path: root/httemplate/edit/part_event.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/edit/part_event.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 679 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/edit/part_event.html b/httemplate/edit/part_event.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a532223e..000000000
--- a/httemplate/edit/part_event.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
-<% include( 'elements/edit.html',
- 'name' => 'Billing event definition',
- 'table' => 'part_event',
- 'fields' => [
- 'event',
- { field => 'eventtable',
- type => 'select',
- options => [ FS::part_event->eventtables ],
- labels => $eventtable_labels,
- onchange => 'eventtable_changed',
- },
- { field => 'agentnum',
- type => 'select-agent',
- disable_empty => $disable_empty_agent,
- },
- { field => 'check_freq',
- type => 'select',
- options => [ '1d', '1m' ],
- labels => $check_freq_labels,
- },
- { field => 'disabled',
- type => 'checkbox',
- value => 'Y',
- },
- { type => 'title',
- value => 'Event Conditions',
- },
- { field => 'conditionname',
- type => 'selectlayers',
- options => [ keys %all_conditions ],
- labels => \%condition_labels,
- onchange => 'condition_changed(what);',
- layer_fields => \%condition_fields,
- layer_values_callback => $condition_layer_values,
- html_between => n_a('action'),
- m2name_table => 'part_event_condition',
- m2name_namecol => 'conditionname',
- m2_label => 'Condition',
- m2_new_default => \@implicit_condition_objs,
- m2_error_callback => $condition_error_callback,
- m2_remove_warnings => \%condition_remove_warnings,
- m2_new_js => 'condition_repop',
- m2_remove_js => 'condition_add',
- },
- { type => 'title',
- value => 'Event Action',
- },
- { field => 'action',
- type => 'selectlayers',
- options => [ keys %all_actions ],
- labels => \%action_labels,
- onchange => 'action_changed(what);',
- layer_fields => \%action_fields,
- layer_values_callback => $action_layer_values,
- html_between => n_a('action'),
- },
- ],
- 'labels' => {
- 'eventpart' => 'Event',
- 'event' => 'Event name',
- 'eventtable' => 'Type',
- 'agentnum' => 'Agent',
- 'check_freq' => 'Check frequency',
- 'disabled' => 'Disable event',
- 'conditionname' => 'Add&nbsp;new&nbsp;condition',
- #'weight',
- 'action' => 'Action',
- },
- 'viewall_dir' => 'browse',
- 'new_callback' => sub { #start empty for new events only
- my( $cgi, $object, $fields_listref ) = @_;
- unshift @{ $fields_listref->[1]{'options'} }, '';
- },
- 'error_callback' => $error_callback,
- 'agent_virt' => 1,
- 'agent_null_right' => 'Edit global billing events',
- )
-<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
- window.onload = function () { eventtable_changed(document.getElementById('eventtable')) };
- var notonload = 0;
- function eventtable_changed(what) {
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert('eventtable_changed called on ' + what );
-% }
- var eventtable = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert ("eventtable: " + eventtable);
-% }
- var eventdesc = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
- //remove the ** Select type **
- if ( what.options[0].value == '' && notonload++ > 0 ) {
- what.options[0] = null;
- }
- ////
- // XXX gray out conditions that can't apply (in addition to the warning)?
- ////
- ////
- // update condition selects
- ////
- for ( var cnum=0; document.getElementById('conditionname'+cnum); cnum++ ) {
- var cond_id = 'conditionname' + cnum;
- var cond_select = document.getElementById(cond_id);
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert('updating ' + cond_id);
-% }
- // save off the current value
- var conditionname = cond_select.options[cond_select.selectedIndex].value;
- var cond_desc = cond_select.options[cond_select.selectedIndex].text;
- var seen_condition = condition_repop(cond_select);
- var warning = document.getElementById(cond_id + '_warning');
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert('turning off warning; setting style.display of '+ cond_id +
- '_warning (' + warning + ') to none');
-% }
- = 'none';
- if ( ! seen_condition && conditionname != '' ) {
- // add the current (not valid) condition back
- opt(cond_select, conditionname, cond_desc, true );
- if ( ! condition_is_implicit(conditionname) ) {
- = '';
- cond_select.disabled = '';
- // turn on a warning and gray out the condition row
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert('turning on warning; setting style.display of '+ cond_id +
- '_warning (' + warning + ') to ""');
-% }
- warning.innerHTML = 'Not applicable to ' + eventdesc + ' events';
- = '';
- } else {
- if ( ! condition_in_eventtable(conditionname) ) {
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert(conditionname + " not in " + eventtable + "; disabling");
-% }
- = 'none';
- cond_select.disabled = 'disabled';
- } else {
-% if ( $JS_DEBUG ) {
- alert(conditionname + " implicit for " + eventtable + "; enabling");
-% }
- = '';
- cond_select.disabled = '';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ////
- // update action select
- ////
- // save off the current value first!!
- var action = what.form.action.options[what.form.action.selectedIndex].value;
- var a_desc = what.form.action.options[what.form.action.selectedIndex].text;
- var seen_action = false;
- // blank the current action select
- for ( var i = what.form.action.length; i >= 0; i-- )
- what.form.action.options[i] = null;
- if ( action == '' ) {
- opt(what.form.action, action, a_desc, true );
- }
- // repopulate it
-% foreach my $eventtable ( FS::part_event->eventtables ) {
-% tie my %actions, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::part_event->actions($eventtable);
-% #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper(%actions);
- if ( eventtable == '<% $eventtable %>' ) {
-% foreach my $action ( keys %actions ) {
-% ( my $description = $actions{$action}->{'description'} ) =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- var sel = false;
- if ( action == '<% $action %>' ) {
- seen_action = true;
- sel = true;
- }
- opt( what.form.action, '<% $action %>', '<% $description %>', sel );
-% }
- }
-% }
- // by default, turn off warnings and enable the submit button
- var warning = document.getElementById('action_warning');
- = 'none';
- var submit_button = document.getElementById('submit');
- submit_button.disabled = '';
- if ( ! seen_action && action != '' ) {
- // add the current (not valid) action back
- opt( what.form.action, action, a_desc, true );
- // turn on a warning and disable the submit button
- //warning.innerHTML = a_desc + ' event not available as a ' +
- warning.innerHTML = 'Not available as a ' + eventdesc + ' action';
- = '';
- submit_button.disabled = 'disabled';
- }
- }
- function opt(what,value,text,selected) {
- var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, selected);
- var length = what.length;
- what.options[length] = optionName;
- }
- function action_changed(what) {
- // remove '** Select new **'
- if ( what.options[0].value == '' ) {
- what.options[0] = null;
- }
- // remove the warning, remove the invalid action, enable the submit button
- var warning = document.getElementById('action_warning');
- if ( == '' ) {
- = 'none';
- what.options[what.length-1] = null;
- document.getElementById('submit').disabled = '';
- }
- }
- function condition_changed(what) {
- // remove '** Select new **'
- if ( what.options[0].value == '' ) {
- what.options[0] = null;
- }
- var previousValue = what.getAttribute('previousValue');
- var previousText = what.getAttribute('previousText');
- var value = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
- var text = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
-% foreach my $value ( keys %condition_remove_warnings ) {
- if ( previousValue == '<% $value %>' ) {
- if ( !confirm( <% $condition_remove_warnings{$value} |js_string %> ) ) {
- for ( var i=0; i < what.length; i++ ) {
- if ( what.options[i].value == previousValue ) {
- what.selectedIndex = i;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
-% }
- //alert(previous + ' changed to ' + value);
- var field_regex = /(\d+)$/;
- var match = field_regex.exec(;
- if ( !match ) {
- alert( + " didn't match?!");
- return;
- }
- //add the previous condition *back* to all the other selects...
- condition_add(previousValue, previousText, match[1]);
- what.setAttribute('previousValue', value);
- what.setAttribute('previousText', text);
- // remove the new condition from all other selects
- condition_remove(value, match[1]);
- }
- function condition_avail(check_cond, curnum) {
- for ( var cnum=0; document.getElementById('conditionname'+cnum); cnum++ ) {
- if ( cnum == curnum ) continue;
- var cond_id = 'conditionname' + cnum;
- var cond_select = document.getElementById(cond_id);
- //alert("checking " + cond_id + " (" + cond_select.disabled + ")");
- if ( cond_select.disabled ) continue;
- // the current value
- var conditionname = cond_select.options[cond_select.selectedIndex].value;
- if ( check_cond == conditionname ) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function condition_remove(remove_cond, curnum) {
- if ( remove_cond.length == 0 ) return;
- for ( var cnum=0; document.getElementById('conditionname'+cnum); cnum++ ) {
- if ( cnum == curnum ) continue;
- var cond_id = 'conditionname' + cnum;
- var cond_select = document.getElementById(cond_id);
- //for ( var i = cond_select.length; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- for ( var i=0; i < cond_select.length; i++ ) {
- if ( cond_select.options[i].value == remove_cond ) {
- cond_select.options[i] = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function condition_add(add_condname, add_conddesc, curnum) {
- if ( add_condname.length == 0 ) return;
- var in_eventtable = condition_in_eventtable(add_condname);
- if ( ! in_eventtable ) return;
- for ( var cnum=0; document.getElementById('conditionname'+cnum); cnum++ ) {
- if ( cnum == curnum ) continue;
- var cond_id = 'conditionname' + cnum;
- var cond_select = document.getElementById(cond_id);
- if ( cond_select.disabled ) continue;
- //alert("adding " + add_condname + " to " + cond_id);
- opt(cond_select, add_condname, add_conddesc, false );
- = '';
- }
- }
- function condition_in_eventtable(condname) {
- var eventtable_el = document.getElementById('eventtable');
- var eventtable = eventtable_el.options[eventtable_el.selectedIndex].value;
- var in_eventtable = false;
-% foreach my $eventtable ( FS::part_event->eventtables ) {
-% tie my %conditions, 'Tie::IxHash',
-% FS::part_event_condition->conditions($eventtable);
- if ( eventtable == '<% $eventtable %>' ) {
-% foreach my $conditionname ( keys %conditions ) {
- if ( condname == '<% $conditionname %>' ) {
- in_eventtable = true;
- }
-% }
- }
-% }
- return in_eventtable;
- }
- function condition_is_implicit(condname) {
- if ( true <% @implicit_conditions
- ? ( ' && '. join(' && ', map { "condname != '$_'" }
- @implicit_conditions
- )
- )
- : ''
- %> ) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- function condition_repop(cond_select) {
- var eventtable_el = document.getElementById('eventtable');
- var eventtable = eventtable_el.options[eventtable_el.selectedIndex].value;
- // save off the current value
- var conditionname = cond_select.options[cond_select.selectedIndex].value;
- var cond_desc = cond_select.options[cond_select.selectedIndex].text;
- var seen_condition = false;
- //skip deleted conditions
- if ( cond_select.disabled && conditionname != '' && ! condition_is_implicit(conditionname) ) {
- return false;
- }
- var field_regex = /(\d+)$/;
- var match = field_regex.exec(;
- if ( !match ) {
- alert( + " didn't match?!");
- return;
- }
- var cnum = match[1];
- // blank the current condition select
- for ( var i = cond_select.length; i >= 0; i-- )
- cond_select.options[i] = null;
- if ( conditionname == '' ) {
- opt(cond_select, conditionname, cond_desc, true );
- }
- // repopulate it
-% foreach my $eventtable ( FS::part_event->eventtables ) {
-% tie my %conditions, 'Tie::IxHash',
-% FS::part_event_condition->conditions($eventtable);
- if ( eventtable == '<% $eventtable %>' ) {
-% foreach my $conditionname ( keys %conditions ) {
-% my $description = $conditions{$conditionname}->{'description'};
-% $description =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- var sel = false;
- if ( conditionname == '<% $conditionname %>' ) {
- seen_condition = true;
- sel = true;
- }
- if ( condition_avail("<% $conditionname %>", cnum) ) {
- opt(cond_select, '<% $conditionname %>', '<% $description %>', sel);
- }
-% }
- }
-% }
- if ( cond_select.length > 1 || cond_select.length == 1 && cond_select.options[0].value.length > 0 ) {
- = '';
- cond_select.disabled = '';
- } else {
- = 'none';
- cond_select.disabled = 'disabled';
- }
- return seen_condition;
- }
-#misc (eventtable, check_freq)
-my $eventtable_labels = FS::part_event->eventtable_labels;
-$eventtable_labels->{''} = '** Select type **';
-my $check_freq_labels = FS::part_event->check_freq_labels;
-tie my %all_conditions, 'Tie::IxHash',
- '' => { 'description' => '*** Select new condition ***', },
- FS::part_event_condition->conditions();
-my %condition_labels = map { $_ => $all_conditions{$_}->{'description'} }
- keys %all_conditions;
-#my %condition_fields = map { $_ => $all_conditions{$_}->{option_fields} }
-# keys %all_conditions;
-my %condition_fields = map { my $c = $_;
- tie my %opts, 'Tie::IxHash',
- @{ $all_conditions{$c}->{'option_fields'} || []};
- %opts = ( map { ( "$c.$_" => $opts{$_} ); }
- keys %opts
- );
- ( $c => [ %opts ] );
- }
- keys %all_conditions;
-my @implicit_conditions = sort { $all_conditions{$a}->{'implicit_flag'} <=>
- $all_conditions{$b}->{'implicit_flag'}
- }
- grep { $all_conditions{$_}->{'implicit_flag'} }
- keys %all_conditions;
-my @implicit_condition_objs = map {
- new FS::part_event_condition {
- 'conditionname' => $_,
- };
- }
- @implicit_conditions;
-my %condition_remove_warnings =
- map { ( $_ => $all_conditions{$_}->{'remove_warning'} ); }
- grep { $all_conditions{$_}->{'remove_warning'} }
- keys %all_conditions;
-tie my %all_actions, 'Tie::IxHash',
- '' => { 'description' => '*** Select event action ***', },
- FS::part_event->actions();
-my %action_labels = map { $_ => $all_actions{$_}->{'description'} }
- keys %all_actions;
-#my %action_fields = map { $_ => $all_actions{$_}->{option_fields} }
-# keys %all_actions;
-my %action_fields = map { my $action = $_;
- tie my %opts, 'Tie::IxHash',
- @{ $all_actions{$action}->{option_fields} || [] };
- %opts = ( map { ( "$action.$_" => $opts{$_} ); }
- keys %opts
- );
- ( $action => [ %opts ] );
- }
- keys %all_actions;
-sub n_a {
- my $t = shift;
- return sub {
- my $field = shift;
- qq( <FONT ID="${field}_warning" STYLE="display:none" COLOR="#FF0000">).
- "Party Party Join us Join us".
- '</FONT>';
- };
-my $action_layer_values = sub {
- my( $cgi, $part_event ) = @_;
- my $action = $cgi->param('action') || $part_event->action;
- return {} unless $action;
- scalar( #force hashref
- {
- #map { $_ => { $part_event->options } }
- # keys %action_fields
- map { my $action = $_;
- my %fields = @{ $action_fields{$action} };
- my %obj_opts = $part_event->options;
- %obj_opts = map { ( "$action.$_" => $obj_opts{$_} ); }
- keys %obj_opts;
- my %opts =
- map { #false laziness w/process/part_event.html
- my $option = $_;
- my $value = scalar($cgi->param($_)) || $obj_opts{$_};
- if ( $option =~ /^(.*)\.reasonnum$/ && $value == -1 ) {
- $value = {
- 'typenum' => scalar( $cgi->param( "new${option}T" ) ),
- 'reason' => scalar( $cgi->param( "new${option}" ) ),
- };
- }
- ( $option => $value );
- }
- keys %fields;
- ( $action => \%opts );
- }
- keys %action_fields
- }
- );
-tie my %cgi_conditions, 'Tie::IxHash';
-my $error_callback = sub {
- my( $cgi, $object, $fields_listref ) = @_;
- my @cond_params = grep /^conditionname\d+$/, $cgi->param;
- %cgi_conditions = map {
- my $param = $_;
- my $conditionname = $cgi->param($param);
- $conditionname => {
- map {
- my $cgi_key = $_;
- $cgi_key =~ /^$param\.$conditionname\.(.*)$/ or die 'wtf!';
- my $key = $1;
- #my $value = $cgi->param($_);
- #my $info = $all_conditions->{$conditionname}
- my %cond_opts =
- @{ $all_conditions{$conditionname}->{'option_fields'} || []};
- my $info = $cond_opts{$key};
- my $value;
- #false laziness w/process/part_event.html
- if ( $info->{'type'} =~ /^(select|checkbox)-?multiple$/
- or $info->{'type'} =~ /^select/ && $info->{'multiple'} ) {
- $value = { map { $_ => 1 } $cgi->param($cgi_key) };
- } elsif ( $info->{'type'} eq 'freq' ) {
- $value = $cgi->param($cgi_key). $cgi->param($cgi_key.'_units');
- } else {
- $value = $cgi->param($cgi_key);
- }
- $key => $value;
- } grep /^$param\.$conditionname\./, $cgi->param
- };
- } grep $cgi->param($_), grep /^conditionname\d+$/, $cgi->param;
-my $condition_error_callback = sub {
- map {
- new FS::part_event_condition { 'conditionname' => $_, };
- } keys %cgi_conditions;
-my $condition_layer_values = sub {
- #m2_table option causes this to be
- # part_event_condition instead of part_event
- my ( $cgi, $part_event_condition, $switches ) = @_;
- scalar( #force hashref
- {
- #map { $_ => { $part_event_condition->options } }
- # keys %condition_fields
- map { my $conditionname = $_;
- my %opts = $switches->{'mode'} eq 'error'
- ? %{ $cgi_conditions{$conditionname} || {} }
- : $part_event_condition->options;
- %opts = (
- map { ( "$conditionname.$_" => $opts{$_} ); }
- keys %opts
- );
- ( $conditionname => \%opts );
- }
- keys %condition_fields
- }
- );
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('Edit billing events')
- || $curuser->access_right('Edit global billing events');
-my $disable_empty_agent= ! $curuser->access_right('Edit global billing events');
-%cgi_conditions = ();
-my $use_cgi_conditions = 0;
-my $JS_DEBUG = 0;