path: root/httemplate/search/elements
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/search/elements')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 2121 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/cust_main_dayranges.html b/httemplate/search/elements/cust_main_dayranges.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e039d28..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/cust_main_dayranges.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
- include( 'elements/cust_main_dayranges.html',
- 'title' => 'Accounts Receivable Aging Summary',
- 'range_sub' => $mysub,
- )
- my $mysub = sub {
- my( $start, $end ) = @_;
- # where $start and $end are unix timestamps
- };
-<% include( 'search.html',
- 'name' => 'customers',
- 'query' => $sql_query,
- 'count_query' => $count_sql,
- 'header' => [
- FS::UI::Web::cust_header(),
- '0-30',
- '30-60',
- '60-90',
- '90+',
- 'Total',
- @pay_head,
- ],
- 'footer' => [
- 'Total',
- ( map '',
- ( 1 ..
- scalar(FS::UI::Web::cust_header()-1)
- ),
- ),
- sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f',
- $row->{'rangecol_0_30'} ),
- sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f',
- $row->{'rangecol_30_60'} ),
- sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f',
- $row->{'rangecol_60_90'} ),
- sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f',
- $row->{'rangecol_90_0'} ),
- sprintf( '<b>'. $money_char.'%.2f'. '</b>',
- $row->{'rangecol_0_0'} ),
- ('') x @pay_labels,
- ],
- 'fields' => [
- FS::UI::Web::cust_fields_subs(),
- format_rangecol('0_30'),
- format_rangecol('30_60'),
- format_rangecol('60_90'),
- format_rangecol('90_0'),
- format_rangecol('0_0'),
- @pay_labels,
- ],
- 'links' => [
- ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $clink : '' }
- FS::UI::Web::cust_header()
- ),
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- @pay_links,
- ],
- #'align' => 'rlccrrrrr',
- 'align' => FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns().
- 'rrrrr'.
- ('c' x @pay_labels),
- #'size' => [ '', '', '-1', '-1', '', '', '', '', '', ],
- #'style' => [ '', '', 'b', 'b', '', '', '', '', 'b', ],
- 'size' => [ ( map '', FS::UI::Web::cust_header() ),
- #'-1', '', '', '', '', '', ],
- '', '', '', '', '', '',
- ( map '', @pay_labels ),
- ],
- 'style' => [ FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(),
- #'b', '', '', '', '', 'b', ],
- '', '', '', '', 'b',
- ( map '', @pay_labels ),
- ],
- 'color' => [
- FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(),
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- ( map '', @pay_labels ),
- ],
- %opt,
- )
-my %opt = @_;
-#actually need to auto-generate other things too for a passed-in ranges to work
-my $ranges = $opt{'ranges'} ? delete($opt{'ranges'}) : [
- [ 0, 30 ],
- [ 30, 60 ],
- [ 60, 90 ],
- [ 90, 0 ],
- [ 0, 0 ],
-my $range_sub = delete($opt{'range_sub'}); #or die
-my $offset = 0;
-if($cgi->param('as_of')) {
- $offset = int((time - parse_datetime($cgi->param('as_of'))) / 86400);
- $opt{'title'} .= ' ('.$cgi->param('as_of').')' if $offset > 0;
-#my $range_cols = join(',', map &{$range_sub}( @$_ ), @ranges );
-my $range_cols = join(',', map call_range_sub($range_sub, @$_, 'offset' => $offset ), @$ranges );
-my $select_count_pkgs = FS::cust_main->select_count_pkgs_sql;
-my $active_sql = FS::cust_pkg->active_sql;
-my $inactive_sql = FS::cust_pkg->inactive_sql;
-my $suspended_sql = FS::cust_pkg->suspended_sql;
-my $cancelled_sql = FS::cust_pkg->cancelled_sql;
-my $packages_cols = <<END;
- ( $select_count_pkgs ) AS num_pkgs_sql,
- ( $select_count_pkgs AND $active_sql ) AS active_pkgs,
- ( $select_count_pkgs AND $inactive_sql ) AS inactive_pkgs,
- ( $select_count_pkgs AND $suspended_sql ) AS suspended_pkgs,
- ( $select_count_pkgs AND $cancelled_sql ) AS cancelled_pkgs
-my @where = ();
-unless ( $cgi->param('all_customers') ) {
-# Exclude entire cust_main records where the balance is >0
- my $days = 0;
- if ( $cgi->param('days') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
- $days = $1;
- }
- # If this is set, allow cust_main records with nonzero balances
- my $negative = $cgi->param('negative') || 0;
- push @where,
- call_range_sub($range_sub, $days, 0, 'offset' => $offset, 'no_as'=>1).
- ($negative ? ' != 0' : ' > 0');
-if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- my $agentnum = $1;
- push @where, "agentnum = $agentnum";
-#status (false laziness w/cust_main::search_sql
-#prospect active inactive suspended cancelled
-if ( grep { $cgi->param('status') eq $_ } FS::cust_main->statuses() ) {
- my $method = $cgi->param('status'). '_sql';
- #push @where, $class->$method();
- push @where, FS::cust_main->$method();
-#here is the agent virtualization
-push @where, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;
-my $where = join(' AND ', @where);
-$where = "WHERE $where" if $where;
-my $count_sql = "select count(*) from cust_main $where";
-my $sql_query = {
- 'table' => 'cust_main',
- 'hashref' => {},
- 'select' => join(',',
- #'cust_main.*',
- 'custnum',
- $range_cols,
- $packages_cols,
- FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields(),
- 'payby',
- ),
- 'extra_sql' => $where,
- 'order_by' => "order by coalesce(lower(company), ''), lower(last)",
-my $total_sql =
- "SELECT ".
- join(',', map call_range_sub( $range_sub, @$_, 'offset' => $offset, 'sum'=>1 ), @$ranges).
- " FROM cust_main $where";
-my $total_sth = dbh->prepare($total_sql) or die dbh->errstr;
-$total_sth->execute or die "error executing $total_sql: ". $total_sth->errstr;
-my $row = $total_sth->fetchrow_hashref();
-my $clink = [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ];
-my (@payby, @pay_head, @pay_labels, @pay_links);
-my %payby = map {$_ => 1} $conf->config('payby');
-if(%payby) {
- push @payby, 'CARD' if ($payby{'CARD'} or $payby{'DCRD'});
- push @payby, 'CHEK' if ($payby{'CHEK'} or $payby{'DCHK'});
-else {
- @payby = ('CARD','CHEK')
-if($opt{'payment_links'} && $curuser->access_right('Process payment') && @payby) {
- my %label = ( CARD => 'Card',
- CHEK => 'E-Check' );
- push @pay_head, ({nodownload => 1}) foreach @payby;
- $pay_head[0] = { label => 'Process',
- nodownload => 1,
- colspan => scalar(@payby) };
- @pay_labels = (map { my $payby = $_;
- my $label = $label{$payby};
- sub {($payby eq $_[0]->payby) ? "<b>$label (on file)</b>" : $label}
- } @payby );
- @pay_links = (map { [ "${p}misc/payment.cgi?payby=$_;custnum=", 'custnum' ] }
- @payby );
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-# my $balance = balance(
-# $start, $end,
-# 'no_as' => 1, #set to true when using in a WHERE clause (supress AS clause)
-# #or 0 / omit when using in a SELECT clause as a column
-# # ("AS balance_$start_$end")
-# 'sum' => 1, #set to true to get a SUM() of the values, for totals
-# #obsolete? options for totals (passed to cust_main::balance_date_sql)
-# 'total' => 1, #set to true to remove all customer comparison clauses
-# 'join' => $join, #JOIN clause
-# 'where' => \@where, #WHERE clause hashref (elements "AND"ed together)
-# )
-sub call_range_sub {
- my($range_sub, $startdays, $enddays, %opt) = @_;
- my $as = $opt{'no_as'} ? '' : " AS rangecol_${startdays}_$enddays";
- my $offset = $opt{'offset'} || 0;
- # Always use $offset - 1day + 1sec = the last second of that day
- my $cutoff = DateTime->now->set(hour => 23, minute => 59, second => 59);
- $cutoff->subtract(days => $offset);
- my $start = $cutoff->clone;
- $start->subtract(days => $startdays);
- my $end = $cutoff->clone;
- $end->subtract(days => $enddays);
- #warn "offset $offset (".$cutoff->epoch."), range $startdays-$enddays (".$start->epoch . '-' . ($enddays ? $end->epoch : '').")\n";
- my $sql = &{$range_sub}( $start->epoch,
- $enddays ? $end->epoch : '',
- $cutoff->epoch ); #%opt?
- $sql = "SUM($sql)" if $opt{'sum'};
- $sql.$as;
-sub format_rangecol { #closures help alot
- my $range = shift;
- sub { sprintf( $money_char.'%.2f', shift->get("rangecol_$range") ) };
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html b/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html
deleted file mode 100755
index fccb9eef7..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
- include( 'elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html',
- 'thing' => 'pay',
- 'amount_field' => 'paid',
- 'name_singular' => 'payment',
- 'name_verb' => 'paid',
- )
- include( 'elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html',
- 'thing' => 'refund',
- 'amount_field' => 'refund',
- 'name_singular' => 'refund',
- 'name_verb' => 'refunded',
- )
- include( 'elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html',
- 'thing' => 'pay_pending',
- 'amount_field' => 'paid',
- 'name_singular' => 'pending payment',
- 'name_verb' => 'pending',
- 'disable_link' => 1,
- 'disable_by' => 1,
- 'html_init' => '',
- 'addl_header' => [],
- 'addl_fields' => [],
- 'redirect_empty' => $redirect_empty,
- )
- include( 'elements/cust_pay_or_refund.html',
- 'table' => 'h_cust_pay',
- 'amount_field' => 'paid',
- 'name_singular' => 'payment',
- 'name_verb' => 'paid',
- 'pre_header' => [ 'Transaction', 'By' ],
- 'pre_fields' => [ 'history_action', 'history_user' ],
- )
-<% include( 'search.html',
- 'title' => $title,
- 'name_singular' => $name_singular,
- 'query' => $sql_query,
- 'count_query' => $count_query,
- 'count_addl' => \@count_addl,
- 'redirect_empty' => $opt{'redirect_empty'},
- 'header' => \@header,
- 'fields' => \@fields,
- 'sort_fields' => \@sort_fields,
- 'align' => $align,
- 'links' => \@links,
- 'color' => \@color,
- 'style' => \@style,
- )
-my %opt = @_;
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('Financial reports');
-my $table = $opt{'table'} || 'cust_'.$opt{'thing'};
-my $amount_field = $opt{'amount_field'};
-my $name_singular = $opt{'name_singular'};
-my $unapplied = $cgi->param('unapplied');
-my $title = '';
-$title = 'Unapplied ' if $unapplied;
-$title .= "\u$name_singular Search Results";
-my $link = '';
-if ( ( $curuser->access_right('View invoices') #XXX for now
- || $curuser->access_right('View customer payments')
- )
- && ! $opt{'disable_link'}
- )
- my $key;
- my $q = '';
- if ( $table eq 'cust_pay_void' ) {
- $key = 'paynum';
- $q .= 'void=1;';
- } elsif ( $table eq /^cust_(\w+)$/ ) {
- $key = $1.'num';
- }
- if ( $key ) {
- $q .= "$key=";
- $link = [ "${p}view/$table.html?$q", $key ]
- }
-my $cust_link = sub {
- my $cust_thing = shift;
- $cust_thing->cust_main_custnum
- ? [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ]
- : '';
-# only valid for $table == 'cust_pay' atm
-my $tax_names = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('tax_names') ) {
- if ( dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'Pg' ) {
- $tax_names = "
- array_to_string(
- array(
- SELECT itemdesc
- FROM cust_bill_pay
- LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pay_pkg USING ( billpaynum )
- LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum )
- WHERE cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0
- AND cust_bill_pay.paynum = cust_pay.paynum
- ), '|'
- ) AS tax_names"
- ;
- } elsif ( dbh->{Driver}->{Name} =~ /^mysql/i ) {
- $tax_names = "GROUP_CONCAT(itemdesc SEPARATOR '|') AS tax_names";
- } else {
- warn "warning: unknown database type ". dbh->{Driver}->{Name}.
- "omitting tax name information from report.";
- }
-my @header = ();
-my @fields = ();
-my @sort_fields = ();
-my $align = '';
-my @links = ();
-if ( $opt{'pre_header'} ) {
- push @header, @{ $opt{'pre_header'} };
- $align .= 'c' x scalar(@{ $opt{'pre_header'} });
- push @links, map '', @{ $opt{'pre_header'} };
- push @fields, @{ $opt{'pre_fields'} };
- push @sort_fields, @{ $opt{'pre_fields'} };
-push @header, "\u$name_singular",
- 'Amount',
-$align .= 'rr';
-push @links, '', '';
-push @fields, 'payby_payinfo_pretty',
- sub { sprintf('$%.2f', shift->$amount_field() ) },
-push @sort_fields, '', $amount_field;
-if ( $unapplied ) {
- push @header, 'Unapplied';
- $align .= 'r';
- push @links, '';
- push @fields, sub { sprintf('$%.2f', shift->unapplied_amount) };
- push @sort_fields, '';
-push @header, 'Date';
-$align .= 'r';
-push @links, '';
-push @fields, sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->_date ) };
-push @sort_fields, '_date';
-unless ( $opt{'disable_by'} ) {
- push @header, 'By';
- $align .= 'c';
- push @links, '';
- push @fields, sub { my $o = shift->otaker;
- $o = 'auto billing' if $o eq 'fs_daily';
- $o = 'customer self-service' if $o eq 'fs_selfservice';
- $o;
- };
-if ( $tax_names ) {
- push @header, ('Tax names', 'Tax province');
- $align .= 'cc';
- push @links, ('','');
- push @fields, sub { join (' + ', map { /^(.*?)(, \w\w)?$/; $1 }
- split('\|', shift->tax_names)
- );
- };
- push @fields, sub { join (' + ', map { if (/^(?:.*)(?:, )(\w\w)$/){ $1 }
- else { () }
- }
- split('\|', shift->tax_names)
- );
- };
-push @header, FS::UI::Web::cust_header();
-$align .= FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns();
-push @links, map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $cust_link : '' }
- FS::UI::Web::cust_header();
-my @color = ( ( map '', @fields ), FS::UI::Web::cust_colors() );
-my @style = ( ( map '', @fields ), FS::UI::Web::cust_styles() );
-push @fields, \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields;
-push @header, @{ $opt{'addl_header'} }
- if $opt{'addl_header'};
-push @fields, @{ $opt{'addl_fields'} }
- if $opt{'addl_fields'};
-my( $count_query, $sql_query, @count_addl );
-if ( $cgi->param('magic') ) {
- my @search = ();
- my @select = (
- "$table.*",
- FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields(),
- 'cust_main.custnum AS cust_main_custnum',
- );
- push @select, $tax_names if $tax_names;
- my $orderby;
- if ( $cgi->param('magic') eq '_date' ) {
- if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') && $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- push @search, "agentnum = $1"; # $search{'agentnum'} = $1;
- my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
- die "unknown agentnum $1" unless $agent;
- $title = $agent->agent. " $title";
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- push @search, "custnum = $1";
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('payby') ) {
- $cgi->param('payby') =~
- /^(CARD|CHEK|BILL|PREP|CASH|WEST|MCRD)(-(VisaMC|Amex|Discover|Maestro))?$/
- or die "illegal payby ". $cgi->param('payby');
- push @search, "$table.payby = '$1'";
- if ( $3 ) {
- my $cardtype = $3;
- my $search;
- if ( $cardtype eq 'VisaMC' ) {
- #avoid posix regexes for portability
- $search =
- " ( ( substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 1) = '4' ".
- " AND substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 4) != '4936' ".
- " AND substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
- " NOT SIMILAR TO '49030[2-9]' ".
- " AND substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
- " NOT SIMILAR TO '49033[5-9]' ".
- " AND substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
- " NOT SIMILAR TO '49110[1-2]' ".
- " AND substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
- " NOT SIMILAR TO '49117[4-9]' ".
- " AND substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6) ".
- " NOT SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]' ".
- " )".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '51' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '52' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '53' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '55' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '36' ". #Diner's int'l processed as Visa/MC inside US
- " ) ";
- } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Amex' ) {
- $search =
- " ( substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '34' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '37' ".
- " ) ";
- } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Discover' ) {
- $search =
- " ( substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '6011' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '65' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 3 ) = '622' ". #China Union Pay processed as Discover outside CN
- " ) ";
- } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Maestro' ) {
- $search =
- " ( substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '63' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '67' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) = '564182' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '4936' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
- " SIMILAR TO '49030[2-9]' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
- " SIMILAR TO '49033[5-9]' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
- " SIMILAR TO '49110[1-2]' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
- " SIMILAR TO '49117[4-9]' ".
- " OR substring($table.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) ".
- " SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]' ".
- " ) ";
- } else {
- die "unknown card type $cardtype";
- }
- my $masksearch = $search;
- $masksearch =~ s/$table\.payinfo/$table.paymask/gi;
- push @search,
- "( $search OR ( $table.paymask IS NOT NULL AND $masksearch ) )";
- }
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('payinfo') ) {
- $cgi->param('payinfo') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/
- or die "illegal payinfo ". $cgi->param('payinfo');
- push @search, "$table.payinfo = '$1'";
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('usernum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- push @search, "$table.usernum = $1";
- }
- #for cust_pay_pending... statusNOT=done
- if ( $cgi->param('statusNOT') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
- push @search, "status != '$1'";
- }
- my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
- push @search, "_date >= $beginning ",
- "_date <= $ending";
- if ( $table eq 'cust_pay_void' ) {
- my($v_beginning, $v_ending) =
- FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi, 'void');
- push @search, "void_date >= $v_beginning ",
- "void_date <= $v_ending";
- }
- push @search, FS::UI::Web::parse_lt_gt($cgi, $amount_field );
- $orderby = '_date';
- } elsif ( $cgi->param('magic') eq 'paybatch' ) {
- $cgi->param('paybatch') =~ /^([\w\/\:\-\.]+)$/
- or die "illegal paybatch: ". $cgi->param('paybatch');
- push @search, "paybatch = '$1'";
- $orderby = "LOWER(company || ' ' || last || ' ' || first )";
- } else {
- die "unknown search magic: ". $cgi->param('magic');
- }
- #unapplied payment/refund
- if ( $unapplied ) {
- push @select, '(' . "FS::$table"->unapplied_sql . ') AS unapplied_amount';
- push @search, "FS::$table"->unapplied_sql . ' > 0';
- }
- #for the history search
- if ( $cgi->param('history_action') =~ /^([\w,]+)$/ ) {
- my @history_action = split(/,/, $1);
- push @search, 'history_action IN ('.
- join(',', map "'$_'", @history_action ). ')';
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('history_date_beginning')
- || $cgi->param('history_date_ending') ) {
- my($h_beginning, $h_ending) =
- FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi, 'history_date');
- push @search, "history_date >= $h_beginning ",
- "history_date <= $h_ending";
- }
- #here is the agent virtualization
- push @search, $curuser->agentnums_sql;
- my $addl_from = ' LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ';
- my $group_by = '';
- if ( $cgi->param('tax_names') ) {
- if ( dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'Pg' ) {
- 0;#twiddle thumbs
- } elsif ( dbh->{Driver}->{Name} =~ /^mysql/i ) {
- $addl_from .= "LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pay USING ( paynum )
- LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pay_pkg USING ( billpaynum )
- LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum ) AS tax_names";
- $group_by .= "GROUP BY $table.*,cust_main_custnum,".
- FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields();
- push @search,
- "( cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0 OR cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum is NULL )";
- } else {
- warn "warning: unknown database type ". dbh->{Driver}->{Name}.
- "omitting tax name information from report.";
- }
- }
- my $search = ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @search);
- $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM($amount_field) ";
- $count_query .= ', SUM(' . "FS::$table"->unapplied_sql . ') '
- if $unapplied;
- $count_query .= "FROM $table $addl_from".
- "$search $group_by";
- @count_addl = ( '$%.2f total '.$opt{name_verb} );
- push @count_addl, '$%.2f unapplied' if $unapplied;
- $sql_query = {
- 'table' => $table,
- 'select' => join(', ', @select),
- 'hashref' => {},
- 'extra_sql' => "$search $group_by",
- 'order_by' => "ORDER BY $orderby",
- 'addl_from' => $addl_from,
- };
-} else {
- #hmm... is this still used?
- $cgi->param('payinfo') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ or die "illegal payinfo";
- my $payinfo = $1;
- $cgi->param('payby') =~ /^(\w+)$/ or die "illegal payby";
- my $payby = $1;
- $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM($amount_field) FROM $table".
- " WHERE payinfo = '$payinfo' AND payby = '$payby'".
- " AND ". $curuser->agentnums_sql;
- @count_addl = ( '$%.2f total '.$opt{name_verb} );
- $sql_query = {
- 'table' => $table,
- 'hashref' => { 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
- 'payby' => $payby },
- 'extra_sql' => $curuser->agentnums_sql.
- " ORDER BY _date",
- };
-# for consistency
-$title = join('',map {ucfirst} split(/\b/,$title));
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/metasearch.html b/httemplate/search/elements/metasearch.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d3e3ce2..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/metasearch.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- include( 'elements/metasearch.html',
- ###
- # required
- ###
- 'title' => 'Page title',
- #arrayref of hashrefs suited for passing to elements/search.html
- #see that documentation
- 'search' => [
- {
- query => { 'table' => 'tablename',
- #everything else is optional...
- 'hashref' => { 'f1' => 'value',
- 'f2' => { 'op' => '<',
- 'value' => '54',
- },
- },
- 'select' => '*',
- 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY something',
- },
- count_query => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename',
- },
- {
- query => 'table' => 'anothertablename',
- count_query => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM anothertablename',
- },
- ],
- ###
- # optional
- ###
- # some HTML callbacks...
- 'menubar' => '', #menubar arrayref
- 'html_init' => '', #after the header/menubar and before the pager
- 'html_form' => '', #after the pager, right before the results
- # (only shown if there are results)
- # (use this for any form-opening tag rather than
- # html_init, to avoid a nested form)
- 'html_foot' => '', #at the bottom
- 'html_posttotal' => '', #at the bottom
- # (these three can be strings or coderefs)
- );
-% foreach my $search ( @{$opt{search}} ) {
-<% include('search.html',
- %$search,
- 'type' => $type,
- 'nohtmlheader' => 1,
- )
-% }
-my(%opt) = @_;
-#warn join(' / ', map { "$_ => $opt{$_}" } keys %opt ). "\n";
-my $type = $cgi->param('_type') =~ /^(csv|\w*\.xls|select|html(-print)?)$/
- ? $1 : 'html' ;
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html b/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af4e33dc..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- include( 'elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html',
- 'thing' => 'pay',
- 'name_singular' => 'payment',
- )
- include( 'elements/report_cust_pay_or_refund.html',
- 'thing' => 'refund',
- 'name_singular' => 'refund',
- )
-<% include('/elements/header.html', $title ) %>
-<FORM ACTION="<% $table %>.html" METHOD="GET">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="_date">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="unapplied" VALUE="<% $unapplied %>">
- <TR>
- <TH CLASS="background" COLSPAN=2 ALIGN="left">
- <FONT SIZE="+1">Search options</FONT>
- </TH>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><% ucfirst(PL($name_singular)) %> of type: </TD>
- <TD>
- <SELECT NAME="payby" onChange="payby_changed(this)">
- <OPTION VALUE="CARD">credit card (all)</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="CARD-VisaMC">credit card (Visa/MasterCard)</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="CARD-Amex">credit card (American Express)</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="CARD-Discover">credit card (Discover)</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="CARD-Maestro">credit card (Maestro/Switch/Solo)</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="CHEK">electronic check / ACH</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="PREP">prepaid card</OPTION>
- <OPTION VALUE="MCRD">manual credit card</OPTION>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- function payby_changed(what) {
- if ( what.options[what.selectedIndex].value == 'BILL' ) {
- document.getElementById('checkno_caption').style.color = '#000000';
- what.form.payinfo.disabled = false;
- = '#ffffff';
- } else {
- document.getElementById('checkno_caption').style.color = '#bbbbbb';
- what.form.payinfo.disabled = true;
- = '#dddddd';
- }
- }
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right"><FONT ID="checkno_caption" COLOR="#bbbbbb">Check #: </FONT></TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" DISABLED STYLE="background-color: #dddddd">
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <% include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html',
- 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('agentnum')),
- 'label' => 'for agent: ',
- 'disable_empty' => 0,
- )
- %>
- <% include( '/elements/tr-select-user.html' ) %>
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center">Payment</TD>
- <TD>
- <% include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html',
- layout => 'horiz',
- )
- %>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% if ( $void ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="center">Voided</TD>
- <TD>
- <% include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html',
- prefix => 'void',
- layout => 'horiz',
- )
- %>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <% include( '/elements/tr-input-lessthan_greaterthan.html',
- 'label' => 'Amount',
- 'field' => 'paid',
- )
- %>
-% if ( $table eq 'cust_pay' ) {
- <% include( '/elements/tr-checkbox.html',
- 'label' => 'Include tax names',
- 'field' => 'tax_names',
- 'value' => 1,
- )
- %>
-% }
-<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Report">
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-my %opt = @_;
-my $table = 'cust_'.$opt{'thing'};
-my $name_singular = $opt{'name_singular'};
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
-my $void = $cgi->param('void') ? 1 : 0;
-my $unapplied = $cgi->param('unapplied') ? 1 : 0;
-my $title = $void ? "Voided $name_singular report" :
- $unapplied ? "Unapplied $name_singular report" :
- "\u$name_singular report" ;
-$table .= '_void' if $void;
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search-csv.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search-csv.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb1b66d1..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search-csv.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-% $csv->combine(@$header); #or die $csv->status;
-<% $opt{no_csv_header} ? '' : $csv->string %>\
-% foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
-% if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
-% my @line = ();
-% foreach my $field ( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) {
-% if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
-% push @line, map {
-% ref($_) eq 'ARRAY'
-% ? '(N/A)' #unimplemented
-% : $_;
-% }
-% &{$field}($row);
-% } else {
-% push @line, $row->$field();
-% }
-% }
-% $csv->combine(@line); #or die $csv->status;
-% } else {
-% $csv->combine(@$row); #or die $csv->status;
-% }
-<% $csv->string %>\
-% }
-my %args = @_;
-my $header = $args{'header'};
-my $rows = $args{'rows'};
-my %opt = %{ $args{'opt'} };
-#http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' ); #IE chokes
-#http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/plain' );
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/csv' ); # So saith RFC 4180
-http_header('Content-Disposition' =>
- 'attachment;filename="'.($opt{'name'} || PL($opt{'name_singular'}) ).'.csv"');
-my $quote_char = '"';
-$quote_char = $opt{csv_quote} if exists($opt{csv_quote});
-my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS { 'always_quote' => $opt{avoid_quote} ? 0 : 1,
- 'eol' => "\n", #"\015\012", #"\012"
- };
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d6cc62691..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search-html.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-% if ( exists($opt{'redirect'}) && $opt{'redirect'}
-% && scalar(@$rows) == 1 && $total == 1
-% && $type ne 'html-print'
-% ) {
-% my $redirect = $opt{'redirect'};
-% $redirect = &{$redirect}($rows->[0], $cgi) if ref($redirect) eq 'CODE';
-% my( $url, $method ) = @$redirect;
-% redirect( $url. $rows->[0]->$method() );
-% } elsif ( exists($opt{'redirect_empty'}) && ! scalar(@$rows) && $total == 0
-% && $type ne 'html-print'
-% && $opt{'redirect_empty'}
-% && ( ref($opt{'redirect_empty'}) ne 'CODE'
-% || &{$opt{'redirect_empty'}}($cgi) )
-% ) {
-% my $redirect = $opt{'redirect_empty'};
-% $redirect = &{$redirect}($cgi) if ref($redirect) eq 'CODE';
-% redirect( $redirect );
-% } else {
-% if ( $opt{'name_singular'} ) {
-% $opt{'name'} = PL($opt{'name_singular'});
-% }
-% ( my $xlsname = $opt{'name'} ) =~ s/\W//g;
-% if ( $total == 1 ) {
-% if ( $opt{'name_singular'} ) {
-% $opt{'name'} = $opt{'name_singular'}
-% } else {
-% #$opt{'name'} =~ s/s$// if $total == 1;
-% $opt{'name'} =~ s/((s)e)?s$/$2/ if $total == 1;
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {
- <% $opt{nohtmlheader}
- ? ''
- : include( '/elements/header-popup.html', $opt{'title'} )
- %>
-% } elsif ( $type eq 'select' ) {
- <% $opt{nohtmlheader}
- ? ''
- : include( '/elements/header-popup.html', $opt{'title'} )
- %>
- <% defined($opt{'html_init'})
- ? ( ref($opt{'html_init'})
- ? &{$opt{'html_init'}}()
- : $opt{'html_init'}
- )
- : ''
- %>
-% } else {
-% my @menubar = ();
-% if ( $opt{'menubar'} ) {
-% @menubar = @{ $opt{'menubar'} };
-% #} else {
-% # @menubar = ( 'Main menu' => $p );
-% }
- <% $opt{nohtmlheader}
- ? ''
- : include( '/elements/header.html', $opt{'title'},
- include( '/elements/menubar.html', @menubar )
- )
- %>
- <% defined($opt{'html_init'})
- ? ( ref($opt{'html_init'})
- ? &{$opt{'html_init'}}()
- : $opt{'html_init'}
- )
- : ''
- %>
-% }
-% unless ( $total ) {
-% unless ( $opt{'disable_nonefound'} ) {
- No matching <% $opt{'name'} %> found.<BR>
-% }
-% }
-% if ( $total || $opt{'disableable'} ) { #hmm... and there *are* ones to show??
- <TR>
- <TD VALIGN="bottom">
- <FORM>
-% if (! $opt{'disable_total'}) {
- <% $total %> total <% $opt{'name'} %>
-% }
-% if ( $confmax && $total > $confmax
-% && ! $opt{'disable_maxselect'}
-% && $type ne 'html-print' )
-% {
-% $cgi->delete('maxrecords');
-% $cgi->param('_dummy', 1);
- ( show <SELECT NAME="maxrecords" onChange="window.location = '<% "$self_url?". $cgi->query_string %>;maxrecords=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
-% foreach my $max ( map { $_ * $confmax } qw( 1 5 10 25 ) ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $max %>" <% ( $maxrecords == $max ) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $max %></OPTION>
-% }
- </SELECT> per page )
-% $cgi->param('maxrecords', $maxrecords);
-% }
-% if ( defined($opt{'html_posttotal'}) && $type ne 'html-print' ) {
- <% ref($opt{'html_posttotal'})
- ? &{$opt{'html_posttotal'}}()
- : $opt{'html_posttotal'}
- %>
-% }
- <BR>
-% if ( $opt{'count_addl'} ) {
-% my $n=0;
-% foreach my $count ( @{$opt{'count_addl'}} ) {
-% my $data = $count_arrayref->[++$n];
-% if ( ref($count) ) {
- <% &{ $count }( $data ) %>
-% } else {
- <% sprintf( $count, $data ) %><BR>
-% }
-% }
-% }
- </FORM>
- </TD>
-% unless ( $opt{'disable_download'} || $type eq 'html-print' ) {
- <TD ALIGN="right">
- Download full results<BR>
-% $cgi->param('_type', "$xlsname.xls" );
- as <A HREF="<% "$self_url?". $cgi->query_string %>">Excel spreadsheet</A><BR>
-% $cgi->param('_type', 'csv');
- as <A HREF="<% "$self_url?". $cgi->query_string %>">CSV file</A><BR>
-% if ( defined($opt{xml_elements}) ) {
-% $cgi->param('_type', 'xml');
- as <A HREF="<% "$self_url?". $cgi->query_string %>">XML file</A><BR>
-% }
-% $cgi->param('_type', 'html-print');
- as <A HREF="<% "$self_url?". $cgi->query_string %>">printable copy</A>
- </TD>
-% $cgi->param('_type', "html" );
-% }
- </TR>
- <TR>
-% my $pager = '';
-% unless ( $type eq 'html_print' ) {
- <% $pager = include( '/elements/pager.html',
- 'offset' => $offset,
- 'num_rows' => scalar(@$rows),
- 'total' => $total,
- 'maxrecords' => $maxrecords,
- )
- %>
- <% defined($opt{'html_form'})
- ? ( ref($opt{'html_form'})
- ? &{$opt{'html_form'}}()
- : $opt{'html_form'}
- )
- : ''
- %>
-% }
- <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
- <TR>
-% my $h2 = 0;
-% my $colspan = 0;
-% my @fields = @{ $opt{'sort_fields'} || $opt{'fields'}};
-% my $order_by = $cgi->param('order_by');
-% foreach my $header ( @{ $opt{header} } ) {
-% my $field = shift @fields;
-% $colspan-- if $colspan > 0;
-% next if $colspan;
-% my $label = ref($header) ? $header->{label} : $header;
-% unless ( ref($field) || !$field ) {
-% if ( $order_by eq $field ) {
-% $cgi->param('order_by', "$field DESC");
-% } else {
-% $cgi->param('order_by', $field);
-% }
-% $label = qq(<A HREF="$self_url?). $cgi->query_string.
-% qq(">$label</A>);
-% }
-% $colspan = ref($header) ? $header->{colspan} : 0;
-% my $rowspan = 1;
-% my $style = '';
-% if ( $opt{header2} ) {
-% if ( !length($opt{header2}->[$h2]) ) {
-% $rowspan = 2;
-% splice @{ $opt{header2} }, $h2, 1;
-% } else {
-% $h2++;
-% $style = 'STYLE="border-bottom: none"'
-% }
-% }
- <TH CLASS = "grid"
- BGCOLOR = "#cccccc"
- ROWSPAN = "<% $rowspan %>"
- <% $colspan ? 'COLSPAN = "'.$colspan.'"' : '' %>
- <% $style %>
- >
- <% $label %>
- </TH>
-% }
- </TR>
-% if ( $opt{header2} ) {
- <TR>
-% foreach my $header ( @{ $opt{header2} } ) {
-% my $label = ref($header) ? $header->{label} : $header;
- <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
- <FONT SIZE="-1"><% $label %></FONT>
- </TH>
-% }
- </TR>
-% }
-% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-% my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-% my $bgcolor;
-% foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
-% if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-% } else {
-% $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-% }
- <TR>
-% if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
-% my $links = $opt{'links'} ? [ @{$opt{'links'}} ] : '';
-% my $onclicks = $opt{'link_onclicks'} ? [ @{$opt{'link_onclicks'}} ] : [];
-% my $aligns = $opt{'align'} ? [ @{$opt{'align'}} ] : '';
-% my $colors = $opt{'color'} ? [ @{$opt{'color'}} ] : [];
-% my $sizes = $opt{'size'} ? [ @{$opt{'size'}} ] : [];
-% my $styles = $opt{'style'} ? [ @{$opt{'style'}} ] : [];
-% my $cstyles = $opt{'cell_style'} ? [ @{$opt{'cell_style'}} ] : [];
-% foreach my $field (
-% map {
-% if ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-% my $tableref = $_;
-% join('', map {
-% my $rowref = $_;
-% '<tr>'.
-% join('', map {
-% my $e = $_;
-% '<TD '.
-% join(' ', map {
-% uc($_).'="'. $e->{$_}. '"';
-% }
-% grep exists($e->{$_}),
-% qw( align bgcolor colspan rowspan
-% style valign width )
-% ).
-% '>'.
-% ( $e->{'link'}
-% ? '<A HREF="'. $e->{'link'}. '">'
-% : ''
-% ).
-% ( $e->{'size'}
-% ? '<FONT SIZE="'.uc($e->{'size'}).'">'
-% : ''
-% ).
-% ( $e->{'data_style'}
-% ? '<'. uc($e->{'data_style'}). '>'
-% : ''
-% ).
-% $e->{'data'}.
-% ( $e->{'data_style'}
-% ? '</'. uc($e->{'data_style'}). '>'
-% : ''
-% ).
-% ( $e->{'size'} ? '</FONT>' : '' ).
-% ( $e->{'link'} ? '</A>' : '' ).
-% '</td>';
-% } @$rowref ).
-% '</tr>';
-% } @$tableref ).
-% '</table>';
-% } else {
-% $_;
-% }
-% }
-% map {
-% if ( ref($_) eq 'CODE' ) {
-% &{$_}($row);
-% } else {
-% $row->$_();
-% }
-% }
-% @{$opt{'fields'}}
-% ) {
-% my $class = ( $field =~ /^<TABLE/i ) ? 'inv' : 'grid';
-% my $align = $aligns ? shift @$aligns : '';
-% $align = " ALIGN=$align" if $align;
-% my $a = '';
-% if ( $links ) {
-% my $link = shift @$links;
-% my $onclick = shift @$onclicks;
-% if ( ! $opt{'agent_virt'}
-% || ( $null_link && ! $row->agentnum )
-% || grep { $row->agentnum == $_ }
-% @link_agentnums
-% ) {
-% $link = &{$link}($row)
-% if ref($link) eq 'CODE';
-% $onclick = &{$onclick}($row)
-% if ref($onclick) eq 'CODE';
-% $onclick = qq( onClick="$onclick") if $onclick;
-% if ( $link ) {
-% my( $url, $method ) = @{$link};
-% if ( ref($method) eq 'CODE' ) {
-% $a = $url. &{$method}($row);
-% } else {
-% $a = $url. $row->$method();
-% }
-% $a = qq(<A HREF="$a"$onclick>);
-% }
-% elsif ( $onclick ) {
-% $a = qq(<A HREF="javascript:void(0);"$onclick>);
-% }
-% }
-% }
-% my $font = '';
-% my $color = shift @$colors;
-% $color = &{$color}($row) if ref($color) eq 'CODE';
-% my $size = shift @$sizes;
-% $size = &{$size}($row) if ref($size) eq 'CODE';
-% if ( $color || $size ) {
-% $font = '<FONT '.
-% ( $color ? "COLOR=#$color " : '' ).
-% ( $size ? qq(SIZE="$size" ) : '' ).
-% '>';
-% }
-% my($s, $es) = ( '', '' );
-% my $style = shift @$styles;
-% $style = &{$style}($row) if ref($style) eq 'CODE';
-% if ( $style ) {
-% $s = join( '', map "<$_>", split('', $style) );
-% $es = join( '', map "</$_>", split('', $style) );
-% }
-% my $cstyle = shift @$cstyles;
-% $cstyle = &{$cstyle}($row) if ref($cstyle) eq 'CODE';
-% $cstyle = qq(STYLE="$cstyle")
-% if $cstyle;
- <TD CLASS="<% $class %>" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" <% $align %> <% $cstyle %>><% $font %><% $a %><% $s %><% $field %><% $es %><% $a ? '</A>' : '' %><% $font ? '</FONT>' : '' %></TD>
-% }
-% } else {
-% foreach ( @$row ) {
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $_ %></TD>
-% }
-% }
- </TR>
-% }
-% if ( $opt{'footer'} ) {
- <TR>
-% foreach my $footer ( @{ $opt{'footer'} } ) {
-% $footer = &{$footer}() if ref($footer) eq 'CODE';
- <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd" STYLE="border-top: dashed 1px black;"><i><% $footer %></i></TD>
-% }
- </TR>
-% }
- </TABLE>
- <% $pager %>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
-% }
-% if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {
-% unless ( $opt{nohtmlheader} ) {
- </BODY></HTML>
-% }
-% } else {
- <% defined($opt{'html_foot'})
- ? ( ref($opt{'html_foot'})
- ? &{$opt{'html_foot'}}()
- : $opt{'html_foot'}
- )
- : ''
- %>
- <% $opt{nohtmlheader}
- ? ''
- : include( '/elements/footer.html' )
- %>
-% }
-% }
-my %args = @_;
-my $type = $args{'type'};
-my $header = $args{'header'};
-my $rows = $args{'rows'};
-my @link_agentnums = @{ $args{'link_agentnums'} };
-my $null_link = $args{'null_link'};
-my $confmax = $args{'confmax'};
-my $maxrecords = $args{'maxrecords'};
-my $offset = $args{'offset'};
-my %opt = %{ $args{'opt'} };
-my $self_url = $opt{'url'} || $cgi->url('-path_info' => 1, '-full' =>1);
-my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($opt{'count_query'})
- or die "Error preparing $opt{'count_query'}: ". dbh->errstr;
- or die "Error executing $opt{'count_query'}: ". $count_sth->errstr;
-my $count_arrayref = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
-my $total = $count_arrayref->[0];
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search-xls.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search-xls.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8323f55de..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search-xls.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<% $data %>
-my %args = @_;
-my $type = $args{'type'};
-my $header = $args{'header'};
-my $rows = $args{'rows'};
-my %opt = %{ $args{'opt'} };
-#http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/excel' ); #eww
-#http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/msexcel' ); #alas
-#http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-msexcel' ); #?
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/' );
-http_header('Content-Disposition' =>
- 'attachment;filename="'.($opt{'name'} || PL($opt{'name_singular'}) ).'.xls"');
-$HTML::Mason::Commands::r->headers_out->{'Cache-control'} = 'max-age=0';
-my $data = '';
-my $XLS = new IO::Scalar \$data;
-my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($XLS)
- or die "Error opening .xls file: $!";
-my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(substr($opt{'title'},0,31));
-my($r,$c) = (0,0);
-my $header_format = $workbook->add_format(
- bold => 1,
- locked => 1,
- bg_color => 55, #22,
- bottom => 3,
-$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_, $header_format ) foreach @$header;
-foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
- $r++;
- $c = 0;
- if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
- #my $links = $opt{'links'} ? [ @{$opt{'links'}} ] : '';
- #my $aligns = $opt{'align'} ? [ @{$opt{'align'}} ] : '';
- #could also translate color, size, style into xls equivalents?
- my $formats = $opt{'xls_format'} ? [ @{$opt{'xls_format'}} ] : [];
- foreach my $field ( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) {
- my $format = shift @$formats;
- $format = &{$format}($row) if ref($format) eq 'CODE';
- $format ||= {};
- my $xls_format = $workbook->add_format(locked=>0, %$format);
- if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
- foreach my $value ( &{$field}($row) ) {
- if ( ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- $worksheet->write($r, $c++, '(N/A)' ); #unimplemented
- } else {
- $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $value, $xls_format );
- }
- }
- } else {
- $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $row->$field(), $xls_format );
- }
- }
- } else {
- my $xls_format = $workbook->add_format(locked=>0);
- $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_, $xls_format ) foreach @$row;
- }
-$workbook->close();# or die "Error creating .xls file: $!";
-http_header('Content-Length' => length($data) );
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search-xml.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search-xml.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b191610..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search-xml.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-% foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
-% if (&{$beginrow}($row)){
-<% &{$beginrow}($row) %>
-% }
-% foreach my $i ( 0 .. scalar( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) - 1 ) {
-% my $field = $opt{'fields'}->[$i];
-% my $value = '';
-% if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
-% $value = &{$field}($row);
-% $value = '(N/A)' #unimplemented
-% if ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
-% } else {
-% $value = $row->$field();
-% }
-% next unless ($value || !$opt{xml_omit_empty});
-<% &{$beginfield}($row, $i) %><% $value |h %><% &{$endfield}($row, $i) %>
-% }
-% if (&{$endrow}($row)) {
-<% &{$endrow}($row) %>
-% }
-% }
-my %args = @_;
-my $header = $args{'header'};
-my $rows = $args{'rows'};
-my %opt = %{ $args{'opt'} };
-http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/XML' ); # So saith RFC 4180
-http_header('Content-Disposition' =>
- 'attachment;filename="'.($opt{'name'} || PL($opt{'name_singular'}) ).'.xml"');
-unless ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
- foreach my $i ( 0 .. ( $#{ @$rows[0] } ) ) {
- $opt{'fields'}->[$i] = sub { my $row = shift; $row->[$i]; };
- }
-my $beginrow = sub { return ''; };
-my $endrow = sub { return ''; };
-if ($opt{xml_row_element}) {
- $beginrow = sub { my ($row, $index) = @_;
- my $value;
- if ( ref($opt{xml_row_element}) eq 'CODE' ) {
- $value = &{$opt{xml_row_element}}($row);
- } else {
- $value = $opt{xml_row_element};
- }
- return "<$value>";
- };
- $endrow = sub { my ($row, $index) = @_;
- my $value;
- if ( ref($opt{xml_row_element}) eq 'CODE' ) {
- $value = &{$opt{xml_row_element}}($row);
- } else {
- $value = $opt{xml_row_element};
- }
- return "</$value>";
- };
-my $beginfield = sub { my ($row, $index) = @_;
- my $value;
- if ( ref($opt{xml_elements}->[$index]) eq 'CODE' ) {
- $value = &{$opt{xml_elements}->[$index]}($row);
- } else {
- $value = $opt{xml_elements}->[$index];
- }
- return "<$value>";
- };
-my $endfield = sub { my ($row, $index) = @_;
- my $value;
- if ( ref($opt{xml_elements}->[$index]) eq 'CODE' ) {
- $value = &{$opt{xml_elements}->[$index]}($row);
- } else {
- $value = $opt{xml_elements}->[$index];
- }
- return "</$value>";
- };
-$beginfield = sub { return ''; } if $opt{no_field_elements}; #hmm
-$endfield = sub { return ''; } if $opt{no_field_elements}; #hmm
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e9f086a..000000000
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
- include( 'elements/search.html',
- ###
- # required
- ###
- 'title' => 'Page title',
- 'name_singular' => 'item', #singular name for the records returned
- #OR# # (preferred, will be pluralized automatically)
- 'name' => 'items', #plural name for the records returned
- # (deprecated, will be singularlized
- # simplisticly)
- #literal SQL query string (deprecated?) or qsearch hashref or arrayref
- #of qsearch hashrefs for a union of qsearches
- 'query' => {
- 'table' => 'tablename',
- #everything else is optional...
- 'hashref' => { 'field' => 'value',
- 'field' => { 'op' => '<',
- 'value' => '54',
- },
- },
- 'select' => '*',
- 'addl_from' => '', #'LEFT JOIN othertable USING ( key )',
- 'extra_sql' => '', #'AND otherstuff', #'WHERE onlystuff',
- 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY something',
- },
- # "select * from tablename";
- #required unless 'query' is an SQL query string (shouldn't be...)
- 'count_query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename',
- ###
- # recommended / common
- ###
- #listref of column labels, <TH>
- #recommended unless 'query' is an SQL query string
- # (if not specified the database column names will be used)
- 'header' => [ '#',
- 'Item',
- { 'label' => 'Another Item',
- },
- ],
- #listref - each item is a literal column name (or method) or coderef
- #if not specified all columns will be shown
- 'fields' => [
- 'column',
- sub { my $row = shift; $row->column; },
- ],
- #redirect if there's only one item...
- # listref of URL base and column name (or method)
- # or a coderef that returns the same
- 'redirect' => sub { my( $record, $cgi ) = @_;
- [ popurl(2).'view/item.html', 'primary_key' ];
- },
- #redirect if there's no items
- # scalar URL or a coderef that returns a URL
- 'redirect_empty' => sub { my( $cgi ) = @_;
- popurl(2).'view/item.html';
- },
- ###
- # optional
- ###
- # some HTML callbacks...
- 'menubar' => '', #menubar arrayref
- 'html_init' => '', #after the header/menubar and before the pager
- 'html_form' => '', #after the pager, right before the results
- # (only shown if there are results)
- # (use this for any form-opening tag rather than
- # html_init, to avoid a nested form)
- 'html_foot' => '', #at the bottom
- 'html_posttotal' => '', #at the bottom
- # (these three can be strings or coderefs)
- 'count_addl' => [], #additional count fields listref of sprintf strings or coderefs
- # [ $money_char.'%.2f total paid', ],
- #second (smaller) header line, currently only for HTML
- 'header2 => [ '#',
- 'Item',
- { 'label' => 'Another Item',
- },
- ],
- #listref of column footers
- 'footer' => [],
- #disabling things
- 'disable_download' => '', # set true to hide the CSV/Excel download links
- 'disable_total' => '', # set true to hide the total"
- 'disable_maxselect' => '', # set true to disable record/page selection
- 'disable_nonefound' => '', # set true to disable the "No matching Xs found"
- # message
- #handling "disabled" fields in the records
- 'disableable' => 1, # set set to 1 (or column position for "disabled"
- # status col) to enable if this table has a "disabled"
- # field, to hide disabled records & have
- # "show disabled/hide disabled" links
- #(can't be used with a literal query)
- 'disabled_statuspos' => 3, #optional position (starting from 0) to insert
- #a Status column when showing disabled records
- #(query needs to be a qsearch hashref and
- # header & fields need to be defined)
- #handling agent virtualization
- 'agent_virt' => 1, # set true if this search should be
- # agent-virtualized
- 'agent_null' => 1, # set true to view global records always
- 'agent_null_right' => 'Access Right', # optional right to view global
- # records
- 'agent_null_right_link' => 'Access Right' # optional right to link to
- # global records; defaults to
- # same as agent_null_right
- 'agent_pos' => 3, # optional position (starting from 0) to
- # insert an Agent column (query needs to be a
- # qsearch hashref and header & fields need to
- # be defined)
- # sort, link & display properties for fields
- 'sort_fields' => [], #optional list of field names or SQL expressions for
- # sorts
- #listref - each item is the empty string,
- # or a listref of link and method name to append,
- # or a listref of link and coderef to run and append
- # or a coderef that returns such a listref
- 'links' => [],`
- #listref - each item is the empty string,
- # or a string onClick handler for the corresponding link
- # or a coderef that returns string onClick handler
- 'link_onclicks' => [],
- #one letter for each column, left/right/center/none
- # or pass a listref with full values: [ 'left', 'right', 'center', '' ]
- 'align' => 'lrc.',
- #listrefs of ( scalars or coderefs )
- # currently only HTML, maybe eventually Excel too
- 'color' => [],
- 'size' => [],
- 'style' => [], #<B> or <I>, etc.
- 'cell_style' => [], #STYLE= attribute of TR, very HTML-specific...
- # Excel-specific listref of ( hashrefs or coderefs )
- # each hashref:
- 'xls_format' => => [],
- )
-% if ( $type eq 'csv' ) {
-<% include('search-csv.html', header=>$header, rows=>$rows, opt=>\%opt ) %>
-% #} elsif ( $type eq 'excel' ) {
-% } elsif ( $type =~ /\.xls$/ ) {
-<% include('search-xls.html', header=>$header, rows=>$rows, opt=>\%opt ) %>
-% } elsif ( $type eq 'xml' ) {
-<% include('search-xml.html', rows=>$rows, opt=>\%opt ) %>
-% } else { # regular HTML
-<% include('search-html.html',
- type => $type,
- header => $header,
- rows => $rows,
- link_agentnums => \@link_agentnums,
- null_link => $null_link,
- confmax => $confmax,
- maxrecords => $maxrecords,
- offset => $offset,
- opt => \%opt
- )
-% }
-my(%opt) = @_;
-#warn join(' / ', map { "$_ => $opt{$_}" } keys %opt ). "\n";
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-my $type = $cgi->param('_type') =~ /^(csv|\w*\.xls|xml|select|html(-print)?)$/
- ? $1 : 'html' ;
-my %align = (
- 'l' => 'left',
- 'r' => 'right',
- 'c' => 'center',
- ' ' => '',
- '.' => '',
-$opt{align} = [ map $align{$_}, split(//, $opt{align}) ],
- unless !$opt{align} || ref($opt{align});
-if($type =~ /csv|xls/) {
- my $h = $opt{'header'};
- my @del;
- my $i = 0;
- do {
- if( ref($h->[$i]) and exists($h->[$i]->{'nodownload'}) ) {
- splice(@{$opt{$_}}, $i, 1) foreach
- qw(header footer fields links link_onclicks
- align color size style cell_style xls_format);
- }
- else {
- $i++;
- }
- } while ( exists($h->[$i]) );
-# wtf?
-$opt{disable_download} = 0
- if $opt{disable_download} && $curuser->access_right('Configuration download');
-$opt{disable_download} = 1
- if $opt{really_disable_download};
-my @link_agentnums = ();
-my $null_link = '';
-if ( $opt{'agent_virt'} ) {
- @link_agentnums = $curuser->agentnums;
- $null_link = $curuser->access_right( $opt{'agent_null_right_link'}
- || $opt{'agent_null_right'} );
- my $agentnums_sql = $curuser->agentnums_sql(
- 'null' => $opt{'agent_null'},
- 'null_right' => $opt{'agent_null_right'},
- 'table' => $opt{'query'}{'table'},
- );
- $opt{'query'}{'extra_sql'} .=
- ( $opt{'query'}{'extra_sql'} =~ /WHERE/i || keys %{$opt{'query'}{'hashref'}}
- ? ' AND '
- : ' WHERE ' ). $agentnums_sql;
- $opt{'count_query'} .=
- ( $opt{'count_query'} =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). $agentnums_sql;
- if ( $opt{'agent_pos'} || $opt{'agent_pos'} eq '0'
- and scalar($curuser->agentnums) > 1 ) {
- #false laziness w/statuspos above
- my $pos = $opt{'agent_pos'};
- foreach my $att (qw( align color size style cell_style xls_format )) {
- $opt{$att} ||= [ map '', @{ $opt{'fields'} } ];
- }
- splice @{ $opt{'header'} }, $pos, 0, 'Agent';
- splice @{ $opt{'align'} }, $pos, 0, 'c';
- splice @{ $opt{'style'} }, $pos, 0, '';
- splice @{ $opt{'size'} }, $pos, 0, '';
- splice @{ $opt{'fields'} }, $pos, 0,
- sub { $_[0]->agentnum ? $_[0]->agent->agent : '(global)'; };
- splice @{ $opt{'color'} }, $pos, 0, '';
- splice @{ $opt{'links'} }, $pos, 0, '' #[ 'agent link?', 'agentnum' ]
- if $opt{'links'};
- splice @{ $opt{'link_onclicks'} }, $pos, 0, ''
- if $opt{'link_onclicks'};
- }
-if ( $opt{'disableable'} ) {
- unless ( $cgi->param('showdisabled') ) { #modify searches
- $opt{'query'}{'hashref'}{'disabled'} = '';
- $opt{'query'}{'extra_sql'} =~ s/^\s*WHERE/ AND/i;
- $opt{'count_query'} .=
- ( $opt{'count_query'} =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
- "( disabled = '' OR disabled IS NULL )";
- } elsif ( $opt{'disabled_statuspos'}
- || $opt{'disabled_statuspos'} eq '0' ) { #add status column
- my $pos = $opt{'disabled_statuspos'};
- foreach my $att (qw( align style color size )) {
- $opt{$att} ||= [ map '', @{ $opt{'fields'} } ];
- }
- splice @{ $opt{'header'} }, $pos, 0, 'Status';
- splice @{ $opt{'align'} }, $pos, 0, 'c';
- splice @{ $opt{'style'} }, $pos, 0, 'b';
- splice @{ $opt{'size'} }, $pos, 0, '';
- splice @{ $opt{'fields'} }, $pos, 0,
- sub { shift->disabled ? 'DISABLED' : 'Active'; };
- splice @{ $opt{'color'} }, $pos, 0,
- sub { shift->disabled ? 'FF0000' : '00CC00'; };
- splice @{ $opt{'links'} }, $pos, 0, ''
- if $opt{'links'};
- splice @{ $opt{'link_onlicks'} }, $pos, 0, ''
- if $opt{'link_onlicks'};
- }
- #add show/hide disabled links
- my $items = $opt{'name'} || PL($opt{'name_singular'});
- if ( $cgi->param('showdisabled') ) {
- $cgi->param('showdisabled', 0);
- $opt{'html_posttotal'} .=
- '( <a href="'. $cgi->self_url. qq!">hide disabled $items</a> )!; #"
- $cgi->param('showdisabled', 1);
- } else {
- $cgi->param('showdisabled', 1);
- $opt{'html_posttotal'} .=
- '( <a href="'. $cgi->self_url. qq!">show disabled $items</a> )!; #"
- $cgi->param('showdisabled', 0);
- }
-my $limit = '';
-my($confmax, $maxrecords, $offset );
-unless ( $type =~ /^(csv|\w*.xls)$/) {
-# html mode
- unless (exists($opt{count_query}) && length($opt{count_query})) {
- ( $opt{count_query} = $opt{query} ) =~
- s/^\s*SELECT\s*(.*?)\s+FROM\s/SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /i; #silly vim:/
- }
- if ( $opt{disableable} && ! $cgi->param('showdisabled') ) {
- $opt{count_query} .=
- ( ( $opt{count_query} =~ /WHERE/i ) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
- "( disabled = '' OR disabled IS NULL )";
- }
- unless ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {
- #setup some pagination things if we're in html mode
- my $conf = new FS::Conf;
- $confmax = $conf->config('maxsearchrecordsperpage');
- if ( $cgi->param('maxrecords') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- $maxrecords = $1;
- } else {
- $maxrecords ||= $confmax;
- }
- $limit = $maxrecords ? "LIMIT $maxrecords" : '';
- $offset = $cgi->param('offset') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? $1 : 0;
- $limit .= " OFFSET $offset" if $offset;
- }
-#order by override
-my $order_by = '';
-#if ( $cgi->param('order_by') =~ /^([\w\, ]+)$/ ) {
-# $order_by = $1;
-$order_by = $cgi->param('order_by') if $cgi->param('order_by');
-# run the query
-my $header = [ map { ref($_) ? $_->{'label'} : $_ } @{$opt{header}} ];
-my $rows;
-if ( ref($opt{query}) ) {
- my @query;
- if (ref($opt{query}) eq 'HASH') {
- @query = ( $opt{query} );
- if ( $order_by ) {
- if ( $opt{query}->{'order_by'} ) {
- if ( $opt{query}->{'order_by'} =~ /^(\s*ORDER\s+BY\s+)?(\S.*)$/is ) {
- $opt{query}->{'order_by'} = "ORDER BY $order_by, $2";
- } else {
- warn "unparsable query order_by: ". $opt{query}->{'order_by'};
- die "unparsable query order_by: ". $opt{query}->{'order_by'};
- }
- } else {
- $opt{query}->{'order_by'} = "ORDER BY $order_by";
- }
- }
- } elsif (ref($opt{query}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- @query = @{ $opt{query} };
- } else {
- die "invalid query reference";
- }
- if ( $opt{disableable} && ! $cgi->param('showdisabled') ) {
- #%search = ( 'disabled' => '' );
- $opt{'query'}->{'hashref'}->{'disabled'} = '';
- $opt{'query'}->{'extra_sql'} =~ s/^\s*WHERE/ AND/i;
- }
- #eval "use FS::$opt{'query'};";
- my @param = qw( select table addl_from hashref extra_sql order_by );
- $rows = [ qsearch( [ map { my $query = $_;
- ({ map { $_ => $query->{$_} } @param });
- }
- @query
- ],
- 'order_by' => $opt{order_by}. " ". $limit,
- )
- ];
-} else {
- my $sth = dbh->prepare("$opt{'query'} $limit")
- or die "Error preparing $opt{'query'}: ". dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute
- or die "Error executing $opt{'query'}: ". $sth->errstr;
- #can get # of rows without fetching them all?
- $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
- $header ||= $sth->{NAME};