path: root/httemplate/edit/cust_main.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/edit/cust_main.cgi')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/edit/cust_main.cgi b/httemplate/edit/cust_main.cgi
deleted file mode 100755
index 07629dcff..000000000
--- a/httemplate/edit/cust_main.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-<% include('/elements/header.html',
- $title,
- '',
- ' onUnload="myclose()"' #hmm, in billing.html
-) %>
-<% include('/elements/error.html') %>
-<FORM NAME = "CustomerForm"
- ACTION = "<% popurl(1) %>process/cust_main.cgi"
-%# STYLE = "margin-bottom: 0"
-%# STYLE="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<% $custnum %>">
-% if ( $custnum ) {
- Customer #<B><% $cust_main->display_custnum %></B> -
- <B><FONT COLOR="#<% $cust_main->statuscolor %>">
- <% ucfirst($cust_main->status) %>
- </FONT></B>
- <BR><BR>
-% }
-%# agent, agent_custid, refnum (advertising source), referral_custnum
-<% include('cust_main/top_misc.html', $cust_main, 'custnum' => $custnum ) %>
-%# birthdate
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-enable_birthdate') ) {
- <BR>
- <% include('cust_main/birthdate.html', $cust_main) %>
-% }
-%# latitude and longitude
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-require_censustract') ) {
-% my ($latitude, $longitude) = $cust_main->service_coordinates;
-% $latitude ||= $conf->config('company_latitude') || '';
-% $longitude ||= $conf->config('company_longitude') || '';
- <INPUT NAME="latitude" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="<% $latitude |h %>">
- <INPUT NAME="longitude" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="<% $longitude |h %>">
-% }
-%# contact info
-% my $same_checked = '';
-% my $ship_disabled = '';
-% my @ship_style = ();
-% unless ( $cust_main->ship_last && $same ne 'Y' ) {
-% $same_checked = 'CHECKED';
-% $ship_disabled = 'DISABLED';
-% push @ship_style, 'background-color:#dddddd';
-% foreach (
-% qw( last first company address1 address2 city county state zip country
-% daytime night fax )
-% ) {
-% $cust_main->set("ship_$_", $cust_main->get($_) );
-% }
-% }
-<FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Billing address</B></FONT>
-<% include('cust_main/contact.html',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'pre' => '',
- 'onchange' => 'bill_changed(this)',
- 'disabled' => '',
- 'ss' => $ss,
- 'stateid' => $stateid,
- 'same_checked' => $same_checked, #for address2 "Unit #" labeling
- )
-function bill_changed(what) {
- if ( what.form.same.checked ) {
-% for (qw( last first company address1 address2 city zip daytime night fax )) {
- what.form.ship_<%$_%>.value = what.form.<%$_%>.value;
-% }
- what.form.ship_country.selectedIndex =;
- function fix_ship_city() {
- what.form.ship_city_select.selectedIndex = what.form.city_select.selectedIndex;
- =;
- =;
- }
- function fix_ship_county() {
- what.form.ship_county.selectedIndex = what.form.county.selectedIndex;
- ship_county_changed(what.form.ship_county, fix_ship_city );
- }
- function fix_ship_state() {
- what.form.ship_state.selectedIndex = what.form.state.selectedIndex;
- ship_state_changed(what.form.ship_state, fix_ship_county );
- }
- ship_country_changed(what.form.ship_country, fix_ship_state );
- }
-function samechanged(what) {
- if ( what.checked ) {
- bill_changed(what);
-% my @fields = qw( last first company address1 address2 city city_select county state zip country daytime night fax );
-% for (@fields) {
- what.form.ship_<%$_%>.disabled = true;
- what.form.ship_<%$_%>.style.backgroundColor = '#dddddd';
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-require_address2') ) {
- document.getElementById('address2_required').style.visibility = '';
- document.getElementById('address2_label').style.visibility = '';
- document.getElementById('ship_address2_required').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- document.getElementById('ship_address2_label').style.visibility = 'hidden';
-% }
- } else {
-% for (@fields) {
- what.form.ship_<%$_%>.disabled = false;
- what.form.ship_<%$_%>.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
-% }
-% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-require_address2') ) {
- document.getElementById('address2_required').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- document.getElementById('address2_label').style.visibility = 'hidden';
- document.getElementById('ship_address2_required').style.visibility = '';
- document.getElementById('ship_address2_label').style.visibility = '';
-% }
- }
-<FONT SIZE="+1"><B>Service address</B></FONT>
-(<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="same" VALUE="Y" onClick="samechanged(this)" <%$same_checked%>>same as billing address)
-<% include('cust_main/contact.html',
- 'cust_main' => $cust_main,
- 'pre' => 'ship_',
- 'onchange' => '',
- 'disabled' => $ship_disabled,
- 'style' => \@ship_style
- )
-%# billing info
-<% include( 'cust_main/billing.html', $cust_main,
- 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
- 'invoicing_list' => \@invoicing_list,
- )
-% my $ro_comments = $conf->exists('cust_main-use_comments')?'':'readonly';
-% if (!$ro_comments || $cust_main->comments) {
- <BR>Comments
- <% &ntable("#cccccc") %>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TEXTAREA NAME = "comments"
- COLS = 80
- ROWS = 5
- <% $ro_comments %>
- ><% $cust_main->comments %></TEXTAREA>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
-% }
-% unless ( $custnum ) {
- <% include('cust_main/first_pkg.html', $cust_main,
- 'pkgpart_svcpart' => $pkgpart_svcpart,
- 'disable_empty' =>
- scalar( $cgi->param('lock_pkgpart') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ),
- #svc_acct
- 'username' => $username,
- 'password' => $password,
- 'popnum' => $popnum,
- 'saved_domsvc' => $saved_domsvc,
- %svc_phone,
- )
- %>
-% }
-<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="usernum" VALUE="<% $cust_main->usernum %>">
-%# cust_main/bottomfixup.js
-% foreach my $hidden (
-% 'payauto',
-% 'payinfo', 'payinfo1', 'payinfo2', 'paytype',
-% 'payname', 'paystate', 'exp_month', 'exp_year', 'paycvv',
-% 'paystart_month', 'paystart_year', 'payissue',
-% 'payip',
-% 'paid',
-% ) {
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<% $hidden %>" VALUE="">
-% }
-<% include('cust_main/bottomfixup.html') %>
-<INPUT TYPE = "button"
- NAME = "submitButton"
- ID = "submitButton"
- VALUE = "<% $custnum ? "Apply Changes" : "Add Customer" %>"
- onClick = "this.disabled=true; bottomfixup(this.form);"
-<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
-my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
-#probably redundant given the checks below...
-die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('New customer')
- || $curuser->access_right('Edit customer');
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-#get record
-my($custnum, $cust_main, $ss, $stateid, $payinfo, @invoicing_list);
-my $same = '';
-my $pkgpart_svcpart = ''; #first_pkg
-my($username, $password, $popnum, $saved_domsvc) = ( '', '', 0, 0 ); #svc_acct
-my %svc_phone = ();
-if ( $cgi->param('error') ) {
- $cust_main = new FS::cust_main ( {
- map { $_, scalar($cgi->param($_)) } fields('cust_main')
- } );
- $custnum = $cust_main->custnum;
- die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right($custnum ? 'Edit customer' : 'New customer');
- @invoicing_list = split( /\s*,\s*/, $cgi->param('invoicing_list') );
- $same = $cgi->param('same');
- $cust_main->setfield('paid' => $cgi->param('paid')) if $cgi->param('paid');
- $ss = $cust_main->ss; # don't mask an entered value on errors
- $stateid = $cust_main->stateid; # don't mask an entered value on errors
- $payinfo = $cust_main->payinfo; # don't mask an entered value on errors
- $pkgpart_svcpart = $cgi->param('pkgpart_svcpart') || '';
- #svc_acct
- $username = $cgi->param('username');
- $password = $cgi->param('_password');
- $popnum = $cgi->param('popnum');
- $saved_domsvc = $cgi->param('domsvc') || '';
- if ( $saved_domsvc =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- $saved_domsvc = $1;
- } else {
- $saved_domsvc = '';
- }
- #svc_phone
- $svc_phone{$_} = $cgi->param($_)
- foreach qw( countrycode phonenum sip_password pin phone_name );
-} elsif ( $cgi->keywords ) { #editing
- die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('Edit customer');
- my( $query ) = $cgi->keywords;
- $query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
- $custnum=$1;
- $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $custnum } );
- if ( $cust_main->dbdef_table->column('paycvv')
- && length($cust_main->paycvv) ) {
- my $paycvv = $cust_main->paycvv;
- $paycvv =~ s/./*/g;
- $cust_main->paycvv($paycvv);
- }
- @invoicing_list = $cust_main->invoicing_list;
- $ss = $cust_main->masked('ss');
- $stateid = $cust_main->masked('stateid');
- $payinfo = $cust_main->paymask;
-} else { #new customer
- die "access denied"
- unless $curuser->access_right('New customer');
- $custnum='';
- $cust_main = new FS::cust_main ( {} );
- $cust_main->otaker( &getotaker );
- $cust_main->referral_custnum( $cgi->param('referral_custnum') );
- @invoicing_list = ();
- push @invoicing_list, 'POST'
- unless $conf->exists('disablepostalinvoicedefault');
- $ss = '';
- $stateid = '';
- $payinfo = '';
- if ( $cgi->param('lock_pkgpart') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
- my $pkgpart = $1;
- my $part_pkg = qsearchs('part_pkg', { 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart } )
- or die "unknown pkgpart $pkgpart";
- my $svcpart = $part_pkg->svcpart;
- $pkgpart_svcpart = $pkgpart.'_'.$svcpart;
- }
-my %keep = map { $_=>1 } qw( error tagnum lock_agentnum lock_pkgpart );
-$cgi->delete( grep !$keep{$_}, $cgi->param );
-my $title = $custnum ? 'Edit Customer' : 'Add Customer';
-$title .= ": ". $cust_main->name if $custnum;
-my $r = qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;