path: root/httemplate/elements/ajaxcontentmws.js
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1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/elements/ajaxcontentmws.js b/httemplate/elements/ajaxcontentmws.js
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index 000000000..917704902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/elements/ajaxcontentmws.js
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+ ajaxcontentmws.js - Foteos Macrides (author and Copyright holder)
+ Initial: June 22, 2006 - Last Revised: March 24, 2008
+ Wrapper function set for getting and using the responseText and / or
+ responseXML from a GET or POST XMLHttpRequest, which can be used to
+ generate dynamic content for overlib or overlib2 calls, or to modify
+ the content of a displayed STICKY popup dynamically.
+ For GET Use:
+ onmouseover="return OLgetAJAX(url, command, delay, css);"
+ onmouseout="OLclearAJAX();" (if delay > 0)
+ or:
+ onclick="OLgetAJAX(url, command, 0, css); return false;"
+ or:
+ onload="OLgetAJAX(url, command, 0, css);
+ Where:
+ url (required)
+ is a quoted string, or unquoted string variable name or array entry, with
+ the full, relative, or partial URL for a file or a server-side script (php,
+ asp, or cgi, e.g. perl), and may have a query string appended (e.g.,
+ '').
+ And:
+ command (required)
+ is the function reference (unquoted name without parens) of a function to
+ be called when the server's response has been received (it could instead be
+ an inline function, i.e., defined within the 2nd argument, or a quoted string
+ for a function with parens and any args)
+ And:
+ delay (may be omitted unless css is included)
+ is an unquoted number indicating the number of millisecs to wait before
+ initiating an XMLHttpRequest GET request. It should be 0 when using onclick
+ or onload, but may be a modest value such as 300 for onmouseover to avoid
+ any chatter of requests. When used with onmouseover, include:
+ onmouseout="OLclearAJAX();"
+ to clear the request if the user does not hover for at least that long. If
+ the popup is not STICKY, include an nd or nd2 call, e.g.,
+ onmouseout="OLclearAJAX(); nd();"
+ And:
+ css (may be omitted)
+ is a quoted string with the CSS class (e.g. 'ovfl510' for
+ .ovfl510 {width:510px; height:145px; overflow:auto; ...} ) for a div to
+ encase the responseText and set the width, height and scrollbars in the
+ main text area of the popup, or the unquoted number 0 if no encasing div
+ is to be used.
+ For POST substitute OLpostAJAX(url, qry, command, delay, css);
+ Where
+ qry (required)
+ is the string to be posted, typically a query string (without a lead ?)
+ and the other arguments are as above.
+ See for more information.
+// Initialize our global variables for this function set.
+var OLhttp=false,OLcommandAJAX=null,OLdelayidAJAX=0,OLclassAJAX='',
+// Create a series of wrapper functions (e.g. OLcmdT#() for ones which
+// use OLhttp.responseText via the OLresponseAJAX global, and OLcmdX#()
+// for ones which use OLhttp.responseXML) whose reference (unquoted name
+// without parens) is the 2nd argument in OLgetAJAX(url,command,delay,css)
+// calls. This one is for the first example in the AJAX.html support
+// document, to use the OLresponseAJAX global as the lead argument for an
+// overlib popup. Put your functions in the head, or in another imported
+// .js file, so that they will not be affected by updates of this .js file.
+function OLcmdExT1() {
+ return overlib(OLresponseAJAX, TEXTPADDING,0, CAPTIONPADDING,4,
+ CAPTION,'Example with AJAX content via <span '
+ +'class="yellow">responseText</span>.&nbsp; Popup scrolls with the window.',
+ MIDX,0, RELY,100,
+ STATUS,'Example with AJAX content via responseText of XMLHttpResponse');
+// Alert for old browsers which lack XMLHttpRequest support.
+function OLsorryAJAX() {
+ alert('Sorry, AJAX is not supported by your browser.');
+ return false;
+// Check 2nd arg for function
+function OLchkFuncAJAX(ar){
+ var t=typeof ar;return (((t=='function'))||((t=='string')&&(/.+\(.*\)/.test(ar))));
+// Alert for bad 2nd argument
+function OLnotFuncAJAX(m) {
+ if(over)cClick();
+ alert('The 2nd arg of OL'+m+'AJAX is not a function reference, nor an inline function, '
+ +'nor a quoted string with a function indicated.');
+ return OLclearAJAX();
+// Alert for indicating an XMLHttpRequest network error.
+function OLerrorAJAX() {
+ if(OLhttp.status&&OLhttp.status!=2147746065)alert('Network error '+OLhttp.status+'. Try again later.');
+ return false;
+// Returns a new XMLHttpRequest object, or false for older browsers
+// which did not yet support it. Called as OLhttp=OLnewXMLHttp() via
+// the OLgetAJAX(url,command,delay,css) wrapper function.
+function OLnewXMLHttp() {
+ var f=false,req=f;
+ if(window.XMLHttpRequest)eval(new Array('try{',
+ 'req=new XMLHttpRequest();','}catch(e){','req=f;','}').join('\n'));
+ /*@cc_on @if(@_jscript_version>=5)if(!req)
+ eval(new Array('try{','req=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");',
+ '}catch(e){','try{','req=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");',
+ '}catch(e){','req=f;','}}').join('\n')); @end @*/
+ return req;
+// Handle the OLhttp.responseText string from the XMLHttpRequest object.
+function OLdoAJAX() {
+ if(OLhttp.readyState==4){
+ if(OLdebugAJAX)alert(
+ 'OLhttp.status = '+OLhttp.status+'\n'
+ +'OLhttp.statusText = '+OLhttp.statusText+'\n'
+ +'OLhttp.getAllResponseHeaders() = \n'
+ +OLhttp.getAllResponseHeaders()+'\n'
+ +'OLhttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") = '
+ +OLhttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")+'\n');
+ if(OLhttp.status==200||(OLhttp.status==0&&!OLabortAJAX&&!OLie55)){
+ OLresponseAJAX=OLclassAJAX?'<div class="'+OLclassAJAX+'">':'';
+ OLresponseAJAX += OLhttp.responseText;
+ OLresponseAJAX += OLclassAJAX?'</div>':'';
+ if(OLdebugAJAX)alert('OLresponseAJAX = \n'+OLresponseAJAX);
+ OLclassAJAX=0;
+ return (typeof OLcommandAJAX=='string')?eval(OLcommandAJAX):OLcommandAJAX();
+ }else{
+ OLclassAJAX=0;
+ OLabortAJAX=0;
+ return OLerrorAJAX();
+ }
+ }
+// Actually make the request initiated via OLgetAJAX or OLpostAJAX, or
+// invoke a "permission denied" alert if a cross-domain URL was used.
+function OLsetAJAX(url,qry) {
+ if(window.location.protocol.indexOf('http')==0&&
+ (url.indexOf('file:')==0||url.indexOf('ftp:')==0)){
+ alert('[object Error]\n(Cross-domain access not permitted)');return false;}
+ qry=(qry||null);var s='',m=(qry)?'POST':'GET';OLabortAJAX=0;
+ OLdelayidAJAX=0;eval(new Array('try{',',url,true);',
+ '}catch(e){','s=e','OLhttp=false;','}').join('\n'));if(!OLhttp){
+ alert(s+'\n(Cross-domain access not permitted)');return false;}if(qry)
+ OLhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+ OLhttp.onreadystatechange=OLdoAJAX;
+ OLhttp.send(qry);
+// Clear or abort any delayed OLsetAJAX call or pending request.
+function OLclearAJAX() {
+ if(OLdelayidAJAX){clearTimeout(OLdelayidAJAX);OLdelayidAJAX=0;}
+ if(OLhttp&&!OLdebugAJAX){OLabortAJAX=1;OLhttp.abort();}
+ return false;
+// Load a new XMLHttpRequest object into the OLhttp global, load the
+// OLcommandAJAX and OLclassAJAX globals, and initiate a GET request
+// via OLsetAJAX(url) to populate OLhttp.
+function OLgetAJAX(url,command,delay,css) {
+ if(!OLchkFuncAJAX(command))return OLnotFuncAJAX('get');
+ OLclearAJAX();OLhttp=OLnewXMLHttp();if(!OLhttp)return OLsorryAJAX();
+ OLcommandAJAX=command;delay=(delay||0);css=(css||0);OLclassAJAX=css;
+ if(delay)OLdelayidAJAX=setTimeout("OLsetAJAX('"+url+"')",delay);
+ else OLsetAJAX(url);
+// Load a new XMLHttpRequest object into the OLhttp global, load the
+// OLcommandAJAX and OLclassAJAX globals, and initiate a POST request
+// via OLsetAJAX(url,qry) to populate OLhttp.
+function OLpostAJAX(url,qry,command,delay,css) {
+ if(!OLchkFuncAJAX(command))return OLnotFuncAJAX('post');
+ OLclearAJAX();OLhttp=OLnewXMLHttp();if(!OLhttp)return OLsorryAJAX();
+ qry=(qry||0);OLcommandAJAX=command;delay=(delay||0);css=(css||0);OLclassAJAX=css;
+ if(delay)OLdelayidAJAX=setTimeout("OLsetAJAX('"+url+"','"+qry+"')",delay);
+ else OLsetAJAX(url,qry);