path: root/httemplate/edit/prepay_credit.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/edit/prepay_credit.cgi')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/edit/prepay_credit.cgi b/httemplate/edit/prepay_credit.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a1b0801..000000000
--- a/httemplate/edit/prepay_credit.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<% include("/elements/header.html",'Generate prepaid cards'. ($agent ? ' for '. $agent->agent : '') ) %>
-<% include('/elements/error.html') %>
-<FORM ACTION="<%popurl(1)%>process/prepay_credit.cgi" METHOD="POST" NAME="OneTrueForm" onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.submit.disabled=true">
-<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="num" VALUE="<% $cgi->param('num') || '(quantity)' |h %>" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=10 onFocus="if ( this.value == '(quantity)' ) { this.value = ''; }">
-prepaid cards of
-<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="length" SIZE=3 MAXLENGTH=2 VALUE=8>&nbsp;
-<SELECT NAME="type">
-% foreach (qw(alpha alphanumeric numeric)) {
- <OPTION<% $cgi->param('type') eq $_ ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $_ %>
-% }
-characters each
-<BR>for <SELECT NAME="agentnum"><OPTION>(any agent)
-% foreach my $opt_agent ( qsearch('agent', { 'disabled' => '' } ) ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $opt_agent->agentnum %>"<% $opt_agent->agentnum == $agentnum ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $opt_agent->agent %>
-% }
-$<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE=8 MAXLENGTH=7 VALUE="<% $cgi->param('amount') |h %>">
-<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="seconds" SIZE=6 MAXLENGTH=5 VALUE="<% $cgi->param('seconds') |h %>">
-<SELECT NAME="multiplier">
-% foreach my $multiplier ( keys %multiplier ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $multiplier %>"<% $cgi->param('multiplier') eq $multiplier ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $multiplier{$multiplier} %>
-% }
-<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="upbytes" SIZE=6 MAXLENGTH=5 VALUE="<% $cgi->param('upbytes') |h %>">
-<SELECT NAME="upmultiplier">
-% foreach my $multiplier ( keys %bytemultiplier ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $multiplier %>"<% $cgi->param('upmultiplier') eq $multiplier ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $bytemultiplier{$multiplier} %>
-% }
-</SELECT> upload
-<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="downbytes" SIZE=6 MAXLENGTH=5 VALUE="<% $cgi->param('downbytes') |h %>">
-<SELECT NAME="downmultiplier">
-% foreach my $multiplier ( keys %bytemultiplier ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $multiplier %>"<% $cgi->param('downmultiplier') eq $multiplier ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $bytemultiplier{$multiplier} %>
-% }
-</SELECT> download
-<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="totalbytes" SIZE=6 MAXLENGTH=5 VALUE="<% $cgi->param('totalbytes') |h %>">
-<SELECT NAME="totalmultiplier">
-% foreach my $multiplier ( keys %bytemultiplier ) {
- <OPTION VALUE="<% $multiplier %>"<% $cgi->param('totalmultiplier') eq $multiplier ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $bytemultiplier{$multiplier} %>
-% }
-</SELECT> total transfer
-<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Generate" onSubmit="this.disabled = true">
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
-my $agent = '';
-my $agentnum = '';
-if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum=$1 } );
-tie my %multiplier, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 1 => 'seconds',
- 60 => 'minutes',
- 3600 => 'hours',
-tie my %bytemultiplier, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 1 => 'bytes',
- 1024 => 'Kbytes',
- 1048576 => 'Mbytes',
- 1073741824 => 'Gbytes',
-$cgi->param('multiplier', '60') unless $cgi->param('multiplier');
-$cgi->param('upmultiplier', '1048576') unless $cgi->param('upmultiplier');
-$cgi->param('downmultiplier', '1048576') unless $cgi->param('downmultiplier');
-$cgi->param('totalmultiplier','1048576') unless $cgi->param('totalmultiplier');