path: root/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 466 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi b/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
index 1b6f40b8a..569e6e79a 100755
--- a/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_tax.cgi
@@ -1,375 +1,375 @@
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-my $user = getotaker;
-my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
-my $join_cust = "
- JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum )
- LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
-my $from_join_cust = "
- FROM cust_bill_pkg
- $join_cust
-my $join_pkg = "
- LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
- LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )
-my $where = "WHERE _date >= $beginning AND _date <= $ending ";
-my @base_param = qw( county county state state country );
-if ( $conf->exists('tax-ship_address') ) {
- $where .= "
- AND ( ( ( ship_last IS NULL OR ship_last = '' )
- AND ( county = ? OR ? = '' )
- AND ( state = ? OR ? = '' )
- AND country = ?
- )
- OR ( ship_last IS NOT NULL AND ship_last != ''
- AND ( ship_county = ? OR ? = '' )
- AND ( ship_state = ? OR ? = '' )
- AND ship_country = ?
- )
- )
- ";
- # AND payby != 'COMP'
- push @base_param, @base_param;
-} else {
- $where .= "
- AND ( county = ? OR ? = '' )
- AND ( state = ? OR ? = '' )
- AND country = ?
- ";
- # AND payby != 'COMP'
-my $agentname = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
- die "agent not found" unless $agent;
- $agentname = $agent->agent;
- $where .= ' AND agentnum = '. $agent->agentnum;
-my $gotcust = "
- WHERE 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main
-if ( $conf->exists('tax-ship_address') ) {
- $gotcust .= "
- ( =
- OR = cust_main.ship_country
- )
- (
- ( ( ship_last IS NULL OR ship_last = '' )
- AND ( = )
- AND ( cust_main_county.state = cust_main.state
- OR cust_main_county.state = ''
- OR cust_main_county.state IS NULL )
- AND ( cust_main_county.county = cust_main.county
- OR cust_main_county.county = ''
- OR cust_main_county.county IS NULL )
- )
- OR
- ( ship_last IS NOT NULL AND ship_last != ''
- AND ( = cust_main.ship_country )
- AND ( cust_main_county.state = cust_main.ship_state
- OR cust_main_county.state = ''
- OR cust_main_county.state IS NULL )
- AND ( cust_main_county.county = cust_main.ship_county
- OR cust_main_county.county = ''
- OR cust_main_county.county IS NULL )
- )
- )
- )
- ";
-} else {
- $gotcust .= "
- WHERE ( cust_main.county = cust_main_county.county
- OR cust_main_county.county = ''
- OR cust_main_county.county IS NULL )
- AND ( cust_main.state = cust_main_county.state
- OR cust_main_county.state = ''
- OR cust_main_county.state IS NULL )
- AND ( = )
- )
- ";
-my($total, $tot_taxable, $owed, $tax) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
-my( $exempt_cust, $exempt_pkg, $exempt_monthly ) = ( 0, 0 );
-my $out = 'Out of taxable region(s)';
-my %regions = ();
-foreach my $r (qsearch('cust_main_county', {}, '', $gotcust) ) {
- #warn $r->county. ' '. $r->state. ' '. $r->country. "\n";
- my $label = getlabel($r);
- $regions{$label}->{'label'} = $label;
- $regions{$label}->{'url_param'} = join(';', map "$_=".$r->$_(), qw( county state country ) );
- my @param = @base_param;
- my $mywhere = $where;
- if ( $r->taxclass ) {
- $mywhere .= " AND taxclass = ? ";
- push @param, 'taxclass';
- $regions{$label}->{'url_param'} .= ';taxclass='. $r->taxclass
- if $cgi->param('show_taxclasses');
- }
- my $fromwhere = $from_join_cust. $join_pkg. $mywhere. " AND payby != 'COMP' ";
-# my $label = getlabel($r);
-# $regions{$label}->{'label'} = $label;
- my $nottax = 'pkgnum != 0';
- ## calculate total for this region
- my $t = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
- "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur) $fromwhere AND $nottax"
- );
- $total += $t;
- $regions{$label}->{'total'} += $t;
- ## calculate customer-exemption for this region
-## my $taxable = $t;
-# my($taxable, $x_cust) = (0, 0);
-# foreach my $e ( grep { $r->get($_.'tax') !~ /^Y/i }
-# qw( cust_bill_pkg.setup cust_bill_pkg.recur ) ) {
-# $taxable += scalar_sql($r, \@param,
-# "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )"
-# );
-# $x_cust += scalar_sql($r, \@param,
-# "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y'"
-# );
-# }
- my $x_cust = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
- "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur)
- $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y' "
- );
- $exempt_cust += $x_cust;
- $regions{$label}->{'exempt_cust'} += $x_cust;
- ## calculate package-exemption for this region
- my $x_pkg = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
- ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
- THEN cust_bill_pkg.setup
- ELSE 0
- )
- +
- ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
- THEN cust_bill_pkg.recur
- ELSE 0
- )
- )
- $fromwhere
- AND $nottax
- AND (
- ( part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.setup > 0 )
- OR ( part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.recur > 0 )
- )
- AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )
- "
- );
- $exempt_pkg += $x_pkg;
- $regions{$label}->{'exempt_pkg'} += $x_pkg;
- ## calculate monthly exemption (texas tax) for this region
- # count up all the cust_tax_exempt_pkg records associated with
- # the actual line items.
- my $x_monthly = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
- "SELECT SUM(amount)
- FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg
- JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum )
- $join_cust $join_pkg
- $mywhere"
- );
-# if ( $x_monthly ) {
-# #warn $r->taxnum(). ": $x_monthly\n";
-# $taxable -= $x_monthly;
-# }
- $exempt_monthly += $x_monthly;
- $regions{$label}->{'exempt_monthly'} += $x_monthly;
- my $taxable = $t - $x_cust - $x_pkg - $x_monthly;
- $tot_taxable += $taxable;
- $regions{$label}->{'taxable'} += $taxable;
- $owed += $taxable * ($r->tax/100);
- $regions{$label}->{'owed'} += $taxable * ($r->tax/100);
- if ( defined($regions{$label}->{'rate'})
- && $regions{$label}->{'rate'} != $r->tax.'%' ) {
- $regions{$label}->{'rate'} = 'variable';
- } else {
- $regions{$label}->{'rate'} = $r->tax.'%';
- }
-my $taxwhere = "$from_join_cust $where AND payby != 'COMP' ";
-my @taxparam = @base_param;
-my %base_regions = ();
-#foreach my $label ( keys %regions ) {
-foreach my $r (
- qsearch( 'cust_main_county',
- {},
- 'DISTINCT ON (country, state, county, taxname) *',
- $gotcust
- )
-) {
- #warn join('-', map { $r->$_() } qw( country state county taxname ) )."\n";
- my $label = getlabel($r);
- #my $fromwhere = $join_pkg. $where. " AND payby != 'COMP' ";
- #my @param = @base_param;
- #match itemdesc if necessary!
- my $named_tax =
- $r->taxname
- ? 'AND itemdesc = '. dbh->quote($r->taxname)
- : "AND ( itemdesc IS NULL OR itemdesc = '' OR itemdesc = 'Tax' )";
- my $x = scalar_sql($r, \@taxparam,
- "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur) $taxwhere ".
- "AND pkgnum = 0 $named_tax",
- );
- $tax += $x;
- $regions{$label}->{'tax'} += $x;
- if ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
- my $base_label = getlabel($r, 'no_taxclass'=>1 );
- $base_regions{$base_label}->{'label'} = $base_label;
- $base_regions{$base_label}->{'url_param'} =
- join(';', map "$_=".$r->$_(), qw( county state country ) );
- $base_regions{$base_label}->{'tax'} += $x;
- }
-my @regions =
- map $regions{$_},
- sort { ( ($a eq $out) cmp ($b eq $out) ) || ($b cmp $a) }
- keys %regions;
-my @base_regions =
- map $base_regions{$_},
- sort { ( ($a eq $out) cmp ($b eq $out) ) || ($b cmp $a) }
- keys %base_regions;
-push @regions, {
- 'label' => 'Total',
- 'url_param' => '',
- 'total' => $total,
- 'exempt_cust' => $exempt_cust,
- 'exempt_pkg' => $exempt_pkg,
- 'exempt_monthly' => $exempt_monthly,
- 'taxable' => $tot_taxable,
- 'rate' => '',
- 'owed' => $owed,
- 'tax' => $tax,
-sub getlabel {
- my $r = shift;
- my %opt = @_;
- my $label;
- if (
- $r->tax == 0
- && ! scalar( qsearch('cust_main_county', { 'state' => $r->state,
- 'county' => $r->county,
- 'country' => $r->country,
- 'tax' => { op=>'>', value=>0 },
- }
- )
- )
- ) {
- #kludge to avoid "will not stay shared" warning
- my $out = 'Out of taxable region(s)';
- $label = $out;
- } elsif ( $r->taxname ) {
- $label = $r->taxname;
-# $regions{$label}->{'taxname'} = $label;
-# push @{$regions{$label}->{$_}}, $r->$_() foreach qw( county state country );
- } else {
- $label = $r->country;
- $label = $r->state.", $label" if $r->state;
- $label = $r->county." county, $label" if $r->county;
- $label = "$label (". $r->taxclass. ")"
- if $r->taxclass
- && $cgi->param('show_taxclasses')
- && ! $opt{'no_taxclass'};
- #$label = $r->taxname. " ($label)" if $r->taxname;
- }
- return $label;
-#false laziness w/FS::Report::Table::Monthly (sub should probably be moved up
-#to FS::Report or FS::Record or who the fuck knows where)
-sub scalar_sql {
- my( $r, $param, $sql ) = @_;
- #warn "$sql\n";
- my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute( map $r->$_(), @$param )
- or die "Unexpected error executing statement $sql: ". $sth->errstr;
- $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] || 0;
-my $dateagentlink = "begin=$beginning;end=$ending";
-$dateagentlink .= ';agentnum='. $cgi->param('agentnum')
- if length($agentname);
-my $baselink = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
-my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
-<%= include("/elements/header.html", "$agentname Sales Tax Report - ".
+%my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+%my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
+%my $user = getotaker;
+%my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
+%my $join_cust = "
+% JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum )
+% LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
+%my $from_join_cust = "
+% FROM cust_bill_pkg
+% $join_cust
+%my $join_pkg = "
+% LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
+% LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )
+%my $where = "WHERE _date >= $beginning AND _date <= $ending ";
+%my @base_param = qw( county county state state country );
+%if ( $conf->exists('tax-ship_address') ) {
+% $where .= "
+% AND ( ( ( ship_last IS NULL OR ship_last = '' )
+% AND ( county = ? OR ? = '' )
+% AND ( state = ? OR ? = '' )
+% AND country = ?
+% )
+% OR ( ship_last IS NOT NULL AND ship_last != ''
+% AND ( ship_county = ? OR ? = '' )
+% AND ( ship_state = ? OR ? = '' )
+% AND ship_country = ?
+% )
+% )
+% ";
+% # AND payby != 'COMP'
+% push @base_param, @base_param;
+%} else {
+% $where .= "
+% AND ( county = ? OR ? = '' )
+% AND ( state = ? OR ? = '' )
+% AND country = ?
+% ";
+% # AND payby != 'COMP'
+%my $agentname = '';
+%if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+% my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
+% die "agent not found" unless $agent;
+% $agentname = $agent->agent;
+% $where .= ' AND agentnum = '. $agent->agentnum;
+%my $gotcust = "
+% WHERE 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main
+%if ( $conf->exists('tax-ship_address') ) {
+% $gotcust .= "
+% ( =
+% OR = cust_main.ship_country
+% )
+% AND
+% (
+% ( ( ship_last IS NULL OR ship_last = '' )
+% AND ( = )
+% AND ( cust_main_county.state = cust_main.state
+% OR cust_main_county.state = ''
+% OR cust_main_county.state IS NULL )
+% AND ( cust_main_county.county = cust_main.county
+% OR cust_main_county.county = ''
+% OR cust_main_county.county IS NULL )
+% )
+% OR
+% ( ship_last IS NOT NULL AND ship_last != ''
+% AND ( = cust_main.ship_country )
+% AND ( cust_main_county.state = cust_main.ship_state
+% OR cust_main_county.state = ''
+% OR cust_main_county.state IS NULL )
+% AND ( cust_main_county.county = cust_main.ship_county
+% OR cust_main_county.county = ''
+% OR cust_main_county.county IS NULL )
+% )
+% )
+% LIMIT 1
+% )
+% ";
+%} else {
+% $gotcust .= "
+% WHERE ( cust_main.county = cust_main_county.county
+% OR cust_main_county.county = ''
+% OR cust_main_county.county IS NULL )
+% AND ( cust_main.state = cust_main_county.state
+% OR cust_main_county.state = ''
+% OR cust_main_county.state IS NULL )
+% AND ( = )
+% LIMIT 1
+% )
+% ";
+%my($total, $tot_taxable, $owed, $tax) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+%my( $exempt_cust, $exempt_pkg, $exempt_monthly ) = ( 0, 0 );
+%my $out = 'Out of taxable region(s)';
+%my %regions = ();
+%foreach my $r (qsearch('cust_main_county', {}, '', $gotcust) ) {
+% #warn $r->county. ' '. $r->state. ' '. $r->country. "\n";
+% my $label = getlabel($r);
+% $regions{$label}->{'label'} = $label;
+% $regions{$label}->{'url_param'} = join(';', map "$_=".$r->$_(), qw( county state country ) );
+% my @param = @base_param;
+% my $mywhere = $where;
+% if ( $r->taxclass ) {
+% $mywhere .= " AND taxclass = ? ";
+% push @param, 'taxclass';
+% $regions{$label}->{'url_param'} .= ';taxclass='. $r->taxclass
+% if $cgi->param('show_taxclasses');
+% }
+% my $fromwhere = $from_join_cust. $join_pkg. $mywhere. " AND payby != 'COMP' ";
+%# my $label = getlabel($r);
+%# $regions{$label}->{'label'} = $label;
+% my $nottax = 'pkgnum != 0';
+% ## calculate total for this region
+% my $t = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+% "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur) $fromwhere AND $nottax"
+% );
+% $total += $t;
+% $regions{$label}->{'total'} += $t;
+% ## calculate customer-exemption for this region
+%## my $taxable = $t;
+%# my($taxable, $x_cust) = (0, 0);
+%# foreach my $e ( grep { $r->get($_.'tax') !~ /^Y/i }
+%# qw( cust_bill_pkg.setup cust_bill_pkg.recur ) ) {
+%# $taxable += scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+%# "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )"
+%# );
+%# $x_cust += scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+%# "SELECT SUM($e) $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y'"
+%# );
+%# }
+% my $x_cust = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+% "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur)
+% $fromwhere AND $nottax AND tax = 'Y' "
+% );
+% $exempt_cust += $x_cust;
+% $regions{$label}->{'exempt_cust'} += $x_cust;
+% ## calculate package-exemption for this region
+% my $x_pkg = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+% ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
+% THEN cust_bill_pkg.setup
+% ELSE 0
+% END
+% )
+% +
+% ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
+% THEN cust_bill_pkg.recur
+% ELSE 0
+% END
+% )
+% )
+% $fromwhere
+% AND $nottax
+% AND (
+% ( part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.setup > 0 )
+% OR ( part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.recur > 0 )
+% )
+% AND ( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )
+% "
+% );
+% $exempt_pkg += $x_pkg;
+% $regions{$label}->{'exempt_pkg'} += $x_pkg;
+% ## calculate monthly exemption (texas tax) for this region
+% # count up all the cust_tax_exempt_pkg records associated with
+% # the actual line items.
+% my $x_monthly = scalar_sql($r, \@param,
+% "SELECT SUM(amount)
+% FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg
+% JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum )
+% $join_cust $join_pkg
+% $mywhere"
+% );
+%# if ( $x_monthly ) {
+%# #warn $r->taxnum(). ": $x_monthly\n";
+%# $taxable -= $x_monthly;
+%# }
+% $exempt_monthly += $x_monthly;
+% $regions{$label}->{'exempt_monthly'} += $x_monthly;
+% my $taxable = $t - $x_cust - $x_pkg - $x_monthly;
+% $tot_taxable += $taxable;
+% $regions{$label}->{'taxable'} += $taxable;
+% $owed += $taxable * ($r->tax/100);
+% $regions{$label}->{'owed'} += $taxable * ($r->tax/100);
+% if ( defined($regions{$label}->{'rate'})
+% && $regions{$label}->{'rate'} != $r->tax.'%' ) {
+% $regions{$label}->{'rate'} = 'variable';
+% } else {
+% $regions{$label}->{'rate'} = $r->tax.'%';
+% }
+%my $taxwhere = "$from_join_cust $where AND payby != 'COMP' ";
+%my @taxparam = @base_param;
+%my %base_regions = ();
+%#foreach my $label ( keys %regions ) {
+%foreach my $r (
+% qsearch( 'cust_main_county',
+% {},
+% 'DISTINCT ON (country, state, county, taxname) *',
+% $gotcust
+% )
+%) {
+% #warn join('-', map { $r->$_() } qw( country state county taxname ) )."\n";
+% my $label = getlabel($r);
+% #my $fromwhere = $join_pkg. $where. " AND payby != 'COMP' ";
+% #my @param = @base_param;
+% #match itemdesc if necessary!
+% my $named_tax =
+% $r->taxname
+% ? 'AND itemdesc = '. dbh->quote($r->taxname)
+% : "AND ( itemdesc IS NULL OR itemdesc = '' OR itemdesc = 'Tax' )";
+% my $x = scalar_sql($r, \@taxparam,
+% "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur) $taxwhere ".
+% "AND pkgnum = 0 $named_tax",
+% );
+% $tax += $x;
+% $regions{$label}->{'tax'} += $x;
+% if ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
+% my $base_label = getlabel($r, 'no_taxclass'=>1 );
+% $base_regions{$base_label}->{'label'} = $base_label;
+% $base_regions{$base_label}->{'url_param'} =
+% join(';', map "$_=".$r->$_(), qw( county state country ) );
+% $base_regions{$base_label}->{'tax'} += $x;
+% }
+%my @regions =
+% map $regions{$_},
+% sort { ( ($a eq $out) cmp ($b eq $out) ) || ($b cmp $a) }
+% keys %regions;
+%my @base_regions =
+% map $base_regions{$_},
+% sort { ( ($a eq $out) cmp ($b eq $out) ) || ($b cmp $a) }
+% keys %base_regions;
+%push @regions, {
+% 'label' => 'Total',
+% 'url_param' => '',
+% 'total' => $total,
+% 'exempt_cust' => $exempt_cust,
+% 'exempt_pkg' => $exempt_pkg,
+% 'exempt_monthly' => $exempt_monthly,
+% 'taxable' => $tot_taxable,
+% 'rate' => '',
+% 'owed' => $owed,
+% 'tax' => $tax,
+%sub getlabel {
+% my $r = shift;
+% my %opt = @_;
+% my $label;
+% if (
+% $r->tax == 0
+% && ! scalar( qsearch('cust_main_county', { 'state' => $r->state,
+% 'county' => $r->county,
+% 'country' => $r->country,
+% 'tax' => { op=>'>', value=>0 },
+% }
+% )
+% )
+% ) {
+% #kludge to avoid "will not stay shared" warning
+% my $out = 'Out of taxable region(s)';
+% $label = $out;
+% } elsif ( $r->taxname ) {
+% $label = $r->taxname;
+%# $regions{$label}->{'taxname'} = $label;
+%# push @{$regions{$label}->{$_}}, $r->$_() foreach qw( county state country );
+% } else {
+% $label = $r->country;
+% $label = $r->state.", $label" if $r->state;
+% $label = $r->county." county, $label" if $r->county;
+% $label = "$label (". $r->taxclass. ")"
+% if $r->taxclass
+% && $cgi->param('show_taxclasses')
+% && ! $opt{'no_taxclass'};
+% #$label = $r->taxname. " ($label)" if $r->taxname;
+% }
+% return $label;
+%#false laziness w/FS::Report::Table::Monthly (sub should probably be moved up
+%#to FS::Report or FS::Record or who the fuck knows where)
+%sub scalar_sql {
+% my( $r, $param, $sql ) = @_;
+% #warn "$sql\n";
+% my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
+% $sth->execute( map $r->$_(), @$param )
+% or die "Unexpected error executing statement $sql: ". $sth->errstr;
+% $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] || 0;
+%my $dateagentlink = "begin=$beginning;end=$ending";
+%$dateagentlink .= ';agentnum='. $cgi->param('agentnum')
+% if length($agentname);
+%my $baselink = $p. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
+%my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
+<% include("/elements/header.html", "$agentname Sales Tax Report - ".
( $beginning
? time2str('%h %o %Y ', $beginning )
: ''
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
-<%= include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
+<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2></TH>
@@ -392,9 +392,11 @@ my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2>Rate</TH>
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2></TH>
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2>Tax owed</TH>
- <% unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) { %>
+% unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" ROWSPAN=2>Tax invoiced</TH>
- <% } %>
+% }
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Total</TH>
@@ -407,130 +409,129 @@ my $exemptlink = $p. "search/cust_tax_exempt_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Taxable</TH>
-<% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
- my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
- my $bgcolor;
- <% foreach my $region ( @regions ) {
- if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
- } else {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
- }
- my $link = '';
- if ( $region->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
- if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
- $link = ';out=1';
- } else {
- $link = ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
- }
- }
+% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
+% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
+% my $bgcolor;
+% foreach my $region ( @regions ) {
+% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
+% } else {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
+% }
+% my $link = '';
+% if ( $region->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
+% if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
+% $link = ';out=1';
+% } else {
+% $link = ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
+% }
+% }
- %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><%= $region->{'label'} %></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'total'} ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $region->{'label'} %></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'total'} ) %></A>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;cust_tax=Y"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_cust'} ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;cust_tax=Y"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_cust'} ) %></A>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;pkg_tax=Y"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_pkg'} ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;nottax=1;pkg_tax=Y"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_pkg'} ) %></A>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $exemptlink. $link %>"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_monthly'} ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> - </B></FONT></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $exemptlink. $link %>"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'exempt_monthly'} ) %></A>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'taxable'} ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'taxable'} ) %></A>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><%= $region->{'label'} eq 'Total' ? '' : '<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE="+1"><B> X </B></FONT>' %></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right"><%= $region->{'rate'} %></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><%= $region->{'label'} eq 'Total' ? '' : '<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT>' %></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'owed'} ) %>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $region->{'label'} eq 'Total' ? '' : '<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE="+1"><B> X </B></FONT>' %></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right"><% $region->{'rate'} %></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $region->{'label'} eq 'Total' ? '' : '<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE="+1"><B> = </B></FONT>' %></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'owed'} ) %>
- <% unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) { %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
+% unless ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
- <% } %>
+% }
- <% } %>
+% }
+% if ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) {
-<% if ( $cgi->param('show_taxclasses') ) { %>
- <%= include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
+ <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
<TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Tax invoiced</TH>
+% #some false laziness w/above
+% $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
+% $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
+% foreach my $region ( @base_regions ) {
+% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
+% } else {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
+% }
+% my $link = '';
+% #if ( $region->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
+% if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
+% $link = ';out=1';
+% } else {
+% $link = ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
+% }
+% #}
- <% #some false laziness w/above
- $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
- $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
- foreach my $region ( @base_regions ) {
- if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
- } else {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
- }
- my $link = '';
- #if ( $region->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
- if ( $region->{'label'} eq $out ) {
- $link = ';out=1';
- } else {
- $link = ';'. $region->{'url_param'};
- }
- #}
- %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>"><%= $region->{'label'} %></TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $region->{'label'} %></TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $baselink. $link %>;istax=1"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $region->{'tax'} ) %></A>
+% }
+% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
+% } else {
+% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
+% }
- <% } %>
- <%
- if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
- } else {
- $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
- }
- %>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>">Total</TD>
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<%= $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
- <A HREF="<%= $baselink %>;istax=1"><%= $money_char %><%= sprintf('%.2f', $tax ) %></A>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">Total</TD>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% $baselink %>;istax=1"><% $money_char %><% sprintf('%.2f', $tax ) %></A>
+% }
-<% } %>