path: root/httemplate/docs/upgrade8.html
diff options
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1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/docs/upgrade8.html b/httemplate/docs/upgrade8.html
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+ <title>Upgrading to 1.4.0</title>
+<h1>Upgrading to 1.4.0 from 1.3.1</h1>
+ <li>If migrating from less than 1.3.1, see these <a href="upgrade7.html">instructions</a> first.
+ <li><font size="+2" color="#ff0000">Backup your database and current Freeside installation.</font> (with&nbsp;<a href="">PostgreSQL</a>) (with&nbsp;<a href="">MySQL</a>)
+ <li><a href="">mod_perl</a> is now required.
+ <li>Install <a href="">Time-Duration</a>, <a href="">Tie-IxHash</a> and <a href="">HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers</a> (minimum version 0.02).
+ <li>Install <a href="">Apache::ASP</a> or <a href="">HTML::Mason</a> (use version 1.0x - Freeside is not yet compatible with version 1.1x).
+ <li>Install <a href="">rsync</a>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Apache::ASP</th><th>Mason</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><ul>
+ <li>Run <tt>make aspdocs</tt>
+ <li>Copy <tt>aspdocs/</tt> to your web server's document space.
+ <li>Create a <a href="">Global</a> directory, such as <tt>/usr/local/etc/freeside/asp-global/</tt>
+ <li>Copy <tt>htetc/global.asa</tt> to the Global directory.
+ <li>Configure Apache for the Global directory and to execute .cgi files using Apache::ASP. For example:
+<font size="-1"><pre>
+&lt;Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/freeside-asp&gt;
+&lt;Files ~ (\.cgi)&gt;
+AddHandler perl-script .cgi
+PerlHandler Apache::ASP
+$MLDBM::RemoveTaint = 1;
+PerlSetVar Global /usr/local/etc/freeside/asp-global/
+ </ul></td>
+ <td><ul>
+ <li>(use version 1.0x - Freeside is not yet compatible with version 1.1x)
+ <li>Run <tt>make masondocs</tt>
+ <li>Copy <tt>masondocs/</tt> to your web server's document space.
+ <li>Copy <tt>htetc/</tt> to your web server's configuration directory.
+ <li>Edit <tt></tt> and set an appropriate <tt>data_dir</tt>, such as <tt>/usr/local/etc/freeside/mason-data</tt>
+ <li>Configure Apache to use the <tt></tt> file and to execute .cgi files using HTML::Mason. For example:
+<font size="-1"><pre>
+&lt;Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/freeside-mason&gt;
+&lt;Files ~ (\.cgi)&gt;
+AddHandler perl-script .cgi
+PerlHandler HTML::Mason
+require "/usr/local/apache/conf/";
+ </ul></td>
+ </tr>
+ <li>Build and install the Perl modules:
+ <pre>
+$ su
+# make install-perl-modules</pre>
+ <li>Apply the following changes to your database:
+CREATE TABLE svc_forward (
+ svcnum int NOT NULL,
+ srcsvc int NOT NULL,
+ dstsvc int NOT NULL,
+ dst varchar(80),
+ PRIMARY KEY (svcnum)
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_forward__srcsvc varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_forward__srcsvc_flag char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_forward__dstsvc varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_forward__dstsvc_flag char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_forward__dst varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_forward__dst_flag char(1) NULL;
+CREATE TABLE cust_credit_bill (
+ creditbillnum int primary key,
+ crednum int not null,
+ invnum int not null,
+ _date int not null,
+ amount decimal(10,2) not null
+CREATE TABLE cust_bill_pay (
+ billpaynum int primary key,
+ invnum int not null,
+ paynum int not null,
+ _date int not null,
+ amount decimal(10,2) not null
+CREATE TABLE cust_credit_refund (
+ creditrefundnum int primary key,
+ crednum int not null,
+ refundnum int not null,
+ _date int not null,
+ amount decimal(10,2) not null
+CREATE TABLE part_svc_column (
+ columnnum int primary key,
+ svcpart int not null,
+ columnname varchar(64) not null,
+ columnvalue varchar(80) null,
+ columnflag char(1) null
+ jobnum int primary key,
+ job text not null,
+ _date int not null,
+ status varchar(80) not null,
+ statustext text null,
+ svcnum int null
+CREATE INDEX queue1 ON queue ( svcnum );
+CREATE INDEX queue2 ON queue ( status );
+CREATE TABLE queue_arg (
+ argnum int primary key,
+ jobnum int not null,
+ arg text null
+CREATE INDEX queue_arg1 ON queue_arg ( jobnum );
+CREATE TABLE queue_depend (
+ dependnum int primary key,
+ jobnum int not null,
+ depend_jobnum int not null
+CREATE INDEX queue_depend1 ON queue_depend ( jobnum );
+CREATE INDEX queue_depend2 ON queue_depend ( depend_jobnum );
+CREATE TABLE part_pop_local (
+ localnum int primary key,
+ popnum int not null,
+ city varchar(80) null,
+ state char(2) null,
+ npa char(3) not null,
+ nxx char(3) not null
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX part_pop_local1 ON part_pop_local ( npa, nxx );
+CREATE TABLE cust_bill_event (
+ eventnum int primary key,
+ invnum int not null,
+ eventpart int not null,
+ _date int not null,
+ status varchar(80) not null,
+ statustext text
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_bill_event1 ON cust_bill_event ( eventpart, invnum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_bill_event2 ON cust_bill_event ( invnum );
+CREATE TABLE part_bill_event (
+ eventpart int primary key,
+ payby char(4) not null,
+ event varchar(80) not null,
+ eventcode text null,
+ seconds int null,
+ weight int not null,
+ plan varchar(80) null,
+ plandata text null,
+ disabled char(1) null
+CREATE INDEX part_bill_event1 ON part_bill_event ( payby );
+CREATE TABLE export_svc (
+ exportsvcnum int primary key,
+ exportnum int not null,
+ svcpart int not null
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX export_svc1 ON export_svc ( exportnum, svcpart );
+CREATE INDEX export_svc2 ON export_svc ( exportnum );
+CREATE INDEX export_svc3 ON export_svc ( svcpart );
+CREATE TABLE part_export (
+ exportnum int primary key,
+ machine varchar(80) not null,
+ exporttype varchar(80) not null,
+ nodomain char(1) NULL
+CREATE INDEX part_export1 ON part_export ( machine );
+CREATE INDEX part_export2 ON part_export ( exporttype );
+CREATE TABLE part_export_option (
+ optionnum int primary key,
+ exportnum int not null,
+ optionname varchar(80) not null,
+ optionvalue text NULL
+CREATE INDEX part_export_option1 ON part_export_option ( exportnum );
+CREATE INDEX part_export_option2 ON part_export_option ( optionname );
+CREATE TABLE radius_usergroup (
+ usergroupnum int primary key,
+ svcnum int not null,
+ groupname varchar(80) not null
+CREATE INDEX radius_usergroup1 ON radius_usergroup ( svcnum );
+CREATE INDEX radius_usergroup2 ON radius_usergroup ( groupname );
+CREATE TABLE msgcat (
+ msgnum int primary key,
+ msgcode varchar(80) not null,
+ locale varchar(16) not null,
+ msg text not null
+CREATE INDEX msgcat1 ON msgcat ( msgcode, locale );
+CREATE TABLE cust_tax_exempt (
+ exemptnum int primary key,
+ custnum int not null,
+ taxnum int not null,
+ year int not null,
+ month int not null,
+ amount decimal(10,2)
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_tax_exempt1 ON cust_tax_exempt ( taxnum, year, month );
+ALTER TABLE svc_acct ADD domsvc integer NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_acct__domsvc varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_acct__domsvc_flag char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE svc_domain ADD catchall integer NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD referral_custnum integer NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD comments text NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_pay ADD custnum integer;
+ALTER TABLE cust_pay_batch ADD paybatchnum integer;
+ALTER TABLE cust_refund ADD custnum integer;
+ALTER TABLE cust_pkg ADD manual_flag char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD plan varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD plandata text NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD setuptax char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD recurtax char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD disabled char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD disabled char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_bill ADD closed char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_pay ADD closed char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_credit ADD closed char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_refund ADD closed char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_bill_event ADD status varchar(80);
+ALTER TABLE cust_bill_event ADD statustext text NULL;
+ALTER TABLE svc_acct ADD sec_phrase varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_acct__sec_phrase varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_svc ADD svc_acct__sec_phrase_flag char(1) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE part_pkg ADD taxclass varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main_county ADD taxclass varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main_county ADD exempt_amount decimal(10,2);
+CREATE INDEX cust_main3 ON cust_main ( referral_custnum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_credit_bill1 ON cust_credit_bill ( crednum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_credit_bill2 ON cust_credit_bill ( invnum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_bill_pay1 ON cust_bill_pay ( invnum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_bill_pay2 ON cust_bill_pay ( paynum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_credit_refund1 ON cust_credit_refund ( crednum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_credit_refund2 ON cust_credit_refund ( refundnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_pay_batch_pkey ON cust_pay_batch ( paybatchnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX part_svc_column1 ON part_svc_column ( svcpart, columnname );
+CREATE INDEX cust_pay2 ON cust_pay ( paynum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_pay3 ON cust_pay ( custnum );
+CREATE INDEX cust_pay4 ON cust_pay ( paybatch );
+ <li>If you are using PostgreSQL, apply the following changes to your database:
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX agent_pkey ON agent ( agentnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX agent_type_pkey ON agent_type ( typenum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_bill_pkey ON cust_bill ( invnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_credit_pkey ON cust_credit ( crednum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_main_pkey ON cust_main ( custnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_main_county_pkey ON cust_main_county ( taxnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_main_invoice_pkey ON cust_main_invoice ( destnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_pay_pkey ON cust_pay ( paynum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_pkg_pkey ON cust_pkg ( pkgnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_refund_pkey ON cust_refund ( refundnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_svc_pkey ON cust_svc ( svcnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX domain_record_pkey ON domain_record ( recnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX nas_pkey ON nas ( nasnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX part_pkg_pkey ON part_pkg ( pkgpart );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX part_referral_pkey ON part_referral ( refnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX part_svc_pkey ON part_svc ( svcpart );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX port_pkey ON port ( portnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prepay_credit_pkey ON prepay_credit ( prepaynum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX session_pkey ON session ( sessionnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX svc_acct_pkey ON svc_acct ( svcnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX svc_acct_pop_pkey ON svc_acct_pop ( popnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX svc_acct_sm_pkey ON svc_acct_sm ( svcnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX svc_domain_pkey ON svc_domain ( svcnum );
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX svc_www_pkey ON svc_www ( svcnum );
+ <li>If you wish to enable service/shipping addresses, apply the following
+ changes to your database:
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_last varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_first varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_company varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_address1 varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_address2 varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_city varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_county varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_state varchar(80) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_zip varchar(10) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_country char(2) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_daytime varchar(20) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_night varchar(20) NULL;
+ALTER TABLE cust_main ADD COLUMN ship_fax varchar(12) NULL;
+CREATE INDEX cust_main4 ON cust_main ( ship_last );
+CREATE INDEX cust_main5 ON cust_main ( ship_company );
+ <li>If you are using the signup server, reinstall it according to the <a href="signup.html">instructions</a>. The 1.3.x signup server is not compatible with 1.4.x.
+ <li>Run <tt>bin/dbdef-create <i>username</i></tt>
+ <li>If you have svc_acct_sm records or service definitions:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Create a service definition with table svc_forward
+ <li>Run <tt>bin/fs-migrate-svc_acct_sm <i>username</i></tt>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Or if you just have svc_acct records:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Order and provision a package for your default domain and note down the <b>Service #</b> or <i>svcnum</i>.
+ <li><tt>UPDATE svc_acct SET domsvc = </tt><i>svcnum</i>
+ <li>Update your service definitions to have default (or fixed) <b>domsvc</b>.
+ </ul>
+ <li>Run <tt>bin/fs-migrate-payref<i>username</i></tt>
+ <li>Run <tt>bin/fs-migrate-part_svc<i>username</i></tt>
+ <li><b>After running bin/fs-migrate-payref</b>, apply the following changes to your database:
+ <table border><tr><th>PostgreSQL</th><th>MySQL, others</th></tr>
+<font size=-1><pre>
+CREATE TABLE cust_pay_temp (
+ paynum int primary key,
+ custnum int not null,
+ paid decimal(10,2) not null,
+ _date int null,
+ payby char(4) not null,
+ payinfo varchar(16) null,
+ paybatch varchar(80) null,
+ closed char(1) null
+INSERT INTO cust_pay_temp SELECT paynum, custnum, paid, _date, payby, payinfo, paybatch, closed FROM cust_pay;
+DROP TABLE cust_pay;
+ALTER TABLE cust_pay_temp RENAME TO cust_pay;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_pay1 ON cust_pay (paynum);
+CREATE TABLE cust_refund_temp (
+ refundnum int primary key,
+ custnum int not null,
+ _date int null,
+ refund decimal(10,2) not null,
+ otaker varchar(8) not null,
+ reason varchar(80) not null,
+ payby char(4) not null,
+ payinfo varchar(16) null,
+ paybatch varchar(80) null,
+ closed char(1) null
+INSERT INTO cust_refund_temp SELECT refundnum, custnum, _date, refund, otaker, reason, payby, payinfo, '', closed from cust_refund;
+DROP TABLE cust_refund;
+ALTER TABLE cust_refund_temp RENAME TO cust_refund;
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cust_refund1 ON cust_refund (refundnum);
+<font size=-1><pre>
+ALTER TABLE cust_pay DROP COLUMN invnum;
+ALTER TABLE cust_refund DROP COLUMN crednum;
+ <li><b>IMPORTANT: After applying the second set of database changes</b>, run <tt>bin/dbdef-create <i>username</i></tt> again.
+ <li><b>IMPORTANT</b>: run <tt>bin/create-history-tables <i>username</i></tt>
+ <li><b>IMPORTANT: After running bin/create-history-tables</b>, run <tt>bin/dbdef-create <i>username</i></tt> again.
+ <li>As the freeside UNIX user, run <tt>bin/populate-msgcat <i>username</i></tt
+> to populate the message catalog
+<!-- <li>set the <a href="../config/config.cgi#username_policy">user_policy configuration value</a> as appropriate for your site. -->
+ <li>set the <a href="../config/config.cgi#locale">locale configuration value</a> to en_US.
+ <li>the mxmachines, nsmachines, arecords and cnamerecords configuration values have been deprecated. Set the <a href="../config/config.cgi#defaultrecords">defaultrecords configuration value</a> instead.
+ <li>Create the `/usr/local/etc/freeside/cache.<i>datasrc</i>' directory
+ (owned by the freeside user).
+ <li>freeside-queued was installed with the Perl modules. Start it now and ensure that is run upon system startup.
+ <li>Set appropriate <a href="../browse/part_bill_event.cgi">invoice events</a> for your site. At the very least, you'll want to set some invoice events "<i>After 0 days</i>": a <i>BILL</i> invoice event to print invoices, a <i>CARD</i> invoice event to batch or run cards real-time, and a <i>COMP</i> invoice event to "pay" complimentary customers. If you were using the <i>-i</i> option to <a href="man/bin/freeside-bill.html">freeside-bill</a> it should be removed.
+ <li>Use <a href="man/bin/freeside-daily.html">freeside-daily</a> instead of <a href="man/bin/freeside-bill.html">freeside-bill</a>.
+ <li>If you would like Freeside to notify your customers when their credit
+ cards and other billing arrangements are about to expire, arrange for
+ <b>freeside-expiration-alerter</b> to be run daily by cron or similar
+ facility. The message it sends can be configured from the
+ <u>Configuration</u> choice of the main menu as <u>alerter_template</u>.
+ <li>Export has been rewritten. If you were using the icradiusmachines,
+ icradius_mysqldest, icradius_mysqlsource, or icradius_secrets files, add
+ an appropriate "sqlradius" export to all relevant Service Definitions
+ instead. Use <a href="">MySQL replication</a> or
+ point the "sqlradius" export directly at your external ICRADIUS or FreeRADIUS
+ database (or through an SSL-necrypting proxy...)