path: root/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2c258881a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main/packages.html
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+<A NAME="cust_pkg"><FONT SIZE="+2">Packages</FONT></A><BR>
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('One-time charge') ) {
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+function taxproductmagic(which) {
+ var str = '';
+ var elements = which.form.elements;
+ for (var i = 0; i<elements.length; i++) {
+ if (elements[i].name == 'taxproductnum'){
+ document.getElementById('taxproductnum').value = elements[i].value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (elements[i].name == 'taxproductnum_description'){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (str.length){str += ';';}
+ str += elements[i].name + '=' + escape(elements[i].value);
+ }
+ document.getElementById('charge_storage').value = str;
+ cClick();
+ overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/browse/part_pkg_taxproduct.cgi?_type=select&id=taxproductnum&onclick=taxproductquickchargemagic&taxproductnum='+document.getElementById('taxproductnum').value, 1000, 400, 'tax_product_popup'), CAPTION, 'Select product', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK);
+function taxproductquickchargemagic() {
+ var str = document.getElementById('charge_storage').value;
+ if (str.length){str += ';';}
+ str += 'magic=taxproductnum;taxproductnum=';
+ str += escape(document.getElementById('taxproductnum').value);
+ cClick();
+ overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/edit/quick-charge.html?'+str, 545, 336, 'One-time charge'), CAPTION, 'One-time charge', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '#333399', CGCOLOR, '#333399', CLOSETEXT, 'Close');
+function taxoverridemagic(which) {
+ var str = '';
+ var elements = which.ownerDocument.QuickChargeForm.elements;
+ for (var i = 0; i<elements.length; i++) {
+ if (elements[i].name == 'tax_override'){
+ document.getElementById('tax_override').value = elements[i].value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (str.length){str += ';';}
+ str += elements[i].name + '=' + escape(elements[i].value);
+ }
+ document.getElementById('charge_storage').value = str;
+ cClick();
+ overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/edit/part_pkg_taxoverride.html?element_name=tax_override;onclick=taxoverridequickchargemagic;selected='+document.getElementById('tax_override').value, 1100, 600, 'tax_product_popup'), CAPTION, 'Edit product tax overrides', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK);
+function taxoverridequickchargemagic() {
+ var str = document.getElementById('charge_storage').value;
+ if (str.length){str += ';';}
+ str += 'magic=taxoverride;tax_override=';
+ str += document.getElementById('tax_override').value;
+ cClick();
+ overlib( OLiframeContent('<% $p %>/edit/quick-charge.html?'+str, 545, 336, 'One-time charge'), CAPTION, 'One-time charge', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '#333399', CGCOLOR, '#333399', CLOSETEXT, 'Close');
+<FORM NAME='quickcharge'>
+ <INPUT NAME="taxproductnum" ID="taxproductnum" TYPE="hidden">
+ <INPUT NAME="tax_override" ID="tax_override" TYPE="hidden">
+ <INPUT NAME="charge_storage" ID="charge_storage" TYPE="hidden">
+ <INPUT NAME="taxproductnum_description" ID="taxproductnum_description" TYPE="hidden">
+% }
+% my $s = 0;
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Order customer package') ) {
+ <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
+ <% order_pkg_link($cust_main) %>
+% }
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('One-time charge')
+% && $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE'
+% ) {
+ <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
+ <% include('/elements/popup_link.html',
+ {
+ 'action' => $p. 'edit/quick-charge.html?custnum='. $cust_main->custnum,
+ 'label' => 'One-time charge',
+ 'actionlabel' => 'One-time charge',
+ 'color' => '#333399',
+ 'width' => 763,
+ 'height' => 408,
+ })
+ %>
+% }
+% if ( $curuser->access_right('Bulk change customer packages') ) {
+ <% $s++ ? ' | ' : '' %>
+ <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/cust_pkg.cgi?<% $cust_main->custnum %>">Bulk order and cancel packages</A> (preserves services)
+% }
+% if ( @$packages ) {
+Current packages
+% }
+% if ( $cust_main->num_cancelled_pkgs ) {
+% if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
+% || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
+% && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages')
+% )
+% )
+% {
+% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 1);
+ ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>">show
+% } else {
+% $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages', 0);
+ ( <a href="<% $cgi->self_url %>">hide
+% }
+ cancelled packages</a> )
+% }
+% if ( @$packages ) {
+<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
+% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
+% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
+% my $bgcolor = '';
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Package</TH>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Status</TH>
+% if ( $show_location ) {
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Location</TH>
+% }
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Services</TH>
+% foreach my $cust_pkg (@$packages) {
+% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
+% } else {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
+% }
+% my $countrydefault = scalar($conf->config('countrydefault')) || 'US';
+% my %iopt = (
+% 'bgcolor' => $bgcolor,
+% 'cust_pkg' => $cust_pkg,
+% 'part_pkg' => $cust_pkg->part_pkg,
+% #for services.html and status.html
+% 'cust_pkg-display_times' => $conf->exists('cust_pkg-display_times'),
+% #for location.html
+% 'countrydefault' => $countrydefault,
+% 'statedefault' => ( scalar($conf->config('statedefault'))
+% || ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '') ),
+% #for services.html
+% 'svc_external-skip_manual' => $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual'),
+% 'legacy_link' => $conf->exists('legacy_link'),
+% );
+ <!--pkgnum: <% $cust_pkg->pkgnum %>-->
+ <TR>
+ <% include('packages/package.html', %iopt) %>
+ <% include('packages/status.html', %iopt) %>
+% if ( $show_location ) {
+ <% include('packages/location.html', %iopt) %>
+% }
+ <% include('packages/services.html', %iopt) %>
+ </TR>
+% }
+% } else {
+% }
+% if ( $cgi->param('fragment') =~ /^cust_pkg(\d+)$/ ) {
+ // IE-specific hack. other browsers listen to #fragments
+ // is this even working? or is the #target redirection just working cause
+ // we set the URL params differently?
+ var el = document.getElementById( 'cust_pkg<% $1 %>' );
+ if ( el ) el.scrollIntoView(true);
+% }
+my( $cust_main ) = @_;
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
+my $packages = get_packages($cust_main, $conf);
+my $show_location = $conf->exists('cust_pkg-always_show_location')
+ || ( grep $_->locationnum, @$packages ); # ? '1' : '0';
+sub get_packages {
+ my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my @packages = ();
+ my $method;
+ if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') eq '0' #see if it was set by me
+ || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages')
+ && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledpackages') )
+ )
+ {
+ $method = 'ncancelled_pkgs';
+ } else {
+ $method = 'all_pkgs';
+ }
+ [ $cust_main->$method() ];
+sub order_pkg_link {
+ include( '/elements/popup_link-cust_main.html',
+ 'action' => $p. 'misc/order_pkg.html',
+ 'label' => 'Order&nbsp;new&nbsp;package',
+ 'actionlabel' => 'Order new package',
+ 'color' => '#333399',
+ 'cust_main' => shift,
+ 'closetext' => 'Close',
+ 'width' => 763,
+ )