path: root/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 606 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi b/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index 96de75b..0000000
--- a/httemplate/search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-<% include( 'elements/search.html',
- 'title' => 'Line items',
- 'name' => 'line items',
- 'query' => $query,
- 'count_query' => $count_query,
- 'count_addl' => [ $money_char. '%.2f total',
- $unearned ? ( $money_char. '%.2f unearned revenue' ) : (),
- ],
- 'header' => [
- #'#',
- 'Description',
- ( $unearned
- ? ( 'Unearned', 'Owed', 'Payment date' )
- : ( 'Setup charge' )
- ),
- ( $use_usage eq 'usage'
- ? 'Usage charge'
- : 'Recurring charge'
- ),
- ( $unearned
- ? ( 'Charge start', 'Charge end' )
- : ()
- ),
- 'Invoice',
- 'Date',
- FS::UI::Web::cust_header(),
- ],
- 'fields' => [
- #'billpkgnum',
- sub { $_[0]->pkgnum > 0
- ? $_[0]->get('pkg') # possibly use override.pkg
- : $_[0]->get('itemdesc') # but i think this correct
- },
- #strikethrough or "N/A ($amount)" or something these when
- # they're not applicable to pkg_tax search
- sub { my $cust_bill_pkg = shift;
- if ( $unearned ) {
- my $period =
- $cust_bill_pkg->edate - $cust_bill_pkg->sdate;
- my $elapsed = $unearned - $cust_bill_pkg->sdate;
- $elapsed = 0 if $elapsed < 0;
- my $remaining = 1 - $elapsed/$period;
- sprintf($money_char. '%.2f',
- $remaining * $cust_bill_pkg->recur );
- } else {
- sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', $cust_bill_pkg->setup );
- }
- },
- ( $unearned
- ? ( $owed_sub, $payment_date_sub, )
- : ()
- ),
- sub { my $row = shift;
- my $value = 0;
- if ( $use_usage eq 'recurring' ) {
- $value = $row->recur - $row->usage;
- } elsif ( $use_usage eq 'usage' ) {
- $value = $row->usage;
- } else {
- $value = $row->recur;
- }
- sprintf($money_char.'%.2f', $value );
- },
- ( $unearned
- ? ( sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->sdate ) },
- sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->edate ) },
- )
- : ()
- ),
- 'invnum',
- sub { time2str('%b %d %Y', shift->_date ) },
- \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields,
- ],
- 'sort_fields' => [
- 'setup', #broken in $unearned case i guess
- ( $unearned ? ('', '') : () ),
- ( $use_usage eq 'recurring' ? 'recur - usage' :
- $use_usage eq 'usage' ? 'usage'
- : 'recur'
- ),
- ( $unearned ? ('sdate', 'edate') : () ),
- 'invnum',
- '_date',
- ],
- 'links' => [
- #'',
- '',
- '',
- ( $unearned ? ( '', '' ) : () ),
- '',
- ( $unearned ? ( '', '' ) : () ),
- $ilink,
- $ilink,
- ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $clink : '' }
- FS::UI::Web::cust_header()
- ),
- ],
- #'align' => 'rlrrrc'.FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
- 'align' => 'lr'.
- ( $unearned ? 'rc' : '' ).
- 'r'.
- ( $unearned ? 'cc' : '' ).
- 'rc'.
- FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(),
- 'color' => [
- #'',
- '',
- '',
- ( $unearned ? ( '', '' ) : () ),
- '',
- ( $unearned ? ( '', '' ) : () ),
- '',
- '',
- FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(),
- ],
- 'style' => [
- #'',
- '',
- '',
- ( $unearned ? ( '', '' ) : () ),
- '',
- ( $unearned ? ( '', '' ) : () ),
- '',
- '',
- FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(),
- ],
- )
-#LOTS of false laziness below w/cust_credit_bill_pkg.cgi
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $unearned = '';
-#here is the agent virtualization
-my $agentnums_sql =
- $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql( 'table' => 'cust_main' );
-my @where = ( $agentnums_sql );
-my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
-push @where, "_date >= $beginning",
- "_date <= $ending";
-if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- push @where, "cust_main.agentnum = $1";
-# not specified: all classes
-# 0: empty class
-# N: classnum
-my $use_override = $cgi->param('use_override');
-if ( $cgi->param('classnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- my $comparison = '';
- if ( $1 == 0 ) {
- $comparison = "IS NULL";
- } else {
- $comparison = "= $1";
- }
- if ( $use_override ) {
- push @where, "(
- part_pkg.classnum $comparison AND pkgpart_override IS NULL OR
- override.classnum $comparison AND pkgpart_override IS NOT NULL
- )";
- } else {
- push @where, "part_pkg.classnum $comparison";
- }
-if ( $cgi->param('taxclass')
- && ! $cgi->param('istax') #no part_pkg.taxclass in this case
- #(should we save a taxclass or a link to taxnum
- # in cust_bill_pkg or something like
- # cust_bill_pkg_tax_location?)
- )
- #override taxclass when use_override is specified? probably
- #if ( $use_override ) {
- #
- # push @where,
- # ' ( '. join(' OR ',
- # map {
- # ' ( part_pkg.taxclass = '. dbh->quote($_).
- # ' AND pkgpart_override IS NULL '.
- # ' OR '.
- # ' override.taxclass = '. dbh->quote($_).
- # ' AND pkgpart_override IS NOT NULL '.
- # ' ) '
- # }
- # $cgi->param('taxclass')
- # ).
- # ' ) ';
- #
- #} else {
- push @where,
- ' ( '. join(' OR ',
- map ' part_pkg.taxclass = '.dbh->quote($_),
- $cgi->param('taxclass')
- ).
- ' ) ';
- #}
-my @loc_param = qw( city county state country );
-if ( $cgi->param('out') ) {
- my ( $loc_sql, @param ) = FS::cust_pkg->location_sql( 'ornull' => 1 );
- while ( $loc_sql =~ /\?/ ) { #easier to do our own substitution
- $loc_sql =~ s/\?/'cust_main_county.'.shift(@param)/e;
- }
- $loc_sql =~ s/cust_pkg\.locationnum/cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.locationnum/g
- if $cgi->param('istax');
- push @where, "
- 0 = (
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county
- WHERE > 0
- AND $loc_sql
- )
- ";
- #not linked to by anything, but useful for debugging "out of taxable region"
- if ( grep $cgi->param($_), @loc_param ) {
- my %ph = map { $_ => dbh->quote( scalar($cgi->param($_)) ) } @loc_param;
- my ( $loc_sql, @param ) = FS::cust_pkg->location_sql;
- while ( $loc_sql =~ /\?/ ) { #easier to do our own substitution
- $loc_sql =~ s/\?/$ph{shift(@param)}/e;
- }
- push @where, $loc_sql;
- }
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('country') ) {
- my @counties = $cgi->param('county');
- if ( scalar(@counties) > 1 ) {
- #hacky, could be more efficient. care if it is ever used for more than the
- # tax-report_groups filtering kludge
- my $locs_sql =
- ' ( '. join(' OR ', map {
- my %ph = ( 'county' => dbh->quote($_),
- map { $_ => dbh->quote( $cgi->param($_) ) }
- qw( city state country )
- );
- my ( $loc_sql, @param ) = FS::cust_pkg->location_sql;
- while ( $loc_sql =~ /\?/ ) { #easier to do our own substitution
- $loc_sql =~ s/\?/$ph{shift(@param)}/e;
- }
- $loc_sql;
- } @counties
- ). ' ) ';
- push @where, $locs_sql;
- } else {
- my %ph = map { $_ => dbh->quote( scalar($cgi->param($_)) ) } @loc_param;
- my ( $loc_sql, @param ) = FS::cust_pkg->location_sql;
- while ( $loc_sql =~ /\?/ ) { #easier to do our own substitution
- $loc_sql =~ s/\?/$ph{shift(@param)}/e;
- }
- push @where, $loc_sql;
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('istax') ) {
- if ( $cgi->param('taxname') ) {
- push @where, 'itemdesc = '. dbh->quote( $cgi->param('taxname') );
- #} elsif ( $cgi->param('taxnameNULL') {
- } else {
- push @where, "( itemdesc IS NULL OR itemdesc = '' OR itemdesc = 'Tax' )";
- }
- } elsif ( $cgi->param('nottax') ) {
- #what can we usefully do with "taxname" ???? look up a class???
- } else {
- #warn "neither nottax nor istax parameters specified";
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('taxclassNULL') ) {
- my %hash = ( 'country' => scalar($cgi->param('country')) );
- foreach (qw( state county )) {
- $hash{$_} = scalar($cgi->param($_)) if $cgi->param($_);
- }
- my $cust_main_county = qsearchs('cust_main_county', \%hash);
- die "unknown base region for empty taxclass" unless $cust_main_county;
- my $same_sql = $cust_main_county->sql_taxclass_sameregion;
- push @where, $same_sql if $same_sql;
- }
-} elsif ( scalar( grep( /locationtaxid/, $cgi->param ) ) ) {
- # this should really be shoved out to FS::cust_pkg->location_sql or something
- # along with the code in report_newtax.cgi
- my %pn = (
- 'county' => 'tax_rate_location.county',
- 'state' => 'tax_rate_location.state',
- 'city' => '',
- 'locationtaxid' => 'cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location.locationtaxid',
- );
- my %ph = map { ( $pn{$_} => dbh->quote( $cgi->param($_) || '' ) ) }
- qw( city county state locationtaxid );
- push @where,
- join( ' AND ', map { "( $_ = $ph{$_} OR $ph{$_} = '' AND $_ IS NULL)" }
- keys %ph
- );
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('unearned_now') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- $unearned = $1;
- push @where, "cust_bill_pkg.sdate < $unearned",
- "cust_bill_pkg.edate > $unearned",
- "cust_bill_pkg.recur != 0",
- "part_pkg.freq != '0'",
- "part_pkg.freq != '1'",
- "part_pkg.freq NOT LIKE '%h'",
- "part_pkg.freq NOT LIKE '%d'",
- "part_pkg.freq NOT LIKE '%w'";
-if ( $cgi->param('itemdesc') ) {
- if ( $cgi->param('itemdesc') eq 'Tax' ) {
- push @where, "(itemdesc='Tax' OR itemdesc is null)";
- } else {
- push @where, 'itemdesc='. dbh->quote($cgi->param('itemdesc'));
- }
-if ( $cgi->param('report_group') =~ /^(=|!=) (.*)$/ && $cgi->param('istax') ) {
- my ( $group_op, $group_value ) = ( $1, $2 );
- if ( $group_op eq '=' ) {
- #push @where, 'itemdesc LIKE '. dbh->quote($group_value.'%');
- push @where, 'itemdesc = '. dbh->quote($group_value);
- } elsif ( $group_op eq '!=' ) {
- push @where, '( itemdesc != '. dbh->quote($group_value) .' OR itemdesc IS NULL )';
- } else {
- die "guru meditation #00de: group_op $group_op\n";
- }
-push @where, 'cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum != 0' if $cgi->param('nottax');
-push @where, 'cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0' if $cgi->param('istax');
-if ( $cgi->param('cust_tax') ) {
- #false laziness -ish w/report_tax.cgi
- my $cust_exempt;
- if ( $cgi->param('taxname') ) {
- my $q_taxname = dbh->quote($cgi->param('taxname'));
- $cust_exempt =
- "( tax = 'Y'
- OR EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM cust_main_exemption
- WHERE cust_main_exemption.custnum = cust_main.custnum
- AND cust_main_exemption.taxname = $q_taxname )
- )
- ";
- } else {
- $cust_exempt = " tax = 'Y' ";
- }
- push @where, $cust_exempt;
-my $use_usage = $cgi->param('use_usage');
-my $count_query;
-if ( $cgi->param('pkg_tax') ) {
- $count_query =
- SUM(
- ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
- THEN cust_bill_pkg.setup
- ELSE 0
- )
- +
- ( CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
- THEN cust_bill_pkg.recur
- ELSE 0
- )
- )
- ";
- push @where, "( ( part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.setup > 0 )
- OR ( part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y' AND cust_bill_pkg.recur > 0 ) )",
- "( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )";
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('taxable') ) {
- my $setup_taxable = "(
- CASE WHEN part_pkg.setuptax = 'Y'
- THEN 0
- ELSE cust_bill_pkg.setup
- )";
- my $recur_taxable = "(
- CASE WHEN part_pkg.recurtax = 'Y'
- THEN 0
- ELSE cust_bill_pkg.recur
- )";
- my $exempt = "(
- SELECT COALESCE( SUM(amount), 0 ) FROM cust_tax_exempt_pkg
- WHERE cust_tax_exempt_pkg.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum
- )";
- $count_query =
- "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM( $setup_taxable + $recur_taxable - $exempt )";
- push @where,
- #not tax-exempt package (setup or recur)
- "(
- ( ( part_pkg.setuptax != 'Y' OR part_pkg.setuptax IS NULL )
- AND cust_bill_pkg.setup > 0 )
- OR
- ( ( part_pkg.recurtax != 'Y' OR part_pkg.recurtax IS NULL )
- AND cust_bill_pkg.recur > 0 )
- )",
- #not a tax_exempt customer
- "( tax != 'Y' OR tax IS NULL )";
- #not covered in full by a monthly tax exemption (texas tax)
- "0 < ( $setup_taxable + $recur_taxable - $exempt )",
-} else {
- $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*), ";
- if ( $use_usage eq 'recurring' ) {
- $count_query .= "SUM(setup + recur - usage)";
- } elsif ( $use_usage eq 'usage' ) {
- $count_query .= "SUM(usage)";
- } elsif ( $unearned ) {
- $count_query .= "SUM(cust_bill_pkg.recur)";
- } else {
- $count_query .= "SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup + cust_bill_pkg.recur)";
- }
- if ( $unearned ) {
- #false laziness w/report_prepaid_income.cgi
- my $float = 'REAL'; #'DOUBLE PRECISION';
- my $period = "CAST(cust_bill_pkg.edate - cust_bill_pkg.sdate AS $float)";
- my $elapsed = "(CASE WHEN cust_bill_pkg.sdate > $unearned
- THEN 0
- ELSE ($unearned - cust_bill_pkg.sdate)
- END)";
- #my $elapsed = "CAST($unearned - cust_bill_pkg.sdate AS $float)";
- my $remaining = "(1 - $elapsed/$period)";
- $count_query .= ", SUM($remaining * cust_bill_pkg.recur)";
- }
-my $join_cust = ' JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum )
- LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ';
-my $join_pkg;
-if ( $cgi->param('nottax') ) {
- $join_pkg = ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
- LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart )
- LEFT JOIN part_pkg AS override
- ON pkgpart_override = override.pkgpart ';
- $join_pkg .= ' LEFT JOIN cust_location USING ( locationnum ) '
- if $conf->exists('tax-pkg_address');
-} elsif ( $cgi->param('istax') ) {
- #false laziness w/report_tax.cgi $taxfromwhere
- if ( scalar( grep( /locationtaxid/, $cgi->param ) ) ||
- $cgi->param('iscredit') eq 'rate') {
- $join_pkg .=
- ' LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location USING ( billpkgnum ) '.
- ' LEFT JOIN tax_rate_location USING ( taxratelocationnum ) ';
- } elsif ( $conf->exists('tax-pkg_address') ) {
- $join_pkg .= ' LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_location USING ( billpkgnum )
- LEFT JOIN cust_location USING ( locationnum ) ';
- #quelle kludge, somewhat false laziness w/report_tax.cgi
- s/cust_pkg\.locationnum/cust_bill_pkg_tax_location.locationnum/g for @where;
- }
- if ( $cgi->param('iscredit') ) {
- $join_pkg .= ' JOIN cust_credit_bill_pkg USING ( billpkgnum';
- if ( $cgi->param('iscredit') eq 'rate' ) {
- $join_pkg .= ', billpkgtaxratelocationnum )';
- } elsif ( $conf->exists('tax-pkg_address') ) {
- $join_pkg .= ', billpkgtaxlocationnum )';
- push @where, "billpkgtaxratelocationnum IS NULL";
- } else {
- $join_pkg .= ' )';
- push @where, "billpkgtaxratelocationnum IS NULL";
- }
- }
-} else {
- #die?
- warn "neiether nottax nor istax parameters specified";
- #same as before?
- $join_pkg = ' LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )
- LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart ) ';
-my $where = ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @where);
-if ($use_usage) {
- $count_query .=
- " FROM (SELECT cust_bill_pkg.setup, cust_bill_pkg.recur,
- ( SELECT COALESCE( SUM(amount), 0 ) FROM cust_bill_pkg_detail
- WHERE cust_bill_pkg.billpkgnum = cust_bill_pkg_detail.billpkgnum
- ) AS usage FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust $join_pkg $where
- ) AS countquery";
-} else {
- $count_query .= " FROM cust_bill_pkg $join_cust $join_pkg $where";
-my @select = ( 'cust_bill_pkg.*',
- 'cust_bill._date', );
-push @select, 'part_pkg.pkg',
- 'part_pkg.freq',
- unless $cgi->param('istax');
-push @select, 'cust_main.custnum',
- FS::UI::Web::cust_sql_fields();
-my $query = {
- 'table' => 'cust_bill_pkg',
- 'addl_from' => "$join_cust $join_pkg",
- 'hashref' => {},
- 'select' => join(', ', @select ),
- 'extra_sql' => $where,
- 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY _date, billpkgnum',
-my $ilink = [ "${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?", 'invnum' ];
-my $clink = [ "${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", 'custnum' ];
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-my $owed_sub = sub {
- $money_char. shift->owed_recur; #_recur :/
-my $payment_date_sub = sub {
- #my $cust_bill_pkg = shift;
- my @cust_pay = sort { $a->_date <=> $b->_date }
- map $_->cust_bill_pay->cust_pay,
- shift->cust_bill_pay_pkg('recur') #recur :/
- or return '';
- time2str('%b %d %Y', $cust_pay[-1]->_date );