path: root/httemplate/browse/cust_main_county.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/browse/cust_main_county.cgi')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/browse/cust_main_county.cgi b/httemplate/browse/cust_main_county.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..12bdeb333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/browse/cust_main_county.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<% include( 'elements/browse.html',
+ 'title' => "Tax Rates $title",
+ 'name_singular' => 'tax rate',
+ 'menubar' => \@menubar,
+ 'html_init' => $html_init,
+ 'html_posttotal' => $html_posttotal,
+ 'query' => {
+ 'table' => 'cust_main_county',
+ 'hashref' => $hashref,
+ 'order_by' =>
+ 'ORDER BY country, state, county, taxclass',
+ },
+ 'count_query' => $count_query,
+ 'header' => \@header,
+ 'header2' => \@header2,
+ 'fields' => \@fields,
+ 'align' => $align,
+ 'color' => \@color,
+ 'cell_style' => \@cell_style,
+ 'links' => \@links,
+ 'link_onclicks' => \@link_onclicks,
+ )
+% # <FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="<% $p %>edit/process/cust_main_county-collapse.cgi?<% $hashref->{taxnum} %>">collapse state</A></FONT>
+% # % }
+my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
+my @manual_countries = ( 'US', 'CA', 'AU', 'NZ', 'GB' ); #some manual ordering
+my @all_countries = ( @manual_countries,
+ grep { my $c = $_; ! grep { $c eq $_ } @manual_countries }
+ map { $_->country }
+ qsearch({
+ 'select' => 'country',
+ 'table' => 'cust_main_county',
+ 'hashref' => {},
+ 'extra_sql' => 'GROUP BY country',
+ })
+ );
+my $exempt_sub = sub {
+ my $cust_main_county = shift;
+ my @exempt = ();
+ push @exempt,
+ sprintf("$money_char%.2f&nbsp;per&nbsp;month", $cust_main_county->exempt_amount )
+ if $cust_main_county->exempt_amount > 0;
+ push @exempt, 'Setup&nbsp;fee'
+ if $cust_main_county->setuptax =~ /^Y$/i;
+ push @exempt, 'Recurring&nbsp;fee'
+ if $cust_main_county->recurtax =~ /^Y$/i;
+ [ map [ {'data'=>$_} ], @exempt ];
+my $oldrow;
+my $cell_style;
+my $cell_style_sub = sub {
+ my $row = shift;
+ if ( $oldrow ne $row ) {
+ if ( $oldrow ) {
+ if ( $oldrow->country ne $row->country ) {
+ $cell_style = 'border-top:1px solid #000000';
+ } elsif ( $oldrow->state ne $row->state ) {
+ $cell_style = 'border-top:1px solid #cccccc'; #default?
+ } elsif ( $oldrow->state eq $row->state ) {
+ #$cell_style = 'border-top:dashed 1px dark gray';
+ $cell_style = 'border-top:1px dashed #cccccc';
+ }
+ }
+ $oldrow = $row;
+ }
+ return $cell_style;
+#my $edit_link = [ "${p}edit/cust_main_county.html", 'taxnum' ];
+my $edit_link = [ 'javascript:void(0);', sub { ''; } ];
+my $edit_onclick = sub {
+ my $row = shift;
+ my $taxnum = $row->taxnum;
+ my $color = '#333399';
+ qq!overlib( OLiframeContent('${p}edit/cust_main_county.html?$taxnum', 540, 420, 'edit_cust_main_county_popup' ), CAPTION, 'Edit tax rate', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '$color', CGCOLOR, '$color' ); return false;!;
+sub expand_link {
+ my( $row, $desc ) = @_;
+ my $taxnum = $row->taxnum;
+ my $url = "${p}edit/cust_main_county-expand.cgi?$taxnum";
+ my $color = '#333399';
+ qq!<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('$url', 540, 420, 'edit_cust_main_county_popup' ), CAPTION, '$desc', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '$color', CGCOLOR, '$color' ); return false;">!;
+sub separate_taxclasses_link {
+ my( $row ) = @_;
+ my $taxnum = $row->taxnum;
+ my $url = "${p}edit/process/cust_main_county-expand.cgi?taxclass=1;taxnum=$taxnum";
+ qq!<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="$url">!;
+die "access denied"
+ unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
+#my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+#my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
+my $enable_taxclasses = $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses');
+my @menubar;
+my $html_init =
+ "Click on <u>add states</u> to specify a country's tax rates by state or province.
+ <BR>Click on <u>add counties</u> to specify a state's tax rates by county.";
+$html_init .= "<BR>Click on <u>separate taxclasses</u> to specify taxes per taxclass."
+ if $enable_taxclasses;
+$html_init .= '<BR><BR>';
+$html_init .= qq(
+ <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="${fsurl}elements/overlibmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+ <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="${fsurl}elements/overlibmws_iframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+ <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="${fsurl}elements/overlibmws_draggable.js"></SCRIPT>
+ <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="${fsurl}elements/iframecontentmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+my $title = '';
+my $country = '';
+if ( $cgi->param('country') =~ /^(\w\w)$/ ) {
+ $country = $1;
+ $title = $country;
+my $state = '';
+if ( $cgi->param('state') =~ /^([\w \-\'\[\]]+)$/ ) {
+ $state = $1;
+ $title = "$state, $title";
+my $county = '';
+if ( $cgi->param('county') =~ /^([\w \-\'\[\]]+)$/ ) {
+ $county = $1;
+ $title = "$county county, $title";
+$title = " for $title" if $title;
+my $taxclass = '';
+if ( $cgi->param('taxclass') =~ /^([\w \-]+)$/ ) {
+ $taxclass = $1;
+ $title .= " for $taxclass tax class";
+if ( $country || $taxclass ) {
+ push @menubar, 'View all tax rates' => $p.'browse/cust_main_county.cgi';
+$cgi->param('dummy', 1);
+my $country_filter_change =
+ "window.location = '".
+ $cgi->self_url. ";country=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;";
+#restore this so pagination works
+$cgi->param('country', $country) if $country;
+$cgi->param('state', $state ) if $state;
+$cgi->param('county', $county ) if $county;
+$cgi->param('taxclass', $county ) if $taxclass;
+my $html_posttotal =
+ '(show country: '.
+ qq(<SELECT NAME="country" onChange="$country_filter_change">).
+ qq(<OPTION VALUE="">(all)\n).
+ join("\n", map qq[<OPTION VALUE="$_"].
+ ( $_ eq $country ? 'SELECTED' : '' ).
+ '>'. code2country($_). " ($_)",
+ @all_countries
+ ).
+ '</SELECT>)';
+my $hashref = {};
+my $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county';
+if ( $country ) {
+ $hashref->{'country'} = $country;
+ $count_query .= ' WHERE country = '. dbh->quote($country);
+if ( $state ) {
+ $hashref->{'state'} = $state;
+ $count_query .= ' AND state = '. dbh->quote($state);
+if ( $county ) {
+ $hashref->{'country'} = $country;
+ $count_query .= ' AND county = '. dbh->quote($county);
+if ( $taxclass ) {
+ $hashref->{'taxclass'} = $taxclass;
+ $count_query .= ( $count_query =~ /WHERE/i ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
+ ' taxclass = '. dbh->quote($taxclass);
+$cell_style = '';
+my @header = ( 'Country', 'State/Province', 'County',);
+my @header2 = ( '', '', '', );
+my @links = ( '', '', '', );
+my @link_onclicks = ( '', '', '', );
+my $align = 'lll';
+my @fields = (
+ sub { my $country = shift->country;
+ code2country($country). " ($country)";
+ },
+ sub { state_label($_[0]->state, $_[0]->country).
+ ( $_[0]->state
+ ? ''
+ : '&nbsp'. expand_link($_[0], 'Add States').
+ 'add&nbsp;states</A></FONT>'
+ )
+ },
+ sub { $_[0]->county || '(all)&nbsp'.
+ expand_link($_[0], 'Add Counties').
+ 'add&nbsp;counties</A></FONT>'
+ },
+my @color = (
+ '000000',
+ sub { shift->state ? '000000' : '999999' },
+ sub { shift->county ? '000000' : '999999' },
+if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses') ) {
+ push @header, qq!Tax class (<A HREF="${p}edit/part_pkg_taxclass.html">add new</A>)!;
+ push @header2, '(per-package classification)';
+ push @fields, sub { $_[0]->taxclass || '(all)&nbsp'.
+ separate_taxclasses_link($_[0], 'Separate Taxclasses').
+ 'separate&nbsp;taxclasses</A></FONT>'
+ };
+ push @color, sub { shift->taxclass ? '000000' : '999999' };
+ push @links, '';
+ push @link_onclicks, '';
+ $align .= 'l';
+push @header, 'Tax name',
+ 'Rate', #'Tax',
+ 'Exemptions',
+ ;
+push @header2, '(printed on invoices)',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ;
+push @fields,
+ sub { shift->taxname || 'Tax' },
+ sub { shift->tax. '%&nbsp;<FONT SIZE="-1">(edit)</FONT>' },
+ $exempt_sub,
+push @color,
+ sub { shift->taxname ? '000000' : '666666' },
+ sub { shift->tax ? '000000' : '666666' },
+ '000000',
+$align .= 'lrl';
+my @cell_style = map $cell_style_sub, (1..scalar(@header));
+push @links, '', $edit_link, '';
+push @link_onclicks, '', $edit_onclick, '';