path: root/httemplate/edit/quick-charge.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/edit/quick-charge.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/edit/quick-charge.html b/httemplate/edit/quick-charge.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a472915a1..000000000
--- a/httemplate/edit/quick-charge.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header-popup.html", 'One-time charge', '',
- ( $cgi->param('error') ? '' : 'onload="addRow()"' ),
- )
-<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="<%$fsurl%>elements/calendar-win2k-2.css" TITLE="win2k-2">
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="<%$fsurl%>elements/calendar_stripped.js"></SCRIPT>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="<%$fsurl%>elements/calendar-en.js"></SCRIPT>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="<%$fsurl%>elements/calendar-setup.js"></SCRIPT>
-<% include('/elements/error.html') %>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-function enable_quick_charge () {
- if ( document.QuickChargeForm.amount.value
- && document.QuickChargeForm.pkg.value ) {
- document.QuickChargeForm.submit.disabled = false;
- } else {
- document.QuickChargeForm.submit.disabled = true;
- }
-function validate_quick_charge () {
- var pkg = document.QuickChargeForm.pkg.value;
- var pkg_regex = /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=\[\]]*)$/ ;
- var amount = document.QuickChargeForm.amount.value;
- var amount_regex = /^\s*\$?\s*(\d*(\.?\d{1,2}))\s*$/ ;
- var rval = true;
- if ( ! amount_regex.test(amount) ) {
- alert('Illegal amount - enter an amount to charge, for example, "5" or "43" or "21.46".');
- return false;
- }
- if ( String(pkg).length < 1 ) {
- rval = false;
- }
- if ( ! pkg_regex.test(pkg) ) {
- rval = false;
- }
- var i=0;
- for (i=0; i < rownum; i++) {
- if (! eval('pkg_regex.test(document.QuickChargeForm.description' + i + '.value)')){
- rval = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (rval == true) {
- return true;
- }
- if ( ! pkg ) {
- alert('Enter a description for the one-time charge');
- return false;
- }
- alert('Illegal description - spaces, letters, numbers, and the following punctuation characters are allowed: . , ! ? @ # $ % & ( ) - + ; : ' + "'" + ' " = [ ]' );
- return false;
-function bill_now_changed (what) {
- var form = what.form;
- if ( what.checked ) {
- form.start_date_text.disabled = true;
- = '#dddddd';
- = 'none';
- = '';
- form.invoice_terms.disabled = false;
- } else {
- form.start_date_text.disabled = false;
- = '#ffffff';
- = '';
- = 'none';
- form.invoice_terms.disabled = true;
- }
-<FORM ACTION="process/quick-charge.cgi" NAME="QuickChargeForm" ID="QuickChargeForm" METHOD="POST" onsubmit="document.QuickChargeForm.submit.disabled=true;return validate_quick_charge();">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<% $custnum %>">
-<TABLE ID="QuickChargeTable" BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 STYLE="background-color: #cccccc">
- <TD ALIGN="right">Amount </TD>
- <TD>
- $<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE=6 VALUE="<% $amount %>" onChange="enable_quick_charge()" onKeyPress="enable_quick_charge()">
- </TD>
-% if ( $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice') ) {
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Quantity </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="quantity" SIZE=4 VALUE="<% $quantity %>">
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-<% include('/elements/tr-select-pkg_class.html', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('classnum') ) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Invoice now</TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE = "checkbox"
- NAME = "bill_now"
- VALUE = "1"
- <% $cgi->param('bill_now') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>
- onChange = "bill_now_changed(this);"
- >
- with terms
- <% include('/elements/select-terms.html',
- 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('invoice_terms')),
- 'empty_value' => $default_terms,
- 'disabled' => ( $cgi->param('bill_now') ? 0 : 1 ),
- )
- %>
- </TD>
-%# false laziness w/misc/order_pkg.html
- <TD ALIGN="right">Charge date </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE = "text"
- NAME = "start_date"
- SIZE = 32
- ID = "start_date_text"
- VALUE = "<% $start_date %>"
- <% $cgi->param('bill_now') ? 'STYLE = "background-color:#dddddd" DISABLED' : '' %>
- >
- <IMG SRC = "<%$fsurl%>images/calendar.png"
- ID = "start_date_button"
- TITLE = "Select date"
- STYLE = "cursor:pointer<% $cgi->param('bill_now') ? ';display:none' : '' %>"
- >
- <IMG SRC = "<%$fsurl%>images/calendar-disabled.png"
- ID = "start_date_button_disabled"
- <% $cgi->param('bill_now') ? '' : 'STYLE="display:none"' %>
- >
- <FONT SIZE=-1>(leave blank to charge immediately)</FONT>
- </TD>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- Calendar.setup({
- inputField: "start_date_text",
- ifFormat: "<% $date_format %>",
- button: "start_date_button",
- align: "BR"
- });
-% if ( $cust_main->payby =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/ ) {
-% my $what = lc(FS::payby->shortname($cust_main->payby));
- <TR>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Disable automatic <% $what %> charge </TD>
- <TD COLSPAN=6><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="no_auto" VALUE="Y"></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
- <TD ALIGN="right">Tax exempt </TD>
- <TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="setuptax" VALUE="Y" <% $cgi->param('setuptax') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>></TD>
-<% include('/elements/tr-select-taxclass.html', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('taxclass') ) %>
-<% include('/elements/tr-select-taxproduct.html', 'label' => 'Tax product', 'onclick' => 'parent.taxproductmagic(this);', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('taxproductnum') ) %>
-<% include('/elements/tr-select-taxoverride.html', 'onclick' => 'parent.taxoverridemagic(this);', 'curr_value' => $cgi->param('tax_override') ) %>
- <TD ALIGN="right">Description </TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="pkg" SIZE="50" MAXLENGTH="50" VALUE="<% $pkg %>" onChange="enable_quick_charge()" onKeyPress="enable_quick_charge()">
- </TD>
- <TD></TD>
- <TD><FONT SIZE="-1">Optional additional description (also printed on invoice): </FONT></TD>
-% my $row = 0;
-% if ( $cgi->param('error') || $cgi->param('magic') ) {
-% my $param = $cgi->Vars;
-% for ( $row = 0; exists($param->{"description$row"}); $row++ ) {
- <TR>
- <TD></TD>
- <TD>
- <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="description<% $row %>" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="65" VALUE="<% $param->{"description$row"} |h %>" rownum="<% $row %>" onkeyup = "possiblyAddRow;" >
- </TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
-<INPUT TYPE="submit" ID="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Add one-time charge" <% $cgi->param('error') ? '' :' DISABLED' %>>
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- var rownum = <% $row %>;
- function possiblyAddRow() {
- if ( ( rownum - this.getAttribute('rownum') ) == 1 ) {
- addRow();
- }
- }
- function addRow() {
- var table = document.getElementById('QuickChargeTable');
- var tablebody = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody').item(0);
- var row = document.createElement('TR');
- var empty_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- row.appendChild(empty_cell);
- var description_cell = document.createElement('TD');
- var description_input = document.createElement('INPUT');
- description_input.setAttribute('name', 'description'+rownum);
- description_input.setAttribute('id', 'description'+rownum);
- description_input.setAttribute('size', 60);
- description_input.setAttribute('maxLength', 65);
- description_input.setAttribute('rownum', rownum);
- description_input.onkeyup = possiblyAddRow;
- description_cell.appendChild(description_input);
- row.appendChild(description_cell);
- tablebody.appendChild(row);
- rownum++;
- }
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('One-time charge');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
-$cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die 'illegal custnum';
-my $custnum = $1;
-my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } ); #XXX agent-virt
-my $format = "%m/%d/%Y %T %z (%Z)"; #false laziness w/REAL_cust_pkg.cgi?
-my $start_date = $cust_main->next_bill_date;
-$start_date = $start_date ? time2str($format, $start_date) : '';
-my $amount = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^\s*\$?\s*(\d+(\.\d{1,2})?)\s*$/ ) {
- $amount = $1;
-my $quantity = 1;
-if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) {
- $quantity = $1;
-$cgi->param('pkg') =~ /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=\[\]]*)$/
- or die 'illegal description';
-my $pkg = $1;
-my $default_terms;
-if ( $cust_main->invoice_terms ) {
- $default_terms = 'Customer default ('. $cust_main->invoice_terms. ')';
-} else {
- $default_terms =
- 'Default ('.
- ($conf->config('invoice_default_terms') || 'Payable upon receipt').
- ')';