path: root/httemplate/search/elements/search.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/search/elements/search.html')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/search/elements/search.html b/httemplate/search/elements/search.html
index fba8ee815..fbedcaa26 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/elements/search.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/elements/search.html
@@ -1,8 +1,59 @@
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $maxrecords = $conf->config('maxsearchrecordsperpage');
+ my %opt = @_;
+ unless (exists($opt{'count_query'}) && length($opt{'count_query'})) {
+ ( $opt{'count_query'} = $opt{'query'} ) =~
+ s/^\s*SELECT\s*(.*)\s+FROM\s/SELECT COUNT(*) FROM /i;
+ }
-my $limit = $maxrecords ? "LIMIT $maxrecords" : '';
+ my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+ my $maxrecords = $conf->config('maxsearchrecordsperpage');
+ my $limit = $maxrecords ? "LIMIT $maxrecords" : '';
+ my $offset = $cgi->param('offset') || 0;
+ $limit .= " OFFSET $offset" if $offset;
+ my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($opt{'count_query'})
+ or die "Error preparing $opt{'count_query'}: ". dbh->errstr;
+ $count_sth->execute
+ or die "Error executing $opt{'count_query'}: ". $count_sth->errstr;
+ my $total = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+ my $sth = dbh->prepare("$opt{'query'} $limit")
+ or die "Error preparing $opt{'query'}: ". dbh->errstr;
+ $sth->execute
+ or die "Error executing $opt{'query'}: ". $sth->errstr;
+ #can get # of rows without fetching them all?
+ my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
+<!-- mason kludge -->
+<% my $pager = include ( '/elements/pager.html',
+ 'offset' => $offset,
+ 'num_rows' => scalar(@$rows),
+ 'total' => $total,
+ 'maxrecords' => $maxrecords,
+ );
+<%= $total %> total <%= $opt{'name'} %><BR><BR><%= $pager %>
+<%= include( '/elements/table.html' ) %>
+ <TR>
+ <% foreach ( @{$sth->{NAME}} ) { %>
+ <TH><%= $_ %></TH>
+ <% } %>
+ </TR>
+ <% foreach my $row ( @$rows ) { %>
+ <TR>
+ <% foreach ( @$row ) { %>
+ <TD><%= $_ %></TD>
+ <% } %>
+ </TR>
+ <% } %>
+<%= $pager %>