path: root/httemplate/edit/elements/rate_detail.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/edit/elements/rate_detail.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/edit/elements/rate_detail.html b/httemplate/edit/elements/rate_detail.html
deleted file mode 100644
index faf11f844..000000000
--- a/httemplate/edit/elements/rate_detail.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-<% include('/edit/elements/rate_detail.html',
- # required
- 'ratenum' => '1',
- # optional
- 'regionnum' => '25',
- # or
- 'countrycode' => '237',
-) %>
-If regionnum is specified, this produces column headers plus
-one row of rate details for that region (in all time periods).
-Otherwise, there's one row for each region in the specified
-countrycode (or each region anywhere, if there is no countrycode),
-with row headers showing the region name and prefixes.
-<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
-% my $col = 0;
-% foreach (@header) {
-% my $hlink = $hlinks[$col];
- <TH CLASS = "grid",
- BGCOLOR = "#cccccc">
- <% $hlink ? qq!<A HREF="$hlink">$_</A>! : $_ %>
- </TH>
-% $col++;
-% } #foreach @header
-% my $row = 0;
-% foreach my $r (@rows) {
-% $col = 0;
-% if ( !$opt{'regionnum'} ) {
-% $region = $r;
-% foreach ($r->regionname, $r->prefixes_short) {
- <TD>
- <A HREF="<% $p.'edit/rate_region.cgi?'.$r->regionnum %>"><% $_ %></A>
- </TD>
-% }
-% }
-% elsif ( !$opt{'ratenum'} ) {
-% $rate = $r;
- <TD>
- <A HREF="<% $p.'edit/rate.cgi?'.$r->ratenum %>"><% $r->ratename %></A>
- </TD>
-% }
-% foreach my $rate_time (@rate_time, '') {
- <TD>
-% my $detail = $details[$row][$col];
-% if($detail) {
- <TABLE CLASS="inv" STYLE="border:none">
- <TR><TD><% edit_link($detail) %><% $money_char.$detail->min_charge %>
- <% $detail->sec_granularity ? ' / minute':' / call' %>
- <% $edit_hint %></A>
- </TD></TR>
- <% granularity_detail($detail) %>
- <% min_included_detail($detail) %>
- <% conn_charge_detail($detail) %>
- <TR><TD><% $rate_time ? delete_link($detail) : '' %></TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
-% }
-% else { #!$detail
- <% add_link($rate, $region, $rate_time) %>
-% }
-% $col++;
- </TD>
-% } # foreach @rate_time
-% $row++;
-% }# foreach @rate_region
-tie my %granularity, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::rate_detail::granularities();
-tie my %conn_secs, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::rate_detail::conn_secs();
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-sub small {
- '<FONT SIZE="-1">'.shift.'</FONT>'
-my $edit_hint = small('(edit)');
-sub edit_link {
- my $rate_detail = shift;
- my $ratedetailnum = $rate_detail->ratedetailnum;
- '<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="'.
- include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/rate_detail.html?$ratedetailnum",
- 'actionlabel' => 'Edit rate',
- 'height' => 420,
- #default# 'width' => 540,
- #default# 'color' => '#333399',
- ) . '">'
-sub add_link {
- my ($rate, $region, $rate_time) = @_;
- '<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="'.
- include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
- 'action' => "${p}edit/rate_detail.html?ratenum=".
- $rate->ratenum.
- ';dest_regionnum='.
- $region->regionnum.
- ($rate_time ?
- ';ratetimenum='.$rate_time->ratetimenum :
- ''),
- 'actionlabel' => 'Add rate',
- 'height' => 420,
- ).'">'.small('(add)').'</A>'
-sub delete_link {
- my $rate_detail = shift;
- my $ratedetailnum = $rate_detail->ratedetailnum;
- my $onclick = include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
- 'action' => "${p}misc/delete-rate_detail.html?$ratedetailnum",
- 'actionlabel' => 'Delete rate',
- 'width' => 510,
- 'height' => 315,
- 'frame' => 'top',
- );
- $onclick = "if(confirm('Delete this rate?')) { $onclick }";
- qq!<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$onclick">!.small('(delete)').'</A>'
-sub granularity_detail {
- my $rate_detail = shift;
- if($rate_detail->sec_granularity != 60 && $rate_detail->sec_granularity > 0) {
- '<TR><TD>'.
- small('in '.$granularity{$rate_detail->sec_granularity}.' increments').
- '</TD></TR>';
- }
- else { '' }
-sub min_included_detail {
- my $rate_detail = shift;
- if($rate_detail->min_included) {
- '<TR><TD>'.
- small( $rate_detail->min_included .
- ($rate_detail->sec_granularity ?
- ' minutes included' :
- ' calls included') ).
- '</TD></TR>'
- }
- else { '' }
-sub conn_charge_detail {
- my $rate_detail = shift;
- if($rate_detail->conn_charge > 0) {
- #return '' unless $rate_detail->conn_charge > 0 || $rate_detail->conn_sec;
- '<TR><TD>'.
- small( $money_char. $rate_detail->conn_charge.
- ' for '.$conn_secs{$rate_detail->conn_sec}
- ).
- '</TD></TR>'
- }
- else { '' }
-die "access denied"
- unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
-my %opt = @_;
-my $ratenum = $opt{'ratenum'} || '';
-my $regionnum = $opt{'regionnum'} || '';
-# either of these, if the $opt isn't passed, will be set to the
-# correct object when generating each row.
-my $rate = qsearchs('rate', { 'ratenum' => $ratenum } ) if $ratenum;
-my $region = qsearchs('rate_region', { 'regionnum' => $regionnum }) if $regionnum;
-my @rate_time = qsearch('rate_time', {});
-my @header = (
- map( { $_->ratetimename } @rate_time ),
- 'Default rate');
-my @hlinks = map( {$p.'edit/rate_time.cgi?'.$_->ratetimenum} @rate_time ), '';
-my @rtns = ( map( { $_->ratetimenum } @rate_time ), '' );
-my @details;
-my @rows;
-if ( $ratenum ) {
- if ( $regionnum ) {
- @rows = qsearch('rate_region',
- { ratenum => $ratenum, regionnum => $regionnum });
- }
- else {
- my $where = '';
- if ( $opt{'countrycode'} ) {
- $where = "WHERE 0 < (
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rate_prefix
- WHERE rate_prefix.regionnum = rate_region.regionnum
- AND countrycode = '$opt{countrycode}'
- )";
- }
- @rows = qsearch({ table => 'rate_region',
- hashref => { },
- extra_sql => $where,
- });
- die "no region found" if !@rows;
- unshift @header, 'Region', 'Prefix(es)';
- unshift @hlinks, '', '';
- }
- foreach my $region (@rows) {
- push @details, [ map { qsearchs('rate_detail',
- { 'ratenum' => $ratenum,
- 'dest_regionnum' => $region->regionnum,
- 'ratetimenum' => $_ } ) or ''
- } @rtns
- ];
- }
-elsif ( $regionnum ) {
- @rows = qsearch('rate', {}) or die "no rate plans found";
- unshift @header, 'Rate plan';
- unshift @hlinks, '';
- foreach my $rate (@rows) {
- push @details, [ map { qsearchs('rate_detail',
- { 'ratenum' => $rate->ratenum,
- 'dest_regionnum' => $regionnum,
- 'ratetimenum' => $_ } ) or ''
- } @rtns
- ];
- }
-else {
- die "no ratenum or regionnum specified";