path: root/fs_signup/fs_signup_server
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Diffstat (limited to 'fs_signup/fs_signup_server')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/fs_signup/fs_signup_server b/fs_signup/fs_signup_server
deleted file mode 100755
index d6eb4a8d5..000000000
--- a/fs_signup/fs_signup_server
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
-# fs_signup_server
-use strict;
-use vars qw($pid);
-use IO::Handle;
-use Storable qw(nstore_fd fd_retrieve);
-use Tie::RefHash;
-use Net::SSH qw(sshopen2);
-use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
-use FS::Conf;
-use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
-use FS::cust_main_county;
-use FS::cust_main;
-use FS::cust_bill;
-use FS::cust_pkg;
-use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext);
-use vars qw( $opt $Debug );
-$Debug = 2;
-my $user = shift or die &usage;
-&adminsuidsetup( $user );
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-if ($conf->exists('signup_server-quiet')) {
- $FS::cust_bill::quiet = 1;
- $FS::cust_pkg::quiet = 1;
-#my @payby = qw(CARD PREPAY);
-my @payby = $conf->config('signup_server-payby');
-my $smtpmachine = $conf->config('smtpmachine');
-my $machine = shift or die &usage;
-my $agentnum = shift or die &usage;
-my $agent = qsearchs( 'agent', { 'agentnum' => $agentnum } ) or die &usage;
-my $pkgpart_href = $agent->pkgpart_hashref;
-my $refnum = shift or die &usage;
-#causing trouble for some folks
-#$SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait() };
-$SIG{HUP} = \&killssh;
-$SIG{INT} = \&killssh;
-$SIG{QUIT} = \&killssh;
-$SIG{TERM} = \&killssh;
-$SIG{PIPE} = \&killssh;
-sub killssh { kill 'TERM', $pid if $pid; exit; };
-while (1) {
- my($reader,$writer)=(new IO::Handle, new IO::Handle);
- #seems to be broken - calling ->flush explicitly# $writer->autoflush(1);
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Connecting to $machine...\n" if $Debug;
- $pid = sshopen2($machine,$reader,$writer,$fs_signupd);
- my @pops = qsearch('svc_acct_pop',{} );
- my $init_data = {
- #'_protocol' => 'signup',
- #'_version' => '0.1',
- #'_packet' => 'init'
- 'cust_main_county' =>
- [ map { $_->hashref } qsearch('cust_main_county', {}) ],
- 'part_pkg' =>
- [
- #map { $_->hashref }
- map { { 'payby' => [ $_->payby ], %{$_->hashref} } }
- grep { $_->svcpart('svc_acct') && $pkgpart_href->{ $_->pkgpart } }
- qsearch( 'part_pkg', { 'disabled' => '' } )
- ],
- 'agentnum2part_pkg' =>
- {
- map {
- my $href = $_->pkgpart_hashref;
- $_->agentnum =>
- [
- map { { 'payby' => [ $_->payby ], %{$_->hashref} } }
- grep { $_->svcpart('svc_acct') && $href->{ $_->pkgpart } }
- qsearch( 'part_pkg', { 'disabled' => '' } )
- ];
- } qsearch('agent', {} )
- },
- 'svc_acct_pop' => [ map { $_->hashref } @pops ],
- 'security_phrase' => $conf->exists('security_phrase'),
- 'payby' => [ $conf->config('signup_server-payby') ],
- 'msgcat' => { map { $_=>gettext($_) } qw(
- passwords_dont_match invalid_card unknown_card_type not_a
- ) },
- 'statedefault' => $conf->config('statedefault') || 'CA',
- 'countrydefault' => $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US',
- };
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Sending init data...\n" if $Debug;
- nstore_fd($init_data, $writer) or die "can't send init data: $!";
- $writer->flush;
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Entering main loop...\n" if $Debug;
- while (1) {
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Reading (waiting for) signup data...\n" if $Debug;
- my $signup_data = fd_retrieve($reader);
- if ( $Debug > 1 ) {
- warn join('',
- map { " $_ => ". $signup_data->{$_}. "\n" } keys %$signup_data );
- }
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Processing signup...\n" if $Debug;
- my $error = '';
- #things that aren't necessary in base class, but are for signup server
- #return "Passwords don't match"
- # if $hashref->{'_password'} ne $hashref->{'_password2'}
- $error ||= gettext('empty_password') unless $signup_data->{'_password'};
- $error ||= gettext('no_access_number_selected')
- unless $signup_data->{'popnum'} || !scalar(@pops);
- #shares some stuff with htdocs/edit/process/cust_main.cgi... take any
- # common that are still here and library them.
- my $cust_main = new FS::cust_main ( {
- #'custnum' => '',
- 'agentnum' => $signup_data->{agentnum} || $agentnum,
- 'refnum' => $refnum,
- map { $_ => $signup_data->{$_} } qw(
- last first ss company address1 address2 city county state zip country
- daytime night fax payby payinfo paydate payname referral_custnum comments
- ),
- } );
- $error ||= "Illegal payment type"
- unless grep { $_ eq $signup_data->{'payby'} } @payby;
- $cust_main->payinfo($cust_main->daytime)
- if $cust_main->payby eq 'LECB' && ! $cust_main->payinfo;
- my @invoicing_list = split( /\s*\,\s*/, $signup_data->{'invoicing_list'} );
- $signup_data->{'pkgpart'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ or '' =~ /^()$/;
- my $pkgpart = $1;
- my $part_pkg =
- qsearchs( 'part_pkg', { 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart } )
- or $error ||= "WARNING: unknown pkgpart: $pkgpart";
- my $svcpart = $part_pkg->svcpart('svc_acct') unless $error;
- my $cust_pkg = new FS::cust_pkg ( {
- #later#'custnum' => $custnum,
- 'pkgpart' => $signup_data->{'pkgpart'},
- } );
- $error ||= $cust_pkg->check;
- my $svc_acct = new FS::svc_acct ( {
- 'svcpart' => $svcpart,
- map { $_ => $signup_data->{$_} }
- qw( username _password sec_phrase popnum ),
- } );
- my $y = $svc_acct->setdefault; # arguably should be in new method
- $error ||= $y unless ref($y);
- $error ||= $svc_acct->check;
- use Tie::RefHash;
- tie my %hash, 'Tie::RefHash';
- %hash = ( $cust_pkg => [ $svc_acct ] );
- $error ||= $cust_main->insert( \%hash, \@invoicing_list ); #msgcat
- if ( ! $error && $conf->exists('signup_server-realtime') ) {
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Billing customer...\n" if $Debug;
- my $bill_error = $cust_main->bill;
- warn "[fs_signup_server] error billing new customer: $bill_error"
- if $bill_error;
- $cust_main->apply_payments;
- $cust_main->apply_credits;
- $bill_error = $cust_main->collect;
- warn "[fs_signup_server] error collecting from new customer: $bill_error"
- if $bill_error;
- if ( $cust_main->balance > 0 ) {
- #this makes sense. credit is "un-doing" the invoice
- $cust_main->credit( $cust_main->balance, 'signup server decline' );
- $cust_main->apply_credits;
- #should check list for errors...
- #$cust_main->suspend;
- $cust_main->cancel;
- $error = '_decline';
- }
- }
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Sending results...\n" if $Debug;
- print $writer $error, "\n";
- next if $error;
- if ( $conf->config('signup_server-email') ) {
- warn "[fs_signup_server] Sending email...\n" if $Debug;
- #false laziness w/FS::cust_bill::send & FS::cust_pay::delete
- use Mail::Header;
- use Mail::Internet 1.44;
- use Date::Format;
- my $from = $conf->config('invoice_from'); #??? as good as any
- $ENV{MAILADDRESS} = $from;
- my $header = new Mail::Header ( [
- "From: $from",
- "To: ". $conf->config('signup_server-email'),
- "Sender: $from",
- "Reply-To: $from",
- "Date: ". time2str("%a, %d %b %Y %X %z", time),
- "Subject: FREESIDE NOTIFICATION: Signup Server",
- ] );
- my $body = [
- "This is an automatic message from your Freeside installation\n",
- "informing you a customer has signed up via the signup server:\n",
- "\n",
- 'custnum : '. $cust_main->custnum. "\n",
- 'Name : '. $cust_main->last. ", ". $cust_main->first. "\n",
- 'Agent : '. $cust_main->agent->agent. "\n",
- 'Package : '. $part_pkg->pkg. ' - '. $part_pkg->comment. "\n",
- 'Signup Date : '. time2str('%C', time). "\n",
- 'Username : '. $svc_acct->username. "\n",
- #'Password : '. # config file to turn this on if noment insists
- 'Day phone : '. $cust_main->daytime. "\n",
- 'Night phone : '. $cust_main->night. "\n",
- 'Address : '. $cust_main->address1. "\n",
- ( $cust_main->address2
- ? ' '. $cust_main->address2. "\n"
- : '' ),
- ' '. $cust_main->city. ', '. $cust_main->state. ' '.
- $cust_main->zip. "\n",
- ( $cust_main->country eq 'US'
- ? ''
- : ' '. $cust_main->country. "\n" ),
- "\n",
- ];
- #if ( $cust_main->balance > 0 ) {
- # push @$body,
- # "This customer has an outstanding balance and has been suspended.\n";
- #}
- my $message = new Mail::Internet ( 'Header' => $header, 'Body' => $body );
- $!=0;
- $message->smtpsend( Host => $smtpmachine )
- or $message->smtpsend( Host => $smtpmachine, Debug => 1 )
- or warn "[fs_signup_server] can't send email to ".
- $conf->config('signup_server-email').
- " via server $smtpmachine with SMTP: $!";
- #end-of-send mail
- }
- }
- close $writer;
- close $reader;
- warn "connection to $machine lost! waiting 60 seconds...\n";
- sleep 60;
- warn "reconnecting...\n";
-sub usage {
- die "Usage:\n\n fs_signup_server user machine agentnum refnum\n";