT SIZE="-1">
- Comments
-% if ( $editc ) {
- (<% include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $editlink. 'C',
- 'label' => 'edit',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Edit comments',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'width' => 763,
- })
- %>)
-% }
- </FONT>
- </TH>
- </TR>
-% foreach my $cust_pkg_detail ( @comments ) {
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT SIZE="-1">&nbsp;-&nbsp;<% $cust_pkg_detail->detail |h %></FONT></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
-% } else {
- <TD>
-% if ( $editc ) {
- <FONT SIZE="-1">
- (&nbsp;<% include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $editlink. 'C',
- 'label' => 'Add&nbsp;comments',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Add comments',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'width' => 763,
- })
- %>&nbsp;)
- </FONT>
-% }
- </TD>
-% }
- </TR>
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Change customer package') and
-% !$cust_pkg->get('cancel') and
-% !$opt{'show_location'}) {
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT SIZE="-1">
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_change_location_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
- </FONT></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
- </TABLE>
-my %opt = @_;
-my $bgcolor = $opt{'bgcolor'};
-my $cust_pkg = $opt{'cust_pkg'};
-my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'};
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $countrydefault = $opt{'countrydefault'} || 'US';
-my $statedefault = $opt{'statedefault'}
- || ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '');
-#false laziness w/status.html
-sub pkg_link {
- my($action, $label, $cust_pkg) = @_;
- return '' unless $cust_pkg;
- qq!<a href="$p$action.cgi?!. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. qq!">$label</a>!;
-sub pkg_change_link {
- my $cust_pkg = shift;
- my $locationnum = $cust_pkg->locationnum;
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. "misc/change_pkg.cgi?locationnum=$locationnum",
- 'label' => 'Change&nbsp;package',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Change',
- 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
- );
-sub pkg_change_location_link {
- my $cust_pkg = shift;
- my $pkgpart = $cust_pkg->pkgpart;
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. "misc/change_pkg.cgi?locationnum=-1;pkgpart=$pkgpart;".
- "address1=;address2=;city=;county=;state=$statedefault;".
- "zip=;country=$countrydefault",
- 'label' => 'Change&nbsp;location',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Change',
- 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
- );
-sub pkg_dates_link { pkg_link('edit/REAL_cust_pkg', 'Edit&nbsp;dates', @_ ); }
-sub pkg_discount_link {
- my $cust_pkg = shift or return '';
- #my $part_pkg = shift;
- #my $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p.'edit/cust_pkg_discount.html',
- 'label' => 'Discount',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Discount',
- 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
- 'width' => 616,
- );
-sub pkg_customize_link {
- my $cust_pkg = shift or return '';
- my $part_pkg = shift;
- my $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
- qq!<A HREF="${p}edit/part_pkg.cgi?!.
- "clone=". $part_pkg->pkgpart. ';'.
- "pkgnum=". $cust_pkg->pkgnum.
- qq!">Customize</A>!;
-sub pkg_event_link {
- my($cust_pkg) = @_;
- qq!<a href="${p}search/cust_event.html?pkgnum=!. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. qq!">!.
- 'View package events'.
- '</a>';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/section.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/section.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 45365a003..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/section.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-% if ( @$packages ) {
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = '';
-% #my $width = $show_location ? 'WIDTH="25%"' : 'WIDTH="33%"';
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Package</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Status</TH>
-% if ( $show_location ) {
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Location</TH>
-% }
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Services</TH>
-% #$FS::cust_pkg::DEBUG = 2;
-% foreach my $cust_pkg (@$packages) {
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
-% my %iopt = (
-% 'bgcolor' => $bgcolor,
-% 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
-% 'part_pkg' => $cust_pkg->part_pkg,
-% %conf_opt,
-% );
- <!--pkgnum: <% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>-->
- <TR>
- <% include('package.html', %iopt) %>
- <% include('status.html', %iopt) %>
-% if ( $show_location ) {
- <% include('location.html', %iopt) %>
-% }
- <% include('services.html', %iopt) %>
- </TR>
-% } #foreach $cust_pkg
-%# </TABLE>
-% } #if @$packages
-% else {
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $packages = $opt{'packages'};
-my $show_location = $opt{'show_location'};
-# Sort order is hardcoded for now, can change this if needed.
-@$packages = sort {
- ( $a->getfield('cancel') <=> $b->getfield('cancel') ) or
- ( $a->getfield('setup') <=> $b->getfield('setup') ) or
- ( $a->getfield('pkgnum') <=> $b->getfield('pkgnum') )
-} @$packages;
-my $countrydefault = scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')) || 'US';
-my %conf_opt = (
- #for services.html and status.html
- 'cust_pkg-display_times' => ($conf->exists('cust_pkg-display_times')
- || $curuser->option('cust_pkg-display_times')),
- #for status.html
- 'cust_pkg-show_autosuspend' => $conf->exists('cust_pkg-show_autosuspend'),
- #for status.html pkg-balances
- 'pkg-balances' => $conf->exists('pkg-balances'),
- 'money_char' => ( $conf->config('money_char') || '$' ),
- #for location.html
- 'countrydefault' => $countrydefault,
- 'statedefault' => ( scalar($conf->config('statedefault'))
- || ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '') ),
- #for services.html
- 'svc_external-skip_manual' => $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual'),
- 'legacy_link' => $conf->exists('legacy_link'),
- 'svc_broadband-manage_link' => scalar($conf->config('svc_broadband-manage_link')),
- 'maestro-status_test' => $conf->exists('maestro-status_test'),
- 'cust_pkg-large_pkg_size' => $conf->config('cust_pkg-large_pkg_size'),
- # for packages.html Change location link
- 'show_location' => $show_location,
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/services.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/services.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 512efccc4..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/services.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-% ###
-% # Services
-% ###
- <TD CLASS="inv" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function clearhint_search_cust_svc(obj, str) {
- if (obj.value == str) obj.value = '';
-% #foreach my $svcpart (sort {$a->{svcpart} <=> $b->{svcpart}} @{$pkg->{svcparts}}) {
-% foreach my $part_svc ( $cust_pkg->part_svc ) {
-% if ( $opt{'cust_pkg-large_pkg_size'} > 0 and
-% $opt{'cust_pkg-large_pkg_size'} <= $cust_pkg->num_svcs ) {
-% # summarize
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top">
-% my $href="${p}search/cust_pkg_svc.html?svcpart=".$part_svc->svcpart.
-% ";pkgnum=".$cust_pkg->pkgnum;
- <A HREF="<% $href %>"><% $part_svc->svc %></A>&nbsp;
- <A HREF="<% $href %>"><B>(view all <% $cust_pkg->num_svcs %>)</B></A>
-% my $hint = $hints{$part_svc->svcdb};
-% if ( $hint ) {
- <BR>
- <FORM name="svcpart<%$part_svc->svcpart%>_search" STYLE="display:inline"
- ACTION="<%$p%>search/cust_pkg_svc.html" METHOD="GET">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcpart" VALUE="<%$part_svc->svcpart%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkgnum" VALUE="<%$cust_pkg->pkgnum%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="search_svc"
- onfocus="clearhint_search_cust_svc(this, '<%$hint%>')" VALUE="<%$hint%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"></FORM>
-% } #$hint
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% else {
-% foreach my $cust_svc ( @{ $part_svc->cust_pkg_svc } ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top"><% FS::UI::Web::svc_link($m, $part_svc, $cust_svc) %></TD>
- <TD STYLE="padding-bottom:0px"><B><% FS::UI::Web::svc_label_link($m, $part_svc, $cust_svc) %></B></TD>
- <TD><% FS::UI::Web::svc_export_links($m, $part_svc, $cust_svc) %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right" COLSPAN="3" VALIGN="top" STYLE="padding-bottom:1px;padding-top:0px"><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FFD000">
- <% $cust_svc->overlimit ? "Overlimit: ". time2str('%b %o %Y' . ($opt{'cust_pkg-display_times'} ? ' %l:%M %P' : ''), $cust_svc->overlimit) : '' %>
- </FONT></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:0px"><FONT SIZE="-2">
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Recharge customer service')
-% && $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_acct'
-% && ( $cust_svc->svc_x->seconds ne ''
-% || $cust_svc->svc_x->upbytes ne ''
-% || $cust_svc->svc_x->downbytes ne ''
-% || $cust_svc->svc_x->totalbytes ne ''
-% )
-% ) {
- (&nbsp;<%svc_recharge_link($cust_svc)%>&nbsp;)
-% }
- </FONT></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:0px">
-% my $ip_addr = $cust_svc->svc_x->ip_addr;
-% if ( $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_broadband' ) {
- <FONT SIZE="-1" STYLE="float:left">(&nbsp;<% include('/elements/popup_link-ping.html', 'ip'=> $ip_addr ) %>&nbsp;)</FONT>
-% }
-% my $manage_link = $opt{'svc_broadband-manage_link'};
-% if ( $manage_link && $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_broadband' ) {
-% my $svc_manage_link = eval(qq("$manage_link"));
- <FONT SIZE="-1" STYLE="float:left">(&nbsp;<A HREF="<% $svc_manage_link %>">Manage Device</A>&nbsp;)</FONT>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Unprovision customer service') ) {
- <FONT SIZE="-2">(&nbsp;<%svc_unprovision_link($cust_svc)%>&nbsp;)</FONT>
-% }
-% if ( $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_pbx' && $opt{'maestro-status_test'} ){
- <FONT SIZE="-2">(&nbsp;<A HREF="<% $p %>misc/maestro-customer_status-test.html?<% $cust_pkg->custnum.'+'.$cust_svc->svcnum %>">Test maestro status</A>&nbsp;)</FONT>
-% }
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% } #foreach $cust_svc
-% }
-% if ( ! $cust_pkg->get('cancel')
-% && $curuser->access_right('Provision customer service')
-% && $part_svc->num_avail
-% ) {
- <TR>
- <TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN="center" STYLE="padding-bottom:4px;padding-top:0px">
- <B><% svc_provision_link($cust_pkg, $part_svc, \%opt, $curuser) %></B>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
-my %opt = @_;
-my $bgcolor = $opt{'bgcolor'};
-my $cust_pkg = $opt{'cust_pkg'};
-my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'};
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-sub svc_provision_link {
- my ($cust_pkg, $part_svc, $opt, $curuser) = @_;
- ( my $svc_nbsp = $part_svc->svc ) =~ s/\s+/&nbsp;/g;
- my $num_avail = $part_svc->num_avail;
- my $pkgnum_svcpart = "pkgnum=". $cust_pkg->pkgnum. ';'.
- "svcpart=". $part_svc->svcpart;
- my $url;
- if ( $part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_external' #could be generalized
- && $opt->{'svc_external-skip_manual'}
- ) {
- $url = "${p}edit/process/". $part_svc->svcdb. ".cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
- } else {
- $url = svc_url(
- 'm' => $m,
- 'action' => 'edit',
- 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
- 'query' => $pkgnum_svcpart,
- );
- #$url = "${p}edit/$svcpart->{svcdb}.cgi?$pkgnum_svcpart";
- }
- my $link = qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="$url">!.
- "Provision&nbsp;$svc_nbsp&nbsp;($num_avail)</A>";
- if ( $opt->{'legacy_link'}
- && $curuser->access_right('View/link unlinked services')
- )
- {
- $link .= '<BR>'.
- qq!<A CLASS="provision" HREF="${p}misc/link.cgi?!.
- qq!$pkgnum_svcpart">!.
- "Link&nbsp;to&nbsp;legacy&nbsp;$svc_nbsp&nbsp;($num_avail)</A>";
- }
- $link;
-sub svc_unprovision_link {
- my $cust_svc = shift or return '';
- qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/unprovision.cgi?!. $cust_svc->svcnum.
- qq!', 'Permanently unprovision and delete this service?')">Unprovision</A>!;
-my %hints = (
-svc_acct => '(user or email)',
-svc_domain => '(domain)',
-svc_broadband => '(ip or mac)',
-svc_forward => '(email)',
-svc_phone => '(phone)',
-svc_pbx => '(phone)',
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/status.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/status.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f9198c2dc..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages/status.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-<TD CLASS="inv" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-%#this should use cust_pkg->status and cust_pkg->statuscolor eventually
-% if ( $cust_pkg->get('cancel') ) { #status: cancelled
-% my $cpr = $cust_pkg->last_cust_pkg_reason('cancel');
- <% pkg_status_row($cust_pkg, 'Cancelled', 'cancel', 'color'=>'FF0000', %opt ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg,
- ( $cpr ? $cpr->reasontext. ' by '. $cpr->otaker : '' ), '',
- 'align'=>'right', 'color'=>'ff0000', 'size'=>'-2', 'colspan'=>$colspan,
- %opt
- )
- %>
-% unless ( $cust_pkg->get('setup') ) {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg, 'Never billed', '', 'colspan'=>$colspan, %opt, ) %>
-% } else {
- <% pkg_status_row( $cust_pkg, 'Setup', 'setup', %opt ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_changed( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, $last_bill_or_renewed, 'last_bill', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Suspended', 'susp', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
-% }
-% } else {
-% if ( $cust_pkg->get('susp') ) { #status: suspended
-% my $cpr = $cust_pkg->last_cust_pkg_reason('susp');
- <% pkg_status_row( $cust_pkg, 'Suspended', 'susp', 'color'=>'FF9900', %opt ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg,
- ( $cpr ? $cpr->reasontext. ' by '. $cpr->otaker : '' ), '',
- 'align'=>'right', 'color'=>'FF9900', 'size'=>'-2', 'colspan'=>$colspan,
- %opt,
- )
- %>
- <% pkg_status_row_noauto( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_discount( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
-% unless ( $cust_pkg->get('setup') ) {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg, 'Never billed', '', 'colspan'=>$colspan, %opt ) %>
-% } else {
- <% pkg_status_row($cust_pkg, 'Setup', 'setup', %opt ) %>
-% }
- <% pkg_status_row_changed( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, $last_bill_or_renewed, 'last_bill', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
-% if ( $part_pkg->option('suspend_bill', 1) ) {
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Next&nbsp;bill', 'bill', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
-% }
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Expires', 'expire', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Contract ends', 'contract_end', %opt ) %>
- <TR>
- <TD COLSPAN=<%$colspan%>>
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Unsuspend customer package') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_unsuspend_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Cancel customer package immediately') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_cancel_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% } else { #status: active
-% unless ( $cust_pkg->get('setup') ) { #not setup
-% unless ( $part_pkg->freq ) {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg, 'Not&nbsp;yet&nbsp;billed&nbsp;(one-time&nbsp;charge)', '', 'colspan'=>$colspan, %opt ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_noauto( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_discount( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if(
- $cust_pkg,
- ( $part_pkg->freq ? 'Start billing' : 'Bill on' ),
- 'start_date',
- %opt
- )
- %>
- <TR>
- <TD COLSPAN=<%$colspan%>>
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Cancel customer package immediately') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_cancel_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% } else {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan($cust_pkg, "Not&nbsp;yet&nbsp;billed&nbsp;($billed_or_prepaid&nbsp;". myfreq($part_pkg). ')', '', 'colspan'=>$colspan, %opt ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_noauto( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_discount( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if($cust_pkg, 'Start billing', 'start_date', %opt) %>
-% }
-% } else { #setup
-% unless ( $part_pkg->freq ) {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan($cust_pkg, 'One-time&nbsp;charge', '', 'colspan'=>$colspan, %opt ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row($cust_pkg, 'Billed', 'setup', %opt) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_noauto( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_discount( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
-% } else {
-% if (scalar($cust_pkg->overlimit)) {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg,
- 'Overlimit',
- $billed_or_prepaid. '&nbsp;'. myfreq($part_pkg),
- 'color'=>'FFD000', 'colspan'=>$colspan,
- %opt
- )
- %>
-% } else {
- <% pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg,
- 'Active',
- $billed_or_prepaid. '&nbsp;'. myfreq($part_pkg),
- 'color'=>'00CC00', 'colspan'=>$colspan,
- %opt
- )
- %>
-% }
- <% pkg_status_row_noauto( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_discount( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row($cust_pkg, 'Setup', 'setup', %opt) %>
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $opt{'cust_pkg-show_autosuspend'} ) {
-% my $autosuspend = pkg_autosuspend_time( $cust_pkg );
-% $cust_pkg->set('autosuspend', $autosuspend) if $autosuspend;
-% }
- <% pkg_status_row_changed( $cust_pkg, %opt, 'colspan'=>$colspan ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, $last_bill_or_renewed, 'last_bill', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, $next_bill_or_prepaid_until, 'bill', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if($cust_pkg, 'Will automatically suspend by', 'autosuspend', %opt) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Will suspend on', 'adjourn', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Expires', 'expire', %opt, curuser=>$curuser ) %>
- <% pkg_status_row_if( $cust_pkg, 'Contract ends', 'contract_end', %opt ) %>
-% if ( $part_pkg->freq ) {
- <TR>
- <TD COLSPAN=<%$colspan%>>
- <FONT SIZE=-1>
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Suspend customer package') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_suspend_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Suspend customer package later') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_adjourn_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Delay suspension events') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_delay_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Cancel customer package immediately') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_cancel_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Cancel customer package later') ) {
- (&nbsp;<% pkg_expire_link($cust_pkg) %>&nbsp;)
-% }
- <FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
-% }
- </TABLE>
-my %opt = @_;
-my $bgcolor = $opt{'bgcolor'};
-my $cust_pkg = $opt{'cust_pkg'};
-my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'};
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $colspan = $opt{'cust_pkg-display_times'} ? 8 : 4;
-my $width = $opt{'cust_pkg-display_times'} ? '38%' : '56%';
-#false laziness w/edit/REAL_cust_pkg.cgi
-my( $billed_or_prepaid, $last_bill_or_renewed, $next_bill_or_prepaid_until );
-unless ( $part_pkg->is_prepaid ) {
- $billed_or_prepaid = 'billed';
- $last_bill_or_renewed = 'Last&nbsp;bill';
- $next_bill_or_prepaid_until = 'Next&nbsp;bill';
-} else {
- $billed_or_prepaid = 'prepaid';
- $last_bill_or_renewed = 'Renewed';
- $next_bill_or_prepaid_until = 'Prepaid&nbsp;until';
-sub myfreq {
- my $part_pkg = shift;
- my $freq = $part_pkg->freq_pretty;
- $freq =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
- $freq;
-#false laziness w/package.html
-sub pkg_link {
- my($action, $label, $cust_pkg) = @_;
- return '' unless $cust_pkg;
- qq!<a href="$p$action.cgi?!. $cust_pkg->pkgnum. qq!">$label</a>!;
-sub pkg_status_row {
- my( $cust_pkg, $title, $field, %opt ) = @_;
- my $color = $opt{'color'};
- my $html = qq(<TR><TD WIDTH="<%$width%>" ALIGN="right">);
- $html .= qq(<FONT COLOR="#$color"><B>) if length($color);
- $html .= qq($title&nbsp;);
- $html .= qq(</B></FONT>) if length($color);
- if ( $opt{'pkg_balances'} && ! $cust_pkg->{_printed_balance}++ ) { #kludge
- $html .= ' (Balance:&nbsp;<B>'. $opt{'money_char'}.
- $cust_pkg->cust_main->balance_pkgnum($cust_pkg->pkgnum).
- '</B>)';
- }
- $html .= qq(</TD>);
- $html .= pkg_datestr($cust_pkg, $field, %opt). '</TR>';
- $html;
-sub pkg_status_row_if {
- my( $cust_pkg, $title, $field, %opt ) = @_;
- $title = '<FONT SIZE=-1>(&nbsp;'. pkg_unadjourn_link($cust_pkg). '&nbsp;)&nbsp;</FONT>'. $title
- if ( $field eq 'adjourn' &&
- $opt{curuser}->access_right('Suspend customer package later')
- );
- $title = '<FONT SIZE=-1>(&nbsp;'. pkg_unexpire_link($cust_pkg). '&nbsp;)&nbsp;</FONT>'. $title
- if ( $field eq 'expire' &&
- $opt{curuser}->access_right('Cancel customer package later')
- );
- $cust_pkg->get($field) ? pkg_status_row($cust_pkg, $title, $field, %opt) : '';
-sub pkg_status_row_changed {
- my( $cust_pkg, %opt ) = @_;
- return '' unless $cust_pkg->change_date;
- my $html =
- pkg_status_row( $cust_pkg, 'Package&nbsp;changed', 'change_date', %opt );
- my $old = $cust_pkg->old_cust_pkg;
- if ( $old ) {
- my $part_pkg = $old->part_pkg;
- my $label = 'Changed from '. $cust_pkg->change_pkgnum. ': '.
- $part_pkg->pkg_comment(nopartpkg => 1);
- $html .= pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg, $label, '',
- 'size' => '-1',
- 'align' => 'right',
- 'colspan' => $opt{'colspan'},
- #%opt,
- );
- }
- $html;
-sub pkg_status_row_noauto {
- my( $cust_pkg, %opt ) = @_;
- my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'};
- return '' unless $cust_pkg->no_auto || $part_pkg->no_auto;
- #inefficient, should be passed in
- my $cust_main = $cust_pkg->cust_main;
- return '' unless $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/;
- my $what = lc(FS::payby->shortname($cust_main->payby));
- pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg, "No automatic $what charge", '',
- 'colspan' => $opt{'colspan'},
- #%opt,
- );
-sub pkg_status_row_discount {
- my( $cust_pkg, %opt ) = @_;
- my $html;
- foreach my $cust_pkg_discount ( $cust_pkg->cust_pkg_discount_active ) {
- my $discount = $cust_pkg_discount->discount;
- my $label = '<B>Discount</B>: '. $discount->description;
- if ( $discount->months ) {
- my $remaining = $discount->months - $cust_pkg_discount->months_used;
- $remaining = sprintf('%.2f', $remaining) if $remaining =~ /\./;
- $label .= " ($remaining months remaining)"
- }
- $label .= ' <FONT SIZE="-1">('.
- '<A HREF="../misc/delete-cust_pkg_discount.html?'.
- $cust_pkg_discount->pkgdiscountnum.
- '">remove&nbsp;discount</A>)</FONT>';
- $html .= pkg_status_row_colspan( $cust_pkg, $label, '',
- 'colspan' => $opt{'colspan'},
- #%opt,
- );
- }
- $html;
-sub pkg_status_row_colspan {
- my($cust_pkg, $title, $addl, %opt) = @_;
- my $colspan = $opt{'colspan'};
- my $align = $opt{'align'} ? 'ALIGN="'. $opt{'align'}.'"' : '';
- my $color = $opt{'color'} ? 'COLOR="#'.$opt{'color'}.'"' : '';
- my $size = $opt{'size'} ? 'SIZE="'. $opt{'size'}. '"' : '';
- my $html = qq(<TR><TD COLSPAN=$colspan $align>);
- $html .= qq(<FONT $color $size>) if length($color) || $size;
- $html .= qq(<B>) if $color && !$size;
- $html .= $title;
- $html .= qq(</B>) if $color && !$size;
- $html .= qq(</FONT>) if length($color) || $size;
- $html .= ",&nbsp;$addl" if length($addl);
- if ( $opt{'pkg-balances'} && ! $cust_pkg->{_printed_balance}++ ) { #kludge
- $html .= ' (Balance:&nbsp;<B>'. $opt{'money_char'}.
- $cust_pkg->cust_main->balance_pkgnum($cust_pkg->pkgnum).
- '</B>)';
- }
- $html .= qq(</TD></TR>);
- $html;
-sub pkg_datestr {
- my($cust_pkg, $field, %opt) = @_ or return '';
- return '&nbsp;' unless $cust_pkg->get($field);
- my $format = '<TD align="left"><B>%b</B></TD>'.
- '<TD align="right"><B>&nbsp;%o,</B></TD>'.
- '<TD align="right"><B>&nbsp;%Y</B></TD>';
- #$format .= '&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=-3>%l:%M:%S%P&nbsp;%z</FONT>'
- $format .= '<TD ALIGN="right"><B>&nbsp;%l</TD>'.
- '<TD ALIGN="center"><B>:</B></TD>'.
- '<TD ALIGN="left"><B>%M</B></TD>'.
- '<TD ALIGN="left"><B>&nbsp;%P</B></TD>'
- if $opt{'cust_pkg-display_times'};
- my $strip = time2str($format, $cust_pkg->get($field) );
- $strip =~ s/ (\d)/$1/g;
- $strip;
-sub pkg_suspend_link {
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=suspend',
- 'label' => 'Suspend&nbsp;now',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Suspend',
- 'color' => '#FF9900',
- 'cust_pkg' => shift,
- )
-sub pkg_adjourn_link {
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=adjourn',
- 'label' => 'Suspend&nbsp;later',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Adjourn',
- 'color' => '#CC6600',
- 'cust_pkg' => shift,
- )
-sub pkg_delay_link {
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/delay_susp_pkg.html',
- 'label' => 'Delay&nbsp;suspend',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Delay suspend for',
- 'cust_pkg' => shift,
- )
-sub pkg_unsuspend_link { pkg_link('misc/unsusp_pkg', 'Unsuspend', @_ ); }
-sub pkg_unadjourn_link { pkg_link('misc/unadjourn_pkg', 'Abort', @_ ); }
-sub pkg_unexpire_link { pkg_link('misc/unexpire_pkg', 'Abort', @_ ); }
-sub pkg_cancel_link {
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=cancel',
- 'label' => 'Cancel&nbsp;now',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Cancel',
- 'color' => '#ff0000',
- 'cust_pkg' => shift,
- )
-sub pkg_expire_link {
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_pkg.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/cancel_pkg.html?method=expire',
- 'label' => 'Cancel&nbsp;later',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Expire', #"Cancel package $num later"
- 'color' => '#CC0000',
- 'cust_pkg' => shift,
- )
-sub svc_recharge_link {
- include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_svc.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/recharge_svc.html',
- 'label' => 'Recharge',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Recharge',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'cust_svc' => shift,
- )
-sub pkg_autosuspend_time {
- my $cust_pkg = shift or return '';
- my $days = 7;
- my $time = time;
- my $pending_suspend = 0;
- #this seems to be extremely inefficient... and is slowing down all customer
- #views
- while ( $days > 0 &&
- scalar(
- grep { $_->part_event->action eq 'suspend' }
- @{$cust_pkg->cust_main->due_cust_event( time => $time + 86400*$days,
- testonly => 1,
- ) }
- )
- )
- {
- $pending_suspend = 1;
- $days--;
- }
- $pending_suspend ? time + ($days + 1) * 86400 : '';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 046899e5e..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-%# payment links
-% my $s = 0;
-% if ( $payby{'BILL'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment', 'Post check payment' ]) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Enter check payment',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_pay.cgi?popup=1;payby=BILL",
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Enter check payment',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- )
- %>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'CASH'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post payment', 'Post cash payment']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Enter cash payment',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_pay.cgi?popup=1;payby=CASH",
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Enter cash payment',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- )
- %>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'WEST'} && $curuser->access_right('Post payment') ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?payby=WEST;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Enter Western Union payment</A>
-% }
-% if ( ( $payby{'CARD'} || $payby{'DCRD'} )
-% && $curuser->access_right(['Process payment', 'Process credit card payment'])
-% && ! $cust_main->is_encrypted($cust_main->payinfo)
-% ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/payment.cgi?payby=CARD;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Process credit card payment</A>
-% }
-% if ( ( $payby{'CHEK'} || $payby{'DCHK'} )
-% && $curuser->access_right(['Process payment', 'Process Echeck payment'])
-% && ! $cust_main->is_encrypted($cust_main->payinfo)
-% ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/payment.cgi?payby=CHEK;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Process electronic check (ACH) payment</A>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'MCRD'} && $curuser->access_right('Post payment') ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pay.cgi?payby=MCRD;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Post manual (offline/POS) credit card payment</A>
-% }
-%# credit link
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Post credit') ) {
- <% include('/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Enter credit',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_credit.cgi",
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Enter credit',
- 'width' => 616, #make room for reasons #540 default
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- )
- %>
- <BR>
-% }
-%# refund links
-% $s = 0;
-% if ( $payby{'BILL'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post refund', 'Post check refund']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Enter check refund',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_refund.cgi?popup=1;payby=BILL",
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Enter check refund',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- )
- %>
-% }
-% if ( $payby{'CASH'} && $curuser->access_right(['Post refund', 'Post cash refund']) ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <% include('/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'label' => 'Enter cash refund',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_refund.cgi?popup=1;payby=CASH",
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Enter cash refund',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- )
- %>
-% }
-%# someday, perhaps. very few gateways let you do unlinked refunds at all.
-%# makes you sign a special form
-%# % if ( ( $payby{'CARD'} || $payby{'DCRD'} )
-%# % && $curuser->access_right('Process refund')
-%# % && ! $cust_main->is_encrypted($cust_main->payinfo)
-%# % ) {
-%# <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
-%# <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/refund.cgi?payby=CARD;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Process credit card refund</A>
-%# % }
-%# % if ( ( $payby{'CHEK'} || $payby{'DCHK'} )
-%# % && $curuser->access_right('Process refund')
-%# % && ! $cust_main->is_encrypted($cust_main->payinfo)
-%# % ) {
-%# <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
-%# <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/refund.cgi?payby=CHEK;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Process electronic check (ACH) refund</A>
-%# % }
-% if ( $payby{'MCRD'} && $curuser->access_right('Post refund') ) {
- <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_refund.cgi?payby=MCRD;custnum=<% $custnum %>">Post manual (offline/POS) credit card refund</A>
-% }
-%# tax exemption link
-% my $view_exemptions = $curuser->access_right('View customer tax exemptions');
-% my $add_adjustment = ( $conf->exists('enable_tax_adjustments')
-% && $curuser->access_right('Add customer tax adjustment')
-% );
-% if ( $view_exemptions || $add_adjustment ) {
-% if ( $view_exemptions ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?custnum=<% $custnum %>">View tax exemptions</A>
- <% $add_adjustment ? '|' : '' %>
-% }
-% if ( $add_adjustment ) {
- <% include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $p.'edit/cust_tax_adjustment.html?custnum='. $cust_main->custnum,
- 'label' => 'Add tax adjustment',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Add tax adjustment',
- #'color' => '#333399',
- #'width' => 763,
- 'height' => 200,
- })
- %>
- |
- <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_tax_adjustment.html?custnum=<% $custnum %>">View tax adjustments</A>
-% }
- <BR>
-% }
-%# batched payment links
-% if ( ( $conf->exists('batch-enable') || $conf->config('batch-enable_payby') )
-% && $curuser->access_right('View customer batched payments')
-% )
-% {
- View batched payments:
-% foreach my $status (qw( Queued In-transit Complete All )) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_pay_batch.cgi?status=<% $status{$status} %>;custnum=<% $custnum %>"><% $status %></A>
- <% $status ne 'All' ? '|' : '' %>
-% }
- <BR>
-% }
-%# pending payment links
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('View customer pending payments')
-% && scalar($cust_main->cust_pay_pending)
-% )
-% {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>search/cust_pay_pending.html?magic=_date;statusNOT=done;custnum=<% $custnum %>">View pending payments</A><BR>
-% }
-%# and now the table
-<% include("/elements/table-grid.html") %>
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = '';
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Date</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Description</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>Invoice</FONT></TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>Payment</FONT></TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>In-house<BR>Credit</FONT></TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>Refund</FONT></TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><FONT SIZE=-1>Balance</FONT></TH>
-%#display payment history
-%my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-%sub balance_forward_row {
-% my( $b, $date, $money_char ) = @_;
-% ( my $balance_forward = $money_char. $b ) =~ s/^\$\-/-&nbsp;\$/;
- <TR ID="balance_forward_row">
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd">
- <% time2str($date_format, $date) %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd">
- <I>Starting balance on <% time2str($date_format, $date) %></I>
- (<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="show_history();">show prior history</A>)
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd"></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd"></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd"></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd"></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd" ALIGN="right"><I><% $balance_forward %></I></TD>
- </TR>
-%my $balance = 0;
-%my %target = ();
-%my $years = $conf->config('payment_history-years') || 2;
-%my $older_than = time - $years * 31556926; #60*60*24*365.2422
-%my $hidden = 0;
-%my $seen = 0;
-%my $old_history = 0;
-%my $lastdate = 0;
-%foreach my $item ( sort { $a->{'date'} <=> $b->{'date'} } @history ) {
-% $lastdate = $item->{'date'};
-% my $display;
-% if ( $item->{'date'} < $older_than ) {
-% $display = ' STYLE="display:none" ';
-% $hidden = 1;
-% } else {
-% $display = '';
-% if ( $hidden && ! $seen++ ) {
-% balance_forward_row($balance, $item->{'date'}, $money_char);
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
-% my $charge = exists($item->{'charge'})
-% ? sprintf("$money_char\%.2f", $item->{'charge'})
-% : '';
-% my $payment = exists($item->{'payment'})
-% ? sprintf("-&nbsp;$money_char\%.2f", $item->{'payment'})
-% : '';
-% $payment ||= sprintf( "<DEL>-&nbsp;$money_char\%.2f</DEL>",
-% $item->{'void_payment'}
-% )
-% if exists($item->{'void_payment'});
-% my $credit = exists($item->{'credit'})
-% ? sprintf("-&nbsp;$money_char\%.2f", $item->{'credit'})
-% : '';
-% my $refund = exists($item->{'refund'})
-% ? sprintf("$money_char\%.2f", $item->{'refund'})
-% : '';
-% my $target = exists($item->{'target'}) ? $item->{'target'} : '';
-% $balance += $item->{'charge'} if exists $item->{'charge'};
-% $balance -= $item->{'payment'} if exists $item->{'payment'};
-% $balance -= $item->{'credit'} if exists $item->{'credit'};
-% $balance += $item->{'refund'} if exists $item->{'refund'};
-% $balance = sprintf("%.2f", $balance);
-% $balance =~ s/^\-0\.00$/0.00/; #yay ieee fp
-% ( my $showbalance = $money_char. $balance ) =~ s/^\$\-/-&nbsp;\$/;
- <TR <% $display ? $display.' ID="old_history'.$old_history++.'"' : ''%>>
- <TD VALIGN="top" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% unless ( !$target || $target{$target}++ ) {
- <A NAME="<% $target %>">
-% }
- <% time2str($date_format, $item->{'date'}) %>
-% if ( $target && $target{$target} == 1 ) {
- </A>
-% }
- </FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $item->{'desc'} %>
- </TD>
- <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $charge %>
- </TD>
- <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $payment %>
- </TD>
- <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $credit %>
- </TD>
- <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $refund %>
- </TD>
- <TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $showbalance %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-%if ( scalar(@history) && $hidden && ! $seen++ ) {
-% balance_forward_row($balance, $lastdate, $money_char);
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function show_history () {
- //alert('showing history!');
- var balance_forward_row = document.getElementById('balance_forward_row');
- = 'none';
- for ( var i = 0; i < <% $old_history %>; i++ ) {
- var oldRow = document.getElementById('old_history'+i);
- = '';
- }
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my $custnum = $cust_main->custnum;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my @payby = grep /\w/, $conf->config('payby');
- unless @payby;
-my %payby = map { $_=>1 } @payby;
-my %status = (
- 'Queued' => 'O', #Open
- 'In-transit' => 'I',
- 'Complete' => 'R', #Resolved
- 'All' => '',
-#get payment history
-my @history = ();
-my %opt = (
- ( map { $_ => scalar($conf->config($_)) }
- qw( card_refund-days date_format )
- ),
- ( map { $_ => $conf->exists($_) }
- qw( deleteinvoices deletepayments deleterefunds pkg-balances )
- )
-foreach my $cust_bill ($cust_main->cust_bill) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_bill->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/invoice.html', $cust_bill, %opt ),
- 'charge' => $cust_bill->charged,
- };
-foreach my $cust_statement ($cust_main->cust_statement) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_statement->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/statement.html', $cust_statement, %opt ),
- #'charge' => $cust_bill->charged,
- };
-#payments (some false laziness w/credits)
-foreach my $cust_pay ($cust_main->cust_pay) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_pay->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/payment.html', $cust_pay, %opt ),
- 'payment' => $cust_pay->paid,
- #'target' => $target, #XXX
- };
-#pending payments
-foreach my $cust_pay_pending ($cust_main->cust_pay_pending) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_pay_pending->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/pending_payment.html', $cust_pay_pending, %opt ),
- 'void_payment' => $cust_pay_pending->paid,
- };
-#voided payments
-foreach my $cust_pay_void ($cust_main->cust_pay_void) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_pay_void->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/voided_payment.html', $cust_pay_void, %opt ),
- 'void_payment' => $cust_pay_void->paid,
- };
-#declined payments
-foreach my $cust_pay_pending ($cust_main->cust_pay_pending_attempt) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_pay_pending->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/attempted_payment.html', $cust_pay_pending, %opt ),
- 'void_payment' => $cust_pay_pending->paid, #??
- #'target' => $target, #XXX
- };
-#credits (some false laziness w/payments)
-foreach my $cust_credit ($cust_main->cust_credit) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_credit->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/credit.html', $cust_credit, %opt ),
- 'credit' => $cust_credit->amount,
- };
-foreach my $cust_refund ($cust_main->cust_refund) {
- push @history, {
- 'date' => $cust_refund->_date,
- 'desc' => include('payment_history/refund.html', $cust_refund),
- 'refund' => $cust_refund->refund,
- };
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/attempted_payment.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/attempted_payment.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 554aa737d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/attempted_payment.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<I>Payment attempt <% $info |h %></I>
-my( $cust_pay_pending, %opt ) = @_;
-my $date_format = $opt{'date_format'} || '%m/%d/%Y';
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $payby = $cust_pay_pending->payby;
-my $payinfo;
-if ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay_pending->paymask;
-} elsif ( $payby eq 'CHEK' ) {
- my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_pay_pending->paymask );
- $payinfo = "ABA $aba, Acct #$account";
-} else {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay_pending->payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
-$payby =~ s/^PREP$/Prepaid card /;
-$payby =~ s/^CARD$/Credit card #/;
-$payby =~ s/^COMP$/Complimentary by /;
-$payby =~ s/^CASH$/Cash/;
-$payby =~ s/^WEST$/Western Union/;
-$payby =~ s/^MCRD$/Manual credit card/;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$//;
-my $info = $payby ? "($payby$payinfo)" : '';
-if ( $opt{'pkg-balances'} && $cust_pay_pending->pkgnum ) {
- my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum'=>$cust_pay_pending->pkgnum } );
- $info .= ' for '. $cust_pkg->pkg_label_long;
-$info .= ': '. $cust_pay_pending->statustext
- if length($cust_pay_pending->statustext);
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/credit.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/credit.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 75038cc56..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/credit.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-<% $pre %>Credit<% $post %>
-by <% $cust_credit->otaker %><% "$reason$desc$apply$delete$unapply" %>
-my( $cust_credit, %opt ) = @_;
-my $date_format = $opt{'date_format'} || '%m/%d/%Y';
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my @cust_credit_bill = $cust_credit->cust_credit_bill;
-my @cust_credit_refund = $cust_credit->cust_credit_refund;
-my $desc = '';
-if ( $opt{'pkg-balances'} && $cust_credit->pkgnum ) {
- my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $cust_credit->pkgnum } );
- $desc .= ' for '. $cust_pkg->pkg_label_long;
-my %cust_credit_bill_width = ('width' => 392);
-my %cust_credit_bill_height = ();
-if ($conf->exists('cust_credit_bill_pkg-manual')) {
- %cust_credit_bill_width = ('width' => 592);
- %cust_credit_bill_height = ('height' => 436);
-my( $pre, $post, $apply, $ext ) = ( '', '', '', '' );
-if ( scalar(@cust_credit_bill) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_credit_refund) == 0 ) {
- #completely unapplied
- $pre = '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Unapplied ';
- $post = '</FONT></B>';
- if ( $curuser->access_right('Apply credit') ) {
- if ( $cust_credit->cust_main->total_owed > 0 ) {
- $apply = ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_credit_bill.cgi?".
- $cust_credit->crednum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply credit',
- %cust_credit_bill_width,
- %cust_credit_bill_height,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- if ( $cust_credit->cust_main->total_unapplied_refunds > 0 ) {
- $apply.= ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply to refund',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_credit_refund.cgi?".
- $cust_credit->crednum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply credit to refund',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- }
-} elsif ( scalar(@cust_credit_bill) == 1
- && scalar(@cust_credit_refund) == 0
- && $cust_credit->credited == 0 ) {
- #applied to one invoice, the usual situation
- $desc .= ' '. $cust_credit_bill[0]->applied_to_invoice;
-} elsif ( scalar(@cust_credit_bill) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_credit_refund) == 1
- && $cust_credit->credited == 0 ) {
- #applied to one refund
- $desc .= ' refunded on '. time2str($date_format, $cust_credit_refund[0]->_date);
-} else {
- #complicated
- $desc .= '<BR>';
- foreach my $app ( sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date }
- ( @cust_credit_bill, @cust_credit_refund ) ) {
- if ( $app->isa('FS::cust_credit_bill') ) {
- $desc .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' '. $app->applied_to_invoice.
- '<BR>';
- #' on '. time2str($date_format, $app->_date).
- } elsif ( $app->isa('FS::cust_credit_refund') ) {
- $desc .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' refunded on '. time2str($date_format, $app->_date).
- '<BR>';
- } else {
- die "$app is not a FS::cust_credit_bill or a FS::cust_credit_refund";
- }
- }
- if ( $cust_credit->credited > 0 ) {
- $desc .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">$'.
- $cust_credit->credited. ' unapplied</FONT></B>';
- if ( $curuser->access_right('Apply credit') ) {
- if ( $cust_credit->cust_main->total_owed > 0 ) {
- $apply = ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_credit_bill.cgi?".
- $cust_credit->crednum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply credit',
- %cust_credit_bill_width,
- %cust_credit_bill_height,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- if ( $cust_credit->cust_main->total_unapplied_refunds > 0 ) {
- $apply.= ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply to refund',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_credit_refund.cgi?".
- $cust_credit->crednum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply credit to refund',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- }
- $desc .= '<BR>';
- }
-my $delete = '';
-if ( $cust_credit->closed !~ /^Y/i
- #s'pose deleting a credit isn't bad like deleting a payment
- # and this needs to be generally available until we have credit voiding..
- #&& $conf->exists('deletecredits')
- && $curuser->access_right('Delete credit')
- )
- $delete = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/delete-cust_credit.cgi?!. $cust_credit->crednum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to delete this credit?')">!.
- qq!delete</A>)!;
-my $unapply = '';
-if ( $cust_credit->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && scalar(@cust_credit_bill)
- && $curuser->access_right('Unapply credit')
- )
- $unapply = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/unapply-cust_credit.cgi?!. $cust_credit->crednum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to unapply this credit?')">!.
- qq!unapply</A>)!;
-my $reason = $cust_credit->reason
- ? ' ('. $cust_credit->reason. ')'
- : '';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/invoice.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/invoice.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d32df4d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/invoice.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<% $link %><% $pre %>Invoice #<% $cust_bill->display_invnum %>
-(Balance $ <% $cust_bill->owed %>)<% $post %><% $link ? '</A>' : '' %><% $delete %><% $events %>
-my( $cust_bill, %opt ) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my($pre, $post) = ('', '');
-if ( $cust_bill->owed > 0 ) {
- $pre = '<B><FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#FF0000">Open ';
- $post = '</FONT></B>';
-my $invnum = $cust_bill->invnum;
-my $link = $curuser->access_right('View invoices')
- ? qq!<A HREF="${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?$invnum">!
- : '';
-my $delete = '';
-if ( $opt{'deleteinvoices'} && $curuser->access_right('Delete invoices') ) {
- $delete = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/delete-cust_bill.html?$invnum',!.
- qq!'Are you sure you want to delete this invoice?')"!.
- qq! TITLE="Delete this invoice from the database completely"!.
- qq!>delete</A>)!;
-my $events = '';
-if ( $cust_bill->num_cust_event
- && ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
- || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
- )
- ) {
- $events =
- qq!<BR><FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="${p}search/cust_event.html?invnum=$invnum!.
- '">(&nbsp;View invoice events&nbsp;)</A></FONT>';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/payment.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/payment.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e745864b7..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/payment.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-<% $pre %>Payment<% $post %> by <% $otaker %>
-<% "$info$desc$view$apply$refund$void$delete$unapply" %>
-my( $cust_pay, %opt ) = @_;
-my $date_format = $opt{'date_format'} || '%m/%d/%Y';
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $payby = $cust_pay->payby;
-my $payinfo;
-if ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay->paymask;
-} elsif ( $payby eq 'CHEK' ) {
- my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_pay->paymask );
- $payinfo = "ABA $aba, Acct #$account";
-} else {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay->payinfo;
-my @cust_bill_pay = $cust_pay->cust_bill_pay;
-my @cust_pay_refund = $cust_pay->cust_pay_refund;
-my $target = "$payby$payinfo";
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
-$payby =~ s/^PREP$/Prepaid card /;
-$payby =~ s/^CARD$/Credit card #/;
-$payby =~ s/^COMP$/Complimentary by /;
-$payby =~ s/^CASH$/Cash/;
-$payby =~ s/^WEST$/Western Union/;
-$payby =~ s/^MCRD$/Manual credit card/;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$//;
-my $info = $payby ? "($payby$payinfo)" : '';
-my $desc = '';
-if ( $opt{'pkg-balances'} && $cust_pay->pkgnum ) {
- my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $cust_pay->pkgnum } );
- $desc .= ' for '. $cust_pkg->pkg_label_long;
-my %cust_bill_pay_width = ('width' => 392);
-my %cust_bill_pay_height = ();
-if ($conf->exists('cust_bill_pay_pkg-manual')) {
- %cust_bill_pay_width = ('width' => 592);
- %cust_bill_pay_height = ('height' => 436);
-my( $pre, $post, $apply, $ext ) = ( '', '', '', '' );
-if ( scalar(@cust_bill_pay) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_pay_refund) == 0 ) {
- #completely unapplied
- $pre = '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Unapplied ';
- $post = '</FONT></B>';
- if ( $curuser->access_right('Apply payment') ) {
- if ( $cust_pay->cust_main->total_owed > 0 ) {
- $apply = ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_bill_pay.cgi?".
- $cust_pay->paynum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply payment',
- %cust_bill_pay_width,
- %cust_bill_pay_height,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- if ( $cust_pay->cust_main->total_unapplied_refunds > 0 ) {
- $apply.= ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply to refund',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_pay_refund.cgi?".
- $cust_pay->paynum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply payment to refund',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- }
-} elsif ( scalar(@cust_bill_pay) == 1
- && scalar(@cust_pay_refund) == 0
- && $cust_pay->unapplied == 0 ) {
- #applied to one invoice, the usual situation
- $desc .= ' '. $cust_bill_pay[0]->applied_to_invoice;
-} elsif ( scalar(@cust_bill_pay) == 0
- && scalar(@cust_pay_refund) == 1
- && $cust_pay->unapplied == 0 ) {
- #applied to one refund
- $desc .= ' refunded on '. time2str($date_format, $cust_pay_refund[0]->_date);
-} else {
- #complicated
- $desc .= '<BR>';
- foreach my $app ( sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date }
- ( @cust_bill_pay, @cust_pay_refund ) ) {
- if ( $app->isa('FS::cust_bill_pay') ) {
- $desc .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' '. $app->applied_to_invoice.
- '<BR>';
- #' on '. time2str($date_format, $cust_bill_pay->_date).
- } elsif ( $app->isa('FS::cust_pay_refund') ) {
- $desc .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
- '$'. $app->amount.
- ' refunded on '. time2str($date_format, $app->_date).
- '<BR>';
- } else {
- die "$app is not a FS::cust_bill_pay or FS::cust_pay_refund";
- }
- }
- if ( $cust_pay->unapplied > 0 ) {
- $desc .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
- '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">$'.
- $cust_pay->unapplied. ' unapplied</FONT></B>';
- if ( $curuser->access_right('Apply payment') ) {
- if ( $cust_pay->cust_main->total_owed > 0 ) {
- $apply = ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_bill_pay.cgi?".
- $cust_pay->paynum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply payment',
- %cust_bill_pay_width,
- %cust_bill_pay_height,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- if ( $cust_pay->cust_main->total_unapplied_refunds > 0 ) {
- $apply.= ' ('.
- include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'apply to refund',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/cust_pay_refund.cgi?".
- $cust_pay->paynum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Apply payment to refund',
- 'width' => 392,
- #default# 'height' => 336,
- ).
- ')';
- }
- }
- $desc .= '<BR>';
- }
-my $view =
- ' ('. include('/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'view receipt',
- 'action' => "${p}view/cust_pay.html?link=popup;paynum=".
- $cust_pay->paynum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Payment Receipt',
- ).
- ')';
-my $refund = '';
-my $refund_days = $opt{'card_refund-days'} || 120;
-my @rights = ('Refund payment');
-push @rights, 'Refund credit card payment' if $payby eq 'CARD';
-push @rights, 'Refund Echeck payment' if $payby eq 'CHEK';
-if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $cust_pay->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
- && time-$cust_pay->_date < $refund_days*86400
- && $cust_pay->unrefunded > 0
- && $curuser->access_right(\@rights)
-) {
- $refund = qq! (<A HREF="${p}edit/cust_refund.cgi?payby=$1;!.
- qq!paynum=!. $cust_pay->paynum. '"'.
- qq! TITLE="Send a refund for this payment to the payment gateway"!.
- qq!>refund</A>)!;
-my $void = '';
-if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && ( ( $cust_pay->payby eq 'CARD'
- && $curuser->access_right('Credit card void')
- )
- || ( $cust_pay->payby eq 'CHEK'
- && $curuser->access_right('Echeck void')
- )
- || ( $cust_pay->payby !~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
- && $curuser->access_right('Regular void')
- )
- )
- )
- $void = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/void-cust_pay.cgi?!. $cust_pay->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to void this payment?')"!.
- qq! TITLE="Void this payment from the database!.
- ( $cust_pay->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
- ? ' (do not send anything to the payment gateway)'
- : ''
- ). '"'.
- qq!>void</A>)!;
-my $delete = '';
-if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $opt{'deletepayments'}
- && $curuser->access_right('Delete payment')
- )
- $delete = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/delete-cust_pay.cgi?!. $cust_pay->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to delete this payment?')"!.
- qq! TITLE="Delete this payment from the database completely - not recommended"!.
- qq!>delete</A>)!;
-my $unapply = '';
-if ( $cust_pay->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && scalar(@cust_bill_pay)
- && $curuser->access_right('Unapply payment')
- )
- $unapply = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/unapply-cust_pay.cgi?!. $cust_pay->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to unapply this payment?')"!.
- qq! TITLE="Keep this payment, but dissociate it from the invoices it is currently applied against"!.
- qq!>unapply</A>)!;
-my $otaker = $cust_pay->otaker;
-$otaker = '<i>auto billing</i>' if $otaker eq 'fs_daily';
-$otaker = '<i>customer self-service</i>' if $otaker eq 'fs_selfservice';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/pending_payment.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/pending_payment.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 40805b1aa..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/pending_payment.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<b><font size="+1" color="#FF0000">Pending payment </font></b> <% "$info $status ($link)" %>
-my( $cust_pay_pending, %opt ) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $payby = $cust_pay_pending->payby;
-my $payinfo;
-if ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay_pending->paymask;
-} elsif ( $payby eq 'CHEK' ) {
- my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_pay_pending->paymask );
- $payinfo = "ABA $aba, Acct #$account";
-} else {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay_pending->payinfo;
-my $target = "$payby$payinfo";
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
-$payby =~ s/^PREP$/Prepaid card /;
-$payby =~ s/^CARD$/Credit card #/;
-$payby =~ s/^COMP$/Complimentary by /;
-$payby =~ s/^CASH$/Cash/;
-$payby =~ s/^WEST$/Western Union/;
-$payby =~ s/^MCRD$/Manual credit card/;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$//;
-my $info = $payby ? "($payby$payinfo)" : '';
-my %statusaction = (
- 'new' => 'delete',
- 'pending' => 'complete',
- 'captured' => 'capture',
-my $edit_pending =
- $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Edit customer pending payments');
-my $status = "Status: ".$cust_pay_pending->status;
-my $action = $statusaction{$cust_pay_pending->status};
-my $link = "";
-if ( $action && $edit_pending ) {
- $link = include('/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'edit/cust_pay_pending.html'.
- '?paypendingnum='. $cust_pay_pending->paypendingnum.
- ";action=$action",
- 'label' => $action,
- 'color' => '#ff0000',
- 'width' => 655,
- 'height' => ( $action eq 'delete' ? 480 : 575 ),
- 'actionlabel' => ucfirst($action). ' pending payment',
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/refund.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/refund.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a48fea1e..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/refund.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<% $pre %>Refund<% $post %>
-(<% $payby. $payinfo %>)
-by <% $cust_refund->otaker %><% $view %><% $delete %>
-my( $cust_refund, %opt ) = @_;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $payby = $cust_refund->payby;
-my $payinfo = $payby eq 'CARD'
- ? $cust_refund->paymask
- : $cust_refund->payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check/;
-$payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
-$payby =~ s/^(CARD|COMP)$/$1 /;
-my($pre, $post) = ('', '');
-if ( $cust_refund->unapplied > 0 ) {
- $pre = '<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Unapplied ';
- $post = '</FONT></B>';
-my $view =
- ' ('. include('/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'label' => 'view receipt',
- 'action' => "${p}view/cust_refund.html?link=popup;".
- 'refundnum='. $cust_refund->refundnum,
- 'actionlabel' => 'Payment Receipt',
- ).
- ')';
-my $delete = '';
-if ( $cust_refund->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $opt{'deleterefunds'}
- && $curuser->access_right('Delete refund')
- )
- $delete = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/delete-cust_refund.cgi?!. $cust_refund->refundnum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to delete this refund?')"!.
- qq! TITLE="Delete this refund from the database completely - not recommended"!.
- qq!>delete</A>)!;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/statement.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/statement.html
deleted file mode 100644
index dedec9bda..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/statement.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<% $link %><% $pre %>Statement #<% $statementnum %>
-%# (Balance $ <% $cust_statement->owed %>)
-<% $post %><% $link ? '</A>' : '' %><% $events %>
-my( $cust_statement, %opt ) = @_;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my($pre, $post) = ('', '');
-#if ( $cust_statement->owed > 0 ) {
-# $pre = '<B><FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#FF0000">Open ';
-# $post = '</FONT></B>';
-my $statementnum = $cust_statement->statementnum;
-my $link = $curuser->access_right('View invoices')
- ? qq!<A HREF="${p}view/cust_statement.html?$statementnum">!
- : '';
-my $events = '';
-#if ( $cust_statement->num_cust_event
-# && ( $curuser->access_right('Billing event reports')
-# || $curuser->access_right('View customer billing events')
-# )
-# ) {
-# $events =
-# qq!<BR><FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="${p}search/cust_event.html?statementnum=!.
-# $cust_statement->statementnum. '">(&nbsp;View statement events&nbsp;)</A></FONT>';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/voided_payment.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/voided_payment.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7f60cf5..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/payment_history/voided_payment.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<DEL>Payment <% $info %> by <% $cust_pay_void->otaker %></DEL>
-<I>voided <% time2str($date_format, $cust_pay_void->void_date) %>
-% my $void_user = $cust_pay_void->void_access_user;
-% if ($void_user) {
- by <% $void_user->username %></I>
-% }
-<% $unvoid %>
-my( $cust_pay_void, %opt ) = @_;
-my $date_format = $opt{'date_format'} || '%m/%d/%Y';
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $payby = $cust_pay_void->payby;
-my $payinfo;
-if ( $payby eq 'CARD' ) {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay_void->paymask;
-} elsif ( $payby eq 'CHEK' ) {
- my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_pay_void->paymask );
- $payinfo = "ABA $aba, Acct #$account";
-} else {
- $payinfo = $cust_pay_void->payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$/Check #/ if $payinfo;
-$payby =~ s/^CHEK$/Electronic check /;
-$payby =~ s/^PREP$/Prepaid card /;
-$payby =~ s/^CARD$/Credit card #/;
-$payby =~ s/^COMP$/Complimentary by /;
-$payby =~ s/^CASH$/Cash/;
-$payby =~ s/^WEST$/Western Union/;
-$payby =~ s/^MCRD$/Manual credit card/;
-$payby =~ s/^BILL$//;
-my $info = $payby ? "($payby$payinfo)" : '';
-if ( $opt{'pkg-balances'} && $cust_pay_void->pkgnum ) {
- my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $cust_pay_void->pkgnum } );
- $info .= ' for '. $cust_pkg->pkg_label_long;
-my $unvoid = '';
-if ( $cust_pay_void->closed !~ /^Y/i
- && $curuser->access_right('Unvoid')
- )
- $unvoid = qq! (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('!.
- qq!${p}misc/unvoid-cust_pay_void.cgi?!. $cust_pay_void->paynum.
- qq!', 'Are you sure you want to unvoid this payment?')"!.
- qq! TITLE="Unvoid this payment from the database!.
- ( $cust_pay_void->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
- ? ' (do not send anything to the payment gateway)'
- : ''
- ). '"'.
- qq!>unvoid</A>)!;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/qual_link.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/qual_link.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b8dfaf9b2..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/qual_link.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<% include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/qual.html',
- 'label' => 'New&nbsp;Qualification',
- 'actionlabel' => 'New Qualification',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'closetext' => 'Close',
- 'width' => 763,
- 'height' => 436,
- )
-my($cust_main) = @_;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/tickets.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/tickets.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e90ae5276..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/tickets.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-<FORM METHOD="GET" NAME="CreateTicketForm" STYLE="display:inline">
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function updateTicketLink() {
- var link = document.getElementById('CreateTicketLink');
- var selector = document.getElementById('Queue')
- link.href = "<% $new_base.'?'.
- join(';', map(
- { ($_ eq 'Queue') ? () : "$_=$new_param{$_}"}
- keys %new_param),'Queue=') %>" + selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value;
-<A id="CreateTicketLink" HREF="<% $new_link %>">Create new ticket</A>
- in queue
-% my %queues = FS::TicketSystem->queues();
-% if( $conf->exists('ticket_system-force_default_queueid') ) {
-<B><% $queues{$new_param{'Queue'}} %></B>
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Queue" VALUE="<% $new_param{'Queue'} %>">
-% }
-% else {
-<SELECT NAME="Queue" id="Queue" onchange="updateTicketLink()">
-% foreach my $queueid ( sort { $queues{$a} cmp $queues{$b} } keys %queues ) {
-% #should consider whether the user has ACL to create ticket in each queue
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $queueid %>"
- <% $queueid == $new_param{'Queue'} ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>
- ><% $queues{$queueid} |h %>
-% }
-<SCRIPT DEFER TYPE="text/javascript">updateTicketLink();</SCRIPT>
-% }
-(<A HREF="<% $open_link %>">View <% $openlabel %> tickets for this customer</A>)
-(<A HREF="<% $res_link %>">View resolved tickets for this customer</A>)
-<% include("/elements/table-grid.html") %>
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = '';
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">#</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Subject</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Status</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Queue</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Owner</TH>
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Priority</TH>
-% foreach my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
-% my $href = FS::TicketSystem->href_ticket($ticket->{id});
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
- <TR>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <A HREF=<%$href%>><% $ticket->{id} %></A>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <A HREF=<%$href%>><% $ticket->{subject} %></A>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $ticket->{status} %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $ticket->{queue} %>
- </TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $ticket->{owner} %>
- </TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
- <% $ticket->{content}
- ? $ticket->{content}.' ('.$ticket->{priority}.')'
- : $ticket->{priority}
- %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-my( $conf ) = new FS::Conf;
-my( $cust_main ) = @_;
-my( @tickets ) = $cust_main->tickets;
-my $open_link = FS::TicketSystem->href_customer_tickets($cust_main->custnum);
-my $openlabel = join('/', FS::TicketSystem->statuses );
-my $res_link = FS::TicketSystem->href_customer_tickets(
- $cust_main->custnum,
- { 'statuses' => [ 'resolved' ] }
- );
-my( $new_base, %new_param ) = FS::TicketSystem->href_params_new_ticket(
- $cust_main,
- join(', ', $cust_main->invoicing_list_emailonly ) );
-my $new_link = FS::TicketSystem->href_new_ticket(
- $cust_main,
- join(', ', $cust_main->invoicing_list_emailonly )
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_pay.html b/httemplate/view/cust_pay.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1408b3db2..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_pay.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $link eq 'popup' ) {
- <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', "$thing Receipt" ) %>
- <div align="center">
- <A HREF="javascript:self.parent.location = '<% $pr_link %>'">Print</A> |
- <A HREF="javascript:self.location = '<% $email_link %>'">Re-email</A>
- </div><BR>
-% } elsif ( $link eq 'print' ) {
- <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', "$thing Receipt" ) %>
-% #it would be nice if the menubar could be hidden for print, but better to
-% # have it available than not, otherwise the user winds up at a dead end
- <% menubar(
- "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- )
- %>
- <BR><BR>
-% } elsif ( $link eq 'email' ) {
-% if ( $email_error ) {
- <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', "Error re-emailing receipt: $email_error" ) %>
-% } else {
- <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', "Re-emailed receipt" ) %>
-% }
-% } else {
- <% include('/elements/header.html', "$thing Receipt", menubar(
- "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- 'Print receipt' => $pr_link,
- ))
- %>
-% }
-% unless ($link =~ /^(popup|email)$/ ) {
- <% include('/elements/small_custview.html',
- $custnum,
- scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')),
- 1, #no balance
- )
- %>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Payment#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pay->paynum %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Date</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% time2str"%a&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%o,&nbsp;%Y&nbsp;%r", $cust_pay->_date %></B></TD>
-% if ( $void ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Void Date</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% time2str"%a&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%o,&nbsp;%Y&nbsp;%r", $cust_pay->void_date %></B></TD>
- </TR>
-%# <TR>
-%# <TD ALIGN="right">Void reason</TD>
-%# <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pay->reason %></B></TD>
-%# </TR>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Amount</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $money_char. $cust_pay->paid %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Payment method</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pay->payby_name %> #<% $cust_pay->paymask %></B></TD>
-% if ( $cust_pay->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK|LECB)$/ && $cust_pay->paybatch ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Processor</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pay->processor %></B></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Authorization#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pay->authorization %></B></TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $cust_pay->order_number ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Order#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pay->order_number %></B></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('pkg-balances') && $cust_pay->pkgnum ) {
-% my $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $cust_pay->pkgnum } );
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">For package</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_pkg->pkg_label_long %></B></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $link eq 'print' ) {
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- window.print();
-% } elsif ( $link eq 'email' ) {
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-% }
-% if ( $link =~ /^(popup|print|email)$/ ) {
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
-% } else {
- <% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-% }
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('View invoices') #remove this in 1.9 EVENTUALLY
- || $curuser->access_right('View customer payments');
-$cgi->param('paynum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no paynum";
-my $paynum = $1;
-my $link = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('link') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
- $link = $1;
-my $void = $cgi->param('void') ? 1 : 0;
-my $thing = $void ? 'Voided Payment' : 'Payment';
-my $table = $void ? 'cust_pay_void' : 'cust_pay';
-my $cust_pay = qsearchs({
- 'select' => "$table.*",
- 'table' => $table,
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'paynum' => $paynum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
-die "$thing #$paynum not found!" unless $cust_pay;
-my $pr_link = "${p}view/cust_pay.html?link=print;paynum=$paynum;void=$void";
-my $email_link = "${p}view/cust_pay.html?link=email;paynum=$paynum;void=$void";
-my $custnum = $cust_pay->custnum;
-my $display_custnum = $cust_pay->cust_main->display_custnum;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-tie my %payby, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::payby->payby2longname;
-my $email_error;
-if ( $link eq 'email' ) {
- my $email_error = $cust_pay->send_receipt(
- 'manual' => 1,
- );
- warn "can't send payment receipt/statement: $email_error" if $email_error;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_pay_void.html b/httemplate/view/cust_pay_void.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c22170d6..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_pay_void.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<% include('cust_pay.html', @_, 'void' => 1 ) %>
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_refund.html b/httemplate/view/cust_refund.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 138c8780d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_refund.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $link eq 'popup' ) {
- <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', "Refund Receipt" ) %>
- <CENTER><A HREF="javascript:self.parent.location = '<% $pr_link %>'">Print</A></CENTER><BR>
-% } elsif ( $link eq 'print' ) {
- <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', "Refund Receipt" ) %>
-% #it would be nice if the menubar could be hidden for print, but better to
-% # have it available than not, otherwise the user winds up at a dead end
- <% menubar(
- "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- )
- %>
- <BR><BR>
-% } else {
- <% include('/elements/header.html', "Refund Receipt", menubar(
- "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- 'Print receipt' => $pr_link,
- ))
- %>
-% }
-% unless ($link eq 'popup' ) {
- <% include('/elements/small_custview.html',
- $custnum,
- scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')),
- 1, #no balance
- )
- %>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Refund#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_refund->refundnum %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Date</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% time2str"%a&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%o,&nbsp;%Y&nbsp;%r", $cust_refund->_date %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Amount</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $money_char. $cust_refund->refund %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Reason</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_refund->reason %></B></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Refund method</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_refund->payby_name %><% $cust_refund->paymask ? ' #'.$cust_refund->paymask : '' %></B></TD>
-% if ( $cust_refund->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK|LECB)$/ && $cust_refund->paybatch ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Processor</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_refund->processor %></B></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Authorization#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_refund->authorization %></B></TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $cust_refund->order_number ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Order#</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $cust_refund->order_number %></B></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $link eq 'print' ) {
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- window.print();
-% }
-% if ( $link =~ /^(popup|print)$/ ) {
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
-% } else {
- <% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-% }
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('View invoices') #remove this in 1.9 EVENTUALLY
- || $curuser->access_right('View customer payments');
- #'View customer refunds' ???
-$cgi->param('refundnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no refundnum";
-my $refundnum = $1;
-my $link = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('link') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
- $link = $1;
-my $cust_refund = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'cust_refund.*',
- 'table' => 'cust_refund',
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'refundnum' => $refundnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Refund #$refundnum not found!" unless $cust_refund;
-my $pr_link = "${p}view/cust_refund.html?link=print;refundnum=$refundnum";
-my $custnum = $cust_refund->custnum;
-my $display_custnum = $cust_refund->cust_main->display_custnum;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-tie my %payby, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::payby->payby2longname;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_statement-pdf.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_statement-pdf.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index a1739e04c..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_statement-pdf.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<% $pdf %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices');
-#untaint statementnum
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^((.+)-)?(\d+)(.pdf)?$/;
-my $templatename = $2 || 'statement'; #XXX configure... via event?? eh..
-my $statementnum = $3;
-my $cust_statement = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'cust_statement.*',
- 'table' => 'cust_statement',
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'statementnum' => $statementnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Statement #$statementnum not found!" unless $cust_statement;
-my $pdf = $cust_statement->print_pdf( '', $templatename);
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/pdf' );
-http_header('Content-Length' => length($pdf) );
-http_header('Cache-control' => 'max-age=60' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_statement.html b/httemplate/view/cust_statement.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e1345ed5..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_statement.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html",'Statement View', menubar(
- "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
-)) %>
-% if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Resend invoices') ) {
-%# <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/send-statement.cgi?method=print;<% $link %>">Re-print this statement</A>
-% if ( grep { $_ ne 'POST' } $cust_statement->cust_main->invoicing_list ) {
-%# |
- <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/send-statement.cgi?method=email;<% $link %>">Re-email this statement</A>
-% }
-% if ( 0 ) {
-% #if ( $conf->exists('hylafax') && length($cust_statement->cust_main->fax) ) {
- | <A HREF="<% $p %>misc/send-statement.cgi?method=fax;<% $link %>">Re-fax this statement</A>
-% }
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-% #if ( $conf->exists('invoice_latex') ) {
-% if ( 0 ) { #broken???
- <A HREF="<% $p %>view/cust_statement-pdf.cgi?<% $link %>">View typeset statement</A>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-% #if ( $cust_statement->num_cust_event ) {
-% if ( 0 ) {
-<A HREF="<%$p%>search/cust_event.html?statementnum=<% $cust_statement->statementnum %>">(&nbsp;View statement events&nbsp;)</A><BR><BR>
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('invoice_html') ) {
- <% join('', $cust_statement->print_html('', $templatename) ) %>
-% } else {
- <PRE><% join('', $cust_statement->print_text('', $templatename) ) %></PRE>
-% }
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View invoices');
-#untaint statement
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^((.+)-)?(\d+)$/;
-my $templatename = $2 || 'statement'; #XXX configure... via event?? eh..
-my $statementnum = $3;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my @payby = grep /\w/, $conf->config('payby');
- unless @payby;
-my %payby = map { $_=>1 } @payby;
-my $cust_statement = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'cust_statement.*',
- 'table' => 'cust_statement',
- 'addl_from' => 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )',
- 'hashref' => { 'statementnum' => $statementnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Statement #$statementnum not found!" unless $cust_statement;
-my $custnum = $cust_statement->custnum;
-my $display_custnum = $cust_statement->cust_main->display_custnum;
-my $link = "statementnum=$statementnum";
-$link .= ';template='. uri_escape($templatename) if $templatename;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_svc.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_svc.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ccfce3ff..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_svc.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<% $cgi->redirect(popurl(1)."$svcdb.cgi?". $svcnum ) %>
-#needed here? we're just redirecting. i guess it could reveal the svcdb of a
-#svcnum... oooooo scary. not.
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-#some false laziness w/svc_*.cgi
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } );
-die "Unknown svcnum" unless $cust_svc;
-my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc',{'svcpart'=> $cust_svc->svcpart } );
-die "Unknown svcpart" unless $part_svc;
-my $svcdb = $part_svc->svcdb;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/elements/svc_Common.html b/httemplate/view/elements/svc_Common.html
deleted file mode 100644
index de49b50d2..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/elements/svc_Common.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
- include( 'elements/svc_Common.html,
- 'table' => 'svc_something'
- 'labels' => {
- 'column' => 'Label',
- },
- #listref - each item is a literal column name (or method) or
- # (notyet) coderef. if not specified all columns (except for the
- #primary key) will be viewable
- 'fields' => [
- ]
- # defaults to "edit/$table.cgi?", will have svcnum appended
- 'edit_url' =>
- #at the very bottom (well, as low as you can go from here)
- 'html_foot' => '',
- )
-function areyousure(href) {
- if (confirm("Permanently delete this <% $label %>?") == true)
- window.location.href = href;
-% if ( $custnum ) {
- <% include("/elements/header.html","View $label: $value") %>
- <% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $custnum, '', 1,
- "${p}view/cust_main.cgi") %>
- <BR>
-% } else {
- <% include("/elements/header.html","View $label: $value", menubar(
- "Cancel this (unaudited) $label" =>
- "javascript:areyousure(\'${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum\')"
- )) %>
-% }
-Service #<B><% $svcnum %></B>
-% my $url = $opt{'edit_url'} || $p. 'edit/'. $opt{'table'}. '.cgi?';
-| <A HREF="<%$url%><%$svcnum%>">Edit this <% $label %></A>
-| <A HREF="javascript:areyousure('<%$p.'misc/unprovision.cgi?'.$svcnum%>')">
-Unprovision this Service</A>
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
-% foreach my $f ( @$fields ) {
-% my($field, $type, $value, $hack_strict_refs);
-% if ( ref($f) ) {
-% $field = $f->{'field'};
-% $hack_strict_refs = \&{ $f->{'value'} } if $f->{'value'};
-% $value = $f->{'value'} ? &$hack_strict_refs($svc_x) : $svc_x->$field;
-% $type = $f->{'type'} || 'text';
-% } else {
-% $field = $f;
-% $value = $svc_x->$field;
-% $type = 'text';
-% }
-% my $columndef = $part_svc->part_svc_column($field);
-% unless ($columndef->columnflag eq 'F' && !length($columndef->columnvalue)) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">
- <% ( $opt{labels} && exists $opt{labels}->{$field} )
- ? $opt{labels}->{$field}
- : $field
- %>
- </TD>
-% $value = time2str($date_format,$value) if ( $type eq 'date' && $value );
-% $value = time2str("$date_format %H:%M",$value) if ( $type eq 'datetime' && $value );
-% $value = $value eq 'Y' ? 'Yes' : 'No' if ( $type eq 'checkbox' );
-% #eventually more options for <SELECT>, etc. fields
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $value %><TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
-% foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } $svc_x->virtual_fields) {
- <% $svc_x->pvf($_)->widget('HTML', 'view', $svc_x->getfield($_)) %>
-% }
-% if ( defined($opt{'html_foot'}) ) {
- <% ref($opt{'html_foot'})
- ? &{ $opt{'html_foot'} }($svc_x)
- : $opt{'html_foot'}
- %>
- <BR>
-% }
-<% joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1) %>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my(%opt) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
-my $table = $opt{'table'};
-my $fields = $opt{'fields'}
- #|| [ grep { $_ ne 'svcnum' } dbdef->table($table)->columns ];
- || [ grep { $_ ne 'svcnum' } fields($table) ];
-my $svcnum;
-if ( $cgi->param('svcnum') ) {
- $cgi->param('svcnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "unparsable svcnum";
- $svcnum = $1;
-} else {
- my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
- $query =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no svcnum";
- $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_x = qsearchs({
- 'select' => $opt{'table'}.'.*',
- 'table' => $opt{'table'},
- 'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ',
- 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-}) or die "Unknown svcnum $svcnum in ". $opt{'table'}. " table\n";
-my $cust_svc = $svc_x->cust_svc;
-my($label, $value, $svcdb) = $cust_svc->label;
-my $part_svc = $cust_svc->part_svc;
- #false laziness w/edit/svc_Common.html
- #override default labels with service-definition labels if applicable
- my $labels = $opt{labels}; #not -> here
- foreach my $field ( keys %$labels ) {
- my $col = $part_svc->part_svc_column($field);
- $labels->{$field} = $col->columnlabel if $col->columnlabel !~ /^\S*$/;
- }
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->pkgnum;
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg = $cust_svc->cust_pkg;
- $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
-&{ $opt{'svc_callback'} }( $cgi, $svc_x, $part_svc, $cust_pkg, $fields, \%opt )
- if $opt{'svc_callback'};
diff --git a/httemplate/view/elements/svc_export_settings.html b/httemplate/view/elements/svc_export_settings.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f2555bd..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/elements/svc_export_settings.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->option('export_getsettings') ) {
-% my ( $settings, $defaults ) = $svc_x->export_getsettings;
-% if ( keys %$settings ) {
-%# a way to label this "Communigate pro settings".. just a config maybe... eh,
-%# its just for devel
- External settings
- <% ntable('#cccccc',2) %>
-% foreach my $key ( sort {$defaults->{$a} <=> $defaults->{$b} or $a cmp $b}
-% keys %$settings
-% )
-% {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $key |h %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="<% $defaults->{$key} ? '#eeeeee' : '#ffffff' %>">
- <% $defaults->{$key} ? '<I>' : '<B>' %>
- <% $settings->{$key} |h %>
- <% $defaults->{$key} ? '</I>' : '</B>' %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE>
- <BR>
-% }
-% }
-my $svc_x = shift;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/elements/tr.html b/httemplate/view/elements/tr.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ec7d42f..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/elements/tr.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $opt{'label'} %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $opt{'value'} %></TD>
-my %opt = @_;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/image.cgi b/httemplate/view/image.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 153ec858e..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/image.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<% $data %>\
-#die "access denied"
-# unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $type;
-if ( $cgi->param('type') eq 'png' ) {
- $type = 'png';
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('type') eq 'eps' ) {
- $type = 'eps';
-} else {
- die "unknown image type ". $cgi->param('type');
-my $data;
-if ( $cgi->param('prefname') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
- my $prefname = $1;
- my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
- $data = decode_base64( $curuser->option("$prefname") );
-} else {
- die "no preview_session specified";
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'image/png' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/logo.cgi b/httemplate/view/logo.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index aeca0f3b3..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/logo.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<% $data %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $type;
-if ( $cgi->param('type') eq 'png' ) {
- $type = 'png';
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('type') eq 'eps' ) {
- $type = 'eps';
-} else {
- die "unknown logo type ". $cgi->param('type');
-my $data;
-if ( $cgi->param('preview_session') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
- my $session = $1;
- my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
- $data = decode_base64( $curuser->option("logo_preview$session") );
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('name') =~ /^([^\.\/]*)$/ ) {
- my $templatename = $1;
- if ( $templatename && $conf->exists("logo_$templatename.$type") ) {
- $templatename = "_$templatename";
- } else {
- $templatename = '';
- }
- if ( $type eq 'png' ) {
- $data = $conf->config_binary("logo$templatename.png");
- } elsif ( $type eq 'eps' ) {
- #convert EPS to a png... punting on that for now
- }
-} else {
- die "neither a valid name nor a valid preview_session specified";
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'image/png' );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/prospect_main.html b/httemplate/view/prospect_main.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b2f58ee..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/prospect_main.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<% include('/elements/header.html',
- 'Prospect View: '. $prospect_main->company
- )
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit prospect') ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/prospect_main.html?<% $prospectnum %>">Edit this prospect</A>
-% }
-<% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Prospect #</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $prospectnum %></B></TD>
-%unless ( scalar(@agentnums) == 1
-% && !$curuser->access_right('View customers of all agents') ) {
-% my $agent = qsearchs('agent',{ 'agentnum' => $prospect_main->agentnum } );
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Agent</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $agent->agentnum %>: <% $agent->agent %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $prospect_main->company |h %></B></TD>
-% foreach my $contact ( $prospect_main->contact ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Contact</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><% $contact->line %></TD>
- </TR>
-% my @cust_location =
-% qsearch('cust_location', { 'prospectnum' => $prospectnum } );
-% #but only one, for now
-% foreach my $cust_location (@cust_location) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Address</TD>
- <% $cust_location->location_label(
- 'join_string' => '<BR>',
- 'double_space' => ' &nbsp; ',
- 'escape_function' => \&encode_entities,
- )
- %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $curuser->access_right('Qualify service') ) {
-<% include( '/elements/popup_link-prospect_main.html',
- 'action' => $p. 'misc/qual.html',
- 'label' => 'New&nbsp;Qualification',
- 'actionlabel' => 'New Qualification',
- 'color' => '#333399',
- 'prospect_main' => $prospect_main,
- 'closetext' => 'Close',
- 'width' => 763,
- 'height' => 436,
- )
- | <A HREF="<%$p%>search/qual.cgi?prospectnum=<% $prospect_main->prospectnum %>">View Qualifications</A>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %>
- <TH CLASS="background" COLSPAN=2 ALIGN="left"><FONT SIZE="+1">Tickets</FONT></TH>
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('View prospect');
-my $prospectnum;
-if ( $cgi->param('prospectnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- $prospectnum = $1;
-} else {
- die "No prospect specified (bad URL)!" unless $cgi->keywords;
- my($query) = $cgi->keywords; # needs parens with my, ->keywords returns array
- $query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
- $prospectnum = $1;
-my $prospect_main = qsearchs( {
- 'table' => 'prospect_main',
- 'hashref' => { 'prospectnum' => $prospectnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $curuser->agentnums_sql,
-die "Prospect not found!" unless $prospect_main;
-my @agentnums = $curuser->agentnums;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/qual.cgi b/httemplate/view/qual.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab0032ad..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/qual.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html","View Qualification") %>
-% if ( $cust_or_prospect->get('custnum') ) {
- <% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $cust_or_prospect->custnum, '', 1,
- "${p}view/cust_main.cgi") %>
-% } elsif ( $cust_or_prospect->get('prospectnum') ) {
-% my $prospectnum = $cust_or_prospect->get('prospectnum');
-% my $link = "${p}view/prospect_main.html?$prospectnum";
- <A HREF="<%$link%>">Prospect #<%$prospectnum%></A>
-% }
-<B>Qualification #<% $qual->qualnum %></B>
-<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
-<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Status', value => $qual->status_long ) %>
-<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Service Telephone Number', value => $qual->phonenum ) %>
-<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Address', value => $location_line ) %>
-% if ( $location_kind ) {
-<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Location Kind', value => $location_kind ) %>
-% } if ( $export ) {
-<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Qualified using', value => $export->exportname ) %>
-<% include('elements/tr.html', label => 'Vendor Qualification #', value => $qual->vendor_qual_id ) %>
-% }
-% if ( $export ) {
-<% $export->qual_html($qual) %>
-% }
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Qualify service');
-my $qualnum;
-if ( $cgi->param('qualnum') ) {
- $cgi->param('qualnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "unparsable qualnum";
- $qualnum = $1;
-} else {
- my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
- $query =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no qualnum";
- $qualnum = $1;
-my $qual = qsearchs('qual', { qualnum => $qualnum }) or die "invalid qualnum";
-my $location_line = '';
-my %location_hash = $qual->location;
-my $cust_location;
-if ( %location_hash ) {
- $cust_location = new FS::cust_location(\%location_hash);
- $location_line = $cust_location->location_label;
-my $location_kind;
-$location_kind = "Residential" if $cust_location->get('location_kind') eq 'R';
-$location_kind = "Business" if $cust_location->get('location_kind') eq 'B';
-my $cust_or_prospect = $qual->cust_or_prospect;
-my $export = $qual->part_export;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html b/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed63c7aa..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_Common.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => $table,
- 'edit_url' => $edit_url, #$p."edit/svc_Common.html?svcdb=$table;svcnum=",
- %opt,
- )
-# false laziness w/edit/svc_Common.html
-$cgi->param('svcdb') =~ /^(svc_\w+)$/ or die "unparsable svcdb";
-my $table = $1;
-require "FS/$";
-my $edit_url = svc_url( 'm' => $m, 'action' => 'edit', 'svcdb' => $table, query => '' );
-my %opt;
-if ( UNIVERSAL::can("FS::$table", 'table_info') ) {
- $opt{'name'} = "FS::$table"->table_info->{'name'};
- my $fields = "FS::$table"->table_info->{'fields'};
- my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
- ? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
- : $fields->{$_}
- );
- }
- keys %$fields;
- $opt{'labels'} = \%labels;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_acct.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e82569fc..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $custnum ) {
- <% include("/elements/header.html","View $svc account") %>
- <% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $custnum, '', 1,
- "${p}view/cust_main.cgi") %>
- <BR>
-% } else {
- function areyousure(href) {
- if (confirm("Permanently delete this account?") == true)
- window.location.href = href;
- }
- <% include("/elements/header.html",'View account', menubar(
- "Cancel this (unaudited) account" =>
- "javascript:areyousure(\'${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum\')",
- )) %>
-% }
-<% include( 'svc_acct/radius_usage.html',
- 'svc_acct' => $svc_acct,
- 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
- 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
- %gopt,
- )
-<% include( 'svc_acct/change_svc_form.html',
- 'part_svc' => \@part_svc,
- 'svcnum' => $svcnum,
- 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum,
- %gopt,
- )
-Service #<B><% $svcnum %></B>
-| <A HREF="<%$p%>edit/svc_acct.cgi?<%$svcnum%>">Edit this service</A>
-<% include( 'svc_acct/change_svc.html',
- 'part_svc' => \@part_svc,
- %gopt,
- )
-<% include( 'svc_acct/basics.html',
- 'svc_acct' => $svc_acct,
- 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
- %gopt,
- )
-<% include( 'svc_acct/cardfortress.html',
- 'svc_acct' => $svc_acct,
- %gopt,
- )
-<% include( 'svc_acct/hosting.html',
- %gopt,
- )
-%#remove this? does anybody even use it? it was a misunderstood customer
-%#request IIRC?
-% my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-% if ( $conf->exists('svc_acct-notes') ) {
-% warn 'WARNING: svc_acct-notes deprecated\n';
-<% join("<BR>", $conf->config('svc_acct-notes') ) %>
-% }
-<% include('elements/svc_export_settings.html', $svc_acct) %>
-<% joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1) %>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my $addl_from = ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ';
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_acct = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'svc_acct.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_acct',
- 'addl_from' => $addl_from,
- 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-die "Unknown svcnum" unless $svc_acct;
-#false laziness w/all svc_*.cgi
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc' , { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } );
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->getfield('pkgnum');
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg = qsearchs( 'cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum } );
- $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
-my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc',{'svcpart'=> $cust_svc->svcpart } );
-die "Unknown svcpart" unless $part_svc;
-my $svc = $part_svc->svc;
-my @part_svc = ();
-if ($FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Change customer service')) {
- if ( $pkgnum ) {
- @part_svc = grep { $_->svcdb eq 'svc_acct'
- && $_->svcpart != $part_svc->svcpart }
- $cust_pkg->available_part_svc;
- } else {
- @part_svc = qsearch('part_svc', {
- svcdb => 'svc_acct',
- disabled => '',
- svcpart => { op=>'!=', value=>$part_svc->svcpart },
- } );
- }
-my $communigate = scalar($part_svc->part_export('communigate_pro'));
- # || scalar($part_svc->part_export('communigate_pro_singledomain'));
-my %gopt = ( 'communigate' => $communigate,
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/basics.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/basics.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c83888d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/basics.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-<% &ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% &ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
-<% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Service', value=>$part_svc->svc) %>
-<% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Username', value=>$svc_acct->username) %>
-<% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Domain', value=>$domain) %>
-% if ( $opt{'communigate'} ) {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Aliases', value=>$svc_acct->cgp_aliases) %>
-% if ( $svc_acct->pbxsvc ) {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'PBX', value=>$svc_acct->pbx_title) %>
-% my $show_pw = '';
-% my $password = $svc_acct->get_cleartext_password;
-% if ( $password =~ /^\*\w+\* (.*)$/ ) {
-% $password = $1;
-% $show_pw .= '<I>(login disabled)</I> ';
-% }
-% if ( ! $password
-% && $svc_acct->_password_encryption ne 'plain'
-% && $svc_acct->_password
-% )
-% {
-% $show_pw .= '<I>('. uc($svc_acct->_password_encryption). ' encrypted)</I>';
-% } elsif ( $conf->exists('showpasswords') ) {
-% $show_pw .= '<PRE>'. encode_entities($password). '</PRE>';
-% } else {
-% $show_pw .= '<I>(hidden)</I>';
-% }
-% $password = '';
-<% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Password', value=>$show_pw) %>
-% if ( $conf->exists('security_phrase') ) {
- <%include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Security phrase', value=>$svc_acct->sec_phrase)%>
-% }
-% if ( $svc_acct->popnum ) {
-% my $svc_acct_pop = qsearchs('svc_acct_pop',{'popnum'=>$svc_acct->popnum});
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Access number', value=>$svc_acct_pop->text) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->uid ne '') {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'UID', value=>$svc_acct->uid) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->gid ne '') {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'GID', value=>$svc_acct->gid) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->finger ne '') {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Real Name', value=>$svc_acct->finger) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->dir ne '') {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Home directory', value=>$svc_acct->dir) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->shell ne '') {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Shell', value=>$svc_acct->shell) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->quota ne '' && ! $opt{'communigate'} ) {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Quota', value=>$svc_acct->quota) %>
-% } elsif ( $opt{'communigate'} ) {
- <% include( 'communigate.html', %opt ) %>
-% }
-% if ($svc_acct->slipip) {
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'IP address',
- value=> ( $svc_acct->slipip eq "" || $svc_acct->slipip eq '0e0' )
- ? "<I>(Dynamic)</I>"
- : $svc_acct->slipip
- )
- %>
-% }
-<% include('usage.html',
- 'svc_acct' => $svc_acct,
- )
-% foreach my $attribute ( grep /^radius_/, $svc_acct->fields ) {
-% $attribute =~ /^radius_(.*)$/;
-% my $pattribute = $FS::raddb::attrib{$1};
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>"Radius (reply) $pattribute",
- value=>$svc_acct->getfield($attribute)
- )
- %>
-% }
-% foreach my $attribute ( grep /^rc_/, $svc_acct->fields ) {
-% $attribute =~ /^rc_(.*)$/;
-% my $pattribute = $FS::raddb::attrib{$1};
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>"Radius (check) $pattribute",
- value=>$svc_acct->getfield($attribute)
- )
- %>
-% }
-<% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'RADIUS groups',
- value=>join('<BR>', $svc_acct->radius_groups) ) %>
-%# Can this be abstracted further? Maybe a library function like
-%# widget('HTML', 'view', $svc_acct) ? It would definitely make UI
-%# style management easier.
-% foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } $svc_acct->virtual_fields) {
- <% $svc_acct->pvf($_)->widget('HTML', 'view', $svc_acct->getfield($_)) %>
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $svc_acct = $opt{'svc_acct'};
-my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};
-die 'Empty domsvc for svc_acct.svcnum '. $svc_acct->svcnum
- unless $svc_acct->domsvc;
-my $svc_domain = qsearchs('svc_domain', { 'svcnum' => $svc_acct->domsvc } );
-die 'Unknown domain (domsvc '. $svc_acct->domsvc.
- ' for svc_acct.svcnum '. $svc_acct->svcnum. ')'
- unless $svc_domain;
-my $domain = $svc_domain->domain;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/cardfortress.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/cardfortress.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d010fcdad..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/cardfortress.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $svc_acct->cf_privatekey ) {
-<div class="fscontainer">
-<div class="fsbox">
-<div class="fsbox-title">
- <span class="left">Card Fortress</span>
- <PRE><FONT STYLE="font-family:monospace"><% $svc_acct->cf_privatekey %></FONT></PRE>
- <% $conf->config('svc_acct-cf_privatekey-message') %>
-%#XXX and then there should be a remove link to get rid of it
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my $svc_acct = $opt{'svc_acct'};
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/change_svc.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/change_svc.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 33d44a713..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/change_svc.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-% if ( @part_svc || $opt{'showall'} ) {
-| <SELECT NAME="svcpart" onChange="enable_change()">
- <OPTION VALUE="">Change service</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="">--------------</OPTION>
-% foreach my $opt_part_svc ( @part_svc ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $opt_part_svc->svcpart %>"><% $opt_part_svc->svc %></OPTION>
-% }
- <INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Change" disabled>
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my @part_svc = @{ $opt{'part_svc'} };
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/change_svc_form.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/change_svc_form.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f10922ba..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/change_svc_form.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% if ( @part_svc || $opt{'showall'} ) {
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- function enable_change () {
- if ( document.OneTrueForm.svcpart.selectedIndex > 1 ) {
- document.OneTrueForm.submit.disabled = false;
- } else {
- document.OneTrueForm.submit.disabled = true;
- }
- }
- <FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<%$p%>edit/process/cust_svc.cgi">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcnum" VALUE="<% $svcnum %>">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkgnum" VALUE="<% $pkgnum %>">
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my @part_svc = @{ $opt{'part_svc'} };
-my $svcnum = $opt{'svcnum'};
-my $pkgnum = $opt{'pkgnum'};
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/communigate.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/communigate.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 179facfa0..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/communigate.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-%# settings
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Mailbox type', value=>$svc_acct->cgp_type) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Enabled services',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_accessmodes ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Mail storage limit',
- value=>$svc_acct->quota ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'File storage limit',
- value=>$svc_acct->file_quota ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Number of files limit',
- value=>$svc_acct->file_maxnum ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'File size limit',
- value=>$svc_acct->file_maxsize ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Password recovery',
- value=>$svc_acct->password_recover ? 'YES' : 'NO' ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Allowed mail rules',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_rulesallowed || 'default (No)') %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'RPOP modifications',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_rpopallowed ? 'YES' : 'NO' ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Accepts mail to "all"',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_mailtoall ? 'YES' : 'NO' ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Add trailer to sent mail',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_addmailtrailer ? 'YES' : 'NO' ) %>
-% my $archive_after = $svc_acct->cgp_archiveafter;
-% $archive_after =
-% $archive_after
-% ? ( $archive_after / 86400 ). ' days'
-% : ( $archive_after eq '0' ? 'Never' : 'default (730 days)' );
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Archive messages after',
- value=>$archive_after, ) %>
-%# preferences
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Message delete method',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_deletemode ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'On logout remove trash',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_emptytrash ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Language',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_language || 'default (English)' ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Time zone',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_timezone || 'default (HostOS)' ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Layout',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_skinname || 'default (***)' ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Pronto style',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_prontoskinname ) %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Send read receipts',
- value=>$svc_acct->cgp_sendmdnmode ) %>
-%# vacation message
- <% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Vacation message</TD>
- <% $vacation_rule ? 'Active' : '' %>
- <% include('/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $p.'edit/cgp_rule-vacation.html?'.
- 'svcnum='. $svc_acct->svcnum,
- 'label' => $vacation_rule ? '(edit)' : '(add)',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Vacation message',
- 'width' => 600,
- 'height' => 300,
- #'color'
- )
- %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-%# redirect all mail
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Redirect all mail</TD>
- <% $redirect_rule ? 'Active' : '' %>
- <% include('/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $p.'edit/cgp_rule-redirect_all.html?'.
- 'svcnum='. $svc_acct->svcnum,
- 'label' => $redirect_rule ? '(edit)' : '(add)',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Redirect all mail',
- 'width' => 763,
- #'height'
- #'color'
- )
- %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-%# mail rules
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Mail rules',
- value=>$rule_link,
- )
- %>
-%# RPOP
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Remote POP accounts',
- value=>$rpop_link,
- )
- %>
-my %opt = @_;
-#my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $svc_acct = $opt{'svc_acct'};
-#my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};
-my $rule_link = qq(<A HREF="${p}browse/cgp_rule.html?svcnum=). #"dum vim
- $svc_acct->svcnum. '">View/edit mail rules</A>';
-my $rpop_link = qq(<A HREF="${p}browse/acct_snarf.html?svcnum=). #"dee vim
- $svc_acct->svcnum. '">View/edit remote POP accounts</A>';
-my $vacation_rule = qsearchs('cgp_rule', { 'svcnum' => $svc_acct->svcnum,
- 'name' => '#Vacation'
- }
- );
-my $redirect_rule = qsearchs('cgp_rule', { 'svcnum' => $svc_acct->svcnum,
- 'name' => '#Redirect'
- }
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/hosting.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/hosting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d83603b7..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/hosting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-% if ( @svc_www || $opt{'showall'} ) {
- Hosting
- <% &ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% &ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
-% foreach my $svc_www (@svc_www) {
-% my($label, $value) = $svc_www->cust_svc->label;
-% my $link = $p. 'view/svc_www.cgi?'. $svc_www->svcnum;
- <TR>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <A HREF="<% $link %>"><% "$label: $value" %></A>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-#false laziness w/view_svc_acct.cgi and a zillion other places
-my $addl_from = ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ';
-my @svc_www = qsearch({
- 'select' => 'svc_www.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_www',
- 'addl_from' => $addl_from,
- 'hashref' => { 'usersvc' => $opt{'svcnum'} },
- #XXX shit outta luck if you somehow got them linked across agents
- # maybe we should show but not link to them? kinda makes sense...
- # (maybe a specific ACL for this situation???)
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/radius_usage.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/radius_usage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e2253a34a..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/radius_usage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $part_svc->part_export_usage ) {
-% my $last_bill;
-% my %plandata;
-% if ( $cust_pkg ) {
-% #false laziness w/httemplate/edit/part_pkg... this stuff doesn't really
-% #belong in plan data
-% %plandata = map { /^(\w+)=(.*)$/; ( $1 => $2 ); }
-% split("\n", $cust_pkg->part_pkg->plandata );
-% $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill;
-% } else {
-% $last_bill = 0;
-% %plandata = ();
-% }
-% my $seconds = $svc_acct->seconds_since_sqlradacct( $last_bill, time );
-% my $hour = int($seconds/3600);
-% my $min = int( ($seconds%3600) / 60 );
-% my $sec = $seconds%60;
-% my $input = $svc_acct->attribute_since_sqlradacct(
-% $last_bill, time, 'AcctInputOctets'
-% ) / 1048576;
-% my $output = $svc_acct->attribute_since_sqlradacct(
-% $last_bill, time, 'AcctOutputOctets'
-% ) / 1048576;
- RADIUS session information<BR>
- <% ntable('#cccccc',2) %>
- <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
-% if ( $seconds ) {
- Online <B><% $hour %></B>h <B><% $min %></B>m <B><% $sec %></B>s
-% } else {
- Has not logged on
-% }
-% if ( $cust_pkg ) {
- since last bill (<% time2str('%a %b %o %Y', $last_bill) %>)
-% if ( length($plandata{recur_included_hours}) ) {
- - <% $plandata{recur_included_hours} %> total hours in plan
-% }
- <BR>
-% } else {
- (no billing cycle available for unaudited account)<BR>
-% }
- Upload: <B><% sprintf("%.3f", $input) %></B> megabytes<BR>
- Download: <B><% sprintf("%.3f", $output) %></B> megabytes<BR>
- Last Login: <B><% $svc_acct->last_login_text %></B><BR>
-% my $href = qq!<A HREF="${p}search/sqlradius.cgi?svcnum=!. $svc_acct->svcnum;
- View session detail:
- <% $href %>;begin=<% $last_bill %>">this billing cycle</A>
- | <% $href %>;begin=<% time-15552000 %>">past six months</A>
- | <% $href %>">all sessions</A>
- </TD></TR></TABLE><BR>
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my $svc_acct = $opt{'svc_acct'};
-my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};
-my $cust_pkg = $opt{'cust_pkg'};
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/usage.html b/httemplate/view/svc_acct/usage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9758d8332..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_acct/usage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-% my %ulabel = ( seconds => 'Time',
-% upbytes => 'Upload bytes',
-% downbytes => 'Download bytes',
-% totalbytes => 'Total bytes',
-% );
-% foreach my $uf ( keys %ulabel ) {
-% my $tf = $uf . "_threshold";
-% if ( $svc_acct->$uf ne '' ) {
-% my $v = $uf eq 'seconds'
-% #? (($svc_acct->$uf < 0 ? '-' : ''). duration_exact($svc_acct->$uf) )
-% ? ($svc_acct->$uf < 0 ? '-' : '').
-% int(abs($svc_acct->$uf)/3600). "hr ".
-% sprintf("%02d",(abs($svc_acct->$uf)%3600)/60). "min"
-% : FS::UI::bytecount::display_bytecount($svc_acct->$uf);
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% $ulabel{$uf} %> remaining</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $v %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
-my %opt = @_;
-my $svc_acct = $opt{'svc_acct'};
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_broadband.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_broadband.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index f552e9bc7..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_broadband.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-<%include("/elements/header.html",'Broadband Service View', menubar(
- ( ( $custnum )
- ? ( "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- )
- : ( "Cancel this (unaudited) website" =>
- "${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum" )
- )
-<% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
-<A HREF="<%$p%>edit/svc_broadband.cgi?<%$svcnum%>">Edit this information</A>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <%ntable("#cccccc",2)%>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Service number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$svcnum%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Description</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$description%></TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $router ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Router</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$router->routernum%>: <%$router->routername%></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Download Speed</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$speed_down%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Upload Speed</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$speed_up%></TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $ip_addr ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">IP Address</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <%$ip_addr%>
- (<% include('/elements/popup_link-ping.html', 'ip'=>$ip_addr ) %>)
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">IP Netmask</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$addr_block->NetAddr->mask%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">IP Gateway</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$addr_block->ip_gateway%></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">MAC Address</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$mac_addr%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Latitude</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$latitude%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Longitude</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$longitude%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Altitude</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$altitude%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">VLAN Profile</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$vlan_profile%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Authentication Key</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><%$auth_key%></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR COLSPAN="2"><TD></TD></TR>
-%foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } $svc_broadband->virtual_fields) {
-% print $svc_broadband->pvf($_)->widget('HTML', 'view',
-% $svc_broadband->getfield($_)), "\n";
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-<%ntable("#cccccc", 2)%>
-% my $sb_router = qsearchs('router', { svcnum => $svcnum });
-% if ($sb_router) {
- <B>Router associated: <%$sb_router->routername%> </B>
- <A HREF="<%popurl(2)%>edit/router.cgi?<%$sb_router->routernum%>">
- (details)
- </A>
- <BR>
-% my @sb_addr_block;
-% if (@sb_addr_block = $sb_router->addr_block) {
- <B>Address space </B>
- <A HREF="<%popurl(2)%>browse/addr_block.cgi">
- (edit)
- </A>
- <BR>
-% print ntable("#cccccc", 1);
-% foreach (@sb_addr_block) {
- <TR>
- <TD><%$_->ip_gateway%>/<%$_->ip_netmask%></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE>
-% } else {
- <B>No address space allocated.</B>
-% }
- <BR>
-% } else {
-<FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="<%popurl(2)%>edit/router.cgi">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcnum" VALUE="<%$svcnum%>">
-Add router named
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="routername" SIZE="32" VALUE="Broadband router (<%$svcnum%>)">
- <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add router">
-<%joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1)%>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_broadband = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'svc_broadband.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_broadband',
- 'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ',
- 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-}) or die "svc_broadband: Unknown svcnum $svcnum";
-#false laziness w/all svc_*.cgi
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } );
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->getfield('pkgnum');
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum, $display_custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg = qsearchs( 'cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum } );
- $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
- $display_custnum = $cust_pkg->cust_main->display_custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
-my $addr_block = $svc_broadband->addr_block;
-my $router = $addr_block->router if $addr_block;
-#if (not $router) { die "Could not lookup router for svc_broadband (svcnum $svcnum)" };
-my (
- $speed_down,
- $speed_up,
- $ip_addr,
- $mac_addr,
- $latitude,
- $longitude,
- $altitude,
- $vlan_profile,
- $auth_key,
- $description,
- ) = (
- $svc_broadband->getfield('speed_down'),
- $svc_broadband->getfield('speed_up'),
- $svc_broadband->getfield('ip_addr'),
- $svc_broadband->mac_addr,
- $svc_broadband->latitude,
- $svc_broadband->longitude,
- $svc_broadband->altitude,
- $svc_broadband->vlan_profile,
- $svc_broadband->auth_key,
- $svc_broadband->description,
- );
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_cert.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_cert.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd66b422..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_cert.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => 'svc_cert',
- 'labels' => \%labels,
- #'html_foot' => $html_foot,
- 'fields' => \@fields,
- )
-my $fields = FS::svc_cert->table_info->{'fields'};
-my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
- ? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
- : $fields->{$_}
- );
- }
- keys %$fields;
-my @fields = (
- { field=>'privatekey',
- value=> sub {
- my $svc_cert = shift;
- if ( $svc_cert->privatekey && $svc_cert->check_privatekey ) {
- '<FONT COLOR="#33ff33">Verification OK</FONT>';
- } elsif ( $svc_cert->privatekey ) {
- '<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Verification error</FONT>';
- } else {
- '<I>(none)</I>';
- }
- },
- },
- qw( common_name organization organization_unit city state country cert_contact
- ),
- { 'field'=>'csr',
- 'value'=> sub {
- my $svc_cert = shift;
- if ( $svc_cert->csr ) {
- my $out = '';
- my %hash = $svc_cert->check_csr;
- $out .= include('/elements/table-grid.html'). #'<TABLE>'.
- '<TR><TH COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN="center">'.
- 'Requested by</TH></TR>';
- my $col = $svc_cert->subj_col;
- foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
- $out .= "<TR><TD>". $labels{$col->{$key}}. "</TD>".
- "<TD>". $hash{$key}. "</TD></TR>";
- }
- $out .= '</TABLE>';
- $out .=
- '<PRE><FONT STYLE="font-family:monospace">'. $svc_cert->csr.
- '</FONT></PRE>';
- $out;
- } elsif ( $svc_cert->common_name ) {
- my $svcnum = $svc_cert->svcnum;
- qq(<A HREF="${p}misc/svc_cert-generate.html?action=generate_csr;svcnum=$svcnum">Generate</A>);
- } else {
- '';
- }
- },
- },
- { 'field'=>'certificate',
- 'value'=> sub {
- my $svc_cert = shift;
- if ( $svc_cert->certificate ) {
- my %hash = $svc_cert->check_certificate;
- tie my %w, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'subject' => 'Issued to',
- 'issuer' => 'Issued by',
- ;
- my $out = '<TABLE><TR><TD>';
- foreach my $w ( keys %w ) {
- $out .= include('/elements/table-grid.html'). #'<TABLE>'.
- '<TR><TH COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN="center">'.
- $w{$w}. '</TH></TR>';
- my $col = $svc_cert->subj_col;
- my $subj = $hash{$w};
- foreach my $key (keys %$col) { #( keys %$subj ) {
- $out .= "<TR><TD>". $labels{$col->{$key}}. "</TD>".
- "<TD>". $subj->{$key}. "</TD></TR>";
- }
- $out .= '</TABLE></TD><TD>';
- }
- $out .= '</TD></TR></TABLE>';
- $out .= '<TABLE>'.
- '<TR><TH ALIGN="right">Serial number</TH>'.
- "<TD>$hash{serial}</TD></TR>".
- '<TR><TH ALIGN="right">Valid</TH>'.
- "<TD>$hash{notBefore} - $hash{notAfter}</TD></TR>".
- '</TABLE>';
- my $svcnum = $svc_cert->svcnum;
- if ( $hash{'selfsigned'} ) {
- $out .= qq(<BR> <A HREF="${p}misc/svc_cert-generate.html?action=generate_selfsigned;svcnum=$svcnum">Re-generate self-signed</A>).
- ' &nbsp; '.
- include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $p."edit/svc_cert/import_certificate.html".
- "?svcnum=$svcnum",
- 'label' => 'Import issued certificate', #link
- 'actionlabel' => 'Import issued certificate', #title
- #opt
- 'width' => '544',
- 'height' => '368',
- #'color' => '#ff0000',
- }).
- '<BR>';
- }
- $out .= '<PRE><FONT STYLE="font-family:monospace">'.
- $svc_cert->certificate.
- '</FONT><PRE>';
- $out;
- } elsif ( $svc_cert->csr ) {
- my $svcnum = $svc_cert->svcnum;
- qq(<A HREF="${p}misc/svc_cert-generate.html?action=generate_selfsigned;svcnum=$svcnum">Generate self-signed</A>);
- } else {
- '';
- }
- },
- },
- { 'field'=>'cacert',
- 'value'=> sub {
- my $svc_cert = shift;
- if ( $svc_cert->cacert ) {
- my %hash = $svc_cert->check_cacert;
- tie my %w, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'subject' => 'Issued to',
- 'issuer' => 'Issued by',
- ;
- my $out = '<TABLE><TR><TD>';
- foreach my $w ( keys %w ) {
- $out .= include('/elements/table-grid.html'). #'<TABLE>'.
- '<TR><TH COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ALIGN="center">'.
- $w{$w}. '</TH></TR>';
- my $col = $svc_cert->subj_col;
- my $subj = $hash{$w};
- foreach my $key (keys %$col) { #( keys %$subj ) {
- $out .= "<TR><TD>". $labels{$col->{$key}}. "</TD>".
- "<TD>". $subj->{$key}. "</TD></TR>";
- }
- $out .= '</TABLE></TD><TD>';
- }
- $out .= '</TD></TR></TABLE>';
- $out .= '<TABLE>'.
- '<TR><TH ALIGN="right">Serial number</TH>'.
- "<TD>$hash{serial}</TD></TR>".
- '<TR><TH ALIGN="right">Valid</TH>'.
- "<TD>$hash{notBefore} - $hash{notAfter}</TD></TR>".
- '</TABLE>';
- $out .= '<PRE><FONT STYLE="font-family:monospace">'.
- $svc_cert->certificate.
- '</FONT><PRE>';
- $out;
- } else {
- my $svcnum = $svc_cert->svcnum;
- include('/elements/popup_link.html', {
- 'action' => $p."edit/svc_cert/import_cacert.html".
- "?svcnum=$svcnum",
- 'label' => 'Import certificate authority chain',#link
- 'actionlabel' => 'Import certificate authority chain',#title
- #opt
- 'width' => '544',
- 'height' => '368',
- #'color' => '#ff0000',
- }). '&nbsp;(optional)'.
- '<BR>';
- }
- },
- },
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_domain.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_domain.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 3938a3406..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_domain.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $custnum ) {
-%# <% include("/elements/header.html","View $svcdomain") %>
- <% include("/elements/header.html","View domain") %>
- <% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $custnum, '', 1,
- "${p}view/cust_main.cgi") %>
- <BR>
-% } else {
- <% include("/elements/header.html",'View domain', menubar(
- "Cancel this (unaudited) domain" =>
- "javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum', 'Delete $domain and all records?')",
- ))
- %>
-% }
-<% include('/elements/error.html') %>
-<% include('svc_domain/basics.html', $svc_domain,
- 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
- 'custnum' => $custnum,
- )
-<% include('svc_domain/acct_defaults.html', $svc_domain,
- 'part_svc' => $part_svc,
- )
-<% include('svc_domain/dns.html', $svc_domain ) %>
-<% include('elements/svc_export_settings.html', $svc_domain) %>
-<% joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1) %>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_domain = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'svc_domain.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_domain',
- 'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ',
- 'hashref' => {'svcnum'=>$svcnum},
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-die "Unknown svcnum" unless $svc_domain;
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc',{'svcnum'=>$svcnum});
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->getfield('pkgnum');
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum, $display_custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg = qsearchs('cust_pkg', {'pkgnum'=>$pkgnum} );
- $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
- $display_custnum = $cust_pkg->cust_main->display_custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
-my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc',{'svcpart'=> $cust_svc->svcpart } );
-die "Unknown svcpart" unless $part_svc;
-my $domain = $svc_domain->domain;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_domain/acct_defaults.html b/httemplate/view/svc_domain/acct_defaults.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b5612827b..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_domain/acct_defaults.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $communigate ) {
- Account defaults
- <% &ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% &ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
-%# settings
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Password modification',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_password_selfchange ? 'YES' : 'NO',
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Password recovery',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_password_recover ? 'YES' : 'NO',
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Enabled services',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_accessmodes,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Mail storage limit',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_quota,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'File storage limit',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_file_quota,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Files limit',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_file_maxnum,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'File size limit',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_file_maxsize,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Allowed mail rules',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_rulesallowed || 'default (No)',
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'RPOP modifications',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_rpopallowed ? 'YES' : 'NO',
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Accepts mail to "all"',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_mailtoall ? 'YES' : 'NO',
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Add trailer to sent mail',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_addmailtrailer ? 'YES' : 'NO',
- )
- %>
-% my $archive_after = $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_archiveafter;
-% $archive_after =
-% $archive_after
-% ? ( $archive_after / 86400 ). ' days'
-% : ( $archive_after eq '0' ? 'Never' : 'default (730 days)' );
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html', label=>'Archive messages after',
- value=>$archive_after, ) %>
-%# preferences
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Message delete method',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_deletemode,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'On logout remove trash',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_emptytrash,
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Language',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_language || 'default (English)'
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Time zone',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_timezone || 'default (HostOS)'
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Layout',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_skinname || 'default (***)'
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Pronto style',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_prontoskinname
- )
- %>
- <% include('/view/elements/tr.html',
- label=>'Send read receipts',
- value=>$svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_sendmdnmode
- )
- %>
-%# mail
-%#XXX rules, archive rule, spam foldering rule(s)
- </TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>
-% }
-my($svc_domain, %opt) = @_;
-my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};
-my $communigate = scalar($part_svc->part_export('communigate_pro'));
- # || scalar($part_svc->part_export('communigate_pro_singledomain'));
-my %rulesallowed = (
- -1 => 'default (No)', #No always the default?
- 0 => 'No',
- 1 => 'Filter Only',
- 2 => 'All But Exec',
- 3 => 'Any',
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_domain/basics.html b/httemplate/view/svc_domain/basics.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b7ca4eb..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_domain/basics.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-Service #<B><% $svcnum %></B>
-% #if ( $conf->exists('svc_domain-edit_domain') ) {
- | <A HREF="<%$p%>edit/svc_domain.cgi?<%$svcnum%>">Edit this domain</A>
-% #}
-<% &ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% &ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Service</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $part_svc->svc %></TD>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Domain</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- <B><% $domain %></B>
- <A HREF="<% ${p} %>misc/whois.cgi?custnum=<%$custnum%>;svcnum=<%$svcnum%>;domain=<%$domain%>">(view whois information)</A>
- </TD>
-% if ($export) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Registration status</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><% $status %></B>
-% if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Manage domain registration') ) {
-% if ( defined($ops{'register'}) ) {
- <A HREF="<% ${p} %>edit/process/domreg.cgi?op=register&svcnum=<% $svcnum %>">Register at <% $registrar->{'name'} %></A>&nbsp;
-% }
-% if ( defined($ops{'transfer'}) ) {
- <A HREF="<% ${p} %>edit/process/domreg.cgi?op=transfer&svcnum=<% $svcnum %>">Transfer to <% $registrar->{'name'} %></A>&nbsp;
-% }
-% if ( defined($ops{'renew'}) ) {
- <A HREF="<% ${p} %>edit/process/domreg.cgi?op=renew&svcnum=<% $svcnum %>&period=1">Renew at <% $registrar->{'name'} %></A>&nbsp;
-% }
-% if ( defined($ops{'revoke'}) ) {
- <A HREF="<% ${p} %>edit/process/domreg.cgi?op=revoke&svcnum=<% $svcnum %>">Revoke</A>
-% }
-% }
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $communigate ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Administrator domain</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
-% if ( $svc_domain->parent_svcnum ) {
-% #XXX agent-virt aware the link
- <A HREF="svc_domain.cgi?<% $svc_domain->parent_svcnum %>"><% $svc_domain->parent_svc_x->domain %></A>
-% } else {
- <I>(none)</I>
-% }
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Aliases</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svc_domain->cgp_aliases %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $communigate && $svc_domain->max_accounts ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Maximum number of Accounts</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svc_domain->max_accounts %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Catch all email</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $email ? "<B>$email</B>" : '<I>(none)</I>' %>
-% if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Edit domain catchall') ) {
- <A HREF="<% ${p} %>misc/catchall.cgi?<% $svcnum %>">(change)</A>
-% }
- </TD>
-% if ( $svc_domain->cgp_accessmodes ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Enabled services</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svc_domain->cgp_accessmodes %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $svc_domain->cgp_certificatetype ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">PKI services</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svc_domain->cgp_certificatetype %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $svc_domain->trailer ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Mail trailer</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><PRE><% $svc_domain->trailer |h %></PRE></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $communigate ) {
-% my $rule_url = $p. 'browse/cgp_rule.html?svcnum='. $svc_domain->svcnum;
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Doimain mail rules</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><A HREF="<% $rule_url %>">View/Edit domain mail rules</A></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-my($svc_domain, %opt) = @_;
-my $svcnum = $svc_domain->svcnum;
-my $domain = $svc_domain->domain;
-my $custnum = $opt{'custnum'};
-my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};
-my $communigate = scalar($part_svc->part_export('communigate_pro'));
- # || scalar($part_svc->part_export('communigate_pro_singledomain'));
-my $email = '';
-if ($svc_domain->catchall) {
- my $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct',{'svcnum'=> $svc_domain->catchall } );
- die "Unknown svcpart" unless $svc_acct;
- $email = $svc_acct->email;
-# Find the first export that does domain registration
-my @exports = grep $_->can('registrar'), $part_svc->part_export;
-my $export = $exports[0];
-# If we have a domain registration export, get the registrar object
-my $registrar;
-my $status = 'Unknown';
-my %ops = ();
-if ($export) {
- $registrar = $export->registrar;
- my $domstat = $export->get_status( $svc_domain );
- if (defined($domstat->{'message'})) {
- $status = $domstat->{'message'};
- } elsif (defined($domstat->{'unregistered'})) {
- $status = 'Not registered';
- $ops{'register'} = "Register";
- } elsif (defined($domstat->{'status'})) {
- $status = $domstat->{'status'} . ' ' . $domstat->{'contact_email'} . ' ' . $domstat->{'last_update_time'};
- } elsif (defined($domstat->{'expdate'})) {
- $status = "Expires " . $domstat->{'expdate'};
- $ops{'renew'} = "Renew";
- $ops{'revoke'} = "Revoke";
- } else {
- $status = $domstat->{'reason'};
- $ops{'transfer'} = "Transfer";
- }
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_domain/dns.html b/httemplate/view/svc_domain/dns.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 184286c31..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_domain/dns.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- function areyousure(href, message) {
- if ( confirm(message) == true )
- window.location.href = href;
- }
- function slave_areyousure() {
- return confirm("Remove all records and slave from " + document.SlaveForm.recdata.value + "?");
- }
-<% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
-<A NAME="dns"></A>
-<div class="fscontainer">
-<div class="fsbox">
-<div class="fsbox-title">
- <span class="left">DNS Records</span>
-<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
- <tr>
- <th CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Zone</th>
- <th CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Type</th>
- <th CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Data</th>
- <th CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">TTL</th>
- <th CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></th>
- </tr>
-% my @records = $svc_domain->domain_record;
-% foreach my $domain_record ( @records ) {
-% my $type = $domain_record->rectype eq '_mstr'
-% ? "(slave)"
-% : $domain_record->recaf. ' '. $domain_record->rectype;
- <tr>
- <td CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $domain_record->reczone %></td>
- <td CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $type %></td>
- <td CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $domain_record->recdata %></td>
- <td CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $domain_record->ttl %></td>
- <td CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
-% unless ( $domain_record->rectype eq 'SOA'
-% || ! $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Edit domain nameservice')
-% ) {
-% my $edit_link = include('/elements/popup_link.html',
-% 'label' => 'edit',
-% 'action' => $p.'edit/domain_record.html?recnum='.
-% $domain_record->recnum,
-% 'actionlabel' => 'Edit nameservice record',
-% 'width' => 655,
-% 'height' => 176,
-% #'color' => '#ff0000',
-% );
-% ( my $recdata = $domain_record->recdata ) =~ s/"/\\'\\'/g;
-% my $delete_url= "javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/delete-domain_record.cgi?".
-% $domain_record->recnum. "', 'Delete ".
-% $domain_record->reczone. " $type $recdata ?' )";
- <%$edit_link%>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="<%$delete_url%>">delete</A>
-% }
- </td>
- </tr>
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
-% }
-% if ( ! @records ) {
- <FORM METHOD="POST" NAME="DefaultForm" ACTION="<%$p%>edit/process/svc_domain-defaultrecords.cgi">
- <tr>
- <td class="grid" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" COLSPAN=5>
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcnum" VALUE="<%$svcnum%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add default records">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </FORM>
-% }
-% if ( $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Edit domain nameservice') ) {
- <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%$p%>edit/process/domain_record.cgi">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcnum" VALUE="<%$svcnum%>">
- <tr>
- <td class="grid" bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="reczone"><BR>
- <FONT SIZE="-1"><I>Zone</I></FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD class="grid" bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="recaf" VALUE="IN">
- <SELECT NAME="rectype">
-% foreach ( @{ FS::domain_record->rectypes } ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<%$_%>">IN <%$_%></OPTION>
-% }
- <FONT SIZE="-1"><I>Type</I></FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD class="grid" bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="recdata"><BR>
- <FONT SIZE="-1"><I>Data</I></FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD class="grid" bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ttl" size="6"><BR>
- <FONT SIZE="-1"><I>TTL</I></FONT>
- </TD>
- <TD class="grid" bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>" VALIGN="top">
- <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add record">
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </FORM>
- <BR>
- <FORM NAME="SlaveForm" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%$p%>edit/process/domain_record.cgi">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcnum" VALUE="<%$svcnum%>">
- Or
-% if ( @records ) {
- delete all records and
-% }
- slave from nameserver IP
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcnum" VALUE="<%$svcnum%>">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="reczone" VALUE="@">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="recaf" VALUE="IN">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="rectype" VALUE="_mstr">
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="recdata">
- <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Slave domain" onClick="return slave_areyousure()">
- </FORM>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-my($svc_domain, %opt) = @_;
-my $svcnum = $svc_domain->svcnum;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_dsl.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_dsl.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index ade13501b..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_dsl.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => 'svc_dsl',
- 'labels' => \%labels,
- 'fields' => \@fields,
- 'svc_callback' => $svc_cb,
- 'html_foot' => $html_foot,
- )
-# XXX: AJAX auto-pull
-my $fields = FS::svc_dsl->table_info->{'fields'};
-my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
- ? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
- : $fields->{$_}
- );
- } keys %$fields;
-my @fields = keys %$fields;
-my $footer;
-my $html_foot = sub {
- return $footer;
-my $svc_cb = sub {
- my( $cgi,$svc_x, $part_svc,$cust_pkg, $fields1,$opt) = @_;
- my @exports = $part_svc->part_export_dsl_pull;
- die "more than one DSL-pulling export attached to svcpart ".$part_svc->svcpart
- if ( scalar(@exports) > 1 );
- # if no DSL-pulling exports, then just display everything, which is the
- # default behaviour implemented above
- return if ( scalar(@exports) == 0 );
- my $export = @exports[0];
- @fields = ( 'phonenum',
- { field => 'loop_type',
- value => 'FS::part_export::'.$export->exporttype.'::loop_type_long'
- },
- { field => 'desired_due_date', type => 'date', },
- { field => 'due_date', type => 'date', },
- { field => 'pushed', type => 'datetime', },
- { field => 'monitored', type => 'checkbox', },
- { field => 'last_pull', type => 'datetime', },
- 'first',
- 'last',
- 'company' );
- my $status = '';
- if($export->exporttype eq 'ikano') {
- push @fields, qw ( username password isp_chg isp_prev staticips );
- $status = "Ikano " . $svc_x->vendor_order_type . " order #"
- . $svc_x->vendor_order_id . " &nbsp; Status: "
- . $svc_x->vendor_order_status;
- }
- # else add any other export-specific stuff here
- $footer = "<B>$status</B>";
- $footer .= "<BR><BR><BR><B>Order Notes:</B><BR>".$export->notes_html($svc_x);
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_external.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_external.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 77679d81c..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_external.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html",'External Service View', menubar(
- ( ( $custnum )
- ? ( "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- )
- : ( "Cancel this (unaudited) external service" =>
- "${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum" )
- ),
-)) %>
-<A HREF="<%$p%>edit/svc_external.cgi?<%$svcnum%>">Edit this information</A><BR>
-<% ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
-<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Service number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svcnum %></TD></TR>
-<TR><TD ALIGN="right"><% FS::Msgcat::_gettext('svc_external-id') || 'External&nbsp;ID' %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $conf->config('svc_external-display_type') eq 'artera_turbo' ? sprintf('%010d', $svc_external->id) : $svc_external->id %></TD></TR>
-<TR><TD ALIGN="right"><% FS::Msgcat::_gettext('svc_external-title') || 'Title' %></TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svc_external->title %></TD></TR>
-% foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } $svc_external->virtual_fields) {
- <% $svc_external->pvf($_)->widget('HTML', 'view', $svc_external->getfield($_)) %>
-% }
-<BR><% joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1) %>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_external = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'svc_external.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_external',
- 'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ',
- 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-}) or die "svc_external: Unknown svcnum $svcnum";
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-#false laziness w/all svc_*.cgi
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } );
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->getfield('pkgnum');
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum, $display_custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg = qsearchs( 'cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum } );
- $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
- $display_custnum = $cust_pkg->cust_main->display_custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_forward.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_forward.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 15b5ae56f..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_forward.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-% if ( $custnum ) {
- <% include("/elements/header.html","View mail forward") %>
- <% include( '/elements/small_custview.html', $custnum, '', 1,
- "${p}view/cust_main.cgi") %>
- <BR>
-% } else {
- <% include("/elements/header.html",'View mail forward', menubar(
- "Cancel this (unaudited) mail forward" =>
- "javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum')",
- ))
- %>
- function areyousure(href) {
- if (confirm("Permanently delete this mail forward?") == true)
- window.location.href = href;
- }
-% }
-<A HREF="<% $p %>edit/svc_forward.cgi?<% $svcnum %>">Edit this information</A>
-<% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Service number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svcnum %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Service</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svc %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Email to</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $source %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Forwards to </TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $destination %></TD>
- </TR>
-% foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } $svc_forward->virtual_fields) {
- <% $svc_forward->pvf($_)->widget('HTML', 'view', $svc_forward->getfield($_)) %>
-% }
-<% include('elements/svc_export_settings.html', $svc_forward) %>
-<% joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1) %>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_forward = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'svc_forward.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_forward',
- 'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ',
- 'hashref' => {'svcnum'=>$svcnum},
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-die "Unknown svcnum" unless $svc_forward;
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs('cust_svc',{'svcnum'=>$svcnum});
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->getfield('pkgnum');
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum, $display_custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg=qsearchs('cust_pkg',{'pkgnum'=>$pkgnum});
- $custnum=$cust_pkg->getfield('custnum');
- $display_custnum = $cust_pkg->cust_main->display_custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
-my $part_svc = qsearchs('part_svc',{'svcpart'=> $cust_svc->svcpart } )
- or die "Unknown svcpart";
-my($srcsvc,$dstsvc,$dst) = (
- $svc_forward->srcsvc,
- $svc_forward->dstsvc,
- $svc_forward->dst,
-my $src = $svc_forward->dbdef_table->column('src') ? $svc_forward->src : '';
-my $svc = $part_svc->svc;
-my $source;
-if ($srcsvc) {
- my $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct',{'svcnum'=>$srcsvc})
- or die "Corrupted database: no svc_acct.svcnum matching srcsvc $srcsvc";
- $source = $svc_acct->email;
-} else {
- $source = $src;
-my $destination;
-if ($dstsvc) {
- my $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct',{'svcnum'=>$dstsvc})
- or die "Corrupted database: no svc_acct.svcnum matching dstsvc $dstsvc";
- $destination = $svc_acct->email;
-} else {
- $destination = $dst;
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_mailinglist.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_mailinglist.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index f646a417d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_mailinglist.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => 'svc_mailinglist',
- %opt,
- )
-my %opt = ();
-my $info = FS::svc_mailinglist->table_info;
-$opt{'name'} = $info->{'name'};
-my $fields = $info->{'fields'};
-my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
- ? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
- : $fields->{$_}
- );
- }
- keys %$fields;
-#$opt{'fields'} = [ keys %$fields ];
-$opt{'fields'} = [
- 'username',
- 'domain',
- 'listname',
- 'reply_to',
- 'remove_from',
- 'reject_auto',
- 'remove_to_and_cc',
-$opt{'labels'} = \%labels;
-$opt{'html_foot'} = sub {
- my $svc_mailinglist = shift;
- my $listnum = $svc_mailinglist->listnum;
- my $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mailinglistmember WHERE listnum = ?';
- my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute($listnum) or die $sth->errstr;
- my $num = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
- my $add_url = $p."edit/mailinglistmember.html?listnum=$listnum";
- my $add_link = include('/elements/init_overlib.html').
- include('/elements/popup_link.html',
- 'action' => $add_url,
- 'label' => 'add',
- 'actionlabel' => 'Add list member',
- 'width' => 392,
- 'height' => 192,
- );
- ntable('#cccccc').'<TR><TD>'.ntable('#cccccc',2). qq[
- <TR>
- <TD>List members</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
- $num members
- ( <A HREF="${p}search/mailinglistmember.html?listnum=$listnum">view</A>
- | $add_link )
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>
- <BR><BR>
- ]. include('svc_export_settings.html', $svc_mailinglist);
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_pbx.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_pbx.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 79cafed4d..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_pbx.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => 'svc_pbx',
- 'edit_url' => $p."edit/svc_Common.html?svcdb=svc_pbx;svcnum=",
- 'labels' => \%labels,
- 'html_foot' => $html_foot,
- )
-my $fields = FS::svc_pbx->table_info->{'fields'};
-my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
- ? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
- : $fields->{$_}
- );
- }
- keys %$fields;
-my $html_foot = sub {
- my $svc_pbx = shift;
- ##
- # CDR links
- ##
- tie my %what, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'pending' => 'NULL',
- 'billed' => 'done',
- ;
- #matching as per package def cdr_svc_method
- my $cust_pkg = $svc_pbx->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
- return '' unless $cust_pkg;
- my @voip_pkgs =
- grep { $_->plan eq 'voip_cdr' } $cust_pkg->part_pkg->self_and_bill_linked;
- if ( scalar(@voip_pkgs) > 1 ) {
- warn "multiple voip_cdr packages bundled\n";
- return '';
- } elsif ( !@voip_pkgs ) {
- warn "no voip_cdr packages\n";
- }
- my $voip_pkg = @voip_pkgs[0];
- my $cdr_svc_method = $voip_pkg->option('cdr_svc_method')
- || 'svc_phone.phonenum';
- return '' unless $cdr_svc_method =~ /^svc_pbx\.(\w+)$/;
- my $field = $1;
- my $search;
- if ( $field eq 'title' ) {
- $search = 'charged_party='. uri_escape($svc_pbx->title);
- } elsif ( $field eq 'svcnum' ) {
- $search = 'svcnum='. $svc_pbx->svcnum;
- } else {
- warn "unknown cdr_svc_method svc_pbx.$field";
- return '';
- }
- my @links = map {
- qq(<A HREF="${p}search/cdr.html?cdrbatchnum=__ALL__;$search;freesidestatus=$what{$_}">).
- "View $_ CDRs</A>";
- } keys(%what);
- ###
- # concatenate & return
- ###
- join(' | ', @links ). '<BR>';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_phone.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_phone.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 94948a78b..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_phone.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-<% include('elements/svc_Common.html',
- 'table' => 'svc_phone',
- 'fields' => \@fields,
- 'labels' => \%labels,
- 'html_foot' => $html_foot,
- )
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $countrydefault = $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US';
-my $fields = FS::svc_phone->table_info->{'fields'};
-my %labels = map { $_ => ( ref($fields->{$_})
- ? $fields->{$_}{'label'}
- : $fields->{$_}
- );
- } keys %$fields;
-my @fields = qw( countrycode phonenum );
-push @fields, 'domain' if $conf->exists('svc_phone-domain');
-push @fields, qw( pbx_title sip_password pin phone_name );
-if ( $conf->exists('svc_phone-lnp') ) {
-push @fields, 'lnp_status',
- { field => 'portable', type => 'checkbox', },
- 'lrn',
- { field => 'lnp_desired_due_date', type => 'date', },
- { field => 'lnp_due_date', type => 'date', },
- 'lnp_other_provider',
- 'lnp_other_provider_account';
-my $html_foot = sub {
- my $svc_phone = shift;
- ###
- # E911 Info
- ###
- my $e911 =
- 'E911 Information'.
- &ntable("#cccccc"). '<TR><TD>'. ntable("#cccccc",2).
- '<TR><TD>Location</TD>'.
- $svc_phone->location_label( 'join_string' => '<BR>',
- 'double_space' => ' &nbsp; ',
- 'escape_function' => \&encode_entities,
- 'countrydefault' => $countrydefault,
- ).
- '</TD></TR>'.
- '</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>'.
- '<BR>'
- ;
- ###
- # Devices
- ###
- my $devices = '';
- my $sth = dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM part_device") #WHERE disabled = '' OR disabled IS NULL;");
- or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
- my $num_part_device = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
- my @phone_device = $svc_phone->phone_device;
- if ( @phone_device || $num_part_device ) {
- my $svcnum = $svc_phone->svcnum;
- $devices .=
- qq[Devices (<A HREF="${p}edit/phone_device.html?svcnum=$svcnum">Add device</A>)<BR>];
- if ( @phone_device ) {
- $devices .= qq!
- function areyousure(href) {
- if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this device?") == true)
- window.location.href = href;
- }
- !;
- $devices .=
- include('/elements/table-grid.html').
- '<TR>'.
- '<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Type</TH>'.
- '<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">MAC Addr</TH>'.
- '<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>'.
- '<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>'.
- '</TR>';
- my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
- my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
- my $bgcolor = '';
- foreach my $phone_device ( @phone_device ) {
- if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
- } else {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
- }
- my $td = qq(<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor">);
- my $devicenum = $phone_device->devicenum;
- my $export_links = join( '<BR>', @{ $phone_device->export_links } );
- $devices .= '<TR>'.
- $td. $phone_device->part_device->devicename. '</TD>'.
- $td. $phone_device->mac_addr. '</TD>'.
- $td. $export_links. '</TD>'.
- "$td( ".
- qq(<A HREF="${p}edit/phone_device.html?$devicenum">edit</A> | ).
- qq(<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${p}misc/delete-phone_device.html?$devicenum')">delete</A>).
- ' )</TD>'.
- '</TR>';
- }
- $devices .= '</TABLE><BR>';
- }
- $devices .= '<BR>';
- }
- ##
- # CDR links
- ##
- tie my %what, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'pending' => 'NULL',
- 'billed' => 'done',
- ;
- my $number = $svc_phone->phonenum;
- $number = $svc_phone->countrycode. $number
- unless $svc_phone->countrycode eq '1';
- #src & charged party as per
- my $search;
- my $cust_pkg = $svc_phone->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
- if ( $cust_pkg && $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('disable_src') ) {
- $search = "charged_party=$number";
- } else {
- $search = "charged_party_or_src=$number";
- }
- #XXX default prefix as per
- #XXX handle toll free too
- #my @links = map {
- # qq(<A HREF="${p}search/cdr.html?src=$number;freesidestatus=$what{$_}">).
- # "View $_ CDRs</A>";
- #} keys(%what);
- my @links = map {
- qq(<A HREF="${p}search/cdr.html?cdrbatchnum=__ALL__;$search;freesidestatus=$what{$_}">).
- "View $_ CDRs</A>";
- } keys(%what);
- my @ilinks = ( qq(<A HREF="${p}search/cdr.html?cdrbatchnum=__ALL__;dst=$number">).
- 'View incoming CDRs</A>' );
- ###
- # concatenate & return
- ###
- $e911.
- $devices.
- join(' | ', @links ). '<BR>'.
- join(' | ', @ilinks). '<BR>';
diff --git a/httemplate/view/svc_www.cgi b/httemplate/view/svc_www.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 935d139e9..000000000
--- a/httemplate/view/svc_www.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html", "Website View", menubar(
- ( ( $custnum )
- ? ( "View this customer (#$display_custnum)" => "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?$custnum",
- )
- : ( "Cancel this (unaudited) website" =>
- "${p}misc/cancel-unaudited.cgi?$svcnum" )
- ),
- ))
-<A HREF="<% $p %>edit/svc_www.cgi?<% $svcnum %>">Edit this information</A><BR>
-<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Service number</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $svcnum %></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Website name</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><A HREF="http://<% $www %>"><% $www %></A></TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $part_svc->part_svc_column('usersvc')->columnflag ne 'F'
-% || $part_svc->part_svc_column('usersvc')->columnvalue !~ /^\s*$/) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Account</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
-% if ( $usersvc ) {
- <A HREF="<% $p %>view/svc_acct.cgi?<% $usersvc %>"><% $email %></A>
-% } else {
- </i>(none)</i>
-% }
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Config lines</TD>
- <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><PRE><% join("\n", $svc_www->config) |h %></PRE></TD>
- </TR>
-% foreach (sort { $a cmp $b } $svc_www->virtual_fields) {
- <% $svc_www->pvf($_)->widget('HTML', 'view', $svc_www->getfield($_)) %>
-% }
-<% joblisting({'svcnum'=>$svcnum}, 1) %>
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer services');
-my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
-$query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
-my $svcnum = $1;
-my $svc_www = qsearchs({
- 'select' => 'svc_www.*',
- 'table' => 'svc_www',
- 'addl_from' => ' LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ',
- 'hashref' => { 'svcnum' => $svcnum },
- 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services'
- ),
-}) or die "svc_www: Unknown svcnum $svcnum";
-#false laziness w/all svc_*.cgi
-my $cust_svc = qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' => $svcnum } );
-my $pkgnum = $cust_svc->getfield('pkgnum');
-my($cust_pkg, $custnum, $display_custnum);
-if ($pkgnum) {
- $cust_pkg = qsearchs( 'cust_pkg', { 'pkgnum' => $pkgnum } );
- $custnum = $cust_pkg->custnum;
- $display_custnum = $cust_pkg->cust_main->display_custnum;
-} else {
- $cust_pkg = '';
- $custnum = '';
-my $part_svc=qsearchs('part_svc',{'svcpart'=>$cust_svc->svcpart})
- or die "svc_www: Unknown svcpart" . $cust_svc->svcpart;
-my $usersvc = $svc_www->usersvc;
-my $svc_acct = '';
-my $email = '';
-if ( $usersvc ) {
- $svc_acct = qsearchs('svc_acct', { 'svcnum' => $usersvc } )
- or die "svc_www: Unknown usersvc $usersvc";
- $email = $svc_acct->email;
-my $domain_record = qsearchs('domain_record', { 'recnum' => $svc_www->recnum } )
- or die "svc_www: Unknown recnum ". $svc_www->recnum;
-my $www = $domain_record->zone;